boost::shared_ptr<cv::Mat> RemoveLonePixels::apply( boost::shared_ptr<cv::Mat> input ) const
    boost::shared_ptr<cv::Mat> result( new cv::Mat( input->clone() ) );

    for( int row = 0; row < input->rows; ++row )
        for( int col = 0; col < input->cols; ++col )
            cv::Vec3b& pixel = result->at<cv::Vec3b>( row, col );
            if ( !isImageBorder( row, col, input->rows, input->cols ) )
                if( isWhite( pixel ) )
                    if ( shouldBeColored( row, col, result ) )
                        colorPixel( pixel, row, col, result );
                    if( isLonely( row, col, result ) )
                        whitenPixel( pixel );

    return result;
Esempio n. 2
 * @brief Calculates every pixel in a rectangle.
 * @param calcLocation A rectangle in the complex-plane that is to be calculated.
 * @param m Settings for the visualization.
void calculateRectangle(rectangle calcLocation, mandelData * m)   //added m-> to location.w & h
    //the rectangle calcLocation is located in the complex-plane
    //the size and location of this rectangle must be translated into screen-coordinates
    int xScreen = (int)((calcLocation.x - m->location.x)/m->location.w * (double) m->width);
    int yScreen = (int)((calcLocation.y - m->location.y)/m->location.h * (double) m->height);
    int rectScreenWidth = (int)(calcLocation.w/m->location.w*(double)m->width);
    int rectScreenHeight = (int)(calcLocation.h/m->location.h*(double)m->height);

    //when calcLocation has been mapped to screen-coordinates, each of the pixels in calcLocation is calculated
    for(int x = xScreen; x <= xScreen + rectScreenWidth; x++) {
        for(int y = yScreen; y <= yScreen + rectScreenHeight; y++) {
            if(x >= m-> width || y >= m-> height) continue;
            //translate from screen-coordinates to coodrinates in the complex-plane
            double fx = calcLocation.x + (double)(x - xScreen)/(double)rectScreenWidth*calcLocation.w;
            double fy = calcLocation.y + (double)(y - yScreen)/(double)rectScreenHeight*calcLocation.h;

            m->image[y * m->width + x] = colorPixel(fx, fy, m);
Esempio n. 3
int GzPutTriangle(GzRender	*render, int numParts, GzToken *nameList, GzPointer	*valueList)
/* numParts : how many names and values */
- pass in a triangle description with tokens and values corresponding to 
      GZ_POSITION:3 vert positions in model space 
- Xform positions of verts using matrix on top of stack 
- Clip - just discard any triangle with any vert(s) behind view plane 
       - optional: test for triangles with all three verts off-screen (trivial frustum cull)
- invoke triangle rasterizer  
	if (render == NULL || nameList == NULL)
		return GZ_FAILURE;

	float *n1 = new float[3], *v1 = new float[3], *t1 = new float[2];
	float *n2 = new float[3], *v2 = new float[3], *t2 = new float[2];
	float *n3 = new float[3], *v3 = new float[3], *t3 = new float[2];

	float color1[3];
	float color2[3];
	float color3[3];

	for (int i = 0; i < numParts; ++i) { // iterates through number of parts
		if (nameList[i] == GZ_NULL_TOKEN) // do nothing
		if (nameList[i] == GZ_TEXTURE_INDEX) {
			GzTextureIndex *tex = (GzTextureIndex*)valueList[i];

			for (int num = 0; num < 2; ++num) {
				t1[num] = tex[0][num];
				t2[num] = tex[1][num];
				t3[num] = tex[2][num];
			for (int num = 0; num < 2; ++num) {
				t1[num] /= ((v1[2] / ((float)MAXINT - v1[2])) + 1.0);
				t2[num] /= ((v2[2] / ((float)MAXINT - v2[2])) + 1.0);
				t3[num] /= ((v3[2] / ((float)MAXINT - v3[2])) + 1.0);

			if (render->tex_fun != NULL) { // for Gourad Shading
				float dummy[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };
				colorPixelTex(render, n1, color1, dummy, dummy, dummy);
				colorPixelTex(render, n2, color2, dummy, dummy, dummy);
				colorPixelTex(render, n3, color3, dummy, dummy, dummy);
		if (nameList[i] == GZ_NORMAL)
			GzCoord *normal = (GzCoord*)valueList[i];
			for (int num = 0; num < 3; ++num) {
				n1[num] = normal[0][num];
				n2[num] = normal[1][num];
				n3[num] = normal[2][num];

			float matrix[4][4];
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) // get matrix based on normals
				for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
					matrix[i][j] = render->Xnorm[render->matlevel - 1][i][j];

			float n_v1[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
			float n_v2[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
			float n_v3[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };

			for (int y = 0; y < 4; ++y) { // does matrix multiplication
				for (int x = 0; x < 4; ++x) {
					if (x != 3) {
						n_v1[y] += matrix[y][x] * n1[x];
						n_v2[y] += matrix[y][x] * n2[x];
						n_v3[y] += matrix[y][x] * n3[x];
					else {
						n_v1[y] += matrix[y][x] * 1;
						n_v2[y] += matrix[y][x] * 1;
						n_v3[y] += matrix[y][x] * 1;

			for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x) { // converts the vertices from 4D to 3D 
				n_v1[x] /= n_v1[3];
				n_v2[x] /= n_v2[3];
				n_v3[x] /= n_v3[3];

			// Reassign n1, n2, n3
			for (int num = 0; num < 3; ++num) {
				n1[num] = n_v1[num];
				n2[num] = n_v2[num];
				n3[num] = n_v3[num];

			// gets the color based on vertices
			colorPixel(render, n1, color1);
			colorPixel(render, n2, color2);
			colorPixel(render, n3, color3);
		if (nameList[i] == GZ_POSITION) { // Executes 

			GzCoord *coord = (GzCoord*)valueList[i];
			for (int num = 0; num < 3; ++num) {
				v1[num] = coord[0][num];
				v2[num] = coord[1][num];
				v3[num] = coord[2][num];
			// Transform the coords based on the current matrix
			float matrix[4][4];
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
				for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
					matrix[i][j] = render->Ximage[render->matlevel - 1][i][j];

			float n_v1[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
			float n_v2[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
			float n_v3[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };

			for (int y = 0; y < 4; ++y) { // does matrix multiplication
				for (int x = 0; x < 4; ++x) {
					if (x != 3) {
						n_v1[y] += matrix[y][x] * v1[x];
						n_v2[y] += matrix[y][x] * v2[x];
						n_v3[y] += matrix[y][x] * v3[x];
					else {
						n_v1[y] += matrix[y][x] * 1;
						n_v2[y] += matrix[y][x] * 1;
						n_v3[y] += matrix[y][x] * 1;

			for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x) { // converts the vertices from 4D to 3D 
				n_v1[x] /= n_v1[3];
				n_v2[x] /= n_v2[3];
				n_v3[x] /= n_v3[3];
			// Reassign v1, v2, v3
			for (int num = 0; num < 3; ++num) {
				v1[num] = n_v1[num];
				v2[num] = n_v2[num];
				v3[num] = n_v3[num];

			// Offsets for Anti-aliasing
				v1[0] -= render->xOff; 			v1[1] -= render->yOff;
				v2[0] -= render->xOff; 			v2[1] -= render->yOff;
				v3[0] -= render->xOff; 			v3[1] -= render->yOff;

	// GZ_FLAT -> same
	// GZ_COLOR -> find color first then interpolate
	// GZ_NORMAL -> interpolate then find normals

	float *v_sub;
	float *n_sub;
	float c_sub;

	float *t_sub;

	for (int v = 0; v < 2; ++v) { // selection sort vertices by y from lowest to highest
		if (v1[1] > v2[1]) {
			v_sub = v2;
			v2 = v1;
			v1 = v_sub;

			if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS){
				n_sub = n2;
				n2 = n1;
				n1 = n_sub;
			else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR) {
				for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
					c_sub = color2[c];
					color2[c] = color1[c];
					color1[c] = c_sub;

			if (render->tex_fun != NULL) {
				t_sub = t1;
				t1 = t2;
				t2 = t_sub;
		if (v2[1] > v3[1]) {
			v_sub = v3;
			v3 = v2;
			v2 = v_sub;

			if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS){
				n_sub = n3;
				n3 = n2;
				n2 = n_sub;
			else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR) {
				for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
					c_sub = color3[c];
					color3[c] = color2[c];
					color2[c] = c_sub;

			if (render->tex_fun != NULL) {
				t_sub = t2;
				t2 = t3;
				t3 = t_sub;

	// vectors that are based off the y-axis from low to high
	float vect1[3];
	float vect2[3];
	float vect3[3];
	int lr; // 0 = left, 1 = right, 2 = special traingle case

	for (int num = 0; num < 3; ++num) { // DEFAULT is set to L
		vect1[num] = v2[num] - v1[num]; // To v2 from v1
		vect2[num] = v3[num] - v2[num]; // To v3 from v2
		vect3[num] = v3[num] - v1[num]; // To v3 from v1

	// Normalize the vectors

	// determines if the line is left or right

	if (v2[1] == v3[1] || v2[1] == v1[1]) // Checks if mid-vertex has same y-coord
		lr = 2;
		// looks at the edge vector opposite the vertex: v1 -> v3
		// based on y-intercept for v2
		float time, x;
		time = (v2[1] - v1[1]) / vect3[1];
		x = v1[0] + time * vect3[0];

		// find x and compare with v2 x-coordinate
		if (x < v2[0]) { // if the intersection occurs on the right
			lr = 1; // midpoint is on R
		else lr = 0; // midpoint is on L

	float norm[3], d;
	crossProduct(vect1, vect2, norm); // Calculates the cross product for the plane

	// Calculates d using vertex 1
	d = -((norm[0] * v1[0]) + (norm[1] * v1[1]) + (norm[2] * v1[2]));

	// variables for finding the bounds for coloring in triangle
	float x_sol;
	float x_begin;
	int y_begin;
	float x_end, y_end;

	// clamps the boundaries for y
	if (ceilf(v1[1]) < 0)
		y_begin = 0;
	else y_begin = ceilf(v1[1]);

	if (v3[1] > render->display->yres - 1)
		y_end = render->display->yres - 1;
	else y_end = v3[1];

	float t;
	float GouraudColor1[3];
	float GouraudColor2[3];
	float PhongNormal1[3];
	float PhongNormal2[3];
	float TexPoint1[3];
	float TexPoint2[3];

	// Computes rasterization using scan line
	if (lr == 0) { // vect 1 & vect 2 are on the left
		for (int y = y_begin; y <= y_end; ++y) { // cycles from top vertex to bottom vertex

			// finds the start point and the endpoint from v1 to v3 in y-coord
			// computes x_begin for v1 -> v2
			if (y < v2[1]) {
				t = ((float)y - v1[1]) / vect1[1];
				x_sol = (vect1[0] * t + v1[0]);
				x_begin = x_sol;

				if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR)
					interpolate(y, v1[1], v2[1], color1, color2, GouraudColor1);
				else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS)
					interpolate(y, v1[1], v2[1], n1, n2, PhongNormal1);

				if (render->tex_fun != NULL)
					interpolateTex(y, v1[1], v2[1], t1, t2, TexPoint1);
			else { // compute for v2 -> v3
				t = ((float)y - v2[1]) / vect2[1];
				x_sol = (vect2[0] * t + v2[0]);
				x_begin = x_sol;

				if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR)
					interpolate(y, v2[1], v3[1], color2, color3, GouraudColor1);
				else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS)
					interpolate(y, v2[1], v3[1], n2, n3, PhongNormal1);

				if (render->tex_fun != NULL)
					interpolateTex(y, v2[1], v3[1], t2, t3, TexPoint1);

			// computes x_end: v1 -> v3
			t = ((float)y - v1[1]) / vect3[1];
			x_sol = (vect3[0] * t + v1[0]);
			x_end = x_sol;

			if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR)
				interpolate(y, v1[1], v3[1], color1, color3, GouraudColor2);
			else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS)
				interpolate(y, v1[1], v3[1], n1, n3, PhongNormal2);

			if (render->tex_fun != NULL)
				interpolateTex(y, v1[1], v3[1], t1, t3, TexPoint2);

			if (render->interp_mode == GZ_FLAT)
				scanLine(render, x_begin, x_end, y, norm, d); // Spans line for y_value
			else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR) {
				scanLineGouraud(render, x_begin, x_end, y, norm, d, GouraudColor1, GouraudColor2, TexPoint1, TexPoint2); // Gouraud Shading
			else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS) {
				scanLinePhong(render, x_begin, x_end, y, norm, d, PhongNormal1, PhongNormal2, TexPoint1, TexPoint2); // Phong Shading
			else scanLine(render, x_begin, x_end, y, norm, d); // Spans line for y_value
	else if (lr == 1) { // RIGHT
		for (int y = y_begin; y <= y_end; ++y) { // cycles from top vertex to bottom vertex

			// finds the start point and the endpoint from v1 to v3 in y-coord
			// computes x_begin for v1 -> v3
			t = ((float)y - v1[1]) / vect3[1];
			x_sol = (vect3[0] * t + v1[0]);
			x_begin = x_sol;

			if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR)
				interpolate(y, v1[1], v3[1], color1, color3, GouraudColor1);
			else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS)
				interpolate(y, v1[1], v3[1], n1, n3, PhongNormal1);

			if (render->tex_fun != NULL)
				interpolateTex(y, v1[1], v3[1], t1, t3, TexPoint1);

			// computes x_end v1 -> v2
			if (y < v2[1]) {
				t = ((float)y - v1[1]) / vect1[1];
				x_sol = (vect1[0] * t + v1[0]);
				x_end = x_sol;

				if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR)
					interpolate(y, v1[1], v2[1], color1, color2, GouraudColor2);
				else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS)
					interpolate(y, v1[1], v2[1], n1, n2, PhongNormal2);

				if (render->tex_fun != NULL)
					interpolateTex(y, v1[1], v2[1], t1, t2, TexPoint2);
			else { // compute for v2 -> v3
				t = ((float)y - v2[1]) / vect2[1];
				x_sol = (vect2[0] * t + v2[0]);
				x_end = x_sol;

				if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR)
					interpolate(y, v2[1], v3[1], color2, color3, GouraudColor2);
				else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS)
					interpolate(y, v2[1], v3[1], n2, n3, PhongNormal2);

				if (render->tex_fun != NULL)
					interpolateTex(y, v2[1], v3[1], t2, t3, TexPoint2);

			if (render->interp_mode == GZ_FLAT)
				scanLine(render, x_begin, x_end, y, norm, d); // Spans line for y_value
			else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR) {
				scanLineGouraud(render, x_begin, x_end, y, norm, d, GouraudColor1, GouraudColor2, TexPoint1, TexPoint2); // Gouraud Shading
			else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS) {
				scanLinePhong(render, x_begin, x_end, y, norm, d, PhongNormal1, PhongNormal2, TexPoint1, TexPoint2); // Phong Shading
			else scanLine(render, x_begin, x_end, y, norm, d); // Spans line for y_value

	// special case of horizontal triangles
	else if (lr == 2) {
		// compare x
		float *vleft, *vright;
		float *vleftend, *vrightend;

		float *cleft, *cright;
		float *cleftend, *crightend;

		float *nleft, *nright;
		float *nleftend, *nrightend;

		float *tleft, *tright;
		float *tleftend, *trightend;

		float* vect_l;
		float* vect_r;

		if (v2[1] == v3[1]) { // bottom line triangle
			vleft = v1; vright = v1;
			if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR)
				cleft = color1; cright = color1;
			else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS)
				nleft = n1; nright = n1;
			if (render->tex_fun != NULL) {
				tleft = t1; tright = t1;
			if (v2[0] > v3[0]) { // v2 is on the right; v1->v2 is on left, v1->v3 is on right
				vect_l = vect3;
				vect_r = vect1;
				vleftend = v2;
				vrightend = v3;

				if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR)
					cleftend = color2; crightend = color3;
				else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS)
					nleftend = n2; nrightend = n3;
				if (render->tex_fun != NULL) {
					tleftend = t2; trightend = t3;
			else { // v2 is on the left; v1->v2 is on right, v1->v3 is on left
				vect_l = vect1;
				vect_r = vect3;
				vleftend = v3;
				vrightend = v2;
				if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR)
					cleftend = color3;
					crightend = color2;
				else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS)
					nleftend = n3; nrightend = n2;
				if (render->tex_fun != NULL) {
					tleftend = t3; trightend = t2;
		else if (v1[1] == v2[1]) { // top line triangle
			if (y_begin == v1[1]) // if top horizontal line lies on y_coord for row of pixels
				++y_begin; // prevents top and bottom triangle from overwriting same line for integer y
			if (v1[0] > v2[0]) { // v2 is on the left; v1 is on right
				vleft = v2;
				vright = v1;
				vect_l = vect2;
				vect_r = vect3;
				if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR)
					cleft = color2;
					cright = color1;
				else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS)
					nleft = n2; nright = n3;
				if (render->tex_fun != NULL) {
					tleft = t2; tright = t3;
			else { // v2 is on the right; v1 is on left
				vleft = v1;
				vright = v2;
				vect_l = vect3;
				vect_r = vect2;
				if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR)
					cleft = color1;
					cright = color2;
				else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS)
					nleft = n1; nright = n2;
				if (render->tex_fun != NULL) {
					tleft = t1; tright = t2;
			vleftend = v3;
			vrightend = v3;
			if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR)
				cleftend = color3;
				crightend = color3;
			else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS)
				nleftend = n3; nrightend = n3;
			if (render->tex_fun != NULL) {
				tleftend = t3; trightend = t3;
		for (int y = y_begin; y <= y_end; ++y) { // cycles from top vertex to bottom vertex

			// computes x_begin for left
			t = ((float)y - vleft[1]) / vect_l[1];
			x_sol = (vect_l[0] * t + vleft[0]);
			x_begin = x_sol;

			if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR)
				interpolate(y, vleft[1], vleftend[1], cleft, cleftend, GouraudColor1);
			else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS)
				interpolate(y, vleft[1], vleftend[1], nleft, nleftend, PhongNormal1);

			if (render->tex_fun != NULL)
				interpolateTex(y, vleft[1], vleftend[1], tleft, tleftend, TexPoint1);

			// computes x_end for right
			t = ((float)y - vright[1]) / vect_r[1];
			x_sol = (vect_r[0] * t + vright[0]);
			x_end = x_sol;

			if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR)
				interpolate(y, vright[1], vrightend[1], cright, crightend, GouraudColor2);
			else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS)
				interpolate(y, vright[1], vrightend[1], nright, nrightend, PhongNormal2);

			if (render->tex_fun != NULL)
				interpolateTex(y, vright[1], vrightend[1], tright, trightend, TexPoint2);

			if (render->interp_mode == GZ_FLAT)
				scanLine(render, x_begin, x_end, y, norm, d); // Spans line for y_value
			else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_COLOR) {
				scanLineGouraud(render, x_begin, x_end, y, norm, d, GouraudColor1, GouraudColor2, TexPoint1, TexPoint2); // Spans line for y_value
			else if (render->interp_mode == GZ_NORMALS) {
				scanLinePhong(render, x_begin, x_end, y, norm, d, PhongNormal1, PhongNormal2, TexPoint1, TexPoint2); // Spans line for y_value
			else scanLine(render, x_begin, x_end, y, norm, d); // Spans line for y_value

	delete t1;	delete t2;	delete t3;
	delete n1;	delete n2;	delete n3;
	delete v1;	delete v2;	delete v3;

	return GZ_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 4
void scanLinePhong(GzRender *render, float x_begin, float x_end, int y, float* norm, float d, float* norm1, float* norm2, float* TexPoint1, float* TexPoint2) { // Span line method

	int index; // used to find index within triangles
	float z;

	if (!(x_begin > render->display->xres - 1 || x_end < 0)) { // checks and see if line is within the screen

		// prevents same line from being drawn twice for later triangles
		int x = ceilf(x_begin);
		if (x == x_begin)

		float x_s = x_begin;
		float total = x_end - x_begin;

		// Clamps the value between 0 and xres
		if (x_begin < 0)
			x = 0.0;
		if (x_end > render->display->xres - 1)
			x_end = render->display->xres - 1;

		float t;
		float newNormal[3];
		float newColor[3];

		for (x; x <= x_end; ++x) { // begins spanning line
			index = (render->display->xres * y) + x;

			// interpolates z at that point
			z = -((norm[0] * (float)x) + (norm[1] * (float)y) + d) / norm[2];

			if (z < render->display->fbuf[index].z && z >= 0) { // if the object is in front of what's on fbuf

				t = (x - x_s) / total;
				for (int n = 0; n < 3; ++n)
					newNormal[n] = (norm1[n] * (1 - t) + norm2[n] * t);
				colorPixel(render, newNormal, newColor); // gets color based on normal

				if (render->tex_fun == NULL) {
					render->display->fbuf[index].red = ctoi(newColor[0]);
					render->display->fbuf[index].green = ctoi(newColor[1]);
					render->display->fbuf[index].blue = ctoi(newColor[2]);
				else {
					// look up kd and ka
					float newTex[2];
					for (int n = 0; n < 2; ++n) // interpolate u and v
						newTex[n] = (TexPoint1[n] * (1 - t) + TexPoint2[n] * t);

					for (int n = 0; n < 2; ++n) // revert the interpolated value back to screen space
						newTex[n] *= ((z / ((float)MAXINT - z)) + 1);

					float texColor[3];
					float newTexColor[3];
					render->tex_fun(newTex[0], newTex[1], texColor); // grab color from texture
					colorPixelTex(render, newNormal, newTexColor, render->Ks, texColor, texColor); // get color for Phong
					render->display->fbuf[index].red = ctoi(newTexColor[0]);
					render->display->fbuf[index].green = ctoi(newTexColor[1]);
					render->display->fbuf[index].blue = ctoi(newTexColor[2]);
				render->display->fbuf[index].z = z;
Esempio n. 5
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    BMP image;

	std::vector<Camera> cameras;
	Scene scene;

	// check for proper usage
	if(argc == 1 || argc > 2) 
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: usage: %s FILENAME\n", argv[0], argv[0]);
		return 1;

	Parser* fileParser = new Parser();
	if(fileParser->parse(argv[1]) == 1)
		return 1;
	cameras = fileParser->getCameras();
	scene = fileParser->getScene();
	for(size_t i = 0; i < scene.planes.size(); i++)
		Plane* curr_plane = &;

	// for each camera
	for(int i = 0; i < cameras.size(); i++)
		Camera* current_camera = &;
		// for every pixel
		for(int px=0; px<W; px++)
			printf("printing column: %d\n", px);
			for(int py=0; py<H; py++)
				//printf("coloring %d %d\n", px, py);
				Color current_pix = colorPixel(px, py, &scene, current_camera);
				image(px, py)->Red = (ebmpBYTE) 255 * current_pix.r;
				image(px, py)->Green = (ebmpBYTE) 255 * current_pix.g;
				image(px, py)->Blue = (ebmpBYTE) 255 * current_pix.b;
				image(px, py)->Alpha = 0.0; 
				//printf("%d\t%d\n", px, py);
				//printf("%f\t%f\t%f\n", current_pix.r, current_pix.g, current_pix.b);

		std::string inputfileName = argv[1];
		size_t pos = inputfileName.find_last_of('.');
		inputfileName = inputfileName.substr(0, pos);
		char* camnum = new char[20];
		std::string s;
		std::stringstream out;
		out << i;
		s = out.str();
		std::string outfileName = inputfileName;

    //BMP texture;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 6
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	printf("Initializing image.\n");
	initializeImage(512, 512);
	printf("Configuring scene.\n");
    Scene scene = configureScene();
    printf("Loading camera.\n");
    Camera eye = *scene.getCamera();

    printf("Beginning render.\n");

    /* Status message: indicate rendering mode. */
    #ifdef _TRACE_MODE_INT_ONLY_
	printf("Rendering in intersection-only mode.\n");
	#elif defined(_TRACE_MODE_NO_AA_)
	printf("Rendering in shading-only mode (No AA).\n");
	printf("Rendering in full mode (Shading + AA).\n");
	printf("Using %d samples for antialiasing.\n", N_SAMPLES);

	/************ Reduced functionality modes (part a & b) *************/
	#if defined(_TRACE_MODE_INT_ONLY_) || defined(_TRACE_MODE_NO_AA_)

	int percentile = 0;
	for(int iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++){
		for(int ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++){
			Ray ray = eye.getRay(ix, iy);
			Intersection* hit = scene.intersect(ray, 0.0, HUGE);
				#if defined(_TRACE_MODE_INT_ONLY_)
				colorPixel(image, ix, iy, Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 1.0f, nx, ny);
				colorPixel(image, ix, iy, scene.shade(ray, *hit, BACKGROUND), 2.2f, nx, ny);

		/* Rough estimate of percent progress. */
		if((1.0 * iy)/(ny-1) >= 0.10*percentile && percentile <= 10){
			printf("%d%%\n", percentile++ * 10);

	/********** Shading and anti-aliasing. (Default) (part c) ***********/

	int percentile = 0;
	int one_dim_steps = sqrt(N_SAMPLES);
	float stepsize = 1.0f/one_dim_steps;

	for(int iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++){
		for(int ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++){
			Color sampleSum = BACKGROUND;

			/* Stratified sampling within pixel, with additional random jitter. */
			for(int sy = 0; sy < one_dim_steps; sy++){
				for(int sx = 0; sx < one_dim_steps; sx++){
					float x, y, jx, jy;

					// Generate random jitter in [0, 1.0]
					jx = (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
					jy = (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;

					// Work with a fixed stepsize, but add additional random factor in [0, 1.0] (s_ + j_)
					x = ix - 0.5f + (sx + jx) * stepsize; // -0.5 moves from center point to left boundary
					y = iy - 0.5f + (sy + jy) * stepsize; // -0.5 moves from center point to top boundary
					// Generate eye ray from the stratified/random position within pixel
					Ray r = eye.getRay(x, y);

					// Add to sum of sampled colors on hit, with baseline value equal to BACKGROUND
					Intersection *hit = scene.intersect(r, 0.0f, HUGE);
						sampleSum += scene.shade(r, *hit, BACKGROUND);
			// Finally, color the pixel at (ix, iy) by the average sampled color, with gamma correction.
			colorPixel(image, ix, iy, sampleSum * (1.0f / (one_dim_steps*one_dim_steps)), 2.2f, nx, ny);

		/* Rough estimate of percent progress. */
		if((1.0 * iy)/(ny-1) >= 0.10*percentile && percentile <= 10){
			printf("%d%%\n", percentile++ * 10);

	// Configure GLUT for rendering via OpenGL
	setup_glut(argc, argv);