bool ocfs2::resize(Report& report, const QString& deviceNode, qint64 length) const { ExternalCommand cmdBlockSize(QStringLiteral("debugfs.ocfs2"), { QStringLiteral("--request"), QStringLiteral("stats"), deviceNode }); qint32 blockSize = -1; if ( && cmdBlockSize.exitCode() == 0) { QRegularExpression re(QStringLiteral("Block Size Bits: (\\d+)")); QRegularExpressionMatch reBlockSizeBits = re.match(cmdBlockSize.output()); if (reBlockSizeBits.hasMatch()) blockSize = 1 << reBlockSizeBits.captured(1).toInt(); } if (blockSize == -1) return false; ExternalCommand cmd(report, QStringLiteral("tunefs.ocfs2"), { QStringLiteral("--yes"), QStringLiteral("--volume-size"), deviceNode, QString::number(length / blockSize) }); return && cmd.exitCode() == 0; }
bool ocfs2::resize(Report& report, const QString& deviceNode, qint64 length) const { ExternalCommand cmdBlockSize(QStringLiteral("debugfs.ocfs2"), QStringList() << QStringLiteral("-R") << QStringLiteral("stats") << deviceNode); qint32 blockSize = -1; if ( { QRegExp rxBlockSizeBits(QStringLiteral("Block Size Bits: (\\d+)")); if (rxBlockSizeBits.indexIn(cmdBlockSize.output()) != -1) blockSize = 1 << rxBlockSizeBits.cap(1).toInt(); } if (blockSize == -1) return false; ExternalCommand cmd(report, QStringLiteral("tunefs.ocfs2"), QStringList() << QStringLiteral("-y") << QStringLiteral("-S") << deviceNode << QString::number(length / blockSize)); return && cmd.exitCode() == 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int ret = 1; // definition of command line arguments TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("waifu2x reimplementation using OpenCV", ' ', "1.0.0"); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> cmdInputFile("i", "input_file", "path to input image file (you should input full path)", true, "", "string", cmd); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> cmdOutputFile("o", "output_file", "path to output image file (you should input full path)", false, "(auto)", "string", cmd); std::vector<std::string> cmdModeConstraintV; cmdModeConstraintV.push_back("noise"); cmdModeConstraintV.push_back("scale"); cmdModeConstraintV.push_back("noise_scale"); TCLAP::ValuesConstraint<std::string> cmdModeConstraint(cmdModeConstraintV); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> cmdMode("m", "mode", "image processing mode", false, "noise_scale", &cmdModeConstraint, cmd); std::vector<int> cmdNRLConstraintV; cmdNRLConstraintV.push_back(1); cmdNRLConstraintV.push_back(2); TCLAP::ValuesConstraint<int> cmdNRLConstraint(cmdNRLConstraintV); TCLAP::ValueArg<int> cmdNRLevel("", "noise_level", "noise reduction level", false, 1, &cmdNRLConstraint, cmd); TCLAP::ValueArg<double> cmdScaleRatio("", "scale_ratio", "custom scale ratio", false, 2.0, "double", cmd); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> cmdModelPath("", "model_dir", "path to custom model directory (don't append last / )", false, "models_rgb", "string", cmd); TCLAP::ValueArg<int> cmdNumberOfJobs("j", "jobs", "number of threads launching at the same time", false, 0, "integer", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg cmdForceOpenCL("", "force-OpenCL", "force to use OpenCL on Intel Platform", cmd, false); TCLAP::SwitchArg cmdDisableGPU("", "disable-gpu", "disable GPU", cmd, false); TCLAP::ValueArg<int> cmdBlockSize("", "block_size", "block size", false, 0, "integer", cmd); // definition of command line argument : end // parse command line arguments try { cmd.parse(argc, argv); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; std::cerr << "Error : cmd.parse() threw exception" << std::endl; std::exit(-1); } std::string outputFileName = cmdOutputFile.getValue(); if (outputFileName == "(auto)") { outputFileName = cmdInputFile.getValue(); int tailDot = outputFileName.find_last_of('.'); outputFileName.erase(tailDot, outputFileName.length()); outputFileName = outputFileName + "(" + cmdMode.getValue() + ")"; std::string &mode = cmdMode.getValue(); if(mode.find("noise") != mode.npos){ outputFileName = outputFileName + "(Level" + std::to_string(cmdNRLevel.getValue()) + ")"; } if(mode.find("scale") != mode.npos){ outputFileName = outputFileName + "(x" + std::to_string(cmdScaleRatio.getValue()) + ")"; } outputFileName += ".png"; } enum W2XConvGPUMode gpu = W2XCONV_GPU_AUTO; if (cmdDisableGPU.getValue()) { gpu = W2XCONV_GPU_DISABLE; } else if (cmdForceOpenCL.getValue()) { gpu = W2XCONV_GPU_FORCE_OPENCL; } W2XConv *converter = w2xconv_init(gpu, cmdNumberOfJobs.getValue(), 1); double time_start = getsec(); switch (converter->target_processor.type) { case W2XCONV_PROC_HOST: printf("CPU: %s\n", converter->target_processor.dev_name); break; case W2XCONV_PROC_CUDA: printf("CUDA: %s\n", converter->target_processor.dev_name); break; case W2XCONV_PROC_OPENCL: printf("OpenCL: %s\n", converter->target_processor.dev_name); break; } int bs = cmdBlockSize.getValue(); int r = w2xconv_load_models(converter, cmdModelPath.getValue().c_str()); if (r < 0) { goto error; } { int nrLevel = 0; if (cmdMode.getValue() == "noise" || cmdMode.getValue() == "noise_scale") { nrLevel = cmdNRLevel.getValue(); } double scaleRatio = 1; if (cmdMode.getValue() == "scale" || cmdMode.getValue() == "noise_scale") { scaleRatio = cmdScaleRatio.getValue(); } r = w2xconv_convert_file(converter, outputFileName.c_str(), cmdInputFile.getValue().c_str(), nrLevel, scaleRatio, bs); } if (r < 0) { goto error; } { double time_end = getsec(); double gflops_proc = (converter->flops.flop/(1000.0*1000.0*1000.0)) / converter->flops.filter_sec; double gflops_all = (converter->flops.flop/(1000.0*1000.0*1000.0)) / (time_end-time_start); std::cout << "process successfully done! (all:" << (time_end - time_start) << "[sec], " << gflops_all << "[GFLOPS], filter:" << converter->flops.filter_sec << "[sec], " << gflops_proc << "[GFLOPS])" << std::endl; } ret = 0; error: if (ret != 0) { char *err = w2xconv_strerror(&converter->last_error); puts(err); w2xconv_free(err); } w2xconv_fini(converter); return ret; }