Esempio n. 1
int fs_init() {
  int i;
  char *bufferFAT = (char *) fat;

    if(!le_bloco((char *) fat, i)){
       printf("Falha ao carregar o sistema de fat!\n");
       return 0;
  /*Carrega para a memória o sistema a FAT, começando do cluster 0 até o 32,
  multiplicando por 8 para obter cada setor contido */
  for (i=0;i<(32*8);i++) { //versão arthur, queria mudar pra minha =/
    if(!bl_read(i, &bufferFAT[SECTORSIZE*i])){
      printf("Falha ao carregar o sistema de fat!\n");
      return 0;

  /*Carrego o arquivo de diretórios utilizando */
  if(!le_bloco((char *) dir, 32)){
    printf("Falha ao carregar o sistema de diretórios!\n");
    return 0;
  /*Todos os ids vão pra -1, se ele é negativo, não é um arquivo aberto válido*/
  for(i=0; i<128; i++){
    file_list[i].id = -1;

  return 1;
// Main <smile> All sub-programs/functions should be called 	
// from here. Note: they should also be listed in lciheader.h  
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int retval=0;     // a return value indicator		
    int verbose=0;    // for verbosity			
    // note: switches: 
    //lci -a = advanced help
    //lci -d = perform a diff of the md5output and old md5output
    //lci -v = verbose, verbose = 1
    //lci    = slightly verbose, verbose = 0, 
    // the module name is printed as it performes each module
    //lci -s = silent, verbose = -1, nothing printed at all.
    //lci -r = run checkrpm module.
    //lci -m = force a distribution mode, e.g. lci -m redhat
    //lci -h = give help output
    //lci -o outfile = put output in outfile instead of lci.out	
    //lci -w = print output in html format
    //lci -x module = exclude module from checks
    int diff=0; // do we run the md5 diff? 
    int rpmmodule=0; // do we run the rpm module? 
    int inetexists=0; // if inetd.conf exists, this is 1 	
    int distribution=1; // what distro are we on?		
    // -1=user specified a distro, its in man_distro 
    // 1=redhat 
    // 2=debian 
    // 3=solaris 
    // 4=gentoo
    // 5=macosx 
    // 6=slackware
    // default = redhat   
    int html=0; // html output? 
    // html = 0: normal output
    //html = 1: user wants html output
    char release[50]; // array for release level		
    char kernel[50];  // what kernel user is running	
    static char *man_distro; // if the user specifies a distribution 
    const char * header   =NULL;   // to print out the header 
    static char *out_file = "lci.out";  // output filename var  
    char xlist[100]; // modules to exclude 
    int xarray[33] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; 
    int  somethinginxlist = 0;
    // note if no filename given, default = lci.out	
    FILE *tempptr;    // a temp file pointer		

     uid_t uidme;
     uidme = getuid();

    // we used to set the umask of the user here... 
    // note that does not work all of the time.     
    // instead use open with options below. Also,   
    // warn user at bottom about setting umask to   
    // sensible value before modifying files.       

    // we will again try to set umask here...       
    mode_t old_umask;


    // Now do options processing 
    int i;
    for (i=1; i < argc; i++)
	if(argv[i][0] == '-')
	    switch (argv[i][1]) 
		case 'a': 
	        case 'h':
		case 'd': 
			  diff = 1; 
		case 'm': 
			  strcpy(man_distro, argv[i]+3);
		case 'o': 
			  strcpy(out_file, argv[i]+3);
		case 'r': 
			  rpmmodule = 1; 
		case 's': 
			  verbose = -1; 
	        case 'v': 
			  verbose = 1; 
		case 'w': 
			  html = 1; 
		case 'x': strcpy(xlist,argv[i]+3);
			  somethinginxlist = 1;
	        default : 

    if (!out_file) // if no filename after -o 
        usage();  // note usage() will exit lci 

    // if an exclude list was given, parse the file and 
    // fill the array of excludes..			
    if (somethinginxlist == 1)
	if (findexclude(xlist, xarray) != 0)
	     // something went wrong 
	     perror("Error reading exclude list...\n");

    // check if output exists, if it does, make a 	
    // backup and rm the orig. named one.		
    tempptr = fopen(out_file, "r");
    if (tempptr != 0)
        // output file exists 
        // make a backup copy 
	char *newname = NULL;
	if ((newname = (char *) calloc(2, sizeof(out_file))) == NULL)
	    perror("Can not allocate temp memory in lcimain.\n");
	    perror("Strange. Bailing...\n");
	// add .old onto the old outfile name 
        sprintf(newname, "%s.old", out_file);

        // gnu, but should be ok... 
        // whoops, we are now failure checking this...   
        retval = 0;
        retval = rename(out_file, newname);
        if (retval < 0)
            // damn, rename bombed 
            perror("GNU rename bombed in lcimain.\n");
            perror("Very odd, you should have seen errors, report them :) \n");
	// free up calloc'd mem 
    // now that we have a backup, remove the outfile 
    // don't care about failure here...              

    // not seem to work 100% of the time on my system
    // for making files w/chmod 0600...              
    // reverting to open with options...             
    retval = 0;
    if ((retval = open(out_file, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600)) < 0) 
	perror("Could not make file w/perms 0600...\n");
	perror("Possible link attack while creating/opening file!\n");
	perror("Bailing in lcimain...\n");

    // we print this out no matter what verbose is 
    printf("Starting LCI...\n");

    // remove old tempfiles (if lci got killed) 
    // if this fails, we should stop _now_! 
    if (rm() < 0)
	perror("Could not remove tempfiles during startup.\n");
	perror("You may need root permissions to do this.\n");
    // read that in, check kernel version and "release"	
    if (verbose >= 0)
        printf("Getting system information...\n");

    retval = versions(release, kernel, verbose);
    if (retval < 0)
        // something went wrong... 			
        perror("Problem in versions function.\n");

    // note about Mandrake: until I can find vast differences 
    // between RedHat/Mandrake in terms of configs, we assume 
    // that it is redhat and don't check /etc/mandrake_rel... 
    // simple check to see if we are on RedHat or Debian 
    // first, did the user specify a distro? 
    if (distribution != -1)
        if ((system("cat /etc/redhat-release 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null >/dev/null")) == 0)
            // we are on redhat 
            distribution = 1;
        if ((system("cat /etc/debian_version 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null >/dev/null")) == 0)
            // we are on debian 
            distribution = 2;
	if ((system("uname |grep SunOS 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null >/dev/null")) == 0)
	    // we are on Solaris/SunOS 
	    distribution = 3;
        if ((system("uname -a |grep gentoo 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null >/dev/null")) == 0)
	    // we are on gentoo 
	    distribution = 4;
        if ((system("uname |grep Darwin 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null >/dev/null")) == 0)
	    // we are on Mac OSX 
	    distribution = 5;
        if ((system("cat /etc/slackware-version 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null >/dev/null")) == 0)  // JTO 
            // we are on slack 
            distribution = 6;
    if (distribution == -1)
	// user specified a distribution 
        if ((strcmp(man_distro, "redhat")) == 0)
	    // redhat 
	    distribution = 1;
        if ((strcmp(man_distro, "centos")) == 0)
	    // CentOS, RHEL-alike 
	    distribution = 1;
        if ((strcmp(man_distro, "caos")) == 0)
	    // CaOS, RHL-alike 
	    distribution = 1;
        if ((strcmp(man_distro, "fedora")) == 0)
	    // Post-RHL 
	    distribution = 1;
	if ((strcmp(man_distro, "debian")) == 0)
	    // debian 
	    distribution = 2;
	if ((strcmp(man_distro, "solaris")) == 0)
	    // solaris 
	    distribution = 3;
	if ((strcmp(man_distro, "mandrake")) == 0)
	    // mandrake, same as redhat, sortof 
	    distribution = 1;
	if ((strcmp(man_distro, "gentoo")) == 0)
	    // gentoo 
	    distribution = 4;
 	if ((strcmp(man_distro, "macosx")) == 0)
	    // Mac OSX 
	    distribution = 5;
        if ((strcmp(man_distro, "slackware")) == 0) // JTO 
            // slackware- JTO 
            distribution = 6;
	// default is redhat 
	   distribution = 1;
    } // end if (distribution == -1) 

    // ********* checks are below *****************//
    // ok, we should have enough info, run the checks 

    if (verbose >= 0)
	printf("Running modules...\n");

    // we need to make a header if html = 1, as this 
    // could confuse the issue by putting it in the  
    // first module... call dostuff here...          
    if (html == 1)
	html = 2; // this tells dostuff to write out header html 
	header = "\n";  // can't be NULL 
        if ((dostuff(0, out_file, 0, header, html)) < 0)
            // something went wrong 
            perror(" Creation of list failed.");
            return (-1);
        html = 1;   // change html int back to one 

    // run checkpkgs 
    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[0] == 0 )
        retval = 0;
        retval = checkpkgs(distribution, out_file, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong...                      
            perror("Problem in checkpkgs module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
            // module bombed, clean up 

    // run checkrpm if rpmmodule = 1 and distribution =1 
    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[1] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        if ((rpmmodule == 1) && (distribution == 1))
            retval = checkrpm(out_file, verbose, html);
            if (retval < 0)
	        // something went wrong...                      
                perror("Problem in checkrpm module.\n");
                perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
                // module bombed, clean up 

    // run checkinetd 
    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[2] == 0)

    	// if hosts file exists run checkhostsfiles 
    	inetexists = checkinetd(out_file,distribution, verbose, html);
    	// if inetexists == 1, it does!				
    	// if inetexists == 0, it does not...			
    	// if inetexists == -1, we had some problems.		
    	    if (inetexists == 1)
                checkhostsfiles(out_file, verbose, html);
    	if (inetexists == 0)
        	// do nothing... 
    	if (inetexists == -1)
            // there was a problem. User should have seen	
            // messages from checkinetd program.		
            // do nothing here and continue...		
            // module bombed, clean up 

    // check inittab		
    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[3] == 0)
    	retval = 0;
    	retval = checkinittab(out_file, distribution, verbose, html);
    	if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong...   
	    perror("Problem in checkinittab module.\n");
	    perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
	    // module bombed, clean up 

    // check logging		
    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[4] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checklogging(out_file, distribution, verbose, html);
    	if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong...   
            perror("Problem in checklogging module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
            // module bombed, clean up 

    // check for setuid/setgid files 
    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[5] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checkset(out_file, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong...                      
            perror("Problem in checkset module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
            // module bombed, clean up 

    // check for world writable files/directories 
    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[6] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checkwrite(out_file, distribution, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong...                      
            perror("Problem in checkwrite module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
            // module bombed, clean up 

    // check for .exrc and .forward files 
    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[7] == 0)
    	retval = 0;
    	retval = checkdotfiles(out_file, verbose, html);
    	if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong...                      
            perror("Problem in checkdotfiles module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
            // module bombed, clean up 

    // check /etc/passwd for uid 0 other than 
    // root and users not needed on the sys.  
    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[8] == 0)
    	retval = 0;
    	retval = checkpasswd(out_file, distribution, verbose, html);
    	if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong...                      
            perror("Problem in checkpasswd module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
	    // module bombed, clean up 

    // check to see if sticky bits are set 
    // on /tmp & /var/tmp. I will add more 
    // to this later on...			
    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[9] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checkfiles(out_file, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong...			
            perror("Problem in checkfiles module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
	    // module bombed, clean up 

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[10] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checkumask(out_file, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong...                      
            perror("Problem in chumask module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
	    // module bombed, clean up 

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[11] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checkftpusers(out_file, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong...                      
            perror("Problem in checkftpusers module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
	    // module bombed, clean up 

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[12] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checkrc(release, kernel, distribution, out_file, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong...			
            perror("Problem in checkrc module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
	    // module bombed, clean up 

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[13] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checkkbd(release, out_file, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong...                      
            perror("Problem in checkkbd module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
	    // module bombed, clean up 

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[14] == 0)
        if (distribution != 6) // need to fix for slack, JTO 
        retval = 0;
        retval = checklimits(out_file, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong...                      
            perror("Problem in checklimits module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
            // module bombed, clean up 
        } // end if its not slack if statement 

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[15] == 0)
        retval = 0;
    	retval = checkssh(out_file, distribution, verbose, html);
    	if (retval < 0)
	    // something went wrong..	
	    perror("Problem in checkssh module.\n");
	    perror("You should have seen errors...\n");

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[16] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checkopenfiles(out_file, distribution, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong..       
            perror("Problem in checkopenfiles module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[17] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checkissue(out_file, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong..       
            perror("Problem in checksissue module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[18] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checkwww(out_file, distribution, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong..       
            perror("Problem in checkwww module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[19] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checkmd5(out_file, distribution, verbose, html, diff);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong..       
            perror("Problem in checkmd5 module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[20] == 0)
        if  ((distribution != 3) && (distribution !=5))
    	// we are not on Solaris, so we can run this module 
            retval = 0;
            retval = checkmodules(out_file, verbose, html);
            if (retval < 0)
                // something went wrong..       
                perror("Problem in checkmodules module.\n");
                perror("You should have seen errors...\n");

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[21] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checksecuretty(out_file, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong..       
            perror("Problem in checksecuretty module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[22] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checkrcperms(out_file, distribution, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
	    // something went wrong...	
	    perror("Problem in checkrcperms module.\n");
	    perror("You should have seen errors...\n");

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[23] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checknet(out_file, distribution, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong...                      
            perror("Problem in checknet module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
	    // module bombed, clean up 

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[24] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checknetforward(out_file, distribution, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong...                      
            perror("Problem in checknetforward module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
            // module bombed, clean up 

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[25] == 0)
        if ((distribution !=3) && (distribution != 5))
            // we are on linux... 
            retval = 0;
            retval = checknetp(kernel, out_file, distribution, verbose, html);
            if (retval < 0)
                perror("Problem in checknetpromisc module.\n");
                perror("You should have seen errors...\n");

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[26] == 0)
        if (distribution == 1) // redhat (or derived) specific 
            retval = 0;
            retval = checkcfg(out_file, verbose, html);
            if (retval < 0)
                // something went wrong...                      
                perror("Problem in checkcfg module.\n");
                perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
                // module bombed, clean up 

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[27] == 0)
        if ((distribution !=3) && (distribution != 5)) // we are on linux 
            retval = 0;
            retval = checkbpass(distribution, out_file, verbose, html);
            if (retval < 0)
                // something went wrong...                      
                perror("Problem in checkbpass module.\n");
                perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
                // module bombed, clean up 

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[28] == 0)
        if ((distribution != 3) && (distribution != 5)) // we are on linux 
            retval = 0;
            retval = checkipv4(out_file, verbose, html);
            if (retval < 0)
                // something went wrong...                      
                perror("Problem in checkipv4 module.\n");
                perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
                // module bombed, clean up 

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[29] == 0)
        if ((distribution !=3) && (distribution !=5)) // we are on linux 
            retval = 0;
            retval = checkx(out_file, verbose, html);
            if (retval < 0)
                // something went wrong...                      
                perror("Problem in checkx module.\n");
                perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
                // module bombed, clean up 

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[30] == 0)
        if ((distribution !=3) && (distribution !=5)) // we are on linux 
            retval = 0;
            retval = checkftp(out_file, distribution, verbose, html);
            if (retval < 0)
                // something went wrong...                      
                perror("Problem in checkftp module.\n");
                perror("You should have seen errors...\n");
                // module bombed, clean up 

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[31] == 0)
        retval = 0;
        retval = checklistening(out_file, distribution, verbose, html);
        if (retval < 0)
            // something went wrong..       
            perror("Problem in checklistening module.\n");
            perror("You should have seen errors...\n");

    // did user put it in exclude list? 
    if (xarray[32] == 0)
        retval = 0;
	retval = checkdisk(out_file, verbose, html);
	if (retval < 0)
	    // something went wrong...      
	    perror("Problem in checkdisk module.\n");
	    perror("You should have seen errors...\n");

    // this is to put a footer html at the end of the output 
    // file if the user wanted html output. 		     
    if (html == 1)
        html = 3; // tells dostuff to do an html footer 
        header = "\n"; // can't be NULL 
        if ((dostuff(0, out_file, 0, header, html)) < 0)
            // something went wrong 
            perror(" Creation of list failed.");
            return (-1);
        html = 1; // set html int back... habit 
        // print a general footer 
	header = "\n";
	if ((dostuff(0, out_file, 0, header, 0)) < 0)
	    // something went wrong 
	    perror(" Creation of footer failed.");

    // tell the user we are finished and where the output is 
    // we print this out no matter what verbose is 
    printf("Check %s for details.\n", out_file);
    // in silent mode we don't say much 
    if (verbose >= 0)
        printf("Don't forget to check your umask or file perms\n");
        printf("when modifying files on the system.\n");

    // set the umask back... 