Esempio n. 1
int mandlebrot(complex c, int i)
	complex tmp, z;
	z = c;
	while(i --> 0)
		//square z & store in tmp, add c and store in z
		complexmult(&tmp, z, z);
		complexadd(&z, tmp, c);
	float ret = complexabs(z);
		ret = 0xff;
	return ret >= 2.0F ? 0 : 1;
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int grid_size_x;
    int grid_size_y;
    int max_iter;
    float xmin;
    float xmax;
    float ymin;
    float ymax;
    int **image;
    int i, j, n;
    mycomplex c, z, ztmp;
    double xscale, yscale;

    read_options(argc, argv, &grid_size_x, &grid_size_y, &max_iter,
                 &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax);

    initialise_image(&image, grid_size_x, grid_size_y);

    /* Compute the mandelbrot set here and write results into image
     * array.  Note that the image writing code assumes the following
     * mapping from array entries to pixel positions in the image:
     * A == image[0][0]
     * B == image[grid_size_y-1][0]
     * C == image[grid_size_y-1][grid_size_x-1]
     * D == image[0][grid_size_x-1]
     *         B-----------------C
     *         |                 |
     *         |                 |
     *         A-----------------D

    xscale = (xmax - xmin)/grid_size_x;
    yscale = (ymax - ymin)/grid_size_y;

    for(i=0; i<grid_size_y; ++i)
      for(j=0; j<grid_size_x; ++j)
        c.x = xmin + j*xscale;
        c.y = ymin + i*yscale;
        z.x = c.x;
        z.y = c.y;
        n = 0;
          ztmp = complexsquared(z);
          z.x = ztmp.x + c.x;
          z.y = ztmp.y + c.y;
          if(n == max_iter)
        image[i][j] = n;

    write_ppm("output.ppm", image, grid_size_x, grid_size_y, max_iter);

    return 0;