Esempio n. 1
   for(HandleMap::Iterator i = mHandles.begin(); i != mHandles.end(); i++)
      delete i->value;
   delete[] mConstBuffer;
Esempio n. 2
ShaderGroup::~ShaderGroup() { clearShaders(); }
Esempio n. 3
void GFXGLShader::zombify()
   dMemset(mConstBuffer, 0, mConstBufferSize);
Esempio n. 4
bool GFXGLShader::_init()
   // Don't initialize empty shaders.
   if ( mVertexFile.isEmpty() && mPixelFile.isEmpty() )
      return false;


   mProgram = glCreateProgram();
   // Set the macros and add the global ones.
   Vector<GFXShaderMacro> macros;
   macros.merge( mMacros );
   macros.merge( smGlobalMacros );

   // Add the shader version to the macros.
   const U32 mjVer = (U32)mFloor( mPixVersion );
   const U32 mnVer = (U32)( ( mPixVersion - F32( mjVer ) ) * 10.01f );
   macros.last().name = "TORQUE_SM";
   macros.last().value = String::ToString( mjVer * 10 + mnVer );

   // Default to true so we're "successful" if a vertex/pixel shader wasn't specified.
   bool compiledVertexShader = true;
   bool compiledPixelShader = true;
   // Compile the vertex and pixel shaders if specified.
      compiledVertexShader = initShader(mVertexFile, true, macros);
      compiledPixelShader = initShader(mPixelFile, false, macros);
   // If either shader was present and failed to compile, bail.
   if(!compiledVertexShader || !compiledPixelShader)
      return false;

   // Link it!
   glLinkProgram( mProgram );

   GLint linkStatus;
   glGetProgramiv( mProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linkStatus );
   // Dump the info log to the console
   U32 logLength = 0;
   glGetProgramiv(mProgram, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, (GLint*)&logLength);
   if ( logLength )
      FrameAllocatorMarker fam;
      char* log = (char*)fam.alloc( logLength );
      glGetProgramInfoLog( mProgram, logLength, NULL, log );

      if ( linkStatus == GL_FALSE )
         if ( smLogErrors )
            Con::errorf( "GFXGLShader::init - Error linking shader!" );
            Con::errorf( "Program %s / %s: %s", 
                mVertexFile.getFullPath().c_str(), mPixelFile.getFullPath().c_str(), log);
      else if ( smLogWarnings )
         Con::warnf( "Program %s / %s: %s", 
             mVertexFile.getFullPath().c_str(), mPixelFile.getFullPath().c_str(), log);

   // If we failed to link, bail.
   if ( linkStatus == GL_FALSE )
      return false;

   // Notify Buffers we might have changed in size. 
   // If this was our first init then we won't have any activeBuffers 
   // to worry about unnecessarily calling.
   Vector<GFXShaderConstBuffer*>::iterator biter = mActiveBuffers.begin();
   for ( ; biter != mActiveBuffers.end(); biter++ )   
      ((GFXGLShaderConstBuffer*)(*biter))->onShaderReload( this );
   return true;
Esempio n. 5
bool GFXGLShader::_init()
   // Don't initialize empty shaders.
   if ( mVertexFile.isEmpty() && mPixelFile.isEmpty() )
      return false;


   mProgram = glCreateProgram();
   // Set the macros and add the global ones.
   Vector<GFXShaderMacro> macros;
   macros.merge( mMacros );
   macros.merge( smGlobalMacros );

   // Add the shader version to the macros.
   const U32 mjVer = (U32)mFloor( mPixVersion );
   const U32 mnVer = (U32)( ( mPixVersion - F32( mjVer ) ) * 10.01f );
   macros.last().name = "TORQUE_SM";
   macros.last().value = String::ToString( mjVer * 10 + mnVer );
   macros.last().name = "TORQUE_VERTEX_SHADER";
   macros.last().value = "";   

   // Default to true so we're "successful" if a vertex/pixel shader wasn't specified.
   bool compiledVertexShader = true;
   bool compiledPixelShader = true;
   // Compile the vertex and pixel shaders if specified.
      compiledVertexShader = initShader(mVertexFile, true, macros);

   macros.last().name = "TORQUE_PIXEL_SHADER";
      compiledPixelShader = initShader(mPixelFile, false, macros);
   // If either shader was present and failed to compile, bail.
   if(!compiledVertexShader || !compiledPixelShader)
      return false;

   //bind vertex attributes
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_Position,    "vPosition");
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_Normal,      "vNormal");
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_Color,       "vColor");
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_Tangent,     "vTangent");
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_TangentW,    "vTangentW");
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_Binormal,    "vBinormal");
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_TexCoord0,   "vTexCoord0");
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_TexCoord1,   "vTexCoord1");
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_TexCoord2,   "vTexCoord2");
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_TexCoord3,   "vTexCoord3");
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_TexCoord4,   "vTexCoord4");
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_TexCoord5,   "vTexCoord5");
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_TexCoord6,   "vTexCoord6");
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_TexCoord7,   "vTexCoord7");
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_TexCoord8,   "vTexCoord8");
   glBindAttribLocation(mProgram, Torque::GL_VertexAttrib_TexCoord9,   "vTexCoord9");

   //bind fragment out color
   glBindFragDataLocation(mProgram, 0, "OUT_col");
   glBindFragDataLocation(mProgram, 1, "OUT_col1");
   glBindFragDataLocation(mProgram, 2, "OUT_col2");
   glBindFragDataLocation(mProgram, 3, "OUT_col3");

   // Link it!
   glLinkProgram( mProgram );

   GLint linkStatus;
   glGetProgramiv( mProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linkStatus );
   // Dump the info log to the console
   U32 logLength = 0;
   glGetProgramiv(mProgram, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, (GLint*)&logLength);
   if ( logLength )
      FrameAllocatorMarker fam;
      char* log = (char*)fam.alloc( logLength );
      glGetProgramInfoLog( mProgram, logLength, NULL, log );

      if ( linkStatus == GL_FALSE )
         if ( smLogErrors )
            Con::errorf( "GFXGLShader::init - Error linking shader!" );
            Con::errorf( "Program %s / %s: %s", 
                mVertexFile.getFullPath().c_str(), mPixelFile.getFullPath().c_str(), log);
      else if ( smLogWarnings )
         Con::warnf( "Program %s / %s: %s", 
             mVertexFile.getFullPath().c_str(), mPixelFile.getFullPath().c_str(), log);

   // If we failed to link, bail.
   if ( linkStatus == GL_FALSE )
      return false;

   // Notify Buffers we might have changed in size. 
   // If this was our first init then we won't have any activeBuffers 
   // to worry about unnecessarily calling.
   Vector<GFXShaderConstBuffer*>::iterator biter = mActiveBuffers.begin();
   for ( ; biter != mActiveBuffers.end(); biter++ )   
      ((GFXGLShaderConstBuffer*)(*biter))->onShaderReload( this );
   return true;
Esempio n. 6