bool IndexBuffer::init(size_t count, IndexBufferType type, BufferUsage usage) { m_type = type; m_usage = usage; m_count = count; glGenBuffers(1, &m_bufferID); m_context.setCurrentIndexBuffer(this); glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_count * typeSize(m_type), nullptr, convertToGL(m_usage)); if (!checkGL("Error during creation of index buffer of element size %u", (uint) typeSize(m_type))) { m_context.setCurrentIndexBuffer(nullptr); return false; } if (RenderStats* stats = m_context.stats()) stats->addIndexBuffer(size()); return true; }
bool VertexBuffer::init(const VertexFormat& format, size_t count, BufferUsage usage) { m_format = format; m_usage = usage; m_count = count; glGenBuffers(1, &m_bufferID); m_context.setCurrentVertexBuffer(this); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_count * m_format.size(), nullptr, convertToGL(m_usage)); if (!checkGL("Error during creation of vertex buffer of format %s", m_format.asString().c_str())) { m_context.setCurrentVertexBuffer(nullptr); return false; } if (RenderStats* stats = m_context.stats()) stats->addVertexBuffer(size()); return true; }
void AccelerometerTest::onAcceleration(Acceleration* acc, Event* event) { // double fNow = pAccelerationValue->timestamp; // // if (_lastTime > 0.0) // { // auto ptNow = convertToUI // } // // _lastTime = fNow; auto pDir = Director::getInstance(); /*FIXME: Testing on the Nexus S sometimes _ball is NULL */ if ( _ball == NULL ) { return; } auto ballSize = _ball->getContentSize(); auto ptNow = _ball->getPosition(); auto ptTemp = pDir->convertToUI(ptNow); ptTemp.x += acc->x * 9.81f; ptTemp.y -= acc->y * 9.81f; auto ptNext = pDir->convertToGL(ptTemp); FIX_POS(ptNext.x, (VisibleRect::left().x+ballSize.width / 2.0), (VisibleRect::right().x - ballSize.width / 2.0)); FIX_POS(ptNext.y, (VisibleRect::bottom().y+ballSize.height / 2.0), (VisibleRect::top().y - ballSize.height / 2.0)); _ball->setPosition(ptNext); }
void VertexBuffer::discard() { m_context.setCurrentVertexBuffer(this); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_count * m_format.size(), nullptr, convertToGL(m_usage)); #if WENDY_DEBUG checkGL("Error during vertex buffer discard"); #endif }
bool TextureFramebuffer::setBuffer(Attachment attachment, Texture* newTexture, const TextureImage& image, uint z) { if (isColorAttachment(attachment)) { const RenderLimits& limits = m_context.limits(); const uint index = attachment - COLOR_BUFFER0; if (index >= limits.maxColorAttachments) { logError("OpenGL context supports at most %u FBO color attachments", limits.maxColorAttachments); return false; } if (index >= limits.maxDrawBuffers) { logError("OpenGL context supports at most %u draw buffers", limits.maxDrawBuffers); return false; } } Framebuffer& previous = m_context.currentFramebuffer(); apply(); if (m_textures[attachment]) m_textures[attachment]->detach(convertToGL(attachment)); m_textures[attachment] = newTexture; if (m_textures[attachment]) m_textures[attachment]->attach(convertToGL(attachment), image, z); previous.apply(); return true; }
bool ClickedMe(const EventMouse* event, const Node *node) { auto rect = node->getBoundingBox(); Vec2 click; if (std::string(cocos2dVersion()) == "cocos2d-x 3.5") { // Maybe a bug in cocos2d-x 3.4 - auto dir = Director::getInstance(); click = dir->convertToGL(Vec2( event->getLocation().x, event->getLocation().y - Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize().height) ); } else { click = event->getLocation(); } return rect.containsPoint(click); }
void TextureFramebuffer::apply() const { glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_bufferID); GLenum enables[5]; GLsizei count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(enables) / sizeof(enables[0]); i++) { Attachment attachment = (Attachment) i; if (m_textures[i] && isColorAttachment(attachment)) enables[count++] = convertToGL(attachment); } if (count) glDrawBuffers(count, enables); else glDrawBuffer(GL_NONE); #if WENDY_DEBUG checkGL("Error when applying image framebuffer"); #endif }
inline Point locationInGLFromTouch(Touch& touch) { auto director = Director::getInstance(); return director->convertToGL(touch.getLocationInView()); }