Esempio n. 1
void QgsColorWidget::alterColor( QColor& color, const QgsColorWidget::ColorComponent component, const int newValue ) const
  int h, s, v, a;
  color.getHsv( &h, &s, &v, &a );

  //clip value to sensible range
  int clippedValue = qMin( qMax( 0, newValue ), componentRange( component ) );

  switch ( component )
    case QgsColorWidget::Red:
      color.setRed( clippedValue );
    case QgsColorWidget::Green:
      color.setGreen( clippedValue );
    case QgsColorWidget::Blue:
      color.setBlue( clippedValue );
    case QgsColorWidget::Hue:
      color.setHsv( clippedValue, s, v, a );
    case QgsColorWidget::Saturation:
      color.setHsv( h, clippedValue, v, a );
    case QgsColorWidget::Value:
      color.setHsv( h, s, clippedValue, a );
    case QgsColorWidget::Alpha:
      color.setAlpha( clippedValue );
Esempio n. 2
// Accumulate locations used for inputs, outputs, and uniforms, and check for collisions
// as the accumulation is done.
// Returns < 0 if no collision, >= 0 if collision and the value returned is a colliding value.
// typeCollision is set to true if there is no direct collision, but the types in the same location
// are different.
int TIntermediate::addUsedLocation(const TQualifier& qualifier, const TType& type, bool& typeCollision)
    typeCollision = false;

    int set;
    if (qualifier.isPipeInput())
        set = 0;
    else if (qualifier.isPipeOutput())
        set = 1;
    else if ( == EvqUniform)
        set = 2;
    else if ( == EvqBuffer)
        set = 3;
        return -1;

    int size;
    if (qualifier.isUniformOrBuffer()) {
        if (type.isArray())
            size = type.getCumulativeArraySize();
            size = 1;
    } else {
        // Strip off the outer array dimension for those having an extra one.
        if (type.isArray() && qualifier.isArrayedIo(language)) {
            TType elementType(type, 0);
            size = computeTypeLocationSize(elementType);
        } else
            size = computeTypeLocationSize(type);

    TRange locationRange(qualifier.layoutLocation, qualifier.layoutLocation + size - 1);
    TRange componentRange(0, 3);
    if (qualifier.hasComponent()) {
        componentRange.start = qualifier.layoutComponent;
        componentRange.last = componentRange.start + type.getVectorSize() - 1;
    TIoRange range(locationRange, componentRange, type.getBasicType(), qualifier.hasIndex() ? qualifier.layoutIndex : 0);

    // check for collisions, except for vertex inputs on desktop
    if (! (profile != EEsProfile && language == EShLangVertex && qualifier.isPipeInput())) {
        for (size_t r = 0; r < usedIo[set].size(); ++r) {
            if (range.overlap(usedIo[set][r])) {
                // there is a collision; pick one
                return std::max(locationRange.start, usedIo[set][r].location.start);
            } else if (locationRange.overlap(usedIo[set][r].location) && type.getBasicType() != usedIo[set][r].basicType) {
                // aliased-type mismatch
                typeCollision = true;
                return std::max(locationRange.start, usedIo[set][r].location.start);


    return -1; // no collision
Esempio n. 3
void QgsColorRampWidget::setColorFromPoint( QPointF point )
  int oldValue = componentValue();
  int val;
  if ( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Horizontal )
    val = componentRange() * ( point.x() - mMargin ) / ( width() - 2 * mMargin );
    val = componentRange() - componentRange() * ( point.y() - mMargin ) / ( height() - 2 * mMargin );
  val = qMax( 0, qMin( val, componentRange() ) );
  setComponentValue( val );

  if ( componentValue() != oldValue )
    //value has changed
    emit colorChanged( mCurrentColor );
    emit valueChanged( componentValue() );
Esempio n. 4
void QgsColorRampWidget::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *event )
  int oldValue = componentValue();
  if (( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Horizontal && ( event->key() == Qt::Key_Right || event->key() == Qt::Key_Up ) )
      || ( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Vertical && ( event->key() == Qt::Key_Left || event->key() == Qt::Key_Up ) ) )
    setComponentValue( componentValue() + 1 );
  else if (( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Horizontal && ( event->key() == Qt::Key_Left || event->key() == Qt::Key_Down ) )
           || ( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Vertical && ( event->key() == Qt::Key_Right || event->key() == Qt::Key_Down ) ) )
    setComponentValue( componentValue() - 1 );
  else if (( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Horizontal && event->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown )
           || ( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Vertical && event->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp ) )
    setComponentValue( componentValue() + 10 );
  else if (( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Horizontal && event->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp )
           || ( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Vertical && event->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown ) )
    setComponentValue( componentValue() - 10 );
  else if (( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Horizontal && event->key() == Qt::Key_Home )
           || ( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Vertical && event->key() == Qt::Key_End ) )
    setComponentValue( 0 );
  else if (( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Horizontal && event->key() == Qt::Key_End )
           || ( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Vertical && event->key() == Qt::Key_Home ) )
    //set to maximum value
    setComponentValue( componentRange() );
    QgsColorWidget::keyPressEvent( event );

  if ( componentValue() != oldValue )
    //value has changed
    emit colorChanged( mCurrentColor );
    emit valueChanged( componentValue() );
Esempio n. 5
void QgsColorSliderWidget::setComponent( const QgsColorWidget::ColorComponent component )
  QgsColorWidget::setComponent( component );
  mRampWidget->setComponent( component );
  mSpinBox->setMaximum( convertRealToDisplay( componentRange() ) );
  if ( component == QgsColorWidget::Hue )
    //degrees suffix for hue
    mSpinBox->setSuffix( QChar( 176 ) );
  else if ( component == QgsColorWidget::Saturation || component == QgsColorWidget::Value || component == QgsColorWidget::Alpha )
    //saturation, value and alpha are in %
    mSpinBox->setSuffix( tr( "%" ) );
    //clear suffix
    mSpinBox->setSuffix( QString() );
Esempio n. 6
QgsColorSliderWidget::QgsColorSliderWidget( QWidget *parent, const ColorComponent component )
    : QgsColorWidget( parent, component )
    , mRampWidget( nullptr )
    , mSpinBox( nullptr )
  QHBoxLayout* hLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
  hLayout->setMargin( 0 );
  hLayout->setSpacing( 5 );

  mRampWidget = new QgsColorRampWidget( nullptr, component );
  mRampWidget->setColor( mCurrentColor );
  hLayout->addWidget( mRampWidget, 1 );

  mSpinBox = new QSpinBox();
  //set spinbox to a reasonable width
  int largestCharWidth = mSpinBox->fontMetrics().width( "888%" );
  mSpinBox->setMinimumWidth( largestCharWidth + 35 );
  mSpinBox->setMinimum( 0 );
  mSpinBox->setMaximum( convertRealToDisplay( componentRange() ) );
  mSpinBox->setValue( convertRealToDisplay( componentValue() ) );
  if ( component == QgsColorWidget::Hue )
    //degrees suffix for hue
    mSpinBox->setSuffix( QChar( 176 ) );
  else if ( component == QgsColorWidget::Saturation || component == QgsColorWidget::Value || component == QgsColorWidget::Alpha )
    mSpinBox->setSuffix( tr( "%" ) );
  hLayout->addWidget( mSpinBox );
  setLayout( hLayout );

  connect( mRampWidget, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( rampChanged( int ) ) );
  connect( mRampWidget, SIGNAL( colorChanged( const QColor ) ), this, SLOT( rampColorChanged( const QColor ) ) );
  connect( mSpinBox, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( spinChanged( int ) ) );
Esempio n. 7
int QgsColorBox::valueRangeY() const
  return componentRange( yComponent() );
Esempio n. 8
void QgsColorWidget::setComponentValue( const int value )
  if ( mComponent == QgsColorWidget::Multiple )

  //clip value to valid range
  int valueClipped = qMin( value, componentRange() );
  valueClipped = qMax( valueClipped, 0 );

  int r, g, b, a;
  mCurrentColor.getRgb( &r, &g, &b, &a );
  int h, s, v;
  mCurrentColor.getHsv( &h, &s, &v );
  //overwrite hue with explicit hue if required
  h = hue();

  switch ( mComponent )
    case QgsColorWidget::Red:
      if ( r == valueClipped )
      mCurrentColor.setRed( valueClipped );
    case QgsColorWidget::Green:
      if ( g == valueClipped )
      mCurrentColor.setGreen( valueClipped );
    case QgsColorWidget::Blue:
      if ( b == valueClipped )
      mCurrentColor.setBlue( valueClipped );
    case QgsColorWidget::Hue:
      if ( h == valueClipped )
      mCurrentColor.setHsv( valueClipped, s, v, a );
    case QgsColorWidget::Saturation:
      if ( s == valueClipped )
      mCurrentColor.setHsv( h, valueClipped, v, a );
    case QgsColorWidget::Value:
      if ( v == valueClipped )
      mCurrentColor.setHsv( h, s, valueClipped, a );
    case QgsColorWidget::Alpha:
      if ( a == valueClipped )
      mCurrentColor.setAlpha( valueClipped );

  //update recorded hue
  if ( mCurrentColor.hue() >= 0 )
    mExplicitHue = mCurrentColor.hue();

Esempio n. 9
int QgsColorWidget::componentRange() const
  return componentRange( mComponent );
Esempio n. 10
void QgsColorRampWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *event )
  Q_UNUSED( event );
  QPainter painter( this );

  if ( mShowFrame )
    //draw frame
    QStyleOptionFrameV3 option;
    option.initFrom( this );
    option.state = hasFocus() ? QStyle::State_KeyboardFocusChange : QStyle::State_None;
    style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_Frame, &option, &painter );

  if ( hasFocus() )
    //draw focus rect
    QStyleOptionFocusRect option;
    option.initFrom( this );
    option.state = QStyle::State_KeyboardFocusChange;
    style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_FrameFocusRect, &option, &painter );

  if ( mComponent != QgsColorWidget::Alpha )
    int maxValue = ( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Horizontal ? width() : height() ) - 1 - 2 * mMargin;
    QColor color = QColor( mCurrentColor );
    color.setAlpha( 255 );
    QPen pen;
    pen.setWidth( 0 );
    painter.setPen( pen );
    painter.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );

    //draw background ramp
    for ( int c = 0; c <= maxValue; ++c )
      int colorVal = componentRange() * ( double )c / maxValue;
      //vertical sliders are reversed
      if ( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Vertical )
        colorVal = componentRange() - colorVal;
      alterColor( color, mComponent, colorVal );
      if ( color.hue() < 0 )
        color.setHsv( hue(), color.saturation(), color.value() );
      pen.setColor( color );
      painter.setPen( pen );
      if ( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Horizontal )
        painter.drawLine( c + mMargin, mMargin, c + mMargin, height() - mMargin - 1 );
        painter.drawLine( mMargin, c + mMargin, width() - mMargin - 1, c + mMargin );
  else if ( mComponent == QgsColorWidget::Alpha )
    //alpha ramps are drawn differently
    //start with the checkboard pattern
    QBrush checkBrush = QBrush( transparentBackground() );
    painter.setBrush( checkBrush );
    painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
    painter.drawRect( mMargin, mMargin, width() - 2 * mMargin - 1, height() - 2 * mMargin - 1 );
    QLinearGradient colorGrad;
    if ( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Horizontal )
      colorGrad = QLinearGradient( mMargin, 0, width() - mMargin - 1, 0 );
      colorGrad = QLinearGradient( 0, mMargin, 0, height() - mMargin - 1 );
    QColor transparent = QColor( mCurrentColor );
    transparent.setAlpha( 0 );
    colorGrad.setColorAt( 0, transparent );
    QColor opaque = QColor( mCurrentColor );
    opaque.setAlpha( 255 );
    colorGrad.setColorAt( 1, opaque );
    QBrush colorBrush = QBrush( colorGrad );
    painter.setBrush( colorBrush );
    painter.drawRect( mMargin, mMargin, width() - 2 * mMargin - 1, height() - 2 * mMargin - 1 );

  if ( mOrientation == QgsColorRampWidget::Horizontal )
    //draw marker triangles for horizontal ramps
    painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
    painter.setBrush( QBrush( Qt::black ) );
    painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
    painter.translate( mMargin + ( width() - 2 * mMargin ) * ( double )componentValue() / componentRange(), mMargin - 1 );
    painter.drawPolygon( mTopTriangle );
    painter.translate( 0, height() - mMargin - 2 );
    painter.setBrush( QBrush( Qt::white ) );
    painter.drawPolygon( mBottomTriangle );
    //draw cross lines for vertical ramps
    int ypos = mMargin + ( height() - 2 * mMargin - 1 ) - ( height() - 2 * mMargin - 1 ) * ( double )componentValue() / componentRange();
    painter.setBrush( Qt::white );
    painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen );
    painter.drawRect( mMargin, ypos - 1, width() - 2 * mMargin - 1, 3 );
    painter.setPen( Qt::black );
    painter.drawLine( mMargin, ypos, width() - mMargin - 1, ypos );