Esempio n. 1
int upx_inflatelzma(const char *src, uint32_t ssize, char *dst, uint32_t *dsize, uint32_t upx0, uint32_t upx1, uint32_t ep) {
  struct CLI_LZMA l;
  uint32_t magic[]={0xb16,0xb1e,0};
  unsigned char fake_lzmahdr[5];

  memset(&l, 0, sizeof(l));
  cli_writeint32(fake_lzmahdr + 1, *dsize);
  *fake_lzmahdr = 3 /* lc */ + 9* ( 5* 2 /* pb */ + 0 /* lp */);
  l.next_in = fake_lzmahdr;
  l.avail_in = 5;
  if(cli_LzmaInit(&l, *dsize) != LZMA_RESULT_OK)
      return 0;
  l.avail_in = ssize;
  l.avail_out = *dsize;
  l.next_in = (unsigned char*)src+2;
  l.next_out = (unsigned char*)dst;

  if(cli_LzmaDecode(&l)==LZMA_RESULT_DATA_ERROR) {
/*     __asm__ __volatile__("int3"); */
    return -1;

  return pefromupx (src, ssize, dst, dsize, ep, upx0, upx1, magic, *dsize);

/* test writing with different alignments, _i is parameter from tcase_add_loop_test */
START_TEST (test_cli_writeint32)
    size_t j;
    /* write 4 bytes apart, start is not always aligned*/
    for(j=_i;j < DATA_REP*sizeof(le_data) - 4;j += 4) {
        cli_writeint32(&data2[j], 0x12345678);
    for(j=_i;j < DATA_REP*sizeof(le_data) - 4;j += 4) {
        fail_unless(cli_readint32(&data2[j]) == 0x12345678, "write/read mismatch");
    /* write 4 bytes apart, always aligned*/
    for(j=0;j < DATA_REP*sizeof(le_data) - 4;j += 4) {
        cli_writeint32(&data2[j], 0x12345678);
    for(j=0;j < DATA_REP*sizeof(le_data) - 4;j += 4) {
        fail_unless(cli_readint32(&data2[j]) == 0x12345678, "write/read mismatch");
Esempio n. 3
File: yc.c Progetto: OPSF/uClinux
int yc_decrypt(char *fbuf, unsigned int filesize, struct cli_exe_section *sections, unsigned int sectcount, uint32_t peoffset, int desc)
  uint32_t ycsect = sections[sectcount].raw;
  unsigned int i;
  struct pe_image_file_hdr *pe = (struct pe_image_file_hdr*) (fbuf + peoffset);
  char *sname = (char *)pe + EC16(pe->SizeOfOptionalHeader) + 0x18;


  First layer (decryptor of the section decryptor) in last section 

  Start offset for analyze: Start of yC Section + 0x93
  End offset for analyze: Start of yC Section + 0xC3
  Lenght to decrypt - ECX = 0xB97

  cli_dbgmsg("yC: decrypting decryptor on sect %d\n", sectcount); 
  if (yc_poly_emulator(fbuf + ycsect + 0x93, fbuf + ycsect + 0xc6 ,0xB97))
    return 1;


  Second layer (decryptor of the sections) in last section 

  Start offset for analyze: Start of yC Section + 0x457
  End offset for analyze: Start of yC Section + 0x487
  Lenght to decrypt - ECX = Raw Size of Section


  /* Loop through all sections and decrypt them... */
      uint32_t name = (uint32_t) cli_readint32(sname+i*0x28);
      if ( !sections[i].raw ||
	   !sections[i].rsz ||
	   name == 0x63727372 || /* rsrc */
	   name == 0x7273722E || /* .rsr */
	   name == 0x6F6C6572 || /* relo */
	   name == 0x6C65722E || /* .rel */
	   name == 0x6164652E || /* .eda */
	   name == 0x6164722E || /* .rda */
	   name == 0x6164692E || /* .ida */
	   name == 0x736C742E || /* .tls */
	   (name&0xffff) == 0x4379  /* yC */
	) continue;
      cli_dbgmsg("yC: decrypting sect%d\n",i); 
      if (yc_poly_emulator(fbuf + ycsect + 0x457, fbuf + sections[i].raw, sections[i].ursz))
	return 1;

  /* Remove yC section */

  /* Remove IMPORT_DIRECTORY information */
  memset((char *)pe + sizeof(struct pe_image_file_hdr) + 0x68, 0, 8);

  /* OEP resolving */
  /* OEP = DWORD PTR [ Start of yC section+ A0F] */
  cli_writeint32((char *)pe + sizeof(struct pe_image_file_hdr) + 16, cli_readint32(fbuf + ycsect + 0xa0f));

  /* Fix SizeOfImage */
  cli_writeint32((char *)pe + sizeof(struct pe_image_file_hdr) + 0x38, cli_readint32((char *)pe + sizeof(struct pe_image_file_hdr) + 0x38) - sections[sectcount].vsz);

  if (cli_writen(desc, fbuf, filesize)==-1) {
    cli_dbgmsg("yC: Cannot write unpacked file\n");
    return 1;
  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
int cli_rebuildpe(char *buffer, struct cli_exe_section *sections, int sects, uint32_t base, uint32_t ep, uint32_t ResRva, uint32_t ResSize, int file)
  uint32_t datasize=0, rawbase=PESALIGN(0x148+0x80+0x28*sects, 0x200);
  char *pefile=NULL, *curpe;
  struct IMAGE_PE_HEADER *fakepe;
  int i, gotghost=(sections[0].rva > PESALIGN(rawbase, 0x1000));

  if (gotghost) rawbase=PESALIGN(0x148+0x80+0x28*(sects+1), 0x200);

  if(sects+gotghost > 96)
    return 0;

  for (i=0; i < sects; i++)
    datasize+=PESALIGN(sections[i].rsz, 0x200);

  if(datasize > CLI_MAX_ALLOCATION)
    return 0;

  if((pefile = (char *) cli_calloc(rawbase+datasize, 1))) {
    memcpy(pefile, HEADERS, 0x148);

    datasize = PESALIGN(rawbase, 0x1000);

    fakepe = (struct IMAGE_PE_HEADER *)(pefile+0xd0);
    fakepe->NumberOfSections = EC16(sects+gotghost);
    fakepe->AddressOfEntryPoint = EC32(ep);
    fakepe->ImageBase = EC32(base);
    fakepe->SizeOfHeaders = EC32(rawbase);
    memset(pefile+0x148, 0, 0x80);
    cli_writeint32(pefile+0x148+0x10, ResRva);
    cli_writeint32(pefile+0x148+0x14, ResSize);
    curpe = pefile+0x148+0x80;

    if (gotghost) {
      snprintf(curpe, 8, "empty");
      cli_writeint32(curpe+8, sections[0].rva-datasize); /* vsize */
      cli_writeint32(curpe+12, datasize); /* rva */
      cli_writeint32(curpe+0x24, 0xffffffff);
      datasize+=PESALIGN(sections[0].rva-datasize, 0x1000);

    for (i=0; i < sects; i++) {
      snprintf(curpe, 8, ".clam%.2d", i+1);
      cli_writeint32(curpe+8, sections[i].vsz);
      cli_writeint32(curpe+12, sections[i].rva);
      cli_writeint32(curpe+16, sections[i].rsz);
      cli_writeint32(curpe+20, rawbase);
      /* already zeroed
      cli_writeint32(curpe+24, 0);
      cli_writeint32(curpe+28, 0);
      cli_writeint32(curpe+32, 0);
      cli_writeint32(curpe+0x24, 0xffffffff);
      memcpy(pefile+rawbase, buffer+sections[i].raw, sections[i].rsz);
      rawbase+=PESALIGN(sections[i].rsz, 0x200);
      datasize+=PESALIGN(sections[i].vsz, 0x1000);
    fakepe->SizeOfImage = EC32(datasize);
  } else {
    return 0;

  i = (cli_writen(file, pefile, rawbase)!=-1);
  return i;
Esempio n. 5
int yc_decrypt(cli_ctx *ctx, char *fbuf, unsigned int filesize, struct cli_exe_section *sections, unsigned int sectcount, uint32_t peoffset, int desc, uint32_t ecx,int16_t offset) {
  uint32_t ycsect = sections[sectcount].raw+offset;
  unsigned int i;
  struct pe_image_file_hdr *pe = (struct pe_image_file_hdr*) (fbuf + peoffset);
  char *sname = (char *)pe + EC16(pe->SizeOfOptionalHeader) + 0x18;
  uint32_t max_emu;
  unsigned int ofilesize = filesize;

  First layer (decryptor of the section decryptor) in last section 

  Start offset for analyze: Start of yC Section + 0x93
  End offset for analyze: Start of yC Section + 0xC3
  Length to decrypt - ECX = 0xB97

  cli_dbgmsg("yC: offset: %x, length: %x\n", offset, ecx);
  cli_dbgmsg("yC: decrypting decryptor on sect %d\n", sectcount);
  switch (yc_poly_emulator(ctx, fbuf, filesize, fbuf + ycsect + 0x93, fbuf + ycsect + 0xc6, ecx, ecx)) {
  case 2:
      return CL_VIRUS;
  case 1:
      return CL_EUNPACK;


  Second layer (decryptor of the sections) in last section 

  Start offset for analyze: Start of yC Section + 0x457
  End offset for analyze: Start of yC Section + 0x487
  Length to decrypt - ECX = Raw Size of Section


  /* Loop through all sections and decrypt them... */
  for(i=0;i<sectcount;i++) {
    uint32_t name = (uint32_t) cli_readint32(sname+i*0x28);
    if (!sections[i].raw ||
	!sections[i].rsz ||
	name == 0x63727372 || /* rsrc */
	name == 0x7273722E || /* .rsr */
	name == 0x6F6C6572 || /* relo */
	name == 0x6C65722E || /* .rel */
	name == 0x6164652E || /* .eda */
	name == 0x6164722E || /* .rda */
	name == 0x6164692E || /* .ida */
	name == 0x736C742E || /* .tls */
	(name&0xffff) == 0x4379  /* yC */
	) continue;
    cli_dbgmsg("yC: decrypting sect%d\n",i);
    max_emu = filesize - sections[i].raw;
    if (max_emu > filesize) {
      cli_dbgmsg("yC: bad emulation length limit %u\n", max_emu);
      return 1;
    switch (yc_poly_emulator(ctx, fbuf, ofilesize, fbuf + ycsect + (offset == -0x18 ? 0x3ea : 0x457), 
			 fbuf + sections[i].raw, 
			 max_emu)) {
    case 2:
        return CL_VIRUS;
    case 1:
        return CL_EUNPACK;

  /* Remove yC section */

  /* Remove IMPORT_DIRECTORY information */
  memset((char *)pe + sizeof(struct pe_image_file_hdr) + 0x68, 0, 8);

  /* OEP resolving */
  /* OEP = DWORD PTR [ Start of yC section+ A0F] */
  cli_writeint32((char *)pe + sizeof(struct pe_image_file_hdr) + 16, cli_readint32(fbuf + ycsect + 0xa0f));

  /* Fix SizeOfImage */
  cli_writeint32((char *)pe + sizeof(struct pe_image_file_hdr) + 0x38, cli_readint32((char *)pe + sizeof(struct pe_image_file_hdr) + 0x38) - sections[sectcount].vsz);

  if (cli_writen(desc, fbuf, filesize)==-1) {
    cli_dbgmsg("yC: Cannot write unpacked file\n");
    return CL_EUNPACK;
  return CL_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 6
static int rtf_object_process(struct rtf_state* state, const unsigned char* input,const size_t len)
	struct rtf_object_data* data = state->cb_data;
	unsigned char outdata[BUFF_SIZE];
	const unsigned char* out_data;
	size_t out_cnt = 0;
	size_t i;
	int ret;

	if(!data || !len)
		return 0;

	if(data->has_partial) {
		for(i=0;i<len && !isxdigit(input[i]);i++)
		if(i<len) {
			outdata[out_cnt++] = data->partial | hextable[input[i++]];
			data->has_partial = 0;
			return 0;
		i = 0;

	for(;i<len;i++) {
		if(isxdigit(input[i])) {
				const unsigned char byte = hextable[ input[i++] ] << 4;
				while(i<len && !isxdigit(input[i]))
				if(i == len) {
					data->partial = byte;
					data->has_partial = 1;
				outdata[out_cnt++] = byte | hextable[ input[i] ];

	out_data = outdata;
	while(out_data && out_cnt) {
		switch(data->internal_state) {
			case WAIT_MAGIC: {
						 cli_dbgmsg("RTF: waiting for magic\n");
						 for(i=0; i<out_cnt && data->bread < rtf_data_magic_len; i++, data->bread++)
							 if(rtf_data_magic[data->bread] != out_data[i]) {
								 cli_dbgmsg("Warning: rtf objdata magic number not matched, expected:%d, got: %d, at pos:%lu\n",rtf_data_magic[i],out_data[i], (unsigned long int) data->bread);
						 out_cnt  -= i;
						 if(data->bread == rtf_data_magic_len) {
							 out_data += i;
							 data->bread = 0;
							 data->internal_state = WAIT_DESC_LEN;						 
			case WAIT_DESC_LEN: {
						    if(data->bread == 0)
							    data->desc_len = 0;
						    for(i=0; i<out_cnt && data->bread < 4; i++,data->bread++)
							    data->desc_len  |=  ((size_t)out_data[i]) << (data->bread*8);
						    out_cnt  -= i;
						    if(data->bread == 4) {
							    out_data += i;
							    if(data->desc_len > 64) {
								    cli_dbgmsg("Description length too big (%lu), showing only 64 bytes of it\n", (unsigned long int) data->desc_len);
								    data->desc_name = cli_malloc(65);
								    data->desc_name = cli_malloc(data->desc_len+1);
							    if(!data->desc_name) {
                                    cli_errmsg("rtf_object_process: Unable to allocate memory for data->desc_name\n");
								    return CL_EMEM;
							    data->internal_state = WAIT_DESC;
							    cli_dbgmsg("RTF: description length:%lu\n", (unsigned long int) data->desc_len);
			case WAIT_DESC:{
					       cli_dbgmsg("RTF: in WAIT_DESC\n");
					       for(i=0;i<out_cnt && data->bread < data->desc_len && data->bread < 64;i++, data->bread++)
						       data->desc_name[data->bread] = out_data[i];
					       out_cnt -= i;
					       out_data += i;
					       if(data->bread < data->desc_len && data->bread < 64) {
						       cli_dbgmsg("RTF: waiting for more data(1)\n");
						       return 0;/* wait for more data */
						       data->desc_name[data->bread] = '\0';
					       if(data->desc_len - data->bread > out_cnt) {
						       data->desc_len -= out_cnt;
						       cli_dbgmsg("RTF: waiting for more data(2)\n");
						       return 0;/* wait for more data */
					       out_cnt  -= data->desc_len - data->bread;
					       if(data->bread >= data->desc_len) {
						       out_data += data->desc_len - data->bread;
						       data->bread = 0;
						       cli_dbgmsg("Preparing to dump rtf embedded object, description:%s\n",data->desc_name);
						       data->desc_name = NULL;
						       data->internal_state = WAIT_ZERO;
			case WAIT_ZERO:{
					       if(out_cnt < 8-data->bread) {
						       out_cnt = 0;
						       data->bread += out_cnt;
					       else {
						       out_cnt  -= 8-data->bread;
						       data->bread = 8;
					       if(data->bread == 8) {
						       out_data += 8;
						       data->bread = 0;
						       cli_dbgmsg("RTF: next state: wait_data_size\n");
						       data->internal_state = WAIT_DATA_SIZE;

			case WAIT_DATA_SIZE: {
						     cli_dbgmsg("RTF: in WAIT_DATA_SIZE\n");
						    if(data->bread == 0)
							    data->desc_len = 0;
						    for(i=0; i<out_cnt && data->bread < 4; i++,data->bread++)
							    data->desc_len  |= ((size_t)out_data[i]) << (8*data->bread);
						    out_cnt  -= i;
						    if(data->bread == 4) {
							    out_data += i;
							    cli_dbgmsg("Dumping rtf embedded object of size:%lu\n", (unsigned long int) data->desc_len);
							    if((ret = cli_gentempfd(data->tmpdir, &data->name, &data->fd)))
								    return ret;
							    data->internal_state = DUMP_DATA;
	    						    cli_dbgmsg("RTF: next state: DUMP_DATA\n");
			case DUMP_DATA: {
						ssize_t out_want = out_cnt < data->desc_len ? out_cnt : data->desc_len;
						if(!data->bread) {
							if(out_data[0] != 0xd0 || out_data[1]!=0xcf) {
								/* this is not an ole2 doc, but some ole (stream?) to be
								 * decoded by cli_decode_ole_object*/
							    char out[4];
							    data->bread = 1;/* flag to indicate this needs to be scanned with cli_decode_ole_object*/
								    return CL_EWRITE; 
								data->bread = 2;

						data->desc_len -= out_want;
						if(cli_writen(data->fd,out_data,out_want) != out_want) {
							return CL_EWRITE;
						out_data += out_want;
						out_cnt  -= out_want;
						if(!data->desc_len) { 
							int rc;
							if(( rc = decode_and_scan(data, data->ctx) ))
								return rc;
							data->internal_state = WAIT_MAGIC;
					out_cnt = 0;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 7
int unupack(int upack, char *dest, uint32_t dsize, char *buff, uint32_t vma, uint32_t ep, uint32_t base, uint32_t va, int file)
	int j, searchval;
	char *loc_esi, *loc_edi, *loc_ebx, *end_edi, *save_edi, *rpeb, *alvalue;
	char *paddr, *pushed_esi, *save2;
	uint32_t save1, save3, loc_ecx, count, shlsize, original_ep, ret, loc_ebx_u;
	struct cli_exe_section section;
	int upack_version = UPACK_399;

	/* buff [168 bytes] doesn't have to be checked, since it was checked in pe.c */
	if (upack)
		uint32_t aljump, shroff, lngjmpoff;

		/* dummy characteristics ;/ */
		if (buff[5] == '\xff' && buff[6] == '\x36')
			upack_version = UPACK_0297729;
		loc_esi = dest + (cli_readint32(buff + 1) -  vma);

		if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_esi, 12))
			return -1;
		original_ep = cli_readint32(loc_esi);
		loc_esi += 4;
		loc_esi += 4;

		original_ep -= vma;
		cli_dbgmsg("Upack: EP: %08x original:  %08X || %08x\n", ep, original_ep, cli_readint32(loc_esi-8));

		if (upack_version == UPACK_399)
			/* jmp 1 */
			loc_edi = dest + (cli_readint32(loc_esi) -  vma);
			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, dest+ep+0xa, 2) || dest[ep+0xa] != '\xeb')
				return -1;
			loc_esi = dest + *(dest + ep + 0xb) + ep + 0xc;

			/* use this as a temp var */
			/* jmp 2 + 0xa */
			alvalue = loc_esi+0x1a;
			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, alvalue, 2) || *alvalue != '\xeb')
				return -1;
			alvalue += (*alvalue&0xff) + 1 + 0xa;
			lngjmpoff = 8;
		} else {
			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, dest+ep+7, 5) || dest[ep+7] != '\xe9')
				return -1;
			loc_esi = dest + cli_readint32(dest + ep + 8) + ep + 0xc;
			alvalue = loc_esi + 0x25;
			lngjmpoff = 10;

		if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, alvalue, 2) || *alvalue != '\xb5')
			return -1;
		count = *alvalue&0xff;

		if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, alvalue, lngjmpoff+5) || *(alvalue+lngjmpoff) != '\xe9')
			return -1;
		/* use this as a temp to make a long jmp to head of unpacking proc */
		shlsize = cli_readint32(alvalue + lngjmpoff+1);
		/* upack_399 + upack_0151477 */
		if (upack_version == UPACK_399)
			shlsize = shlsize + (loc_esi - dest) + *(loc_esi+0x1b) + 0x1c + 0x018; /* read checked above */
			/* there is no additional jump in upack_0297729 */
			shlsize = shlsize + (loc_esi - dest) + 0x035;
		/* do the jump, 43 - point to jecxz */
		alvalue = dest+shlsize+43;

		/* 0.39 */
		aljump = 8;
		shroff = 24;
		if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, alvalue-1, 2) || *(alvalue-1) != '\xe3')
			/* in upack_0297729 and upack_0151477 jecxz is at offset: 46 */
			alvalue = dest+shlsize+46;
			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, alvalue-1, 2) || *(alvalue-1) != '\xe3')
				return -1;
			else {
				if (upack_version != UPACK_0297729)
					upack_version = UPACK_0151477;
				aljump = 7;
				shroff = 26;
		/* do jecxz */
		alvalue += (*alvalue&0xff) + 1;
		/* is there a long jump ? */
		if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, alvalue, aljump+5) || *(alvalue+aljump) != '\xe9')
			return -1;
		/* do jmp, 1+4 - size of jmp instruction, aljump - instruction offset, 27 offset to cmp al,xx*/
		ret = cli_readint32(alvalue+aljump+1);
		alvalue += ret + aljump+1+4 + 27;
		if (upack_version == UPACK_0297729)
			alvalue += 2;
		/* shr ebp */
		if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, dest+shlsize+shroff, 3) || *(dest+shlsize+shroff) != '\xc1' || *(dest+shlsize+shroff+1) != '\xed')
			return -1;
		shlsize = (*(dest + shlsize + shroff+2))&0xff;
		count *= 0x100;
		if (shlsize < 2 || shlsize > 8)
			cli_dbgmsg ("Upack: context bits out of bounds\n");
			return -1;
		cli_dbgmsg("Upack: Context Bits parameter used with lzma: %02x, %02x\n", shlsize, count);
		/* check if loc_esi + .. == 0xbe -> mov esi */
		/* upack_0297729 has mov esi, .. + mov edi, .., in upack_0151477 and upack_399 EDI has been already set before */
		if (upack_version == UPACK_0297729)
			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_esi+6, 10) || *(loc_esi+6) != '\xbe' || *(loc_esi+11) != '\xbf')
				return -1;
			if ((uint32_t)cli_readint32(loc_esi + 7) < base || (uint32_t)cli_readint32(loc_esi+7) > vma)
				return -1;
			loc_edi = dest + (cli_readint32(loc_esi + 12) - vma);
			loc_esi = dest + (cli_readint32(loc_esi + 7) - base);
		} else {
			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_esi+7, 5) || *(loc_esi+7) != '\xbe')
				return -1;
			loc_esi = dest + (cli_readint32(loc_esi + 8) - vma);

		if (upack_version == UPACK_0297729)
			/* 0x16*4=0x58, 6longs*4 = 24, 0x64-last loc_esi read location */
			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_edi, (0x58 + 24 + 4*count)) || !CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_esi, (0x58 + 0x64 + 4)))
				return -1;

			/* XXX I don't know if this [0x16] is constant number, not enough samples provided */
			for (j=0; j<0x16; j++, loc_esi+=4, loc_edi+=4)
				cli_writeint32(loc_edi, cli_readint32(loc_esi)); 
		} else {
			/* 0x27*4=0x9c, 6longs*4 = 24, 0x34-last loc_esi read location */
			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_edi, (0x9c + 24 + 4*count)) || !CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_esi, (0x9c + 0x34 + 4)))
				return -1;
			for (j=0; j<0x27; j++, loc_esi+=4, loc_edi+=4)
				cli_writeint32(loc_edi, cli_readint32(loc_esi)); 
		save3 = cli_readint32(loc_esi + 4);
		paddr = dest + ((uint32_t)cli_readint32(loc_edi - 4)) - vma;
		loc_ebx = loc_edi;
		cli_writeint32(loc_edi, 0xffffffff);
		cli_writeint32(loc_edi, 0);
		for (j=0; j<4; j++, loc_edi+=4)
		    cli_writeint32(loc_edi, (1));

		for (j=0; (unsigned int)j<count; j++, loc_edi+=4)
		    cli_writeint32(loc_edi, 0x400);
		loc_edi = dest + cli_readint32(loc_esi + 0xc) - vma;
		if (upack_version == UPACK_0297729)
			loc_edi = dest+vma-base; /* XXX not enough samples provided to be sure of it! */

		pushed_esi = loc_edi;
		end_edi = dest + cli_readint32(loc_esi + 0x34) - vma;
		if (upack_version == UPACK_0297729)
			end_edi = dest + cli_readint32(loc_esi + 0x64) - vma;
			save3 = cli_readint32(loc_esi + 0x40);
		/* begin end */
		cli_dbgmsg("Upack: data initialized, before upack lzma call!\n");
		if ((ret = (uint32_t)unupack399(dest, dsize, 0, loc_ebx, 0, loc_edi, end_edi, shlsize, paddr)) == 0xffffffff)
			return -1;
	/* alternative begin */
	} else {
		int ep_jmp_offs, rep_stosd_count_offs, context_bits_offs;
		loc_esi = dest + vma + ep;
		/* yet another dummy characteristics ;/ */
		if (buff[0] == '\xbe' && buff[5] == '\xad' && buff[6] == '\x8b' && buff[7] == '\xf8')
			upack_version = UPACK_11_12;

		if (upack_version == UPACK_11_12)
			ep_jmp_offs = 0x1a4;
			rep_stosd_count_offs = 0x1b;
			context_bits_offs = 0x41;
			alvalue = loc_esi + 0x184;
		} else {
			ep_jmp_offs = 0x217;
			rep_stosd_count_offs = 0x3a;
			context_bits_offs = 0x5f;
			alvalue = loc_esi + 0x1c1;

		if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_esi, ep_jmp_offs+4))
			return -1;
		save1 = cli_readint32(loc_esi + ep_jmp_offs);
		original_ep = (loc_esi - dest) + ep_jmp_offs + 4;
		original_ep += (int32_t)save1;
		cli_dbgmsg("Upack: EP: %08x original %08x\n", ep, original_ep);

		/* this are really ugly hacks,
		 * rep_stosd_count_offs & context_bits_offs are < ep_jmp_offs,
		 * so checked in CLI_ISCONTAINED above */
		count = (*(loc_esi + rep_stosd_count_offs))&0xff;
		shlsize = (*(loc_esi + context_bits_offs))&0xff;
		shlsize = 8 - shlsize;
		if (shlsize < 2 || shlsize > 8)
			cli_dbgmsg ("Upack: context bits out of bounds\n");
			return -1;
		count *= 0x100;
		cli_dbgmsg("Upack: Context Bits parameter used with lzma: %02x, %02x\n", shlsize, count);
		if (upack_version == UPACK_399)
			loc_esi += 4;
			loc_ecx = cli_readint32(loc_esi+2);
			if (!loc_ecx)
				cli_dbgmsg("Upack: something's wrong, report back\n");
				return -1;/* XXX XXX XXX XXX */
			loc_esi -= (loc_ecx - 2);
			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_esi, 12))
				return -1;

			cli_dbgmsg("Upack: %08x %08x %08x %08x\n", loc_esi, dest, cli_readint32(loc_esi), base);
			loc_ebx_u = loc_esi - (dest + cli_readint32(loc_esi) - base);
			cli_dbgmsg("Upack: EBX: %08x\n", loc_ebx_u);
			loc_esi += 4;
			save2 = loc_edi = dest + cli_readint32(loc_esi) - base;
			cli_dbgmsg("Upack: DEST: %08x, %08x\n", cli_readint32(loc_esi), cli_readint32(loc_esi) - base);
			loc_esi += 4;
			/* 2vGiM: j is signed. Is that really what you want? Will it cause problems with the following checks?
			 * yes! this is wrong! how did you notice that?!
			j = cli_readint32(loc_esi);
			if (j<0)
				cli_dbgmsg("Upack: probably hand-crafted data, report back\n");
				return -1;
			loc_esi += 4;
			cli_dbgmsg("Upack: ecx counter: %08x\n", j);

			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_esi, (j*4)) || !CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_edi, ((j+count)*4)))
				return -1;
			for (;j--; loc_edi+=4, loc_esi+=4)
				cli_writeint32(loc_edi, cli_readint32(loc_esi));
			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, save2, 8))
				return -1;
			loc_ecx = cli_readint32(save2);
			save2 += 4;
			loc_esi = save2;
			/* I could probably do simple loc_esi+= (0xe<<2),
			 *  but I'm not sure if there is always 0xe and is always ebx =0
			do {
				loc_esi += loc_ebx_u;
				loc_esi += 4;
			} while (--loc_ecx);
			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_esi, 4))
				return -1;
			save1 = cli_readint32(loc_esi); /* loc_eax = 0x400 */
			loc_esi += 4;

			for (j=0; j<count; j++, loc_edi+=4) /* checked above */
				cli_writeint32(loc_edi, (save1));

			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, (loc_esi+0x10), 4))
				return -1;
			cli_writeint32(loc_esi+0x10, (uint32_t)cli_readint32(loc_esi+0x10)+loc_ebx_u);
			loc_ebx = loc_esi+0x14;
			loc_esi = save2;
			/* loc_ebx_u gets saved */
			/* checked above, (...save2, 8) */
			save_edi = loc_edi = dest + ((uint32_t)cli_readint32(loc_esi) - base);
			loc_esi +=4;
			cli_dbgmsg("Upack: before_fixing\n");
			/* fix values */
			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_ebx-4, (12 + 4*4)) || !CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_esi+0x24, 4) || !CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_esi+0x40, 4))
				return -1;
			for (j=2; j<6; j++)
			      cli_writeint32(loc_ebx+(j<<2), cli_readint32(loc_ebx+(j<<2)));
			paddr = dest + cli_readint32(loc_ebx - 4) - base;
			save1 = loc_ecx;
			pushed_esi = loc_edi;
			end_edi = dest + cli_readint32(loc_esi+0x24) - base;
			vma = cli_readint32(loc_ebx); cli_writeint32(loc_ebx, cli_readint32(loc_ebx + 4)); cli_writeint32((loc_ebx + 4), vma);
		/* Upack 1.1/1.2 is something between 0.39 2-section and 0.39 3-section */
		} else if (upack_version == UPACK_11_12) {
			cli_dbgmsg("Upack v 1.1/1.2\n");
			loc_esi = dest + 0x148; /* always constant? */
			loc_edi = dest + cli_readint32(loc_esi) - base; /* read checked above */
			loc_esi += 4;
			save_edi = loc_edi;
			/* movsd */
			paddr = dest + ((uint32_t)cli_readint32(loc_esi)) - base;
			loc_esi += 4;
			loc_edi += 4;
			loc_ebx = loc_edi;
			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, loc_edi, ((6+count)*4)))
				return -1;
			cli_writeint32(loc_edi, 0xffffffff);
			loc_edi += 4;
			cli_writeint32(loc_edi, 0);
			loc_edi += 4;
			for (j=0; j<4; j++, loc_edi+=4)
				cli_writeint32(loc_edi, (1));

			for (j=0; j<count; j++, loc_edi+=4)
				cli_writeint32(loc_edi, 0x400);
			loc_edi = dest + cli_readint32(loc_esi) - base; /* read checked above */
			pushed_esi = loc_edi;
			loc_esi += 4;
			loc_ecx = 0;

			loc_esi += 4;

			end_edi = dest + cli_readint32(loc_esi-0x28) - base; /* read checked above */
			loc_esi = save_edi;
		cli_dbgmsg("Upack: data initialized, before upack lzma call!\n");
		if ((ret = (uint32_t)unupack399(dest, dsize, loc_ecx, loc_ebx, loc_ecx, loc_edi, end_edi, shlsize, paddr)) == 0xffffffff)
			return -1;
		if (upack_version == UPACK_399)
			save3 = cli_readint32(loc_esi + 0x40);
		else if (upack_version == UPACK_11_12)
			save3 = cli_readint32(dest + vma + ep + 0x174);

	/* let's fix calls */
	loc_ecx = 0;
	if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, alvalue, 1)) {
		cli_dbgmsg("Upack: alvalue out of bounds\n");
		return -1;

	searchval = *alvalue&0xff;
	cli_dbgmsg("Upack: loops: %08x search value: %02x\n", save3, searchval);
	while(save3) {
		if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, pushed_esi + loc_ecx, 1))
			cli_dbgmsg("Upack: callfixerr %08x %08x = %08x, %08x\n", dest, dsize, dest+dsize, pushed_esi+loc_ecx);
			return -1;
		if (pushed_esi[loc_ecx] == '\xe8' || pushed_esi[loc_ecx] == '\xe9')
			char *adr = (pushed_esi + loc_ecx + 1);
			if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, adr, 4))
				cli_dbgmsg("Upack: callfixerr\n");
				return -1;
			if ((cli_readint32(adr)&0xff) != searchval)
			cli_writeint32(adr, EC32(CE32((uint32_t)(cli_readint32(adr)&0xffffff00)))-loc_ecx-4);
			loc_ecx += 4;
		} else 

	section.raw = 0;
	section.rva = va;
	section.rsz = end_edi-loc_edi;
	section.vsz = end_edi-loc_edi;

	if (!cli_rebuildpe(dest + (upack?0:va), &section, 1, base, original_ep, 0, 0, file)) {
		cli_dbgmsg("Upack: Rebuilding failed\n");
		return 0;
	return 1;
Esempio n. 8
int wwunpack(uint8_t *exe, uint32_t exesz, uint8_t *wwsect, struct cli_exe_section *sects, uint16_t scount, uint32_t pe, int desc) {
  uint8_t *structs = wwsect + 0x2a1, *compd, *ccur, *unpd, *ucur, bc;
  uint32_t src, srcend, szd, bt, bits;
  int error=0, i;

  cli_dbgmsg("in wwunpack\n");
  while (1) {
    if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(wwsect, sects[scount].rsz, structs, 17)) {
      cli_dbgmsg("WWPack: Array of structs out of section\n");
    src = sects[scount].rva - cli_readint32(structs); /* src delta / dst delta - not used / dwords / end of src */
    szd = cli_readint32(structs) * 4;
    srcend = cli_readint32(structs);

    unpd = ucur = exe+src+srcend+4-szd;
    if (!szd || !CLI_ISCONTAINED(exe, exesz, unpd, szd)) {
      cli_dbgmsg("WWPack: Compressed data out of file\n");
    cli_dbgmsg("WWP: src: %x, szd: %x, srcend: %x - %x\n", src, szd, srcend, srcend+4-szd);
    if (!(compd = cli_malloc(szd))) {
        cli_dbgmsg("WWPack: Unable to allocate memory for compd\n");
    memcpy(compd, unpd, szd);
    memset(unpd, -1, szd); /*FIXME*/
    while(!error) {
      uint32_t backbytes, backsize;
      uint8_t saved;

      if (!bits) { /* BYTE copy */
	if(ccur-compd>=szd || !CLI_ISCONTAINED(exe, exesz, ucur, 1))

      if(bits==3) { /* WORD backcopy */
	uint8_t shifted, subbed = 31;
	shifted = bits + 5;
	if(bits>=2) {
	  subbed += 0x80;
	backbytes = (1<<shifted)-subbed; /* 1h, 21h, 61h, 161h */
	BITS(shifted); /* 5, 6, 8, 9 */
	if(error || bits == 0x1ff) break;
	if(!CLI_ISCONTAINED(exe, exesz, ucur, 2) || !CLI_ISCONTAINED(exe, exesz, ucur-backbytes, 2)) {
	} else {

      /* BLOCK backcopy */
      saved = bits; /* cmp al, 1 / pushf */

      if (bits<6) {
	backbytes = bits;
	switch(bits) {
	case 4: /* 10,11 */
	case 3: /* 8,9 */
	case 0:	case 1:	case 2: /* 5,6,7 */
	case 5: /* 12 */
      } else if(bits==6) {
      } else {

      backbytes = bits;

      /* popf / jb */
      if (!saved) {
	if(!bits) {
	} else {
	  if(bits) {
	  } else {
	    if(bits) {
	    } else {
	      uint8_t cnt = 4;
	      uint16_t shifted = 0x0d;
	      do {
		if(cnt==7) { cnt = 0x0e; shifted = 0; break; }
	      } while(!bits);
	backsize = bits;
      } else {
	backsize = saved+2;

      if(!CLI_ISCONTAINED(exe, exesz, ucur, backsize) || !CLI_ISCONTAINED(exe, exesz, ucur-backbytes, backsize)) error=1;
      else while(backsize--) {
    if(error) {
      cli_dbgmsg("WWPack: decompression error\n");
    if (error || !*structs++) break;

  if(!error) {
    cli_writeint32(&exe[pe+0x28], cli_readint32(wwsect+0x295)+sects[scount].rva+0x299);
    cli_writeint32(&exe[pe+0x50], cli_readint32(&exe[pe+0x50])-sects[scount].vsz);

    structs = &exe[(0xffff&cli_readint32(&exe[pe+0x14]))+pe+0x18];
    for(i=0 ; i<scount ; i++) {
	  if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(exe, exesz, structs, 0x28)) {
	    cli_dbgmsg("WWPack: structs pointer out of bounds\n");
	    return CL_EFORMAT;

      cli_writeint32(structs+8, sects[i].vsz);
      cli_writeint32(structs+12, sects[i].rva);
      cli_writeint32(structs+16, sects[i].vsz);
      cli_writeint32(structs+20, sects[i].rva);
	if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(exe, exesz, structs, 0x28)) {
	  cli_dbgmsg("WWPack: structs pointer out of bounds\n");
	  return CL_EFORMAT;

    memset(structs, 0, 0x28);
    error = (uint32_t)cli_writen(desc, exe, exesz)!=exesz;
Esempio n. 9
static int pefromupx (const char *src, uint32_t ssize, char *dst, uint32_t *dsize, uint32_t ep, uint32_t upx0, uint32_t upx1, uint32_t *magic, uint32_t dend)
  char *imports, *sections=NULL, *pehdr=NULL, *newbuf;
  unsigned int sectcnt=0, upd=1;
  uint32_t realstuffsz=0, valign=0;
  uint32_t foffset=0xd0+0xf8;

  if((dst == NULL) || (src == NULL))
    return 0;

  while ((valign=magic[sectcnt++])) {
    if ( ep - upx1 + valign <= ssize-5  &&    /* Wondering how we got so far?! */
	 src[ep - upx1 + valign - 2] == '\x8d' && /* lea edi, ...                  */
	 src[ep - upx1 + valign - 1] == '\xbe' )  /* ... [esi + offset]          */

  if (!valign && ep - upx1 + 0x80 < ssize-8) {
    const char *pt = &src[ep - upx1 + 0x80];
    cli_dbgmsg("UPX: bad magic - scanning for imports\n");
    while ((pt=cli_memstr(pt, ssize - (pt-src) - 8, "\x8d\xbe", 2))) {
      if (pt[6] == '\x8b' && pt[7] == '\x07') { /* lea edi, [esi+imports] / mov eax, [edi] */

  if (valign && CLI_ISCONTAINED(src, ssize, src + ep - upx1 + valign, 4)) {
    imports = dst + cli_readint32(src + ep - upx1 + valign);
    realstuffsz = imports-dst;
    if (realstuffsz >= *dsize ) {
      cli_dbgmsg("UPX: wrong realstuff size\n");
      /* fallback and eventually craft */
    } else {
      pehdr = imports;
      while (CLI_ISCONTAINED(dst, *dsize,  pehdr, 8) && cli_readint32(pehdr)) {
	while(CLI_ISCONTAINED(dst, *dsize,  pehdr, 2) && *pehdr) {
	  while (CLI_ISCONTAINED(dst, *dsize,  pehdr, 2) && *pehdr)
      if (!(sections=checkpe(dst, *dsize, pehdr, &valign, &sectcnt))) pehdr=NULL;

  if (!pehdr && dend>0xf8+0x28) {
    cli_dbgmsg("UPX: no luck - scanning for PE\n");
    pehdr = &dst[dend-0xf8-0x28];
    while (pehdr>dst) {
      if ((sections=checkpe(dst, *dsize, pehdr, &valign, &sectcnt)))
    if (!(realstuffsz = pehdr-dst)) pehdr=NULL;

  if (!pehdr) {
    uint32_t rebsz = PESALIGN(dend, 0x1000);
    cli_dbgmsg("UPX: no luck - brutally crafing a reasonable PE\n");
    if (!(newbuf = (char *)cli_calloc(rebsz+0x200, sizeof(char)))) {
      cli_dbgmsg("UPX: malloc failed - giving up rebuild\n");
      return 0;
    memcpy(newbuf, HEADERS, 0xd0);
    memcpy(newbuf+0xd0, FAKEPE, 0x120);
    memcpy(newbuf+0x200, dst, dend);
    memcpy(dst, newbuf, dend+0x200);
    cli_writeint32(dst+0xd0+0x50, rebsz+0x1000);
    cli_writeint32(dst+0xd0+0x100, rebsz);
    cli_writeint32(dst+0xd0+0x108, rebsz);
    cli_dbgmsg("UPX: PE structure added to uncompressed data\n");
    return 1;

  if (!sections)
    sectcnt = 0;
  foffset = PESALIGN(foffset+0x28*sectcnt, valign);
  for (upd = 0; upd <sectcnt ; upd++) {
    uint32_t vsize=PESALIGN((uint32_t)cli_readint32(sections+8), valign);
    uint32_t urva=PEALIGN((uint32_t)cli_readint32(sections+12), valign);
    /* Within bounds ? */
    if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(upx0, realstuffsz, urva, vsize)) {
      cli_dbgmsg("UPX: Sect %d out of bounds - giving up rebuild\n", upd);
      return 0;
    cli_writeint32(sections+8, vsize);
    cli_writeint32(sections+12, urva);
    cli_writeint32(sections+16, vsize);
    cli_writeint32(sections+20, foffset);
    if (foffset + vsize < foffset) {
        /* Integer overflow */
        return 0;

  cli_writeint32(pehdr+8, 0x4d414c43);
  cli_writeint32(pehdr+0x3c, valign);

  if (!(newbuf = (char *) cli_calloc(foffset, sizeof(char)))) {
    cli_dbgmsg("UPX: malloc failed - giving up rebuild\n");
    return 0;
  memcpy(newbuf, HEADERS, 0xd0);
  memcpy(newbuf+0xd0, pehdr,0xf8+0x28*sectcnt);
  sections = pehdr+0xf8;
  for (upd = 0; upd <sectcnt ; upd++) {
      uint32_t offset1, offset2, offset3;
      offset1 = (uint32_t)cli_readint32(sections+20);
      offset2 = (uint32_t)cli_readint32(sections+16);
      if (offset1 > foffset || offset2 > foffset || offset1 + offset2 > foffset) {
          return 1;

      offset3 = (uint32_t)cli_readint32(sections+12);
      if (offset3-upx0 > *dsize) {
          return 1;
    memcpy(newbuf+offset1, dst+offset3-upx0, offset2);

  /* CBA restoring the imports they'll look different from the originals anyway... */
  /* ...and yeap i miss the icon too :P */

  if (foffset > *dsize + 8192) {
    cli_dbgmsg("UPX: wrong raw size - giving up rebuild\n");
    return 0;
  memcpy(dst, newbuf, foffset);
  *dsize = foffset;

  cli_dbgmsg("UPX: PE structure rebuilt from compressed file\n");
  return 1;