Esempio n. 1
template <typename PointT> bool
pcl::SupervoxelClustering<PointT>::prepareForSegmentation ()
  // if user forgot to pass point cloud or if it is empty
  if ( input_->points.size () == 0 )
    return (false);
  //Add the new cloud of data to the octree
  //std::cout << "Populating adjacency octree with new cloud \n";
  //double prep_start = timer_.getTime ();
  if ( (use_default_transform_behaviour_ && input_->isOrganized ())
       || (!use_default_transform_behaviour_ && use_single_camera_transform_))
      adjacency_octree_->setTransformFunction (boost::bind (&SupervoxelClustering::transformFunction, this, _1));

  adjacency_octree_->addPointsFromInputCloud ();
  //double prep_end = timer_.getTime ();
  //std::cout<<"Time elapsed populating octree with next frame ="<<prep_end-prep_start<<" ms\n";
  //Compute normals and insert data for centroids into data field of octree
  //double normals_start = timer_.getTime ();
  computeVoxelData ();
  //double normals_end = timer_.getTime ();
  //std::cout << "Time elapsed finding normals and pushing into octree ="<<normals_end-normals_start<<" ms\n";
  return true;
Esempio n. 2
template <typename PointT> bool
pcl::SupervoxelClustering<PointT>::prepareForSegmentation ()
  // if user forgot to pass point cloud or if it is empty
  if ( input_->points.size () == 0 )
    return (false);
  //Add the new cloud of data to the octree
  //std::cout << "Populating adjacency octree with new cloud \n";
  //double prep_start = timer_.getTime ();
  adjacency_octree_->addPointsFromInputCloud ();
  //double prep_end = timer_.getTime ();
  //std::cout<<"Time elapsed populating octree with next frame ="<<prep_end-prep_start<<" ms\n";
  //Compute normals and insert data for centroids into data field of octree
  //double normals_start = timer_.getTime ();
  computeVoxelData ();
  //double normals_end = timer_.getTime ();
  //std::cout << "Time elapsed finding normals and pushing into octree ="<<normals_end-normals_start<<" ms\n";
  return true;