Esempio n. 1
 * This is the start of the client handling code.
 * The server process has accepted a connection and authenticated it. Data from
 * the client will arrive here via infd and data that should be sent back goes
 * through outfd.
 * An instance of NitroHack will run in this process under the control of the
 * remote player. 
void client_main(int userid, int _infd, int _outfd)
    char **gamepaths;
    int i;
    infd = _infd;
    outfd = _outfd;
    gamefd = -1;
    if (!db_get_user_info(userid, &user_info)) {
	log_msg("get_user_info error for uid %d!", userid);
	exit_client("database error");
    gamepaths = init_game_paths();
    nh_lib_init(&server_windowprocs, gamepaths);
    for (i = 0; i < PREFIX_COUNT; i++)

Esempio n. 2
lincity_main (int argc, char *argv[])
#if defined (LC_X11)
    char *geometry = NULL;

#if defined (SVGALIB)
    int q;
    vga_init ();

#if !defined (WIN32)
    signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);    /* broken pipes are ignored. */

    /* Initialize some global variables */
    make_dir_ok_flag = 1;
    main_screen_originx = 1;
    main_screen_originy = 1;
    given_scene[0] = 0;
    quit_flag = network_flag = load_flag = save_flag 
	    = prefs_flag = cheat_flag = monument_bul_flag
	    = river_bul_flag = shanty_bul_flag;
    prefs_drawn_flag = 0;
    kmouse_val = 8;

#ifdef LC_X11
    borderx = 0;
    bordery = 0;
    parse_xargs (argc, argv, &geometry);

    /* I18n */
    lincity_set_locale ();

    /* Set up the paths to certain files and directories */
    init_path_strings ();

    /* Make sure that things are installed where they should be */
    verify_package ();

    /* Make sure the save directory exists */
    check_savedir ();

    /* Load preferences */
    load_lincityrc ();

#ifndef CS_PROFILE
#ifdef SEED_RAND
    srand (time (0));

#ifdef LC_X11
#if defined (commentout)
    borderx = 0;
    bordery = 0;
    parse_xargs (argc, argv, &geometry);
    Create_Window (geometry);
    pirate_cursor = XCreateFontCursor (display.dpy, XC_pirate);
#elif defined (WIN32)
    /* Deal with all outstanding messages */
    ProcessPendingEvents ();
    parse_args (argc, argv);
    q = vga_setmode (G640x480x256);
    gl_setcontextvga (G640x480x256);

#if defined (WIN32) || defined (LC_X11)
    initialize_pixmap ();

    init_fonts ();

#if defined (SKIP_OPENING_SCENE)
    skip_splash_screen = 1;
    if (!skip_splash_screen) {
	load_start_image ();

#ifdef LC_X11
    unlock_window_size ();

    Fgl_setfont (8, 8, main_font);
    Fgl_setfontcolors (TEXT_BG_COLOUR, TEXT_FG_COLOUR);

    initialize_geometry (&scr);

#if defined (SVGALIB)
    set_vga_mode ();

    initialize_monthgraph ();
    init_mouse_registry ();
    init_mini_map_mouse ();

#ifdef LC_X11
    x_key_value = 0;
#elif defined (WIN32)
    RefreshScreen ();
    setcustompalette ();
    draw_background ();
    prog_box (_("Loading the game"), 1);
    init_types ();
    init_mappoint_array ();
    initialize_tax_rates ();
    prog_box ("", 95);
    mouse_hide_count = 0;
    suppress_ok_buttons = 0;
    prog_box ("", 100);
    prog_box (_("Creating pixmaps"), 1);
    init_pixmaps ();
    prog_box ("", 100);
    //draw_normal_mouse (1, 1);
#if defined (LC_X11)
    init_x_mouse ();
    mouse_initialized = 1;
    //set_selected_module (CST_TRACK_LR);
    screen_setup ();

    /* Main loop! */
    client_main_loop ();

#if defined (SVGALIB)
    mouse_close ();
    vga_setmode (TEXT);

    print_results ();

#if defined (WIN32) || defined (LC_X11)
    free_pixmap ();

#if defined (WIN32)
    return 0;
    exit (0);