Esempio n. 1
 * Client GET request with simple path. Test request generation.
 * Request /time resource from libcoap example
static void test_nanocoap__get_req(void)
    uint8_t buf[128];
    coap_pkt_t pkt;
    uint16_t msgid = 0xABCD;
    uint8_t token[2] = {0xDA, 0xEC};
    char path[] = "/time";
    size_t total_hdr_len = 6;
    size_t total_opt_len = 5;

    size_t len = coap_build_hdr((coap_hdr_t *)&buf[0], COAP_TYPE_NON,
                                &token[0], 2, COAP_METHOD_GET, msgid);
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(total_hdr_len, len);

    coap_pkt_init(&pkt, &buf[0], sizeof(buf), len);

    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(COAP_METHOD_GET, coap_get_code(&pkt));
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(2, coap_get_token_len(&pkt));
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(total_hdr_len, coap_get_total_hdr_len(&pkt));
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(COAP_TYPE_NON, coap_get_type(&pkt));
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(122, pkt.payload_len);

    len = coap_opt_add_string(&pkt, COAP_OPT_URI_PATH, &path[0], '/');
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(total_opt_len, len);

    char uri[10] = {0};
    coap_get_uri(&pkt, (uint8_t *)&uri[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING((char *)path, (char *)uri);

    len = coap_opt_finish(&pkt, COAP_OPT_FINISH_NONE);
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(total_hdr_len + total_opt_len, len);
Esempio n. 2
 * Builds on get_req test, to test '/' path. This path is the default when
 * otherwise not specified.
static void test_nanocoap__get_root_path(void)
    uint8_t buf[128];
    coap_pkt_t pkt;
    uint16_t msgid = 0xABCD;
    uint8_t token[2] = {0xDA, 0xEC};
    char path[] = "/";

    size_t len = coap_build_hdr((coap_hdr_t *)&buf[0], COAP_TYPE_NON,
                                &token[0], 2, COAP_METHOD_GET, msgid);

    coap_pkt_init(&pkt, &buf[0], sizeof(buf), len);

    char uri[10] = {0};
    coap_get_uri(&pkt, (uint8_t *)&uri[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING((char *)path, (char *)uri);
Esempio n. 3
 * Validates encoded message ID byte order and put/get URI option.
static void test_nanocoap__hdr(void)
    uint8_t buf[128];
    uint16_t msgid = 0xABCD;
    char path[] = "/test/abcd/efgh";
    unsigned char path_tmp[64] = {0};

    uint8_t *pktpos = &buf[0];
    pktpos += coap_build_hdr((coap_hdr_t *)pktpos, COAP_REQ, NULL, 0, COAP_METHOD_GET, msgid);
    pktpos += coap_put_option_uri(pktpos, 0, path, COAP_OPT_URI_PATH);

    coap_pkt_t pkt;
    coap_parse(&pkt, &buf[0], pktpos - &buf[0]);

    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(msgid, coap_get_id(&pkt));

    int res = coap_get_uri(&pkt, path_tmp);
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(sizeof(path), res);
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING((char *)path, (char *)path_tmp);
Esempio n. 4
 * Builds on get_req test, to test path with multiple segments.
static void test_nanocoap__get_multi_path(void)
    uint8_t buf[128];
    coap_pkt_t pkt;
    uint16_t msgid = 0xABCD;
    uint8_t token[2] = {0xDA, 0xEC};
    char path[] = "/ab/cde";
    size_t uri_opt_len = 7;

    size_t len = coap_build_hdr((coap_hdr_t *)&buf[0], COAP_TYPE_NON,
                                &token[0], 2, COAP_METHOD_GET, msgid);

    coap_pkt_init(&pkt, &buf[0], sizeof(buf), len);

    len = coap_opt_add_string(&pkt, COAP_OPT_URI_PATH, &path[0], '/');
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(uri_opt_len, len);

    char uri[10] = {0};
    coap_get_uri(&pkt, (uint8_t *)&uri[0]);
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING((char *)path, (char *)uri);
Esempio n. 5
 * Builds on get_req test, to test path longer than NANOCOAP_URI_MAX. We
 * expect coap_get_uri() to return -ENOSPC.
static void test_nanocoap__get_path_too_long(void)
    uint8_t buf[128];
    coap_pkt_t pkt;
    uint16_t msgid = 0xABCD;
    uint8_t token[2] = {0xDA, 0xEC};
    char path[] = "/234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234";
    /* includes extra byte for option length > 12 */
    size_t uri_opt_len = 65;

    size_t len = coap_build_hdr((coap_hdr_t *)&buf[0], COAP_TYPE_NON,
                                &token[0], 2, COAP_METHOD_GET, msgid);

    coap_pkt_init(&pkt, &buf[0], sizeof(buf), len);

    len = coap_opt_add_string(&pkt, COAP_OPT_URI_PATH, &path[0], '/');
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(uri_opt_len, len);

    char uri[NANOCOAP_URI_MAX] = {0};
    int get_len = coap_get_uri(&pkt, (uint8_t *)&uri[0]);