Esempio n. 1
void vga_setpalette(unsigned char *palette)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        glpalette[i] = colour32(palette[0], palette[1], palette[2]);
        palette += 3;
Esempio n. 2
// Open a BMP stream
static int openbmp(char *filename, char *packfilename)

#if DC || GP2X || SYMBIAN
    unsigned char mybmpheader[0x36];

    if((handle = openpackfile(filename, packfilename)) == -1)
        return 0;
#if DC || GP2X || SYMBIAN
    if(readpackfile(handle, &mybmpheader, 0x36) != 0x36)
    if(readpackfile(handle, &bmp_header, sizeof(s_bmpheader)) != sizeof(s_bmpheader))
        return 0;

#if DC || GP2X || SYMBIAN
    build_bmp_header(&bmp_header, mybmpheader);
#else = SwapLSB16(;
    bmp_header.numplanes = SwapLSB16(bmp_header.numplanes);
    bmp_header.bpp = SwapLSB16(bmp_header.bpp);

    bmp_header.filesize = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.filesize);
    bmp_header.reserved = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.reserved);
    bmp_header.picstart = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.picstart);
    bmp_header.headersize = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.headersize);
    bmp_header.xsize = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.xsize);
    bmp_header.ysize = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.ysize);
    bmp_header.filesize = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.filesize);

    bmp_header.compression = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.compression);
    bmp_header.picsize = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.picsize);
    bmp_header.hres = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.hres);
    bmp_header.vres = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.vres);
    bmp_header.numcolors_used = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.numcolors_used);
    bmp_header.numcolors_important = SwapLSB32(bmp_header.numcolors_important);

    if( != 0x4D42 || bmp_header.bpp != 8 || bmp_header.compression)
        return 0;
    res[0] = bmp_header.xsize;
    res[1] = bmp_header.ysize;
    return 1;

// Read data from the bitmap file
static int readbmp(unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *pal, int maxwidth, int maxheight)

    unsigned char *linebuffer;
    int y, s, d;
    int pb = PAL_BYTES;

        y = 0;
        while(y < maxheight && y < bmp_header.ysize)
            linebuffer = buf + y * maxwidth;
            seekpackfile(handle, bmp_header.picstart + ((bmp_header.ysize - y - 1)*bmp_header.xsize), SEEK_SET);
            readpackfile(handle, linebuffer, bmp_header.xsize);

    if(pal && (linebuffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(1024)))
        seekpackfile(handle, bmp_header.picstart - 1024, SEEK_SET);
        readpackfile(handle, linebuffer, 1024);
        if(pb == 512) // 16bit 565
            for(s = 0, d = 0; s < 1024; s += 4, d += 2)
                *(unsigned short *)(pal + d) = colour16(linebuffer[s + 2], linebuffer[s + 1], linebuffer[s]);
        else if(pb == 768) // 24bit palette, RGBA-BGR
            for(s = 0, d = 0; s < 1024; s += 4, d += 3)
                pal[d] = linebuffer[s + 2];
                pal[d + 1] = linebuffer[s + 1];
                pal[d + 2] = linebuffer[s];
        else if(pb == 1024)
            for(s = 0, d = 0; s < 1024; s += 4, d += 4)
                *(unsigned *)(pal + d) = colour32(linebuffer[s + 2], linebuffer[s + 1], linebuffer[s]);
        linebuffer = NULL;

    return 1;
Esempio n. 3
static int readpng(unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *pal, int width, int height)
    unsigned char *png_data = NULL, *png_data_ptr;
    unsigned char *inflated_data = NULL;
    z_stream zlib_stream = {.zalloc = Z_NULL, .zfree = Z_NULL, .opaque = Z_NULL, .avail_in = 0, .next_in = Z_NULL,
                            .avail_out = 0, .next_out = Z_NULL};

    if (inflateInit(&zlib_stream) != Z_OK)
        goto readpng_abort;

    // Read the rest of the file into a single chunk of memory to save on expensive I/O operations.
    int data_start_pos = seekpackfile(handle, 0, SEEK_CUR) + 4; // +4 bytes to skip the CRC at the end of IHDR chunk
    int data_size = seekpackfile(handle, 0, SEEK_END) - data_start_pos;
    seekpackfile(handle, data_start_pos, SEEK_SET);
    png_data = malloc(data_size);

    if (!png_data)
        goto readpng_abort;
    else if (readpackfile(handle, png_data, data_size) != data_size)
        goto readpng_abort;
    png_data_ptr = png_data;

    if (buf)
        // the "+1"s are because each scanline has an extra byte denoting the filter type
        size_t inflated_size;
        if (png_is_interlaced)
            inflated_size = (width/8 + 1) * (height/8) * 2 +
                            (width/4 + 1) * (height/8) +
                            (width/4 + 1) * (height/4) +
                            (width/2 + 1) * (height/4) +
                            (width/2 + 1) * (height/2) +
                            (width + 1) * (height/2);
            inflated_size = (width + 1) * height;

        inflated_data = malloc(inflated_size);
        zlib_stream.avail_out = inflated_size;
        zlib_stream.next_out = inflated_data;

    // Now read the remaining chunks of the file
    while (png_data_ptr < (png_data + data_size))
        struct png_chunk_header *p_chunk_header = (struct png_chunk_header *) png_data_ptr;
        uint32_t chunk_size = SwapMSB32(p_chunk_header->chunk_size);
        png_data_ptr += sizeof(*p_chunk_header);

        // PLTE chunk: contains the palette
        if (pal && p_chunk_header->chunk_name == SwapMSB32(PNG_CHUNK_PLTE))
            unsigned int ncolors = chunk_size / 3, i;
            int *pal32 = (int*) pal;
            if (chunk_size % 3 != 0)
                goto readpng_abort;
            for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++)
                pal32[i] = colour32(png_data_ptr[0], png_data_ptr[1], png_data_ptr[2]);
                png_data_ptr += 3;
            png_data_ptr += 4;
        /* IDAT chunks contain the actual image data, compressed with DEFLATE in the zlib format. There can be
           multiple IDAT chunks, but their data together forms a single compressed stream. */
        else if (buf && p_chunk_header->chunk_name == SwapMSB32(PNG_CHUNK_IDAT))
            zlib_stream.avail_in = chunk_size;
            zlib_stream.next_in = png_data_ptr;
            int zret;
            zret = inflate(&zlib_stream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
            if (zret == Z_STREAM_END)
            else if (zret != Z_OK)
                printf("inflate failed: %i\n", zret);
                goto readpng_abort;
            png_data_ptr += chunk_size + 4;
            png_data_ptr += chunk_size + 4;

    if (buf)
        if (zlib_stream.avail_out != 0)
            printf("error: incomplete compressed stream\n");
            goto readpng_abort;

        if (png_is_interlaced)
            png_decode_interlaced(buf, inflated_data, width, height);
            png_decode_regular(buf, inflated_data, width, height);

    return 1;

    return 0;

// ============================== GIF loading ===============================

typedef struct
    char		    magic[6];
    unsigned short	screenwidth, screenheight;
    unsigned char	flags;
    unsigned char	background;
    unsigned char	aspect;
} gifheaderstruct;

#if DC || GP2X || SYMBIAN
#define sizeof_gifheaderstruct 13

typedef struct
    unsigned short   left, top, width, height;
    unsigned char    flags;
} gifblockstruct;

#if DC || GP2X || SYMBIAN
#define sizeof_iblock 9

static gifheaderstruct gif_header;

static unsigned char readbyte(int handle)
    unsigned char c = 0;
    readpackfile(handle, &c, 1);
    return c;
static int readpng(unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *pal, int maxwidth, int maxheight)
    int i, j, cw, ch;
    png_colorp png_pal_ptr = 0;
    int png_pal_num = 0;
    int pb = PAL_BYTES;

    cw = res[0] > maxwidth ? maxwidth : res[0];
    ch = res[1] > maxheight ? maxheight : res[1];
        for(i = 0; i < ch; i++)
            memcpy(buf + (maxwidth * i), row_pointers[i], cw);
        if(png_get_color_type(png_ptr, info_ptr) == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY)
            // set palette for grayscale images
            for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                pal[i * 3] = pal[i * 3 + 1] = pal[i * 3 + 2] = i;
            return 1;
        else if(png_get_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, &png_pal_ptr, &png_pal_num) != PNG_INFO_PLTE ||
                png_pal_ptr == NULL)
            return 0;

        png_pal_ptr[0].red = png_pal_ptr[0].green = png_pal_ptr[0].blue = 0;
        if(pb == 512) // 16bit 565
            for(i = 0, j = 0; i < 512 && j < png_pal_num; i += 2, j++)
                *(unsigned short *)(pal + i) = colour16(png_pal_ptr[j].red, png_pal_ptr[j].green, png_pal_ptr[j].blue);
        else if(pb == 768) // 24bit
            for(i = 0; i < png_pal_num; i++)
                pal[i * 3] = png_pal_ptr[i].red;
                pal[i * 3 + 1] = png_pal_ptr[i].green;
                pal[i * 3 + 2] = png_pal_ptr[i].blue;
        else if(pb == 1024) // 32bit

            for(i = 0, j = 0; i < 1024 && j < png_pal_num; i += 4, j++)
                *(unsigned *)(pal + i) = colour32(png_pal_ptr[j].red, png_pal_ptr[j].green, png_pal_ptr[j].blue);
    return 1;