Esempio n. 1
run_launch_helper (const char *bus_name,
                   int alias_depth,
                   DBusError  *error)
  BusConfigParser *parser;
  dbus_bool_t retval;

  parser = NULL;
  retval = FALSE;

  /* clear the environment, apart from a few select settings */
  if (!clear_environment (error))
    goto error;

  /* check to see if we have a valid bus name */
  if (!check_bus_name (bus_name, error))
    goto error;

  /* get the correct parser, either the test or default parser */
  if (!get_correct_parser (&parser, error))
    goto error;

  /* check we are being invoked by the correct dbus user */
  if (!check_dbus_user (parser, error))
    goto error_free_parser;

  /* launch the bus with the service defined user */
  if (!launch_bus_name (bus_name, parser, alias_depth, error))
    goto error_free_parser;

  /* woohoo! */
  retval = TRUE;

  bus_config_parser_unref (parser);
  return retval;
Esempio n. 2
pid_t work_queue_process_execute(struct work_queue_process *p, int container_mode, ...)
	// make warning

	fflush(NULL);		/* why is this necessary? */

	p->output_file_name = strdup(task_output_template);
	p->output_fd = mkstemp(p->output_file_name);
	if(p->output_fd == -1) {
		debug(D_WQ, "Could not open worker stdout: %s", strerror(errno));
		return 0;

	if(p->loop_mount) {
		char *buf = malloc(PATH_MAX);
		char *pwd = getcwd(buf, PATH_MAX);
		char *filename = work_queue_generate_disk_alloc_full_filename(pwd, p->task->taskid);
		p->task->command_line = string_format("export CCTOOLS_DISK_ALLOC=%s; %s", filename, p->task->command_line);

	p->execution_start = timestamp_get();

	p->pid = fork();

	if(p->pid > 0) {
		// Make child process the leader of its own process group. This allows
		// signals to also be delivered to processes forked by the child process.
		// This is currently used by kill_task().
		setpgid(p->pid, 0);

		debug(D_WQ, "started process %d: %s", p->pid, p->task->command_line);
		return p->pid;

	} else if(p->pid < 0) {

		debug(D_WQ, "couldn't create new process: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return p->pid;

	} else {
		if(chdir(p->sandbox)) {
			printf("The sandbox dir is %s", p->sandbox);
			fatal("could not change directory into %s: %s", p->sandbox, strerror(errno));

		int fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY);
		if(fd == -1)
			fatal("could not open /dev/null: %s", strerror(errno));
		int result = dup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO);
		if(result == -1)
			fatal("could not dup /dev/null to stdin: %s", strerror(errno));

		result = dup2(p->output_fd, STDOUT_FILENO);
		if(result == -1)
			fatal("could not dup pipe to stdout: %s", strerror(errno));

		result = dup2(p->output_fd, STDERR_FILENO);
		if(result == -1)
			fatal("could not dup pipe to stderr: %s", strerror(errno));



		/* overwrite CORES, MEMORY, or DISK variables, if the task used specify_* */


		va_list arg_lst;
		if(container_mode == NONE) {
			execlp("sh", "sh", "-c", p->task->command_line, (char *) 0);
			_exit(127);	// Failed to execute the cmd.

		} else if(container_mode == UMBRELLA) {
			fatal("UMBRELLA mode have not been implemented\n");

		} else {
			// Write task command into a shell script
			char *tmp_ptr = p->task->command_line;
			int cmd_line_size = 0;
			while(*(++tmp_ptr) != '\0')

			FILE *script_fn = fopen(TMP_SCRIPT, "w");
			fprintf(script_fn, "%s\n%s", DEFAULT_EXE_APP, p->task->command_line);
			chmod(TMP_SCRIPT, 0755);

			uid_t uid = getuid();
			char uid_str[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
			sprintf(uid_str, "%d", uid);

			// Get path to sandbox
			char curr_wrk_dir[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
			char *wrk_space;

			if((wrk_space = getenv("WORK_QUEUE_SANDBOX")) != NULL) {
				sprintf(curr_wrk_dir, "%s/%s", wrk_space, p->sandbox);
			} else {
				perror("getenv() error");

			if(container_mode == DOCKER) {
				va_start(arg_lst, container_mode);
				char img_name[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
				strncpy(img_name, va_arg(arg_lst, const char *), MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);

				char mnt_flg_val[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
				sprintf(mnt_flg_val, "%s:%s", curr_wrk_dir, DEFAULT_WORK_DIR);
				// cmd for running the shell script
				char run_cmd[SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE];
				sprintf(run_cmd, "./%s", TMP_SCRIPT);

				execl("/usr/bin/docker", "/usr/bin/docker", "run", "--rm", "-v", mnt_flg_val, "-w", DEFAULT_WORK_DIR, "-u", uid_str, "-m", "1g", img_name, run_cmd, (char *) 0);
				_exit(127);	// Failed to execute the cmd.

			} else {
				va_start(arg_lst, container_mode);
				char container_name[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
				strncpy(container_name, va_arg(arg_lst, const char *), MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);

				char sub_proc_sh_fn[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
				char sub_proc_sh_fn_path[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
				sprintf(sub_proc_sh_fn, "", p->sandbox);
				sprintf(sub_proc_sh_fn_path, "%s/%s", wrk_space, sub_proc_sh_fn);

				FILE *sub_proc_script_fn = fopen(sub_proc_sh_fn_path, "w");
				fprintf(sub_proc_script_fn, "%s\ncd %s\n./%s", DEFAULT_EXE_APP, p->sandbox, TMP_SCRIPT);
				chmod(sub_proc_sh_fn_path, 0755);

				char run_sh_fn[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
				sprintf(run_sh_fn, "./%s", sub_proc_sh_fn);

				execl("/usr/bin/docker", "/usr/bin/docker", "exec", container_name, run_sh_fn, (char *) 0);
				_exit(127);	// Failed to execute the cmd.
	return 0;