void PropertyControlRuler::updateSelection(std::vector <ViewElement*> *elementList)
    // Use base class fcn to set each item as not selected, clear the m_selectedItems lsit
    //  and create a new m_eventSelection member

    // For now, simply clear the selected items list and build it afresh
    PropertyControlItem *item = 0;

//    for (ControlItemList::iterator it = m_selectedItems.begin(); it != m_selectedItems.end(); ++it) {
//        item = dynamic_cast <PropertyControlItem *> (*it);
//        if (item) item->setSelected(false);
//    }
//    m_selectedItems.clear();
    for (std::vector<ViewElement*>::iterator elit = elementList->begin(); elit != elementList->end();++elit) {
        for (ControlItemMap::iterator it = m_controlItemMap.begin(); it != m_controlItemMap.end(); ++it) {
            item = dynamic_cast<PropertyControlItem*>(it->second);
            if (item) {
                if (item->getElement() == (*elit)) {
                } else {
                    item = 0;
        if (!item) continue;


Esempio n. 2
ControlItem* ControllerEventsRuler::addControlItem(float x, float y)
    // Adds a ControlItem in the absence of an event (used by ControlPainter)
    EventControlItem *item = new EventControlItem(this, new ControllerEventAdapter(0), QPolygonF());
//    m_selectedItems.push_back(item);
//    if (isVisible(item)) {
//        m_visibleItems.push_back(item);
//    }
    return item;
Esempio n. 3
void FileTreeComponent::setSelectedFile (const File& target)
    for (int i = getNumSelectedItems(); --i >= 0;)
        FileListTreeItem* t = dynamic_cast <FileListTreeItem*> (getSelectedItem (i));

        if (t != nullptr && t->file == target)
            t->setSelected (true, true);

void FileTreeComponent::deselectAllFiles()
Esempio n. 5
ControllerEventsRuler::addControlLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, bool eraseExistingControllers)
    std::cout << "ControllerEventsRuler::addControlLine()";

    // get a timeT for one end point of our line
    timeT originTime = m_rulerScale->getTimeForX(x1);

    // get a timeT for the other end point of our line
    timeT destinationTime = m_rulerScale->getTimeForX(x2);

    // get a value for one end point of our line
    long originValue = yToValue(y1);
    // get a value for the other end point
    long destinationValue = yToValue(y2);

    if (originTime == destinationTime || originValue == destinationValue) return;

    // If the "anchor point" was to the right of the newly clicked destination
    // point, we're drawing a line from right to left.  We simply swap origin
    // for destination and calculate all lines as drawn from left to right, for
    // convenience and sanity.
    if (originTime > destinationTime) {
        timeT swapTime = originTime;
        originTime = destinationTime;
        destinationTime = swapTime;

        long swapValue = originValue;
        originValue = destinationValue;
        destinationValue = swapValue;

    // save a list of existing events that occur within the span of the new line
    // for later deletion, if desired
    std::vector<Event*> eventsToClear;

    if (eraseExistingControllers) {
        for (Segment::iterator si = m_segment->begin();
             si != m_segment->end(); ++si) {

            timeT t = (*si)->getNotationAbsoluteTime();
            if (t >= originTime && t <= destinationTime) {

    // rise and run
    long rise = destinationValue - originValue;
    timeT run = destinationTime - originTime;

    std::cout << "Drawing a line from origin time: " << originTime << " to " << destinationTime
              << " rising from: " << originValue << " to " << destinationValue 
              << " with a rise of: " << rise << " and run of: " << run
              << std::endl;

    // avoid divide by 0 potential, rise is always at least 1
    if (rise == 0) rise = 1;

    // are we rising or falling?
    bool rising = (rise > 0);

    // always calculate step on a positive value for rise, and make sure it's at
    // least 1
    float step = run / (float)(rising ? rise : rise * -1);

    // Trying this with pitch bend with a rise approaching the maximum over a
    // span of around four bars generated over 15,000 pitch bend events!  That's
    // super duper fine resolution, but it's too much for anything to handle.
    // Let's try to do some sensible thinning without getting too complicated...
    // bool isPitchBend = (m_controller->getType() == Rosegarden::PitchBend::EventType);
    int thinningHackCounter = 1;
    long intermediateValue = originValue;    
    long controllerNumber = 0;

    if (m_controller) {
        controllerNumber = m_controller->getControllerValue();
    } else {
        std::cout << "No controller number set.  Time to panic!  Line drawing aborted." << std::endl;

    MacroCommand *macro = new MacroCommand(tr("Insert Line of Controllers"));

    bool failsafe = false;

    // if we're clearing existing events, add that to the macro command
    for (std::vector<Event*>::iterator ei = eventsToClear.begin();
         ei != eventsToClear.end(); ++ei) {

        // if the event was a controller or pitch bend, and it is on this ruler,
        // add it to the list
        if (((*ei)->isa(Controller::EventType) || (*ei)->isa(PitchBend::EventType))
            && isOnThisRuler(*ei)) {

            bool collapseRests = true;
            macro->addCommand(new EraseEventCommand(*m_segment,

    if (macro->haveCommands()) {
        macro = new MacroCommand(tr("Insert Line of Controllers"));

    for (float i = originTime; i <= destinationTime; i += step) {

        if (failsafe) continue;

        if (rising) intermediateValue++;
        else intermediateValue--;

        if (rising && intermediateValue > destinationValue) failsafe = true;
        else if (!rising && intermediateValue < destinationValue) failsafe = true;

//        std::cout << "creating event at time: " << i << " of value: " << intermediateValue << std::endl;
//        continue;

        Event *controllerEvent = new Event(m_controller->getType(), (timeT) i);

        if (m_controller->getType() == Rosegarden::Controller::EventType) {

            controllerEvent->set<Rosegarden::Int>(Rosegarden::Controller::VALUE, intermediateValue);
            controllerEvent->set<Rosegarden::Int>(Rosegarden::Controller::NUMBER, controllerNumber);

        } else if (m_controller->getType() == Rosegarden::PitchBend::EventType)   {

            // always set the first and last events, then only set every 25th,
            // 50th, and 75th event for pitch bend
            if (thinningHackCounter++ > 100) thinningHackCounter = 1;
            if (thinningHackCounter != 25 &&
                thinningHackCounter != 50 &&
                thinningHackCounter != 75 &&
                i != originTime           &&
                i != destinationTime) continue;

            std::cout << "intermediate value: " << intermediateValue << std::endl;

            // Convert to PitchBend MSB/LSB
            int lsb = intermediateValue & 0x7f;
            int msb = (intermediateValue >> 7) & 0x7f;
            controllerEvent->set<Rosegarden::Int>(Rosegarden::PitchBend::MSB, msb);
            controllerEvent->set<Rosegarden::Int>(Rosegarden::PitchBend::LSB, lsb);

        if (failsafe) std::cout << "intermediate value: " << intermediateValue << " exceeded target: " << destinationValue << std::endl;

        macro->addCommand(new EventInsertionCommand (*m_segment, controllerEvent));

    m_moddingSegment = true;
    m_moddingSegment = false;
    // How else to re-initialize and bring things into view?  I'm missing
    // something, but this works...