int ObjMerger::chooseRectGroup(int num, CB_RectT *pt_rects, int idx)
	int is_found = 0;
	for (int i=0; i<rect_group_num; i++)
		for (int j=0; j<rect_groups[i].num; j++)
			OverlapT overlap;
			computeOverlap(pt_rects[idx], rect_groups[i].rects[j], overlap);
			if (overlap.overlap.x < param.overlap_r_x || overlap.overlap.y < param.overlap_r_y)
			int cur_idx = rect_groups[i].num;
			rect_groups[i].rects[cur_idx] = pt_rects[idx];
			is_found = 1;

	if (is_found != 0)
		return 1;

	rect_groups[rect_group_num].num = 1;
	rect_groups[rect_group_num].rects[0] = pt_rects[idx];
	rect_groups[rect_group_num].is_valid = 1;

	return 0;
vector<Detection> NonMaximumSuppression::extractOverlappingDetections(Detection detection, vector<Detection>& candidates) const {
	vector<Detection> overlappingDetections;
	auto firstOverlapping = std::stable_partition(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), [&](const Detection& candidate) {
		return computeOverlap(detection.bounds, candidate.bounds) <= overlapThreshold;
	std::move(firstOverlapping, candidates.end(), std::back_inserter(overlappingDetections));
	std::reverse(overlappingDetections.begin(), overlappingDetections.end());
	candidates.erase(firstOverlapping, candidates.end());
	return overlappingDetections;
Esempio n. 3
int main() {
	int test, cs, slen, plen;
	//freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
	fread_unlocked(buff, 1, 0x800000, stdin); ptr = buff;
	for(cs = 1; cs <= test; cs++) {
		if(plen > slen) {
			printf("Case %d: 0\n", cs);
		printf("Case %d: %d\n", cs, kmpMatcher(plen, slen));
	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
 * Perform one time step of SpatialPooling for the current input in this Region.
 * The result will be a subset of Columns being set as active as well
 * as (proximal) synapses in all Columns having updated permanences and
 * boosts, and the Region will update inhibitionRadius.
 * From the Numenta Docs:
 * Phase 1: compute the overlap with the current input for each column.
 * Given an input vector, the first phase calculates the overlap of each
 * column with that vector. The overlap for each column is simply the number
 * of connected synapses with active inputs, multiplied by its boost. If
 * this value is below minOverlap, we set the overlap score to zero.
 * Phase 2: compute the winning columns after inhibition.
 * The second phase calculates which columns remain as winners after the
 * inhibition step. desiredLocalActivity is a parameter that controls the
 * number of columns that end up winning. For example, if desiredLocalActivity
 * is 10, a column will be a winner if its overlap score is greater than the
 * score of the 10'th highest column within its inhibition radius.
 * Phase 3: update synapse permanence and internal variables.
 * The third phase performs learning; it updates the permanence values of all
 * synapses as necessary, as well as the boost and inhibition radius.
 * The main learning rule is implemented in lines 20-26. For winning columns,
 * if a synapse is active, its permanence value is incremented, otherwise it
 * is decremented. Permanence values are constrained to be between 0 and 1.
 * Lines 28-36 implement boosting. There are two separate boosting mechanisms
 * in place to help a column learn connections. If a column does not win often
 * enough (as measured by activeDutyCycle), its overall boost value is
 * increased (line 30-32). Alternatively, if a column's connected synapses
 * do not overlap well with any inputs often enough (as measured by
 * overlapDutyCycle), its permanence values are boosted (line 34-36).
 * Note: once learning is turned off, boost(c) is frozen.
 * Finally at the end of Phase 3 the inhibition radius is recomputed (line 38).
void performSpatialPooling(Region* region) {
  int i;
  /*If hardcoded, we assume the input bits correspond directly to active columns*/
  if(region->spatialHardcoded) {
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(i=0; i<region->numCols; ++i)
      region->columns[i].isActive = region->inputData[i]==1;

  /*First toggle isActive flag per input cell based on state of data array*/
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for(i=0; i<region->nInput; ++i)
    region->inputCells[i].isActive = region->inputData[i]==1;

  /*Phase 1: Compute Column Input Overlaps*/
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for(i=0; i<region->numCols; ++i)

  /*Phase 2: Compute Active Columns (Winners after inhibition)*/
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for(i=0; i<region->numCols; ++i) {
    Column* col = &(region->columns[i]);
    col->isActive = false;
    if(col->overlap > 0) {
      /*only activate column if its overlap is within kth largest of its neighbors*/
      if(isWithinKthScore(region, col, region->desiredLocalActivity)) {
        col->isActive = true;

        /*Phase 3.1: Synapse learning occurs on active/winning columns*/

    /*Phase 3.2: Column Boosting (only if learning enabled)*/

  /*Phase 3.3: Recalculate inhibition radius for columns*/
    region->inhibitionRadius = averageReceptiveFieldSize(region);
int ObjMerger::processOverlapCluster()
	int count = 0;

	for (int i=0; i<rect_group_num; i++)
		if (rect_groups[i].is_valid == 0)
		for (int j=i+1; j<rect_group_num; j++)
			if (rect_groups[j].is_valid == 0)
			OverlapT overlap;
			computeOverlap(rect_groups[i].rect, rect_groups[j].rect, overlap);

			int w1 = abs(rect_groups[i].rect.right - rect_groups[i].rect.left);
			int w2 = abs(rect_groups[j].rect.right - rect_groups[j].rect.left);
			if ( min(overlap.overlap1.x, overlap.overlap1.y) > 0.3 &&
		         max(overlap.overlap1.x, overlap.overlap1.y) > 0.6 && 
				 w2 > w1 * 1.8 )
				rect_groups[i].is_valid = 0;
			else if ( min(overlap.overlap2.x, overlap.overlap2.y) > 0.3 &&
		              max(overlap.overlap2.x, overlap.overlap2.y) > 0.6 && 
					  w1 > w2 * 1.8 )
				rect_groups[j].is_valid = 0;
			if (overlap.overlap.x < MAX_OBJ_OVERLAP_X || overlap.overlap.y < MAX_OBJ_OVERLAP_Y)

			if (overlap.overlap.x > 0.8 && overlap.overlap.y > 0.8)
				mergeTwoGroups(rect_groups[i], rect_groups[j]);
			else if (rect_groups[i].weight > rect_groups[j].weight)
				rect_groups[j].is_valid = 0;
			else if (rect_groups[j].weight > rect_groups[i].weight)
				rect_groups[i].is_valid = 0;
			else if (rect_groups[i].rect.bottom > rect_groups[j].rect.bottom)
				rect_groups[j].is_valid = 0;
				rect_groups[i].is_valid = 0;
	return count;
Esempio n. 6
void variables( TString fin = "TMVA.root", TString dirName = "InputVariables_Id", TString title = "TMVA Input Variables",
                Bool_t isRegression = kFALSE, Bool_t useTMVAStyle = kTRUE )
   TString outfname = dirName;
   outfname.ToLower(); outfname.ReplaceAll( "input", ""  );

   // set style and remove existing canvas'
   TMVAGlob::Initialize( useTMVAStyle );

   // obtain shorter histogram title 
   TString htitle = title; 
   htitle.ReplaceAll("variables ","variable");
   htitle.ReplaceAll("and target(s)","");
   htitle.ReplaceAll("(training sample)","");

   // checks if file with name "fin" is already open, and if not opens one
   TFile* file = TMVAGlob::OpenFile( fin );

   TDirectory* dir = (TDirectory*)file->Get( dirName );
   if (dir==0) {
      cout << "No information about " << title << " available in directory " << dirName << " of file " << fin << endl;

   // how many plots are in the directory?
   Int_t noPlots = TMVAGlob::GetNumberOfInputVariables( dir ) +
      TMVAGlob::GetNumberOfTargets( dir );

   // define Canvas layout here!
   // default setting
   Int_t xPad;  // no of plots in x
   Int_t yPad;  // no of plots in y
   Int_t width; // size of canvas
   Int_t height;
   switch (noPlots) {
   case 1:
      xPad = 1; yPad = 1; width = 550; height = 0.90*width; break;
   case 2:
      xPad = 2; yPad = 1; width = 600; height = 0.50*width; break;
   case 3:
      xPad = 3; yPad = 1; width = 900; height = 0.4*width; break;
   case 4:
      xPad = 2; yPad = 2; width = 600; height = width; break;
      xPad = 3; yPad = 2; width = 800; height = 0.55*width; break;

   Int_t noPadPerCanv = xPad * yPad ;

   // counter variables
   Int_t countCanvas = 0;
   Int_t countPad    = 0;

   // loop over all objects in directory
   TCanvas* canv = 0;
   TKey*    key  = 0;
   Bool_t   createNewFig = kFALSE;
   TIter next(dir->GetListOfKeys());
   while ((key = (TKey*)next())) {
      if (key->GetCycle() != 1) continue;

      if (!TString(key->GetName()).Contains("__Signal") && 
          !(isRegression && TString(key->GetName()).Contains("__Regression"))) continue;

      // make sure, that we only look at histograms
      TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(key->GetClassName());
      if (!cl->InheritsFrom("TH1")) continue;
      TH1 *sig = (TH1*)key->ReadObj();
      TString hname(sig->GetName());

      // create new canvas
      if (countPad%noPadPerCanv==0) {
         canv = new TCanvas( Form("canvas%d", countCanvas), title,
                             countCanvas*50+50, countCanvas*20, width, height );

      TPad* cPad = (TPad*)canv->cd(countPad++%noPadPerCanv+1);
      // find the corredponding backgrouns histo
      TString bgname = hname;
      TH1 *bgd = (TH1*)dir->Get(bgname);
      if (bgd == NULL) {
         cout << "ERROR!!! couldn't find background histo for" << hname << endl;

      // this is set but not stored during plot creation in MVA_Factory
      TMVAGlob::SetSignalAndBackgroundStyle( sig, (isRegression ? 0 : bgd) );            

      sig->SetTitle( TString( htitle ) + ": " + sig->GetTitle() );
      TMVAGlob::SetFrameStyle( sig, 1.2 );

      // normalise both signal and background
      if (!isRegression) TMVAGlob::NormalizeHists( sig, bgd );
      else {
         // change histogram title for target
         TString nme = sig->GetName();
         if (nme.Contains( "_target" )) {
            TString tit = sig->GetTitle();
            sig->SetTitle( tit.ReplaceAll("Input variable", "Regression target" ) );

      // finally plot and overlay
      Float_t sc = 1.1;
      if (countPad == 1) sc = 1.3;
      sig->SetMaximum( TMath::Max( sig->GetMaximum(), bgd->GetMaximum() )*sc );
      sig->Draw( "hist" );
      cPad->SetLeftMargin( 0.17 );

      sig->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset( 1.70 );
      if (!isRegression) {
         TString ytit = TString("(1/N) ") + sig->GetYaxis()->GetTitle();
         sig->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( ytit ); // histograms are normalised

      TLatex *text = new TLatex();
      float overlap = computeOverlap(sig,bgd);

      // Draw legend
      if (countPad == 1 && !isRegression) {
         TLegend *legend= new TLegend( cPad->GetLeftMargin(), 
                                       1-cPad->GetTopMargin() );
         legend->SetMargin( 0.3 );

      // redraw axes

      // text for overflows
      Int_t    nbin = sig->GetNbinsX();
      Double_t dxu  = sig->GetBinWidth(0);
      Double_t dxo  = sig->GetBinWidth(nbin+1);
      TString uoflow = "";
      if (isRegression) {
         uoflow = Form( "U/O-flow: %.1f%% / %.1f%%", 
                        sig->GetBinContent(0)*dxu*100, sig->GetBinContent(nbin+1)*dxo*100 );
      else {
         uoflow = Form( "U/O-flow (S,B): (%.1f, %.1f)%% / (%.1f, %.1f)%%", 
                        sig->GetBinContent(0)*dxu*100, bgd->GetBinContent(0)*dxu*100,
                        sig->GetBinContent(nbin+1)*dxo*100, bgd->GetBinContent(nbin+1)*dxo*100 );
      TText* t = new TText( 0.98, 0.14, uoflow );
      t->SetTextSize( 0.040 );
      t->SetTextAngle( 90 );

      // save canvas to file
      if (countPad%noPadPerCanv==0) {
         TString fname = Form( "plots/%s_c%i", outfname.Data(), countCanvas );
         TMVAGlob::imgconv( canv, fname );
         createNewFig = kFALSE;
      else {
         createNewFig = kTRUE;
   if (createNewFig) {
      TString fname = Form( "plots/%s_c%i", outfname.Data(), countCanvas );
      TMVAGlob::imgconv( canv, fname );
      createNewFig = kFALSE;
