Esempio n. 1
/*   error, or stop the service. */
static VOID
StopService(LPTSTR lpszMsg)
  CHAR chMsg[256];
  HANDLE hEventSource;
  LPTSTR lpszStrings[2];

  dwGlobalErr = GetLastError();

  /*  Use event logging to log the error. */
  hEventSource = RegisterEventSource(NULL, THIS_SERVICE);

  sprintf(chMsg, "%s error: %s", THIS_SERVICE, convert_error(dwGlobalErr));
  lpszStrings[0] = chMsg;
  lpszStrings[1] = lpszMsg;

  if (hEventSource) {
    ReportEvent(hEventSource,   /*  handle of event source */
                EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE,    /*  event type */
                0,              /*  event category */
                0,              /*  event ID */
                NULL,           /*  current user's SID */
                2,              /*  strings in lpszStrings */
                0,              /*  no bytes of raw data */
                lpszStrings,    /*  array of error strings */
                NULL);          /*  no raw data */

    (VOID) DeregisterEventSource(hEventSource);
  if (threadHandle)
    TerminateThread(threadHandle, 1);
}                               /*  end of StopService */
static bool write_compressed_texture(
    mipmapped_texture& work_tex, convert_params& params, crn_comp_params& comp_params, pixel_format dst_format, progress_params& progress_state, bool perceptual, convert_stats& stats) {
  comp_params.m_file_type = (params.m_dst_file_type == texture_file_types::cFormatCRN) ? cCRNFileTypeCRN : cCRNFileTypeDDS;

  comp_params.m_pProgress_func = crn_progress_callback;
  comp_params.m_pProgress_func_data = &progress_state;
  comp_params.set_flag(cCRNCompFlagPerceptual, perceptual);

  crn_format crn_fmt = pixel_format_helpers::convert_pixel_format_to_best_crn_format(dst_format);
  comp_params.m_format = crn_fmt;

  console::message("Writing %s texture to file: \"%s\"", crn_get_format_string(crn_fmt), params.m_dst_filename.get_ptr());

  uint32 actual_quality_level;
  float actual_bitrate;
  bool status = work_tex.write_to_file(params.m_dst_filename.get_ptr(), params.m_dst_file_type, &comp_params, &actual_quality_level, &actual_bitrate);
  if (!status)
    return convert_error(params, "Failed writing output file!");

  if (!params.m_no_stats) {
    if (!stats.init(params.m_pInput_texture->get_source_filename().get_ptr(), params.m_dst_filename.get_ptr(), *params.m_pIntermediate_texture, params.m_dst_file_type, params.m_lzma_stats)) {
      console::warning("Unable to compute output statistics for file: %s", params.m_pInput_texture->get_source_filename().get_ptr());

  return true;
Esempio n. 3
void announcer::commit(AvahiEntryGroup *group)
    assert(group != 0);

    if (!avahi_entry_group_is_empty(group))
        int rc = avahi_entry_group_commit(group);
        if (rc != AVAHI_OK)
Esempio n. 4
int ca_vorbis_open(ca_vorbis **_v, FILE *f)  {
        int ret, or;
        ca_vorbis *v;
        int64_t n;

        ca_return_val_if_fail(_v, CA_ERROR_INVALID);
        ca_return_val_if_fail(f, CA_ERROR_INVALID);

        if (!(v = ca_new0(ca_vorbis, 1)))
                return CA_ERROR_OOM;

        if ((or = ov_open(f, &v->ovf, NULL, 0)) < 0) {
                ret = convert_error(or);
                goto fail;

        if ((n = ov_pcm_total(&v->ovf, -1)) < 0) {
                ret = convert_error(or);
                goto fail;

        if (((off_t) n * (off_t) sizeof(int16_t)) > FILE_SIZE_MAX) {
                ret = CA_ERROR_TOOBIG;
                goto fail;

        v->size = (off_t) n * (off_t) sizeof(int16_t) * ca_vorbis_get_nchannels(v);

        *_v = v;

        return CA_SUCCESS;


        return ret;
Esempio n. 5
int ca_vorbis_read_s16ne(ca_vorbis *v, int16_t *d, size_t *n){
        long r;
        int section;
        int length;
        size_t n_read = 0;

        ca_return_val_if_fail(v, CA_ERROR_INVALID);
        ca_return_val_if_fail(d, CA_ERROR_INVALID);
        ca_return_val_if_fail(n, CA_ERROR_INVALID);
        ca_return_val_if_fail(*n > 0, CA_ERROR_INVALID);

        length = (int) (*n * sizeof(int16_t));

        do {

                r = ov_read(&v->ovf, (char*) d, length,
                            2, 1, &section);

                if (r < 0)
                        return convert_error((int) r);

                if (r == 0)

                /* We only read the first section */
                if (section != 0)

                length -= (int) r;
                d += r/sizeof(int16_t);
                n_read += (size_t) r;

        } while (length >= 4096);

        ca_assert(v->size >= (off_t) n_read);
        v->size -= (off_t) n_read;

        *n = n_read/sizeof(int16_t);

        return CA_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 6
static int convert_response(struct zcrypt_device *zdev,
			    struct ap_message *reply,
			    char __user *outputdata,
			    unsigned int outputdatalength)
	/* Response type byte is the second byte in the response. */
	switch (((unsigned char *) reply->message)[1]) {
	case TYPE82_RSP_CODE:
	case TYPE88_RSP_CODE:
		return convert_error(zdev, reply);
	case TYPE80_RSP_CODE:
		return convert_type80(zdev, reply,
				      outputdata, outputdatalength);
	default: /* Unknown response type, this should NEVER EVER happen */
		zdev->online = 0;
		pr_err("Cryptographic device %x failed and was set offline\n",
		ZCRYPT_DBF_DEV(DBF_ERR, zdev, "dev%04xo%dfail",
			       zdev->ap_dev->qid, zdev->online);
		return -EAGAIN;	/* repeat the request on a different device. */
Esempio n. 7
service_error(DWORD error_code, char *themessage, ...)
  va_list arglist;

  char buff[200];

/* print the message as if it was a PRINTF type message */

  va_start(arglist, themessage);
  _vsnprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), themessage, arglist);

  fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buff);

  if (error_code)
    fprintf(stderr, "  ** Error %ld\n  ** %s\n",
            error_code, convert_error(error_code));


  return TRUE;
}                               /*  end of service_error */
Esempio n. 8
void announcer::async_announce(const aware::contact& contact,
                               async_announce_handler h)
    assert(ptr != 0);

    handler = h;

    const AvahiPublishFlags flags = AvahiPublishFlags(0);
    const aware::contact::endpoint_type endpoint = contact.get_endpoint();
    // Use all network interfaces
    const AvahiIfIndex interface_index = AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC;
    // Use only a specific protocol
    const AvahiProtocol protocol =
        contact.get_endpoint().protocol() == boost::asio::ip::tcp::v6()
    std::string name = contact.get_name();
    // FIXME: from contact (endpoint.protocol())
    std::string type = "_" + contact.get_type() + "._tcp";
    // Use .local
    const char *domain = 0;
    // Host name
    boost::asio::ip::address address = endpoint.address();
    std::string host = address.is_unspecified()
        ? "" // Use default host name
        : address.to_string();

    property_list properties;
    if (!contact.get_properties().empty())
        properties = contact.get_properties();
        if (properties == 0)
            boost::system::error_code error(boost::system::errc::not_enough_memory,

    while (true)
        int rc = avahi_entry_group_add_service_strlst(ptr,
                                                      host.empty() ? 0 : host.c_str(),
        if (rc == AVAHI_ERR_COLLISION)
            char *alternative = avahi_alternative_service_name(name.c_str());
            name = alternative;
        else if (rc != AVAHI_OK)
bool process(convert_params& params, convert_stats& stats) {
  texture_type tex_type = params.m_texture_type;

  crn_comp_params comp_params(params.m_comp_params);
  crn_mipmap_params mipmap_params(params.m_mipmap_params);

  progress_params progress_state;
  progress_state.m_pParams = &params;
  progress_state.m_canceled = false;
  progress_state.m_start_percentage = 0;

  params.m_status = false;

  if (params.m_pIntermediate_texture) {
    params.m_pIntermediate_texture = NULL;

  params.m_pIntermediate_texture = crnlib_new<mipmapped_texture>(*params.m_pInput_texture);

  mipmapped_texture& work_tex = *params.m_pInput_texture;

  if ((params.m_unflip) && (work_tex.is_flipped())) {
    console::info("Unflipping texture");
    work_tex.unflip(true, true);

  if (params.m_y_flip) {
    console::info("Flipping texture on Y axis");

    // This is awkward - if we're writing to KTX, then go ahead and properly update the work texture's orientation flags.
    // Otherwise, don't bother updating the orientation flags because the writer may then attempt to unflip the texture before writing to formats
    // that don't support flipped textures (ugh).
    const bool bOutputFormatSupportsFlippedTextures = params.m_dst_file_type == texture_file_types::cFormatKTX;
    if (!work_tex.flip_y(bOutputFormatSupportsFlippedTextures)) {
      console::warning("Failed flipping texture on Y axis");

  if ((params.m_dst_format != PIXEL_FMT_INVALID) && (pixel_format_helpers::is_alpha_only(params.m_dst_format))) {
    if ((work_tex.get_comp_flags() & pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagAValid) == 0) {
      console::warning("Output format is alpha-only, but input doesn't have alpha, so setting alpha to luminance.");

      work_tex.convert(PIXEL_FMT_A8, crnlib::dxt_image::pack_params());

      if (tex_type == cTextureTypeNormalMap)
        tex_type = cTextureTypeRegularMap;

  pixel_format dst_format = params.m_dst_format;
  if (pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt(dst_format)) {
    if ((params.m_dst_file_type != texture_file_types::cFormatCRN) &&
        (params.m_dst_file_type != texture_file_types::cFormatDDS) &&
        (params.m_dst_file_type != texture_file_types::cFormatKTX)) {
      console::warning("Output file format does not support DXTc - automatically choosing a non-DXT pixel format.");
      dst_format = PIXEL_FMT_INVALID;

  if (dst_format == PIXEL_FMT_INVALID) {
    // Caller didn't specify a format to use, so try to pick something reasonable.
    // This is actually much trickier than it seems, and the current approach kind of sucks.
    dst_format = choose_pixel_format(params, comp_params, work_tex, tex_type);

  if ((dst_format == PIXEL_FMT_DXT1) && (comp_params.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagDXT1AForTransparency)))
    dst_format = PIXEL_FMT_DXT1A;
  else if (dst_format == PIXEL_FMT_DXT1A)
    comp_params.set_flag(cCRNCompFlagDXT1AForTransparency, true);

  if ((dst_format == PIXEL_FMT_DXT1A) && (params.m_dst_file_type == texture_file_types::cFormatCRN)) {
    console::warning("CRN file format does not support DXT1A compressed textures - converting to DXT5 instead.");
    dst_format = PIXEL_FMT_DXT5;

  const bool is_normal_map = (tex_type == cTextureTypeNormalMap);
  bool perceptual = comp_params.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagPerceptual);
  if (is_normal_map) {
    perceptual = false;
    mipmap_params.m_gamma_filtering = false;

  if (pixel_format_helpers::is_pixel_format_non_srgb(dst_format)) {
    if (perceptual) {
      console::message("Output pixel format is swizzled or not RGB, disabling perceptual color metrics");
      perceptual = false;

  if (pixel_format_helpers::is_normal_map(dst_format)) {
    if (perceptual)
      console::message("Output pixel format is intended for normal maps, disabling perceptual color metrics");

    perceptual = false;

  bool generate_mipmaps = texture_file_types::supports_mipmaps(params.m_dst_file_type);
  if ((params.m_write_mipmaps_to_multiple_files) &&
      ((params.m_dst_file_type != texture_file_types::cFormatCRN) && (params.m_dst_file_type != texture_file_types::cFormatDDS) && (params.m_dst_file_type != texture_file_types::cFormatKTX))) {
    generate_mipmaps = true;

  if (params.m_param_debugging) {


  if (!create_texture_mipmaps(work_tex, comp_params, mipmap_params, generate_mipmaps))
    return convert_error(params, "Failed creating texture mipmaps!");

  bool formats_differ = work_tex.get_format() != dst_format;
  if (formats_differ) {
    if (pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt1(work_tex.get_format()) && pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt1(dst_format))
      formats_differ = false;

  bool status = false;

  timer t;

  if ((params.m_dst_file_type == texture_file_types::cFormatCRN) ||
      ((params.m_dst_file_type == texture_file_types::cFormatDDS) && (pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt(dst_format)) &&
       //((formats_differ) || (comp_params.m_target_bitrate > 0.0f) || (comp_params.m_quality_level < cCRNMaxQualityLevel))
       ((comp_params.m_target_bitrate > 0.0f) || (comp_params.m_quality_level < cCRNMaxQualityLevel)))) {
    status = write_compressed_texture(work_tex, params, comp_params, dst_format, progress_state, perceptual, stats);
  } else {
    if ((comp_params.m_target_bitrate > 0.0f) || (comp_params.m_quality_level < cCRNMaxQualityLevel)) {
      console::warning("Target bitrate/quality level is not supported for this output file format.\n");
    status = convert_and_write_normal_texture(work_tex, params, comp_params, dst_format, progress_state, formats_differ, perceptual, stats);


  if (progress_state.m_canceled) {
    params.m_canceled = true;
    return false;

  double total_write_time = t.get_elapsed_secs();

  if (status) {
    if (params.m_param_debugging)
      console::info("Work texture format: %s, desired destination format: %s", pixel_format_helpers::get_pixel_format_string(work_tex.get_format()), pixel_format_helpers::get_pixel_format_string(dst_format));

    console::message("Texture successfully written in %3.3fs", total_write_time);
  } else {
    dynamic_string str;

    if (work_tex.get_last_error().is_empty())
      str.format("Failed writing texture to file \"%s\"", params.m_dst_filename.get_ptr());
      str.format("Failed writing texture to file \"%s\", Reason: %s", params.m_dst_filename.get_ptr(), work_tex.get_last_error().get_ptr());

    return convert_error(params, str.get_ptr());

  if (params.m_debugging) {

  params.m_status = true;
  return true;
Esempio n. 10
static bool convert_and_write_normal_texture(mipmapped_texture& work_tex, convert_params& params, const crn_comp_params& comp_params, pixel_format dst_format, progress_params& progress_state, bool formats_differ, bool perceptual, convert_stats& stats) {
  if (formats_differ) {
    dxt_image::pack_params pack_params;

    pack_params.m_perceptual = perceptual;
    pack_params.m_compressor = comp_params.m_dxt_compressor_type;
    pack_params.m_pProgress_callback = dxt_progress_callback_func;
    pack_params.m_pProgress_callback_user_data_ptr = &progress_state;
    pack_params.m_dxt1a_alpha_threshold = comp_params.m_dxt1a_alpha_threshold;
    pack_params.m_quality = comp_params.m_dxt_quality;
    pack_params.m_endpoint_caching = !comp_params.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagDisableEndpointCaching);
    pack_params.m_grayscale_sampling = comp_params.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagGrayscaleSampling);
    if ((!comp_params.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagUseBothBlockTypes)) && (!comp_params.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagDXT1AForTransparency)))
      pack_params.m_use_both_block_types = false;

    pack_params.m_num_helper_threads = comp_params.m_num_helper_threads;
    pack_params.m_use_transparent_indices_for_black = comp_params.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagUseTransparentIndicesForBlack);

    console::info("Converting texture format from %s to %s", pixel_format_helpers::get_pixel_format_string(work_tex.get_format()), pixel_format_helpers::get_pixel_format_string(dst_format));

    timer tm;

    bool status = work_tex.convert(dst_format, pack_params);

    double t = tm.get_elapsed_secs();


    if (!status) {
      if (progress_state.m_canceled) {
        params.m_canceled = true;
        return false;
      } else {
        return convert_error(params, "Failed converting texture to output format!");

    console::info("Texture format conversion took %3.3fs", t);

  if (params.m_write_mipmaps_to_multiple_files) {
    for (uint f = 0; f < work_tex.get_num_faces(); f++) {
      for (uint l = 0; l < work_tex.get_num_levels(); l++) {
        dynamic_string filename(params.m_dst_filename.get_ptr());

        dynamic_string drv, dir, fn, ext;
        if (!file_utils::split_path(params.m_dst_filename.get_ptr(), &drv, &dir, &fn, &ext))
          return false;

        fn += dynamic_string(cVarArg, "_face%u_mip%u", f, l).get_ptr();
        filename = drv + dir + fn + ext;

        mip_level* pLevel = work_tex.get_level(f, l);

        face_vec face(1);

        mipmapped_texture new_tex;

        console::info("Writing texture face %u mip level %u to file %s", f, l, filename.get_ptr());

        if (!new_tex.write_to_file(filename.get_ptr(), params.m_dst_file_type, NULL, NULL, NULL))
          return convert_error(params, "Failed writing output file!");
  } else {
    console::message("Writing texture to file: \"%s\"", params.m_dst_filename.get_ptr());

    if (params.m_dst_stream) {
      if (!work_tex.write_to_stream(params.m_dst_stream, params.m_dst_file_type, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
        return convert_error(params, "Failed writing output stream!");
	else if (!work_tex.write_to_file(params.m_dst_filename.get_ptr(), params.m_dst_file_type, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
      return convert_error(params, "Failed writing output file!");

    if (!params.m_no_stats) {
      if (!stats.init(params.m_pInput_texture->get_source_filename().get_ptr(), params.m_dst_filename.get_ptr(), *params.m_pIntermediate_texture, params.m_dst_file_type, params.m_lzma_stats)) {
        console::warning("Unable to compute output statistics for file: %s", params.m_pInput_texture->get_source_filename().get_ptr());

  return true;
      bool process(convert_params& params, convert_stats& stats)
         texture_type tex_type = params.m_texture_type;

         crn_comp_params comp_params(params.m_comp_params);
         crn_mipmap_params mipmap_params(params.m_mipmap_params);

         progress_params progress_state;
         progress_state.m_pParams = &params;
         progress_state.m_canceled = false;
         progress_state.m_start_percentage = 0;

         params.m_status = false;

         if (params.m_pIntermediate_texture)
            params.m_pIntermediate_texture = NULL;

         params.m_pIntermediate_texture = crnlib_new<dds_texture>(*params.m_pInput_texture);

         dds_texture& work_tex = *params.m_pInput_texture;

         if ((params.m_dst_format != PIXEL_FMT_INVALID) && (pixel_format_helpers::is_alpha_only(params.m_dst_format)))
            if ((work_tex.get_comp_flags() & pixel_format_helpers::cCompFlagAValid) == 0)
               console::warning(L"Output format is alpha-only, but input doesn't have alpha, so setting alpha to luminance.");

               work_tex.convert(PIXEL_FMT_A8, crnlib::dxt_image::pack_params());

               if (tex_type == cTextureTypeNormalMap)
                  tex_type = cTextureTypeRegularMap;

         pixel_format dst_format = params.m_dst_format;

         if (dst_format == PIXEL_FMT_INVALID)
            // Caller didn't specify a format to use, so try to pick something reasonable.
            // This is actually much trickier than it seems, and the current approach kind of sucks.
            dst_format = choose_pixel_format(params, comp_params, work_tex, tex_type);

         if ((dst_format == PIXEL_FMT_DXT1) && (comp_params.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagDXT1AForTransparency)))
            dst_format = PIXEL_FMT_DXT1A;
         else if (dst_format == PIXEL_FMT_DXT1A)
            comp_params.set_flag(cCRNCompFlagDXT1AForTransparency, true);

         const bool is_normal_map = (tex_type == cTextureTypeNormalMap);
         bool perceptual = comp_params.get_flag(cCRNCompFlagPerceptual);
         if (is_normal_map)
            perceptual = false;
            mipmap_params.m_gamma_filtering = false;

         if (pixel_format_helpers::is_pixel_format_non_srgb(dst_format))
            if (perceptual)
               //console::warning(L"Output pixel format is swizzled or not RGB, disabling perceptual color metrics");
               perceptual = false;

         if (pixel_format_helpers::is_normal_map(dst_format))
            //if (perceptual)
               //console::warning(L"Output pixel format is intended for normal maps, disabling perceptual color metrics");

            perceptual = false;

         bool generate_mipmaps = texture_file_types::supports_mipmaps(params.m_dst_file_type);
         if ((params.m_write_mipmaps_to_multiple_files) && ((params.m_dst_file_type != texture_file_types::cFormatCRN) && (params.m_dst_file_type != texture_file_types::cFormatDDS)))
            generate_mipmaps = true;

         if (params.m_param_debugging)


         if (!create_texture_mipmaps(work_tex, comp_params, mipmap_params, generate_mipmaps))
            return convert_error(params, L"Failed creating texture mipmaps!");

         bool formats_differ = work_tex.get_format() != dst_format;
         if (formats_differ)
            if (pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt1(work_tex.get_format()) && pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt1(dst_format))
               formats_differ = false;

         bool status = false;

         timer t;

         if ( (params.m_dst_file_type == texture_file_types::cFormatCRN) ||
               ( (params.m_dst_file_type == texture_file_types::cFormatDDS) && (pixel_format_helpers::is_dxt(dst_format)) &&
                 ((formats_differ) || (comp_params.m_target_bitrate > 0.0f) || (comp_params.m_quality_level < cCRNMaxQualityLevel))
            status = write_compressed_texture(work_tex, params, comp_params, dst_format, progress_state, perceptual, stats);
            status = convert_and_write_normal_texture(work_tex, params, comp_params, dst_format, progress_state, formats_differ, perceptual, stats);


         if (progress_state.m_canceled)
            params.m_canceled = true;
            return false;

         double total_write_time = t.get_elapsed_secs();

         if (status)
            if (params.m_param_debugging)
               console::info(L"Work texture format: %s, desired destination format: %s", pixel_format_helpers::get_pixel_format_string(work_tex.get_format()), pixel_format_helpers::get_pixel_format_string(dst_format));

            console::message(L"Texture successfully written in %3.3fs", total_write_time);
            dynamic_wstring str;

            if (work_tex.get_last_error().is_empty())
               str.format(L"Failed writing texture to file \"%s\"", params.m_dst_filename.get_ptr());
               str.format(L"Failed writing texture to file \"%s\", Reason: %s", params.m_dst_filename.get_ptr(), work_tex.get_last_error().get_ptr());

            return convert_error(params, str.get_ptr());

         if (params.m_debugging)

         params.m_status = true;
         return true;