int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("Start Client\n"); char *ip = ""; if (argc > 1) ip = argv[1]; int do_sig = 0; if (argc > 2) do_sig = atoi(argv[2]); // Init modules udpInit(ip, do_sig); signalerInit(); controllerInit(); // Tasks with corresponding functions pthread_t tasks[NUM_THREADS]; taskFunc_t taskFunctions[NUM_THREADS] = { udpTaskFunction, controllerTaskFunction, signalerTaskFunction }; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS - (1 ^ do_sig); ++i) pthread_create(&tasks[i], NULL, taskFunctions[i], NULL); // Only wait for controller, NB task id pthread_join(tasks[1], NULL); // Cleanup modules controllerCleanup(); signalerCleanup(); udpCleanup(); return 0; }
void stabilizerInit(void) { if (isInit) return; motorsInit(); imu6Init(); sensfusion6Init(); controllerInit(); rollRateDesired = 0; pitchRateDesired = 0; yawRateDesired = 0; xTaskCreate(stabilizerTask, (const signed char * const )"STABILIZER", 2*configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, /*Piority*/2, NULL); isInit = TRUE; }
void stabilizerInit(void) { if(isInit) return; motorsInit(); imu6Init(); sensfusion6Init(); controllerInit(); rollRateDesired = 0; pitchRateDesired = 0; yawRateDesired = 0; xTaskCreate(stabilizerTask, (const signed char * const)STABILIZER_TASK_NAME, STABILIZER_TASK_STACKSIZE, NULL, STABILIZER_TASK_PRI, NULL); isInit = true; }
void stabilizerInit(void) { if(isInit) return; motorsInit(motorMapDefaultBrushed); imu6Init(); sensfusion6Init(); controllerInit(); rollDesired = 0; pitchDesired = 0; yawDesired = 0; xTaskCreate(stabilizerTask, STABILIZER_TASK_NAME, STABILIZER_TASK_STACKSIZE, NULL, STABILIZER_TASK_PRI, NULL); isInit = true; }
void trainTaskInit(void) { clockInitTask(); mioInit(); tioInit(); logInit(); Create(31, idlerTask); Delay(50); vtInit(); turnoutInit(); sensorInit(); parserInit(); clockDrawerInit(); controllerInit(); freightInit(); initTrackA(nodes, hashtbl); }
void stabilizerInit(void) { if(isInit) return; motorsInit(motorMapBrushed); imu6Init(); sensfusion6Init(); controllerInit(); #if defined(SITAW_ENABLED) sitAwInit(); #endif rollRateDesired = 0; pitchRateDesired = 0; yawRateDesired = 0; xTaskCreate(stabilizerTask, (const signed char * const)STABILIZER_TASK_NAME, STABILIZER_TASK_STACKSIZE, NULL, STABILIZER_TASK_PRI, NULL); isInit = true; }
/** * The main() creates tasks or "threads". See the documentation of scheduler_task class at cpp_task.hpp * for details. There is a very simple example towards the beginning of this class's declaration. * * @warning SPI #1 bus usage notes (interfaced to SD & Flash): * - You can read/write files from multiple tasks because it automatically goes through SPI semaphore. * - If you are going to use the SPI Bus in a FreeRTOS task, you need to use the API at L4_IO/fat/spi_sem.h * * @warning SPI #0 usage notes (Nordic wireless) * - This bus is more tricky to use because if FreeRTOS is not running, the RIT interrupt may use the bus. * - If FreeRTOS is running, then wireless task may use it. * In either case, you should avoid using this bus or interfacing to external components because * there is no semaphore configured for this bus and it should be used exclusively by nordic wireless. */ int main(void) { controllerInit(); scheduler_add_task(new canRxBufferTask(PRIORITY_CRITICAL)); scheduler_add_task(new canRxProcessTask(PRIORITY_HIGH)); /** * A few basic tasks for this bare-bone system : * 1. Terminal task provides gateway to interact with the board through UART terminal. * 2. Remote task allows you to use remote control to interact with the board. * 3. Wireless task responsible to receive, retry, and handle mesh network. * * Disable remote task if you are not using it. Also, it needs SYS_CFG_ENABLE_TLM * such that it can save remote control codes to non-volatile memory. IR remote * control codes can be learned by typing "learn" command. */ scheduler_add_task(new terminalTask(PRIORITY_HIGH)); /* Consumes very little CPU, but need highest priority to handle mesh network ACKs */ scheduler_add_task(new wirelessTask(PRIORITY_CRITICAL)); /* The task for the IR receiver */ // scheduler_add_task(new remoteTask (PRIORITY_LOW)); /* Your tasks should probably used PRIORITY_MEDIUM or PRIORITY_LOW because you * want the terminal task to always be responsive so you can poke around in * case something goes wrong. */ /** * This is a the board demonstration task that can be used to test the board. * This also shows you how to send a wireless packets to other boards. */ #if 0 scheduler_add_task(new example_io_demo()); #endif /** * Change "#if 0" to "#if 1" to enable examples. * Try these examples one at a time. */ #if 0 scheduler_add_task(new example_task()); scheduler_add_task(new example_alarm()); scheduler_add_task(new example_logger_qset()); scheduler_add_task(new example_nv_vars()); #endif /** * Try the rx / tx tasks together to see how they queue data to each other. */ #if 0 scheduler_add_task(new queue_tx()); scheduler_add_task(new queue_rx()); #endif /** * Another example of shared handles and producer/consumer using a queue. * In this example, producer will produce as fast as the consumer can consume. */ #if 0 scheduler_add_task(new producer()); scheduler_add_task(new consumer()); #endif /** * If you have RN-XV on your board, you can connect to Wifi using this task. * This does two things for us: * 1. The task allows us to perform HTTP web requests (@see wifiTask) * 2. Terminal task can accept commands from TCP/IP through Wifly module. * * To add terminal command channel, add this at terminal.cpp :: taskEntry() function: * @code * // Assuming Wifly is on Uart3 * addCommandChannel(Uart3::getInstance(), false); * @endcode */ #if 0 Uart3 &u3 = Uart3::getInstance(); u3.init(WIFI_BAUD_RATE, WIFI_RXQ_SIZE, WIFI_TXQ_SIZE); scheduler_add_task(new wifiTask(Uart3::getInstance(), PRIORITY_LOW)); #endif scheduler_start(); ///< This shouldn't return return -1; }
int main(void) { u8 i; u8 RecvBuf[32]; u8 SendBuf[32]; u8 offline = 0; u8 recv_flag = 0; u32 pd2ms=0,pd20ams=0,pd20bms=0,pd100ms=0; SystemInit(); RCC_Configuration(); NVIC_Configuration(); GPIO_Configuration(); USART1_Configuration(); dbgPrintf(" Init Ticktack !\r\n"); cycleCounterInit(); SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000); for(i=0;i<2;i++) { OP_LED1;OP_LED2;OP_LED3;OP_LED4; delay_ms(500); OP_LED1;OP_LED2;OP_LED3;OP_LED4; delay_ms(500); } FilterInit(); controllerInit(); dbgPrintf(" Init eeprom!\r\n"); FLASH_Unlock(); EE_Init(); EE_Read_ACC_GYRO_Offset(); /* 如果PID丢失或者错误,将下面两行注释去掉,重新编译烧写,运行一遍,可将PID还原,然后重新注释,再烧写一遍 */ //EE_Write_PID(); //EE_Write_Rate_PID(); EE_Read_PID(); EE_Read_Rate_PID(); dbgPrintf(" Init adc!\r\n"); ADC_DMA_Init(); dbgPrintf(" Init NRF24L01 !\r\n"); SPI_NRF_Init(); Nrf24l01_Init(); NRF24l01_SetRxMode(); while(Nrf24l01_Check()) { dbgPrintf("NRF24L01 Fault !\r\n"); delay_ms(500); } dbgPrintf("NRF24L01 Is Detected !\r\n"); dbgPrintf("Init MPU6050...\r\n"); IIC_Init(); MPU6050_initialize(); dbgPrintf("Init Motor...\r\n"); Motor_Init(); Motor_SetPwm(0,0,0,0); pd20bms = TIMIRQCNT + 10*ITS_PER_MS; while(1) { if(TIMIRQCNT>pd2ms + 2*ITS_PER_MS-1) // every 4ms { GetEulerAngle(); if(lock_flag==UNLOCK) AttitudeToMotors(angle.y,angle.x,angle.z); else { MOTOR1=0; MOTOR2=0; MOTOR3=0; MOTOR4=0; } Motor_SetPwm(MOTOR1,MOTOR2,MOTOR3,MOTOR4); pd2ms = TIMIRQCNT; } if(TIMIRQCNT>pd20ams + 20*ITS_PER_MS-1) // every 20ms { if(NRF24l01_Recv(RecvBuf)>10) { if((RecvBuf[RecvBuf[2]+3]==CheckSum(RecvBuf, RecvBuf[2]+3))&&(RecvBuf[0]==0xAA)) { if(RecvBuf[1]!=0xC0) OP_LED1; offline=0; switch(RecvBuf[1]) { case 0xC0: //control Getdesireddata(RecvBuf); OP_LED2; break; case 0x10: //W PID SetPID(RecvBuf); break; case 0x11: //W Attitude SetAccGyroOffset(RecvBuf); break; case 0x12: //W Control offset break; case 0x14: //W Rate PID SetRatePID(RecvBuf); break; case 0x20: //R PID recv_flag = RESEND; GetPID(SendBuf); break; case 0x21: //R Attitude recv_flag = RESEND; GetAccGyroOffset(SendBuf); break; case 0x22: //R Control offset break; case 0x24: //R Rate PID recv_flag = RESEND; GetRatePID(SendBuf); break; case 0x40: //校准姿态 EnableCalibration(); break; case 0x41: //校准遥控器零点 break; default: break; } } } pd20ams = TIMIRQCNT; } if(TIMIRQCNT>pd20bms + 20*ITS_PER_MS-1) // every 20ms { if(recv_flag==0) GetState(SendBuf); else recv_flag--; NRF_SendData(SendBuf); OP_LED3; pd20bms = TIMIRQCNT; } if(TIMIRQCNT>pd100ms + 100*ITS_PER_MS-1) // every 100ms { if(offline>20) lock_flag = LOCK; offline++; // OP_LED4; pd100ms = TIMIRQCNT; } } }