bool apply(expr const & a, expr const & b) { if (is_eqp(a, b)) return true; if (a.hash() != b.hash()) return false; if (a.kind() != b.kind()) return false; if (is_var(a)) return var_idx(a) == var_idx(b); if (m_cache.check(a, b)) return true; switch (a.kind()) { case expr_kind::Var: lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE case expr_kind::Constant: return const_name(a) == const_name(b) && compare(const_levels(a), const_levels(b), [](level const & l1, level const & l2) { return l1 == l2; }); case expr_kind::Meta: return mlocal_name(a) == mlocal_name(b) && apply(mlocal_type(a), mlocal_type(b)); case expr_kind::Local: return mlocal_name(a) == mlocal_name(b) && apply(mlocal_type(a), mlocal_type(b)) && (!CompareBinderInfo || local_pp_name(a) == local_pp_name(b)) && (!CompareBinderInfo || local_info(a) == local_info(b)); case expr_kind::App: check_system(); return apply(app_fn(a), app_fn(b)) && apply(app_arg(a), app_arg(b)); case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi: check_system(); return apply(binding_domain(a), binding_domain(b)) && apply(binding_body(a), binding_body(b)) && (!CompareBinderInfo || binding_name(a) == binding_name(b)) && (!CompareBinderInfo || binding_info(a) == binding_info(b)); case expr_kind::Let: check_system(); return apply(let_type(a), let_type(b)) && apply(let_value(a), let_value(b)) && apply(let_body(a), let_body(b)) && (!CompareBinderInfo || let_name(a) == let_name(b)); case expr_kind::Sort: return sort_level(a) == sort_level(b); case expr_kind::Macro: check_system(); if (macro_def(a) != macro_def(b) || macro_num_args(a) != macro_num_args(b)) return false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < macro_num_args(a); i++) { if (!apply(macro_arg(a, i), macro_arg(b, i))) return false; } return true; } lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE }
expr visit(expr const & e) { switch (e.kind()) { case expr_kind::Sort: case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Meta: case expr_kind::Local: return e; default: break; } check_system("unfold macros"); auto it = m_cache.find(e); if (it != m_cache.end()) return it->second; switch (e.kind()) { case expr_kind::Sort: case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Meta: case expr_kind::Local: lean_unreachable(); case expr_kind::Macro: return save_result(e, visit_macro(e)); case expr_kind::App: return save_result(e, visit_app(e)); case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi: return save_result(e, visit_binding(e)); } lean_unreachable(); }
expr replace_visitor::visit(expr const & e) { check_system("expression replacer"); bool shared = false; if (is_shared(e)) { shared = true; auto it = m_cache.find(e); if (it != m_cache.end()) return it->second; } switch (e.kind()) { case expr_kind::Sort: return save_result(e, visit_sort(e), shared); case expr_kind::Macro: return save_result(e, visit_macro(e), shared); case expr_kind::Constant: return save_result(e, visit_constant(e), shared); case expr_kind::Var: return save_result(e, visit_var(e), shared); case expr_kind::Meta: return save_result(e, visit_meta(e), shared); case expr_kind::Local: return save_result(e, visit_local(e), shared); case expr_kind::App: return save_result(e, visit_app(e), shared); case expr_kind::Lambda: return save_result(e, visit_lambda(e), shared); case expr_kind::Pi: return save_result(e, visit_pi(e), shared); case expr_kind::Let: return save_result(e, visit_let(e), shared); } lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE }
expr apply(expr const & a) { check_system("max_sharing"); auto r = m_expr_cache.find(a); if (r != m_expr_cache.end()) return *r; expr res; switch (a.kind()) { case expr_kind::Var: res = a; break; case expr_kind::Constant: res = update_constant(a, map(const_levels(a), [&](level const & l) { return apply(l); })); break; case expr_kind::Sort: res = update_sort(a, apply(sort_level(a))); break; case expr_kind::App: res = update_app(a, apply(app_fn(a)), apply(app_arg(a))); break; case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi: res = update_binding(a, apply(binding_domain(a)), apply(binding_body(a))); break; case expr_kind::Meta: case expr_kind::Local: res = update_mlocal(a, apply(mlocal_type(a))); break; case expr_kind::Macro: { buffer<expr> new_args; for (unsigned i = 0; i < macro_num_args(a); i++) new_args.push_back(macro_arg(a, i)); res = update_macro(a, new_args.size(),; break; }} m_expr_cache.insert(res); return res; }
bool expr_eq_fn::apply(expr const & a, expr const & b) { if (is_eqp(a, b)) return true; if (a.hash() != b.hash()) return false; if (a.kind() != b.kind()) return false; if (is_var(a)) return var_idx(a) == var_idx(b); if (m_counter >= LEAN_EQ_CACHE_THRESHOLD && is_shared(a) && is_shared(b)) { auto p = std::make_pair(a.raw(), b.raw()); if (!m_eq_visited) m_eq_visited.reset(new expr_cell_pair_set); if (m_eq_visited->find(p) != m_eq_visited->end()) return true; m_eq_visited->insert(p); } check_system("expression equality test"); switch (a.kind()) { case expr_kind::Var: lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE case expr_kind::Constant: return const_name(a) == const_name(b) && compare(const_levels(a), const_levels(b), [](level const & l1, level const & l2) { return l1 == l2; }); case expr_kind::Local: case expr_kind::Meta: return mlocal_name(a) == mlocal_name(b) && apply(mlocal_type(a), mlocal_type(b)); case expr_kind::App: m_counter++; return apply(app_fn(a), app_fn(b)) && apply(app_arg(a), app_arg(b)); case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi: m_counter++; return apply(binding_domain(a), binding_domain(b)) && apply(binding_body(a), binding_body(b)) && (!m_compare_binder_info || binding_info(a) == binding_info(b)); case expr_kind::Sort: return sort_level(a) == sort_level(b); case expr_kind::Macro: m_counter++; if (macro_def(a) != macro_def(b) || macro_num_args(a) != macro_num_args(b)) return false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < macro_num_args(a); i++) { if (!apply(macro_arg(a, i), macro_arg(b, i))) return false; } return true; case expr_kind::Let: m_counter++; return apply(let_type(a), let_type(b)) && apply(let_value(a), let_value(b)) && apply(let_body(a), let_body(b)); } lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE }
static int slvDOF_destroy(slvDOF_system_t sys) { if (check_system(sys)) return 1; destroy_matrices(sys); sys->integrity = DESTROYED; if (sys->s.cost) ascfree(sys->s.cost); ascfree( (POINTER)sys ); return 0; }
/** \brief Given C1 : H1, where C1 contains l C2 : H2, where C2 contains not_l Return a proof of the resolvent R of C1 and C2 */ expr mk_or_elim_tree1(expr const & l, expr const & not_l, expr C1, expr const & H1, expr const & C2, expr const & H2, expr const & R, extension_context & ctx) const { check_system("resolve macro"); expr lhs, rhs; if (is_or(C1, lhs, rhs)) { return mk_or_elim_tree1(l, not_l, lhs, rhs, H1, C2, H2, R, ctx); } else { C1 = whnf(C1, ctx); if (is_or(C1, lhs, rhs)) { return mk_or_elim_tree1(l, not_l, lhs, rhs, H1, C2, H2, R, ctx); } else if (is_def_eq(C1, l, ctx)) { return mk_or_elim_tree2(C1, H1, not_l, C2, H2, R, ctx); } else { return mk_or_intro(C1, H1, R, ctx); } } }
/** Given l : H C2 : H2, where C2 contains not_l produce a proof for R */ expr mk_or_elim_tree2(expr const & l, expr const & H, expr const & not_l, expr C2, expr const & H2, expr const & R, extension_context & ctx) const { check_system("resolve macro"); expr lhs, rhs; if (is_or(C2, lhs, rhs)) { return mk_or_elim_tree2(l, H, not_l, lhs, rhs, H2, R, ctx); } else { C2 = whnf(C2, ctx); if (is_or(C2, lhs, rhs)) { return mk_or_elim_tree2(l, H, not_l, lhs, rhs, H2, R, ctx); } else if (is_def_eq(C2, not_l, ctx)) { // absurd_elim {a : Prop} (b : Prop) (H1 : a) (H2 : ¬ a) : b return mk_app(*g_absurd_elim, l, R, H, H2); } else { return mk_or_intro(C2, H2, R, ctx); } } }
bool collect(expr cls, expr const & l, buffer<expr> & R, extension_context & ctx) const { check_system("resolve macro"); expr lhs, rhs; if (is_or(cls, lhs, rhs)) { return collect(lhs, rhs, l, R, ctx); } else { cls = whnf(cls, ctx); if (is_or(cls, lhs, rhs)) { return collect(lhs, rhs, l, R, ctx); } else if (is_def_eq(cls, l, ctx)) { return true; // found literal l } else { if (!already_contains(cls, R, ctx)) R.push_back(cls); return false; } } }
expr normalize(expr e) { check_system("normalize"); if (!m_pred(e)) return e; auto w = m_tc.whnf(e); e = w.first; if (m_save_cnstrs) m_cnstrs += w.second; switch (e.kind()) { case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Sort: case expr_kind::Meta: case expr_kind::Local: case expr_kind::Macro: return e; case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi: return normalize_binding(e); case expr_kind::App: return normalize_app(e); } lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE }
/** \brief Given l : H, and R == (or ... l ...), create a proof term for R using or_intro_left and or_intro_right */ expr mk_or_intro(expr const & l, expr const & H, expr const & R, extension_context & ctx) const { check_system("resolve macro"); if (is_or_app(R)) { expr lhs = app_arg(app_fn(R)); expr rhs = app_arg(R); // or_intro_left {a : Prop} (H : a) (b : Prop) : a ∨ b // or_intro_right {b : Prop} (a : Prop) (H : b) : a ∨ b if (is_def_eq(l, lhs, ctx)) { return mk_app(*g_or_intro_left, l, H, rhs); } else if (is_def_eq(l, rhs, ctx)) { return mk_app(*g_or_intro_right, l, lhs, H); } else { return mk_app(*g_or_intro_right, rhs, lhs, mk_or_intro(l, H, rhs, ctx)); } } else if (is_def_eq(l, R, ctx)) { return H; } else { throw_kernel_exception(ctx.env(), "bug in resolve macro"); } }
expr dsimplify_core_fn::visit(expr const & e) { check_system("dsimplify"); inc_num_steps(); lean_trace_inc_depth("dsimplify"); lean_dsimp_trace(m_ctx, "dsimplify", tout() << e << "\n";);
result simplifier::simplify(expr const & e, bool is_root) { check_system("simplifier"); m_num_steps++; lean_trace_inc_depth("simplifier"); lean_trace_d("simplifier", tout() << m_rel << ": " << ppb(e) << "\n";);
int main (int argc, char **argv) { char *script_filename = NULL; GError *error = NULL; SwfdecAsContext *context; SwfdecAsObject *array; SwfdecScript *script; SwfdecAsValue val; int i, ret; gboolean dump = FALSE; gboolean no_check = FALSE, only_check = FALSE; GOptionEntry options[] = { { "dump", 'd', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &dump, "dump informative output on failure", FALSE }, { "no-check", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &no_check, "don't check if the system is ok for running the testsuite", FALSE }, { "self-check", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &only_check, "run a system check and exit", FALSE }, { "player", 'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &swfdec_test_plugin_name, "player to test", "NAME" }, { "script", 's', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &script_filename, "script to execute if not ./default.sts", "FILENAME" }, { NULL } }; GOptionContext *ctx; /* set the right warning levels */ g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR | G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL | G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); /* by default get rid of the loads of warnings the tests produce */ g_setenv ("SWFDEC_DEBUG", "2", FALSE); g_thread_init (NULL); swfdec_init (); ctx = g_option_context_new (""); g_option_context_add_main_entries (ctx, options, "options"); g_option_context_parse (ctx, &argc, &argv, &error); g_option_context_free (ctx); if (error) { g_printerr ("ERROR: wrong command line arguments: %s\n", error->message); g_error_free (error); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (only_check || !no_check) { gboolean result = check_system (only_check); if (!result) { g_print ("ERROR: System checked failed, aborting. Use --no-check to disable.\n"); return 1; } else if (only_check) { return 0; } } g_assert (!only_check); /* allow env vars instead of options - eases running make check with different settings */ if (swfdec_test_plugin_name == NULL) swfdec_test_plugin_name = g_strdup (g_getenv ("SWFDEC_TEST_PLAYER")); script = load_script (script_filename); g_free (script_filename); if (script == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; context = g_object_new (SWFDEC_TYPE_AS_CONTEXT, NULL); swfdec_as_context_startup (context); SWFDEC_AS_VALUE_SET_BOOLEAN (&val, dump); swfdec_as_object_set_variable (context->global, swfdec_as_context_get_string (context, "dump"), &val); swfdec_test_function_init_context (context); swfdec_as_context_run_init_script (context, swfdec_test_initialize, sizeof (swfdec_test_initialize), SWFDEC_TEST_VERSION); array = swfdec_as_array_new (context); if (array == NULL) { g_print ("ERROR: Not enough memory"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (argc < 2) { GDir *dir; const char *file; dir = g_dir_open (".", 0, NULL); while ((file = g_dir_read_name (dir))) { if (!g_str_has_suffix (file, ".swf")) continue; SWFDEC_AS_VALUE_SET_STRING (&val, swfdec_as_context_get_string (context, file)); swfdec_as_array_push (SWFDEC_AS_ARRAY (array), &val); } g_dir_close (dir); } else { for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { SWFDEC_AS_VALUE_SET_STRING (&val, swfdec_as_context_get_string (context, argv[i])); swfdec_as_array_push (SWFDEC_AS_ARRAY (array), &val); } } SWFDEC_AS_VALUE_SET_OBJECT (&val, array); swfdec_as_object_set_variable (context->global, swfdec_as_context_get_string (context, "filenames"), &val); swfdec_as_object_run (context->global, script); if (swfdec_as_context_catch (context, &val)) { g_print ("ERROR: %s\n", swfdec_as_value_to_string (context, &val)); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } else { g_print ("SUCCESS\n"); ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; } swfdec_script_unref (script); g_object_unref (context); return ret; }
bool is_equivalent(level const & lhs, level const & rhs) { check_system("level constraints"); return lhs == rhs || normalize(lhs) == normalize(rhs); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; char tmp[256], *env; struct stat st; if (getenv("USE_PHPMAKE") != NULL) if (stat("phpmake/library.php", &st) != -1) config_phpmake=1; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) if (argv[i][0] == '-') switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'A': strcpy (arch, &argv[i][2]); printf ("Arch=%s\n", arch); break; case 'K': kernelonly = 1; break; /* Compile only the kernel mode parts */ case 'U': useronly = 1; break; /* Compile only the user land utilities */ } if (getenv("NO_WARNING_CHECKS")!=NULL) do_warning_checks = 0; hostcc = getenv ("HOSTCC"); targetcc = getenv ("CC"); if (hostcc == NULL) hostcc = DEFAULT_CC; if (targetcc == NULL) targetcc = DEFAULT_CC; #if defined(linux) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__SCO_VERSION__) mkdir ("target", 0755); mkdir ("target/build", 0755); system ("touch target/build/.nomake"); #endif if (getenv ("SOL9") != NULL) system ("touch kernel/drv/oss_usb/.nomake"); check_system (&conf); /* * Check if setup/$CROSSCOMPILE.conf exists and load the settings in it. */ if ((env=getenv("CROSSCOMPILE"))!=NULL) { FILE *cf; sprintf (tmp, "setup/%s.conf", env); if ((cf = fopen (tmp, "r")) != NULL) { parse_config (cf, &conf, tmp); fclose (cf); } } produce_output (&conf); produce_errno_h(); exit (0); }