Esempio n. 1
static int PM_CheckJump() {
	pmove_t *xm = *(pmove_t**)(int)pm;
	#if 0
	if(xm->cmd.wbuttons & WBUTTON_RELOAD) {
		return 0;
	int (*cj)() = (int(*)())GAME("BG_PlayerTouchesItem") + 0x7DC;
	return cj();
    PtrList<joint> cj(2);
    cj.set(0, new joints::Pxyz());

    // The quaternion-based spherical joint could be used
    // but then w must be set appropriately
    //cj.set(1, new joints::Rs());

    // Alternatively the Euler-angle joint can be used
    cj.set(1, new joints::Rzyx());

    return autoPtr<composite>(new composite(cj));
Esempio n. 3
// Checks events of predicted collision partner to keep collisions
// symmetric
void box::CollisionChecker(event c)
  int i = c.i;
  int j = c.j;
  event cj(c.time,j,i,c.v*(-1));

  // j should have NO event before collision with i!
  if (!(c.time  < s[j].nextevent.time))
    std::cout << i << " " <<  j << " error collchecker, s[j].nextevent.time= " << s[j].nextevent.time << " " << s[j].nextevent.j << ", c.time= " << c.time << std::endl;
  int k = s[j].nextevent.j; 
  if ((k < N) && (k!=i)) // j's next event was collision so give k a check
    s[k].nextevent.j = INF;
  // give collision cj to j
  s[j].nextevent = cj;
Esempio n. 4
void CalculateAngleDerivativesE2(vtkPolyData* mesh, const arma::sp_mat& edge_lengths, const arma::vec& radii) {
    //calculate the power center for each triangle as follows
    //for 2 circles centered at c1 and c2 solve for p:
    //|p-c1|^2 - r1^2 = |p-c2|^2 - r2^2    -- this is power line
    //add one more condition for the third circle to get one point
    //  Funny part: the paper says that the circle of radius sqrt(|c1-p|^2 - r1^2)
    //  is perpendicular to all three circles. But this works only when the 3 circles do not intersect
    const int npts = mesh->GetNumberOfPoints();
    const int ncells = mesh->GetNumberOfCells();

    vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList> cellIdList = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList>::New();
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList> pointIdList = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList>::New();

    //for every face calculate gamma_ijk
    arma::vec gamma_percell(ncells);
    for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < ncells; i++) {
        mesh->GetCellPoints(cellIdList->GetId(i), pointIdList);

        const int ind_i = pointIdList->GetId(0);
        const int ind_j = pointIdList->GetId(1);
        const int ind_k = pointIdList->GetId(2);

        const double ri = radii[ind_i];
        const double rj = radii[ind_j];
        const double rk = radii[ind_k];

        arma::vec ci(3), cj(3), ck(3);
        mesh->GetPoint(ind_i, ci.memptr());
        mesh->GetPoint(ind_j, cj.memptr());
        mesh->GetPoint(ind_k, ck.memptr());

        //create local 2D coordinates, and map vertices
        arma::vec vji = cj - ci;
        arma::vec v   = ck - ci;

        arma::vec n = arma::cross(vji, v); //normal
        arma::vec vki = arma::cross(n, vji); //creates local y' axis

        const double lenX = arma::norm(vji,2);
        const double lenY = arma::norm(vki,2);
        vji /= lenX; //normalize axes
        vki /= lenY;
        //2D coordinates
        arma::vec vi(3,0); //(0,0)
        arma::vec vj(3);
        arma::vec vk(3);

        vj(0) = lenX;
        vj(1) = 0.0;
        vk(0) = arma::dot(v, vji);
        vk(1) = arma::dot(v, vki);
        //form matrices for system of linear equations and solve
        //A = [2*(c2-c1)'; 2*(c2-c3)'];
        //B = [ c2'*c2 - c1'*c1 + r1^2 - r2^2; c2'*c2 - c3'*c3 + r3^2 - r2^2];
        //P = A\B;
        arma::mat A(2,2);
        arma::vec B(2);
        A.insert_rows( 0, 2.0*(cj-ci) );
        A.insert_rows( 1, 2.0*(cj-ck) );
        B(0) = arma::dot(cj, cj) - arma::dot(ci, ci) + ri*ri - rj*rj;
        B(1) = arma::dot(cj, cj) - arma::dot(ck, ck) + rk*rk - rj*rj;
        arma::vec P = arma::solve( A, B ); 
        //calculate distance from P to all the edges: hi, hj, hk
        const double hi = arma::norm( arma::cross(cj-ck, ck-P), 2 ) / arma::norm(cj-ck, 2);
        const double hj = arma::norm( arma::cross(ci-ck, ck-P), 2 ) / arma::norm(ci-ck, 2);
        const double hk = arma::norm( arma::cross(cj-ci, ci-P), 2 ) / arma::norm(cj-ci, 2);
        const double li = edge_lengths(ind_j, ind_k);
        const double lj = edge_lengths(ind_i, ind_k);
        const double lk = edge_lengths(ind_i, ind_j);
        const double dTi_duj = hk/lk;
        const double dTj_duk = hi/li;
        const double dTk_dui = hj/lj;

        const double dTi_dui = - dTi_duj - dTk_dui;
        const double dTj_duj = - dTj_duk - dTi_duj;
        const double dTk_duk = - dTj_duk - dTk_dui;

   template <class P> static
   void Apply( const GenericImage<P>& image, MultiscaleMedianTransform& T )

      bool statusInitialized = false;
      StatusMonitor& status = (StatusMonitor&)image.Status();
         if ( status.IsInitializationEnabled() )
            status.Initialize( String( T.m_medianWaveletTransform ? "Median-wavelet" : "Multiscale median" ) + " transform",
                               image.NumberOfSelectedSamples()*T.m_numberOfLayers*(T.m_medianWaveletTransform ? 2 : 1) );
            statusInitialized = true;

         GenericImage<P> cj0( image );

         for ( int j = 1, j0 = 0; ; ++j, ++j0 )
            GenericImage<P> cj( cj0 );
            cj.Status() = status;

            MedianFilterLayer( cj, T.FilterSize( j0 ), T.m_parallel, T.m_maxProcessors );

            if ( T.m_medianWaveletTransform )
               GenericImage<P> w0( cj0 );
               GenericImage<P> d0( cj0 );
               d0 -= cj;
               for ( int c = 0; c < d0.NumberOfChannels(); ++c )
                  w0.SelectChannel( c );
                  d0.SelectChannel( c );
                  cj.SelectChannel( c );
                  double t = T.m_medianWaveletThreshold*d0.MAD( d0.Median() )/0.6745;
                  for ( typename GenericImage<P>::sample_iterator iw( w0 ), id( d0 ), ic( cj ); iw; ++iw, ++id, ++ic )
                     if ( Abs( *id ) > t )
                        *iw = *ic;
               w0.Status() = cj.Status();
               LinearFilterLayer( w0, T.FilterSize( j0 ), T.m_parallel, T.m_maxProcessors );
               cj = w0;

            status = cj.Status();

            if ( T.m_layerEnabled[j0] )
               cj0 -= cj;
               T.m_transform[j0] = Image( cj0 );

            if ( j == T.m_numberOfLayers )
               if ( T.m_layerEnabled[j] )
                  T.m_transform[j] = Image( cj );

            cj0 = cj;

         if ( statusInitialized )
      catch ( ... )
         if ( statusInitialized )
Esempio n. 6
void TCPSrc::feed(SampleVector::const_iterator begin, SampleVector::const_iterator end, bool positiveOnly)
	Complex ci;
	cmplx* sideband;
	Real l, r;


	// Rtl-Sdr uses full 16-bit scale; FCDPP does not
	int rescale = 30000 * (1 << m_boost);

	for(SampleVector::const_iterator it = begin; it < end; ++it) {
		Complex c(it->real() / 32768.0, it->imag() / 32768.0);
		c *= m_nco.nextIQ();

		if(m_interpolator.interpolate(&m_sampleDistanceRemain, c, &ci)) {
			m_sampleBuffer.push_back(Sample(ci.real() * rescale, ci.imag() * rescale));
			m_sampleDistanceRemain += m_inputSampleRate / m_outputSampleRate;

	if((m_spectrum != NULL) && (m_spectrumEnabled))
		m_spectrum->feed(m_sampleBuffer.begin(), m_sampleBuffer.end(), positiveOnly);

	for(int i = 0; i < m_s16leSockets.count(); i++)
		m_s16leSockets[i].socket->write((const char*)&m_sampleBuffer[0], m_sampleBuffer.size() * 4);

	if((m_sampleFormat == FormatSSB) && (m_ssbSockets.count() > 0)) {
		for(SampleVector::const_iterator it = m_sampleBuffer.begin(); it != m_sampleBuffer.end(); ++it) {
			Complex cj(it->real() / 30000.0, it->imag() / 30000.0);
			int n_out = TCPFilter->runSSB(cj, &sideband, true);
			if (n_out) {
				for (int i = 0; i < n_out; i+=2) {
					l = (sideband[i].real() + sideband[i].imag()) * 0.7 * 32000.0;
					r = (sideband[i+1].real() + sideband[i+1].imag()) * 0.7 * 32000.0;
					m_sampleBufferSSB.push_back(Sample(l, r));
				for(int i = 0; i < m_ssbSockets.count(); i++)
					m_ssbSockets[i].socket->write((const char*)&m_sampleBufferSSB[0], n_out * 2);

	if((m_sampleFormat == FormatNFM) && (m_ssbSockets.count() > 0)) {
		for(SampleVector::const_iterator it = m_sampleBuffer.begin(); it != m_sampleBuffer.end(); ++it) {
			Complex cj(it->real() / 30000.0, it->imag() / 30000.0);
			// An FFT filter here is overkill, but was already set up for SSB
			int n_out = TCPFilter->runFilt(cj, &sideband);
			if (n_out) {
				Real sum = 1.0;
				for (int i = 0; i < n_out; i+=2) {
					l = m_this.real() * (m_last.imag() - sideband[i].imag())
					  - m_this.imag() * (m_last.real() - sideband[i].real());
					m_last = sideband[i];
					r = m_last.real() * (m_this.imag() - sideband[i+1].imag())
					  - m_last.imag() * (m_this.real() - sideband[i+1].real());
					m_this = sideband[i+1];
					m_sampleBufferSSB.push_back(Sample(l * m_scale, r * m_scale));
					sum += m_this.real() * m_this.real() + m_this.imag() * m_this.imag(); 
				// TODO: correct levels
				m_scale = 24000 * tcpFftLen / sum;
				for(int i = 0; i < m_ssbSockets.count(); i++)
					m_ssbSockets[i].socket->write((const char*)&m_sampleBufferSSB[0], n_out * 2);