Esempio n. 1
static void addUngappedBlock(struct psl* psl, int* pslSpace, struct block* blk, unsigned flags)
/* add the next  ungapped block to a psl */
unsigned newIBlk = psl->blockCount;
unsigned blkSize = blk->qEnd - blk->qStart;  // uses query size so protein psl is right
if (newIBlk >= *pslSpace)
    pslGrow(psl, pslSpace);
psl->qStarts[newIBlk] = blk->qCoordMult * blk->qStart;
psl->tStarts[newIBlk] = blk->tCoordMult * blk->tStart;
psl->blockSizes[newIBlk] = blk->qCoordMult * blkSize;

/* keep bounds current */
psl->qStart = psl->qStarts[0];
psl->qEnd = psl->qStarts[newIBlk] + (blk->qCoordMult * blkSize);
if (psl->strand[0] == '-')
    reverseIntRange(&psl->qStart, &psl->qEnd, psl->qSize);
psl->tStart = psl->tStarts[0];
psl->tEnd = psl->tStarts[newIBlk] + (blk->q2tBlkSizeMult * blkSize);
if (psl->strand[1] == '-')
    reverseIntRange(&psl->tStart, &psl->tEnd, psl->tSize);

if (flags & bldPslx)
    psl->qSequence[newIBlk] = cloneStringZ(blk->qAln + blk->alnStart, blkSize);
    psl->tSequence[newIBlk] = cloneStringZ(blk->tAln + blk->alnStart, blkSize);
char *checkAndFetchBacDna(struct dnaSeq *chromSeq, struct bac *bac)
/* fetch bac dna return string to be freed later. Reports if segment exceeds ends of chromosome. */
if (bac->chromStart < 0)
    errAbort("bac error chromStart < 0 : %s %u %u %s %d \n",
    return NULL;
if (bac->chromEnd > chromSeq->size)
    errAbort("bac error chromEnd > chromSeq->size (%lu) : %s %u %u %s %d \n",
        (unsigned long) chromSeq->size,
    return NULL;

return cloneStringZ(chromSeq->dna + bac->chromStart, bac->chromEnd - bac->chromStart);
char *checkAndFetchNib(struct dnaSeq *chromSeq, struct snpMap *snp, int lf, int ls)
/* fetch nib return string to be freed later. Reports if segment exceends ends of chromosome. */
if ((snp->chromStart - lf) < 0) 
    printf("snpMap error (chromStart - offset) < 0 : %s %s %u %u %d \n",
    return NULL;
if ((snp->chromStart - lf + ls)  > chromSeq->size) 
    printf("bed error chromStart - leftFlank + seqlen > chromSeq->size : %s %s %u %u  chr-size: %u \n",
    return NULL;

return cloneStringZ(chromSeq->dna + snp->chromStart - lf, ls);
Esempio n. 4
struct hashEl *hashAddN(struct hash *hash, char *name, int nameSize, void *val)
/* Add name of given size to hash (no need to be zero terminated) */
struct hashEl *el;
if (hash->lm) 
    el = lmAlloc(hash->lm, sizeof(*el));
el->hashVal = hashString(name);
int hashVal = el->hashVal & hash->mask;
if (hash->lm)
    el->name = lmAlloc(hash->lm, nameSize+1);
    memcpy(el->name, name, nameSize);
    el->name = cloneStringZ(name, nameSize);
el->val = val;
el->next = hash->table[hashVal];
hash->table[hashVal] = el;
hash->elCount += 1;
if (hash->autoExpand && hash->elCount > (int)(hash->size * hash->expansionFactor))
    /* double the size */
    hashResize(hash, digitsBaseTwo(hash->size));
return el;
Esempio n. 5
static char *parseResponse(int sd, char **pResponseCode)
/* parse the http response */
struct dyString *dy = netSlurpFile(sd);

char *protocol = "HTTP/1.1 ";
if (!startsWith(protocol, dy->string))
    errAbort("GenomeSpace: Expected response to start with [%s], got [%s]", protocol, dy->string);

if (pResponseCode)
    char *rc = dy->string + strlen(protocol);
    char *rcEndString =  "\r\n";
    char *rcEnd = strstr(dy->string, rcEndString);
    *pResponseCode = cloneStringZ(rc, rcEnd - rc);

char *headerEndString =  "\r\n\r\n";
char *headerEnd = strstr(dy->string, headerEndString);
if (!headerEnd)
    errAbort("header end not found in response");
char *gsResponse = cloneString(headerEnd+strlen(headerEndString));


return gsResponse;

Esempio n. 6
struct htmlStatus *htmlStatusParse(char **pText)
/* Read in status from first line.  Update pText to point to next line. 
 * Note unlike many routines here, this does not insert zeros into text. */
char *text = *pText;
char *end = strchr(text, '\n');
struct htmlStatus *status;
if (end != NULL)
   *pText = end+1;
   *pText = text + strlen(text);
end = skipToSpaces(text);
if (end == NULL)
    warn("Short status line.");
    return NULL;
status->version = cloneStringZ(text, end-text);
end = skipLeadingSpaces(end);
if (!isdigit(end[0]))
    warn("Not a number in status field");
    return NULL;
status->status = atoi(end);
return status;
Esempio n. 7
char *cloneString(char *s)
/* Make copy of string in dynamic memory */
if (s == NULL)
    return NULL;
    return cloneStringZ(s, strlen(s));
Esempio n. 8
void oldAns01MetaOut(FILE *f, char *midString)
/* Version of function used for Anshul's TFBS uniform peak calling ENCODE Jan 2011 freeze. */
/* Truncate at _VS_ */
char *pattern = "AlnRep0_VS_";
char *patPos = stringIn(pattern, midString);
if (patPos == NULL)
    errAbort("Can't find %s in %s\n", pattern, midString);
*patPos = 0;

/* Get prefix from known list. */
static char *knownPrefixes[] = {"BroadHistone", "HaibTfbs", "OpenChromChip", 
				"SydhTfbs", "UchicagoTfbs", "UwTfbs", NULL};
char *prefix = findKnownPrefix(midString, knownPrefixes);
if (prefix == NULL)
    errAbort("Don't recognize composite prefix for %s", midString);
char *cellStart = midString + strlen(prefix);

/* Rely on camelCasing to find antibody */
char *abStart = firstUpper(cellStart+1);
if (abStart == NULL)
    errAbort("Can't find antibody in %s", cellStart);
char *cell = cloneStringZ(cellStart, abStart - cellStart);

/* Rely on camelCasing to find treatment */
char *treatStart = firstUpper(abStart+1);
char *ab = NULL;
if (treatStart == NULL)
    if (sameString(prefix, "OpenChromChip"))
        treatStart = "Std";
	ab = cloneString(abStart);
	errAbort("Can't find treatment in %s", midString);
    ab = cloneStringZ(abStart, treatStart - abStart);

fprintf(f, "\t%s", cell);
fprintf(f, "\t%s", ab);
fprintf(f, "\t%s", treatStart);
fprintf(f, "\t%s", prefix);
static char *flyTxToGene(char *tx)
/* Convert transcript to gene (by cutting off '-') */
char *e = strchr(tx, '-');
if (e == NULL)
    return cloneString(tx);
    return cloneStringZ(tx, e-tx);
Esempio n. 10
File: joiner.c Progetto: bowhan/kent
struct joinerDtf *joinerDtfFromDottedTriple(char *triple)
/* Get joinerDtf from something in db.table.field format. */
char *s, *e;
struct joinerDtf *dtf;
s = triple;
e = strchr(s, '.');
if (e == NULL)
dtf->database = cloneStringZ(s, e-s);
s = e+1;
e = strchr(s, '.');
if (e == NULL)
dtf->table = cloneStringZ(s, e-s);
dtf->field = cloneString(e+1);
return dtf;
Esempio n. 11
static char *boldTerm(char *target, char *term, int offset, enum dbDbMatchType type)
/* Return a string with <b>term</b> swapped in for term at offset.
 * If offset is negative and type is ddmtSciName, treat term as an abbreviated species
 * name (term = "G. species" vs. target = "Genus species"): bold the first letter of the
 * genus and the matching portion of the species. */
int termLen = strlen(term);
int targetLen = strlen(target);
if (offset + termLen > targetLen)
    errAbort("boldTerm: invalid offset (%d) for term '%s' (length %d) in target '%s' (length %d)",
             offset, term, termLen, target, targetLen);
else if (offset < 0 && type != ddmtSciName)
    errAbort("boldTerm: negative offset (%d) given for type %d", offset, type);
// Allocate enough to have two bolded chunks:
int resultSize = targetLen + 2*strlen("<b></b>") + 1;
char result[resultSize];
char *p = result;
int size = sizeof(result);
if (offset >= 0)
    // The part of target before the term:
    safeAddN(&p, &size, target, offset);
    // The bolded term:
    safeAdd(&p, &size, "<b>");
    safeAddN(&p, &size, target+offset, termLen);
    safeAdd(&p, &size, "</b>");
    // The rest of the target after the term:
    safeAdd(&p, &size, target+offset+termLen);
    // Accounting tweak -- we allocate enough for two bolded chunks, but use only one here:
    size -= strlen("<b></b>");
    // Term is abbreviated scientific name -- bold the first letter of the genus:
    safeAdd(&p, &size, "<b>");
    safeAddN(&p, &size, target, 1);
    safeAdd(&p, &size, "</b>");
    // add the rest of the genus:
    char *targetSpecies = skipLeadingSpaces(skipToSpaces(target));
    int targetOffset = targetSpecies - target;
    safeAddN(&p, &size, target+1, targetOffset-1);
    // bold the matching portion of the species:
    char *termSpecies = skipLeadingSpaces(skipToSpaces(term));
    termLen = strlen(termSpecies);
    safeAdd(&p, &size, "<b>");
    safeAddN(&p, &size, targetSpecies, termLen);
    safeAdd(&p, &size, "</b>");
    // add the rest of the species:
    safeAdd(&p, &size, targetSpecies+termLen); 
if (*p != '\0' || size != 1)
    errAbort("boldTerm: bad arithmetic (size is %d, *p is '%c')", size, *p);
return cloneStringZ(result, resultSize);
Esempio n. 12
static struct refSeqVerInfo *refSeqVerInfoNewFile(char *acc)
/* construct a refSeqVerInfo object from a file */
struct refSeqVerInfo *rsvi;
char *dot = strchr(acc, '.');
rsvi->acc = cloneStringZ(acc, ((dot != NULL) ? (dot - acc) : strlen(acc)));
if (dot != NULL)
    rsvi->requestVer = sqlUnsigned(dot+1);
return rsvi;
struct dnaSeq *stickyEnd(struct cutter *enz)
/* Return the sticky end sequence of an enzyme. Strand is unspecified.  Free this. */
struct dnaSeq *ret = NULL;
if (!enz)
    return NULL;
if (enz->overhang > 0)
    char *seq = cloneStringZ(enz->seq + enz->cut, enz->overhang);
    ret = newDnaSeq(seq, enz->overhang, "sticky");
else if (enz->overhang < 0)
    int size = intAbs(enz->overhang);
    char *seq = cloneStringZ(enz->seq + enz->cut - size, size);
    complement(seq, strlen(seq));
    ret = newDnaSeq(seq, strlen(seq), "sticky");
return ret;
Esempio n. 14
char *hmacSha1(char *key, char *data)
/* Calculate a openssl SHA1 keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) */
unsigned char* digest;
digest=HMAC(EVP_sha1(), key, strlen(key), (unsigned char*)data, strlen(data), NULL, NULL);
char hmacStr[40];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    sprintf(&hmacStr[i*2], "%02x", (unsigned int)digest[i]);
return cloneStringZ(hmacStr, sizeof(hmacStr));
Esempio n. 15
char *getSrcDir()
/* Get the kent/src/ dir */
char *pwd = getCurrentDir();
char *s = strstr(pwd, "/src/");
if (!s)
    s = strstr(pwd, "/src");
if (!s)
    errAbort("unable to locate src/ directory, must run in your sandbox");
s += strlen("/src");
return cloneStringZ(pwd, s - pwd); 
struct wabAli *wabAliLoad(char **row)
/* Load a wabAli from row fetched with select * from wabAli
 * from database.  Dispose of this with wabAliFree(). */
struct wabAli *ret;

ret->query = cloneString(row[0]);
ret->qStart = sqlUnsigned(row[1]);
ret->qEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[2]);
strcpy(ret->strand, row[3]);
ret->chrom = cloneString(row[4]);
ret->chromStart = sqlUnsigned(row[5]);
ret->chromEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[6]);
ret->milliScore = sqlUnsigned(row[7]);
ret->symCount = sqlUnsigned(row[8]);
ret->qSym = cloneStringZ(row[9], ret->symCount);
ret->tSym = cloneStringZ(row[10], ret->symCount);
ret->hSym = cloneStringZ(row[11], ret->symCount);
return ret;
Esempio n. 17
char *eatHrefTag(char *line)
/* Remove HrefTag from line and return it. */
char *startTag = strchr(line, '<');
char *endTag = strchr(startTag, '>');
char *hrefTag = cloneStringZ(startTag, endTag-startTag+1);
strcpy(startTag, endTag+1);
startTag = strchr(startTag, '<');
endTag = strchr(startTag, '>');
strcpy(startTag, endTag+1);
return hrefTag;
Esempio n. 18
char *hmacMd5(char *key, char *data)
/* Calculate a openssl MD5 keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) */
unsigned char* digest;
digest=HMAC(EVP_md5(), key, strlen(key), (unsigned char*)data, strlen(data), NULL, NULL);
//printf("Raw mdr digest: %s\n", digest);
char hmacStr[32];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    sprintf(&hmacStr[i*2], "%02x", (unsigned int)digest[i]);
return cloneStringZ(hmacStr, sizeof(hmacStr));
boolean isAllFloat(char *s)
/* Return true if it looks like an floating point */
char *point = strchr(s,'.');
if (!point)
    return isAllInt(s);
if (!isAllUInt(point+1))
    return FALSE;
char *temp=cloneStringZ(s,point-s);
boolean result = isAllInt(temp);
return result;
Esempio n. 20
static boolean parseMetaBigFileName(char* original, char** pRemotePart, char** pFullFilePart, char** pJustFilePart, char** pSectionPart)
/* split the filename string into up to three pieces: remote/file/sections parts */
    boolean remote = FALSE;
    char* baseFileName = NULL;
    char* colonInFileName = NULL;
    if (original == NULL)
        errAbort("NULL filename error, something went wrong");
    if (strstr(original, "tp://") || strstr(original, "https://"))
        remote = TRUE;
    /* find right-most '/' */
    baseFileName = strrchr(original, '/');
    if (baseFileName == NULL) {
        baseFileName = original;
        *pRemotePart = NULL;
    } else if (remote && ((baseFileName - original == 7) || (baseFileName - original == 6)))
        errAbort("malformed URL");
    else if (remote) {
        *pRemotePart = cloneStringZ(original, baseFileName + 1 - original);
        baseFileName += 1;
    } else
        baseFileName += 1;
    colonInFileName = strchr(baseFileName, ':');
    if (colonInFileName != NULL)
    /* this means there is a section portion of the filename */
        *pFullFilePart = cloneStringZ(original, colonInFileName - original);
        *pJustFilePart = cloneStringZ(baseFileName, colonInFileName - baseFileName);
        if (colonInFileName + 1 == NULL)
            errAbort("Sectioning operator \':\' used after filename but left empty");
        *pSectionPart = cloneString(colonInFileName + 1);
    } else {
        *pFullFilePart = cloneString(original);
        *pJustFilePart = cloneString(baseFileName);
        *pSectionPart = NULL;
    return remote;
Esempio n. 21
static struct rqlParse *rqlParseAtom(struct tokenizer *tkz)
/* Return low level (symbol or literal) */
char *tok = tokenizerMustHaveNext(tkz);
struct rqlParse *p;
char c = tok[0];
if (c == '\'' || c == '"')
    p->op = rqlOpLiteral;
    p->type = rqlTypeString;
    int len = strlen(tok+1);
    p->val.s = cloneStringZ(tok+1, len-1);
else if (isalpha(c) || c == '_')
    p->op = rqlOpSymbol;
    p->type = rqlTypeString;	/* String until promoted at least. */
    p->val.s = cloneString(tok);
else if (isdigit(c))
    p->op = rqlOpLiteral;
    p->type = rqlTypeInt;
    p->val.i = sqlUnsigned(tok);
    if ((tok = tokenizerNext(tkz)) != NULL)
	if (tok[0] == '.')
	    char buf[32];
	    tok = tokenizerMustHaveNext(tkz);
	    safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d.%s", p->val.i, tok);
	    p->type = rqlTypeDouble;
	    p->val.x = sqlDouble(buf);
else if (c == '(')
    p = rqlParseExpression(tkz);
    skipOverRequired(tkz, ")");
    errAbort("Unexpected %s line %d of %s", tok, tkz->lf->lineIx, tkz->lf->fileName);
return p;
Esempio n. 22
struct gdfGene *newGdfGene(char *name, int nameSize, int exonCount, char strand, UBYTE chromIx)
/* Return a new gene. */
    struct gdfGene *gene = needMem(sizeof *gene);
    gene->name = cloneStringZ(name, nameSize);
    gene->dataCount = exonCount*2;
    if (exonCount > 0)
        gene->dataPoints =
            needMem(gene->dataCount * sizeof(gene->dataPoints[0]));
    gene->strand = strand;
    gene->chromIx = chromIx;
    return gene;
Esempio n. 23
static char *getGsPersonalDirectory(char *gsToken)
/* Get User's default directory from GenomeSpace DM 
 * Returns a url like [<user>]    

// old1 char *defaultDirectoryUrl = "";
// old2 char *defaultDirectoryUrl = "";
// old3 char *defaultDirectoryUrl = "";
// NOTE the defaultdirectory method got renamed to personaldirectory
// old4 char *personalDirectoryUrl = "";

char *dmSvr = getGenomeSpaceConfig("dmServer");
char personalDirectoryUrl[1024];
safef(personalDirectoryUrl, sizeof personalDirectoryUrl, "%s/v1.0/personaldirectory", dmSvr);
struct dyString *reqExtra = newDyString(256);
dyStringPrintf(reqExtra, "Cookie: gs-token=%s\r\n", gsToken);
int sd = netOpenHttpExt(personalDirectoryUrl, "GET", reqExtra->string);
if (sd < 0)
    errAbort("failed to open socket for [%s]", personalDirectoryUrl);

struct dyString *dy = netSlurpFile(sd);

char *personalDirectory = NULL;

if (strstr(dy->string, "HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"))
    char *valStart = strstr(dy->string, "Location: ");
    if (valStart)
	valStart += strlen("Location: ");
	char *valEnd = strstr(valStart, "\r\n");
	if (!valEnd)
	    errAbort("location not found in response headers");
	personalDirectory = cloneStringZ(valStart, valEnd - valStart);

return personalDirectory;

Esempio n. 24
struct galleryEntry *galLoad(char **row)
/* Load a session entry from a row.  A row consists of:
 * 0. gbMembers.realName
 * 1. namedSessionDb.userName
 * 2. gbMembers.idx
 * 3. namedSessionDb.sessionName
 * 4. namedSessionDb.useCount
 * 5. namedSessionDb.settings
 * 6. namedSessionDb.contents
 * 7. namedSessionDb.firstUse */
char *dbIdx, *dbEnd;
struct galleryEntry *ret;
ret->realName = cloneString(row[0]);
ret->userName = cloneString(row[1]);
cgiDecodeFull(ret->userName, ret->userName, strlen(ret->userName));
ret->sessionName = cloneString(row[3]);
cgiDecodeFull(ret->sessionName, ret->sessionName, strlen(ret->sessionName));
ret->sessionUrl = dyStringCreate("hgS_doOtherUser=submit&hgS_otherUserName=%s&hgS_otherUserSessionName=%s", row[1], row[3]);

ret->imgPath = sessionThumbnailFilePath(row[2], row[3], row[7]);
if (fileExists(ret->imgPath))
    ret->imgUri = sessionThumbnailFileUri(row[2], row[3], row[7]);
    ret->imgUri = NULL;
ret->useCount = sqlUnsignedLong(row[4]);
ret->settings = cloneString(row[5]);
if (startsWith("db=", row[6]))
    dbIdx = row[6] + 3;
    dbIdx = strstr(row[6], "&db=") + 4;
if (dbIdx != NULL)
    dbEnd = strchr(dbIdx, '&');
    if (dbEnd != NULL)
        ret->db = cloneStringZ(dbIdx, dbEnd-dbIdx);
        ret->db = cloneString(dbIdx);
    ret->db = cloneString("n/a");
ret->firstUse = cloneString(row[7]);
char *spacePt = strchr(ret->firstUse, ' ');
if (spacePt != NULL) *spacePt = '\0';
return ret;
static char *getSimplifiedAllele(char *geneName, char *allele)
/* If allele is of form geneName<varient> then return just
 * varient.  Else return allele.  Do a freeMem on result when
 * done. */
int len = strlen(geneName);
if (startsWith(geneName, allele) && allele[len] == '<')
    char *s = allele + len + 1;
    char *e = strrchr(s, '>');
    if (e == NULL) 
    	e = s + strlen(s);
    return cloneStringZ(s, e - s);
    return cloneString(allele);
static void chromNameCallback(void *context, void *key, int keySize, void *val, int valSize)
/* Callback that captures chromInfo from bPlusTree. */
struct chromNameCallbackContext *c = context;
struct bbiChromInfo *info;
struct bbiChromIdSize *idSize = val;
assert(valSize == sizeof(*idSize));
info->name = cloneStringZ(key, keySize);
info->id = idSize->chromId;
info->size = idSize->chromSize;
if (c->isSwapped)
    info->id = byteSwap32(info->id);
    info->size = byteSwap32(info->size);
slAddHead(&c->list, info);
static struct dnaSeq *seqReaderTblGet(struct seqReader *seqReader, char *seqName, int start, int end,
                                      int *retFullSeqSize)
/* get a sequence from the seqTbl */
struct dnaSeq *fullSeq = hashFindVal(seqReader->seqTbl, seqName);
if (fullSeq == NULL)
    errAbort("can't find sequence %s in %s", seqName, seqReader->spec);
if (end > fullSeq->size)
    errAbort("range %d-%d longer than sequence %s length %d in %s",
             start, end, seqName, fullSeq->size, seqReader->spec);
if (retFullSeqSize != NULL)
    *retFullSeqSize = fullSeq->size;
int len = (end-start);
struct dnaSeq *seq = newDnaSeq(cloneStringZ(fullSeq->dna+start, len), len, seqName);
if (!gMasked)
return seq;
Esempio n. 28
void uw02MetaOut(FILE *f, char *midString)
/* uw02MetaOut - Version of function used for UW dnase on hg19. */
/* At this point midString has format CellPkRep## - parse out Cell and ## */
char *pattern = "PkRep";
int patLen = strlen(pattern);
char *patPos = stringIn(pattern, midString);
if (patPos == NULL)
    errAbort("Can't find %s in %s\n", pattern, midString);
char *cell = cloneStringZ(midString, patPos - midString);
char *rep = cloneString(patPos + patLen);

/* Sometimes rep will have a 'V1' or 'V2' after it. Chop it off. */
char *v = strchr(rep, 'V');
if (v != NULL)
    *v = 0;

fprintf(f, "\t%s\t%s", cell, rep);
Esempio n. 29
char *insertUserPasswordIntoUrl(char *url, char *user, char *password)
/* Insert cgi-encoded user and password into url after protocol. Free returned string when done. */
char resultUrl[1024];
char *encUser = cgiEncode(user);
char *encPassword = cgiEncode(password);
char *rest = stringIn("://", url);
if (!rest)
    errAbort("expected url [%s] to have ://", url);
char *protocol = cloneStringZ(url, rest - url);
rest += strlen("://");
safef(resultUrl, sizeof resultUrl, "%s://%s:%s@%s", protocol, encUser, encPassword, rest);


return cloneString(resultUrl);
int nearCountUniqAccRows(struct htmlPage *page)
/* Count number of unique rows in table containing just hyperlinked 
 * accessions. */
char *s, *e, *row, *acc;
int count = 0;
struct hash *uniqHash = hashNew(0);

if (page == NULL)
    return -1;

/* Set s to first row. */
s = stringIn(nearStartTablePat, page->htmlText);
if (s == NULL)
    return -1;
s += strlen(nearStartTablePat);

for (;;)
    e = stringIn(nearEndRowPat, s);
    if (e == NULL)
    row = cloneStringZ(s, e-s);
    acc = qaStringBetween(row, ">", "</a>");
    if (acc == NULL)
	warn("Can't find acc text between > and </a> while counting uniq row %s",
    if (!hashLookup(uniqHash, acc))
	hashAdd(uniqHash, acc, NULL);
    s = e + strlen(nearEndRowPat);
return count;