static int init_state(const char *obsdmp, const char *obsidx, uint32 n_density, uint32 n_stream, uint32 *veclen, uint32 blksize, int reest, const char *mixwfn, const char *meanfn, const char *varfn, uint32 ts_off, uint32 ts_cnt, uint32 n_ts, uint32 n_d_ts) { vector_t ***mean; vector_t ***var = NULL; vector_t ****fullvar = NULL; float32 ***mixw = NULL; uint32 n_frame; uint32 ignore = 0; codew_t *label; uint32 n_corpus = 0; float64 sqerr; float64 tot_sqerr; segdmp_type_t t; uint32 i, j, ts, n; int32 full_covar; full_covar = cmd_ln_int32("-fullvar"); /* fully-continuous for now */ mean = gauden_alloc_param(ts_cnt, n_stream, n_density, veclen); if (full_covar) fullvar = gauden_alloc_param_full(ts_cnt, n_stream, n_density, veclen); else var = gauden_alloc_param(ts_cnt, n_stream, n_density, veclen); if (mixwfn) mixw = (float32 ***)ckd_calloc_3d(ts_cnt, n_stream, n_density, sizeof(float32)); if (cmd_ln_str("-segidxfn")) { E_INFO("Multi-class dump\n"); if (segdmp_open_read(cmd_ln_str_list("-segdmpdirs"), cmd_ln_str("-segdmpfn"), cmd_ln_str("-segidxfn"), &n, &t, n_stream, veclen, blksize) != S3_SUCCESS) { E_FATAL("Unable to open dumps\n"); } if (n != n_d_ts) { E_FATAL("Expected %u tied-states in dump, but apparently %u\n", n_d_ts, n); } if (t != SEGDMP_TYPE_FEAT) { E_FATAL("Expected feature dump, but instead saw %u\n", t); } multiclass = TRUE; } else { E_INFO("1-class dump file\n"); multiclass = FALSE; dmp_fp = s3open(cmd_ln_str("-segdmpfn"), "rb", &dmp_swp); if (dmp_fp == NULL) { E_ERROR_SYSTEM("Unable to open dump file %s for reading\n", cmd_ln_str("-segdmpfn")); return S3_ERROR; } if (s3read(&n_frame, sizeof(uint32), 1, dmp_fp, dmp_swp, &ignore) != 1) { E_ERROR_SYSTEM("Unable to open dump file %s for reading\n", cmd_ln_str("-segdmpfn")); return S3_ERROR; } data_offset = ftell(dmp_fp); } tot_sqerr = 0; for (i = 0; i < ts_cnt; i++) { ts = ts_off + i; /* stride not accounted for yet */ if (o2d == NULL) { if (multiclass) n_frame = segdmp_n_seg(ts); } else { for (j = 0, n_frame = 0; j < n_o2d[ts]; j++) { n_frame += segdmp_n_seg(o2d[ts][j]); } } E_INFO("Corpus %u: sz==%u frames%s\n", ts, n_frame, (n_frame > cmd_ln_int32("-vartiethr") ? "" : " tied var")); if (n_frame == 0) { continue; } E_INFO("Convergence ratios are abs(cur - prior) / abs(prior)\n"); /* Do some variety of k-means clustering */ ptmr_start(&km_timer); sqerr = cluster(ts, n_stream, n_frame, veclen, blksize, mean[i], n_density, &label); ptmr_stop(&km_timer); if (sqerr < 0) { E_ERROR("Unable to do k-means for state %u; skipping...\n", ts); continue; } /* Given the k-means and assuming equal prior liklihoods * compute the variances */ ptmr_start(&var_timer); if (full_covar) full_variances(ts, mean[i], fullvar[i], n_density, n_stream, veclen, blksize, n_frame, label); else variances(ts, mean[i], var[i], n_density, n_stream, veclen, blksize, n_frame, label); ptmr_stop(&var_timer); if (mixwfn) { /* initialize the mixing weights by counting # of occurrances * of the top codeword over the corpus and normalizing */ init_mixw(mixw[i], mean[i], n_density, veclen, n_frame, n_stream, label); ckd_free(label); if (reest == TRUE && full_covar) E_ERROR("EM re-estimation is not yet supported for full covariances\n"); else if (reest == TRUE) { ptmr_start(&em_timer); /* Do iterations of EM to estimate the mixture densities */ reest_sum(ts, mean[i], var[i], mixw[i], n_density, n_stream, n_frame, veclen, blksize, cmd_ln_int32("-niter"), FALSE, cmd_ln_int32("-vartiethr")); ptmr_stop(&em_timer); } } ++n_corpus; tot_sqerr += sqerr; E_INFO("sqerr [%u] == %e\n", ts, sqerr); } if (n_corpus > 0) { E_INFO("sqerr = %e tot %e rms\n", tot_sqerr, sqrt(tot_sqerr/n_corpus)); } if (!multiclass) s3close(dmp_fp); if (meanfn) { if (s3gau_write(meanfn, (const vector_t ***)mean, ts_cnt, n_stream, n_density, veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) { return S3_ERROR; } } else { E_INFO("No mean file given; none written\n"); } if (varfn) { if (full_covar) { if (s3gau_write_full(varfn, (const vector_t ****)fullvar, ts_cnt, n_stream, n_density, veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) return S3_ERROR; } else { if (s3gau_write(varfn, (const vector_t ***)var, ts_cnt, n_stream, n_density, veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) return S3_ERROR; } } else { E_INFO("No variance file given; none written\n"); } if (mixwfn) { if (s3mixw_write(mixwfn, mixw, ts_cnt, n_stream, n_density) != S3_SUCCESS) { return S3_ERROR; } } else { E_INFO("No mixing weight file given; none written\n"); } return S3_SUCCESS; }
/* the following function is used for MMIE training lqin 2010-03 */ static int mmi_normalize() { uint32 i; uint32 n_mgau; uint32 n_stream; uint32 n_density; vector_t ***in_mean = NULL; vector_t ***in_var = NULL; vector_t ***wt_mean = NULL; vector_t ***wt_var = NULL; const uint32 *veclen = NULL; const char **accum_dir; const char *in_mean_fn; const char *out_mean_fn; const char *in_var_fn; const char *out_var_fn; vector_t ***wt_num_mean = NULL; vector_t ***wt_den_mean = NULL; vector_t ***wt_num_var = NULL; vector_t ***wt_den_var = NULL; float32 ***num_dnom = NULL; float32 ***den_dnom = NULL; uint32 n_num_mgau; uint32 n_den_mgau; uint32 n_num_stream; uint32 n_den_stream; uint32 n_num_density; uint32 n_den_density; float32 constE; uint32 n_temp_mgau; uint32 n_temp_stream; uint32 n_temp_density; const uint32 *temp_veclen = NULL; accum_dir = cmd_ln_str_list("-accumdir"); /* the following variables are used for mmie training */ out_mean_fn = cmd_ln_str("-meanfn"); out_var_fn = cmd_ln_str("-varfn"); in_mean_fn = cmd_ln_str("-inmeanfn"); in_var_fn = cmd_ln_str("-invarfn"); constE = cmd_ln_float32("-constE"); /* get rid of some unnecessary parameters */ if (cmd_ln_int32("-fullvar")) { E_FATAL("Current MMIE training can not be done for full variance, set -fulllvar as no\n"); } if (cmd_ln_int32("-tiedvar")) { E_FATAL("Current MMIE training can not be done for tied variance, set -tiedvar as no\n"); } if (cmd_ln_str("-mixwfn")) { E_FATAL("Current MMIE training does not support mixture weight update, remove -mixwfn \n"); } if (cmd_ln_str("-inmixwfn")) { E_FATAL("Current MMIE training does not support mixture weight update, remove -inmixwfn \n"); } if (cmd_ln_str("-tmatfn")) { E_FATAL("Current MMIE training does not support transition matrix update, remove -tmatfn \n"); } if (cmd_ln_str("-regmatfn")) { E_FATAL("Using norm for computing regression matrix is obsolete, please use mllr_transform \n"); } /* must be at least one accum dir */ if (accum_dir[0] == NULL) { E_FATAL("No accumulated reestimation path is specified, use -accumdir \n"); } /* at least update mean or variance parameters */ if (out_mean_fn == NULL && out_var_fn == NULL) { E_FATAL("Neither -meanfn nor -varfn is specified, at least do mean or variance update \n"); } else if (out_mean_fn == NULL) { E_INFO("No -meanfn specified, will skip if any\n"); } else if (out_var_fn == NULL) { E_INFO("No -varfn specified, will skip if any\n"); } /* read input mean */ if (in_mean_fn != NULL) { E_INFO("read original density mean parameters from %s\n", in_mean_fn); if (s3gau_read(in_mean_fn, &in_mean, &n_mgau, &n_stream, &n_density, &veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) { E_FATAL_SYSTEM("Couldn't read %s", in_mean_fn); } ckd_free((void *)veclen); veclen = NULL; } /* read input variance */ if (in_var_fn != NULL) { E_INFO("read original density variance parameters from %s\n", in_var_fn); if (s3gau_read(in_var_fn, &in_var, &n_mgau, &n_stream, &n_density, &veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) { E_FATAL_SYSTEM("Couldn't read %s", in_var_fn); } ckd_free((void *)veclen); veclen = NULL; } /* read accumulated numerator and denominator counts */ for (i = 0; accum_dir[i]; i++) { E_INFO("Reading and accumulating counts from %s\n", accum_dir[i]); rdacc_mmie_den(accum_dir[i], "numlat", &wt_num_mean, &wt_num_var, &num_dnom, &n_num_mgau, &n_num_stream, &n_num_density, &veclen); rdacc_mmie_den(accum_dir[i], "denlat", &wt_den_mean, &wt_den_var, &den_dnom, &n_den_mgau, &n_den_stream, &n_den_density, &veclen); if (n_num_mgau != n_den_mgau) E_FATAL("number of gaussians inconsistent between num and den lattice\n"); else if (n_num_mgau != n_mgau) E_FATAL("number of gaussians inconsistent between imput model and accumulator (%u != %u)\n", n_mgau, n_num_mgau); if (n_num_stream != n_den_stream) E_FATAL("number of gaussian streams inconsistent between num and den lattice\n"); else if (n_num_stream != n_stream) E_FATAL("number of gaussian streams inconsistent between imput model and accumulator (%u != %u)\n", n_stream, n_num_stream); if (n_num_density != n_den_density) E_FATAL("number of gaussian densities inconsistent between num and den lattice\n"); else if (n_num_density != n_density) E_FATAL("number of gaussian densities inconsistent between imput model and accumulator (%u != %u)\n", n_density, n_num_density); } /* initialize update parameters as the input parameters */ if (out_mean_fn) { if (s3gau_read(in_mean_fn, &wt_mean, &n_temp_mgau, &n_temp_stream, &n_temp_density, &temp_veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) { E_FATAL_SYSTEM("Couldn't read %s", in_mean_fn); } ckd_free((void *)temp_veclen); temp_veclen = NULL; } if (out_var_fn) { if (s3gau_read(in_var_fn, &wt_var, &n_temp_mgau, &n_temp_stream, &n_temp_density, &temp_veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) { E_FATAL_SYSTEM("Couldn't read %s", in_var_fn); } ckd_free((void *)temp_veclen); temp_veclen = NULL; } /* update mean parameters */ if (wt_mean) { if (out_mean_fn) { E_INFO("Normalizing mean for n_mgau= %u, n_stream= %u, n_density= %u\n", n_mgau, n_stream, n_density); gauden_norm_wt_mmie_mean(in_mean, wt_mean, wt_num_mean, wt_den_mean, in_var, wt_num_var, wt_den_var, num_dnom, den_dnom, n_mgau, n_stream, n_density, veclen, constE); } else { E_INFO("Ignoring means since -meanfn not specified\n"); } } else { E_INFO("No means to normalize\n"); } /* update variance parameters */ if (wt_var) { if (out_var_fn) { E_INFO("Normalizing variance for n_mgau= %u, n_stream= %u, n_density= %u\n", n_mgau, n_stream, n_density); gauden_norm_wt_mmie_var(in_var, wt_var, wt_num_var, wt_den_var, num_dnom, den_dnom, in_mean, wt_mean, wt_num_mean, wt_den_mean, n_mgau, n_stream, n_density, veclen, constE); } else { E_INFO("Ignoring variances since -varfn not specified\n"); } } else { E_INFO("No variances to normalize\n"); } /* write the updated mean parameters to files */ if (out_mean_fn) { if (wt_mean) { if (s3gau_write(out_mean_fn, (const vector_t ***)wt_mean, n_mgau, n_stream, n_density, veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) { return S3_ERROR; } } else { E_WARN("NO reestimated means seen, but -meanfn specified\n"); } } else { if (wt_mean) { E_INFO("Reestimated means seen, but -meanfn NOT specified\n"); } } /* write the updated variance parameters to files */ if (out_var_fn) { if (wt_var) { if (s3gau_write(out_var_fn, (const vector_t ***)wt_var, n_mgau, n_stream, n_density, veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) { return S3_ERROR; } } else { E_WARN("NO reestimated variances seen, but -varfn specified\n"); } } else { if (wt_var) { E_INFO("Reestimated variances seen, but -varfn NOT specified\n"); } } if (veclen) ckd_free((void *)veclen); if (temp_veclen) ckd_free((void *)temp_veclen); return S3_SUCCESS; }
static int normalize() { char file_name[MAXPATHLEN+1]; float32 ***mixw_acc = NULL; float32 ***in_mixw = NULL; float64 s; uint32 n_mixw; uint32 n_stream; uint32 n_mllr_class; uint32 n_density; float32 ***tmat_acc = NULL; uint32 n_tmat; uint32 n_state_pm; uint32 i, j, k; vector_t ***in_mean = NULL; vector_t ***wt_mean = NULL; vector_t ***in_var = NULL; vector_t ***wt_var = NULL; vector_t ****in_fullvar = NULL; vector_t ****wt_fullvar = NULL; int32 pass2var = FALSE; int32 var_is_full = FALSE; float32 ***dnom = NULL; uint32 n_mgau; uint32 n_gau_stream; uint32 n_gau_density; const uint32 *veclen = NULL; const char **accum_dir; const char *oaccum_dir; const char *in_mixw_fn; const char *out_mixw_fn; const char *out_tmat_fn; const char *in_mean_fn; const char *out_mean_fn; const char *in_var_fn; const char *out_var_fn; const char *out_dcount_fn; int err; uint32 mllr_mult; uint32 mllr_add; float32 *****regl = NULL; float32 ****regr = NULL; uint32 no_retries=0; accum_dir = cmd_ln_str_list("-accumdir"); oaccum_dir = cmd_ln_str("-oaccumdir"); out_mixw_fn = cmd_ln_str("-mixwfn"); out_tmat_fn = cmd_ln_str("-tmatfn"); out_mean_fn = cmd_ln_str("-meanfn"); out_var_fn = cmd_ln_str("-varfn"); in_mixw_fn = cmd_ln_str("-inmixwfn"); in_mean_fn = cmd_ln_str("-inmeanfn"); in_var_fn = cmd_ln_str("-invarfn"); out_dcount_fn = cmd_ln_str("-dcountfn"); var_is_full = cmd_ln_int32("-fullvar"); /* must be at least one accum dir */ assert(accum_dir[0] != NULL); if (out_mixw_fn == NULL) { E_INFO("No -mixwfn specified, will skip if any\n"); } if (out_tmat_fn == NULL) { E_INFO("No -tmatfn specified, will skip if any\n"); } if (out_mean_fn == NULL) { E_INFO("No -meanfn specified, will skip if any\n"); } if (out_var_fn == NULL) { E_INFO("No -varfn specified, will skip if any\n"); } if (in_mixw_fn != NULL) { E_INFO("Selecting unseen mixing weight parameters from %s\n", in_mixw_fn); } if (in_mean_fn != NULL) { E_INFO("Selecting unseen density mean parameters from %s\n", in_mean_fn); if (s3gau_read(in_mean_fn, &in_mean, &n_mgau, &n_gau_stream, &n_gau_density, &veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) { E_FATAL_SYSTEM("Couldn't read %s", in_mean_fn); } ckd_free((void *)veclen); veclen = NULL; } if (in_var_fn != NULL) { E_INFO("Selecting unseen density variance parameters from %s\n", in_var_fn); if (var_is_full) { if (s3gau_read_full(in_var_fn, &in_fullvar, &n_mgau, &n_gau_stream, &n_gau_density, &veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) { E_FATAL_SYSTEM("Couldn't read %s", in_var_fn); } } else { if (s3gau_read(in_var_fn, &in_var, &n_mgau, &n_gau_stream, &n_gau_density, &veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) { E_FATAL_SYSTEM("Couldn't read %s", in_var_fn); } } ckd_free((void *)veclen); veclen = NULL; } n_stream = 0; for (i = 0; accum_dir[i]; i++) { E_INFO("Reading and accumulating counts from %s\n", accum_dir[i]); if (out_mixw_fn) { rdacc_mixw(accum_dir[i], &mixw_acc, &n_mixw, &n_stream, &n_density); } if (out_tmat_fn) { rdacc_tmat(accum_dir[i], &tmat_acc, &n_tmat, &n_state_pm); } if (out_mean_fn || out_var_fn) { if (var_is_full) rdacc_den_full(accum_dir[i], &wt_mean, &wt_fullvar, &pass2var, &dnom, &n_mgau, &n_gau_stream, &n_gau_density, &veclen); else rdacc_den(accum_dir[i], &wt_mean, &wt_var, &pass2var, &dnom, &n_mgau, &n_gau_stream, &n_gau_density, &veclen); if (out_mixw_fn) { if (n_stream != n_gau_stream) { E_ERROR("mixw inconsistent w/ densities WRT # " "streams (%u != %u)\n", n_stream, n_gau_stream); } if (n_density != n_gau_density) { E_ERROR("mixw inconsistent w/ densities WRT # " "den/mix (%u != %u)\n", n_density, n_gau_density); } } else { n_stream = n_gau_stream; n_density = n_gau_density; } } } if (oaccum_dir && mixw_acc) { /* write the total mixing weight reest. accumulators */ err = 0; sprintf(file_name, "%s/mixw_counts", oaccum_dir); if (in_mixw_fn) { if (s3mixw_read(in_mixw_fn, &in_mixw, &i, &j, &k) != S3_SUCCESS) { E_FATAL_SYSTEM("Unable to read %s", in_mixw_fn); } if (i != n_mixw) { E_FATAL("# mixw in input mixw file != # mixw in output mixw file\n"); } if (j != n_stream) { E_FATAL("# stream in input mixw file != # stream in output mixw file\n"); } if (k != n_density) { E_FATAL("# density in input mixw file != # density in output mixw file\n"); } for (i = 0; i < n_mixw; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n_stream; j++) { for (k = 0, s = 0; k < n_density; k++) { s += mixw_acc[i][j][k]; } if ((s == 0) && in_mixw) { for (k = 0, s = 0; k < n_density; k++) { mixw_acc[i][j][k] = in_mixw[i][j][k]; } E_INFO("set mixw %u stream %u to input mixw value\n", i, j); } } } } do { /* Write out the accumulated reestimation sums */ if (s3mixw_write(file_name, mixw_acc, n_mixw, n_stream, n_density) != S3_SUCCESS) { if (err == 0) { E_ERROR("Unable to write %s; Retrying...\n", file_name); } ++err; sleep(3); no_retries++; if(no_retries>10){ E_FATAL("Failed to get the files after 10 retries(about 30 seconds).\n "); } } } while (err > 1); } if (pass2var) E_INFO("-2passvar yes\n"); if (oaccum_dir && (wt_mean || wt_var || wt_fullvar)) { /* write the total mixing Gau. den reest. accumulators */ err = 0; sprintf(file_name, "%s/gauden_counts", oaccum_dir); do { int32 rv; if (var_is_full) rv = s3gaucnt_write_full(file_name, wt_mean, wt_fullvar, pass2var, dnom, n_mgau, n_gau_stream, n_gau_density, veclen); else rv = s3gaucnt_write(file_name, wt_mean, wt_var, pass2var, dnom, n_mgau, n_gau_stream, n_gau_density, veclen); if (rv != S3_SUCCESS) { if (err == 0) { E_ERROR("Unable to write %s; Retrying...\n", file_name); } ++err; sleep(3); no_retries++; if(no_retries>10){ E_FATAL("Failed to get the files after 10 retries(about 5 minutes).\n "); } } } while (err > 1); } if (oaccum_dir && tmat_acc) { /* write the total transition matrix reest. accumulators */ err = 0; sprintf(file_name, "%s/tmat_counts", oaccum_dir); do { if (s3tmat_write(file_name, tmat_acc, n_tmat, n_state_pm) != S3_SUCCESS) { if (err == 0) { E_ERROR("Unable to write %s; Retrying...\n", file_name); } ++err; sleep(3); no_retries++; if(no_retries>10){ E_FATAL("Failed to get the files after 10 retries(about 5 minutes).\n "); } } } while (err > 1); } if (oaccum_dir && regr && regl) { /* write the total MLLR regression matrix accumulators */ err = 0; sprintf(file_name, "%s/regmat_counts", oaccum_dir); do { if (s3regmatcnt_write(file_name, regr, regl, n_mllr_class, n_stream, veclen, mllr_mult, mllr_add) != S3_SUCCESS) { if (err == 0) { E_ERROR("Unable to write %s; Retrying...\n", file_name); } ++err; sleep(3); no_retries++; if(no_retries>10){ E_FATAL("Failed to get the files after 10 retries(about 5 minutes).\n "); } } } while (err > 1); } if (wt_mean || wt_var || wt_fullvar) { if (out_mean_fn) { E_INFO("Normalizing mean for n_mgau= %u, n_stream= %u, n_density= %u\n", n_mgau, n_stream, n_density); gauden_norm_wt_mean(in_mean, wt_mean, dnom, n_mgau, n_stream, n_density, veclen); } else { if (wt_mean) { E_INFO("Ignoring means since -meanfn not specified\n"); } } if (out_var_fn) { if (var_is_full) { if (wt_fullvar) { E_INFO("Normalizing fullvar\n"); gauden_norm_wt_fullvar(in_fullvar, wt_fullvar, pass2var, dnom, wt_mean, /* wt_mean now just mean */ n_mgau, n_stream, n_density, veclen, cmd_ln_boolean("-tiedvar")); } } else { if (wt_var) { E_INFO("Normalizing var\n"); gauden_norm_wt_var(in_var, wt_var, pass2var, dnom, wt_mean, /* wt_mean now just mean */ n_mgau, n_stream, n_density, veclen, cmd_ln_boolean("-tiedvar")); } } } else { if (wt_var || wt_fullvar) { E_INFO("Ignoring variances since -varfn not specified\n"); } } } else { E_INFO("No means or variances to normalize\n"); } /* * Write the parameters to files */ if (out_mixw_fn) { if (mixw_acc) { if (s3mixw_write(out_mixw_fn, mixw_acc, n_mixw, n_stream, n_density) != S3_SUCCESS) { return S3_ERROR; } } else { E_WARN("NO mixing weight accumulators seen, but -mixwfn specified.\n"); } } else { if (mixw_acc) { E_INFO("Mixing weight accumulators seen, but -mixwfn NOT specified.\n"); } } if (out_tmat_fn) { if (tmat_acc) { if (s3tmat_write(out_tmat_fn, tmat_acc, n_tmat, n_state_pm) != S3_SUCCESS) { return S3_ERROR; } } else { E_WARN("NO transition matrix accumulators seen, but -tmatfn specified.\n"); } } else { if (tmat_acc) E_INFO("Transition matrix accumulators seen, but -tmatfn NOT specified\n"); } if (out_mean_fn) { if (wt_mean) { if (s3gau_write(out_mean_fn, (const vector_t ***)wt_mean, n_mgau, n_stream, n_density, veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) return S3_ERROR; if (out_dcount_fn) { if (s3gaudnom_write(out_dcount_fn, dnom, n_mgau, n_stream, n_density) != S3_SUCCESS) return S3_ERROR; } } else E_WARN("NO reestimated means seen, but -meanfn specified\n"); } else { if (wt_mean) { E_INFO("Reestimated means seen, but -meanfn NOT specified\n"); } } if (out_var_fn) { if (var_is_full) { if (wt_fullvar) { if (s3gau_write_full(out_var_fn, (const vector_t ****)wt_fullvar, n_mgau, n_stream, n_density, veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) return S3_ERROR; } else E_WARN("NO reestimated variances seen, but -varfn specified\n"); } else { if (wt_var) { if (s3gau_write(out_var_fn, (const vector_t ***)wt_var, n_mgau, n_stream, n_density, veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) return S3_ERROR; } else E_WARN("NO reestimated variances seen, but -varfn specified\n"); } } else { if (wt_var) { E_INFO("Reestimated variances seen, but -varfn NOT specified\n"); } } if (veclen) ckd_free((void *)veclen); return S3_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *out_mllr_fn; const char **accum_dir; const char *mean_fn; const char *var_fn; const char *cb2mllrfn; const char *moddeffn; uint32 cdonly; uint32 mllr_mult; /* option 0 or 1 */ uint32 mllr_add; /* option 0 or 1 */ float32 varfloor; vector_t ***mean = NULL; /* baseline mean */ vector_t ***wt_mean = NULL; /* read from bw accum */ float32 ***wt_dcount = NULL; /* read from bw accum */ vector_t ***wt_var = NULL; /* not used */ int32 pass2var; /* not used */ uint32 n_mgau; uint32 n_stream; uint32 n_density; uint32 n_mllr_class; uint32 n_mgau_rd; uint32 n_stream_rd; uint32 n_density_rd; uint32 *veclen = NULL; uint32 *veclen_rd = NULL; float32 ****A = NULL; /* Output mllr: A */ float32 ***B = NULL; /* Output mllr: B */ int32 *cb2mllr = NULL; /* int32 **mllr2cb = NULL; int32 *n_mllr2cb = NULL;*/ model_def_t *mdef; uint32 gau_begin; uint32 i,s ; if (initialize(argc, argv) != S3_SUCCESS) { E_FATAL("errors initializing.\n"); } out_mllr_fn = cmd_ln_str("-outmllrfn"); accum_dir = cmd_ln_str_list("-accumdir"); mean_fn = cmd_ln_str("-meanfn"); var_fn = cmd_ln_str("-varfn"); cb2mllrfn = cmd_ln_str("-cb2mllrfn"); cdonly = cmd_ln_int32("-cdonly"); moddeffn = cmd_ln_str("-moddeffn"); mllr_mult = cmd_ln_int32("-mllrmult"); mllr_add = cmd_ln_int32("-mllradd"); varfloor = cmd_ln_float32("-varfloor"); assert(accum_dir[0] != NULL); /* must be at least one accum dir */ if (! (out_mllr_fn && accum_dir && mean_fn)) { E_FATAL("Some of options are missing.\n"); } if (varfloor < 0.) { E_FATAL("varfloor is negative (%e)\n",varfloor); } if (cb2mllrfn && strcmp(cb2mllrfn,"NO") == 0) { cb2mllrfn = NULL; } if (moddeffn && strcmp(moddeffn,"NO") == 0) { moddeffn = NULL; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ fprintf(stderr,"\n"); E_INFO("-- 1. Read input mean, (var) and accumulation.\n"); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------- Read baseline mean --------------*/ if (s3gau_read(mean_fn, &mean, &n_mgau, &n_stream, &n_density, &veclen) != S3_SUCCESS) { E_FATAL("Couldn't read %s", mean_fn); } /*-------- Read accum_dir (accumulation from bw) --------*/ for (i = 0; accum_dir[i]; i++) { E_INFO("Reading and accumulating counts from %s\n", accum_dir[i]); if (rdacc_den(accum_dir[i], &wt_mean, &wt_var, &pass2var, &wt_dcount, &n_mgau_rd, &n_stream_rd, &n_density_rd, &veclen_rd) != S3_SUCCESS) { E_FATAL("Error in reading %s\n", accum_dir[i]); } } if (n_mgau != n_mgau_rd) { E_FATAL("n_mgau mismatch (%u : %u)\n",n_mgau,n_mgau_rd); } if (n_stream != n_stream_rd) { E_FATAL("n_stream mismatch (%u : %u)\n",n_stream,n_stream_rd); } if (n_density != n_density_rd) { E_FATAL("n_density mismatch (%u : %u)\n",n_density,n_density_rd); } for (s = 0; s < n_stream; s++) { if (veclen[s] != veclen_rd[s]) { E_FATAL("vector length of stream %u (== %u) " "!= prior length (== %u)\n", s, veclen_rd[s], veclen[s]); } } ckd_free((void *)veclen_rd); veclen_rd = NULL; if (wt_var) { /* We don't use 'wt_var' in this program. */ gauden_free_param(wt_var); wt_var = NULL; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ fprintf(stderr,"\n"); E_INFO("-- 2. Read cb2mllrfn\n"); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (strcmp(cb2mllrfn, ".1cls.") == 0) { n_mllr_class = 1; cb2mllr = (int32 *) ckd_calloc(n_mgau, sizeof(int32)); } else { if (s3cb2mllr_read(cb2mllrfn, &cb2mllr, &n_mgau_rd, &n_mllr_class) != S3_SUCCESS) { E_FATAL("Unable to read %s\n",cb2mllrfn); } if (n_mgau_rd != n_mgau) { E_FATAL("cb2mllr maps %u cb, but read %u cb from files\n", n_mgau_rd, n_mgau); } } E_INFO("n_mllr_class = %d\n", n_mllr_class); gau_begin = 0; if (cdonly) { if (! moddeffn) { E_FATAL("-moddeffn is not given.\n"); } else if (model_def_read(&mdef, moddeffn) != S3_SUCCESS) { E_FATAL("Can not read model definition file %s\n", moddeffn); } gau_begin = mdef->n_tied_ci_state; for (i=0; i<gau_begin; i++) { cb2mllr[i] = -1; /* skip CI senones */ } E_INFO("Use CD senones only. (index >= %d)\n",mdef->n_tied_ci_state); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ fprintf(stderr,"\n"); E_INFO("-- 3. Calculate mllr matrices\n"); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ mllr_mat(&A, &B, var_fn, mean, wt_mean, wt_dcount, gau_begin, cb2mllr, mllr_mult, mllr_add, varfloor, n_mgau, n_stream, n_density, n_mllr_class, veclen); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ fprintf(stderr,"\n"); E_INFO("-- 4. Store mllr matrices (A,B) to %s\n", out_mllr_fn); fflush(stderr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if(store_reg_mat(out_mllr_fn, veclen, n_mllr_class, n_stream, A, B) != S3_SUCCESS) { E_FATAL("Unable to write %s\n", out_mllr_fn); } ckd_free((void *)veclen); free_mllr_A(A, n_mllr_class, n_stream); free_mllr_B(B, n_mllr_class, n_stream); return 0 ; }