Esempio n. 1
int RootInlineBox::verticallyAlignBoxes(int heightOfBlock)
    int maxPositionTop = 0;
    int maxPositionBottom = 0;
    int maxAscent = 0;
    int maxDescent = 0;

    // Figure out if we're in strict mode.  Note that we can't simply use !style()->htmlHacks(),
    // because that would match almost strict mode as well.
    RenderObject* curr = renderer();
    while (curr && !curr->node())
        curr = curr->container();
    bool strictMode = (curr && curr->document()->inStrictMode());

    computeLogicalBoxHeights(maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom, maxAscent, maxDescent, strictMode);

    if (maxAscent + maxDescent < max(maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom))
        adjustMaxAscentAndDescent(maxAscent, maxDescent, maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom);

    int maxHeight = maxAscent + maxDescent;
    int lineTop = heightOfBlock;
    int lineBottom = heightOfBlock;
    placeBoxesVertically(heightOfBlock, maxHeight, maxAscent, strictMode, lineTop, lineBottom);
    computeVerticalOverflow(lineTop, lineBottom, strictMode);
    setLineTopBottomPositions(lineTop, lineBottom);
    heightOfBlock += maxHeight;
    return heightOfBlock;
Esempio n. 2
int RootInlineBox::verticallyAlignBoxes(int heightOfBlock, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap)
    // SVG will handle vertical alignment on its own.
    if (isSVGRootInlineBox())
        return 0;

    int maxPositionTop = 0;
    int maxPositionBottom = 0;
    int maxAscent = 0;
    int maxDescent = 0;

    // Figure out if we're in strict mode.  Note that we can't simply use !style()->htmlHacks(),
    // because that would match almost strict mode as well.
    RenderObject* curr = renderer();
    while (curr && !curr->node())
        curr = curr->container();
    bool strictMode = (curr && curr->document()->inStrictMode());

    computeLogicalBoxHeights(maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom, maxAscent, maxDescent, strictMode, textBoxDataMap);

    if (maxAscent + maxDescent < max(maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom))
        adjustMaxAscentAndDescent(maxAscent, maxDescent, maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom);

    int maxHeight = maxAscent + maxDescent;
    int lineTop = heightOfBlock;
    int lineBottom = heightOfBlock;
    placeBoxesVertically(heightOfBlock, maxHeight, maxAscent, strictMode, lineTop, lineBottom);
    computeVerticalOverflow(lineTop, lineBottom, strictMode, textBoxDataMap);
    setLineTopBottomPositions(lineTop, lineBottom);
    heightOfBlock += maxHeight;
    return heightOfBlock;