Esempio n. 1
void sampleHWt(ZZX &poly, long Hwt, long n)
  if (n<=0) n=deg(poly)+1; if (n<=0) return;
  clear(poly);          // initialize to zero
  poly.SetMaxLength(n); // allocate space for degree-(n-1) polynomial

  long b,u,i=0;
  if (Hwt>n) Hwt=n;
  while (i<Hwt) {  // continue until exactly Hwt nonzero coefficients
    u=lrand48()%n; // The next coefficient to choose
    if (IsZero(coeff(poly,u))) { // if we didn't choose it already
      b = lrand48()&2; // b random in {0,2}
      b--;             //   random in {-1,1}

      i++; // count another nonzero coefficient
  poly.normalize(); // need to call this after we work on the coeffs
Esempio n. 2
File: rows.cpp Progetto: Surgun/anm
ex row_power_z::coeff(const ex &s, int n) const
		if(n < 0)
			return 0;
		//DEBUG_OUT(op(0) << "^(" << op(1) << ").Tk.size() = " << Tk.size())
		while(n > int(Tk.size()) - 1)
		//DEBUG_OUT("Tk[" << n << "] = " << Tk[n])
		//DEBUG_OUT("Tk[" << n << "].evalf = " << Tk[n].evalf())
		return Tk[n];
	else if(s.is_equal(s_p))
		return coeff(s_taylor, -(n+1));
		return inherited::coeff(s,n);
Esempio n. 3
void LABtoRGB(const double lab[], unsigned char rgb[])
    MatrixXd coeff(3,3);
    coeff <<    3.0628971, -1.3931791, -0.4757517,
                -0.9692660, 1.8760108, 0.0415560,
                0.0678775, -0.2288548, 1.0693490;

    Vector3d _lab;
    _lab << lab[0], lab[1], lab[2];

    Vector3d xyz;
    LABtoXYZ(_lab, xyz);

    Vector3d _rgb;
    _rgb = coeff*xyz;
    _rgb *= 255.;

    rgb[0] = _rgb[0];
    rgb[1] = _rgb[1];
    rgb[2] = _rgb[2];
Esempio n. 4
// The recursive procedure in the Paterson-Stockmeyer
// polynomial-evaluation algorithm from SIAM J. on Computing, 1973.
// This procedure assumes that poly is monic, deg(poly)=k*(2t-1)+delta
// with t=2^e, and that babyStep contains >= k+delta powers
static void
PatersonStockmeyer(Ctxt& ret, const ZZX& poly, long k, long t, long delta,
		   DynamicCtxtPowers& babyStep, DynamicCtxtPowers& giantStep)
  if (deg(poly)<=babyStep.size()) { // Edge condition, use simple eval
    simplePolyEval(ret, poly, babyStep);
  ZZX r = trunc(poly, k*t);      // degree <= k*2^e-1
  ZZX q = RightShift(poly, k*t); // degree == k(2^e-1) +delta

  const ZZ p = to_ZZ(babyStep[0].getPtxtSpace());
  const ZZ& coef = coeff(r,deg(q));
  SetCoeff(r, deg(q), coef-1);  // r' = r - X^{deg(q)}

  ZZX c,s;
  DivRem(c,s,r,q); // r' = c*q + s
  // deg(s)<deg(q), and if c!= 0 then deg(c)<k-delta

  assert(IsZero(c) || deg(c)<k-delta);
  SetCoeff(s,deg(q)); // s' = s + X^{deg(q)}, deg(s)==deg(q)

  // reduce the coefficients modulo p
  for (long i=0; i<=deg(c); i++) rem(c[i],c[i], p);
  for (long i=0; i<=deg(s); i++) rem(s[i],s[i], p);

  // Evaluate recursively poly = (c+X^{kt})*q + s'
  PatersonStockmeyer(ret, q, k, t/2, delta, babyStep, giantStep);

  Ctxt tmp(ret.getPubKey(), ret.getPtxtSpace());
  simplePolyEval(tmp, c, babyStep);
  tmp += giantStep.getPower(t);

  PatersonStockmeyer(tmp, s, k, t/2, delta, babyStep, giantStep);
  ret += tmp;
void Assembler::operKernel(EOExpr<A> oper,const MeshHandler<ORDER>& mesh,
	                     FiniteElement<Integrator, ORDER>& fe, SpMat& OpMat)
	std::vector<coeff> triplets;

  	for(auto t=0; t<mesh.num_triangles(); t++)

		// Vector of vertices indices (link local to global indexing system)
		std::vector<UInt> identifiers;
		for( auto q=0; q<ORDER*3; q++)

		for(int i = 0; i < 3*ORDER; i++)
			for(int j = 0; j < 3*ORDER; j++)
				Real s=0;

				for(int l = 0;l < Integrator::NNODES; l++)
					s += oper(fe,i,j,l) * fe.getDet() * fe.getAreaReference()* Integrator::WEIGHTS[l];//(*)


  	UInt nnodes = mesh.num_nodes();
  	OpMat.resize(nnodes, nnodes);
Esempio n. 6
    bool planeSegmentation(const typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr& inputCloud,
                           typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr* planeCloud,
                           typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr* nonPlaneCloud,
                           pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr* coefficients)
      pcl::PointIndices::Ptr inliers (new pcl::PointIndices);

      bool planeFound = false;

      if ( coefficients == NULL )
        pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coeff( new pcl::ModelCoefficients() );
        planeFound = locateMainPlane<PointT>(inputCloud, inliers, coeff);
        planeFound = locateMainPlane<PointT>(inputCloud, inliers, *coefficients);

      if ( planeFound )
        if ( planeCloud != NULL )
                                 false,       //points in the plane will survive
        if ( nonPlaneCloud != NULL )

        return true;
        return false;
Esempio n. 7
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  if (argc < 2)
      PCL_ERROR("Usage: %s gt.pcd\n", argv[0]);

  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudp (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
  if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile<pcl::PointXYZ> (argv[1], *cloudp) == -1)
      PCL_ERROR("Failed to load file %s\n", argv[1]);
    PCL_WARN("Loaded PCD %s\n", argv[1]);

  pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coeff (new pcl::ModelCoefficients ());
  pcl::PointIndices::Ptr inlier = RansacMethod(cloudp, coeff);
  // RaycostMethod(cloudp, center);

  printf("%lf %lf %lf %lf\n",  coeff->values[0], coeff->values[1], coeff->values[2], coeff->values[3]);

#if 0
  // Separate and colorize inliers and outliers
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr clr_cloud = ColorizeCloud(cloudp, inlier);

  // Display the final result
  boost::shared_ptr<pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer> viewer;
  viewer = SetupViewer(clr_cloud, coeff);

  while( !viewer->wasStopped())
      boost::this_thread::sleep (boost::posix_time::microseconds (100000));
  return 0;
Esempio n. 8
void Cmod<type>::FFT(zzv &y, const ZZX& x) const
  zpBak bak;;
  zp rt;
  zpx& tmp = getScratch();

  conv(tmp,x);      // convert input to zpx format
  conv(rt, root);  // convert root to zp format

  BluesteinFFT(tmp, getM(), rt, *powers, powers_aux, *Rb, Rb_aux, *Ra); // call the FFT routine

  // copy the result to the output vector y, keeping only the
  // entries corresponding to primitive roots of unity
  long i,j;
  long m = getM();
  for (i=j=0; i<m; i++)
    if (zMStar->inZmStar(i)) y[j++] = rep(coeff(tmp,i));
void Force_fitter::setup(doublevar  maxcut, int nexpansion ) {
  Array2 <doublevar> S(nexp, nexp);
  Array1 <doublevar> h(nexp);
  for(int i=0; i< nexp; i++) {
    for(int j=0; j< nexp; j++) {
  Array2 <doublevar> Sinv(nexp, nexp);
  InvertMatrix(S, Sinv, nexp);
  for(int i=0; i< nexp; i++) 
    for(int j=0;j< nexp;j++) 
* Find the ground in the environment.
* Params[in/out]: the cloud, the coeff of the planes, the indices, the ground cloud, the hull cloud
void Segmentation::removeWall(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr &cloud)
    pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coeff(new pcl::ModelCoefficients);
    pcl::PointIndices::Ptr indices(new pcl::PointIndices);

    // Create the segmentation object
    pcl::SACSegmentation<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> seg;
    // Optional
    seg.setOptimizeCoefficients (true);

    // Mandatory
    seg.setModelType (pcl::SACMODEL_PERPENDICULAR_PLANE); // We search a plane perpendicular to the y
    seg.setMethodType (pcl::SAC_RANSAC);

    seg.setDistanceThreshold (0.023); //0.25

    seg.setAxis(Eigen::Vector3f(0,-std::sqrt(2)/2,std::sqrt(2)/2)); // Axis Y 0, -1, 0
    seg.setEpsAngle(30.0f * (M_PI/180.0f)); // 50 degrees of error

    pcl::ExtractIndices<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> extract;
    seg.setInputCloud (cloud);
    seg.segment (*indices, *coeff);

    if (indices->indices.size () == 0)
        PCL_ERROR ("Could not estimate a planar model (Ground).");
        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr cloud_f (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);

void LatticeMinimizer::step(const matrix3<>& dir, double alpha)
{	//Project wavefunctions to atomic orbitals:
	std::vector<matrix> coeff(e.eInfo.nStates); //best fit coefficients
	int nAtomic = e.iInfo.nAtomicOrbitals();
	if(e.cntrl.dragWavefunctions && nAtomic)
		for(int q=e.eInfo.qStart; q<e.eInfo.qStop; q++)
		{	//Get atomic orbitals for old lattice:
			ColumnBundle psi = e.iInfo.getAtomicOrbitals(q, false);
			//Fit the wavefunctions to atomic orbitals (minimize C0^OC0 where C0 is the remainder)
			ColumnBundle Opsi = O(psi); //non-trivial cost for uspp
			coeff[q] = inv(psi^Opsi) * (Opsi^e.eVars.C[q]);;
			e.eVars.C[q] -= psi * coeff[q]; //now contains residual
	//Change lattice:
	strain += alpha * dir;
	e.gInfo.R = Rorig + Rorig*strain; // Updates the lattice vectors to current strain
	bcast(e.gInfo.R); //ensure consistency to numerical precision
	updateLatticeDependent(true); // Updates lattice information but does not touch electronic state / calc electronic energy

	for(int q=e.eInfo.qStart; q<e.eInfo.qStop; q++)
	{	//Restore wavefunctions from atomic orbitals:
		if(e.cntrl.dragWavefunctions && nAtomic)
		{	//Get atomic orbitals for new lattice:
			ColumnBundle psi = e.iInfo.getAtomicOrbitals(q, false);
			//Reconstitute wavefunctions:
			e.eVars.C[q] += psi * coeff[q];
		//Reorthonormalize wavefunctions:
		matrix orthoMat = invsqrt(e.eVars.C[q]^O(e.eVars.C[q], &e.eVars.VdagC[q]));
		e.eVars.Y[q] = e.eVars.C[q] * orthoMat;
		e.eVars.C[q] = e.eVars.Y[q];
		e.iInfo.project(e.eVars.C[q], e.eVars.VdagC[q], &orthoMat);
Esempio n. 12
 * Builds and returns the stacked coefficient matrices for both horizontal
 * and vertical stacking linOps.
 * Constructs coefficient matrix COEFF for each argument of LIN. COEFF is
 * essentially an identity matrix with an offset to account for stacking.
 * If the stacking is vertical, the columns of the matrix for each argument
 * are interleaved with each other. Otherwise, if the stacking is horizontal,
 * the columns are laid out in the order of the arguments.
 * Parameters: linOP LIN that performs a stacking operation (HSTACK or VSTACK)
 * 						 boolean VERTICAL: True if vertical stack. False otherwise.
 * Returns: vector COEFF_MATS containing the stacked coefficient matrices
 * 					for each argument.
std::vector<Matrix> stack_matrices(LinOp &lin, bool vertical) {
	std::vector<Matrix> coeffs_mats;
	int offset = 0;
	int num_args = lin.args.size();
	for (int idx = 0; idx < num_args; idx++) {
		LinOp arg = *lin.args[idx];

		/* If VERTICAL, columns that are interleaved. Otherwise, they are
			 laid out in order. */
		int column_offset;
		int offset_increment;
		if (vertical) {
			column_offset = lin.size[0];
			offset_increment = arg.size[0];
		} else {
			column_offset = arg.size[0];
			offset_increment = arg.size[0] * arg.size[1];

		std::vector<Triplet> tripletList;
		tripletList.reserve(arg.size[0] * arg.size[1]);
		for (int i = 0; i < arg.size[0]; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < arg.size[1]; j++) {
				int row_idx = i + (j * column_offset) + offset;
				int col_idx = i + (j * arg.size[0]);
				tripletList.push_back(Triplet(row_idx, col_idx, 1));

		Matrix coeff(lin.size[0] * lin.size[1], arg.size[0] * arg.size[1]);
		coeff.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());
		offset += offset_increment;
	return coeffs_mats;
Esempio n. 13
void compute_a_vals(Vec<ZZ>& a, long p, long e)
// computes a[m] = a(m)/m! for m = p..(e-1)(p-1)+1,
// as defined by Chen and Han.
// a.length() is set to (e-1)(p-1)+2

   ZZ p_to_e = power_ZZ(p, e);
   ZZ p_to_2e = power_ZZ(p, 2*e);

   long len = (e-1)*(p-1)+2;

   ZZ_pPush push(p_to_2e);

   ZZ_pX x_plus_1_to_p = power(ZZ_pX(INIT_MONO, 1) + 1, p);
   ZZ_pX denom = InvTrunc(x_plus_1_to_p - ZZ_pX(INIT_MONO, p), len);
   ZZ_pX poly = MulTrunc(x_plus_1_to_p, denom, len);
   poly *= p;


   ZZ m_fac(1);
   for (long m = 2; m < p; m++) {
      m_fac = MulMod(m_fac, m, p_to_2e);

   for (long m = p; m < len; m++) {
      m_fac = MulMod(m_fac, m, p_to_2e);
      ZZ c = rep(coeff(poly, m));
      ZZ d = GCD(m_fac, p_to_2e);
      if (d == 0 || d > p_to_e || c % d != 0) Error("cannot divide");
      ZZ m_fac_deflated = (m_fac / d) % p_to_e;
      ZZ c_deflated = (c / d) % p_to_e;
      a[m] = MulMod(c_deflated, InvMod(m_fac_deflated, p_to_e), p_to_e);

Esempio n. 14
double Constraint::slack(Active<Variable, Constraint> *variables,
							 double *x) const
	double eps      = master_->machineEps();
	double minusEps = -eps;
	double c;
	double lhs = 0.0;
	int    n   = variables->number();


	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		double xi = x[i];
		if (xi > eps || xi < minusEps) {
			c = coeff((*variables)[i]);
			if (c > eps || c < minusEps)
				lhs += c * xi;


	return rhs() - lhs;
Esempio n. 15
// Simple evaluation sum f_i * X^i, assuming that babyStep has enough powers
static void 
simplePolyEval(Ctxt& ret, const ZZX& poly, DynamicCtxtPowers& babyStep)
  if (deg(poly)<0) return;       // the zero polynomial always returns zero

  assert (deg(poly)<=babyStep.size()); // ensure that we have enough powers

  ZZ coef;
  ZZ p = to_ZZ(babyStep[0].getPtxtSpace());
  for (long i=1; i<=deg(poly); i++) {
    rem(coef, coeff(poly,i),p);
    if (coef > p/2) coef -= p;

    Ctxt tmp = babyStep.getPower(i); // X^i
    tmp.multByConstant(coef);        // f_i X^i
    ret += tmp;
  // Add the free term
  rem(coef, ConstTerm(poly), p);
  if (coef > p/2) coef -= p;
  //  if (verbose) checkPolyEval(ret, babyStep[0], poly);
Esempio n. 16
void RGBtoLABimage(const kn::Image<unsigned char> & src, ImageLab & dest)
    MatrixXd coeff(3,3);
    coeff <<    0.4306190, 0.3415419, 0.1783091,
                0.2220379, 0.7066384, 0.0713236,
                0.0201853, 0.1295504, 0.9390944;

//    double xn(0.95045), yn(1.0), zn(1.088754);

    for(unsigned j(0); j<src.height(); ++j)
        for(unsigned i(0); i<src.width(); ++i)
            Vector3d rgb;
            rgb << src(i,j)[0]/255., src(i,j)[1]/255., src(i,j)[2]/255.;
            Vector3d xyz;
            xyz = coeff*rgb;

            dest(i,j)[0] = 116*labFunc(xyz[1]) - 16;
            dest(i,j)[1] = 500*( labFunc(xyz[0]) - labFunc(xyz[1]));
            dest(i,j)[2] = 200*( labFunc(xyz[1]) - labFunc(xyz[2]));
Esempio n. 17
	volatile int h, i, k, n;


	p2 = pop();
	if (p2 == symbol(NIL))

	p2 = pop();
	p1 = pop();

	if (!ispoly(p1, p2))
		stop("nroots: polynomial?");

	// mark the stack

	h = tos;

	// get the coefficients

	n = coeff();
	if (n > YMAX)
		stop("nroots: degree?");

	// convert the coefficients to real and imaginary doubles

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		push(stack[h + i]);
		p1 = pop();
		push(stack[h + i]);
		p2 = pop();
		if (!isdouble(p1) || !isdouble(p2))
			stop("nroots: coefficients?");
		c[i].r = p1->u.d;
		c[i].i = p2->u.d;

	// pop the coefficients

	tos = h;

	// n is the number of coefficients, n = deg(p) + 1


	for (k = n; k > 1; k--) {
		if (fabs(a.r) < DELTA)
			a.r = 0.0;
		if (fabs(a.i) < DELTA)
			a.i = 0.0;

	// now make n equal to the number of roots

	n = tos - h;

	if (n > 1) {
		p1 = alloc_tensor(n);
		p1->u.tensor->ndim = 1;
		p1->u.tensor->dim[0] = n;
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			p1->u.tensor->elem[i] = stack[h + i];
		tos = h;
Esempio n. 18
TEST_F(TestPowerExpansionWithHeavisideCutoff, Gradients) {   

    typedef std::tuple<int, int, int, double, double, double, bool> nklxyzt_t;
    std::vector<nklxyzt_t> nklxyzt_list = {
    // Second set of positions if same_types = false
    double x_2 = 1.5;
    double y_2 = -0.5;
    double z_2 = 1.;
    soap::vec R_2(x_2, y_2, z_2);
    double r_2 = soap::linalg::abs(R_2);
    soap::vec d_2 = (r_2 > 0.) ? R_2/r_2 : soap::vec(0.,0.,1.);
    double weight0_2 = 1.;
    double weight_scale_2 = _basis->getCutoff()->calculateWeight(r_2);
    std::stringstream output;
    std::string output_ref = "n=0 k=0 l=0 x=+1.0000 y=+0.5000 z=-0.5000 X_re=+7.9659943e-02 dX_re=-3.1906261e-01 -1.5953130e-01 +1.5953130e-01 X_im=+0.0000000e+00 dX_im=+0.0000000e+00 +0.0000000e+00 +0.0000000e+00 n=0 k=1 l=2 x=+1.0000 y=+0.5000 z=-0.5000 x_2=+1.0000 y_2=+0.5000 z_2=-0.5000 X_re=+5.3867510e-02 dX_re=-6.0228017e-02 -3.0114009e-02 +3.0114009e-02 X_im=+0.0000000e+00 dX_im=+5.1701290e-18 +0.0000000e+00 -3.4467527e-18 n=0 k=3 l=1 x=-1.0000 y=-0.5000 z=+1.0000 X_re=+2.1246860e-02 dX_re=+2.0772436e-03 +1.0386218e-03 -2.0772436e-03 X_im=+0.0000000e+00 dX_im=+0.0000000e+00 +0.0000000e+00 +0.0000000e+00 n=3 k=4 l=3 x=+0.0000 y=+0.3000 z=-0.7000 x_2=+0.0000 y_2=+0.3000 z_2=-0.7000 X_re=+4.9622475e-06 dX_re=-1.3359712e-04 -1.1974146e-05 +5.6734884e-06 X_im=+4.4449428e-23 dX_im=-7.1119085e-21 +6.2229199e-21 +9.7788741e-21 n=7 k=2 l=4 x=-0.5000 y=+3.0000 z=+4.2000 X_re=+1.0393232e-11 dX_re=+1.3777689e-11 -8.2666133e-11 -1.1573259e-10 X_im=+0.0000000e+00 dX_im=-6.5423244e-29 +2.1028900e-28 +1.4953884e-28 ";
    for (auto it = nklxyzt_list.begin(); it != nklxyzt_list.end(); ++it) {
        // Extract parameters
        int n = std::get<0>(*it);
        int k = std::get<1>(*it);
        int l = std::get<2>(*it);
        double x = std::get<3>(*it);
        double y = std::get<4>(*it);
        double z = std::get<5>(*it);
        bool test_same_types = std::get<6>(*it);
        int nk = _basis->getRadBasis()->N()*n+k;
        // Distance, direction, weight
        soap::vec R(x, y, z);
        double r = soap::linalg::abs(R);
        soap::vec d = (r > 0.) ? R/r : soap::vec(0.,0.,1.);
        double weight0 = 1.;
        double weight_scale = _basis->getCutoff()->calculateWeight(r);
        double sigma = 0.5;
        // Adjust if Xnkl contracted from related densities qnlm (=> same_types = true)
        if (test_same_types) {
            R_2 = R;
            r_2 = r;
            d_2 = d;
            weight0_2 = weight0;
            weight_scale_2 = weight_scale;
        // Compute
        soap::BasisExpansion basex1(_basis);
        basex1.computeCoefficients(r, d, weight0, weight_scale, sigma, true); // <- gradients = true
        soap::BasisExpansion basex2(_basis);
        basex2.computeCoefficients(r_2, d_2, weight0_2, weight_scale_2, sigma, false); // <- gradients = false
        soap::PowerExpansion powex(_basis);
        powex.computeCoefficients(&basex1, &basex2); // <- note argument duplication (gradients = false in both cases)
        soap::PowerExpansion powex_grad(_basis);
        powex_grad.computeCoefficientsGradients(&basex1, &basex2, test_same_types);
        // Extract
        soap::PowerExpansion::coeff_t &coeff = powex.getCoefficients();
        soap::PowerExpansion::coeff_t &coeff_grad_x = powex_grad.getCoefficientsGradX();
        soap::PowerExpansion::coeff_t &coeff_grad_y = powex_grad.getCoefficientsGradY();
        soap::PowerExpansion::coeff_t &coeff_grad_z = powex_grad.getCoefficientsGradZ();
            << boost::format("n=%1$d k=%2$d l=%3$d ") % n % k % l
            << boost::format("x=%1$+1.4f y=%2$+1.4f z=%3$+1.4f ") % x % y % z
            << std::flush;
        if (!test_same_types) output
            << boost::format("x_2=%1$+1.4f y_2=%2$+1.4f z_2=%3$+1.4f ") % x % y % z
            << std::flush;
            << boost::format("X_re=%1$+1.7e dX_re=%2$+1.7e %3$+1.7e %4$+1.7e ")
                % coeff(nk,l).real() % coeff_grad_x(nk,l).real() % coeff_grad_y(nk,l).real() % coeff_grad_z(nk,l).real()
            << boost::format("X_im=%1$+1.7e dX_im=%2$+1.7e %3$+1.7e %4$+1.7e ") 
                % coeff(nk,l).imag() % coeff_grad_x(nk,l).imag() % coeff_grad_y(nk,l).imag() % coeff_grad_z(nk,l).imag()
            << std::flush;
    // VERIFY
    EXPECT_EQ(output.str(), output_ref);
    int N = 150;
    double dx = 0.05;
    bool test_same_types = true;
    soap::vec R_2(1.5, -0.5, 1.);
    double r_2 = soap::linalg::abs(R_2);
    soap::vec d_2 = (r_2 > 0.) ? R_2/r_2 : soap::vec(0.,0.,1.);
    double weight0_2 = 1.;
    double weight_scale_2 = _basis->getCutoff()->calculateWeight(r_2);
    std::string logfile = "tmp";
    std::ofstream ofs;, std::ofstream::out);
    if (!ofs.is_open()) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Bad file handle: " + logfile);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {        
        double x = i*dx;
        double y = 0.5;
        double z = -0.2;
        // Distance, direction, weight
        soap::vec R(x, y, z);
        double r = soap::linalg::abs(R);
        soap::vec d = (r > 0.) ? R/r : soap::vec(0.,0.,1.);
        double weight0 = 1.;
        double weight_scale = _basis->getCutoff()->calculateWeight(r);
        double sigma = 0.5;
        // Adjust if Xnkl contracted from related densities qnlm (=> same_types = true)
        if (test_same_types) {
            R_2 = R;
            r_2 = r;
            d_2 = d;
            weight0_2 = weight0;
            weight_scale_2 = weight_scale;
        // Compute
        soap::BasisExpansion basex1(_basis);
        basex1.computeCoefficients(r, d, weight0, weight_scale, sigma, true); // <- gradients = true
        soap::BasisExpansion basex2(_basis);
        basex2.computeCoefficients(r_2, d_2, weight0_2, weight_scale_2, sigma, false); // <- gradients = false
        soap::PowerExpansion powex(_basis);
        powex.computeCoefficients(&basex1, &basex2); // <- note argument duplication (gradients = false in both cases)
        soap::PowerExpansion powex_grad(_basis);
        powex_grad.computeCoefficientsGradients(&basex1, &basex2, test_same_types);
        // Extract
        soap::PowerExpansion::coeff_t &coeff = powex.getCoefficients();
        soap::PowerExpansion::coeff_t &coeff_grad_x = powex_grad.getCoefficientsGradX();
        soap::PowerExpansion::coeff_t &coeff_grad_y = powex_grad.getCoefficientsGradY();
        soap::PowerExpansion::coeff_t &coeff_grad_z = powex_grad.getCoefficientsGradZ();
        int n = 7;
        int k = 5;
        int l = 1;
        int nk = _basis->getRadBasis()->N()*n+k;
        // x (#1)  Qnlm_re (#2)  dQnlm_dx_re (#4)
        ofs << boost::format("%1$+1.4f %2$+1.7e %3$+1.7e %4$+1.7e %5$+1.7e %6$+1.7e %7$+1.7e %8$+1.7e %9$+1.7e") 
            % R.getX() % coeff(nk,l).real() % coeff(nk,l).imag()
            % coeff_grad_x(nk,l).real() % coeff_grad_x(nk,l).imag()
            % coeff_grad_y(nk,l).real() % coeff_grad_y(nk,l).imag()
            % coeff_grad_z(nk,l).real() % coeff_grad_z(nk,l).imag()
             << std::endl;
Esempio n. 19
ZZ sumOfCoeffs(const ZZX& f) // = f(1)
  ZZ sum = ZZ::zero();
  for (long i=0; i<=deg(f); i++) sum += coeff(f,i);
  return sum;
Esempio n. 20
void KeySwitch::verify(FHESecKey& sk) 
  long fromSPower = fromKey.getPowerOfS();
  long fromXPower = fromKey.getPowerOfX();
  long fromIdx = fromKey.getSecretKeyID(); 
  long toIdx = toKeyID;
  long p = ptxtSpace;
  long n = b.size();

  cout << "KeySwitch::verify\n";
  cout << "fromS = " << fromSPower 
       << " fromX = " << fromXPower 
       << " fromIdx = " << fromIdx 
       << " toIdx = " << toIdx 
       << " p = " << p 
       << " n = " << n 
       << "\n";

  if (fromSPower != 1 || fromXPower != 1 || (fromIdx == toIdx) || n == 0) {
    cout << "KeySwitch::verify: these parameters not checkable\n";

  const FHEcontext& context = b[0].getContext();

  // we don't store the context in the ks matrix, so let's
  // check that they are consistent

  for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (&context != &(b[i].getContext()))
      cout << "KeySwitch::verify: bad context " << i << "\n";

  cout << "context.ctxtPrimes = " << context.ctxtPrimes << "\n";
  cout << "context.specialPrimes = " << context.specialPrimes << "\n";

  IndexSet allPrimes = context.ctxtPrimes | context.specialPrimes;

  cout << "digits: ";
  for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) 
    cout << context.digits[i] << " ";
  cout << "\n";

  cout << "IndexSets of b: ";
  for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) 
    cout << b[i].getMap().getIndexSet() << " ";
  cout << "\n";

  // VJS: suspicious shadowing of fromKey, toKey
  const DoubleCRT& _fromKey =;
  const DoubleCRT& _toKey =;

  cout << "IndexSet of fromKey: " << _fromKey.getMap().getIndexSet() << "\n";
  cout << "IndexSet of toKey: " << _toKey.getMap().getIndexSet() << "\n";

  vector<DoubleCRT> a;
  a.resize(n, DoubleCRT(context, allPrimes)); // defined modulo all primes

  { RandomState state;

    for (long i = 0; i < n; i++)

  } // the RandomState destructor "restores the state" (see NumbTh.h)

  vector<ZZX> A, B;


  for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) {

  ZZX FromKey, ToKey;
  _fromKey.toPoly(FromKey, allPrimes);
  _toKey.toPoly(ToKey, allPrimes);

  ZZ Q = context.productOfPrimes(allPrimes);
  ZZ prod = context.productOfPrimes(context.specialPrimes);
  ZZX C, D;
  ZZX PhimX = context.zMStar.getPhimX();

  long nb = 0;
  for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    C = (B[i] - FromKey*prod + ToKey*A[i]) % PhimX;
    PolyRed(C, Q);
    if (!divide(D, C, p)) {
      cout << "*** not divisible by p at " << i << "\n";
    else {
      for (long j = 0; j <= deg(D); j++)
         if (NumBits(coeff(D, j)) > nb) nb = NumBits(coeff(D, j));
    prod *= context.productOfPrimes(context.digits[i]);

  cout << "error ratio: " << ((double) nb)/((double) NumBits(Q)) << "\n";
Esempio n. 21
/* Copies ith coefficient of x to output.
   Assumes output has been mpz_init'd.
   AUTHOR: David Harvey (2007-02) */
static CYTHON_INLINE void ZZX_getitem_as_mpz(mpz_t output, struct ZZX* x, long i)
    const ZZ& z = coeff(*x, i);
    ZZ_to_mpz(output, &z);
Esempio n. 22
/* Returns ith coefficient of x.
   Return value is only valid if the result should fit into an int.
   AUTHOR: David Harvey (2006-06-08) */
static CYTHON_INLINE int ZZX_getitem_as_int(struct ZZX* x, long i)
    return ZZ_to_int(&coeff(*x, i));
Esempio n. 23
bool GrGLShaderBuilder::genProgram(const GrEffectStage* colorStages[],
                                   const GrEffectStage* coverageStages[]) {
    const GrGLProgramDesc::KeyHeader& header = this->desc().getHeader();

    // emit code to read the dst copy texture, if necessary
    if (kNoDstRead_DstReadKey != header.fDstReadKey && !fGpu->glCaps().fbFetchSupport()) {
        bool topDown = SkToBool(kTopLeftOrigin_DstReadKeyBit & header.fDstReadKey);
        const char* dstCopyTopLeftName;
        const char* dstCopyCoordScaleName;
        const char* dstCopySamplerName;
        uint32_t configMask;
        if (SkToBool(kUseAlphaConfig_DstReadKeyBit & header.fDstReadKey)) {
            configMask = kA_GrColorComponentFlag;
        } else {
            configMask = kRGBA_GrColorComponentFlags;
        fUniformHandles.fDstCopySamplerUni =
            this->addUniform(kFragment_Visibility, kSampler2D_GrSLType, "DstCopySampler",
        fUniformHandles.fDstCopyTopLeftUni =
            this->addUniform(kFragment_Visibility, kVec2f_GrSLType, "DstCopyUpperLeft",
        fUniformHandles.fDstCopyScaleUni =
            this->addUniform(kFragment_Visibility, kVec2f_GrSLType, "DstCopyCoordScale",
        const char* fragPos = this->fragmentPosition();
        this->fsCodeAppend("\t// Read color from copy of the destination.\n");
        this->fsCodeAppendf("\tvec2 _dstTexCoord = (%s.xy - %s) * %s;\n",
                            fragPos, dstCopyTopLeftName, dstCopyCoordScaleName);
        if (!topDown) {
            this->fsCodeAppend("\t_dstTexCoord.y = 1.0 - _dstTexCoord.y;\n");
        this->fsCodeAppendf("\tvec4 %s = ", kDstCopyColorName);

    // get the initial color and coverage to feed into the first effect in each effect chain

    GrGLSLExpr4 inputColor;
    GrGLSLExpr4 inputCoverage;

    if (GrGLProgramDesc::kUniform_ColorInput == header.fColorInput) {
        const char* name;
        fUniformHandles.fColorUni =
            this->addUniform(GrGLShaderBuilder::kFragment_Visibility, kVec4f_GrSLType, "Color",
        inputColor = GrGLSLExpr4(name);

    if (GrGLProgramDesc::kUniform_ColorInput == header.fCoverageInput) {
        const char* name;
        fUniformHandles.fCoverageUni =
            this->addUniform(GrGLShaderBuilder::kFragment_Visibility, kVec4f_GrSLType, "Coverage",
        inputCoverage = GrGLSLExpr4(name);
    } else if (GrGLProgramDesc::kSolidWhite_ColorInput == header.fCoverageInput) {
        inputCoverage = GrGLSLExpr4(1);

    if (k110_GrGLSLGeneration != fGpu->glslGeneration()) {
        fHasCustomColorOutput = true;

    this->emitCodeBeforeEffects(&inputColor, &inputCoverage);

    // emit the per-effect code for both color and coverage effects

    GrGLProgramDesc::EffectKeyProvider colorKeyProvider(
        &this->desc(), GrGLProgramDesc::EffectKeyProvider::kColor_EffectType);

    GrGLProgramDesc::EffectKeyProvider coverageKeyProvider(
        &this->desc(), GrGLProgramDesc::EffectKeyProvider::kCoverage_EffectType);


    // write the secondary color output if necessary
    if (GrGLProgramDesc::CoverageOutputUsesSecondaryOutput(header.fCoverageOutput)) {
        const char* secondaryOutputName = this->enableSecondaryOutput();

        // default coeff to ones for kCoverage_DualSrcOutput
        GrGLSLExpr4 coeff(1);
        if (GrGLProgramDesc::kSecondaryCoverageISA_CoverageOutput == header.fCoverageOutput) {
            // Get (1-A) into coeff
            coeff = GrGLSLExpr4::VectorCast(GrGLSLExpr1(1) - inputColor.a());
        } else if (GrGLProgramDesc::kSecondaryCoverageISC_CoverageOutput ==
            // Get (1-RGBA) into coeff
            coeff = GrGLSLExpr4(1) - inputColor;
        // Get coeff * coverage into modulate and then write that to the dual source output.
        this->fsCodeAppendf("\t%s = %s;\n", secondaryOutputName, (coeff * inputCoverage).c_str());

    // combine color and coverage as frag color

    // Get "color * coverage" into fragColor
    GrGLSLExpr4 fragColor = inputColor * inputCoverage;
    // Now tack on "+(1-coverage)dst onto the frag color if we were asked to do so.
    if (GrGLProgramDesc::kCombineWithDst_CoverageOutput == header.fCoverageOutput) {
        GrGLSLExpr4 dstCoeff = GrGLSLExpr4(1) - inputCoverage;

        GrGLSLExpr4 dstContribution = dstCoeff * GrGLSLExpr4(this->dstColor());

        fragColor = fragColor + dstContribution;
    this->fsCodeAppendf("\t%s = %s;\n", this->getColorOutputName(), fragColor.c_str());

    if (!this->finish()) {
        return false;

    return true;
Esempio n. 24
bitstring Extractor::extract(bitstring w, bitstring x) {
//	cout <<"Extractor :: w.size = "<< w.size() <<" n size"<< n<<endl;
//	cout <<"Extractor :: x.size = "<< x.size() <<" d size"<< d<<endl;
    /*if (w.size() < (size_t)n) {
    	throw invalid_argument("W has wrong size");
    /*if (x.size() != (size_t)d) {
    	//cout << "(extractor.cpp:215) TO_REMOVE:X has wrong size (Extractor) x="<< x.size() << "d="<< (size_t)d <<"\n" ;
    	throw invalid_argument("X has wrong size (Extractor) ");

    // X to poly

    ZZ_pE xpoly;


    // W
    ZZ_pEX wpoly;
    ZZ_pE wpp[32];

    for(int i=0; i<32; i++) {
        ZZ_pEX temp(i,wpp[i]);
        wpoly += temp;

    // geracao dos 4 f

    ZZ_pEX lixo;
    ZZ_pEX f1, f2, f4, f8;

    f1 = wpoly;
    DivRem(lixo, f1, f1, mod3232);
    f2 = f1 * f1;
    DivRem(lixo, f2, f2, mod3232);
    f4 = f2 * f2;
    DivRem(lixo, f4, f4, mod3232);
    f8 = f4 * f4;
    DivRem(lixo, f8, f8, mod3232);

    // f(y)

    ZZ_pE res0,res1,res2,res3;

    res0 = coeff(f1,0);
    res1 = coeff(f2,0);
    res2 = coeff(f4,0);
    res3 = coeff(f8,0);

    ZZ_pE aux = xpoly;

    for(int i=1; i<32; i++) {

        res0 += aux * coeff(f1,i);
        res1 += aux * coeff(f2,i);
        res2 += aux * coeff(f4,i);
        res3 += aux * coeff(f8,i);

        aux *= xpoly;

    //cout << "RES: " << res0 << "(res0) " << res1 << "(res1) " << res2 << "(res2) " << res2 << "(res2) " << "\n";

    bitstring result(128);

    ZZ_p one;

    for(int i = 0; i<32; i++) {
        if(coeff(rep(res0),i) == one) result.set(i);
        if(coeff(rep(res1),i) == one) result.set(i+32);
        if(coeff(rep(res2),i) == one) result.set(i+64);
        if(coeff(rep(res3),i) == one) result.set(i+96);

    /*cout << "Result: ";
    cout << "\n";*/

    // retornar algo de tamanho 32, porque senao da erro de tamanho errado na entrada do extractor.. provavelmente devido a realimentacao
    //bitstring bla = x;
    //cout <<"bitstring output result = "<< result.to_string()<< endl;
    return result;
Esempio n. 25
void pose_estimation_from_line_correspondence(Eigen::MatrixXf start_points,
                                              Eigen::MatrixXf end_points,
                                              Eigen::MatrixXf directions,
                                              Eigen::MatrixXf points,
                                              Eigen::MatrixXf &rot_cw,
                                              Eigen::VectorXf &pos_cw)

    int n = start_points.cols();
    if(n != directions.cols())


    float condition_err_threshold = 1e-3;
    Eigen::VectorXf cosAngleThreshold(3);
    cosAngleThreshold << 1.1, 0.9659, 0.8660;
    Eigen::MatrixXf optimumrot_cw(3,3);
    Eigen::VectorXf optimumpos_cw(3);
    std::vector<float> lineLenVec(n,1);

    vfloat3 l1;
    vfloat3 l2;
    vfloat3 nc1;
    vfloat3 Vw1;
    vfloat3 Xm;
    vfloat3 Ym;
    vfloat3 Zm;
    Eigen::MatrixXf Rot(3,3);
    std::vector<vfloat3> nc_bar(n,vfloat3(0,0,0));
    std::vector<vfloat3> Vw_bar(n,vfloat3(0,0,0));
    std::vector<vfloat3> n_c(n,vfloat3(0,0,0));
    Eigen::MatrixXf Rx(3,3);
    int line_id;

    for(int HowToChooseFixedTwoLines = 1 ; HowToChooseFixedTwoLines <=3 ; HowToChooseFixedTwoLines++)

#pragma omp parallel for
            for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++ )
                // to correct
                float lineLen = 10;
                lineLenVec[i] = lineLen;
            std::vector<float>::iterator result;
            result = std::max_element(lineLenVec.begin(), lineLenVec.end());
            line_id = std::distance(lineLenVec.begin(), result);
            vfloat3 temp;
            temp = start_points.col(0);
            start_points.col(0) = start_points.col(line_id);
            start_points.col(line_id) = temp;

            temp = end_points.col(0);
            end_points.col(0) = end_points.col(line_id);
            end_points.col(line_id) = temp;

            temp = directions.col(line_id);
            directions.col(0) = directions.col(line_id);
            directions.col(line_id) = temp;

            temp = points.col(0);
            points.col(0) = points.col(line_id);
            points.col(line_id) = temp;

            lineLenVec[line_id] = lineLenVec[1];
            lineLenVec[1] = 0;
            l1 = start_points.col(0) - end_points.col(0);
            l1 = l1/l1.norm();

        for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
            std::vector<float>::iterator result;
            result = std::max_element(lineLenVec.begin(), lineLenVec.end());
            line_id = std::distance(lineLenVec.begin(), result);
            l2 = start_points.col(line_id) - end_points.col(line_id);
            l2 = l2/l2.norm();
            lineLenVec[line_id] = 0;
            MatrixXf cosAngle(3,3);
            cosAngle = (l1.transpose()*l2).cwiseAbs();
            if(cosAngle.maxCoeff() < cosAngleThreshold[HowToChooseFixedTwoLines])

        vfloat3 temp;
        temp = start_points.col(1);
        start_points.col(1) = start_points.col(line_id);
        start_points.col(line_id) = temp;

        temp = end_points.col(1);
        end_points.col(1) = end_points.col(line_id);
        end_points.col(line_id) = temp;

        temp = directions.col(1);
        directions.col(1) = directions.col(line_id);
        directions.col(line_id) = temp;

        temp = points.col(1);
        points.col(1) = points.col(line_id);
        points.col(line_id) = temp;

        lineLenVec[line_id] = lineLenVec[1];
        lineLenVec[1] = 0;

        // The rotation matrix R_wc is decomposed in way which is slightly different from the description in the paper,
        // but the framework is the same.
        // R_wc = (Rot') * R * Rot =  (Rot') * (Ry(theta) * Rz(phi) * Rx(psi)) * Rot
        nc1 = x_cross(start_points.col(1),end_points.col(1));
        nc1 = nc1/nc1.norm();

        Vw1 = directions.col(1);
        Vw1 = Vw1/Vw1.norm();

        //the X axis of Model frame
        Xm = x_cross(nc1,Vw1);
        Xm = Xm/Xm.norm();

        //the Y axis of Model frame
        Ym = nc1;

        //the Z axis of Model frame
        Zm = x_cross(Xm,Zm);
        Zm = Zm/Zm.norm();

        //Rot * [Xm, Ym, Zm] = I.
        Rot.col(0) = Xm;
        Rot.col(1) = Ym;
        Rot.col(2) = Zm;

        Rot = Rot.transpose();

        //rotate all the vector by Rot.
        //nc_bar(:,i) = Rot * nc(:,i)
        //Vw_bar(:,i) = Rot * Vw(:,i)
#pragma omp parallel for
        for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
            vfloat3 nc = x_cross(start_points.col(1),end_points.col(1));
            nc = nc/nc.norm();
            n_c[i] = nc;
            nc_bar[i] = Rot * nc;
            Vw_bar[i] = Rot * directions.col(i);

        //Determine the angle psi, it is the angle between z axis and Vw_bar(:,1).
        //The rotation matrix Rx(psi) rotates Vw_bar(:,1) to z axis
        float cospsi = (Vw_bar[1])[2];//the angle between z axis and Vw_bar(:,1); cospsi=[0,0,1] * Vw_bar(:,1);.
        float sinpsi= sqrt(1 - cospsi*cospsi);
        Rx.row(0) = vfloat3(1,0,0);
        Rx.row(1) = vfloat3(0,cospsi,-sinpsi);
        Rx.row(2) = vfloat3(0,sinpsi,cospsi);
        vfloat3 Zaxis = Rx * Vw_bar[1];
        if(1-fabs(Zaxis[3]) > 1e-5)
            Rx = Rx.transpose();

        //estimate the rotation angle phi by least square residual.
        //i.e the rotation matrix Rz(phi)
        vfloat3 Vm2 = Rx * Vw_bar[1];
        float A2 = Vm2[0];
        float B2 = Vm2[1];
        float C2 = Vm2[2];
        float x2 = (nc_bar[1])[0];
        float y2 = (nc_bar[1])[1];
        float z2 = (nc_bar[1])[2];
        Eigen::PolynomialSolver<double, Eigen::Dynamic> solver;
        Eigen::VectorXf coeff(9);

        std::vector<float> coef(9,0); //coefficients of equation (7)
        Eigen::VectorXf polyDF = VectorXf::Zero(16); //%dF = ployDF(1) * t^15 + ployDF(2) * t^14 + ... + ployDF(15) * t + ployDF(16);

        //construct the  polynomial F'
#pragma omp parallel for
        for(int i = 3 ; i < n ; i++)
            vfloat3 Vm3 = Rx*Vw_bar[i];
            float A3 = Vm3[0];
            float B3 = Vm3[1];
            float C3 = Vm3[2];
            float x3 = (nc_bar[i])[0];
            float y3 = (nc_bar[i])[1];
            float z3 = (nc_bar[i])[2];
            float u11 = -z2*A2*y3*B3 + y2*B2*z3*A3;
            float u12 = -y2*A2*z3*B3 + z2*B2*y3*A3;
            float u13 = -y2*B2*z3*B3 + z2*B2*y3*B3 + y2*A2*z3*A3 - z2*A2*y3*A3;
            float u14 = -y2*B2*x3*C3 + x2*C2*y3*B3;
            float u15 =  x2*C2*y3*A3 - y2*A2*x3*C3;
            float u21 = -x2*A2*y3*B3 + y2*B2*x3*A3;
            float u22 = -y2*A2*x3*B3 + x2*B2*y3*A3;
            float u23 =  x2*B2*y3*B3 - y2*B2*x3*B3 - x2*A2*y3*A3 + y2*A2*x3*A3;
            float u24 =  y2*B2*z3*C3 - z2*C2*y3*B3;
            float u25 =  y2*A2*z3*C3 - z2*C2*y3*A3;
            float u31 = -x2*A2*z3*A3 + z2*A2*x3*A3;
            float u32 = -x2*B2*z3*B3 + z2*B2*x3*B3;
            float u33 =  x2*A2*z3*B3 - z2*A2*x3*B3 + x2*B2*z3*A3 - z2*B2*x3*A3;
            float u34 =  z2*A2*z3*C3 + x2*A2*x3*C3 - z2*C2*z3*A3 - x2*C2*x3*A3;
            float u35 = -z2*B2*z3*C3 - x2*B2*x3*C3 + z2*C2*z3*B3 + x2*C2*x3*B3;
            float u36 = -x2*C2*z3*C3 + z2*C2*x3*C3;
            float a4 =   u11*u11 + u12*u12 - u13*u13 - 2*u11*u12 +   u21*u21 + u22*u22 - u23*u23
                    -2*u21*u22 - u31*u31 - u32*u32 +   u33*u33 + 2*u31*u32;
            float a3 =2*(u11*u14 - u13*u15 - u12*u14 +   u21*u24 -   u23*u25
                         - u22*u24 - u31*u34 + u33*u35 +   u32*u34);
            float a2 =-2*u12*u12 + u13*u13 + u14*u14 -   u15*u15 + 2*u11*u12 - 2*u22*u22 + u23*u23
                    + u24*u24 - u25*u25 +2*u21*u22+ 2*u32*u32 -   u33*u33
                    - u34*u34 + u35*u35 -2*u31*u32- 2*u31*u36 + 2*u32*u36;
            float a1 =2*(u12*u14 + u13*u15 +  u22*u24 +  u23*u25 -   u32*u34 - u33*u35 - u34*u36);
            float a0 =   u12*u12 + u15*u15+   u22*u22 +  u25*u25 -   u32*u32 - u35*u35 - u36*u36 - 2*u32*u36;
            float b3 =2*(u11*u13 - u12*u13 +  u21*u23 -  u22*u23 -   u31*u33 + u32*u33);
            float b2 =2*(u11*u15 - u12*u15 +  u13*u14 +  u21*u25 -   u22*u25 + u23*u24 - u31*u35 + u32*u35 - u33*u34);
            float b1 =2*(u12*u13 + u14*u15 +  u22*u23 +  u24*u25 -   u32*u33 - u34*u35 - u33*u36);
            float b0 =2*(u12*u15 + u22*u25 -  u32*u35 -  u35*u36);

            float d0 =    a0*a0 -   b0*b0;
            float d1 = 2*(a0*a1 -   b0*b1);
            float d2 =    a1*a1 + 2*a0*a2 +   b0*b0 - b1*b1 - 2*b0*b2;
            float d3 = 2*(a0*a3 +   a1*a2 +   b0*b1 - b1*b2 -   b0*b3);
            float d4 =    a2*a2 + 2*a0*a4 + 2*a1*a3 + b1*b1 + 2*b0*b2 - b2*b2 - 2*b1*b3;
            float d5 = 2*(a1*a4 +   a2*a3 +   b1*b2 + b0*b3 -   b2*b3);
            float d6 =    a3*a3 + 2*a2*a4 +   b2*b2 - b3*b3 + 2*b1*b3;
            float d7 = 2*(a3*a4 +   b2*b3);
            float d8 =    a4*a4 +   b3*b3;
            std::vector<float> v { a4, a3, a2, a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0 };
            Eigen::VectorXf vp;
            vp <<  a4, a3, a2, a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0 ;
            //coef = coef + v;
            coeff = coeff + vp;

            polyDF[0] = polyDF[0] + 8*d8*d8;
            polyDF[1] = polyDF[1] + 15* d7*d8;
            polyDF[2] = polyDF[2] + 14* d6*d8 + 7*d7*d7;
            polyDF[3] = polyDF[3] + 13*(d5*d8 +  d6*d7);
            polyDF[4] = polyDF[4] + 12*(d4*d8 +  d5*d7) +  6*d6*d6;
            polyDF[5] = polyDF[5] + 11*(d3*d8 +  d4*d7 +  d5*d6);
            polyDF[6] = polyDF[6] + 10*(d2*d8 +  d3*d7 +  d4*d6) + 5*d5*d5;
            polyDF[7] = polyDF[7] + 9 *(d1*d8 +  d2*d7 +  d3*d6  + d4*d5);
            polyDF[8] = polyDF[8] + 8 *(d1*d7 +  d2*d6 +  d3*d5) + 4*d4*d4 + 8*d0*d8;
            polyDF[9] = polyDF[9] + 7 *(d1*d6 +  d2*d5 +  d3*d4) + 7*d0*d7;
            polyDF[10] = polyDF[10] + 6 *(d1*d5 +  d2*d4) + 3*d3*d3 + 6*d0*d6;
            polyDF[11] = polyDF[11] + 5 *(d1*d4 +  d2*d3)+ 5*d0*d5;
            polyDF[12] = polyDF[12] + 4 * d1*d3 +  2*d2*d2 + 4*d0*d4;
            polyDF[13] = polyDF[13] + 3 * d1*d2 +  3*d0*d3;
            polyDF[14] = polyDF[14] + d1*d1 + 2*d0*d2;
            polyDF[15] = polyDF[15] + d0*d1;

        Eigen::VectorXd coefficientPoly = VectorXd::Zero(16);

        for(int j =0; j < 16 ; j++)
            coefficientPoly[j] = polyDF[15-j];

        //solve polyDF
        const Eigen::PolynomialSolver<double, Eigen::Dynamic>::RootsType & r = solver.roots();
        Eigen::VectorXd rs(r.rows());
        Eigen::VectorXd is(r.rows());
        std::vector<float> min_roots;
        for(int j =0;j<r.rows();j++)
            rs[j] = fabs(r[j].real());
            is[j] = fabs(r[j].imag());

        float maxreal = rs.maxCoeff();

        for(int j = 0 ; j < rs.rows() ; j++ )
            if(is[j]/maxreal <= 0.001)

        std::vector<float> temp_v(15);
        std::vector<float> poly(15);
        for(int j = 0 ; j < 15 ; j++)
            temp_v[j] = j+1;

        for(int j = 0 ; j < 15 ; j++)
            poly[j] = polyDF[j]*temp_v[j];

        Eigen::Matrix<double,16,1> polynomial;

        Eigen::VectorXd evaluation(min_roots.size());

        for( int j = 0; j < min_roots.size(); j++ )
            evaluation[j] = poly_eval( polynomial, min_roots[j] );

        std::vector<float> minRoots;

        for( int j = 0; j < min_roots.size(); j++ )

            cout << "No solution" << endl;

        int numOfRoots = minRoots.size();
        //for each minimum, we try to find a solution of the camera pose, then
        //choose the one with the least reprojection residual as the optimum of the solution.
        float minimalReprojectionError = 100;
        // In general, there are two solutions which yields small re-projection error
        // or condition error:"n_c * R_wc * V_w=0". One of the solution transforms the
        // world scene behind the camera center, the other solution transforms the world
        // scene in front of camera center. While only the latter one is correct.
        // This can easily be checked by verifying their Z coordinates in the camera frame.
        // P_c(Z) must be larger than 0 if it's in front of the camera.

        for(int rootId = 0 ; rootId < numOfRoots ; rootId++)

            float cosphi = minRoots[rootId];
            float sign1 = sign_of_number(coeff[0] * pow(cosphi,4)
                    + coeff[1] * pow(cosphi,3) + coeff[2] * pow(cosphi,2)
                    + coeff[3] * cosphi + coeff[4]);
            float  sign2 = sign_of_number(coeff[5] * pow(cosphi,3)
                    + coeff[6] * pow(cosphi,2) + coeff[7] * cosphi   + coeff[8]);
            float sinphi= -sign1*sign2*sqrt(abs(1-cosphi*cosphi));
            Eigen::MatrixXf Rz(3,3);
            Rz.row(0) = vfloat3(cosphi,-sinphi,0);
            Rz.row(1) = vfloat3(sinphi,cosphi,0);
            Rz.row(2) = vfloat3(0,0,1);
            //now, according to Sec4.3, we estimate the rotation angle theta
            //and the translation vector at a time.
            Eigen::MatrixXf RzRxRot(3,3);
            RzRxRot = Rz*Rx*Rot;

            //According to the fact that n_i^C should be orthogonal to Pi^c and Vi^c, we
            //have: scalarproduct(Vi^c, ni^c) = 0  and scalarproduct(Pi^c, ni^c) = 0.
            //where Vi^c = Rwc * Vi^w,  Pi^c = Rwc *(Pi^w - pos_cw) = Rwc * Pi^w - pos;
            //Using the above two constraints to construct linear equation system Mat about
            //[costheta, sintheta, tx, ty, tz, 1].
            Eigen::MatrixXf Matrice(2*n-1,6);
#pragma omp parallel for
            for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
                float nxi = (nc_bar[i])[0];
                float nyi = (nc_bar[i])[1];
                float nzi = (nc_bar[i])[2];
                Eigen::VectorXf Vm(3);
                Vm = RzRxRot * directions.col(i);
                float Vxi = Vm[0];
                float Vyi = Vm[1];
                float Vzi = Vm[2];
                Eigen::VectorXf Pm(3);
                Pm = RzRxRot * points.col(i);
                float Pxi = Pm(1);
                float Pyi = Pm(2);
                float Pzi = Pm(3);
                //apply the constraint scalarproduct(Vi^c, ni^c) = 0
                //if i=1, then scalarproduct(Vi^c, ni^c) always be 0
                    Matrice(2*i-3, 0) = nxi * Vxi + nzi * Vzi;
                    Matrice(2*i-3, 1) = nxi * Vzi - nzi * Vxi;
                    Matrice(2*i-3, 5) = nyi * Vyi;
                //apply the constraint scalarproduct(Pi^c, ni^c) = 0
                Matrice(2*i-2, 0) = nxi * Pxi + nzi * Pzi;
                Matrice(2*i-2, 1) = nxi * Pzi - nzi * Pxi;
                Matrice(2*i-2, 2) = -nxi;
                Matrice(2*i-2, 3) = -nyi;
                Matrice(2*i-2, 4) = -nzi;
                Matrice(2*i-2, 5) = nyi * Pyi;

            //solve the linear system Mat * [costheta, sintheta, tx, ty, tz, 1]' = 0  using SVD,
            JacobiSVD<MatrixXf> svd(Matrice, ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV);
            Eigen::MatrixXf VMat = svd.matrixV();
            Eigen::VectorXf vec(2*n-1);
            //the last column of Vmat;
            vec = VMat.col(5);
            //the condition that the last element of vec should be 1.
            vec = vec/vec[5];
            //the condition costheta^2+sintheta^2 = 1;
            float normalizeTheta = 1/sqrt(vec[0]*vec[1]+vec[1]*vec[1]);
            float costheta = vec[0]*normalizeTheta;
            float sintheta = vec[1]*normalizeTheta;
            Eigen::MatrixXf Ry(3,3);
            Ry << costheta, 0, sintheta , 0, 1, 0 , -sintheta, 0, costheta;

            //now, we get the rotation matrix rot_wc and translation pos_wc
            Eigen::MatrixXf rot_wc(3,3);
            rot_wc = (Rot.transpose()) * (Ry * Rz * Rx) * Rot;
            Eigen::VectorXf pos_wc(3);
            pos_wc = - Rot.transpose() * vec.segment(2,4);

            //now normalize the camera pose by 3D alignment. We first translate the points
            //on line in the world frame Pw to points in the camera frame Pc. Then we project
            //Pc onto the line interpretation plane as Pc_new. So we could call the point
            //alignment algorithm to normalize the camera by aligning Pc_new and Pw.
            //In order to improve the accuracy of the aligment step, we choose two points for each
            //lines. The first point is Pwi, the second point is  the closest point on line i to camera center.
            //(Pw2i = Pwi - (Pwi'*Vwi)*Vwi.)
            Eigen::MatrixXf Pw2(3,n);
            Eigen::MatrixXf Pc_new(3,n);
            Eigen::MatrixXf Pc2_new(3,n);

            for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
                vfloat3 nci = n_c[i];
                vfloat3 Pwi = points.col(i);
                vfloat3 Vwi = directions.col(i);
                //first point on line i
                vfloat3 Pci;
                Pci = rot_wc * Pwi + pos_wc;
                Pc_new.col(i) = Pci - (Pci.transpose() * nci) * nci;
                //second point is the closest point on line i to camera center.
                vfloat3 Pw2i;
                Pw2i = Pwi - (Pwi.transpose() * Vwi) * Vwi;
                Pw2.col(i) = Pw2i;
                vfloat3 Pc2i;
                Pc2i = rot_wc * Pw2i + pos_wc;
                Pc2_new.col(i) = Pc2i - ( Pc2i.transpose() * nci ) * nci;

            MatrixXf XXc(Pc_new.rows(), Pc_new.cols()+Pc2_new.cols());
            XXc << Pc_new, Pc2_new;
            MatrixXf XXw(points.rows(), points.cols()+Pw2.cols());
            XXw << points, Pw2;
            int nm = points.cols()+Pw2.cols();
            pos_cw = -rot_wc.transpose() * pos_wc;

            //check the condition n_c^T * rot_wc * V_w = 0;
            float conditionErr = 0;
            for(int i =0 ; i < n ; i++)
                float val = ( (n_c[i]).transpose() * rot_wc * directions.col(i) );
                conditionErr = conditionErr + val*val;

            if(conditionErr/n < condition_err_threshold || HowToChooseFixedTwoLines ==3)
                //check whether the world scene is in front of the camera.
                int numLineInFrontofCamera = 0;
                    for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
                        vfloat3 P_c = rot_wc * (points.col(i) - pos_cw);
                    numLineInFrontofCamera = n;

                if(numLineInFrontofCamera > 0.5*n)
                    //most of the lines are in front of camera, then check the reprojection error.
                    int reprojectionError = 0;
                    for(int i =0; i < n ; i++)
                        //line projection function
                        vfloat3 nc = rot_wc * x_cross(points.col(i) - pos_cw , directions.col(i));
                        float h1 = nc.transpose() * start_points.col(i);
                        float h2 = nc.transpose() * end_points.col(i);
                        float lineLen = (start_points.col(i) - end_points.col(i)).norm()/3;
                        reprojectionError += lineLen * (h1*h1 + h1*h2 + h2*h2) / (nc[0]*nc[0]+nc[1]*nc[1]);
                    if(reprojectionError < minimalReprojectionError)
                        optimumrot_cw = rot_wc.transpose();
                        optimumpos_cw = pos_cw;
                        minimalReprojectionError = reprojectionError;
    pos_cw = optimumpos_cw;
    rot_cw = optimumrot_cw;
Esempio n. 26
int tensor_eval( int tag, int m, int n, int d, int p,
                 double* x, double **tensor, double **S ) {
    static int bd,dim;
    static int dold,pold;
    static struct item *coeff_list;
    int i,j,k,dimten,ctr;
    int **jm, jmbd=0;
    int *it = (int*) malloc(d*sizeof(int));
    double *y = (double*) malloc(m*sizeof(double));
    double*** X;
    double*** Y;
    struct item *ptr[10];
    int rc = 3;

    for (i=0; i<m; i++)
        for (j=0; j<dimten; j++)
            tensor[i][j] = 0;
    if (d == 0) {
    } else {
        if ((d != dold) || (p != pold)) {
            if (pold) {
                dim = binomi(pold+dold-1,dold);
                free((char*) coeff_list);
            dim = binomi(p+d-1,d);
            if (dim < 10)
                bd = dim;
                bd = 10;
            coeff_list = (struct item *) malloc(sizeof(struct item)*dim);
            coeff(p,d, coeff_list);
            dold = d;
            pold = p;
        jmbd = bd;
        jm = (int **) malloc(jmbd*sizeof(int*));
        for (i=0; i<jmbd; i++)
            jm[i] = (int *) malloc(p*sizeof(int));
        if (d == 1) {
            X = myalloc3(1,n,bd);
            Y = myalloc3(1,m,bd);
            ctr   = 0;
            it[0] = 0;
            for (i=0; i<dim; i++) /* sum over all multiindices jm with |jm| = d */
            { it[0] = it[0]+1;
                ptr[ctr] = &coeff_list[i];
                if (ctr < bd-1)
                    ctr += 1;
                else {
                    for (k=0; k<bd; k++)
                        do {
                            for (j=0; j<m; j++)
                                tensor[j][ptr[k]->a] += Y[0][j][k]*ptr[k]->c;
                            ptr[k] = ptr[k]->next;
                        } while (ptr[k] != NULL);
                    if (dim-i < bd)
                        bd = dim-i-1;
                    ctr = 0;
        } else {
            X = myalloc3(n,bd,d);
            Y = myalloc3(m,bd,d);
            ctr = 0;
            for (i=0; i<d-1; i++)
                it[i] = 1;
            it[d-1] = 0;
            for (i=0; i<dim; i++) /* sum over all multiindices jm with |jm| = d */
            { it[d-1] = it[d-1]+1;
                for (j=d-2; j>=0; j--)
                    it[j] = it[j] + it[j+1]/(p+1);
                for (j=1; j<d; j++)
                    if (it[j] > p)
                        it[j] = it[j-1];
                ptr[ctr] = &coeff_list[i];
                if (ctr < bd-1)
                    ctr += 1;
                else {
                    for (k=0; k<bd; k++)
                        do {
                            for (j=0; j<m; j++)
                                tensor[j][ptr[k]->a] += Y[j][k][ptr[k]->b-1]*ptr[k]->c;
                            ptr[k] = ptr[k]->next;
                        } while (ptr[k] != NULL);
                    if (dim-i < bd)
                        bd = dim-i-1;
                    ctr = 0;
        for (i=0; i<jmbd; i++)
            free((char*) *(jm+i));
        free((char*) jm);
        free((char*) **X);
        free((char*) *X);
        free((char*) X);
        free((char*) **Y);
        free((char*) *Y);
        free((char*) Y);
        tensor[i][0] = y[i];
    bd = jmbd;
    free((char*) y);
    free((char*) it);
    return rc;
Esempio n. 27
int inverse_tensor_eval( int tag, int n, int d, int p,
                         double *x, double **tensor, double** S ) {
    static int dim;
    static int dold,pold;
    static struct item *coeff_list;
    int i,j,dimten;
    int *it = (int*) malloc(d*sizeof(int));
    double** X;
    double** Y;
    int *jm;
    double *y = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double));
    struct item *ptr;
    int rc = 3;

            tensor[i][j] = 0;
    if (d > 0) {
        if ((d != dold) || (p != pold)) {
            if (pold) { /* olvo 980728 */
                dim = binomi(pold+dold-1,dold);
                free((char*) coeff_list);
            dim = binomi(p+d-1,d);
            coeff_list = (struct item *) malloc(sizeof(struct item)*dim);
            coeff(p,d, coeff_list);
            dold = d;
            pold = p;
        jm = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*p);
        X = myalloc2(n,d+1);
        Y = myalloc2(n,d+1);
        for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
            X[i][0] = x[i];
            for (j=1; j<d; j++)
                X[i][j] = 0;
            Y[i][0] = y[i];
        if (d == 1) {
            it[0] = 0;
            for (i=0; i<dim; i++)  /* sum over all multiindices jm with |jm| = d */
            { it[0] = it[0]+1;
                ptr = &coeff_list[i];
                if (rc == -3)
                    return -3;
                do {
                        tensor[j][ptr->a] += X[j][ptr->b]*ptr->c;
                    ptr = ptr->next;
                } while (ptr != NULL);
        } else {
            for (i=0; i<d-1; i++)
                it[i] = 1;
            it[d-1] = 0;
            for (i=0; i<dim; i++)  /* sum over all multiindices jm with |jm| = d */
            { it[d-1] = it[d-1]+1;
                for (j=d-2; j>=0; j--)
                    it[j] = it[j] + it[j+1]/(p+1);
                for (j=1; j<d; j++)
                    if (it[j] > p) it[j] = it[j-1];
                multma2vec1(n,p,d,Y,S,jm); /* Store S*jm in Y */
                if (rc == -3)
                    return -3;
                ptr = &coeff_list[i];
                do {
                        tensor[j][ptr->a] += X[j][ptr->b]*ptr->c;
                    ptr = ptr->next;
                } while (ptr != NULL);
        free((char*) jm);
        free((char*) *X);
        free((char*) X);
        free((char*) *Y);
        free((char*) Y);
        tensor[i][0] = x[i];
    free((char*) y);
    free((char*) it);
    return rc;
* Find the ground in the environment.
* Params[in/out]: the cloud, the coeff of the planes, the indices, the ground cloud, the hull cloud
bool Segmentation::findGround(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr &cloud, MainPlane &mp)
    pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coeff(new pcl::ModelCoefficients);
    pcl::PointIndices::Ptr indices(new pcl::PointIndices);
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr ground(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr hullGround(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);

    // Create the segmentation object
    pcl::SACSegmentation<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> seg;
    // Optional
    seg.setOptimizeCoefficients (true);

    // Mandatory
    seg.setModelType (pcl::SACMODEL_PERPENDICULAR_PLANE); // We search a plane perpendicular to the y
    seg.setMethodType (pcl::SAC_RANSAC);

    seg.setDistanceThreshold (0.030); //0.25 / 35

    seg.setAxis(_axis); // Axis Y 0, -1, 0
    seg.setEpsAngle(30.0f * (M_PI/180.0f)); // 50 degrees of error

    pcl::ExtractIndices<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> extract;
    seg.setInputCloud (cloud);
    seg.segment (*indices, *coeff);

    if (indices->indices.size () == 0)
        PCL_ERROR ("Could not estimate a planar model (Ground).");
        return false;

        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr concaveHull(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);
        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr plane(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);
        // Copy the points of the plane to a new cloud.
        pcl::ExtractIndices<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> extractHull;

        pcl::ConcaveHull<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> chull;
        chull.setInputCloud (plane);
        chull.setAlpha (0.1);
        chull.reconstruct (*concaveHull);

        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr cloud_f (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);

        return true;

void Segmentation::ransac(std::vector < pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr > &clusters, Eigen::Vector3f axis, std::vector < pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr > &vectorCloudInliers )
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++)
        pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coeff(new pcl::ModelCoefficients);
        pcl::PointIndices::Ptr indices(new pcl::PointIndices);
        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr cloud_(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);
        //pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr hullGround(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);

        pcl::NormalEstimation<pcl::PointXYZRGBA, pcl::Normal> ne;
        pcl::SACSegmentationFromNormals<pcl::PointXYZRGBA, pcl::Normal> seg;
        pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr tree (new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> ());
        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr cloud_normals (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>);

        // Estimate Normals

        // Create the segmentation object
        //pcl::SACSegmentation<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> seg;
        // Optional
        seg.setOptimizeCoefficients (true);

        // Mandatory
        //seg.setModelType (pcl::SACMODEL_PERPENDICULAR_PLANE); // We search a plane perpendicular to the y
        seg.setModelType (pcl::SACMODEL_NORMAL_PLANE);// We search a plane perpendicular to the y
        seg.setMethodType (pcl::SAC_RANSAC);

        seg.setDistanceThreshold (0.020); //0.25 / 35

        //seg.setAxis(axis); // Axis Y 0, -1, 0

        seg.setEpsAngle(20.0f * (M_PI/180.0f)); // 50 degrees of error

        pcl::ExtractIndices<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> extract;
        seg.setInputCloud (clusters[i]);
        seg.segment (*indices, *coeff);
            std::cout << "coeff" << coeff->values[0] << "  " << coeff->values[1] << "   " << coeff->values[2] << std::endl;
            if (indices->indices.size () == 0)
                PCL_ERROR ("Could not estimate a planar model (Ground).");
                //return false;


                //return true;
void spectralResidualSaliencyMap(
  const Mat_<float> &image, 
  Mat_<float> &saliencyMap, 
  int avgFilterSize, 
  float gaussianSigma,
  int downSamplingMaxDim) {

  // down sampling of the image to a size smaller than 64x64
  Size newSize = image.cols > image.rows ? 
    Size(downSamplingMaxDim, image.rows * downSamplingMaxDim / image.cols) :
    Size(image.cols * downSamplingMaxDim / image.rows, downSamplingMaxDim);
  Mat downSampled8b;

  resize(image, downSampled8b, newSize);
  Mat downSampled = Mat_<float>(downSampled8b) / 255.;

  imshow("downSampled", downSampled);

  vector<Mat> planes;
  planes.push_back(Mat::zeros(newSize, CV_32FC1));
  Mat downSampledComplex(newSize, CV_32FC2);
  merge(planes, downSampledComplex);

  // compute its residual
  // first compute its spectrum
  Mat fourierSpectrum;

  cout<<"computing residual"<<endl;
  dft(downSampledComplex, fourierSpectrum, DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT);
  Mat parts[2];

  split(fourierSpectrum, parts);

  // apply log scaling
  // first normalize the range of values to nonnegative values
  double spectrumMin;
  minMaxLoc(parts[0], &spectrumMin);
  parts[0] = parts[0] - spectrumMin + 1;
  Mat logSpectrum;
  log(parts[0], logSpectrum);
  showScaled("spectrum", parts[0]);
  showScaled("logSpectrum", logSpectrum);

  Mat logSpectrumParts[] = {logSpectrum, parts[1]};
  Mat fullLogSpectrum, invDFTLog;
  merge(logSpectrumParts, 2, fullLogSpectrum);
  idft(fullLogSpectrum, invDFTLog, DFT_REAL_OUTPUT);
  showScaled("invDFTLog", invDFTLog);
  Mat filteredSpectrum;
  Mat avgFilter =
    Mat::ones(avgFilterSize, avgFilterSize, CV_32FC1) / (avgFilterSize * avgFilterSize);
  filter2D(logSpectrum, filteredSpectrum, -1, avgFilter);
  Mat residual = logSpectrum - filteredSpectrum;

  // turn the spectrum back to an image, with some filtering
  Mat exponentiated(residual.rows, residual.cols, CV_32FC2);
  Mat unfilteredOutput(downSampled.rows, downSampled.cols, CV_32FC2);
  Mat squared;

  // exponentiating the coefficients manually, because opencv sucks at complex 
  // arithmetic
  for (int i = 0; i < residual.rows; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < residual.cols; j++) {
      complex<float> coeff(<float>(i,j), parts[1].at<float>(i,j));
      complex<float> expCoeff = exp(coeff);
   <Vec2f>(i,j)[0] = expCoeff.real();<Vec2f>(i,j)[1] = expCoeff.imag();

  cout<<"running inverse dft"<<endl;
  idft(exponentiated, unfilteredOutput, DFT_SCALE);
  Mat unfilteredParts[2];
  split(unfilteredOutput, unfilteredParts);
  pow(unfilteredParts[0], 2, squared);
  GaussianBlur(squared, saliencyMap, Size(0,0), gaussianSigma);