Esempio n. 1
static void test_access(void)
    HSTRING str;
    HSTRING_HEADER header;

    /* Test handling of a NULL string */
    check_string(NULL, NULL, 0, FALSE);

    /* Test strings with embedded null chars */
    ok(pWindowsCreateString(input_embed_null, 6, &str) == S_OK, "Failed to create string\n");
    check_string(str, input_embed_null, 6, TRUE);
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(str) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string\n");

    ok(pWindowsCreateStringReference(input_embed_null, 6, &header, &str) == S_OK, "Failed to create string ref\n");
    check_string(str, input_embed_null, 6, TRUE);
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(str) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string ref\n");

    /* Test normal creation of a string with trailing null */
    ok(pWindowsCreateString(input_string, 7, &str) == S_OK, "Failed to create string\n");
    check_string(str, input_string, 7, TRUE);
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(str) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string\n");

    ok(pWindowsCreateStringReference(input_string, 7, &header, &str) == S_OK, "Failed to create string ref\n");
    check_string(str, input_string, 7, TRUE);
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(str) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string ref\n");
Esempio n. 2
s8	gtm900c_init(void)
	s8 res = 0;
	u8 buf[30];
	res = at_at();
	if(res != 0) return 1;
	res = at_ate0();
	if(res != 0) return 2;
	res = at_tsim();
	if(res != 0) return 3;
	at_send_data("AT+COPS?\r", strlen("AT+COPS?\r"));
	at_return_data(buf, 4);
	if(check_string(buf, "OK", 4) == NULL)	return 4;
	at_send_data("AT+COPS?\r", strlen("AT+COPS?\r"));
	at_return_data(buf, 28);
	if(check_string(buf, "CHINA MOBILE", 28) == NULL)	return 5;
	at_send_data("AT+CGATT?\r", strlen("AT+CGATT?\r"));
	at_return_data(buf, 13);
	if(check_string(buf, "1", 13) == NULL)	return 5;  

	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
File: g_api.c Progetto: ETrun/ETrun
 * Map rank request command
qboolean G_API_mapRank(char *result, gentity_t *ent, char *mapName, char *optUserName, char *optMapName, char *optRunName, char *optPhysicsName, char *authToken) {
	char net_port[8]                = { 0 };
	char cphysics[8]                = { 0 };
	char encodedMapName[255]        = { 0 };
	char encodedOptUserName[255]    = { 0 };
	char encodedOptMapName[255]     = { 0 };
	char encodedOptRunName[255]     = { 0 };
	char encodedOptPhysicsName[255] = { 0 };

	sprintf(net_port, "%d", trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("net_port"));
	sprintf(cphysics, "%d", physics.integer);

	if (!check_string(optUserName) || !check_string(optMapName) || !check_string(optRunName) || !check_string(optPhysicsName)) {
		return qfalse;

	if (url_encode(mapName, encodedMapName) == qfalse ||
	    url_encode(optUserName, encodedOptUserName) == qfalse ||
	    url_encode(optMapName, encodedOptMapName) == qfalse ||
	    url_encode(optRunName, encodedOptRunName) == qfalse ||
	    url_encode(optPhysicsName, encodedOptPhysicsName) == qfalse) {
		return qfalse;

	// Check authtoken emptiness
	if (authToken[0] == '\0') {
		Q_strncpyz(authToken, "undefined", MAX_QPATH);

	return G_AsyncAPICall("r", result, ent, 8, encodedOptUserName, encodedOptMapName, encodedOptRunName, encodedOptPhysicsName, encodedMapName, authToken, cphysics, net_port);
Esempio n. 4
返回参数: 成功返回mode	低三位分别对应数据转换、链接、缓存
u8	at_iomode_check(void)                    
	u8 buf[17];
	u8 mode = 0;
	u8 *p;
	strcpy(buf, "AT%IOMODE?\r");
	at_send_data(buf, strlen(buf));
	at_return_data(buf, 17);
	if(check_string(buf, "OK", 17) == NULL)	return 8;
	p = check_string(buf, ",", 17);
	if(p == NULL) return 9;
	if(*(p-1) == '1') mode |= 0x01;
	else if(*(p-1) != '0') return 10;
	p = check_string(p+1, ",", 17);
	if(p == NULL) return 11;
	if(*(p-1) == '2') mode |= 0x02;
	else if(*(p-1) != '1') return 12;
	p = check_string(p+1, ",", 17);
	if(p == NULL) return 13;
	if(*(p-1) == '1') mode |= 0x04;
	else if(*(p-1) != '0') return 14;

	return mode;
Esempio n. 5
static void
lookup_done(pxd_cb_data_t *data)
    pxd_id_t *  id;

    if (data->result != pxd_op_successful) {
        error("A lookup failed:  %s (%d).\n",
              (int) data->result);
        *(int *) data->op_opaque = data->result;

    id = server_info->credentials->id;

    check_string(data->region,      id->region,       "region",    "lookup");
    check_fixed (data->user_id,     id->user_id,      "user id",   "lookup");
    check_fixed (data->device_id,   id->device_id,    "device id", "lookup");
    check_string(data->instance_id, id->instance_id,  "instance",  "lookup");

    log("got credentials for user " FMTs64 ", device " FMTs64 ", instance %s at %s\n",

    *(int *) data->op_opaque = data->result;
    lookup_host = strdup(data->pxd_dns);
Esempio n. 6
void check_n_letter(int n, const char *letters) {
	if (!running) return;
	if (!dict_letters(n,letters)) return;
	int i = 0, j;
	int jump = (len - 1 - n ? len - 1 - n : 1);
	for (i = jump - 1; i > 0; i--) jump *= i;
	if (n > 3) jump *= difficulty[7-n];
	char *p,str[MAX_CHAR];
	if ( stage & STAGE_FIRST ) {
		for (p = strings; *p != '\0'; p += len*jump) {
			strcpy(str,p); str[n] = '\0';
			ai_play.y = 7;
			if (dict_match(str)) {
				if ( (i=score(str,7-strlen(str)/2,7,0)) > ai_play.score ) {
					ai_play.x = 7 - strlen(str)/2;
					ai_play.score = i;
	else for (p = strings; *p != '\0'; p += len*jump) {
		strcpy(str,p); str[n] = '\0';
		for (i = 0; i < 16 - n; i++) for (j = 0; j < 15; j++)
		for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) for (j = 0; j < 16 - n; j++)
Esempio n. 7
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    void *fdt;

    if (argc != 2)
        CONFIG("Usage: %s <dtb file>\n", argv[0]);

    test_init(argc, argv);
    fdt = load_blob(argv[1]);

    check_expected_failure(fdt, "/", "#address-cells");
    check_expected_failure(fdt, "/", "#size-cells");

    check_string_count(fdt, "/", "compatible", 1);
    check_string_count(fdt, "/device", "compatible", 2);
    check_string_count(fdt, "/device", "big-endian", 0);

    check_string_index(fdt, "/", "compatible", "test-strings", 0);
    check_string_index(fdt, "/device", "compatible", "foo", 0);
    check_string_index(fdt, "/device", "compatible", "bar", 1);
    check_string_index(fdt, "/device", "big-endian", "baz", -1);

    check_string(fdt, "/", "compatible", 0, "test-strings");
    check_string(fdt, "/device", "compatible", 0, "foo");
    check_string(fdt, "/device", "compatible", 1, "bar");

Esempio n. 8
入口参数:user 用户名 长度最大10
		  password 密码	长度最大10
s8	gtm900c_tcpip_init(u8 *user, u8 *password)                    
	u8 len = 0;
	u8 buf[40];
	if(strlen(user)>10 || strlen(password))	return 1;
	at_send_data("AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"CMNET\"", strlen("AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"CMNET\""));
	at_return_data(buf, 4);
	if(check_string(buf, "OK", 4) == NULL)	return 1;
	//tcpip enable
	strcpy(buf, "AT%ETCPIP");
	len = strlen(buf);
		buf[len++] = '=';
		buf[len++] = '\"';
		strcpy(buf+len, user);
		len += strlen(user);
		buf[len++] = '\"';
		buf[len++] = ',';
		buf[len++] = '\"';
		strcpy(buf+len, password);
		buf[len++] = '\"';
		len = strlen(buf);	
	buf[len++] = '\r';
	buf[len++] = '\0'; 
	at_send_data(buf, len);
	at_return_data(buf, 4);
	if(check_string(buf, "OK", 4))	return 0;
 	else	return 2;
Esempio n. 9
static void test_create_delete(void)
    HSTRING str;
    HSTRING_HEADER header;

    /* Test normal creation of a string */
    ok(pWindowsCreateString(input_string, 6, &str) == S_OK, "Failed to create string\n");
    check_string(str, input_string, 6, FALSE);
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(str) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string\n");
    /* Test error handling in WindowsCreateString */
    ok(pWindowsCreateString(input_string, 6, NULL) == E_INVALIDARG, "Incorrect error handling\n");
    ok(pWindowsCreateString(NULL, 6, &str) == E_POINTER, "Incorrect error handling\n");

    /* Test handling of a NULL string */
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(NULL) == S_OK, "Failed to delete null string\n");

    /* Test creation of a string reference */
    ok(pWindowsCreateStringReference(input_string, 6, &header, &str) == S_OK, "Failed to create string ref\n");
    check_string(str, input_string, 6, FALSE);
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(str) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string ref\n");

    /* Test error handling in WindowsCreateStringReference */
    /* Strings to CreateStringReference must be null terminated with the correct
     * length. According to MSDN this should be E_INVALIDARG, but it returns
     * 0x80000017 in practice. */
    ok(FAILED(pWindowsCreateStringReference(input_string, 5, &header, &str)), "Incorrect error handling\n");
    /* If the input string is non-null, it must be null-terminated even if the
     * length is zero. */
    ok(FAILED(pWindowsCreateStringReference(input_string, 0, &header, &str)), "Incorrect error handling\n");
    ok(pWindowsCreateStringReference(input_string, 6, NULL, &str) == E_INVALIDARG, "Incorrect error handling\n");
    ok(pWindowsCreateStringReference(input_string, 6, &header, NULL) == E_INVALIDARG, "Incorrect error handling\n");
    ok(pWindowsCreateStringReference(NULL, 6, &header, &str) == E_POINTER, "Incorrect error handling\n");

    /* Test creating a string without a null-termination at the specified length */
    ok(pWindowsCreateString(input_string, 3, &str) == S_OK, "Failed to create string\n");
    check_string(str, input_string, 3, FALSE);
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(str) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string\n");

    /* Test an empty string */
    ok(pWindowsCreateString(input_empty_string, 0, &str) == S_OK, "Failed to create string\n");
    ok(str == NULL, "Empty string not a null string\n");
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(str) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string\n");

    ok(pWindowsCreateString(input_string, 0, &str) == S_OK, "Failed to create string\n");
    ok(str == NULL, "Empty string not a null string\n");
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(str) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string\n");

    ok(pWindowsCreateStringReference(input_empty_string, 0, &header, &str) == S_OK, "Failed to create string\n");
    ok(str == NULL, "Empty string not a null string\n");
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(str) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string\n");

    ok(pWindowsCreateString(NULL, 0, &str) == S_OK, "Failed to create string\n");
    ok(str == NULL, "Empty string not a null string\n");
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(str) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string\n");

    ok(pWindowsCreateStringReference(NULL, 0, &header, &str) == S_OK, "Failed to create string\n");
    ok(str == NULL, "Empty string not a null string\n");
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(str) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string\n");
Esempio n. 10
返回参数:信号强度值 0 ~ 31
s8	at_csq(void)                            
	u8 buf[16], *p;
    at_send_data("AT+CSQ\r", strlen("AT+CSQ\r"));
 	at_return_data(buf, 16);
	if(check_string(buf, "OK", 16) == NULL)	return -1;
	p =  check_string(buf, ",", 16);
	if(p)	return (*(p-2)*10 + *(p-1));
	else	return -1;
Esempio n. 11
tcp/ip 数据接收缓冲区删除
入口参数: index 数据包序号0-50
		   type 类型 0、1、2 在index=0时有效 0删已读 1删未读 2全部
出口参数: 成功返回删除的数据包数量 错误返回值<0
s8	gtm900c_tcpip_recvbuf_delete(u8 index, u8 type)
	u8 *buf[17], *pF, *pB;
	if(index>50 || type>2)	return -1;	
	sprintf(buf,"AT\%IPDD=%d,%d", index, type);
	at_send_data(buf, strlen(buf));
	at_return_data(buf, 17);
	pB =  check_string(buf, "OK", 17);
	pF =  check_string(buf, ":", 17);
	if(~(pF&&pB)) return -2;
	return char_to_int(pF, pB-pF);
Esempio n. 12
int init_array(struct kindergarden* new_kids_base)
    int n=0, identifier;
	new_kids_base[n].surname = check_string("Enter a child's surname: ");
	new_kids_base[n].name = check_string("Enter a child's name: ");
	printf("Was a child hospitalized?");
	identifier = atoi_change();
	    new_kids_base[n].hosp_identify = 1;
	    new_kids_base[n].hospital.hosp.illness = check_string("Enter an illness: ");
	    new_kids_base[n].hospital.hosp.hospnum = check_string("Enter the number of hospital: ");
	    new_kids_base[n].hospital.hosp.hospplace = check_string("Enter the situation of hospital: ");
	    new_kids_base[n].hospital.hosp.hospdoc = check_string("Enter a hospital doc's surname: ");
	    new_kids_base[n].hosp_identify = 0;
	    new_kids_base[n].hospital.nonhosp.illness = check_string("Enter an illness: ");
	    new_kids_base[n].hospital.nonhosp.doc = check_string("Enter a doc's surname: ");
	identifier = 0;
	    printf("Want to continue?");
	    identifier = atoi_change();
	    if (!identifier) { break; }
    } while (n<max_base);
    return n;
Esempio n. 13
static uint32_t convert_rtc_calendar_values_to_units_passed( void )
    long int        temp1=0;
    long int        temp2=0;
    int             temp=0;
    long int        temp_days=0;
    uint8_t         current_year;
    RTC_TimeTypeDef rtc_read_time;
    RTC_DateTypeDef rtc_read_date;

    /* Read current rtc time */
    RTC_GetTime( RTC_Format_BIN, &rtc_read_time );
    RTC_GetDate( RTC_Format_BIN, &rtc_read_date );

    /* Calculate number of days in the previous years */
    if( rtc_read_date.RTC_Year != 0 )
        for( temp = (int)( rtc_read_date.RTC_Year - 1 ); temp >= 0; temp-- )
            temp_days += (LEAP_YEAR_OR_NOT(temp)) ? (LEAP_YEAR_DAY_COUNT): (NOT_LEAP_YEAR_DAY_COUNT);

    current_year = rtc_read_date.RTC_Year;
    check_string( (rtc_read_date.RTC_Month != 0), "Inappropriate month value in RTC");
    if( rtc_read_date.RTC_Month != 0 )
        /* Calculate number of days passed in the current year and add them to previous days value */
        for( temp = (int)( rtc_read_date.RTC_Month - 1 ); temp > 0; temp-- )
            temp_days += LEAP_YEAR_OR_NOT(current_year)?(leap_days[temp]):(not_leap_days[temp]);

    /* Convert passed hours, seconds and minutes to seconds */
    temp1 = rtc_read_time.RTC_Seconds + rtc_read_time.RTC_Minutes*NUM_SECONDS_IN_MINUTE + rtc_read_time.RTC_Hours*NUM_SECONDS_IN_HOUR;

    check_string(( rtc_read_date.RTC_Date != 0 ), "Inappropriate date value in RTC");

    /* Convert passed days to seconds */
    if( rtc_read_date.RTC_Date != 0 )
        temp2 = ( ( rtc_read_date.RTC_Date - 1 ) + temp_days ) * NUM_SECONDS_IN_HOUR * 24;

    /* Return total number of seconds passed  */
    return (uint32_t)( temp1 + temp2 );

Esempio n. 14
s8	at_ate1(void)                             //打开回显
	sendAT("ATE1\r\n", strlen("ATE1\r\n"));
	if(check_string(gprs_databuf.recvdata, "OK", gprs_databuf.recvlen))	return 0;
	else 	return -1;
Esempio n. 15
// ### %read-from-string string eof-error-p eof-value start end preserve-whitespace
// => object, position
Value SYS_read_from_string_internal(Value arg1, Value arg2, Value arg3,
                                    Value arg4, Value arg5, Value arg6)
  AbstractString * string = check_string(arg1);
  bool eof_error_p = (arg2 != NIL);
  bool preserve_whitespace = (arg6 != NIL);
  INDEX start;
  if (arg4 != NIL)
    start = check_index(arg4);
    start = 0;
  INDEX end;
  if (arg5 != NIL)
    end = check_index(arg5);
    end = string->length();
  StringInputStream * in = new StringInputStream(string, start, end);
  Thread * const thread = current_thread();
  Value result;
  Readtable * rt = check_readtable(thread->symbol_value(S_current_readtable));
  if (preserve_whitespace)
    result = stream_read_preserving_whitespace(make_value(in), eof_error_p, arg3, false, thread, rt);
    result = stream_read(make_value(in), eof_error_p, arg3, false, thread, rt);
  return thread->set_values(result, make_fixnum(in->offset()));
Esempio n. 16
	bool process_string(const char * src,pfc::string_base & out)//returns if changed
		if (check_string(src)) {out=src;return false;}
		unsigned idx=0;
		while(src[idx]==' ') idx++;
			if (is_alphanumeric(src[idx]) && !is_used(src[idx]))
				return true;

			while(src[idx] && src[idx]!=' ' && src[idx]!='\t') idx++;
			if (src[idx]=='\t') break;
			while(src[idx]==' ') idx++;

		//no success picking first letter of one of words
			if (src[idx]=='\t') break;
			if (is_alphanumeric(src[idx]) && !is_used(src[idx]))
				return true;

		//giving up
		out = src;
		return false;
Esempio n. 17
// ### make-fill-pointer-output-stream string => string-stream
Value SYS_make_fill_pointer_output_stream(Value arg)
  AbstractString * string = check_string(arg);
  // If it has a fill pointer, it must be a String (and not a SimpleString).
  return make_value(new StringOutputStream((String *)string));
Esempio n. 18
tcp/ip 数据发送
入口参数:data 数据buffer地址 
		  link_num 多连接模式时链接序号 单链接模式不起作用,可赋值0 
s8	gtm900c_tcpip_send(u8 *data, u16 len, u8 link_num)
	u8 databuf[GTM900C_TCPIP_SEND_DATALEN_MAX*2+15];
	u16 databuf_len;
//	memset(buf, 0, GTM900C_TCPIP_SEND_DATALEN_MAX*2);
	if(len > GTM900C_TCPIP_SEND_DATALEN_MAX)  return 1;
	if(GTM900C_TCPIP_IOMODE & 0x02)
		strcpy(databuf, "AT%IPSENDX=");
		strcpy(databuf, "AT%IPSEND=");
	databuf_len = strlen(databuf);
	if(GTM900C_TCPIP_IOMODE & 0x01)
		databuf_len += hex_to_ascii(data, databuf+databuf_len, len);	
	 	memcpy(databuf+databuf_len, data, len);
		databuf_len += len;
	databuf[databuf_len++] = '\r';	
	databuf[databuf_len++] = '\0';
	at_send_data(databuf, databuf_len);
	at_return_data(databuf, 4);	
	if(check_string(databuf, "OK", 4))	return 0;
 	else	return 2;

Esempio n. 19
static void test_string_buffer(void)
    /* Initialize ptr to NULL to make sure it actually is set in the first
     * test below. */
    WCHAR *ptr = NULL;
    HSTRING str;

    /* Test creation of an empty buffer */
    ok(pWindowsPreallocateStringBuffer(0, &ptr, &buf) == S_OK, "Failed to preallocate string buffer\n");
    ok(ptr != NULL, "Empty string didn't return a buffer pointer\n");
    ok(pWindowsPromoteStringBuffer(buf, &str) == S_OK, "Failed to promote string buffer\n");
    ok(str == NULL, "Empty string isn't a null string\n");
    check_string(str, input_empty_string, 0, FALSE);
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(str) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string\n");

    ok(pWindowsDeleteStringBuffer(NULL) == S_OK, "Failed to delete null string buffer\n");

    /* Test creation and deletion of string buffers */
    ok(pWindowsPreallocateStringBuffer(6, &ptr, &buf) == S_OK, "Failed to preallocate string buffer\n");
    ok(pWindowsDeleteStringBuffer(buf) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string buffer\n");

    /* Test creation and promotion of string buffers */
    ok(pWindowsPreallocateStringBuffer(6, &ptr, &buf) == S_OK, "Failed to preallocate string buffer\n");
    ok(ptr[6] == '\0', "Preallocated string buffer didn't have null termination\n");
    memcpy(ptr, input_string, 6 * sizeof(*input_string));
    ok(pWindowsPromoteStringBuffer(buf, NULL) == E_POINTER, "Incorrect error handling\n");
    ok(pWindowsPromoteStringBuffer(buf, &str) == S_OK, "Failed to promote string buffer\n");
    check_string(str, input_string, 6, FALSE);
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(str) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string\n");

    /* Test error handling in preallocation */
    ok(pWindowsPreallocateStringBuffer(6, NULL, &buf) == E_POINTER, "Incorrect error handling\n");
    ok(pWindowsPreallocateStringBuffer(6, &ptr, NULL) == E_POINTER, "Incorrect error handling\n");

    ok(pWindowsPreallocateStringBuffer(6, &ptr, &buf) == S_OK, "Failed to preallocate string buffer\n");
    ptr[6] = 'a'; /* Overwrite the buffer's null termination, promotion should fail */
    ok(pWindowsPromoteStringBuffer(buf, &str) == E_INVALIDARG, "Incorrect error handling\n");
    ok(pWindowsDeleteStringBuffer(buf) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string buffer\n");

    /* Test strings with trailing null chars */
    ok(pWindowsPreallocateStringBuffer(7, &ptr, &buf) == S_OK, "Failed to preallocate string buffer\n");
    memcpy(ptr, input_string, 7 * sizeof(*input_string));
    ok(pWindowsPromoteStringBuffer(buf, &str) == S_OK, "Failed to promote string buffer\n");
    check_string(str, input_string, 7, TRUE);
    ok(pWindowsDeleteString(str) == S_OK, "Failed to delete string\n");
Esempio n. 20
// ### autoload-macro
Value EXT_autoload_macro(unsigned int numargs, Value args[])
  switch (numargs)
    case 1:
      if (listp(args[0]))
          Value list = args[0];
          while (list != NIL)
              Value name = car(list);
              check_symbol(name)->set_autoload_macro(new Autoload(name));
              list = xcdr(list);
          return T;
      else if (symbolp(args[0]))
          the_symbol(args[0])->set_autoload_macro(new Autoload(args[0]));
          return T;
        return signal_type_error(args[0], list3(S_or, S_symbol, S_list));
    case 2:
      if (listp(args[0]))
          AbstractString * filename = check_string(args[1]);
          Value list = args[0];
          while (list != NIL)
              Value name = car(list);
              check_symbol(name)->set_autoload_macro(new Autoload(name, filename));
              list = xcdr(list);
          return T;
      else if (symbolp(args[0]))
          the_symbol(args[0])->set_autoload_macro(new Autoload(args[0], check_string(args[1])));
          return T;
        return signal_type_error(args[0], list3(S_or, S_symbol, S_list));
      return wrong_number_of_arguments(S_autoload, numargs, 1, 2);
Esempio n. 21
File: luaglut.c Progetto: fmaymi/ctf
LUA_API int LglutCreateWindow(lua_State *L)
   const char * name = check_string(L, 1);
   int id = glutCreateWindow(name);
   alloc_wintable(L, id, 0);
   lua_pushnumber(L, id);
   return 1;
Esempio n. 22
int init_array(int arg1, char **argv, student_t* stud_array)
	int n=0, identifier;
		stud_array[n].surname = check_string("Enter a student's surname: ");
		stud_array[n].name = check_string("Enter a student's name: ");
		stud_array[n].patronymic = check_string("Enter a student's patronymic: ");
		if(arg1) { init_additional(n, argv, stud_array); }
		identifier = 0;
		puts("Want to continue?");
		identifier = atoi_change();
		if(!identifier) return n;
	} while(n<max_base);
	return n;
Esempio n. 23
s8	at_at(void)								//测试串口
	sendAT("AT\r\n", sizeof("AT\r\n"));
	if(check_string(gprs_databuf.recvdata, "OK", gprs_databuf.recvlen))	return 0;
	else	 return -1;

Esempio n. 24
struct local_info *
make_gateway_address(const char *local_user, const char *remote_user,
		     const char *target)
  char *tmp = getenv(ENV_TMPDIR);
  unsigned length = strlen(target);
  if (!tmp)
    tmp = "/tmp";
  if (check_string(local_user)
      && check_string(remote_user)
      && check_string_l(length, target))
    return make_local_info(ssh_format("%lz/x-lsh3-%lz", tmp, local_user),
			   ssh_format("%lz:%lz", target, remote_user));
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 25
int check_idparser(CLISESSION *pSession, char *pszValue)
	int ret = check_id(pSession, pszValue);

    if(!ret) ret = check_string(pSession, pszValue);

    return ret;
Esempio n. 26
main (int argc, char *argv [])
        g_thread_init (NULL);

	free (malloc (8));

	if (!bonobo_init (NULL, NULL))
		g_error ("Can not bonobo_init");

	bonobo_activate ();

	check_string ("a:", "\\\\", "\\");

	check_string ("a:", "\\#", "#");

	check_string ("prefix:", "\\!", "!");

	check_string ("a:",

	check_parse_name ("#b:", "b:", 0);

	check_parse_name ("a:#b:", "b:", 2);

	check_parse_name ("a:!b:", "!b:", 2);

	check_parse_name ("a:3456789#b:", "b:", 9);

	check_parse_name ("a:\\##b:", "b:", 4);

	check_parse_name ("a:\\#c:", "a:\\#c:", 0);

	check_parse_name ("a:\\\\##c:", "c:", 5);

	check_parse_name ("a:\\\\#b:#c:", "c:", 7);

	check_parse_name ("a:\\\\#b:\\#c:", "b:\\#c:", 4);

	check_parse_name ("a:\\\\\\#b:\\#c:", "a:\\\\\\#b:\\#c:", 0);

	test_real_monikers ();

	return bonobo_debug_shutdown ();
Esempio n. 27
s8	at_ate1(void)                             //打开回显
	u8 buf[4];
    at_send_data(AT_ATE1, strlen(AT_ATE0));
 	at_return_data(buf, 4);
	if(check_string(buf, "OK", 4))	return 0;
	else	return -1;
Esempio n. 28
s8	at_tsim(void)                             //sim	 检测到sim卡返回0
	u8 buf[9];
	at_send_data("AT%TSIM\r", strlen("AT%TSIM\r"));
	at_return_data(buf, 9);
	if(check_string(buf, "1", 9))	return 0;
 	else	return -1;
Esempio n. 29
	static int module_loader(lua_State *L) {
		int pretop = lua_gettop(L);
		std::string module(check_string(L, -1));
		boost::replace_all(module, ".", LUA_DIRSEP);

		// Get the lua package include path (which the user may have modified)
		lua_getglobal(L, "package");
		lua_getfield(L, -1, "path");
		std::string package_paths(check_string(L, -1));
		lua_pop(L, 2);

		boost::char_separator<char> sep(";");
		for (auto filename : boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char>>(package_paths, sep)) {
			boost::replace_all(filename, "?", module);

			// If there's a .moon file at that path, load it instead of the
			// .lua file
			agi::fs::path path = filename;
			if (agi::fs::HasExtension(path, "lua")) {
				agi::fs::path moonpath = path;
				if (agi::fs::FileExists(moonpath))
					path = moonpath;

			if (!agi::fs::FileExists(path))

			try {
				if (!LoadFile(L, path))
					return error(L, "Error loading Lua module \"%s\":\n%s", path.string().c_str(), check_string(L, 1).c_str());
			catch (agi::fs::FileNotFound const&) {
				// Not an error so swallow and continue on
			catch (agi::fs::NotAFile const&) {
				// Not an error so swallow and continue on
			catch (agi::Exception const& e) {
				return error(L, "Error loading Lua module \"%s\":\n%s", path.string().c_str(), e.GetMessage().c_str());

		return lua_gettop(L) - pretop;
Esempio n. 30
static void write_utf8(buffer_t buffer, VALUE string, char check_null) {
    result_t status = check_string(RSTRING_PTR(string), RSTRING_LEN(string),
                                   0, check_null);
    if (status == HAS_NULL) {
        rb_raise(InvalidDocument, "Key names / regex patterns must not contain the NULL byte");
    SAFE_WRITE(buffer, RSTRING_PTR(string), RSTRING_LEN(string));