void WSService::on_tcp_post_init(WSClass& c, websocketpp::connection_hdl hdl) { log_->trace() << log_tag() << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION; auto connection_ptr = c.get_con_from_hdl(hdl); if(!c.is_server()) connection_ptr->add_subprotocol(subprotocol_); try { // Validate SSL certificate X509* x509 = SSL_get_peer_certificate(connection_ptr->get_socket().native_handle()); if(!x509) throw connection_error("Certificate error"); // Detect loopback connection& conn = ws_assignment_[hdl]; conn.remote_pubkey = pubkey_from_cert(x509); conn.remote_endpoint = connection_ptr->get_raw_socket().remote_endpoint(); X509_free(x509); if(provider_.is_loopback(conn.remote_pubkey) || provider_.is_loopback(conn.remote_endpoint)) { provider_.mark_loopback(conn.remote_endpoint); throw connection_error("Loopback detected"); } }catch(std::exception& e) { log_->warn() << log_tag() << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << " e:" << e.what(); connection_ptr->terminate(websocketpp::lib::error_code()); } }
void lcb_server_connect_handler(lcb_connection_t conn, lcb_error_t err) { lcb_server_t *server = (lcb_server_t *)conn->data; struct nameinfo_common nistrs; int sasl_in_progress; int should_do_sasl = 0; if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) { connection_error(server, err); return; } server->inside_handler = 1; sasl_in_progress = (server->sasl_conn != NULL); if (!get_nameinfo(conn, &nistrs)) { /** This normally shouldn't happen! */ connection_error(server, LCB_NETWORK_ERROR); } if (!sasl_in_progress) { int sasl_ok = cbsasl_client_new("couchbase", conn->host, nistrs.local, nistrs.remote, server->instance->sasl.callbacks, 0, &server->sasl_conn); lcb_assert(sasl_ok == SASL_OK); } if (server->index == -1) { should_do_sasl = 1; } else if (vbucket_config_get_user(server->instance->config.handle) != NULL) { should_do_sasl = 1; } if (should_do_sasl) { if (!sasl_in_progress) { start_sasl_auth_server(server); } } else { /* No SASL AUTH needed */ lcb_server_connected(server); } lcb_connection_cancel_timer(conn); lcb_sockrw_apply_want(conn); server->inside_handler = 0; }
static void connection_readable_cb(EV_P_ struct ev_io *watcher, int revents) { connection_t *c = get_ev_data(connection, watcher, read); char buf[BUFFER_CHUNK_SIZE]; if (EV_ERROR & revents) { connection_error(c, "Error reading on connection socket"); return; } size_t received = recv(c->fd, buf, BUFFER_CHUNK_SIZE, 0); ev_timer_again(c->loop, &c->timeout_watcher); if (received == -1) { /* error, closing connection */ connection_errno(c); return; } if (received == 0) { /* received 0 byte, read again next loop */ return; } trace(c->backend, buf, received); request_parse(c, buf, received); }
client::client(const string_type & host, unsigned int port) { char err[ANET_ERR_LEN]; socket_ = anetTcpConnect(err, const_cast<char*>(host.c_str()), port); if (socket_ == ANET_ERR) throw connection_error(err); anetTcpNoDelay(NULL, socket_); }
/** * @brief UDPClient::udpListnerStart * @param ip 监听IP地址 * @param port 监听端口号 */ void UDPClient::udpListnerStart(const QHostAddress ip, const int port) { qDebug("%s", __func__); udpListnerSocket = new QUdpSocket(this); if(!udpListnerSocket->bind(ip, port)) { qWarning("NULL"); } connect(udpListnerSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyListnerRead())); connect(udpListnerSocket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),this,SLOT(connection_error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError))); }
/** * @brief UDPClient::udpStart * @param localIp * @param listnerPort * @param remoteIp * @param remotePort * 启动UDP服务 */ void UDPClient::udpStart(const QHostAddress localIp, const int listnerPort, const QHostAddress remoteIp, const int remotePort) { qDebug("%s", __func__); // 开启发送 if(udpSendSocket == nullptr) { udpSendSocket = new QUdpSocket(this); connect(udpSendSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readySendRead())); connect(udpSendSocket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),this,SLOT(connection_error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError))); } // 开启接收Socket udpListnerStart(localIp, listnerPort); }
void tws::scidb::pool_connection::close() { if(handle_) { const ::scidb::SciDB& db_api = ::scidb::getSciDB(); try { db_api.disconnect(handle_); } catch(const ::scidb::Exception& e) { throw connection_error() << tws::error_description(std::string(e.what())); } catch(...) { throw connection_error() << tws::error_description("could not close connection with coordinator server."); } handle_ = nullptr; } }
void tws::scidb::pool_connection::open() { close(); const ::scidb::SciDB& db_api = ::scidb::getSciDB(); try { handle_ = db_api.connect(coordinator_address_, coordinator_port_); if(handle_ == nullptr) throw connection_error() << tws::error_description("could not connect to the coordinator server."); } catch(const ::scidb::Exception& e) { throw connection_error() << tws::error_description(std::string(e.what())); } catch(...) { throw connection_error() << tws::error_description("could not connect to the coordinator server."); } }
unique_ptr<SocketConnection> Connect(const string& host, int port) { static bool initialized = InitializeSockets(); if (!initialized) { throw socket_error("Unable to initialize sockets."); } struct addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(addrinfo)); hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_IP; const string port_string = std::to_string(port); struct addrinfo* address = nullptr; int result = getaddrinfo(host.c_str(), port_string.c_str(), &hints, &address); for (struct addrinfo* res = address; res != nullptr; res = res->ai_next) { SOCKET s = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol); if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) { continue; } int result = connect(s, res->ai_addr, static_cast<int>(res->ai_addrlen)); if (result == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(s); s = INVALID_SOCKET; continue; } else { // success; freeaddrinfo(address); if (!SetNonBlockingMode(s)) { LOG << "Unable to put socket into nonblocking mode."; closesocket(s); s = INVALID_SOCKET; continue; } if (!SetNoDelayMode(s)) { LOG << "Unable to put socket into nodelay mode."; closesocket(s); s = INVALID_SOCKET; continue; } return unique_ptr<SocketConnection>(new SocketConnection(s, host, port)); } } throw connection_error(host, port); }
void TIDorb::core::comm::UDPConnection::read(unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t offset, size_t length) { try { while (length > 0) { // Copy datagram bytes available in read buffer size_t available = datagram_size - datagram_offset; if (available) { size_t to_copy = MIN(length, available); memcpy(buffer + offset, datagram_buffer + datagram_offset, to_copy); offset += to_copy; length -= to_copy; datagram_offset += to_copy; } else { // Read another datagram TIDSocket::DatagramPacket datagram(datagram_buffer, datagram_max_size, 0, datagram_max_size); socket->receive(datagram); datagram_size = datagram.getLength(); if (datagram_size < 0) { throw CORBA::COMM_FAILURE("read error", 0, CORBA::COMPLETED_NO); } datagram_offset = 0; } } } catch(const TIDSocket::Exception& e) { CORBA::COMM_FAILURE connection_error(e.what(), 0, CORBA::COMPLETED_NO); // TODO: ?seguro que este close()? close_by_broken_connection(connection_error); throw connection_error; } }
void Client::connect( const char* ipcpath ) { if( !connected_ ) { if( !conn_ ) { conn_ = xmmsc_init( name_.c_str() ); } if( !xmmsc_connect( conn_, ipcpath ) ) { throw connection_error( xmmsc_get_last_error( conn_ ) ); } connected_ = true; } if( mainloop_ && !listener_ && typeid(mainloop_) == typeid(MainLoop) ) { listener_ = new Listener( conn_ ); dynamic_cast<MainLoop*>(mainloop_)->addListener( listener_ ); } }
static void connection_writable_cb(EV_P_ struct ev_io *watcher, int revents) { connection_t *c = get_ev_data(connection, watcher, write); if (EV_ERROR & revents) { connection_error(c, "Error writing on connection socket"); return; } if (c->write_buffer.len == 0) return; char *buf = (char *) c->write_buffer.ptr + c->write_buffer.offset; size_t len = c->write_buffer.len - c->write_buffer.offset; trace(c->backend, buf, len); size_t sent = send(c->fd, buf, len, 0); ev_timer_again(c->loop, &c->timeout_watcher); if (sent < 0) { /* error, closing connection */ connection_errno(c); return; } c->write_buffer.offset += sent; if (buffer_eof(&c->write_buffer)) { /* if all the buffer is written we can clear it from memory */ buffer_reset(&c->write_buffer); /* we can stream the request, so do not close it unless it's marked * as finished */ if (c->finished) connection_close(c); } }
void TIDorb::core::comm::UDPConnection::write(unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t offset, size_t length) { try { size_t numWrittenNow = 0; TIDSocket::InetSocketAddress addr(initial_point._host, initial_point._port, _orb->conf().prefer_ipv6); TIDSocket::DatagramPacket datagram(buffer, buffer_size, offset, length, addr); char* interface = NULL; if (_orb->conf().prefer_ipv6) { string point = initial_point._host; string::size_type colon_position = point.find('%'); if (colon_position != string::npos) interface = CORBA::string_dup(point.substr(colon_position + 1).c_str()); } while (length > 0) { socket->send(datagram); numWrittenNow = datagram.getLength(); if (numWrittenNow < 0) { throw CORBA::COMM_FAILURE("write error", 0, CORBA::COMPLETED_NO); } offset += numWrittenNow; length -= numWrittenNow; datagram.setData(buffer, buffer_size, offset, length); } } catch(const TIDSocket::Exception& e) { CORBA::COMM_FAILURE connection_error(e.what(), 0, CORBA::COMPLETED_NO); close_by_broken_connection(connection_error); throw connection_error; } }
void cluster::try_connect_next_endpoint(connect_handler handler, boost::asio::io_service &ioService) { check_for_expired_deaths(); //any more endpoints left? if (_liveEndpoints.size() == 0) { handler(nullptr, connection_error("no nodes available")); return; } cluster_endpoint::ptr ep = this->random_endpoint(); cluster_connection::ptr conn = std::make_shared<cluster_connection>(ep, ioService); connect_context ctx = { handler, ep, conn }; conn->connect(std::bind(&cluster::connection_result, this, _1, ctx)); }
int server(unsigned short port, int demarcaciones, int taxPorDemarcacion, int iters, int timeout_millis, int txdelay_millis, bool debug) { connection_t conn; packet_t outgoing; packet_t * incoming; if (!connection_server(&conn, port)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to spawn server on port %u: ", port); connection_error(&conn, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return 1; } if (debug) { connection_debug(&conn, stderr); } gestion_taxi_t * taxis = calloc(demarcaciones * taxPorDemarcacion, sizeof(gestion_taxi_t)); if (taxis == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for taxi stats structure: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for clientes at port: [%d]\n", port); int connected = 0; int pendingAccAck = demarcaciones * taxPorDemarcacion; while (pendingAccAck > 0) { if (!connection_receive(&conn, &incoming, NULL)) { /* TODO: check how to safely implement a timeout here */ fprintf(stderr, "Error receiving login packet: "); connection_error(&conn, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if (connection_dead(&conn)) { connection_close(&conn); free(taxis); return 1; } continue; } bool duplicate = false; int pos; switch (incoming->type) { case PACKET_TYPE_LOGIN: if (incoming->login.version != PACKET_VERSION) { fprintf(stderr, "Got LOGIN with version %08X but server version is %08X\n", incoming->login.version, PACKET_VERSION); connection_discard(&conn); continue; } connection_accept(&conn); for (pos = 0; pos < connected; pos++) { if (connection_cmp(&taxis[pos].conexionConTaxi, &conn)) { duplicate = true; fprintf(stderr, "Got duplicated login packet from taxi %d-%d. Re-sending acknowledgement\n", pos / taxPorDemarcacion, pos % taxPorDemarcacion); break; } } if (!duplicate) { if (connected == taxPorDemarcacion * demarcaciones) { fprintf(stderr, "Received new LOGIN but all taxis have been already registered\n"); continue; } fprintf(stderr, "Registered new taxi %d-%d\n", connected / taxPorDemarcacion, connected % taxPorDemarcacion); memcpy(&taxis[connected].conexionConTaxi, &conn, sizeof(conn)); connected++; } outgoing.type = PACKET_TYPE_ACCEPT; outgoing.accept.zone = pos / taxPorDemarcacion; outgoing.accept.id = pos % taxPorDemarcacion; outgoing.accept.neighbors = taxPorDemarcacion - 1; outgoing.accept.ticks = iters; outgoing.accept.timeout = timeout_millis; outgoing.accept.txdelay = txdelay_millis; if (!connection_send(&conn, &outgoing)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error replying to login packet: "); connection_error(&conn, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); connection_close(&conn); free(taxis); return 1; } break; case PACKET_TYPE_ACCACK: if (incoming->accack.zone >= demarcaciones || incoming->accack.id >= taxPorDemarcacion) { fprintf(stderr, "Received illegal accept acknowledgement from taxi %u-%u\n", incoming->accack.zone, incoming->accack.id); connection_discard(&conn); continue; } connection_accept(&conn); gestion_taxi_t * taxi = &taxis[incoming->accack.zone * taxPorDemarcacion + incoming->accack.id]; if (!taxi->hasAckdAccept) { taxi->hasAckdAccept = true; pendingAccAck--; } break; default: connection_discard(&conn); fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected packet %s during login phase. Discarding.\n", packet_name(incoming)); continue; } } outgoing.type = PACKET_TYPE_START; for (int pos = 0; pos < demarcaciones * taxPorDemarcacion; pos++) { if (!connection_send(&taxis[pos].conexionConTaxi, &outgoing)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error sending start packet: "); connection_error(&conn, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); connection_close(&conn); free(taxis); return 1; } } int statsRcv = 0; struct timeval defaulttimeout = { (timeout_millis * 2) / 1000, ((timeout_millis * 2) % 1000) * 1000 }; struct timeval timeout = defaulttimeout; while (statsRcv < demarcaciones * taxPorDemarcacion) { if (!connection_receive(&conn, &incoming, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error receiving packet in main loop: "); connection_error(&conn, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if (conn.err == CONNERR_TIMEOUT) { break; } if (connection_dead(&conn)) { connection_close(&conn); free(taxis); return 1; } continue; } gestion_taxi_t * taxi; switch (incoming->type) { case PACKET_TYPE_ACCACK: outgoing.type = PACKET_TYPE_START; if (!connection_send(&conn, &outgoing)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to send start packet in main loop: "); connection_error(&conn, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); connection_close(&conn); return 1; } timeout = defaulttimeout; break; case PACKET_TYPE_POSITION: if (incoming->position.zone > demarcaciones || incoming->position.id > taxPorDemarcacion) { fprintf(stderr, "Received position from illegal taxi %u-%u\n", outgoing.position.zone, outgoing.position.id); connection_discard(&conn); continue; } for (int neighbor = 0; neighbor < taxPorDemarcacion; neighbor++) { if (neighbor == incoming->position.id) { continue; } if (!connection_send(&taxis[incoming->position.zone * taxPorDemarcacion + neighbor].conexionConTaxi, incoming)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error forwarding position packet: "); connection_error(&taxis[incoming->position.zone * taxPorDemarcacion + neighbor].conexionConTaxi, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); connection_close(&conn); free(taxis); return 1; } } timeout = defaulttimeout; connection_accept(&conn); break; case PACKET_TYPE_POSACK: if (incoming->posack.zone > demarcaciones || incoming->posack.id > taxPorDemarcacion) { fprintf(stderr, "Received acknowledgement from illegal taxi %u-%u\n", incoming->posack.zone, incoming->posack.id); break; } if (incoming->posack.neighbor > taxPorDemarcacion) { fprintf(stderr, "Received acknowledgement from %u-%u targeting out-of-bounds taxi %u-%u\n", incoming->posack.zone, incoming->posack.id, incoming->posack.zone, incoming->posack.neighbor); break; } taxi = &taxis[incoming->posack.zone * taxPorDemarcacion + incoming->posack.neighbor]; if (!connection_send(&taxi->conexionConTaxi, incoming)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error forwarding acknowledgement packet: "); connection_error(&taxi->conexionConTaxi, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); connection_close(&conn); free(taxis); return 1; } timeout = defaulttimeout; connection_accept(&conn); break; case PACKET_TYPE_STATS: taxi = &taxis[incoming->stats.zone * taxPorDemarcacion + incoming->stats.id]; if (!taxi->hasSentStats) { printf("%u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u\n", incoming->stats.zone, incoming->stats.id, incoming->stats.ticks, incoming->stats.posrcv, incoming->stats.ackrcv, incoming->stats.itmin, incoming->stats.itavg, incoming->stats.itmax ); taxi->hasSentStats = true; statsRcv++; } outgoing.type = PACKET_TYPE_STATACK; if (!connection_send(&taxi->conexionConTaxi, &outgoing)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error sending stats acknowledgement packet: "); connection_error(&taxi->conexionConTaxi, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); connection_close(&conn); free(taxis); return 1; } timeout = defaulttimeout; connection_accept(&conn); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected packet %s during main loop\n", packet_name(incoming)); connection_discard(&conn); continue; } } // TODO: Interpretar estadísticas return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* check arguments, need hostname/IP and port of cache-server */ if (argc < 3) { printf("Usage: %s [host] [port]\n", argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } struct tr_socket tr_tcp; struct tr_tcp_config tcp_config = { argv[1], argv[2], NULL }; struct rtr_socket rtr_tcp; struct rtr_mgr_config *conf; struct rtr_mgr_group groups[1]; /* init a TCP transport and create rtr socket */ tr_tcp_init(&tcp_config, &tr_tcp); rtr_tcp.tr_socket = &tr_tcp; /* create a rtr_mgr_group array with 1 element */ groups[0].sockets = malloc(1 * sizeof(struct rtr_socket *)); groups[0].sockets_len = 1; groups[0].sockets[0] = &rtr_tcp; groups[0].preference = 1; if (rtr_mgr_init(&conf, groups, 1, 30, 600, 600, NULL, NULL, &connection_status_callback, NULL) < 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; rtr_mgr_start(conf); char input[256]; int sleep_counter = 0; /* wait till at least one rtr_mgr_group is synchronized with server */ while (!rtr_mgr_conf_in_sync(conf)) { if (connection_error(connection_status)) return EXIT_FAILURE; sleep(1); sleep_counter++; if (sleep_counter >= connection_timeout) { /* * Wait for input before printing "timeout", * to avoid "broken pipee error while communicating * with the Python program */ if (fgets(input, 256, stdin)) ; printf("timeout\n"); fflush(stdout); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } char ip[128]; int mask; int asn; int counter; /* loop for input */ while (1) { int input_len; int spaces; /* recheck connection, exit on failure */ if (connection_error(connection_status)) return EXIT_FAILURE; /* try reading from stdin, exit on failure */ if (!fgets(input, 256, stdin)) { printf("input error\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* remove newline, if present */ input_len = strlen(input) - 1; if (input[input_len] == '\n') input[input_len] = '\0'; /* check if there are exactly 3 arguments */ spaces = 0; for (counter = 0; counter < input_len; counter++) { if (input[counter] == ' ' && input[counter + 1] != ' ' && input[counter + 1] != '\0' && counter != 0) spaces++; } /* check input matching pattern */ if (spaces != 2) { printf("Arguments required: IP Mask ASN\n"); fflush(stdout); continue; } char delims[] = " "; char *input_tok = NULL; input_tok = strtok(input, delims); strcpy(ip, input_tok); input_tok = strtok(NULL, delims); mask = atoi(input_tok); input_tok = strtok(NULL, delims); asn = atoi(input_tok); struct lrtr_ip_addr pref; enum pfxv_state result; struct pfx_record *reason = NULL; unsigned int reason_len = 0; lrtr_ip_str_to_addr(ip, &pref); /* do validation */ pfx_table_validate_r(groups[0].sockets[0]->pfx_table, &reason, &reason_len, asn, &pref, mask, &result); int validity_code = -1; /* translate validation result */ if (result == BGP_PFXV_STATE_VALID) validity_code = 0; else if (result == BGP_PFXV_STATE_NOT_FOUND) validity_code = 1; else if (result == BGP_PFXV_STATE_INVALID) validity_code = 2; /* IP Mask BGP-ASN| */ printf("%s %d %d|", ip, mask, asn); /* ROA-ASN IP MaskMin MaskMax, ... */ if (reason && (reason_len > 0)) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < reason_len; i++) { char tmp[100]; lrtr_ip_addr_to_str(&reason[i].prefix, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); printf("%u %s %u %u", reason[i].asn, tmp, reason[i].min_len, reason[i].max_len); if ((i + 1) < reason_len) printf(","); } } /* |validity_code */ printf("|%d", validity_code); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } rtr_mgr_stop(conf); rtr_mgr_free(conf); free(groups[0].sockets); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }