void java_bytecode_convert_classt::add_array_types()
  const std::string letters="ijsbcfdza";

  for(const char l : letters)
    symbol_typet symbol_type=

    struct_typet struct_type;
    // we have the base class, java.lang.Object, length and data
    // of appropriate type

      comp0("@java.lang.Object", symbol_typet("java::java.lang.Object"));

    struct_typet::componentt comp1("length", java_int_type());

      comp2("data", pointer_typet(java_type_from_char(l)));

    symbolt symbol;
Esempio n. 2
void main()
double t1,t2;
int m=0,n=0;


Esempio n. 3
int FloodingRT::view_full_table(QQmlApplicationEngine *engine, QQuickItem *panel)
    //Populate Flooding Routing Table
    // Check to make sure all vectors are of the same size
    if (destination_node_pool.size() != gateway_node_pool.size() ||
            gateway_node_pool.size() != weight_pool.size() ||
            weight_pool.size() != destination_node_pool.size())
        return -1; // return -1 for an error
    // Get the iterators for the different vectors
    std::vector<Node*>::iterator dest_iter = destination_node_pool.begin();
    std::vector<Node*>::iterator gate_iter = gateway_node_pool.begin();
    std::vector<int>::iterator weight_iter = weight_pool.begin();
    // Creating a QObject for the routing table model, this is where
    // all of the items get added to
    QQmlComponent comp(engine, QUrl("qrc:/qml_files/flooding_model.qml"));
    QObject *object = comp.create();
    QQuickItem *model = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(object);
    // While loop setup - Make sure all iterators are not at the end
    while (dest_iter != destination_node_pool.end() &&
           gate_iter != gateway_node_pool.end() &&
           weight_iter != weight_pool.end())
        // Grab the reference to the next item in each vector
        // This is the information for a row in the routing table
        Node *dest = *dest_iter;
        Node *gate = *gate_iter;
        int weight = *weight_iter;
        // Creating the routing table item QObject
        QQmlComponent component(engine, QUrl("qrc:/qml_files/flooding_item.qml"));
        object = component.create();
        QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(object);
        // Setting the properties of the QObject
        item->setProperty("destination", dest->get_name());
        item->setProperty("gateway", gate->get_name());
        item->setProperty("weight", weight);
        // Adding the routing table item to the model
        // Moving the iterators to the next item
    // Create the routing table to actually be displayed
    QQmlComponent comp1(engine, QUrl("qrc:/qml_files/flooding_routing_table.qml"));
    QObject *obj = comp1.create();
    QQuickItem *routing_table = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(obj);
    obj->setProperty("model", "flooding_routing_table_model");

    // Add the routing table to the main panel for viewing

    return 0;
}//end of view_full_table
Esempio n. 4
int main(){
  printf("arith1() = %d\n", arith1(12,52,3));
  printf("arith2() = %d\n", arith2(721,888,7));
  printf("logic1() = %d\n", logic1(4,0,9));
  printf("logic2() = %d\n", logic2(8,2,12));
  printf("comp1() = %d\n", comp1(88,12,99));
  return 0;
bool SortedDistanceComparator::areSimilar(
	const sstbx::common::Structure & str1,
	const sstbx::common::Structure & str2) const
  ComparisonDataPtr comp1(generateComparisonData(str1));
  ComparisonDataPtr comp2(generateComparisonData(str2));

  return areSimilar(*comp1, *comp2);
double SortedDistanceComparator::compareStructures(
	const sstbx::common::Structure & str1,
	const sstbx::common::Structure & str2) const
  ComparisonDataPtr comp1(generateComparisonData(str1));
  ComparisonDataPtr comp2(generateComparisonData(str2));

  return compareStructures(*comp1, *comp2);
Esempio n. 7
    void matchCompOp() const {
        givenACodeSampleToTokenize comp1("<=", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS(true, Token::Match(comp1.tokens(), "%comp%"));

        givenACodeSampleToTokenize comp2(">", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS(true, Token::Match(comp2.tokens(), "%comp%"));

        givenACodeSampleToTokenize noComp("=", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS(false, Token::Match(noComp.tokens(), "%comp%"));
Esempio n. 8
// This function calculates the aspect ratio and the world aligned components of a selection bounding box.
F32 LLViewerMediaFocus::getBBoxAspectRatio(const LLBBox& bbox, const LLVector3& normal, F32* height, F32* width, F32* depth)
	// Convert the selection normal and an up vector to local coordinate space of the bbox
	LLVector3 local_normal = bbox.agentToLocalBasis(normal);
	LLVector3 z_vec = bbox.agentToLocalBasis(LLVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
	LLVector3 comp1(0.f,0.f,0.f);
	LLVector3 comp2(0.f,0.f,0.f);
	LLVector3 bbox_max = bbox.getExtentLocal();
	F32 dot1 = 0.f;
	F32 dot2 = 0.f;
	lldebugs << "bounding box local size = " << bbox_max << ", local_normal = " << local_normal << llendl;

	// The largest component of the localized normal vector is the depth component
	// meaning that the other two are the legs of the rectangle.
	// Using temporary variables for these makes the logic a bit more readable.
	bool XgtY = (local_normal.mV[VX] > local_normal.mV[VY]);
	bool XgtZ = (local_normal.mV[VX] > local_normal.mV[VZ]);
	bool YgtZ = (local_normal.mV[VY] > local_normal.mV[VZ]);
	if(XgtY && XgtZ)
		lldebugs << "x component of normal is longest, using y and z" << llendl;
		comp1.mV[VY] = bbox_max.mV[VY];
		comp2.mV[VZ] = bbox_max.mV[VZ];
		*depth = bbox_max.mV[VX];
	else if(!XgtY && YgtZ)
		lldebugs << "y component of normal is longest, using x and z" << llendl;
		comp1.mV[VX] = bbox_max.mV[VX];
		comp2.mV[VZ] = bbox_max.mV[VZ];
		*depth = bbox_max.mV[VY];
		lldebugs << "z component of normal is longest, using x and y" << llendl;
		comp1.mV[VX] = bbox_max.mV[VX];
		comp2.mV[VY] = bbox_max.mV[VY];
		*depth = bbox_max.mV[VZ];
	// The height is the vector closest to vertical in the bbox coordinate space (highest dot product value)
	dot1 = comp1 * z_vec;
	dot2 = comp2 * z_vec;
	if(fabs(dot1) > fabs(dot2))
		*height = comp1.length();
		*width = comp2.length();

		lldebugs << "comp1 = " << comp1 << ", height = " << *height << llendl;
		lldebugs << "comp2 = " << comp2 << ", width = " << *width << llendl;
		*height = comp2.length();
		*width = comp1.length();

		lldebugs << "comp2 = " << comp2 << ", height = " << *height << llendl;
		lldebugs << "comp1 = " << comp1 << ", width = " << *width << llendl;
	lldebugs << "returning " << (*width / *height) << llendl;

	// Return the aspect ratio.
	return *width / *height;
Esempio n. 9
    glWidget = new GLWidget;

    lbl = new QLabel(tr("die"));

    QPushButton* btnDef = new QPushButton("Deformation");
    QPushButton* btnDef3 = new QPushButton("Deformation *3");
    QPushButton* btnDefComp1 = new QPushButton("Component #1");
    QPushButton* btnReset = new QPushButton("Reset");
    QPushButton* btnExtr = new QPushButton("Extract");
    QPushButton* btnHideTex = new QPushButton("Hide textures");
    QPushButton* btnUpdateNorm = new QPushButton("UpdateNorm");

    xSlider = createSliderZ();
    ySlider = createSliderXY();
    zSlider = createSliderXY();

    connect(xSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), glWidget, SLOT(pickXsurf(int)));
    //connect(glWidget, SIGNAL(xRotationChanged(int)), xSlider, SLOT(setValue(int)));
    connect(ySlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), glWidget, SLOT(pickYsurf(int)));
    //connect(glWidget, SIGNAL(yRotationChanged(int)), ySlider, SLOT(setValue(int)));
    connect(zSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), glWidget, SLOT(pickZsurf(int)));
   // connect(glWidget, SIGNAL(zRotationChanged(int)), zSlider, SLOT(setValue(int)));

    connect(btnDef, SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(deformD()));
    connect(btnDef3, SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(deform3()));
    connect(btnDefComp1, SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(comp1()));
    connect(btnReset, SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(reset()));
    connect(btnExtr, SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(extract()));
    connect(btnHideTex, SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(hideTex()));
    connect(btnUpdateNorm, SIGNAL(clicked()), glWidget, SLOT(updateNorm()));

    QHBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout;


    QVBoxLayout *cntrLayout = new QVBoxLayout;

    QGroupBox* verticalGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Actions"));




    xSlider->setValue(15 * 16);
    ySlider->setValue(345 * 16);
    zSlider->setValue(0 * 16);
    setWindowTitle(tr("Brain Extraction Tools"));

Esempio n. 10
int CXXSurface::upLoadSphere(CXXSphereElement &theSphere, double probeRadius, const int sense){
    int oldVertexCount;
    CXXCoord theCentre = theSphere.centre();
    vector<int, CXX::CXXAlloc<int> > equivalence(theSphere.nVertices());
    vector<int, CXX::CXXAlloc<int> > uniqueAndDrawn(theSphere.nVertices());
    int nDrawn = 0;
    for (unsigned  i=0; i< theSphere.nVertices(); i++){
        CXXCoord comp1(theSphere.vertex(i).vertex());
        uniqueAndDrawn[i] = 0;
        if (theSphere.vertex(i).doDraw()){
            uniqueAndDrawn[i] = 1;
            if (uniqueAndDrawn[i]){
                equivalence[i] = nDrawn++;
    static const std::string vertexName("vertices");
    static const std::string accessiblesName("accessibles");
    static const std::string normalsName("normals");
        oldVertexCount = numberOfVertices();
        int verticesHandle = getVectorHandle(vertexName);
        int accessiblesHandle = getVectorHandle(accessiblesName);
        int normalsHandle = getVectorHandle(normalsName);
        int iDraw = 0;
        for (unsigned int i=0; i< theSphere.nVertices(); i++){
            if (uniqueAndDrawn[i]){
                CXXCoord vertexCoord = theSphere.vertex(i).vertex();
                if (sense == CXXSphereElement::Contact){
                    vertices[oldVertexCount+iDraw].setCoord(accessiblesHandle, vertexCoord);
                    CXXCoord normal = vertexCoord - theCentre;
                    CXXCoord diff(normal);
                    diff *= (theSphere.radius() - probeRadius) / theSphere.radius();
                    vertices[oldVertexCount+iDraw].setCoord(normalsHandle, normal);
                    CXXCoord vertex = theCentre + diff;
                    vertices[oldVertexCount+iDraw].setCoord(verticesHandle, vertex);
                else if (sense == CXXSphereElement::Reentrant) {
                    vertices[oldVertexCount+iDraw].setCoord(verticesHandle, vertexCoord);
                    CXXCoord normal = theCentre - vertexCoord;
                    vertices[oldVertexCount+iDraw].setCoord(normalsHandle, normal);
                    vertices[oldVertexCount+iDraw].setCoord(accessiblesHandle, theCentre);
                else if (sense == CXXSphereElement::VDW) {
                    vertices[oldVertexCount+iDraw].setCoord(verticesHandle, vertexCoord);
                    CXXCoord normal = vertexCoord - theCentre;
                    vertices[oldVertexCount+iDraw].setCoord(normalsHandle, normal);
                    vertices[oldVertexCount+iDraw].setCoord(accessiblesHandle, vertexCoord+normal);
                else if (sense == CXXSphereElement::Accessible) {
                    vertices[oldVertexCount+iDraw].setCoord(verticesHandle, vertexCoord);
                    CXXCoord normal = vertexCoord - theCentre;
                    vertices[oldVertexCount+iDraw].setCoord(normalsHandle, normal);
                    vertices[oldVertexCount+iDraw].setCoord(accessiblesHandle, vertexCoord);
    //Add atom pointers to the surface
        void *atomBuffer[nDrawn];// = new void*[nDrawn];
        int iDraw = 0;
        for (unsigned int i=0; i< theSphere.nVertices(); i++){
            if (uniqueAndDrawn[i]){
                mmdb::PAtom anAtom;
                if ((anAtom = theSphere.vertex(i).getAtom())!=0 ){
                    atomBuffer[iDraw] = (void *) anAtom;
                else atomBuffer[iDraw] = (void *) theSphere.getAtom();
        updateWithPointerData(nDrawn, "atom", oldVertexCount, atomBuffer);
        //delete [] atomBuffer;
    // Add triangles to surface
        int triangleBuffer[theSphere.nFlatTriangles()*3];// = new int[theSphere.nFlatTriangles()*3];
        int drawCount = 0;
		std::list<CXXSphereFlatTriangle, CXX::CXXAlloc<CXXSphereFlatTriangle> >::const_iterator trianglesEnd = 
		for (std::list<CXXSphereFlatTriangle, CXX::CXXAlloc<CXXSphereFlatTriangle> >::const_iterator triangle = 
			 triangle != trianglesEnd;
			const CXXSphereFlatTriangle &theTriangle(*triangle);
            if (theTriangle.doDraw()){
                if (sense == CXXSphereElement::Contact || 
                    sense == CXXSphereElement::VDW ||
                    sense == CXXSphereElement::Accessible){
                    for (unsigned int j=0; j<3; j++){
                        int index = equivalence[theTriangle[2-j]];
                        triangleBuffer[3*drawCount+j] = index + oldVertexCount;
                else {
                    for (unsigned int j=0; j<3; j++){
                        int index = equivalence[theTriangle[j]];
                        triangleBuffer[3*drawCount+j] = index + oldVertexCount;
        extendTriangles(triangleBuffer, drawCount);
        //delete [] triangleBuffer;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 11
// This function calculates the aspect ratio and the world aligned components of a selection bounding box.
F32 LLViewerMediaFocus::getBBoxAspectRatio(const LLBBox& bbox, const LLVector3& normal, F32* height, F32* width, F32* depth)
	// Convert the selection normal and an up vector to local coordinate space of the bbox
	LLVector3 local_normal = bbox.agentToLocalBasis(normal);
	LLVector3 z_vec = bbox.agentToLocalBasis(LLVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
	LLVector3 comp1(0.f,0.f,0.f);
	LLVector3 comp2(0.f,0.f,0.f);
	LLVector3 bbox_max = bbox.getExtentLocal();
	F32 dot1 = 0.f;
	F32 dot2 = 0.f;

	// The largest component of the localized normal vector is the depth component
	// meaning that the other two are the legs of the rectangle.
	if(local_normal.mV[VX] > local_normal.mV[VY])
		if(local_normal.mV[VX] > local_normal.mV[VZ])
			// Use the y and z comps
			comp1.mV[VY] = bbox_max.mV[VY];
			comp2.mV[VZ] = bbox_max.mV[VZ];
			*depth = bbox_max.mV[VX];
			// Use the x and y comps
			comp1.mV[VY] = bbox_max.mV[VY];
			comp2.mV[VZ] = bbox_max.mV[VZ];
			*depth = bbox_max.mV[VZ];
	else if(local_normal.mV[VY] > local_normal.mV[VZ])
		// Use the x and z comps
		comp1.mV[VX] = bbox_max.mV[VX];
		comp2.mV[VZ] = bbox_max.mV[VZ];
		*depth = bbox_max.mV[VY];
		// Use the x and y comps
		comp1.mV[VY] = bbox_max.mV[VY];
		comp2.mV[VZ] = bbox_max.mV[VZ];
		*depth = bbox_max.mV[VX];
	// The height is the vector closest to vertical in the bbox coordinate space (highest dot product value)
	dot1 = comp1 * z_vec;
	dot2 = comp2 * z_vec;
	if(fabs(dot1) > fabs(dot2))
		*height = comp1.length();
		*width = comp2.length();
		*height = comp2.length();
		*width = comp1.length();

	// Return the aspect ratio.
	return *width / *height;
Esempio n. 12
int main (int argc, char** argv)
  UnitTest t (211);

  // Ensure environment has no influence.
  unsetenv ("TASKDATA");
  unsetenv ("TASKRC");

    Date now;
    Date yesterday;
    yesterday -= 86400;
    Date tomorrow;
    tomorrow += 86400;

    t.ok    (yesterday <= now,       "yesterday <= now");
    t.ok    (yesterday <  now,       "yesterday < now");
    t.notok (yesterday == now,       "!(yesterday == now)");
    t.ok    (yesterday != now,       "yesterday != now");
    t.ok    (now       >= yesterday, "now >= yesterday");
    t.ok    (now       >  yesterday, "now > yesterday");

    t.ok    (tomorrow >= now,        "tomorrow >= now");
    t.ok    (tomorrow >  now,        "tomorrow > now");
    t.notok (tomorrow == now,        "!(tomorrow == now)");
    t.ok    (tomorrow != now,        "tomorrow != now");
    t.ok    (now      <= tomorrow,   "now <= tomorrow");
    t.ok    (now      <  tomorrow,   "now < tomorrow");

    // Date::Date ("now")
    context.config.set ("weekstart", "monday");
    Date relative_now ("now");
    t.ok (relative_now.sameHour (now),  "Date ().sameHour (Date (now))");
    t.ok (relative_now.sameDay (now),   "Date ().sameDay (Date (now))");
    t.ok (relative_now.sameWeek (now),  "Date ().sameWeek (Date (now))");
    t.ok (relative_now.sameMonth (now), "Date ().sameMonth (Date (now))");
    t.ok (relative_now.sameYear (now),  "Date ().sameYear (Date (now))");

    // Loose comparisons.
    Date left ("7/4/2008");
    Date comp1 ("7/4/2008");
    t.ok (left.sameDay   (comp1), "7/4/2008 is on the same day as 7/4/2008");
    t.ok (left.sameWeek  (comp1), "7/4/2008 is on the same week as 7/4/2008");
    t.ok (left.sameMonth (comp1), "7/4/2008 is in the same month as 7/4/2008");
    t.ok (left.sameYear  (comp1), "7/4/2008 is in the same year as 7/4/2008");

    Date comp2 ("7/5/2008");
    t.notok (left.sameDay   (comp2), "7/4/2008 is not on the same day as 7/5/2008");
    t.ok    (left.sameMonth (comp2), "7/4/2008 is in the same month as 7/5/2008");
    t.ok    (left.sameYear  (comp2), "7/4/2008 is in the same year as 7/5/2008");

    Date comp3 ("8/4/2008");
    t.notok (left.sameDay   (comp3), "7/4/2008 is not on the same day as 8/4/2008");
    t.notok (left.sameWeek  (comp3), "7/4/2008 is not on the same week as 8/4/2008");
    t.notok (left.sameMonth (comp3), "7/4/2008 is not in the same month as 8/4/2008");
    t.ok    (left.sameYear  (comp3), "7/4/2008 is in the same year as 8/4/2008");

    Date comp4 ("7/4/2009");
    t.notok (left.sameDay   (comp4), "7/4/2008 is not on the same day as 7/4/2009");
    t.notok (left.sameWeek  (comp3), "7/4/2008 is not on the same week as 7/4/2009");
    t.notok (left.sameMonth (comp4), "7/4/2008 is not in the same month as 7/4/2009");
    t.notok (left.sameYear  (comp4), "7/4/2008 is not in the same year as 7/4/2009");

    // Validity.
    t.ok    (Date::valid (2, 29, 2008), "valid: 2/29/2008");
    t.notok (Date::valid (2, 29, 2007), "invalid: 2/29/2007");

    t.ok    (Date::valid ("2/29/2008"), "valid: 2/29/2008");
    t.notok (Date::valid ("2/29/2007"), "invalid: 2/29/2007");

    t.ok    (Date::valid (366, 2008), "valid: 366 days in 2008");
    t.notok (Date::valid (366, 2007), "invalid: 366 days in 2007");

    // Time validity.
    t.ok    (Date::valid (2, 28, 2010,  0,  0,  0), "valid 2/28/2010 0:00:00");
    t.ok    (Date::valid (2, 28, 2010, 23, 59, 59), "valid 2/28/2010 23:59:59");
    t.notok (Date::valid (2, 28, 2010, 24, 59, 59), "valid 2/28/2010 24:59:59");
    t.notok (Date::valid (2, 28, 2010, -1,  0,  0), "valid 2/28/2010 -1:00:00");

    // Leap year.
    t.ok    (Date::leapYear (2008), "2008 is a leap year");
    t.notok (Date::leapYear (2007), "2007 is not a leap year");
    t.ok    (Date::leapYear (2000), "2000 is a leap year");
    t.notok (Date::leapYear (1900), "1900 is not a leap year");

    // Days in month.
    t.is (Date::daysInMonth (2, 2008), 29, "29 days in February 2008");
    t.is (Date::daysInMonth (2, 2007), 28, "28 days in February 2007");

    // Names.
    t.is (Date::monthName (1), "January",   "1 = January");
    t.is (Date::monthName (2), "February",  "2 = February");
    t.is (Date::monthName (3), "March",     "3 = March");
    t.is (Date::monthName (4), "April",     "4 = April");
    t.is (Date::monthName (5), "May",       "5 = May");
    t.is (Date::monthName (6), "June",      "6 = June");
    t.is (Date::monthName (7), "July",      "7 = July");
    t.is (Date::monthName (8), "August",    "8 = August");
    t.is (Date::monthName (9), "September", "9 = September");
    t.is (Date::monthName (10), "October",  "10 = October");
    t.is (Date::monthName (11), "November", "11 = November");
    t.is (Date::monthName (12), "December", "12 = December");

    t.is (Date::dayName (0), "Sunday",    "0 == Sunday");
    t.is (Date::dayName (1), "Monday",    "1 == Monday");
    t.is (Date::dayName (2), "Tuesday",   "2 == Tuesday");
    t.is (Date::dayName (3), "Wednesday", "3 == Wednesday");
    t.is (Date::dayName (4), "Thursday",  "4 == Thursday");
    t.is (Date::dayName (5), "Friday",    "5 == Friday");
    t.is (Date::dayName (6), "Saturday",  "6 == Saturday");

    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("SUNDAY"),    0, "SUNDAY == 0");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("sunday"),    0, "sunday == 0");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("Sunday"),    0, "Sunday == 0");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("Monday"),    1, "Monday == 1");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("Tuesday"),   2, "Tuesday == 2");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("Wednesday"), 3, "Wednesday == 3");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("Thursday"),  4, "Thursday == 4");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("Friday"),    5, "Friday == 5");
    t.is (Date::dayOfWeek ("Saturday"),  6, "Saturday == 6");

    Date happyNewYear (1, 1, 2008);
    t.is (happyNewYear.dayOfWeek (), 2, "1/1/2008 == Tuesday");
    t.is (happyNewYear.month (),     1, "1/1/2008 == January");
    t.is (happyNewYear.day (),       1, "1/1/2008 == 1");
    t.is (happyNewYear.year (),   2008, "1/1/2008 == 2008");

    t.is (happyNewYear.toString (), "1/1/2008", "toString 1/1/2008");

    int m, d, y;
    happyNewYear.toMDY (m, d, y);
    t.is (m, 1, "1/1/2008 == January");
    t.is (d, 1, "1/1/2008 == 1");
    t.is (y, 2008, "1/1/2008 == 2008");

    Date epoch (9, 8, 2001);
    t.ok ((int)epoch.toEpoch () < 1000000000, "9/8/2001 < 1,000,000,000");
    epoch += 172800;
    t.ok ((int)epoch.toEpoch () > 1000000000, "9/10/2001 > 1,000,000,000");

    Date fromEpoch (epoch.toEpoch ());
    t.is (fromEpoch.toString (), epoch.toString (), "ctor (time_t)");

    Date iso (1000000000);
    t.is (iso.toISO (), "20010909T014640Z", "1,000,000,000 -> 20010909T014640Z");

    // Quantization.
    Date quant (1234526400);
    t.is (quant.startOfDay ().toString ("YMDHNS"),   "20090213000000", "1234526400 -> 2/13/2009 12:00:00 UTC -> 2/13/2009 0:00:00");
    t.is (quant.startOfWeek ().toString ("YMDHNS"),  "20090208000000", "1234526400 -> 2/13/2009 12:00:00 UTC -> 2/8/2009 0:00:00");
    t.is (quant.startOfMonth ().toString ("YMDHNS"), "20090201000000", "1234526400 -> 2/13/2009 12:00:00 UTC -> 2/1/2009 0:00:00");
    t.is (quant.startOfYear ().toString ("YMDHNS"),  "20090101000000", "1234526400 -> 2/13/2009 12:00:00 UTC -> 1/1/2009 0:00:00");

    // Date parsing.
    Date fromString1 ("1/1/2008");
    t.is (fromString1.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString1.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString1.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString2 ("1/1/2008", "m/d/Y");
    t.is (fromString2.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString2.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString2.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString3 ("20080101", "YMD");
    t.is (fromString3.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString3.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString3.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString4 ("12/31/2007");
    t.is (fromString4.month (),  12, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString4.day (),    31, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString4.year (), 2007, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString5 ("12/31/2007", "m/d/Y");
    t.is (fromString5.month (),  12, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString5.day (),    31, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString5.year (), 2007, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString6 ("20071231", "YMD");
    t.is (fromString6.month (),  12, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString6.day (),    31, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString6.year (), 2007, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString7 ("01/01/2008", "m/d/Y");
    t.is (fromString7.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString7.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString7.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString8 ("Tue 05 Feb 2008 (06)", "a D b Y (V)");
    t.is (fromString8.month (),   2, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString8.day (),     5, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString8.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString9 ("Tuesday, February 5, 2008", "A, B d, Y");
    t.is (fromString9.month (),   2, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString9.day (),     5, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString9.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString10 ("w01 Tue 2008-01-01", "wV a Y-M-D");
    t.is (fromString10.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString10.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString10.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    Date fromString11 ("6/7/2010 1:23:45",  "m/d/Y h:N:S");
    t.is (fromString11.month (),     6, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString11.day (),       7, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString11.year (),   2010, "ctor (std::string) -> Y");
    t.is (fromString11.hour (),      1, "ctor (std::string) -> h");
    t.is (fromString11.minute (),   23, "ctor (std::string) -> N");
    t.is (fromString11.second (),   45, "ctor (std::string) -> S");

    Date fromString12 ("6/7/2010 01:23:45", "m/d/Y H:N:S");
    t.is (fromString12.month (),     6, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString12.day (),       7, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString12.year (),   2010, "ctor (std::string) -> Y");
    t.is (fromString12.hour (),      1, "ctor (std::string) -> h");
    t.is (fromString12.minute (),   23, "ctor (std::string) -> N");
    t.is (fromString12.second (),   45, "ctor (std::string) -> S");

    Date fromString13 ("6/7/2010 12:34:56", "m/d/Y H:N:S");
    t.is (fromString13.month (),     6, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString13.day (),       7, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString13.year (),   2010, "ctor (std::string) -> Y");
    t.is (fromString13.hour (),     12, "ctor (std::string) -> h");
    t.is (fromString13.minute (),   34, "ctor (std::string) -> N");
    t.is (fromString13.second (),   56, "ctor (std::string) -> S");

    // Day of year
    t.is (Date ("1/1/2011",   "m/d/Y").dayOfYear (),   1, "dayOfYear (1/1/2011)   ->   1");
    t.is (Date ("5/1/2011",   "m/d/Y").dayOfYear (), 121, "dayOfYear (5/1/2011)   -> 121");
    t.is (Date ("12/31/2011", "m/d/Y").dayOfYear (), 365, "dayOfYear (12/31/2011) -> 365");

    // Easter
    Date e1 (Date::easter(1980));
    t.is (e1.toString (), "4/6/1980", "Easter 4/6/1980");
    Date e2 (Date::easter(1995));
    t.is (e2.toString (), "4/16/1995", "Easter 4/16/1995");
    Date e3 (Date::easter(2000));
    t.is (e3.toString (), "4/23/2000", "Easter 4/23/2000");
    Date e4 (Date::easter(2009));
    t.is (e4.toString (), "4/12/2009", "Easter 4/12/2009");
    Date e5 (Date::easter(2010));
    t.is (e5.toString (), "4/4/2010", "Easter 4/4/2010");
    Date e6 (Date::easter(2011));
    t.is (e6.toString (), "4/24/2011", "Easter 4/24/2011");
    Date e7 (Date::easter(2012));
    t.is (e7.toString (), "4/8/2012", "Easter 4/8/2012");
    Date e8 (Date::easter(2020));
    t.is (e8.toString (), "4/12/2020", "Easter 4/12/2020");

    // Relative dates.
    Date r1 ("today");
    t.ok (r1.sameDay (now), "today = now");

    Date r4 ("sunday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 0)
      t.ok (r4.sameDay (now + (0 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next sunday");
      t.ok (r4.sameDay (now + (0 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next sunday");;

    Date r5 ("monday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 1)
      t.ok (r5.sameDay (now + (1 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next monday");
      t.ok (r5.sameDay (now + (1 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next monday");;

    Date r6 ("tuesday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 2)
      t.ok (r6.sameDay (now + (2 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next tuesday");
      t.ok (r6.sameDay (now + (2 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next tuesday");;

    Date r7 ("wednesday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 3)
      t.ok (r7.sameDay (now + (3 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next wednesday");
      t.ok (r7.sameDay (now + (3 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next wednesday");;

    Date r8 ("thursday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 4)
      t.ok (r8.sameDay (now + (4 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next thursday");
      t.ok (r8.sameDay (now + (4 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next thursday");;

    Date r9 ("friday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 5)
      t.ok (r9.sameDay (now + (5 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next friday");
      t.ok (r9.sameDay (now + (5 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next friday");;

    Date r10 ("saturday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 6)
      t.ok (r10.sameDay (now + (6 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next saturday");
      t.ok (r10.sameDay (now + (6 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next saturday");;

    Date r11 ("eow");
    t.ok (r11 < now + (8 * 86400), "eow < 7 days away");

    Date r12 ("eocw");
    t.ok (r12 > now - (8 * 86400), "eocw < 7 days in the past");

    Date r13 ("eom");
    t.ok (r13.sameMonth (now), "eom in same month as now");

    Date r14 ("eocm");
    t.ok (r14.sameMonth (now), "eocm in same month as now");

    Date r15 ("eoy");
    t.ok (r15.sameYear (now), "eoy in same year as now");

    Date r16 ("sow");
    t.ok (r16 < now + (8 * 86400), "sow < 7 days away");

    Date r23 ("socw");
    t.ok (r23 > now - (8 * 86400), "sow < 7 days in the past");

    Date r17 ("som");
    t.notok (r17.sameMonth (now), "som not in same month as now");

    Date r18 ("socm");
    t.ok (r18.sameMonth (now), "socm in same month as now");

    Date r19 ("soy");
    t.notok (r19.sameYear (now), "soy not in same year as now");

    Date first ("1st");
    t.notok (first.sameMonth (now), "1st not in same month as now");
    t.is (first.day (),   1, "1st day is 1");

    Date later ("later");
    t.is (later.month (),   1, "later -> m = 1");
    t.is (later.day (),    18, "later -> d = 18");
    t.is (later.year (), 2038, "later -> y = 2038");

    // Quarters
    Date soq ("soq");
    Date eoq ("eoq");
    t.is (soq.day (),  1,      "soq is the first day of a month");
    t.is (eoq.day () / 10,  3, "eoq is the 30th or 31th of a month");
    t.is (soq.month () % 3, 1, "soq month is 1, 4, 7 or 10");
    t.is (eoq.month () % 3, 0, "eoq month is 3, 6, 9 or 12");

    // Note: these fail during the night of daylight savings end.
    t.ok (soq.sameYear (now) ||
          (now.month () >= 10 &&
           soq.year () == now.year () + 1), "soq is in same year as now");
    t.ok (eoq.sameYear (now),  "eoq is in same year as now");

    // Date::sameHour
    Date r20 ("6/7/2010 01:00:00", "m/d/Y H:N:S");
    Date r21 ("6/7/2010 01:59:59", "m/d/Y H:N:S");
    t.ok (r20.sameHour (r21), "two dates within the same hour");

    Date r22 ("6/7/2010 00:59:59", "m/d/Y H:N:S");
    t.notok (r20.sameHour (r22), "two dates not within the same hour");

    // Date::operator-
    Date r25 (1234567890);
    t.is ((r25 - 1).toEpoch (), 1234567889, "1234567890 - 1 = 1234567889");

    // Date::operator--
    Date r26 (11, 7, 2010, 23, 59, 59);
    t.is (r26.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20101106235959", "decrement across fall DST boundary");

    Date r27 (3, 14, 2010, 23, 59, 59);
    t.is (r27.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20100313235959", "decrement across spring DST boundary");

    // Date::operator++
    Date r28 (11, 6, 2010, 23, 59, 59);
    t.is (r28.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20101107235959", "increment across fall DST boundary");

    Date r29 (3, 13, 2010, 23, 59, 59);
    t.is (r29.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20100314235959", "increment across spring DST boundary");

    // int Date::length (const std::string&);
    t.is (Date::length ("m"), 2,  "length 'm' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("M"), 2,  "length 'M' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("d"), 2,  "length 'd' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("D"), 2,  "length 'D' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("y"), 2,  "length 'y' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("Y"), 4,  "length 'Y' --> 4");
    t.is (Date::length ("a"), 3,  "length 'a' --> 3");
    t.is (Date::length ("A"), 10, "length 'A' --> 10");
    t.is (Date::length ("b"), 3,  "length 'b' --> 3");
    t.is (Date::length ("B"), 10, "length 'B' --> 10");
    t.is (Date::length ("v"), 2,  "length 'v' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("V"), 2,  "length 'V' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("h"), 2,  "length 'h' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("H"), 2,  "length 'H' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("n"), 2,  "length 'n' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("N"), 2,  "length 'N' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("s"), 2,  "length 's' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("S"), 2,  "length 'S' --> 2");
    t.is (Date::length ("j"), 3,  "length 'j' --> 3");
    t.is (Date::length ("J"), 3,  "length 'J' --> 3");

    t.is (Date::length (" "), 1, "length ' ' --> 1");

    // Depletion requirement.
    Date r30 ("Mon Jun 30 2014", "a b D Y", false, false);
    t.is (r30.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20140630000000", "Depletion required on complex format with spaces");

    std::string::size_type i = 0;
    Date r31 ("Mon Jun 30 2014 xxx", i, "a b D Y", false, false);
    t.is (r31.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20140630000000", "Depletion not required on complex format with spaces");
    t.is ((int)i, 15,                                "Depletion not required on complex format with spaces, 15 chars");

  catch (const std::string& e)
    t.fail ("Exception thrown.");
    t.diag (e);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 13
int main (int, char**)
  UnitTest t (966);

  ISO8601d iso;
  std::string::size_type start = 0;
  t.notok (iso.parse ("foo", start), "foo --> false");
  t.is ((int)start, 0,               "foo[0]");

  // Determine local and UTC time.
  time_t now = time (NULL);
  struct tm* local_now = localtime (&now);
  int local_s = (local_now->tm_hour * 3600) +
                (local_now->tm_min  * 60)   +
  local_now->tm_hour  = 0;
  local_now->tm_min   = 0;
  local_now->tm_sec   = 0;
  local_now->tm_isdst = -1;
  time_t local = mktime (local_now);
  std::cout << "# local midnight today " << local << "\n";

  local_now->tm_year  = 2013 - 1900;
  local_now->tm_mon   = 12 - 1;
  local_now->tm_mday  = 6;
  local_now->tm_isdst = 0;
  time_t local6 = mktime (local_now);
  std::cout << "# local midnight 2013-12-06 " << local6 << "\n";

  local_now->tm_year  = 2013 - 1900;
  local_now->tm_mon   = 12 - 1;
  local_now->tm_mday  = 1;
  local_now->tm_isdst = 0;
  time_t local1 = mktime (local_now);
  std::cout << "# local midnight 2013-12-01 " << local1 << "\n";

  struct tm* utc_now = gmtime (&now);
  int utc_s = (utc_now->tm_hour * 3600) +
              (utc_now->tm_min  * 60)   +
  utc_now->tm_hour  = 0;
  utc_now->tm_min   = 0;
  utc_now->tm_sec   = 0;
  utc_now->tm_isdst = -1;
  time_t utc = timegm (utc_now);
  std::cout << "# utc midnight today " << utc << "\n";

  utc_now->tm_year  = 2013 - 1900;
  utc_now->tm_mon   = 12 - 1;
  utc_now->tm_mday  = 6;
  utc_now->tm_isdst = 0;
  time_t utc6 = timegm (utc_now);
  std::cout << "# utc midnight 2013-12-06 " << utc6 << "\n";

  utc_now->tm_year  = 2013 - 1900;
  utc_now->tm_mon   = 12 - 1;
  utc_now->tm_mday  = 1;
  utc_now->tm_isdst = 0;
  time_t utc1 = timegm (utc_now);
  std::cout << "# utc midnight 2013-12-01 " << utc1 << "\n";

  int hms = (12 * 3600) + (34 * 60) + 56; // The time 12:34:56 in seconds.
  int hm  = (12 * 3600) + (34 * 60);      // The time 12:34:00 in seconds.
  int z   = 3600;                         // TZ offset.

  int ld = local_s > hms ? 86400 : 0;     // Local extra day if now > hms.
  int ud = utc_s   > hms ? 86400 : 0;     // UTC extra day if now > hms.
  std::cout << "# ld " << ld << "\n";
  std::cout << "# ud " << ud << "\n";

  // Aggregated.
  //            input                         i  Year  Mo  Wk WD  Jul  Da   Secs     TZ    UTC      time_t
  testParse (t, "12:34:56  ",                 8,    0,  0,  0, 0,   0,  0,   hms,     0, false, local+hms+ld );

  // time-ext
  //            input                         i  Year  Mo  Wk WD  Jul  Da   Secs     TZ    UTC      time_t
  testParse (t, "12:34:56Z",                  9,    0,  0,  0, 0,   0,  0,   hms,     0,  true, utc+hms+ud   );
  testParse (t, "12:34Z",                     6,    0,  0,  0, 0,   0,  0,    hm,     0,  true, utc+hm+ud    );
  testParse (t, "12:34:56+01:00",            14,    0,  0,  0, 0,   0,  0,   hms,  3600, false, utc+hms-z+ud );
  testParse (t, "12:34:56+01",               11,    0,  0,  0, 0,   0,  0,   hms,  3600, false, utc+hms-z+ud );
  testParse (t, "12:34+01:00",               11,    0,  0,  0, 0,   0,  0,    hm,  3600, false, utc+hm-z+ud  );
  testParse (t, "12:34+01",                   8,    0,  0,  0, 0,   0,  0,    hm,  3600, false, utc+hm-z+ud  );
  testParse (t, "12:34:56",                   8,    0,  0,  0, 0,   0,  0,   hms,     0, false, local+hms+ld );
  testParse (t, "12:34",                      5,    0,  0,  0, 0,   0,  0,    hm,     0, false, local+hm+ld  );

  // datetime-ext
  //            input                         i  Year  Mo  Wk WD  Jul  Da   Secs     TZ    UTC      time_t
  testParse (t, "2013-12-06",                10, 2013, 12,  0, 0,   0,  6,     0,     0, false, local6    );
  testParse (t, "2013-340",                   8, 2013,  0,  0, 0, 340,  0,     0,     0, false, local6    );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49-5",                10, 2013,  0, 49, 5,   0,  0,     0,     0, false, local6    );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49",                   8, 2013,  0, 49, 0,   0,  0,     0,     0, false, local1    );

  testParse (t, "2013-12-06T12:34:56",       19, 2013, 12,  0, 0,   0,  6,   hms,     0, false, local6+hms);
  testParse (t, "2013-12-06T12:34",          16, 2013, 12,  0, 0,   0,  6,    hm,     0, false, local6+hm );
  testParse (t, "2013-340T12:34:56",         17, 2013,  0,  0, 0, 340,  0,   hms,     0, false, local6+hms);
  testParse (t, "2013-340T12:34",            14, 2013,  0,  0, 0, 340,  0,    hm,     0, false, local6+hm );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49-5T12:34:56",       19, 2013,  0, 49, 5,   0,  0,   hms,     0, false, local6+hms);
  testParse (t, "2013-W49-5T12:34",          16, 2013,  0, 49, 5,   0,  0,    hm,     0, false, local6+hm );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49T12:34:56",         17, 2013,  0, 49, 0,   0,  0,   hms,     0, false, local1+hms);
  testParse (t, "2013-W49T12:34",            14, 2013,  0, 49, 0,   0,  0,    hm,     0, false, local1+hm );

  testParse (t, "2013-12-06T12:34:56Z",      20, 2013, 12,  0, 0,   0,  6,   hms,     0,  true, utc6+hms  );
  testParse (t, "2013-12-06T12:34Z",         17, 2013, 12,  0, 0,   0,  6,    hm,     0,  true, utc6+hm   );
  testParse (t, "2013-340T12:34:56Z",        18, 2013,  0,  0, 0, 340,  0,   hms,     0,  true, utc6+hms  );
  testParse (t, "2013-340T12:34Z",           15, 2013,  0,  0, 0, 340,  0,    hm,     0,  true, utc6+hm   );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49-5T12:34:56Z",      20, 2013,  0, 49, 5,   0,  0,   hms,     0,  true, utc6+hms  );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49-5T12:34Z",         17, 2013,  0, 49, 5,   0,  0,    hm,     0,  true, utc6+hm   );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49T12:34:56Z",        18, 2013,  0, 49, 0,   0,  0,   hms,     0,  true, utc1+hms  );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49T12:34Z",           15, 2013,  0, 49, 0,   0,  0,    hm,     0,  true, utc1+hm   );

  testParse (t, "2013-12-06T12:34:56+01:00", 25, 2013, 12,  0, 0,   0,  6,   hms,  3600, false, utc6+hms-z);
  testParse (t, "2013-12-06T12:34:56+01",    22, 2013, 12,  0, 0,   0,  6,   hms,  3600, false, utc6+hms-z);
  testParse (t, "2013-12-06T12:34:56-01:00", 25, 2013, 12,  0, 0,   0,  6,   hms, -3600, false, utc6+hms+z);
  testParse (t, "2013-12-06T12:34:56-01",    22, 2013, 12,  0, 0,   0,  6,   hms, -3600, false, utc6+hms+z);
  testParse (t, "2013-12-06T12:34+01:00",    22, 2013, 12,  0, 0,   0,  6,    hm,  3600, false, utc6+hm-z );
  testParse (t, "2013-12-06T12:34+01",       19, 2013, 12,  0, 0,   0,  6,    hm,  3600, false, utc6+hm-z );
  testParse (t, "2013-12-06T12:34-01:00",    22, 2013, 12,  0, 0,   0,  6,    hm, -3600, false, utc6+hm+z );
  testParse (t, "2013-12-06T12:34-01",       19, 2013, 12,  0, 0,   0,  6,    hm, -3600, false, utc6+hm+z );
  testParse (t, "2013-340T12:34:56+01:00",   23, 2013,  0,  0, 0, 340,  0,   hms,  3600, false, utc6+hms-z);
  testParse (t, "2013-340T12:34:56+01",      20, 2013,  0,  0, 0, 340,  0,   hms,  3600, false, utc6+hms-z);
  testParse (t, "2013-340T12:34:56-01:00",   23, 2013,  0,  0, 0, 340,  0,   hms, -3600, false, utc6+hms+z);
  testParse (t, "2013-340T12:34:56-01",      20, 2013,  0,  0, 0, 340,  0,   hms, -3600, false, utc6+hms+z);
  testParse (t, "2013-340T12:34+01:00",      20, 2013,  0,  0, 0, 340,  0,    hm,  3600, false, utc6+hm-z );
  testParse (t, "2013-340T12:34+01",         17, 2013,  0,  0, 0, 340,  0,    hm,  3600, false, utc6+hm-z );
  testParse (t, "2013-340T12:34-01:00",      20, 2013,  0,  0, 0, 340,  0,    hm, -3600, false, utc6+hm+z );
  testParse (t, "2013-340T12:34-01",         17, 2013,  0,  0, 0, 340,  0,    hm, -3600, false, utc6+hm+z );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49-5T12:34:56+01:00", 25, 2013,  0, 49, 5,   0,  0,   hms,  3600, false, utc6+hms-z);
  testParse (t, "2013-W49-5T12:34:56+01",    22, 2013,  0, 49, 5,   0,  0,   hms,  3600, false, utc6+hms-z);
  testParse (t, "2013-W49-5T12:34:56-01:00", 25, 2013,  0, 49, 5,   0,  0,   hms, -3600, false, utc6+hms+z);
  testParse (t, "2013-W49-5T12:34:56-01",    22, 2013,  0, 49, 5,   0,  0,   hms, -3600, false, utc6+hms+z);
  testParse (t, "2013-W49-5T12:34+01:00",    22, 2013,  0, 49, 5,   0,  0,    hm,  3600, false, utc6+hm-z );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49-5T12:34+01",       19, 2013,  0, 49, 5,   0,  0,    hm,  3600, false, utc6+hm-z );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49-5T12:34-01:00",    22, 2013,  0, 49, 5,   0,  0,    hm, -3600, false, utc6+hm+z );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49-5T12:34-01",       19, 2013,  0, 49, 5,   0,  0,    hm, -3600, false, utc6+hm+z );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49T12:34:56+01:00",   23, 2013,  0, 49, 0,   0,  0,   hms,  3600, false, utc1+hms-z);
  testParse (t, "2013-W49T12:34:56+01",      20, 2013,  0, 49, 0,   0,  0,   hms,  3600, false, utc1+hms-z);
  testParse (t, "2013-W49T12:34:56-01:00",   23, 2013,  0, 49, 0,   0,  0,   hms, -3600, false, utc1+hms+z);
  testParse (t, "2013-W49T12:34:56-01",      20, 2013,  0, 49, 0,   0,  0,   hms, -3600, false, utc1+hms+z);
  testParse (t, "2013-W49T12:34+01:00",      20, 2013,  0, 49, 0,   0,  0,    hm,  3600, false, utc1+hm-z );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49T12:34+01",         17, 2013,  0, 49, 0,   0,  0,    hm,  3600, false, utc1+hm-z );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49T12:34-01:00",      20, 2013,  0, 49, 0,   0,  0,    hm, -3600, false, utc1+hm+z );
  testParse (t, "2013-W49T12:34-01",         17, 2013,  0, 49, 0,   0,  0,    hm, -3600, false, utc1+hm+z );

  // The only non-extended forms.
  testParse (t, "20131206T123456Z",          16, 2013, 12,  0, 0,   0,  6,   hms,     0,  true, utc6+hms  );
  testParse (t, "20131206T123456",           15, 2013, 12,  0, 0,   0,  6,   hms,     0, false, local6+hms);

    ISO8601d now;
    t.ok (now.toISO ().find ("1969") == std::string::npos, "'now' != 1969");

    ISO8601d yesterday;
    yesterday -= 86400;
    ISO8601d tomorrow;
    tomorrow += 86400;

    t.ok    (yesterday <= now,       "yesterday <= now");
    t.ok    (yesterday <  now,       "yesterday < now");
    t.notok (yesterday == now,       "!(yesterday == now)");
    t.ok    (yesterday != now,       "yesterday != now");
    t.ok    (now       >= yesterday, "now >= yesterday");
    t.ok    (now       >  yesterday, "now > yesterday");

    t.ok    (tomorrow >= now,        "tomorrow >= now");
    t.ok    (tomorrow >  now,        "tomorrow > now");
    t.notok (tomorrow == now,        "!(tomorrow == now)");
    t.ok    (tomorrow != now,        "tomorrow != now");
    t.ok    (now      <= tomorrow,   "now <= tomorrow");
    t.ok    (now      <  tomorrow,   "now < tomorrow");

    // ctor ("now")
    context.config.set ("weekstart", "monday");
    ISO8601d relative_now;
    t.ok (relative_now.sameHour (now),  "ISO8601d ().sameHour (ISO8601d (now))");
    t.ok (relative_now.sameDay (now),   "ISO8601d ().sameDay (ISO8601d (now))");
    t.ok (relative_now.sameWeek (now),  "ISO8601d ().sameWeek (ISO8601d (now))");
    t.ok (relative_now.sameMonth (now), "ISO8601d ().sameMonth (ISO8601d (now))");
    t.ok (relative_now.sameYear (now),  "ISO8601d ().sameYear (ISO8601d (now))");

    // Loose comparisons.
    ISO8601d left ("7/4/2008", "m/d/Y");
    ISO8601d comp1 ("7/4/2008", "m/d/Y");
    t.ok (left.sameDay   (comp1), "7/4/2008 is on the same day as 7/4/2008");
    t.ok (left.sameWeek  (comp1), "7/4/2008 is on the same week as 7/4/2008");
    t.ok (left.sameMonth (comp1), "7/4/2008 is in the same month as 7/4/2008");
    t.ok (left.sameYear  (comp1), "7/4/2008 is in the same year as 7/4/2008");

    ISO8601d comp2 ("7/5/2008", "m/d/Y");
    t.notok (left.sameDay   (comp2), "7/4/2008 is not on the same day as 7/5/2008");
    t.ok    (left.sameMonth (comp2), "7/4/2008 is in the same month as 7/5/2008");
    t.ok    (left.sameYear  (comp2), "7/4/2008 is in the same year as 7/5/2008");

    ISO8601d comp3 ("8/4/2008", "m/d/Y");
    t.notok (left.sameDay   (comp3), "7/4/2008 is not on the same day as 8/4/2008");
    t.notok (left.sameWeek  (comp3), "7/4/2008 is not on the same week as 8/4/2008");
    t.notok (left.sameMonth (comp3), "7/4/2008 is not in the same month as 8/4/2008");
    t.ok    (left.sameYear  (comp3), "7/4/2008 is in the same year as 8/4/2008");

    ISO8601d comp4 ("7/4/2009", "m/d/Y");
    t.notok (left.sameDay   (comp4), "7/4/2008 is not on the same day as 7/4/2009");
    t.notok (left.sameWeek  (comp3), "7/4/2008 is not on the same week as 7/4/2009");
    t.notok (left.sameMonth (comp4), "7/4/2008 is not in the same month as 7/4/2009");
    t.notok (left.sameYear  (comp4), "7/4/2008 is not in the same year as 7/4/2009");

    // Validity.
    t.ok    (ISO8601d::valid (2, 29, 2008), "valid: 2/29/2008");
    t.notok (ISO8601d::valid (2, 29, 2007), "invalid: 2/29/2007");

    t.ok    (ISO8601d::valid ("2/29/2008", "m/d/Y"), "valid: 2/29/2008");
    t.notok (ISO8601d::valid ("2/29/2007", "m/d/Y"), "invalid: 2/29/2007");

    t.ok    (ISO8601d::valid (366, 2008), "valid: 366 days in 2008");
    t.notok (ISO8601d::valid (366, 2007), "invalid: 366 days in 2007");

    // Time validity.
    t.ok    (ISO8601d::valid (2, 28, 2010,  0,  0,  0), "valid 2/28/2010 0:00:00");
    t.ok    (ISO8601d::valid (2, 28, 2010, 23, 59, 59), "valid 2/28/2010 23:59:59");
    t.notok (ISO8601d::valid (2, 28, 2010, 24, 59, 59), "valid 2/28/2010 24:59:59");
    t.notok (ISO8601d::valid (2, 28, 2010, -1,  0,  0), "valid 2/28/2010 -1:00:00");

    // Leap year.
    t.ok    (ISO8601d::leapYear (2008), "2008 is a leap year");
    t.notok (ISO8601d::leapYear (2007), "2007 is not a leap year");
    t.ok    (ISO8601d::leapYear (2000), "2000 is a leap year");
    t.notok (ISO8601d::leapYear (1900), "1900 is not a leap year");

    // Days in year.
    t.is (ISO8601d::daysInYear (2016), 366, "366 days in 2016");
    t.is (ISO8601d::daysInYear (2015), 365, "365 days in 2015");

    // Days in month.
    t.is (ISO8601d::daysInMonth (2, 2008), 29, "29 days in February 2008");
    t.is (ISO8601d::daysInMonth (2, 2007), 28, "28 days in February 2007");

    // Names.
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthName (1), "January",   "1 = January");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthName (2), "February",  "2 = February");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthName (3), "March",     "3 = March");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthName (4), "April",     "4 = April");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthName (5), "May",       "5 = May");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthName (6), "June",      "6 = June");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthName (7), "July",      "7 = July");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthName (8), "August",    "8 = August");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthName (9), "September", "9 = September");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthName (10), "October",  "10 = October");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthName (11), "November", "11 = November");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthName (12), "December", "12 = December");

    // Names.
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthOfYear ("January"),   1,  "January   =  1");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthOfYear ("February"),  2,  "February  =  2");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthOfYear ("March"),     3,  "March     =  3");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthOfYear ("April"),     4,  "April     =  4");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthOfYear ("May"),       5,  "May       =  5");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthOfYear ("June"),      6,  "June      =  6");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthOfYear ("July"),      7,  "July      =  7");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthOfYear ("August"),    8,  "August    =  8");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthOfYear ("September"), 9,  "September =  9");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthOfYear ("October"),   10, "October   = 10");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthOfYear ("November"),  11, "November  = 11");
    t.is (ISO8601d::monthOfYear ("December"),  12, "December  = 12");

    t.is (ISO8601d::dayName (0), "Sunday",    "0 == Sunday");
    t.is (ISO8601d::dayName (1), "Monday",    "1 == Monday");
    t.is (ISO8601d::dayName (2), "Tuesday",   "2 == Tuesday");
    t.is (ISO8601d::dayName (3), "Wednesday", "3 == Wednesday");
    t.is (ISO8601d::dayName (4), "Thursday",  "4 == Thursday");
    t.is (ISO8601d::dayName (5), "Friday",    "5 == Friday");
    t.is (ISO8601d::dayName (6), "Saturday",  "6 == Saturday");

    t.is (ISO8601d::dayOfWeek ("SUNDAY"),    0, "SUNDAY == 0");
    t.is (ISO8601d::dayOfWeek ("sunday"),    0, "sunday == 0");
    t.is (ISO8601d::dayOfWeek ("Sunday"),    0, "Sunday == 0");
    t.is (ISO8601d::dayOfWeek ("Monday"),    1, "Monday == 1");
    t.is (ISO8601d::dayOfWeek ("Tuesday"),   2, "Tuesday == 2");
    t.is (ISO8601d::dayOfWeek ("Wednesday"), 3, "Wednesday == 3");
    t.is (ISO8601d::dayOfWeek ("Thursday"),  4, "Thursday == 4");
    t.is (ISO8601d::dayOfWeek ("Friday"),    5, "Friday == 5");
    t.is (ISO8601d::dayOfWeek ("Saturday"),  6, "Saturday == 6");

    ISO8601d happyNewYear (1, 1, 2008);
    t.is (happyNewYear.dayOfWeek (), 2, "1/1/2008 == Tuesday");
    t.is (happyNewYear.month (),     1, "1/1/2008 == January");
    t.is (happyNewYear.day (),       1, "1/1/2008 == 1");
    t.is (happyNewYear.year (),   2008, "1/1/2008 == 2008");

    t.is (happyNewYear.toString (), "1/1/2008", "toString 1/1/2008");

    int m, d, y;
    happyNewYear.toMDY (m, d, y);
    t.is (m, 1, "1/1/2008 == January");
    t.is (d, 1, "1/1/2008 == 1");
    t.is (y, 2008, "1/1/2008 == 2008");

    ISO8601d epoch (9, 8, 2001);
    t.ok ((int)epoch.toEpoch () < 1000000000, "9/8/2001 < 1,000,000,000");
    epoch += 172800;
    t.ok ((int)epoch.toEpoch () > 1000000000, "9/10/2001 > 1,000,000,000");

    ISO8601d fromEpoch (epoch.toEpoch ());
    t.is (fromEpoch.toString (), epoch.toString (), "ctor (time_t)");

    ISO8601d iso (1000000000);
    t.is (iso.toISO (), "20010909T014640Z", "1,000,000,000 -> 20010909T014640Z");

    // Quantization.
    ISO8601d quant (1234526400);
    t.is (quant.startOfDay ().toString ("YMDHNS"),   "20090213000000", "1234526400 -> 2/13/2009 12:00:00 UTC -> 2/13/2009 0:00:00");
    t.is (quant.startOfWeek ().toString ("YMDHNS"),  "20090208000000", "1234526400 -> 2/13/2009 12:00:00 UTC -> 2/8/2009 0:00:00");
    t.is (quant.startOfMonth ().toString ("YMDHNS"), "20090201000000", "1234526400 -> 2/13/2009 12:00:00 UTC -> 2/1/2009 0:00:00");
    t.is (quant.startOfYear ().toString ("YMDHNS"),  "20090101000000", "1234526400 -> 2/13/2009 12:00:00 UTC -> 1/1/2009 0:00:00");

    // Format parsing.
    ISO8601d fromString1 ("1/1/2008", "m/d/Y");
    t.is (fromString1.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString1.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString1.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    ISO8601d fromString2 ("20080101", "YMD");
    t.is (fromString2.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString2.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString2.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    ISO8601d fromString3 ("12/31/2007", "m/d/Y");
    t.is (fromString3.month (),  12, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString3.day (),    31, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString3.year (), 2007, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    ISO8601d fromString4 ("01/01/2008", "m/d/Y");
    t.is (fromString4.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString4.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString4.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    ISO8601d fromString5 ("Tue 05 Feb 2008 (06)", "a D b Y (V)");
    t.is (fromString5.month (),   2, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString5.day (),     5, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString5.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    ISO8601d fromString6 ("Tuesday, February 5, 2008", "A, B d, Y");
    t.is (fromString6.month (),   2, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString6.day (),     5, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString6.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    ISO8601d fromString7 ("w01 Tue 2008-01-01", "wV a Y-M-D");
    t.is (fromString7.month (),   1, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString7.day (),     1, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString7.year (), 2008, "ctor (std::string) -> y");

    ISO8601d fromString8 ("6/7/2010 1:23:45",  "m/d/Y h:N:S");
    t.is (fromString8.month (),     6, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString8.day (),       7, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString8.year (),   2010, "ctor (std::string) -> Y");
    t.is (fromString8.hour (),      1, "ctor (std::string) -> h");
    t.is (fromString8.minute (),   23, "ctor (std::string) -> N");
    t.is (fromString8.second (),   45, "ctor (std::string) -> S");

    ISO8601d fromString9 ("6/7/2010 01:23:45", "m/d/Y H:N:S");
    t.is (fromString9.month (),     6, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString9.day (),       7, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString9.year (),   2010, "ctor (std::string) -> Y");
    t.is (fromString9.hour (),      1, "ctor (std::string) -> h");
    t.is (fromString9.minute (),   23, "ctor (std::string) -> N");
    t.is (fromString9.second (),   45, "ctor (std::string) -> S");

    ISO8601d fromString10 ("6/7/2010 12:34:56", "m/d/Y H:N:S");
    t.is (fromString10.month (),     6, "ctor (std::string) -> m");
    t.is (fromString10.day (),       7, "ctor (std::string) -> d");
    t.is (fromString10.year (),   2010, "ctor (std::string) -> Y");
    t.is (fromString10.hour (),     12, "ctor (std::string) -> h");
    t.is (fromString10.minute (),   34, "ctor (std::string) -> N");
    t.is (fromString10.second (),   56, "ctor (std::string) -> S");

    // Day of year
    t.is (ISO8601d ("1/1/2011",   "m/d/Y").dayOfYear (),   1, "dayOfYear (1/1/2011)   ->   1");
    t.is (ISO8601d ("5/1/2011",   "m/d/Y").dayOfYear (), 121, "dayOfYear (5/1/2011)   -> 121");
    t.is (ISO8601d ("12/31/2011", "m/d/Y").dayOfYear (), 365, "dayOfYear (12/31/2011) -> 365");

    // Relative dates.
    ISO8601d r1 ("today");
    t.ok (r1.sameDay (now), "today = now");

    ISO8601d r4 ("sunday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 0)
      t.ok (r4.sameDay (now + (0 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next sunday");
      t.ok (r4.sameDay (now + (0 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next sunday");;

    ISO8601d r5 ("monday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 1)
      t.ok (r5.sameDay (now + (1 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next monday");
      t.ok (r5.sameDay (now + (1 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next monday");;

    ISO8601d r6 ("tuesday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 2)
      t.ok (r6.sameDay (now + (2 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next tuesday");
      t.ok (r6.sameDay (now + (2 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next tuesday");;

    ISO8601d r7 ("wednesday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 3)
      t.ok (r7.sameDay (now + (3 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next wednesday");
      t.ok (r7.sameDay (now + (3 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next wednesday");;

    ISO8601d r8 ("thursday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 4)
      t.ok (r8.sameDay (now + (4 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next thursday");
      t.ok (r8.sameDay (now + (4 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next thursday");;

    ISO8601d r9 ("friday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 5)
      t.ok (r9.sameDay (now + (5 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next friday");
      t.ok (r9.sameDay (now + (5 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next friday");;

    ISO8601d r10 ("saturday");
    if (now.dayOfWeek () >= 6)
      t.ok (r10.sameDay (now + (6 - now.dayOfWeek () + 7) * 86400), "next saturday");
      t.ok (r10.sameDay (now + (6 - now.dayOfWeek ()) * 86400), "next saturday");;

    ISO8601d r11 ("eow");
    t.ok (r11 < now + (8 * 86400), "eow < 7 days away");

    ISO8601d r12 ("eocw");
    t.ok (r12 > now - (8 * 86400), "eocw < 7 days in the past");

    ISO8601d r13 ("eom");
    t.ok (r13.sameMonth (now), "eom in same month as now");

    ISO8601d r14 ("eocm");
    t.ok (r14.sameMonth (now), "eocm in same month as now");

    ISO8601d r15 ("eoy");
    t.ok (r15.sameYear (now), "eoy in same year as now");

    ISO8601d r16 ("sow");
    t.ok (r16 < now + (8 * 86400), "sow < 7 days away");

    ISO8601d r23 ("socw");
    t.ok (r23 > now - (8 * 86400), "sow < 7 days in the past");

    ISO8601d r17 ("som");
    t.notok (r17.sameMonth (now), "som not in same month as now");

    ISO8601d r18 ("socm");
    t.ok (r18.sameMonth (now), "socm in same month as now");

    ISO8601d r19 ("soy");
    t.notok (r19.sameYear (now), "soy not in same year as now");

    ISO8601d first ("1st");
    t.notok (first.sameMonth (now), "1st not in same month as now");
    t.is (first.day (),   1, "1st day is 1");

    ISO8601d later ("later");
    t.is (later.month (),   1, "later -> m = 1");
    t.is (later.day (),    18, "later -> d = 18");
    t.is (later.year (), 2038, "later -> y = 2038");

    // Quarters
    ISO8601d soq ("soq");
    ISO8601d eoq ("eoq");
    t.is (soq.day (),  1,      "soq is the first day of a month");
    t.is (eoq.day () / 10,  3, "eoq is the 30th or 31th of a month");
    t.is (soq.month () % 3, 1, "soq month is 1, 4, 7 or 10");
    t.is (eoq.month () % 3, 0, "eoq month is 3, 6, 9 or 12");

    // Note: these fail during the night of daylight savings end.
    t.ok (soq.sameYear (now) ||
          (now.month () >= 10 &&
           soq.year () == now.year () + 1), "soq is in same year as now");
    t.ok (eoq.sameYear (now),  "eoq is in same year as now");

    // ISO8601d::sameHour
    ISO8601d r20 ("6/7/2010 01:00:00", "m/d/Y H:N:S");
    ISO8601d r21 ("6/7/2010 01:59:59", "m/d/Y H:N:S");
    t.ok (r20.sameHour (r21), "two dates within the same hour");

    ISO8601d r22 ("6/7/2010 00:59:59", "m/d/Y H:N:S");
    t.notok (r20.sameHour (r22), "two dates not within the same hour");

    // ISO8601d::operator-
    ISO8601d r25 (1234567890);
    t.is ((r25 - 1).toEpoch (), 1234567889, "1234567890 - 1 = 1234567889");

    // ISO8601d::operator--
    ISO8601d r26 (11, 7, 2010, 23, 59, 59);
    t.is (r26.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20101106235959", "decrement across fall DST boundary");

    ISO8601d r27 (3, 14, 2010, 23, 59, 59);
    t.is (r27.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20100313235959", "decrement across spring DST boundary");

    // ISO8601d::operator++
    ISO8601d r28 (11, 6, 2010, 23, 59, 59);
    t.is (r28.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20101107235959", "increment across fall DST boundary");

    ISO8601d r29 (3, 13, 2010, 23, 59, 59);
    t.is (r29.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20100314235959", "increment across spring DST boundary");

    // int ISO8601d::length (const std::string&);
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("m"), 2,  "length 'm' --> 2");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("M"), 2,  "length 'M' --> 2");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("d"), 2,  "length 'd' --> 2");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("D"), 2,  "length 'D' --> 2");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("y"), 2,  "length 'y' --> 2");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("Y"), 4,  "length 'Y' --> 4");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("a"), 3,  "length 'a' --> 3");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("A"), 10, "length 'A' --> 10");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("b"), 3,  "length 'b' --> 3");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("B"), 10, "length 'B' --> 10");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("v"), 2,  "length 'v' --> 2");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("V"), 2,  "length 'V' --> 2");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("h"), 2,  "length 'h' --> 2");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("H"), 2,  "length 'H' --> 2");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("n"), 2,  "length 'n' --> 2");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("N"), 2,  "length 'N' --> 2");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("s"), 2,  "length 's' --> 2");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("S"), 2,  "length 'S' --> 2");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("j"), 3,  "length 'j' --> 3");
    t.is (ISO8601d::length ("J"), 3,  "length 'J' --> 3");

    t.is (ISO8601d::length (" "), 1, "length ' ' --> 1");

    // Depletion requirement.
    ISO8601d r30 ("Mon Jun 30 2014", "a b D Y");
    t.is (r30.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20140630000000", "Depletion required on complex format with spaces");

    ISO8601d r31 ("Mon Jun 30 2014 xxx", "a b D Y");
    t.is (r31.toString ("YMDHNS"), "20140630000000", "Depletion not required on complex format with spaces");

  catch (const std::string& e)
    t.fail ("Exception thrown.");
    t.diag (e);

  return 0;