/* * start a TCP connection to the peer host on port 113 */ void identStart(struct sockaddr_in *me, struct sockaddr_in *my_peer, IDCB * callback, void *data) { IdentStateData *state; int fd; char key1[IDENT_KEY_SZ]; char key2[IDENT_KEY_SZ]; char key[IDENT_KEY_SZ]; snprintf(key1, IDENT_KEY_SZ, "%s:%d", inet_ntoa(me->sin_addr), ntohs(me->sin_port)); snprintf(key2, IDENT_KEY_SZ, "%s:%d", inet_ntoa(my_peer->sin_addr), ntohs(my_peer->sin_port)); snprintf(key, IDENT_KEY_SZ, "%s,%s", key1, key2); if ((state = hash_lookup(ident_hash, key)) != NULL) { identClientAdd(state, callback, data); return; } fd = comm_open(SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, me->sin_addr, 0, COMM_NONBLOCKING, "ident"); if (fd == COMM_ERROR) { /* Failed to get a local socket */ callback(NULL, data); return; } CBDATA_INIT_TYPE(IdentStateData); state = cbdataAlloc(IdentStateData); state->hash.key = xstrdup(key); state->fd = fd; state->me = *me; state->my_peer = *my_peer; identClientAdd(state, callback, data); hash_join(ident_hash, &state->hash); comm_add_close_handler(fd, identClose, state); commSetTimeout(fd, Config.Timeout.ident, identTimeout, state); commConnectStart(fd, inet_ntoa(state->my_peer.sin_addr), IDENT_PORT, identConnectDone, state); }
void whoisStart(FwdState * fwd) { WhoisState *p; int fd = fwd->server_fd; char *buf; size_t l; CBDATA_INIT_TYPE(WhoisState); p = cbdataAlloc(WhoisState); p->request = fwd->request; p->entry = fwd->entry; p->fwd = fwd; storeLockObject(p->entry); comm_add_close_handler(fd, whoisClose, p); l = strLen(p->request->urlpath) + 3; buf = xmalloc(l); snprintf(buf, l, "%s\r\n", strBuf(p->request->urlpath) + 1); comm_write(fd, buf, strlen(buf), NULL, p, xfree); commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, whoisReadReply, p, 0); commSetTimeout(fd, Config.Timeout.read, whoisTimeout, p); }
static void clientRecvFd(int sock, void *data) { int retval; struct msghdr msg; struct iovec vec; char cmsgbuf[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int))]; struct cmsghdr *p_cmsg; char iov_buf[CACHE_WATCH_RECV_MSG_LENGTH]; vec.iov_base = iov_buf; vec.iov_len = CACHE_WATCH_RECV_MSG_LENGTH; msg.msg_name = NULL; msg.msg_namelen = 0; msg.msg_iov = &vec; msg.msg_iovlen = 1; msg.msg_control = cmsgbuf; msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(cmsgbuf); msg.msg_flags = 0; /* In case something goes wrong, set the fd to -1 before the syscall */ retval = recvmsg(sock, &msg, 0); if( retval <= 0 ) { comm_close(sock); return; } if( (p_cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg)) == NULL ) { comm_close(sock); return; } if (squidWatchReply(sock, &msg, iov_buf) != -1) { comm_close(sock); return; } int fd = *((int*)CMSG_DATA(p_cmsg)); // for keep alive commSetSelect(sock, COMM_SELECT_READ, clientRecvFd, NULL, 0); // omm_close(sock); if(fd < 0) { return; } //comm_accept's jobs struct sockaddr_in peername; struct sockaddr_in sockname; socklen_t socklen; socklen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); memset(&peername, '\0', socklen); memset(&sockname, '\0', socklen); getpeername(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&peername, &socklen); getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sockname, &socklen); commSetCloseOnExec(fd); fd_open(fd, FD_SOCKET, "HTTP Request"); fde *F = &fd_table[fd]; xstrncpy(F->ipaddr, xinet_ntoa(peername.sin_addr), 16); F->remote_port = htons(peername.sin_port); F->local_port = htons(sockname.sin_port); commSetNonBlocking(fd); //rest of httpAccept's jobs // //int on = 1; //if (setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) &on, sizeof(on)) < 0) // debug(191, 0) ("commSetTcpNoDelay: FD %d: %s\n", fd, xstrerror()); //fd_table[fd].flags.nodelay = 1; #ifdef TCP_NODELAY commSetTcpNoDelay(fd); /*Fix tcp use Negale bug while send packet*/ #endif #ifdef CC_FRAMEWORK cc_call_hook_func_private_http_accept(fd); #endif debug(191, 4) ("clientRecvFd: FD %d: accepted port %d client %s:%d\n", fd, F->local_port, F->ipaddr, F->remote_port); fd_note_static(fd, "client http connect"); ConnStateData * connState = cbdataAlloc(ConnStateData); assert(Config.Sockaddr.http); connState->port = Config.Sockaddr.http; cbdataLock(connState->port); connState->peer = peername; connState->log_addr = peername.sin_addr; connState->log_addr.s_addr &= Config.Addrs.client_netmask.s_addr; connState->me = sockname; connState->fd = fd; connState->pinning.fd = -1; connState->in.buf = memAllocBuf(CLIENT_REQ_BUF_SZ, &connState->in.size); comm_add_close_handler(fd, connStateFree, connState); if (Config.onoff.log_fqdn) fqdncache_gethostbyaddr(peername.sin_addr, FQDN_LOOKUP_IF_MISS); commSetTimeout(fd, Config.Timeout.request, requestTimeout, connState); #if USE_IDENT static aclCheck_t identChecklist; identChecklist.src_addr = peername.sin_addr; identChecklist.my_addr = sockname.sin_addr; identChecklist.my_port = ntohs(sockname.sin_port); if (aclCheckFast(Config.accessList.identLookup, &identChecklist)) identStart(&sockname, &peername, clientIdentDone, connState); #endif commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, clientReadRequest, connState, 0); commSetDefer(fd, clientReadDefer, connState); if (connState->port->tcp_keepalive.enabled) { commSetTcpKeepalive(fd, connState->port->tcp_keepalive.idle, connState->port->tcp_keepalive.interval, connState->port->tcp_keepalive.timeout); } clientdbEstablished(peername.sin_addr, 1); incoming_sockets_accepted++; }
void sslStart(int fd, const char *url, request_t * request, size_t * size_ptr) { /* Create state structure. */ SslStateData *sslState = NULL; int sock; ErrorState *err = NULL; debug(26, 3) ("sslStart: '%s %s'\n", RequestMethodStr[request->method], url); Counter.server.all.requests++; Counter.server.other.requests++; /* Create socket. */ sock = comm_open(SOCK_STREAM, 0, Config.Addrs.tcp_outgoing, 0, COMM_NONBLOCKING, url); if (sock == COMM_ERROR) { debug(26, 4) ("sslStart: Failed because we're out of sockets.\n"); err = errorCon(ERR_SOCKET_FAILURE, HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); err->xerrno = errno; err->request = requestLink(request); errorSend(fd, err); return; } sslState = xcalloc(1, sizeof(SslStateData)); cbdataAdd(sslState, cbdataXfree, 0); #if DELAY_POOLS sslState->delay_id = delayClient(request); delayRegisterDelayIdPtr(&sslState->delay_id); #endif sslState->url = xstrdup(url); sslState->request = requestLink(request); sslState->size_ptr = size_ptr; sslState->client.fd = fd; sslState->server.fd = sock; sslState->server.buf = xmalloc(SQUID_TCP_SO_RCVBUF); sslState->client.buf = xmalloc(SQUID_TCP_SO_RCVBUF); comm_add_close_handler(sslState->server.fd, sslServerClosed, sslState); comm_add_close_handler(sslState->client.fd, sslClientClosed, sslState); commSetTimeout(sslState->client.fd, Config.Timeout.lifetime, sslTimeout, sslState); commSetTimeout(sslState->server.fd, Config.Timeout.connect, sslTimeout, sslState); peerSelect(request, NULL, sslPeerSelectComplete, sslState); /* * Disable the client read handler until peer selection is complete * Take control away from client_side.c. */ commSetSelect(sslState->client.fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, NULL, NULL, 0); }
void helperOpenServers(helper * hlp) { char *s; char *progname; char *shortname; char *procname; const char *args[HELPER_MAX_ARGS]; char fd_note_buf[FD_DESC_SZ]; helper_server *srv; int nargs = 0; int k; int x; int rfd; int wfd; wordlist *w; if (hlp->cmdline == NULL) return; progname = hlp->cmdline->key; if ((s = strrchr(progname, '/'))) shortname = xstrdup(s + 1); else shortname = xstrdup(progname); debug(84, 1) ("helperOpenServers: Starting %d '%s' processes\n", hlp->n_to_start, shortname); procname = xmalloc(strlen(shortname) + 3); snprintf(procname, strlen(shortname) + 3, "(%s)", shortname); args[nargs++] = procname; for (w = hlp->cmdline->next; w && nargs < HELPER_MAX_ARGS; w = w->next) args[nargs++] = w->key; args[nargs++] = NULL; assert(nargs <= HELPER_MAX_ARGS); for (k = 0; k < hlp->n_to_start; k++) { getCurrentTime(); rfd = wfd = -1; x = ipcCreate(hlp->ipc_type, progname, args, shortname, &rfd, &wfd); if (x < 0) { debug(84, 1) ("WARNING: Cannot run '%s' process.\n", progname); continue; } hlp->n_running++; srv = cbdataAlloc(helper_server); srv->pid = x; srv->flags.alive = 1; srv->index = k; srv->rfd = rfd; srv->wfd = wfd; srv->buf = memAllocate(MEM_8K_BUF); srv->buf_sz = 8192; srv->offset = 0; srv->parent = hlp; cbdataLock(hlp); /* lock because of the parent backlink */ dlinkAddTail(srv, &srv->link, &hlp->servers); if (rfd == wfd) { snprintf(fd_note_buf, FD_DESC_SZ, "%s #%d", shortname, k + 1); fd_note(rfd, fd_note_buf); } else { snprintf(fd_note_buf, FD_DESC_SZ, "reading %s #%d", shortname, k + 1); fd_note(rfd, fd_note_buf); snprintf(fd_note_buf, FD_DESC_SZ, "writing %s #%d", shortname, k + 1); fd_note(wfd, fd_note_buf); } commSetNonBlocking(rfd); if (wfd != rfd) commSetNonBlocking(wfd); comm_add_close_handler(rfd, helperServerFree, srv); } hlp->last_restart = squid_curtime; safe_free(shortname); safe_free(procname); helperKickQueue(hlp); }