Esempio n. 1
static double wiimote_timestamp2logicaltime(t_wiimote*x, struct timespec*timestamp) {
  double pddelay=clock_gettimesince(x->baselogicaltime); /* how long in logical time since we have connected to the wii */
  double realdelay=0.;  /* how long (in ms) after we connected to the wiimote this timestamp appeared */
  double delay=0.;
  if(NULL==timestamp || NULL==x->basetime)
    return 0.; /* immediately */

    (timestamp->tv_sec - x->basetime->tv_sec) * 1000. +
    (timestamp->tv_nsec - x->basetime->tv_nsec) / 1000000.;


#if 0
  print_timestamp(timestamp, x->basetime);
  post("logical time: %f = %f - %f", clock_gettimesince(x->baselogicaltime), now, x->baselogicaltime);
  //post("diff = %f = %f - %f", realdelay-pddelay, realdelay, pddelay);

  if(delay<0) {
    return 0.;

  return realdelay;
Esempio n. 2
	/* main processing function */
static void rhythm_float(t_rhythm *x, t_floatarg f)
	t_int velo = x->x_velo;
	double time = clock_gettimesince(x->x_last_input);
	x->x_pitch = (t_int)f;

	if(velo != 0)	/* note-on received */
		if (x->x_startTime == 0) {
			x->x_startTime = time;
		if (x->x_period < 2.0) {
			x->x_period = (t_float)(time - x->x_startTime);
			x->x_phiVel_at_pulse = 1000.0 / x->x_period;

		rhythm_move(x, 1, time);

		if (x->x_lastPulseTime >= 0)
			x->x_lastIoi = time - x->x_lastPulseTime;
		x->x_lastPulseTime = time; 
		x->x_last_input = clock_getlogicaltime();

		outlet_float(x->x_out_period, x->x_period);
		outlet_float(x->x_out_bpm, 60000.0/x->x_period);
Esempio n. 3
File: mtr.c Progetto: EQ4/PdPulpito
static void mtrack_tempo(t_mtrack *tp, t_floatarg f)
    float newtempo;
    static int warned = 0;
    if (fittermax_get() && !warned)
	fittermax_warning(mtr_class, "no 'tempo' control in Max");
	warned = 1;
    if (f < 1e-20)
	f = 1e-20;
    else if (f > 1e20)
	f = 1e20;
    newtempo = 1. / f;
    if (tp->tr_prevtime > 0.)
    	tp->tr_clockdelay -= clock_gettimesince(tp->tr_prevtime);
	tp->tr_clockdelay *= newtempo / tp->tr_tempo;
	if (tp->tr_clockdelay < 0.)
	    tp->tr_clockdelay = 0.;
    	clock_delay(tp->tr_clock, tp->tr_clockdelay);
	tp->tr_prevtime = clock_getlogicaltime();
    tp->tr_tempo = newtempo;
Esempio n. 4
static void tabwrite_float(t_tabwrite *x, t_float f)
#ifdef ROCKBOX
    int vecsize;
    int i, vecsize;
    t_garray *a;
    t_sample *vec;

    if (!(a = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(x->x_arrayname, garray_class)))
    	pd_error(x, "%s: no such array", x->x_arrayname->s_name);
    else if (!garray_getfloatarray(a, &vecsize, &vec))
    	pd_error(x, "%s: bad template for tabwrite", x->x_arrayname->s_name);
    	int n = x->x_ft1;
    	double timesince = clock_gettimesince(x->x_updtime);
    	if (n < 0) n = 0;
    	else if (n >= vecsize) n = vecsize-1;
    	vec[n] = ftofix(f);
    	if (timesince > 1000)
    	    if (x->x_set == 0)
    	    	clock_delay(x->x_clock, 1000 - timesince);
    	    	x->x_set = 1;
Esempio n. 5
void sys_pollmidioutqueue( void)
    static int db = 0;
    double midirealtime = sys_getmidioutrealtime();
    if (midi_outhead == midi_outtail)
    	db = 0;
    while (midi_outhead != midi_outtail)
    	if (!db)
    	    post("out: del %f, midiRT %f logicaltime %f, RT %f dacminusRT %f",
	    	(midi_outqueue[midi_outtail].q_time - midirealtime),
		    midirealtime, .001 * clock_gettimesince(sys_midiinittime),
		    	sys_getrealtime(), sys_dactimeminusrealtime);
	    db = 1;
    	if (midi_outqueue[midi_outtail].q_time <= midirealtime)
	else break;
Esempio n. 6
static void zeroCrossing_tilde_bang(t_zeroCrossing_tilde *x)
    int i, j, window, bang_sample;
    float crossings;
    t_sample *signal_R;
	double current_time;

    window = x->window;

	signal_R = (t_sample *)getbytes(0);
	signal_R = (t_sample *)t_resizebytes(signal_R, 0, window * sizeof(t_sample));
	current_time = clock_gettimesince(x->last_dsp_time);
	bang_sample = (int)(((current_time/1000.0)*x->sr)+0.5); // round

	if (bang_sample < 0)
        bang_sample = 0;
    else if ( bang_sample >= x->n )
        bang_sample = x->n - 1;
	// construct analysis window using bang_sample as the end of the window
	for(i=0, j=bang_sample; i<window; i++, j++)
		signal_R[i] = x->signal_R[j];

	crossings = zeroCrossing_tilde_zero_crossing_rate(window, signal_R);
	outlet_float(x->x_crossings, crossings);

	// free local memory
    t_freebytes(signal_R, window*sizeof(t_sample));
Esempio n. 7
// called when a new event occours
void add_event(t_rhythms_memory *x, unsigned short int voice)
	event *newEvent, *currEvent, *lastEvent;
	double when;
	when = clock_gettimesince(x->measure_start_time);
	newEvent = (event *) malloc(sizeof(event));
	newEvent->when = when;
	newEvent->voice = voice;
	newEvent->next = 0;
	currEvent = x->events;
	if (currEvent)
		// this is not the first event
			lastEvent = currEvent;
			currEvent = currEvent->next;
		lastEvent->next = newEvent;
	} else
		// this is the first event
		x->events = newEvent;
	post("event added");
Esempio n. 8
/* CHECKED refman's error: ``if the number received in the left inlet
   specifies a sample index that does not exist in the buffer~ object's
   currently allocated memory, nothing happens.''  This is plainly wrong,
   at least for max/msp 4.0.7 bundle: the index is clipped (just like
   in tabread/tabwrite).   As a kind of an experiment, lets make this
   the refman's way... */
static void peek_float(t_peek *x, t_float f)
    t_arsic *sic = (t_arsic *)x;
    t_word *vp;
    arsic_validate(sic, 0);  /* LATER rethink (efficiency, and complaining) */
    if ((vp = sic->s_vectors[x->x_effchannel]))
	int ndx = (int)f;
	if (ndx >= 0 && ndx < sic->s_vecsize)
	    if (x->x_pokemode)
		double timesince;
		t_float f = x->x_value;
		vp[ndx].w_float = (x->x_clipmode ? peek_doclip(f) : f);
		x->x_pokemode = 0;
		timesince = clock_gettimesince(x->x_clocklasttick);
		if (timesince > 1000) peek_tick(x);
		else if (!x->x_clockset)
		    clock_delay(x->x_clock, 1000 - timesince);
		    x->x_clockset = 1;
	    /* CHECKED: output not clipped */
	    else outlet_float(((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet, vp[ndx].w_float);
Esempio n. 9
static void Borax_delta(t_Borax *x)
    /* CHECKME first note */
    float dtime = clock_gettimesince(x->x_onset);  /* CHECKME */
    outlet_float(x->x_dtimeout, dtime);
    outlet_float(x->x_ndtimesout, ++x->x_ndtimes);  /* CHECKME */
Esempio n. 10
static void specBrightness_tilde_bang(t_specBrightness_tilde *x)
    int i, j, window, window_half, bang_sample, bin_boundary;
    float dividend, divisor, brightness;
    t_sample *signal_R, *signal_I;
	double current_time;

    window = x->window;
    window_half = window*0.5;

	// create local memory
	signal_R = (t_sample *)getbytes(0);
	signal_I = (t_sample *)getbytes(0);
	signal_R = (t_sample *)t_resizebytes(signal_R, 0, window*sizeof(t_sample));
	signal_I = (t_sample *)t_resizebytes(signal_I, 0, window_half*sizeof(t_sample));
    bin_boundary = specBrightness_tilde_nearest_bin_index(x->freq_boundary, x->bin_freqs);  // hard-coded based on 1200, but can use nearest_bin_freq function later
	current_time = clock_gettimesince(x->last_dsp_time);
	bang_sample = (int)(((current_time/1000.0)*x->sr)+0.5); // round

	if (bang_sample < 0)
        bang_sample = 0;
    else if ( bang_sample >= x->n )
        bang_sample = x->n - 1;
	// construct analysis window using bang_sample as the end of the window
	for(i=0, j=bang_sample; i<window; i++, j++)
		signal_R[i] = x->signal_R[j];
	specBrightness_tilde_hann(window, signal_R, x->hann);
	mayer_realfft(window, signal_R);
	specBrightness_tilde_realfft_unpack(window, window_half, signal_R, signal_I);
	specBrightness_tilde_abs(window_half, signal_R, signal_I);
// 	if(x->normalize)
// 		specBrightness_tilde_normal(window_half, signal_R);

	for(i=bin_boundary; i<window_half; i++)
		dividend += signal_R[i];

	for(i=0; i<window_half; i++)
		divisor += signal_R[i];
	brightness = dividend/divisor;
	outlet_float(x->x_brightness, brightness);

	// free local memory
	t_freebytes(signal_R, window * sizeof(t_sample));
	t_freebytes(signal_I, window_half * sizeof(t_sample));
Esempio n. 11
static void vline_tilde_float(t_vline *x, t_float f)
    t_time timenow = clock_gettimesince(x->x_referencetime);
    t_sample inlet1 = (x->x_inlet1 < 0 ? 0 : (t_sample)x->x_inlet1);
    t_sample inlet2 = (t_sample) x->x_inlet2;
    t_time starttime = timenow + inlet2;
    t_vseg *s1, *s2, *deletefrom = 0,
    	*snew = (t_vseg *)t_getbytes(sizeof(*snew));
    if (PD_BADFLOAT(f))
	f = 0;

    	/* negative delay input means stop and jump immediately to new value */
    if (inlet2 < 0)
	x->x_value = ftofix(f);
    	/* check if we supplant the first item in the list.  We supplant
	an item by having an earlier starttime, or an equal starttime unless
	the equal one was instantaneous and the new one isn't (in which case
	we'll do a jump-and-slide starting at that time.) */
    if (!x->x_list || x->x_list->s_starttime > starttime ||
    	(x->x_list->s_starttime == starttime &&
	    (x->x_list->s_targettime > x->x_list->s_starttime || inlet1 <= 0)))
    	deletefrom = x->x_list;
	x->x_list = snew;
    	for (s1 = x->x_list; (s2 = s1->s_next); s1 = s2)
    	    if (s2->s_starttime > starttime ||
    		(s2->s_starttime == starttime &&
		    (s2->s_targettime > s2->s_starttime || inlet1 <= 0)))
    		deletefrom = s2;
		s1->s_next = snew;
		goto didit;
	s1->s_next = snew;
	deletefrom = 0;
    didit: ;
    while (deletefrom)
    	s1 = deletefrom->s_next;
	t_freebytes(deletefrom, sizeof(*deletefrom));
	deletefrom = s1;
    snew->s_next = 0;
    snew->s_target = f;
    snew->s_starttime = starttime;
    snew->s_targettime = starttime + inlet1;
    x->x_inlet1 = x->x_inlet2 = 0;
Esempio n. 12
static void cepstrum_tilde_bang(t_cepstrum_tilde *x)
    int i, j, window, window_half, bang_sample;
   	t_atom *listOut;
    t_sample *signal_R, *signal_I;
	double current_time;

    window = x->window;
    window_half = window*0.5;

   	signal_R = (t_sample *)getbytes(0);
	signal_I = (t_sample *)getbytes(0);
	listOut = (t_atom *)getbytes(0);
	signal_R = (t_sample *)t_resizebytes(signal_R, 0, window*sizeof(t_sample));
	signal_I = (t_sample *)t_resizebytes(signal_I, 0, window_half*sizeof(t_sample));
	listOut = (t_atom *)t_resizebytes(listOut, 0, ((int)x->window*0.5)*sizeof(t_atom));
	current_time = clock_gettimesince(x->last_dsp_time);
	bang_sample = (int)(((current_time/1000.0)*x->sr)+0.5); // round

	if (bang_sample < 0)
        bang_sample = 0;
    else if ( bang_sample >= x->n )
        bang_sample = x->n - 1;
	// construct analysis window using bang_sample as the end of the window
	for(i=0, j=bang_sample; i<window; i++, j++)
		signal_R[i] = x->signal_R[j];
	cepstrum_tilde_hann(window, signal_R, x->hann);
	mayer_realfft(window, signal_R);
	cepstrum_tilde_realfft_unpack(window, window_half, signal_R, signal_I);
	cepstrum_tilde_abs(window_half, signal_R, signal_I);
		cepstrum_tilde_normal(window_half, signal_R);
	cepstrum_tilde_log(window_half, signal_R);

	// fill out the negative frequencies
	for(i=0; i<window_half; i++)
		signal_I[i] = signal_R[i];
//		signal_I[i] = 0.0; // or we could zero them out...
	cepstrum_tilde_realifft(window, window_half, signal_R, signal_I);

	for(i=0; i<window_half; i++)
		SETFLOAT(listOut+i, signal_R[i]);

	outlet_list(x->x_featureList, 0, window_half, listOut);

	t_freebytes(signal_R, window * sizeof(t_sample));
	t_freebytes(signal_I, window_half * sizeof(t_sample));
	t_freebytes(listOut, window_half * sizeof(t_atom));
Esempio n. 13
static void specCentroid_tilde_bang(t_specCentroid_tilde *x)
    int i, j, window, window_half, bang_sample;
    float dividend, divisor, centroid;
    t_sample *signal_R, *signal_I;
	double current_time;

    window = x->window;
    window_half = window*0.5;

	// create local memory
	signal_R = (t_sample *)getbytes(0);
	signal_I = (t_sample *)getbytes(0);
	signal_R = (t_sample *)t_resizebytes(signal_R, 0, window*sizeof(t_sample));
	signal_I = (t_sample *)t_resizebytes(signal_I, 0, window_half*sizeof(t_sample));
	current_time = clock_gettimesince(x->last_dsp_time);
	bang_sample = (int)(((current_time/1000.0)*x->sr)+0.5); // round

	if (bang_sample < 0)
        bang_sample = 0;
    else if ( bang_sample >= x->n )
        bang_sample = x->n - 1;
	// construct analysis window using bang_sample as the end of the window
	for(i=0, j=bang_sample; i<window; i++, j++)
		signal_R[i] = x->signal_R[j];
	specCentroid_tilde_hann(window, signal_R, x->hann);
	mayer_realfft(window, signal_R);
	specCentroid_tilde_realfft_unpack(window, window_half, signal_R, signal_I);
	specCentroid_tilde_abs(window_half, signal_R, signal_I);
// 	if(x->normalize)
// 		specCentroid_tilde_normal(window_half, signal_R);

	for(i=0; i<window_half; i++)
		dividend += signal_R[i]*(i*(x->sr/window));  // weight by bin freq

	for(i=0; i<window_half; i++)
		divisor += signal_R[i];
	if(divisor==0) divisor = 1; // don't divide by zero
	centroid = dividend/divisor;
	outlet_float(x->x_centroid, centroid);

	// free local memory
	t_freebytes(signal_R, window * sizeof(t_sample));
	t_freebytes(signal_I, window_half * sizeof(t_sample));
Esempio n. 14
static void record_tick(t_record *x)
    double timesince = clock_gettimesince(x->x_clocklasttick);
    if (timesince >= RECORD_REDRAWPAUSE)
	arsic_redraw((t_arsic *)x);
	x->x_clocklasttick = clock_getlogicaltime();
    else clock_delay(x->x_clock, RECORD_REDRAWPAUSE - timesince);
Esempio n. 15
static void velocity_bang(t_velocity *x)
	double thistime;
	t_float vel;
	thistime = clock_getlogicaltime();
	vel = (1000 * (x->x_xn - x->x_xn1) ) / (clock_gettimesince(x->x_lasttime));
	x->x_lasttime = thistime;
	outlet_float(x->x_out, vel);
Esempio n. 16
static t_int *vline_tilde_perform(t_int *w)
    t_vline *x = (t_vline *)(w[1]);
    t_sample *out = (t_sample *)(w[2]);
    int n = (int)(w[3]), i;
    t_sample f = x->x_value;
    t_sample inc = x->x_inc;
    t_time msecpersamp = x->x_msecpersamp;
#ifndef ROCKBOX
    t_time samppermsec = x->x_samppermsec;
    t_time timenow = clock_gettimesince(x->x_referencetime) - n * msecpersamp;
    t_vseg *s = x->x_list;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    	t_time timenext = timenow + msecpersamp;
	if (s)
	    /* has starttime elapsed?  If so update value and increment */
	    if (s->s_starttime < timenext)
		if (x->x_targettime <= timenext)
		    f = x->x_target, inc = 0;
	    	    /* if zero-length segment bash output value */
	    	if (s->s_targettime <= s->s_starttime)
		    f = s->s_target;
		    inc = 0;
		    t_time incpermsec = idiv((s->s_target - f),
		    	(s->s_targettime - s->s_starttime));
		    f = mult(f + incpermsec,(timenext - s->s_starttime));
		    inc = mult(incpermsec,msecpersamp);
    	    	x->x_inc = inc;
		x->x_target = s->s_target;
		x->x_targettime = s->s_targettime;
		x->x_list = s->s_next;
		t_freebytes(s, sizeof(*s));
		s = x->x_list;
		goto checknext;
	if (x->x_targettime <= timenext)
	    f = x->x_target, inc = 0;
	*out++ = f;
	f = f + inc;
	timenow = timenext;
    x->x_value = f;
    return (w+4);
Esempio n. 17
    /* this is called from the OS dependent code from time to time when we
    think we know the delay (outbuftime) in seconds, at which the last-output
    audio sample will go out the door. */
void sys_setmiditimediff(double inbuftime, double outbuftime)
    double dactimeminusrealtime =
    	.001 * clock_gettimesince(sys_midiinittime)
	    - outbuftime - sys_getrealtime();
    double adctimeminusrealtime =
    	.001 * clock_gettimesince(sys_midiinittime)
	    + inbuftime - sys_getrealtime();
    if (dactimeminusrealtime > sys_newdactimeminusrealtime)
    	sys_newdactimeminusrealtime = dactimeminusrealtime;
    if (adctimeminusrealtime > sys_newadctimeminusrealtime)
    	sys_newadctimeminusrealtime = adctimeminusrealtime;
    if (sys_getrealtime() > sys_whenupdate)
    	sys_dactimeminusrealtime = sys_newdactimeminusrealtime;
    	sys_adctimeminusrealtime = sys_newadctimeminusrealtime;
	sys_newdactimeminusrealtime = -1e20;
	sys_newadctimeminusrealtime = -1e20;
    	sys_whenupdate = sys_getrealtime() + 1;
Esempio n. 18
File: mtr.c Progetto: EQ4/PdPulpito
static void mtrack_doadd(t_mtrack *tp, int ac, t_atom *av)
    if (tp->tr_prevtime > 0.)
	t_binbuf *bb = tp->tr_binbuf;
	t_atom at;
    	float elapsed = clock_gettimesince(tp->tr_prevtime);
	SETFLOAT(&at, elapsed);
	binbuf_add(bb, 1, &at);
	binbuf_add(bb, ac, av);
	binbuf_add(bb, 1, &at);
	tp->tr_prevtime = clock_getlogicaltime();
Esempio n. 19
static void vsnapshot_tilde_bang(t_vsnapshot *x)
    t_sample val;
    if (x->x_gotone)
        int indx = clock_gettimesince(x->x_time) * x->x_sampspermsec;
        if (indx < 0)
            indx = 0;
        else if (indx >= x->x_n)
            indx = x->x_n - 1;
        val = x->x_vec[indx];
    else val = 0;
    outlet_float(x->x_obj.ob_outlet, val);
void sys_poll_midi(void)
    static EVENT msw_nextevent;
    static int msw_isnextevent;
    static double msw_nexteventtime;

    while (1)
        if (!msw_isnextevent)
            if (!GetEvent(lpInputBuffer, &msw_nextevent)) break;
            msw_isnextevent = 1;
            msw_nexteventtime = msw_midigettimefor(&foo.timestamp);
        if (0.001 * clock_gettimesince(initsystime) >= msw_nexteventtime)
            int msgtype = (( & 0xf0) >> 4) - 8;
            int commandbyte = & 0xff;
            int byte1 = ( >> 8) & 0xff;
            int byte2 = ( >> 16) & 0xff;
            int portno = msw_nextevent.dwDevice;
            switch (msgtype)
            case 0: 
            case 1: 
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 6:
                sys_midibytein(portno, commandbyte);
                sys_midibytein(portno, byte1);
                sys_midibytein(portno, byte2);
            case 4:
            case 5:
                sys_midibytein(portno, commandbyte);
                sys_midibytein(portno, byte1);
            case 7:
                sys_midibytein(portno, commandbyte);
            msw_isnextevent = 0;
Esempio n. 21
static void nt_midisync(void)
    double jittersec, diff;
    if (initsystime == -1) nt_resetmidisync();
    jittersec = (nt_dacjitterbufsallowed > nt_adcjitterbufsallowed ?
    	nt_dacjitterbufsallowed : nt_adcjitterbufsallowed)
    	    * nt_realdacblksize / sys_getsr();
    diff = sys_getrealtime() - 0.001 * clock_gettimesince(initsystime);
    if (diff > nt_hibuftime) nt_hibuftime = diff;
    if (diff < nt_hibuftime - jittersec)
    	post("jitter excess %d %f", dac, diff);
static void qlist_tempo(t_qlist *x, t_float f)
    t_float newtempo;
    if (f < 1e-20) f = 1e-20;
    else if (f > 1e20) f = 1e20;
    newtempo = 1./f;
    if (x->x_whenclockset != 0)
        t_float elapsed = clock_gettimesince(x->x_whenclockset);
        t_float left = x->x_clockdelay - elapsed;
        if (left < 0) left = 0;
        left *= newtempo / x->x_tempo;
        clock_delay(x->x_clock, left);
    x->x_tempo = newtempo;
static void msw_midisync(void)
    double jittersec, diff;
    if (initsystime == -1) msw_resetmidisync();
    jittersec = (msw_dacjitterbufsallowed > msw_adcjitterbufsallowed ?
        msw_dacjitterbufsallowed : msw_adcjitterbufsallowed)
            * REALDACBLKSIZE / sys_getsr();
    diff = sys_getrealtime() - 0.001 * clock_gettimesince(initsystime);
    if (diff > msw_hibuftime) msw_hibuftime = diff;
    if (diff < msw_hibuftime - jittersec)
        post("jitter excess %d %f", dac, diff);
Esempio n. 24
File: xeq.c Progetto: pure-data/xeq
void xeq_stop(t_xeq *x)
    x->x_autoit.i_restarted = 1;  /* LATER rethink */
    if (x->x_clock) clock_unset(x->x_clock);
    if (x->x_whenclockset != 0)
    	float elapsed = clock_gettimesince(x->x_whenclockset);
    	float left = x->x_clockdelay - elapsed;
    	if (left < 0) left = 0;
	x->x_autoit.i_playloc.l_delay = left / x->x_tempo;
#if 0
	post("stop: delay set to %f (user %f)",
	     x->x_autoit.i_playloc.l_delay, left);
	x->x_whenclockset = 0;
Esempio n. 25
static void line_tick(t_line *x)
    double timenow = clock_getsystime();
    double msectogo = - clock_gettimesince(x->x_targettime);
    if (msectogo < 1E-9)
        outlet_float(x->x_obj.ob_outlet, x->x_targetval);
            x->x_setval + x->x_1overtimediff * (timenow - x->x_prevtime)
                * (x->x_targetval - x->x_setval));
            (x->x_grain > msectogo ? msectogo : x->x_grain));
Esempio n. 26
File: xeq.c Progetto: pure-data/xeq
void xeq_tempo(t_xeq *x, t_floatarg f)
    float newtempo;
    if (f == 0) f = 1;  /* tempo message without argument (FIXME) */
    else if (f < 1e-20) f = 1e-20;
    else if (f > 1e20) f = 1e20;
    newtempo = 1./f;
    if (x->x_whenclockset != 0)
    	float elapsed = clock_gettimesince(x->x_whenclockset);
    	float left = x->x_clockdelay - elapsed;
    	if (left < 0) left = 0;
    	else left *= newtempo / x->x_tempo;
    	clock_delay(x->x_clock, x->x_clockdelay = left);
	x->x_whenclockset = clock_getsystime();
    x->x_tempo = newtempo;
Esempio n. 27
static void wiimote_dequeue(void*nada)
  /* get all the messages from the queue that are scheduled until now */

  const int dyndelay=0; /* set this to 1 use dynamic delays for compensation of asynchronicity */

  double now=0;
  double nexttime=0.;

  if(NULL==wl) {
    /* no messages to dequeue; this should never happen */
  while(wl) {
    if(dyndelay) {
      if(now+1.<wl->timestamp) {
        /* no more messages to do for now, aborting */
    wiimote_cwiid_message(wl->x, wl->mesg);
    freebytes(wl->mesg, sizeof( union cwiid_mesg));
    freebytes(wl, sizeof(t_wiimoteMsgList));


  /* reschedule clock */
  if(dyndelay) {
    if(wl) {
      double delay=wl->timestamp - now;
      clock_delay(g_clock, delay);
Esempio n. 28
static void sys_queuemidimess(int portno, int onebyte, int a, int b, int c)
    t_midiqelem *midiqelem;
    int newhead = midi_outhead +1;
    if (newhead == MIDIQSIZE)
    	newhead = 0;
    	    /* if FIFO is full flush an element to make room */
    if (newhead == midi_outtail)
    midi_outqueue[midi_outhead].q_portno = portno;
    midi_outqueue[midi_outhead].q_onebyte = onebyte;
    midi_outqueue[midi_outhead].q_byte1 = a;
    midi_outqueue[midi_outhead].q_byte2 = b;
    midi_outqueue[midi_outhead].q_byte3 = c;
    midi_outqueue[midi_outhead].q_time =
    	.001 * clock_gettimesince(sys_midiinittime);
    midi_outhead = newhead;
Esempio n. 29
/* CHECKED: no float-to-signal conversion.  'Float' message is ignored
   when dsp is on -- whether a signal is connected to the left inlet, or not
   (if not, current index is set to zero).  Incompatible (revisit LATER) */
static void poke_float(t_poke *x, t_float f)
    t_arsic *sic = (t_arsic *)x;
    t_float *vp;
    arsic_validate(sic, 0);  /* LATER rethink (efficiency, and complaining) */
    if (vp = sic->s_vectors[x->x_effchannel])
	int ndx = (int)*x->x_indexptr;
	if (ndx >= 0 && ndx < sic->s_vecsize)
	    double timesince;
	    vp[ndx] = f;
	    timesince = clock_gettimesince(x->x_clocklasttick);
	    if (timesince > 1000) poke_tick(x);
	    else if (!x->x_clockset)
		clock_delay(x->x_clock, 1000 - timesince);
		x->x_clockset = 1;
/*! \param tm absolute time (in seconds)
    \param data user data
    \param dopast if set events with times lying in the past will be triggered immediately, if not set they are ignored
    \return true on success
bool flext::Timer::At(double tm,void *data,bool dopast)
    userdata = data;
    period = 0;
    const double systm = clock_gettimesince(0);
    double df = tm*1000.-systm;
    if(dopast && df < 0) df = 0;
    if(df >= 0)
    const double ms = tm*1000.;
    double cur;
    if(cur <= ms)
    else if(dopast) // trigger timer is past
    #error Not implemented
    return true;