Esempio n. 1
Boolean Process::getCreationDate (CIMDateTime & d)
    long status,
    char cimtime[80] = "";
    char log_string[] = "SYS$TIMEZONE_DAYLIGHT_SAVING";
    char libdst;
    unsigned __int64 bintime = 0;
    unsigned short int timbuf[7];
    unsigned long libop,
    unsigned int retlen;
    struct tm timetm;
    struct tm *ptimetm = &timetm;
    static $DESCRIPTOR (lnm_tbl, "LNM$SYSTEM");
      unsigned short wLength;
      unsigned short wCode;
      void *pBuffer;
      unsigned int *pRetLen;
      int term;

      bintime = pInfo->p_stime;

      libop = LIB$K_DAY_OF_WEEK;
      status = lib$cvt_from_internal_time (&libop, &libdayweek, &bintime);
    if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS (status))
      return false;

    libop = LIB$K_DAY_OF_YEAR;
    status = lib$cvt_from_internal_time (&libop, &libdayear, &bintime);
    if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS (status))
      return false;

    dst_desc[0] = strlen (log_string);
    dst_desc[1] = (long) log_string;
    item_list.wLength = 1;
    item_list.wCode = LNM$_STRING;
    item_list.pBuffer = &libdst;
    item_list.pRetLen = &retlen;
    item_list.term = 0;

    status = sys$trnlnm (0, &lnm_tbl, &dst_desc, 0, &item_list);
    if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS (status))
      return false;

    status = sys$numtim (timbuf, &bintime);
    if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS (status))
      return false;

    timetm.tm_sec = timbuf[5];
    timetm.tm_min = timbuf[4];
    timetm.tm_hour = timbuf[3];
    timetm.tm_mday = timbuf[2];
    timetm.tm_mon = timbuf[1] - 1;
    timetm.tm_year = timbuf[0] - 1900;
    timetm.tm_wday = libdayweek - 1;
    timetm.tm_yday = libdayear - 1;
    timetm.tm_isdst = 0;
    if (libdst != 48)
      timetm.tm_isdst = 1;
    timetm.tm_gmtoff = -18000;
    timetm.tm_zone = "EST";

    if (convertToCIMDateString (ptimetm, cimtime) != -1)
      d = CIMDateTime (cimtime);
      return true;
    return false;
Esempio n. 2
Boolean Process::getCreationDate (CIMDateTime & d)
    long status;
    long dst_desc[2];
    char cimtime[80] = "";
    char log_string[] = "SYS$TIMEZONE_DAYLIGHT_SAVING";
    char libdst;
    unsigned __int64 bintime = 0;
    unsigned short int timbuf[7];
    unsigned long libop;
    unsigned long libdayweek;
    unsigned long libdayear;
    unsigned int retlen;
    struct tm timetm;
    struct tm *ptimetm = &timetm;

    // Added to get system uptime for SWAPPER process - PTR 73-51-29
    long item = SYI$_BOOTTIME;
    char t_string[24] = "";
    unsigned __int64  val = 0;
    struct dsc$descriptor_s sysinfo;

    sysinfo.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
    sysinfo.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
    sysinfo.dsc$w_length = sizeof (t_string);
    sysinfo.dsc$a_pointer = t_string;

    static $DESCRIPTOR (lnm_tbl, "LNM$SYSTEM");
        unsigned short wLength;
        unsigned short wCode;
        void *pBuffer;
        unsigned int *pRetLen;
        int term;
    } dst_item_list;

    bintime = pInfo.p_stime;

    libop = LIB$K_DAY_OF_WEEK;
    status = lib$cvt_from_internal_time (&libop, &libdayweek, &bintime);
    if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS (status))
        return false;

    libop = LIB$K_DAY_OF_YEAR;
    status = lib$cvt_from_internal_time (&libop, &libdayear, &bintime);
    if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS (status))
        return false;

    dst_desc[0] = strlen (log_string);
    dst_desc[1] = (long) log_string;
    dst_item_list.wLength = 1;
    dst_item_list.wCode = LNM$_STRING;
    dst_item_list.pBuffer = &libdst;
    dst_item_list.pRetLen = &retlen;
    dst_item_list.term = 0;

    status = sys$trnlnm (0, &lnm_tbl, &dst_desc, 0, &dst_item_list);
    if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS (status))
        return false;

    //  Added to get sysuptime for SWAPPER process --- PTR 73-51-29
    if (bintime == 0)
        status = lib$getsyi(&item, 0, &sysinfo, &val, 0, 0);
        status = sys$bintim(&sysinfo, &bintime);

    status = sys$numtim (timbuf, &bintime);
    if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS (status))
        return false;

    timetm.tm_sec = timbuf[5];
    timetm.tm_min = timbuf[4];
    timetm.tm_hour = timbuf[3];
    timetm.tm_mday = timbuf[2];
    timetm.tm_mon = timbuf[1] - 1;
    timetm.tm_year = timbuf[0] - 1900;
    timetm.tm_wday = libdayweek - 1;
    timetm.tm_yday = libdayear - 1;
    timetm.tm_isdst = 0;
    if (libdst != 48)
        timetm.tm_isdst = 1;
    timetm.tm_gmtoff = -18000;
    timetm.tm_zone = "EST";

    if (convertToCIMDateString (ptimetm, cimtime) != -1)
        d = CIMDateTime (cimtime);
        return true;
    return false;
Esempio n. 3
Boolean ComputerSystem::getInstallDate(CIMProperty& p)
   int status, istr;
   char record1[512], *rptr1=0;
   FILE *fptr1=0;
   unsigned __int64 bintime=0;
   unsigned short int timbuf[7], val=0;
   char cimtime[80]="";
   struct tm timetm;
   struct tm *ptimetm=&timetm;
   time_t tme=0, tme1=0;
   char t_string[24]="", libdst;
   unsigned int retlen;
   unsigned long libop, libdayweek, libdayear;
   long dst_desc[2];
   char log_string[]="SYS$TIMEZONE_DAYLIGHT_SAVING";
   struct dsc$descriptor_s sysinfo;
   static $DESCRIPTOR(lnm_tbl,"LNM$SYSTEM");
   struct {
        unsigned short wLength;
        unsigned short wCode;
        void*    pBuffer;
        unsigned int* pRetLen;
        int term;
        } item_list;


   status = system("pipe product show history openvms | search/nolog/nowarn/out=history.out sys$input install");
   if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) return false;

   if (fptr1 = fopen("history.out", "r"))
        while (fgets(record1, sizeof(record1), fptr1))
           for (istr=0; istr<=(sizeof(record1)-4); istr++)
                if ((rptr1 = strstr(record1+istr,"-")) && !strncmp(rptr1+4,"-",1)) break;
                rptr1 = 0;
           if (rptr1)
                tme1 = mktime(ptimetm);		/* get timezone */
		status = sys$bintim (&sysinfo, &bintime);
		if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) return false;

		status=lib$cvt_from_internal_time (&libop,&libdayweek,&bintime);
		if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) return false;

		status=lib$cvt_from_internal_time (&libop,&libdayear,&bintime);
		if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) return false;

		dst_desc[0]  = strlen(log_string);
		dst_desc[1]  = (long) log_string;
		item_list.wLength = 1;
		item_list.wCode = LNM$_STRING;
		item_list.pBuffer = &libdst;
		item_list.pRetLen = &retlen;
		item_list.term =0;

		status = sys$trnlnm (0,&lnm_tbl,&dst_desc,0,&item_list);
		if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) return false;

		status = sys$numtim(timbuf,&bintime);
		if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) return false;

		timetm.tm_sec = timbuf[5];
		timetm.tm_min = timbuf[4];
		timetm.tm_hour = timbuf[3];
		timetm.tm_mday = timbuf[2];
		timetm.tm_mon = timbuf[1]-1;
		timetm.tm_year = timbuf[0]-1900;
		timetm.tm_wday = libdayweek-1;
		timetm.tm_yday = libdayear-1;
		timetm.tm_isdst = 0;
		if (libdst != 48) timetm.tm_isdst = 1;

		status = convertToCIMDateString(ptimetm,cimtime);
		if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) return false;

		CIMDateTime _installDate(cimtime);
		p = CIMProperty(PROPERTY_INSTALL_DATE, _installDate);
                fclose (fptr1);
                status = system("if (f$search(\"history.out\") .nes. \"\") then delete history.out;*");
                return true;
           } // end if (rptr1 = strstr(record1,"Install"))
        fclose (fptr1);
        status = system("if (f$search(\"history.out\") .nes. \"\") then delete history.out;*");
        return false;
   } // end if (fptr1 = fopen(history.out, "r"))
        fclose (fptr1);
        status = system("if (f$search(\"history.out\") .nes. \"\") then delete history.out;*");
        return false;