static void window_multiplayer_information_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi) { window_draw_widgets(w, dpi); window_multiplayer_draw_tab_images(w, dpi); rct_drawpixelinfo clippedDPI; if (clip_drawpixelinfo(&clippedDPI, dpi, w->x, w->y, w->width, w->height)) { dpi = &clippedDPI; sint32 x = 3; sint32 y = 50; sint32 width = w->width - 6; const utf8 * name = network_get_server_name(); { gfx_draw_string_left_wrapped(dpi, (void*)&name, x, y, width, STR_STRING, w->colours[1]); y += 11; } y += 3; const utf8 * description = network_get_server_description(); if (!str_is_null_or_empty(description)) { gfx_draw_string_left_wrapped(dpi, (void*)&description, x, y, width, STR_STRING, w->colours[1]); y += 11; } y += 8; const utf8 * providerName = network_get_server_provider_name(); if (!str_is_null_or_empty(providerName)) { gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_PROVIDER_NAME, (void*)&providerName, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); y += 11; } const utf8 * providerEmail = network_get_server_provider_email(); if (!str_is_null_or_empty(providerEmail)) { gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_PROVIDER_EMAIL, (void*)&providerEmail, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); y += 11; } const utf8 * providerWebsite = network_get_server_provider_website(); if (!str_is_null_or_empty(providerWebsite)) { gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_PROVIDER_WEBSITE, (void*)&providerWebsite, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); } } }
/** * * rct2: 0x00684EE0 */ static void window_editor_inventions_list_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi) { rct_widget* widget; rct_research_item* researchItem; rct_string_id stringId; int32_t x, y, width; window_draw_widgets(w, dpi); // Tab image x = w->x + w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_1].left; y = w->y + w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_1].top; gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_TAB_FINANCES_RESEARCH_0 + (w->frame_no / 2) % 8, x, y, 0); // Pre-researched items label x = w->x + w->widgets[WIDX_PRE_RESEARCHED_SCROLL].left; y = w->y + w->widgets[WIDX_PRE_RESEARCHED_SCROLL].top - 11; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_INVENTION_PREINVENTED_ITEMS, nullptr, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y - 1); // Research order label x = w->x + w->widgets[WIDX_RESEARCH_ORDER_SCROLL].left; y = w->y + w->widgets[WIDX_RESEARCH_ORDER_SCROLL].top - 11; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_INVENTION_TO_BE_INVENTED_ITEMS, nullptr, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y - 1); // Preview background widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW]; gfx_fill_rect( dpi, w->x + widget->left + 1, w->y + widget->top + 1, w->x + widget->right - 1, w->y + widget->bottom - 1, ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].darkest); researchItem = _editorInventionsListDraggedItem; if (researchItem == nullptr) researchItem = w->research_item; // If the research item is null or a list separator. if (researchItem == nullptr || researchItem->rawValue < 0) return; // Preview image int32_t objectEntryType = OBJECT_TYPE_SCENERY_GROUP; if (researchItem->type == RESEARCH_ENTRY_TYPE_RIDE) objectEntryType = OBJECT_TYPE_RIDE; auto chunk = object_entry_get_chunk(objectEntryType, researchItem->entryIndex); if (chunk == nullptr) return; auto entry = object_entry_get_entry(objectEntryType, researchItem->entryIndex); // Draw preview widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW]; void* object = object_manager_get_loaded_object(entry); if (object != nullptr) { rct_drawpixelinfo clipDPI; x = w->x + widget->left + 1; y = w->y + widget->top + 1; width = widget->right - widget->left - 1; int32_t height = widget->bottom - widget->top - 1; if (clip_drawpixelinfo(&clipDPI, dpi, x, y, width, height)) { object_draw_preview(object, &clipDPI, width, height); } } // Item name x = w->x + ((widget->left + widget->right) / 2) + 1; y = w->y + widget->bottom + 3; width = w->width - w->widgets[WIDX_RESEARCH_ORDER_SCROLL].right - 6; rct_string_id drawString = window_editor_inventions_list_prepare_name(researchItem, false); gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, drawString, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y, width); y += 15; // Item category x = w->x + w->widgets[WIDX_RESEARCH_ORDER_SCROLL].right + 4; stringId = EditorInventionsResearchCategories[researchItem->category]; gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_INVENTION_RESEARCH_GROUP, &stringId, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y); }
/** * * rct2: 0x0066E4EE */ static void window_news_scrollpaint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi, sint32 scrollIndex) { sint32 lineHeight = font_get_line_height(gCurrentFontSpriteBase); sint32 itemHeight = window_news_get_item_height(); sint32 i, x, y, yy, press; y = 0; for (i = 11; i < 61; i++) { NewsItem * const newsItem = news_item_get(i); if (news_item_is_empty(i)) break; if (y >= dpi->y + dpi->height) break; if (y + itemHeight < dpi->y) { y += itemHeight; continue; } // Background gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, -1, y, 383, y + itemHeight - 1, w->colours[1], (INSET_RECT_FLAG_BORDER_INSET | INSET_RECT_FLAG_FILL_GREY)); // Date text set_format_arg(0, rct_string_id, DateDayNames[newsItem->Day - 1]); set_format_arg(2, rct_string_id, DateGameMonthNames[date_get_month(newsItem->MonthYear)]); gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_NEWS_DATE_FORMAT, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_WHITE, 2, y); // Item text utf8 *text = newsItem->Text; gfx_draw_string_left_wrapped(dpi, &text, 2, y + lineHeight, 325, STR_BOTTOM_TOOLBAR_NEWS_TEXT, COLOUR_BRIGHT_GREEN); // Subject button if ((news_type_properties[newsItem->Type] & NEWS_TYPE_HAS_SUBJECT) && !(newsItem->Flags & NEWS_FLAG_HAS_BUTTON)) { x = 328; yy = y + lineHeight + 4; press = 0; if (w->news.var_480 != -1) { const uint8 idx = 11 + w->news.var_480; news_item_is_valid_idx(idx); if (i == idx && w->news.var_482 == 1) press = INSET_RECT_FLAG_BORDER_INSET; } gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, x, yy, x + 23, yy + 23, w->colours[2], press); switch (newsItem->Type) { case NEWS_ITEM_RIDE: gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_RIDE, x, yy, 0); break; case NEWS_ITEM_PEEP: case NEWS_ITEM_PEEP_ON_RIDE: { rct_drawpixelinfo cliped_dpi; if (!clip_drawpixelinfo(&cliped_dpi, dpi, x + 1, yy + 1, 22, 22)) { break; } rct_peep* peep = GET_PEEP(newsItem->Assoc); sint32 clip_x = 10, clip_y = 19; // If normal peep set sprite to normal (no food) // If staff set sprite to staff sprite sint32 sprite_type = 0; if (peep->type == PEEP_TYPE_STAFF){ sprite_type = peep->sprite_type; if (peep->staff_type == STAFF_TYPE_ENTERTAINER){ clip_y += 3; } } uint32 image_id = g_peep_animation_entries[sprite_type].sprite_animation->base_image; image_id += 0xA0000001; image_id |= (peep->tshirt_colour << 19) | (peep->trousers_colour << 24); gfx_draw_sprite(&cliped_dpi, image_id, clip_x, clip_y, 0); break; } case NEWS_ITEM_MONEY: gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_FINANCE, x, yy, 0); break; case NEWS_ITEM_RESEARCH: gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, newsItem->Assoc < 0x10000 ? SPR_NEW_SCENERY : SPR_NEW_RIDE, x, yy, 0); break; case NEWS_ITEM_PEEPS: gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_GUESTS, x, yy, 0); break; case NEWS_ITEM_AWARD: gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_AWARD, x, yy, 0); break; case NEWS_ITEM_GRAPH: gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_GRAPH, x, yy, 0); break; } } // Location button if ((news_type_properties[newsItem->Type] & NEWS_TYPE_HAS_LOCATION) && !(newsItem->Flags & NEWS_FLAG_HAS_BUTTON)) { x = 352; yy = y + lineHeight + 4; press = 0; if (w->news.var_480 != -1) { const uint8 idx = 11 + w->news.var_480; news_item_is_valid_idx(idx); if (i == idx && w->news.var_482 == 2) press = 0x20; } gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, x, yy, x + 23, yy + 23, w->colours[2], press); gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_LOCATE, x, yy, 0); } y += itemHeight; } }
/** * * rct2: 0x0066E4EE */ static void window_news_scrollpaint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi, int scrollIndex) { int i, x, y, yy, press; y = 0; for (i = 11; i < 61; i++) { rct_news_item * const newsItem = news_item_get(i); if (news_item_is_empty(i)) break; if (y >= dpi->y + dpi->height) break; if (y + 42 < dpi->y) { y += 42; continue; } // Background gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, -1, y, 383, y + 41, w->colours[1], 0x24); // Date text RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS, uint16) = STR_DATE_DAY_1 + newsItem->day - 1; RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS + 2, uint16) = STR_MONTH_MARCH + (newsItem->month_year % 8); gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, 2235, (void*)RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS, 2, 4, y); // Item text utf8 buffer[400]; utf8 *ch = buffer; ch = utf8_write_codepoint(ch, FORMAT_SMALLFONT); memcpy(ch, newsItem->text, 256); ch = buffer; gfx_draw_string_left_wrapped(dpi, &ch, 2, y + 10, 325, 1170, 14); // Subject button if ((RCT2_ADDRESS(0x0097BE7C, uint8)[newsItem->type] & 2) && !(newsItem->flags & 1)) { x = 328; yy = y + 14; press = 0; if (w->news.var_480 != -1) { const uint8 idx = 11 + w->news.var_480; news_item_is_valid_idx(idx); if (i == idx && w->news.var_482 == 1) press = 0x20; } gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, x, yy, x + 23, yy + 23, w->colours[2], press); switch (newsItem->type) { case NEWS_ITEM_RIDE: gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_RIDE, x, yy, 0); break; case NEWS_ITEM_PEEP: case NEWS_ITEM_PEEP_ON_RIDE: { rct_drawpixelinfo cliped_dpi; if (!clip_drawpixelinfo(&cliped_dpi, dpi, x + 1, yy + 1, 22, 22)) { break; } rct_peep* peep = GET_PEEP(newsItem->assoc); int clip_x = 10, clip_y = 19; // If normal peep set sprite to normal (no food) // If staff set sprite to staff sprite int sprite_type = 0; if (peep->type == PEEP_TYPE_STAFF){ sprite_type = peep->sprite_type; if (peep->staff_type == STAFF_TYPE_ENTERTAINER){ clip_y += 3; } } uint32 image_id = g_sprite_entries[sprite_type].sprite_image->base_image; image_id += 0xA0000001; image_id |= (peep->tshirt_colour << 19) | (peep->trousers_colour << 24); gfx_draw_sprite(&cliped_dpi, image_id, clip_x, clip_y, 0); break; } case NEWS_ITEM_MONEY: gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_FINANCE, x, yy, 0); break; case NEWS_ITEM_RESEARCH: gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, newsItem->assoc < 0x10000 ? SPR_NEW_RIDE : SPR_SCENERY, x, yy, 0); break; case NEWS_ITEM_PEEPS: gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_GUESTS, x, yy, 0); break; case NEWS_ITEM_AWARD: gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_AWARD, x, yy, 0); break; case NEWS_ITEM_GRAPH: gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_GRAPH, x, yy, 0); break; } } // Location button if ((RCT2_ADDRESS(0x0097BE7C, uint8)[newsItem->type] & 1) && !(newsItem->flags & 1)) { x = 352; yy = y + 14; press = 0; if (w->news.var_480 != -1) { const uint8 idx = 11 + w->news.var_480; news_item_is_valid_idx(idx); if (i == idx && w->news.var_482 == 2) press = 0x20; } gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, x, yy, x + 23, yy + 23, w->colours[2], press); gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_LOCATE, x, yy, 0); } y += 42; } }