/* Funciton Name: perform_all_checks Parameters: A gameState structure and a number of players. Returns: An integer representing whether the test was successful. Description: This function performs all the checks defined in functions above. */ void perform_all_checks(struct gameState game_state, int number_of_players) { printf("Checking intializeGame for game with %d players.\n", number_of_players); assert(check_curse_cards(game_state) == 1); printf("\tCurse cards check passed.\n"); assert(check_embargo_tokens(game_state) == 1); printf("\tEmbargo tokens check passed.\n"); assert(check_first_turn_setup(game_state) == 1); printf("\tFirst turn setup passed.\n"); assert(check_kingdom_cards(game_state) == 1); printf("\tKingdom cards check passed.\n"); assert(check_number_of_players(game_state, number_of_players) == 1); printf("\tNumber of players check passed.\n"); assert(check_other_players_setup(game_state) == 1); printf("\tOther players setup check passed.\n"); assert(check_player_one_setup(game_state) == 1); printf("\tPlayer one setup check passed.\n"); assert(check_treasure_cards(game_state) == 1); printf("\tTreasure cards setup check passed.\n"); assert(check_victory_cards(game_state) == 1); printf("\tVictory cards setup check passed.\n"); }
int check_state(int numPlayers, int myKingdomCards[10], struct gameState myState) { int num_errors = 0; if(myState.numPlayers != numPlayers) { printf("FAILURE: had %d numPlayers instead of %d.\n", myState.numPlayers, numPlayers); num_errors++; } num_errors += check_supply_count(numPlayers, myKingdomCards, myState); num_errors += check_embargo_tokens(myState.embargoTokens); if(myState.outpostPlayed != 0) { printf("FAILURE: outpostPlayed is %d instead of 0.\n", myState.outpostPlayed); num_errors++; } if(myState.outpostTurn != 0) { printf("FAILURE: outpostTurn is %d instead of 0.\n", myState.outpostTurn); num_errors++; } if(myState.whoseTurn != 0) { printf("FAILURE: whoseTurn is %d instead of 0.\n", myState.outpostTurn); num_errors++; } if(myState.phase != 0) { printf("FAILURE: phase is %d instead of 0.\n", myState.outpostTurn); num_errors++; } if(myState.numActions != 1) { printf("FAILURE: had %d numActions instead of %d.\n", myState.numActions, 1); num_errors++; } if(myState.numBuys != 1) { printf("FAILURE: had %d numBuys instead of %d.\n", myState.numBuys, 1); num_errors++; } num_errors += check_hand_deck(myState); for(int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { if( myState.discardCount[i] != 0) { printf("FAILURE: player %d discardCount was %d instead of 0.\n", i, myState.discardCount[i]); num_errors++; } } if(myState.playedCardCount != 0) { printf("FAILURE: had %d numBuys instead of %d.\n", myState.numBuys, 0); num_errors++; } return num_errors; }