Esempio n. 1
void parallelMatrixTimesVector(int local_rows, int cols,
			       double *local_A, double *b, double *y, 
			       int root, int my_rank, int p, MPI_Comm comm)
    This function performs parallel matrix-vector multiplication of a
    matrix A times vector b.  The matrix is distributed by rows. Each
    process contains (local_rows)x(cols) matrix local_A stored as a
    one-dimensional array.  The vector b is stored on each process.
    Each process computes its result and then process root
    collects the resutls and returns it in y.

    local_rows is the number of rows on my_rank
    cols       is the number of columns on each process
    local_A    is a pointer to the matrix on my_rank
    b          is a pointer to the vector b of size cols
    y          is a pointer to the result on the root process. 
               y is significant only on root.

  double *local_y = malloc(sizeof(double)*local_rows);
  /* Compute the local matrix times vector */
  compMatrixTimesVector(local_rows, cols, local_A, b, local_y);
  int sendcount = local_rows; /* number of doubles sent by process my_rank  */
  int *reccounts; /* reccounts[i] is the number of doubles received from process i */
  int *displs;    /* displs for the MPI_Gatherv function */

  if (my_rank != root)
      /* Send the sendcounts to the root process. reccounts does not matter here. */
      MPI_Gather(&sendcount, 1, MPI_INT, reccounts, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm);
      /* Send the computed results to the root process. The receive
	 buffer, reccounts, and displs do not matter here. */
      MPI_Gatherv(local_y, sendcount, MPI_DOUBLE, 
		  y, reccounts, displs, MPI_DOUBLE, root, comm);
  else /* we are on root process */
      /* Gatter the receive counts from each process */
      reccounts = malloc(sizeof(int)*p);
      MPI_Gather(&sendcount, 1, MPI_INT, reccounts, 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);

      /* Calculate displs for MPI_Gatterv */
      displs = malloc(sizeof(int)*p);
      int i;
      displs[0] = 0;
      for (i = 1; i < p; i++) 
	displs[i] = displs[i-1] + reccounts[i-1];
      /* Gather the results on process 0 */
      MPI_Gatherv(local_y, sendcount, MPI_DOUBLE, 
		  y, reccounts, displs, MPI_DOUBLE, root, comm);
Esempio n. 2
void parallelMatrixTimesVector(int num_local_rows, int cols,
			       double *local_A, double *b, double *y, 
			       int root, int my_rank, int p, MPI_Comm comm)
    This function performs parallel matrix-vector multiplication of a
    matrix A times vector b.  The matrix is distributed by rows. Each
    process contains (num_local_rows)x(cols) matrix local_A stored as a
    one-dimensional array.  The vector b is stored on each process.
    Each process computes its result and then process root
    collects the resutls and returns it in y.

    num_local_rows is the number of rows on my_rank
    cols       is the number of columns on each process
    local_A    is a pointer to the matrix on my_rank
    b          is a pointer to the vector b of size cols
    y          is a pointer to the result on the root process. 
               y is significant only on root.

  /* Allocate memory for the local result on my_rank */
  double *local_y = malloc(sizeof(double)*num_local_rows);
  /* Compute the local matrix times vector */
  compMatrixTimesVector(num_local_rows, cols, local_A, b, local_y);
  int *reccounts; /* reccounts[i] is the number of doubles to be received from process i */
  int *displs;    /* displs for the MPI_Gatherv function */
  if (my_rank==root)
    reccounts = malloc(sizeof(int)*p);  
  /* Gatter num_local_rows from each process */
  MPI_Gather(&num_local_rows, 1, MPI_INT, reccounts, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm);
  if (my_rank==root)
      /* Calculate displs for MPI_Gatterv */      
      int i;
      displs = malloc(sizeof(int)*p);
      displs[0] = 0;
      for (i = 1; i < p; i++) 
	displs[i] = displs[i-1] + reccounts[i-1];
  MPI_Gatherv(local_y, num_local_rows, MPI_DOUBLE, 
	      y, reccounts, displs, MPI_DOUBLE, root, comm);
  if (my_rank==root)