Esempio n. 1
// The main method
void ThinRecryptData::init(const FHEcontext& context, const Vec<long>& mvec_,
		       long t, bool consFlag, bool build_cache_, bool minimal)
  if (alMod != NULL) { // were we called for a second time?
    cerr << "@Warning: multiple calls to ThinRecryptData::init\n";
  assert(computeProd(mvec_) == (long)context.zMStar.getM()); // sanity check

  // Record the arguments to this function
  mvec = mvec_;
  conservative = consFlag;
  build_cache = build_cache_;

  if (t <= 0) t = defSkHwt+1; // recryption key Hwt
  hwt = t;
  long p = context.zMStar.getP();
  long phim = context.zMStar.getPhiM();
  long r = context.alMod.getR();
  long p2r = context.alMod.getPPowR();
  double logp = log((double)p);

  double noise = p2r * sqrt((t+1)*phim/3.0);
  double gamma = 2*(t+noise)/((t+1)*p2r); // ratio between numerators

  long logT = ceil(log((double)(t+2))/logp); // ceil(log_p(t+2))
  double rho = (t+1)/pow(p,logT);

  if (!conservative) {   // try alpha, e with this "aggresive" setting
    setAlphaE(alpha, e, rho, gamma, noise, logp, p2r, t);
    ePrime = e -r +1 -logT;

    // If e is too large, try again with rho/p instead of rho
    long bound = (1L << (context.bitsPerLevel-1)); // halfSizePrime/2
    if (pow(p,e) > bound) { // try the conservative setting instead
      cerr << "* p^e="<<pow(p,e)<<" is too big (bound="<<bound<<")\n";
      conservative = true;
  if (conservative) { // set alpha, e with a "conservative" rho/p
    setAlphaE(alpha, e, rho/p, gamma, noise, logp, p2r, t);
    ePrime = e -r -logT;

  // Compute highest key-Hamming-weight that still works (not more than 256)
  double qOver4 = (pow(p,e)+1)/4;
  for (t-=10; qOver4>=lowerBound2(p,r,ePrime,t,alpha)
	 &&  qOver4>=lowerBound1(p,r,ePrime,t,alpha,noise) && t<257; t++);
  skHwt = t-1;

  // First part of Bootstrapping works wrt plaintext space p^{r'}
  alMod = new PAlgebraMod(context.zMStar, e-ePrime+r);
  ea = new EncryptedArray(context, *alMod);
         // Polynomial defaults to F0, PAlgebraMod explicitly given

  coeffToSlot = new ThinEvalMap(*ea, minimal, mvec, true, build_cache);
  slotToCoeff = new ThinEvalMap(*context.ea, minimal, mvec, false, build_cache);
Esempio n. 2
PowerfulTranslationIndexes::PowerfulTranslationIndexes(const Vec<long>& mv):
  mvec(mv) // copy the vector of factors
  // mvec contains the prime-power factorization of m = \prod_{i=1}^k mi
  long nfactors = mvec.length();  // = k
  m = computeProd(mvec);          // compute m itself

  // phivec holds phi(mi) for all factors mi
  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors; i++) phivec[i] = phi_N(mvec[i]);
  phim = computeProd(phivec);     // phi(m) = prod_i phi(mi)

  computeDivVec(divvec, m, mvec); // divvec[i] = m/mi

  computeInvVec(invvec, divvec, mvec); // invvec[i] = (m/mi)^{-1} mod mi

  // Let (i_1,...,i_k) be the representation of i in base
  // (m/m1,...,m/mk), namely i = i_1 (m/m_1)+...+i_k (m/m_k) mod m.
  // Then polyToCubeMap[i] is the lexicographic index of the tuple
  // (i_1,...,i_k) in the cube with dimensions (m_1, ..., m_k).
  // cubeToPolyMap is the inverse map, polyToCubeMap[cubeToPolyMap[j]]=j.
  computePowerToCubeMap(polyToCubeMap, cubeToPolyMap, m, mvec, invvec, longSig);

  // shortSig is a CubeSignature for (phi(m_1),..., phi(m_k)), and longSig
  // is a CubeSignature for (m_1, ..., m_k). shortToLongMap[i] maps an
  // index i wrt shortSig to an index i' wrt longSig so that both indexes
  // correspond to the same tuple (i_1,...,i_k).
  computeShortToLongMap(shortToLongMap, shortSig, longSig);

  for (long d = 0; d < nfactors; d++) cycVec[d] = Cyclotomic(mvec[d]);

  phimX = Cyclotomic(m);
Esempio n. 3
void mapIndexToPowerful(Vec<long>& pow, long j, const Vec<long>& phiVec)
// this maps an index j in [phi(m)] to a vector
// representing the powerful basis coordinates

  long k = phiVec.length();
  long phim = computeProd(phiVec);
  assert(j >= 0 && j < phim);


  for (long i = k-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    pow[i] = j % phiVec[i];
    j = (j - pow[i])/phiVec[i];
Esempio n. 4
long computeProd(const vector<long>& vec) {return computeProd(vec, vec.size());}
Esempio n. 5
long computeProd(const Vec<long>& vec) { return computeProd(vec, vec.length());}
Esempio n. 6
// The main method
void RecryptData::init(const FHEcontext& context, const Vec<long>& mvec_,
		       long t, bool consFlag, bool build_cache_, bool minimal)
  if (alMod != NULL) { // were we called for a second time?
    cerr << "@Warning: multiple calls to RecryptData::init\n";
  assert(computeProd(mvec_) == (long)context.zMStar.getM()); // sanity check

  // Record the arguments to this function
  mvec = mvec_;
  conservative = consFlag;
  build_cache = build_cache_;

  if (t <= 0) t = defSkHwt+1; // recryption key Hwt
  hwt = t;
  long p = context.zMStar.getP();
  long phim = context.zMStar.getPhiM();
  long r = context.alMod.getR();
  long p2r = context.alMod.getPPowR();
  double logp = log((double)p);

  double noise = p2r * sqrt((t+1)*phim/3.0);
  double gamma = 2*(t+noise)/((t+1)*p2r); // ratio between numerators

  long logT = ceil(log((double)(t+2))/logp); // ceil(log_p(t+2))
  double rho = (t+1)/pow(p,logT);

  if (!conservative) {   // try alpha, e with this "aggresive" setting
    setAlphaE(alpha, e, rho, gamma, noise, logp, p2r, t);
    ePrime = e -r +1 -logT;

    // If e is too large, try again with rho/p instead of rho
    long bound = (1L << (context.bitsPerLevel-1)); // halfSizePrime/2
    if (pow(p,e) > bound) { // try the conservative setting instead
      cerr << "* p^e="<<pow(p,e)<<" is too big (bound="<<bound<<")\n";
      conservative = true;
  if (conservative) { // set alpha, e with a "conservative" rho/p
    setAlphaE(alpha, e, rho/p, gamma, noise, logp, p2r, t);
    ePrime = e -r -logT;

  // Compute highest key-Hamming-weight that still works (not more than 256)
  double qOver4 = (pow(p,e)+1)/4;
  for (t-=10; qOver4>=lowerBound2(p,r,ePrime,t,alpha)
	 &&  qOver4>=lowerBound1(p,r,ePrime,t,alpha,noise) && t<257; t++);
  skHwt = t-1;

  // First part of Bootstrapping works wrt plaintext space p^{r'}
  alMod = new PAlgebraMod(context.zMStar, e-ePrime+r);
  ea = new EncryptedArray(context, *alMod);
         // Polynomial defaults to F0, PAlgebraMod explicitly given

  p2dConv = new PowerfulDCRT(context, mvec);

  // Initialize the linear polynomial for unpacking the slots
  zz_pBak bak;; ea->getAlMod().restoreContext();
  long nslots = ea->size();
  long d = ea->getDegree();

  const Mat<zz_p>& CBi=ea->getDerived(PA_zz_p()).getNormalBasisMatrixInverse();

  vector<ZZX> LM;
  for (long i = 0; i < d; i++) // prepare the linear polynomial
    LM[i] = rep(CBi[i][0]);

  vector<ZZX> C; 
  ea->buildLinPolyCoeffs(C, LM); // "build" the linear polynomial

  unpackSlotEncoding.resize(d);  // encode the coefficients

  for (long j = 0; j < d; j++) {
    vector<ZZX> v(nslots);
    for (long k = 0; k < nslots; k++) v[k] = C[j];
    ea->encode(unpackSlotEncoding[j], v);
  firstMap = new EvalMap(*ea, minimal, mvec, true, build_cache);
  secondMap = new EvalMap(*context.ea, minimal, mvec, false, build_cache);
Esempio n. 7
ThinEvalMap::ThinEvalMap(const EncryptedArray& _ea, 
                 bool minimal,
                 const Vec<long>& mvec, 
                 bool _invert,
                 bool build_cache)

  : ea(_ea), invert(_invert)
  const FHEcontext& context = ea.getContext();
  const PAlgebra& zMStar = ea.getPAlgebra();
  long p = zMStar.getP();
  long d = zMStar.getOrdP();

  // FIXME: we should check that ea was initilized with 
  // G == factors[0], but this is a slight pain to check
  // currently

  // NOTE: this code is derived from a more general setting, and
  // could certainly be greatly simplified

  nfactors = mvec.length();
  //OLD: assert(nfactors > 0);
  helib::assertTrue(nfactors > 0, "Invalid argument: mvec must have positive length");

  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors; i++) {
    for (long j = i+1; j < nfactors; j++) {
      helib::assertEq(GCD(mvec[i], mvec[j]), 1l, "Invalid argument: mvec must have pairwise-disjoint entries");

  long m = computeProd(mvec);
  //OLD: assert(m == long(zMStar.getM()));
  helib::assertEq(m, (long)zMStar.getM(), "Invalid argument: mvec's product does not match ea's m");

  Vec<long> phivec(INIT_SIZE, nfactors);
  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors; i++)  phivec[i] = phi_N(mvec[i]);
  long phim = computeProd(phivec);

  Vec<long> dprodvec(INIT_SIZE, nfactors+1);
  dprodvec[nfactors] = 1;
  for (long i = nfactors-1; i >= 0; i--)
    dprodvec[i] = dprodvec[i+1] *
      multOrd(PowerMod(p % mvec[i], dprodvec[i+1], mvec[i]), mvec[i]);

  Vec<long> dvec(INIT_SIZE, nfactors);
  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors; i++)
    dvec[i] = dprodvec[i] / dprodvec[i+1];

  long nslots = phim/d;
  //OLD: assert(d == dprodvec[0]);
  helib::assertEq(d, dprodvec[0], "d must match the first entry of dprodvec");
  //OLD: assert(nslots == long(zMStar.getNSlots()));
  helib::assertEq(nslots, (long)zMStar.getNSlots(), "Invalid argument: mismatch of number of slots");

  long inertPrefix = 0;
  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors && dvec[i] == 1; i++) {

  if (inertPrefix != nfactors-1)
    throw helib::LogicError("ThinEvalMap: case not handled: bad inertPrefix");

  Vec< Vec<long> > local_reps(INIT_SIZE, nfactors);
  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors; i++)
    init_representatives(local_reps[i], i, mvec, zMStar);

  Vec<long> crtvec(INIT_SIZE, nfactors);
  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors; i++) 
    crtvec[i] = (m/mvec[i]) * InvMod((m/mvec[i]) % mvec[i], mvec[i]);

  Vec<long> redphivec(INIT_SIZE, nfactors);
  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors; i++)
    redphivec[i] = phivec[i]/dvec[i];

  CubeSignature redphisig(redphivec);

  Vec< shared_ptr<CubeSignature> > sig_sequence;
  sig_sequence[nfactors] = shared_ptr<CubeSignature>(new CubeSignature(phivec));

  Vec<long> reduced_phivec = phivec;

  for (long dim = nfactors-1; dim >= 0; dim--) {
    reduced_phivec[dim] /= dvec[dim];
    sig_sequence[dim] = 
      shared_ptr<CubeSignature>(new CubeSignature(reduced_phivec));


  if (invert) {
     long dim = nfactors - 1;
     unique_ptr<MatMul1D> mat1_data;
     mat1_data.reset(buildThinStep1Matrix(ea, sig_sequence[dim],
		     local_reps[dim], dim, m/mvec[dim]));
     matvec[dim].reset(new MatMul1DExec(*mat1_data, minimal));
  else {
     long dim = nfactors - 1;
     unique_ptr<MatMul1D> mat1_data;
     mat1_data.reset(buildThinStep2Matrix(ea, sig_sequence[dim],
		     local_reps[dim], dim, m/mvec[dim], invert, /*inflate=*/true));
     matvec[dim].reset(new MatMul1DExec(*mat1_data, minimal));

  for (long dim=nfactors-2; dim>=0; --dim) {
    unique_ptr<MatMul1D> mat_data;

    mat_data.reset(buildThinStep2Matrix(ea, sig_sequence[dim], local_reps[dim],
				       dim, m/mvec[dim], invert));
    matvec[dim].reset(new MatMul1DExec(*mat_data, minimal));

  if (build_cache) upgrade();
Esempio n. 8
void  TestIt(long p, long r, long c, long _k, long w,
             long L, Vec<long>& mvec, 
             Vec<long>& gens, Vec<long>& ords, long useCache)
  if (lsize(mvec)<1) { // use default values
    mvec.SetLength(3); gens.SetLength(3); ords.SetLength(3);
    mvec[0] = 7;    mvec[1] = 3;    mvec[2] = 221;
    gens[0] = 3979; gens[1] = 3095; gens[2] = 3760;
    ords[0] = 6;    ords[1] = 2;    ords[2] = -8;
  if (!noPrint)
    cout << "*** TestIt"
       << (dry? " (dry run):" : ":")
       << " p=" << p
       << ", r=" << r
       << ", c=" << c
       << ", k=" << _k
       << ", w=" << w
       << ", L=" << L
       << ", mvec=" << mvec << ", "
       << ", useCache = " << useCache
       << endl;

  setDryRun(false); // Need to get a "real context" to test ThinEvalMap

  // mvec is supposed to include the prime-power factorization of m
  long nfactors = mvec.length();
  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors; i++)
    for (long j = i+1; j < nfactors; j++)
      assert(GCD(mvec[i], mvec[j]) == 1);

  // multiply all the prime powers to get m itself
  long m = computeProd(mvec);
  assert(GCD(p, m) == 1);

  // build a context with these generators and orders
  vector<long> gens1, ords1;
  convert(gens1, gens);
  convert(ords1, ords);
  FHEcontext context(m, p, r, gens1, ords1);
  buildModChain(context, L, c);

  if (!noPrint) {
    context.zMStar.printout(); // print structure of Zm* /(p) to cout
    cout << endl;
  long d = context.zMStar.getOrdP();
  long phim = context.zMStar.getPhiM();
  long nslots = phim/d;

  setDryRun(dry); // Now we can set the dry-run flag if desired

  FHESecKey secretKey(context);
  const FHEPubKey& publicKey = secretKey;
  secretKey.GenSecKey(w); // A Hamming-weight-w secret key
  addSome1DMatrices(secretKey); // compute key-switching matrices that we need
  addFrbMatrices(secretKey); // compute key-switching matrices that we need

  // GG defines the plaintext space Z_p[X]/GG(X)
  GG = context.alMod.getFactorsOverZZ()[0];
  EncryptedArray ea(context, GG);


  Vec<zz_p> val0(INIT_SIZE, nslots);
  for (auto& x: val0)

  vector<ZZX> val1;
  for (long i = 0; i < nslots; i++) {
    val1[i] = conv<ZZX>(conv<ZZ>(rep(val0[i])));

  Ctxt ctxt(publicKey);
  ea.encrypt(ctxt, publicKey, val1);


  // Compute homomorphically the transformation that takes the
  // coefficients packed in the slots and produces the polynomial
  // corresponding to cube

  if (!noPrint) CheckCtxt(ctxt, "init");

  if (!noPrint) cout << "build ThinEvalMap\n";
  ThinEvalMap map(ea, /*minimal=*/false, mvec, 
    /*invert=*/false, /*build_cache=*/false); 
  // compute the transformation to apply

  if (!noPrint) cout << "apply ThinEvalMap\n";
  if (useCache) map.upgrade();
  map.apply(ctxt); // apply the transformation to ctxt
  if (!noPrint) CheckCtxt(ctxt, "ThinEvalMap");
  if (!noPrint) cout << "check results\n";

  if (!noPrint) cout << "build ThinEvalMap\n";
  ThinEvalMap imap(ea, /*minimal=*/false, mvec, 
    /*invert=*/true, /*build_cache=*/false); 
  // compute the transformation to apply
  if (!noPrint) cout << "apply ThinEvalMap\n";
  if (useCache) imap.upgrade();
  imap.apply(ctxt); // apply the transformation to ctxt
  if (!noPrint) {
    CheckCtxt(ctxt, "ThinEvalMap");
    cout << "check results\n";

#if 1

  /* create dirty version of ctxt */
  Vec<zz_pX> dirty_val0;
  for (long i = 0; i < nslots; i++) {
    random(dirty_val0[i], d);
    SetCoeff(dirty_val0[i], 0, val0[i]);
  vector<ZZX> dirty_val1;
  for (long i = 0; i < nslots; i++) {
    dirty_val1[i] = conv<ZZX>(dirty_val0[i]);

  Ctxt dirty_ctxt(publicKey);
  ea.encrypt(dirty_ctxt, publicKey, dirty_val1);

  EvalMap dirty_map(ea, /*minimal=*/false, mvec, 
    /*invert=*/false, /*build_cache=*/false); 


  vector<ZZX> val2;
  ea.decrypt(ctxt, secretKey, val2);

  if (val1 == val2)
    cout << "ThinEvalMap: GOOD\n";
    cout << "ThinEvalMap: BAD\n";

#if 1
  vector<ZZX> dirty_val2;
  ea.decrypt(dirty_ctxt, secretKey, dirty_val2);

  if (val1 == dirty_val2)
    cout << "ThinEvalMap: GOOD\n";
    cout << "ThinEvalMap: BAD\n";


  if (!noPrint) {
    cout << "\n*********\n";
    cout << endl;
Esempio n. 9
EvalMap::EvalMap(const EncryptedArray& _ea, const Vec<long>& mvec, bool _invert,
                 bool normal_basis)

  : ea(_ea), invert(_invert)
  const FHEcontext& context = ea.getContext();
  const PAlgebra& zMStar = context.zMStar;
  long p = zMStar.getP();
  long d = zMStar.getOrdP();

  // FIXME: we should check that ea was initilized with 
  // G == factors[0], but this is a slight pain to check
  // currently

  // NOTE: this code is derived from a more general setting, and
  // could certainly be greatly simplified

  nfactors = mvec.length();
  assert(nfactors > 0);

  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors; i++)
    for (long j = i+1; j < nfactors; j++)
      assert(GCD(mvec[i], mvec[j]) == 1);

  long m = computeProd(mvec);
  assert(m == long(zMStar.getM()));

  Vec<long> phivec(INIT_SIZE, nfactors);
  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors; i++)  phivec[i] = phi_N(mvec[i]);
  long phim = computeProd(phivec);

  Vec<long> dprodvec(INIT_SIZE, nfactors+1);
  dprodvec[nfactors] = 1;
  for (long i = nfactors-1; i >= 0; i--)
    dprodvec[i] = dprodvec[i+1] *
      multOrd(PowerMod(p % mvec[i], dprodvec[i+1], mvec[i]), mvec[i]);

  Vec<long> dvec(INIT_SIZE, nfactors);
  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors; i++)
    dvec[i] = dprodvec[i] / dprodvec[i+1];

  long nslots = phim/d;
  assert(d == dprodvec[0]);
  assert(nslots == long(zMStar.getNSlots()));

  long inertPrefix = 0;
  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors && dvec[i] == 1; i++) {

  if (inertPrefix != nfactors-1)
    Error("EvalMap: case not handled: bad inertPrefix");

  Vec< Vec<long> > local_reps(INIT_SIZE, nfactors);
  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors; i++)
    init_representatives(local_reps[i], i, mvec, zMStar);

  Vec<long> crtvec(INIT_SIZE, nfactors);
  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors; i++) 
    crtvec[i] = (m/mvec[i]) * InvMod((m/mvec[i]) % mvec[i], mvec[i]);

  Vec<long> redphivec(INIT_SIZE, nfactors);
  for (long i = 0; i < nfactors; i++)
    redphivec[i] = phivec[i]/dvec[i];

  CubeSignature redphisig(redphivec);

  Vec< shared_ptr<CubeSignature> > sig_sequence;
  sig_sequence[nfactors] = shared_ptr<CubeSignature>(new CubeSignature(phivec));

  Vec<long> reduced_phivec = phivec;

  for (long dim = nfactors-1; dim >= 0; dim--) {
    reduced_phivec[dim] /= dvec[dim];
    sig_sequence[dim] = 
      shared_ptr<CubeSignature>(new CubeSignature(reduced_phivec));

  long dim = nfactors - 1;
  mat1.reset(buildStep1Matrix(ea, sig_sequence[dim],
       	          local_reps[dim], dim, m/mvec[dim], invert, normal_basis));

  for (dim=nfactors-2; dim>=0; --dim) {
    matvec[dim].reset(buildStep2Matrix(ea, sig_sequence[dim], local_reps[dim],
				       dim, m/mvec[dim], invert));