int main(int argn, char *argc[])
	//Program parameters : argc[1] : HostName or Host IP
	//                                         argc[2] : Server Program Number
	//                                         other arguments depend on test case

	//run_mode can switch into stand alone program or program launch by shell script
	//1 : stand alone, debug mode, more screen information
	//0 : launch by shell script as test case, only one printf -> result status
	int run_mode = 0;
	int test_status = 1;	//Default test result set to FAILED
	int progNum = atoi(argc[2]);
	char nettype[16] = "visible";
	int sndVar = 0;
	int recVar = -1;
	struct timeval total_timeout;
	enum clnt_stat rslt;

	if (run_mode == 1) {
		printf("Server : %s\n", argc[1]);
		printf("Server # %d\n", progNum);
		printf("Net : %s\n", nettype);
	total_timeout.tv_sec = 1;
	total_timeout.tv_usec = 1;
	    //Multiple test case
	    rslt = rpc_call(argc[1], progNum, VERSNUM, PROCNUM,
			    (xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (char *)&sndVar,
			    (xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (char *)&recVar, nettype);

	rslt = rpc_call(argc[1], 1, VERSNUM, PROCNUM,
			(xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (char *)&sndVar,
			(xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (char *)&recVar, nettype);

	rslt = rpc_call(argc[1], progNum, 10, PROCNUM,
			(xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (char *)&sndVar,
			(xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (char *)&recVar, nettype);

	rslt = rpc_call(argc[1], progNum, VERSNUM, PROCNUM,
			(xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (char *)&sndVar,
			(xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (char *)&recVar, "wrong");

	//If we are here, test has passed
	test_status = 0;

	//This last printf gives the result status to the tests suite
	//normally should be 0: test has passed or 1: test has failed
	printf("%d\n", test_status);

	return test_status;
Esempio n. 2
main(int argc, char **argv)
	enum clnt_stat stat;
	char *hostname;
	nlm4_notify notify;

	if (argc != 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: clear_locks <hostname>\n");
	hostname = argv[1];

	if (geteuid() != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "clear_locks: must be root\n");
	} = hostname;
	notify.state = 0;
	stat = rpc_call("localhost", NLM_PROG, NLM_VERS4, NLM4_FREE_ALL,
	    (xdrproc_t) xdr_nlm4_notify, (void *) &notify,
	    (xdrproc_t) xdr_void, NULL, NULL);

	if (stat != RPC_SUCCESS) {
	fprintf(stderr, "clear_locks: cleared locks for hostname %s\n",

	return (0);
Esempio n. 3
int main(int argn, char *argc[])
	//Program parameters : argc[1] : HostName or Host IP
	//                                         argc[2] : Server Program Number
	//                                         other arguments depend on test case

	//run_mode can switch into stand alone program or program launch by shell script
	//1 : stand alone, debug mode, more screen information
	//0 : launch by shell script as test case, only one printf -> result status
	int run_mode = 0;
	int test_status = 1;	//Default test result set to FAILED
	int progNum = atoi(argc[2]);
	enum clnt_stat cs;
	int varSnd = 1;

	if (run_mode == 1) {
		printf("progNum : %d\n", progNum);

	cs = callrpc(argc[1], progNum, VERSNUM, PROCNUM,
		     (xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (char *)&varSnd,
		     (xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (char *)&varSnd);

	//test_status = varSnd;

	if (cs != RPC_SUCCESS)

	//This last printf gives the result status to the tests suite
	//normally should be 0: test has passed or 1: test has failed
	//printf("%d\n", test_status);

	return 0;		//test_status;
Esempio n. 4
void read_dir(char *host, char *dir)
	extern bool_t xdr_dir();
	enum clnt_stat clnt_stat;
	clnt_stat = callrpc(host, DIRPROG, DIRVERS, READDIR,
					(xdrproc_t)xdr_dir, dir, (xdrproc_t)xdr_dir, dir);
	if (clnt_stat != 0){
		clnt_perrno (clnt_stat);
Esempio n. 5
int main(int argn, char *argc[])
	//Program parameters : argc[1] : HostName or Host IP
	//                                         argc[2] : Server Program Number
	//                                         other arguments depend on test case

	//run_mode can switch into stand alone program or program launch by shell script
	//1 : stand alone, debug mode, more screen information
	//0 : launch by shell script as test case, only one printf -> result status
	int run_mode = 0;
	int test_status = 1;	//Default test result set to FAILED
	int progNum = atoi(argc[2]);
	char proto[8] = "udp";
	CLIENT *clnt = NULL;
	enum clnt_stat cs;
	struct timeval to;
	int varSnd = 10;
	int varRec = -1;

	to.tv_sec = 1;
	to.tv_usec = 100;

	//First of all, create a client
	clnt = clnt_create(argc[1], progNum, VERSNUM, proto);

	if (run_mode == 1) {
		printf("CLIENT : %p\n", clnt);
		printf("progNum : %d\n", progNum);
		printf("Proto : %s\n", proto);

	if (clnt == NULL) {
		return 1;

	cs = clnt_call(clnt, PROCNUM,
		       (xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (char *)&varSnd,
		       (xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (char *)&varRec, to);

	test_status = (cs == RPC_SUCCESS) ? 0 : 1;

	if (cs != RPC_SUCCESS)

	//This last printf gives the result status to the tests suite
	//normally should be 0: test has passed or 1: test has failed
	printf("%d\n", test_status);

	return test_status;
Esempio n. 6
int main(int argn, char *argc[])
	//Program parameters : argc[1] : HostName or Host IP
	//					   argc[2] : Server Program Number
	//					   other arguments depend on test case
	//run_mode can switch into stand alone program or program launch by shell script
	//1 : stand alone, debug mode, more screen information
	//0 : launch by shell script as test case, only one printf -> result status
	int run_mode = 0;
	int test_status = 1; //Default test result set to FAILED
	int progNum = atoi(argc[2]);
	char nettype[16] = "udp";
	CLIENT *clnt = NULL;
	enum clnt_stat rslt;
    int recVar = -1; 
    struct timeval total_timeout;
	if (run_mode == 1)
		printf("Server : %s\n", argc[1]);
		printf("Server # %d\n", progNum);
		printf("Net : %s\n", nettype);
	total_timeout.tv_sec = 1;
	total_timeout.tv_usec = 1;/**/
	//First of all, create client using top level API
	clnt = clnt_create(argc[1], progNum, VERSNUM, nettype);	
	//Then call remote procedure
	rslt = clnt_call((CLIENT *)clnt, PROCNUM, 
						    (xdrproc_t)xdr_int, (char *)&recVar, // xdr_in
                    		(xdrproc_t)xdr_int, (char *)&recVar, // xdr_out
						    total_timeout);	/**/
	//If we are here, test has passed
	test_status = 0;
	//This last printf gives the result status to the tests suite
	//normally should be 0: test has passed or 1: test has failed
	printf("%d\n", test_status);
	return test_status;
Esempio n. 7
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  char *host ;
  int procnum ;

  matrice22 mat[2] ;
  matrice22 res ;
  enum clnt_stat stat ;

  if (argc != 3)
    printf("Usage : %s <machine_serveur> <no de procedure>\n",argv[0]) ;
    exit(1) ;

  host = argv[1] ;

  (mat[0]).tab[0][0] = 1 ;
  (mat[0]).tab[0][1] = 2 ;
  (mat[0]).tab[1][0] = 3 ;
  (mat[0]).tab[1][1] = 4 ;
  (mat[1]).tab[0][0] = 1 ;
  (mat[1]).tab[0][1] = 0 ;
  (mat[1]).tab[1][0] = 0 ;
  (mat[1]).tab[1][1] = 2 ;

  procnum = atoi(argv[2]) ;
  // si numéro inconne : defaut = 1
  if ((procnum != 1) && (procnum != 2))
    procnum = 1;
  // appel RPC
  stat = callrpc(host,PROGNUM,VERSNUM,procnum, (xdrproc_t)xdr_mat2, (char*)&mat, (xdrproc_t)xdr_mat, (char *)&res) ;
  if (stat != RPC_SUCCESS)
    fprintf(stderr, "Echec de l'appel distant\n") ;
    clnt_perrno(stat) ;
    fprintf(stderr, "\n") ;
    return 1 ;

  printf("client, le resultat : \n%f %f \n%f %f\n",[0][0],[0][1],[1][0],[1][1]) ;
  return 0 ;  
Esempio n. 8
int main(int argn, char *argc[])
	//Program parameters : argc[1] : HostName or Host IP
	//					   argc[2] : Server Program Number
	//					   argc[3] : Number of host ready to answer to broadcast
	//					   other arguments depend on test case

	//run_mode can switch into stand alone program or program launch by shell script
	//1 : stand alone, debug mode, more screen information
	//0 : launch by shell script as test case, only one printf -> result status
	int run_mode = 0;
	int test_status = 1; //Default test result set to FAILED
	int progNum = atoi(argc[2]);
	enum clnt_stat cs;
	char nettype[16] = "visible";
	int varSnd = 0;
	int varRec;

	bool_t eachResult (char *out, struct sockaddr_in *addr);
	maxAnswer = atoi(argc[3]);
	currentAnswer = 0;

	//Show information in debug mode...
	if (run_mode == 1)
		printf("progNum : %d\n", progNum);
		printf("Max SVC : %d\n", maxAnswer);

	//Call broadcast routine
	cs = rpc_broadcast_exp (progNum, VERSNUM, PINGPROC,
						  	(xdrproc_t)xdr_int, (char *)&varSnd,
						  	(xdrproc_t)xdr_int, (char *)&varRec,
						  	(resultproc_t)eachResult, 0, 100, nettype);

	if (currentAnswer == maxAnswer)
		test_status = 0;

	if (cs != RPC_SUCCESS)

	//This last printf gives the result status to the tests suite
	//normally should be 0: test has passed or 1: test has failed
	printf("%d\n", test_status);

	return test_status;
Esempio n. 9
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
	//~ char *host = argv[1];
	char *host = "";
	enum clnt_stat stat;

	mat2 res;
	mats2 donnees;

	fill_entiers2(&donnees.m1.l1, 1, 2);
	fill_entiers2(&donnees.m1.l2, 3, 4);

	fill_entiers2(&donnees.m2.l1, 1, 2);
	fill_entiers2(&donnees.m2.l2, 3, 4);

	int procnum;
	if (argv[1][0]=='a')
		procnum = APROCNUM;
	if (argv[1][0]=='m')
		procnum = MPROCNUM;

	stat = callrpc(/* host */ host,
		/* prognum */ PROGNUM,
		/* versnum */ VERSNUM,
		/* procnum */ procnum,
		/* encodage argument */ (xdrproc_t) xdr_mats2,
		/* argument */ (char *)&donnees,
		/* decodage retour */ (xdrproc_t)xdr_mat2,
		/* retour de la fonction distante */(char *)&res);

  if (stat != RPC_SUCCESS) 
	fprintf(stderr, "Echec de l'appel distant\n");
	clnt_perrno(stat);      fprintf(stderr, "\n");

Esempio n. 10
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
	char *host = argv[1];
	enum clnt_stat stat;
	entiers2 res;
	entiers2 donnees = {13 , 5};
	stat = callrpc(host, PROGNUM, VERSNUM, PROCNUM,
		(xdrproc_t)xdr_entiers2, (char*)&donnees, (xdrproc_t)xdr_entiers2, (char*)&res); 

	if (stat != RPC_SUCCESS) { 
		fprintf(stderr, "Echec de l'appel distant\n");
		clnt_perrno(stat);      fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	else {
		printf("client res : %d/%d (q:%d r:%d)\n",
Esempio n. 11
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  char *host = argv[1];
  enum clnt_stat stat;


  if (argc!=2) {
    printf("Usage :%s [IP serveur]\n",argv[0]);

//  if(choix=='m'){
//    stat = callrpc(/* host */ host,
//        /* prognum */ PROGNUM,
//        /* versnum */ VERSNUM,
//        /* procnum */ PROCNUM_MULT,
//        /* encodage argument */ (xdrproc_t) xdr_matrix_couple,
//        /* argument */ (char *)&donnee,
//        /* decodage retour */ (xdrproc_t)xdr_matrix,
//        /* retour de la fonction distante */(char *)&res);
//  }
//  else if(choix=='a'){
//    stat = callrpc(/* host */ host,
//        /* prognum */ PROGNUM,
//        /* versnum */ VERSNUM,
//        /* procnum */ PROCNUM_ADD,
//        /* encodage argument */ (xdrproc_t) xdr_matrix_couple,
//        /* argument */ (char *)&donnee,
//        /* decodage retour */ (xdrproc_t)xdr_matrix,
//        /* retour de la fonction distante */(char *)&res);
//  }
  if (stat != RPC_SUCCESS) { 
    fprintf(stderr, "Echec de l'appel distant\n");
    clnt_perrno(stat);      fprintf(stderr, "\n");

Esempio n. 12
int main(int argn, char *argc[])
	//Program parameters : argc[1] : HostName or Host IP
	//					   argc[2] : Server Program Number
	//					   argc[3] : Number of test call
	//					   other arguments depend on test case

	//run_mode can switch into stand alone program or program launch by shell script
	//1 : stand alone, debug mode, more screen information
	//0 : launch by shell script as test case, only one printf -> result status
	int run_mode = 0;
	int test_status = 0; //Default test result set to FAILED
	int i;
	double *resultTbl;
	struct timeval tv1,tv2;
    struct timezone tz;
    long long diff;
    double rslt;
	int progNum = atoi(argc[2]);
	char nettype[16] = "visible";
	CLIENT *clnt = NULL;
	enum clnt_stat cs;
	int sndVar = 0;
    int recVar = -1;
    struct timeval total_timeout;

	//Test initialisation
    maxIter = atoi(argc[3]);
    resultTbl = (double *)malloc(maxIter * sizeof(double));

    total_timeout.tv_sec = 1;
	total_timeout.tv_usec = 1;

	clnt = clnt_create(argc[1], progNum, VERSNUM, nettype);

	if (clnt == NULL)
		return 5;

	//Call tested function several times
	for (i = 0; i < maxIter; i++)
		gettimeofday(&tv1, &tz);

		//Call function
		cs = clnt_call((CLIENT *)clnt, PROCNUM,
						(xdrproc_t)xdr_int, (char *)&sndVar, // xdr_in
                   		(xdrproc_t)xdr_int, (char *)&recVar, // xdr_out

		gettimeofday(&tv2, &tz);

		//Add function execution time (toc-tic)
		diff = (tv2.tv_sec-tv1.tv_sec) * 1000000L + (tv2.tv_usec-tv1.tv_usec);
		rslt = (double)diff / 1000;

    	if (cs == RPC_SUCCESS)
    		resultTbl[i] = rslt;
    		test_status = 1;

    	if (run_mode)
    		fprintf(stderr, "lf time  = %lf usecn\n", resultTbl[i]);

	//This last printf gives the result status to the tests suite
	//normally should be 0: test has passed or 1: test has failed
	printf("%d\n", test_status);
	printf("%lf %d\n", average(resultTbl), maxIter);
	printf("%lf\n", mini(resultTbl));
	printf("%lf\n", maxi(resultTbl));

	return test_status;
Esempio n. 13
static int _do_setpass(pam_handle_t* pamh, const char *forwho, char *fromwhat,
		       char *towhat, unsigned int ctrl, int remember)
	struct passwd *pwd = NULL;
	int retval = 0;


	pwd = getpwnam(forwho);

	if (pwd == NULL)

	if (on(UNIX_NIS, ctrl)) {
		struct timeval timeout;
		struct yppasswd yppwd;
		CLIENT *clnt;
		char *master;
		int status;
		int err = 0;

		/* Make RPC call to NIS server */
		if ((master = getNISserver(pamh)) == NULL)
			return PAM_TRY_AGAIN;

		/* Initialize password information */
		yppwd.newpw.pw_passwd = pwd->pw_passwd;
		yppwd.newpw.pw_name = pwd->pw_name;
		yppwd.newpw.pw_uid = pwd->pw_uid;
		yppwd.newpw.pw_gid = pwd->pw_gid;
		yppwd.newpw.pw_gecos = pwd->pw_gecos;
		yppwd.newpw.pw_dir = pwd->pw_dir;
		yppwd.newpw.pw_shell = pwd->pw_shell;
		yppwd.oldpass = fromwhat;
		yppwd.newpw.pw_passwd = towhat;

		D(("Set password %s for %s", yppwd.newpw.pw_passwd, forwho));

		/* The yppasswd.x file said `unix authentication required',
		 * so I added it. This is the only reason it is in here.
		 * My yppasswdd doesn't use it, but maybe some others out there
		 * do.                                        --okir
		clnt = clnt_create(master, YPPASSWDPROG, YPPASSWDVERS, "udp");
		clnt->cl_auth = authunix_create_default();
		memset((char *) &status, '\0', sizeof(status));
		timeout.tv_sec = 25;
		timeout.tv_usec = 0;
		err = clnt_call(clnt, YPPASSWDPROC_UPDATE,
				(xdrproc_t) xdr_yppasswd, (char *) &yppwd,
				(xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (char *) &status,

		if (err) {
			retval = PAM_TRY_AGAIN;
		} else if (status) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Error while changing NIS password.\n");
			retval = PAM_TRY_AGAIN;
		printf("\nThe password has%s been changed on %s.\n",
		       (err || status) ? " not" : "", master);

		if ((err || status) != 0) {
			retval = PAM_TRY_AGAIN;
#ifdef DEBUG
		return retval;
	/* first, save old password */
	if (save_old_password(forwho, fromwhat, remember)) {
	if (on(UNIX_SHADOW, ctrl) || (strcmp(pwd->pw_passwd, "x") == 0)) {
		retval = _update_shadow(forwho, towhat);
		if (retval == PAM_SUCCESS)
			retval = _update_passwd(forwho, "x");
	} else {
		retval = _update_passwd(forwho, towhat);

	return retval;
int main(int argn, char *argc[])
	//Program parameters : argc[1] : HostName or Host IP
	//                                         argc[2] : Server Program Number
	//                                         other arguments depend on test case

	//run_mode can switch into stand alone program or program launch by shell script
	//1 : stand alone, debug mode, more screen information
	//0 : launch by shell script as test case, only one printf -> result status
	int run_mode = 0;
	int test_status = 0;	//Default test result set to FAILED
	int progNum = atoi(argc[2]);
	char proto[8] = "udp";
	CLIENT *clnt = NULL;
	enum clnt_stat cs;
	struct timeval to;
	int varSnd = 0;
	int i;
	struct RES resTbl[MAXCALC];
	struct datas vars;

	to.tv_sec = 1;
	to.tv_usec = 100;

	//First of all, create a client
	clnt = clnt_create(argc[1], progNum, VERSNUM, proto);

	if (run_mode == 1) {
		printf("CLIENT : %d\n", clnt);
		printf("progNum : %d\n", progNum);
		printf("Proto : %s\n", proto);

	if ((CLIENT *) clnt == NULL) {
		return 1;

	for (i = 0; i < MAXCALC; i++) {
		vars.a = getRand();
		vars.b = getRand();
		vars.c = getRand();

		resTbl[i].locRes = vars.a + (vars.b * vars.c);

		cs = clnt_call(clnt, CALCPROC,
			       (xdrproc_t) xdr_datas, (char *)&vars,
			       (xdrproc_t) xdr_double,
			       (char *)&resTbl[i].svcRes, to);

		if (resTbl[i].locRes != resTbl[i].svcRes) {
			test_status = 1;

		if (run_mode == 1) {
			fprintf(stderr, "value sent : %lf, %lf, %lf\n", vars.a,
				vars.b, vars.c);
			fprintf(stderr, "value localy calculated : %lf\n",
			fprintf(stderr, "value from server : %lf\n",

	if (cs != RPC_SUCCESS)

	//This last printf gives the result status to the tests suite
	//normally should be 0: test has passed or 1: test has failed
	printf("%d\n", test_status);

	return test_status;
Esempio n. 15
int main(int argn, char *argc[])
	//Program parameters : argc[1] : HostName or Host IP
	//					   argc[2] : Server Program Number
	//					   argc[3] : Number of test call
	//					   other arguments depend on test case

	//run_mode can switch into stand alone program or program launch by shell script
	//1 : stand alone, debug mode, more screen information
	//0 : launch by shell script as test case, only one printf -> result status
	int run_mode = 0;
	int test_status = 0; //Default test result set to FAILED
	int i;
	double *resultTbl;
	struct timeval tv1,tv2;
    struct timezone tz;
    long long diff;
    double rslt;
	int progNum = atoi(argc[2]);
	enum clnt_stat cs;
	int varSnd = 10;
	int varRec = -1;

	//Test initialisation
    maxIter = atoi(argc[3]);
    resultTbl = (double *)malloc(maxIter * sizeof(double));

	//Call tested function several times
	for (i = 0; i < maxIter; i++)
		gettimeofday(&tv1, &tz);

		//Call function
		cs = clnt_broadcast(progNum, VERSNUM, PROCNUM,
				   			(xdrproc_t)xdr_int, (char *)&varSnd,
				   			(xdrproc_t)xdr_int, (char *)&varRec,

		if (cs != RPC_SUCCESS)

		gettimeofday(&tv2, &tz);

		//Add function execution time (toc-tic)
		diff = (tv2.tv_sec-tv1.tv_sec) * 1000000L + (tv2.tv_usec-tv1.tv_usec);
		rslt = (double)diff / 1000;

    	if (cs == RPC_SUCCESS)
    		resultTbl[i] = rslt;
    		test_status = 1;

    	if (run_mode)
    		fprintf(stderr, "lf time  = %lf usecn\n", resultTbl[i]);

	//This last printf gives the result status to the tests suite
	//normally should be 0: test has passed or 1: test has failed
	printf("%d\n", test_status);

	return test_status;