Esempio n. 1
// **************************************************************************
// HTTPヘッダを受信して解析する。
// 処理するのはGETのみ。GET以外のメソッドが来たらエラー
// 今のところ、URIとuser_agent、Range、Hostを解析。
// URIは、URIデコードもやる。
//	return: 0 		正常終了
//	return: 0以外 	エラー
// **************************************************************************
static int http_header_receive(int accept_socket, HTTP_RECV_INFO *http_recv_info_p)
	int result = 0;
	int	recv_len;
	unsigned char	line_buf[1024];	// 大きめに。
	unsigned char 	work_buf[1024];
	unsigned char 	work_buf2[1024];
	unsigned char 	split1[1024];
	unsigned char 	split2[1024];

	int		ret;
	int		i;
	int		j;

	// ================================
	// 1行づつ HTTPヘッダを受信
	// ================================
	for (i=0;;i++)
		// 1行受信 実行。
		memset(line_buf, '\0', sizeof(line_buf));
		recv_len = line_receive(accept_socket, line_buf, sizeof(line_buf));

		// debug. 受信したヘッダ表示
		debug_log_output("'%s'(%d byte)\n", line_buf, recv_len );

		// 受信した内容をチェック。
		if ( i != 0 && recv_len == 0 ) // 空行検知。ヘッダ受信終了。
		else if ( recv_len < 0 ) // 受信失敗
			return ( -1 );

		// --------------------------
		// GETメッセージチェック
		// --------------------------
		if ( i == 0 ) // 1行目のみチェック
			debug_log_output("URI Check start.'%s'\n", line_buf);

			// GET/POSTある?
			if (strncmp(line_buf, "GET ", 4) && strncmp(line_buf, "POST ", 5))
				debug_log_output("'GET' or 'POST' not found. error.");
				return ( -1 );
			strncpy(http_recv_info_p->request_method, line_buf, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->request_method));
			cut_after_character(http_recv_info_p->request_method, ' ');

			// 最初のスペースまでを削除。
			cut_before_character(line_buf, ' ');

			// 次にスペースが出てきたところの後ろまでを削除。
			cut_after_character(line_buf, ' ');

			// ===========================
			// GETオプション部解析
			// ===========================

			// REQUEST_URI用・Proxy用に値を保存
			strncpy(http_recv_info_p->request_uri, line_buf, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->request_uri));

			// '?'が存在するかチェック。
			if ( strchr(line_buf, '?') != NULL )

				strncpy(work_buf, line_buf, sizeof(work_buf));

				// '?'より前をカット
				cut_before_character(work_buf, '?' );
				debug_log_output("work_buf = '%s'", work_buf );

				while ( 1 )
					memset(split1, '\0', sizeof(split1));
					memset(split2, '\0', sizeof(split2));

					uri_decode(split1, sizeof(split1), work_buf, sizeof(work_buf) );
					strcpy(work_buf, split1);

					// 最初に登場する'&'で分割
					ret = sentence_split(work_buf, '&', split1, split2 );
					if ( ret == 0 ) // 分割成功
						strncpy(work_buf, split2, sizeof(work_buf));
					else if (strlen(work_buf) > 0) // まだwork_bufに中身ある?
						strncpy( split1, work_buf, sizeof(split1));
						strncpy( work_buf, "", sizeof(work_buf));
					else // 処理終了

					// -------------------------------------
					// GETした内容 解析開始
					// 超安直。いいのかこんな比較で。
					// -------------------------------------

					// URIデコード
					// uri_decode(work_buf2, sizeof(work_buf2), split1, sizeof(split1) );
					strcpy(work_buf2, split1);

					// "page="あるか調査。
					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "page=", strlen("page=") ) == 0 )
						// = より前を削除
						cut_before_character(work_buf2, '=');
						if ( strlen(work_buf2) > 0 )
							// 構造体に値を保存。
							http_recv_info_p->page = atoi(work_buf2);


					// "menupage="あるか調査。
					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "menupage=", strlen("menupage=") ) == 0 )
						// = より前を削除
						cut_before_character(work_buf2, '=');
						if ( strlen(work_buf2) > 0 )
							// 構造体に値を保存。
							http_recv_info_p->menupage = atoi(work_buf2);


					// "title=" DVD title selection
					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "title=", strlen("title=") ) == 0 )
						// = より前を削除
						cut_before_character(work_buf2, '=');
						if ( strlen(work_buf2) > 0 )
							// 構造体に値を保存。
							http_recv_info_p->title = atoi(work_buf2);


					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "width=", strlen("width=") ) == 0 )
						// = より前を削除
						cut_before_character(work_buf2, '=');
						if ( strlen(work_buf2) > 0 )
							// 構造体に値を保存。
							global_param.target_jpeg_width = atoi(work_buf2);


					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "height=", strlen("height=") ) == 0 )
						// = より前を削除
						cut_before_character(work_buf2, '=');
						if ( strlen(work_buf2) > 0 )
							// 構造体に値を保存。
							global_param.target_jpeg_height = atoi(work_buf2);


					// "action="あるか調査。
					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "action=", strlen("action=") ) == 0 )
						// = より前を削除
						cut_before_character(work_buf2, '=');

						// 構造体に値を保存。
						strncpy(http_recv_info_p->action, work_buf2, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->action));

					// "type=" allplay list type
					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "type=movie", strlen("type=movie") ) == 0 )
						http_recv_info_p->default_file_type = TYPE_MOVIE;
					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "type=music", strlen("type=music") ) == 0 )
						http_recv_info_p->default_file_type = TYPE_MUSIC;
					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "type=photo", strlen("type=photo") ) == 0 )
						http_recv_info_p->default_file_type = TYPE_JPEG;
					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "type=soundtrack", strlen("type=soundtrack") ) == 0 )
						http_recv_info_p->default_file_type = TYPE_MUSICLIST;
					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "type=slideshow", strlen("type=slideshow") ) == 0 )
						http_recv_info_p->default_file_type = TYPE_PLAYLIST;
					// "option="あるか調査
					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "option=", strlen("option=") ) == 0 )
						// = より前を削除
						cut_before_character(work_buf2, '=');

						// 構造体に値を保存。
						strncpy(http_recv_info_p->option, work_buf2, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->option));

					// "alias="あるか調査
					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "alias=", strlen("alias=") ) == 0 )
						// = より前を削除
						cut_before_character(work_buf2, '=');

						// 構造体に値を保存。
						strncpy(http_recv_info_p->alias, work_buf2, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->alias));

						if (strncasecmp(http_recv_info_p->alias, "movie", strlen("movie")) == 0)
							http_recv_info_p->default_file_type = TYPE_MOVIE;
						else if (strncasecmp(http_recv_info_p->alias, "music", strlen("music")) == 0)
							http_recv_info_p->default_file_type = TYPE_MUSIC;
						else if (strncasecmp(http_recv_info_p->alias, "photo", strlen("photo")) == 0)
							http_recv_info_p->default_file_type = TYPE_JPEG;
							http_recv_info_p->default_file_type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;


					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "lsearch=", strlen("lsearch=") ) == 0 )
						cut_before_character(work_buf2, '=');

						strcpy(http_recv_info_p->lsearch, work_buf2);
						strcpy(http_recv_info_p->recv_uri, work_buf2);

					// "search=
					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "search", strlen("search") ) == 0 )
						if (strncasecmp(work_buf2, "search_movie", strlen("search_movie")) == 0) {
							http_recv_info_p->search_type = TYPE_MOVIE;
							strcpy(http_recv_info_p->search_str, "_movie");
							http_recv_info_p->default_file_type = TYPE_MOVIE;
							// printf("search movie for ");
						} else if (strncasecmp(work_buf2, "search_music", strlen("search_music")) == 0) {
							http_recv_info_p->search_type = TYPE_MUSIC;
							strcpy(http_recv_info_p->search_str, "_music");
							http_recv_info_p->default_file_type = TYPE_MUSIC;
							// printf("search music for ");
						} else if (strncasecmp(work_buf2, "search_photo", strlen("search_photo")) == 0) {
							http_recv_info_p->search_type = TYPE_JPEG;
							strcpy(http_recv_info_p->search_str, "_photo");
							http_recv_info_p->default_file_type = TYPE_JPEG;
							// printf("search photo for ");
						} else if (strncasecmp(work_buf2, "search_all", strlen("search_all")) == 0) {
							http_recv_info_p->search_type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
							strcpy(http_recv_info_p->search_str, "_all");
							http_recv_info_p->default_file_type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
							// printf("search all for ");
						} else

						cut_before_character(work_buf2, '=');

						strncpy(http_recv_info_p->search, work_buf2, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->search));
						if (http_recv_info_p->search[0] == '\0')
							// everything qualifies
							strcpy(http_recv_info_p->search, ".*");

						// printf("%s\n", http_recv_info_p->search);

					// "sort="あるか調査
					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "sort=", strlen("sort=") ) == 0 )
						// = より前を削除
						cut_before_character(work_buf2, '=');

						// 構造体に値を保存。
						strncpy(http_recv_info_p->sort, work_buf2, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->sort));

					// "dvdopt="あるか調査
					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "dvdopt=", strlen("dvdopt=") ) == 0 )
						// = より前を削除
						cut_before_character(work_buf2, '=');

						// 構造体に値を保存。
						strncpy(http_recv_info_p->dvdopt, work_buf2, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->dvdopt));

					// "focus="あるか調査
					if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "focus=", strlen("focus=") ) == 0 )
						// = より前を削除
						cut_before_character(work_buf2, '=');

						// 構造体に値を保存。
						strncpy(http_recv_info_p->focus, work_buf2, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->focus));


			debug_log_output("http_recv_info_p->page = '%d'", http_recv_info_p->page);
			debug_log_output("http_recv_info_p->title = '%d'", http_recv_info_p->title);
			debug_log_output("http_recv_info_p->action = '%s'", http_recv_info_p->action);
			debug_log_output("http_recv_info_p->option = '%s'", http_recv_info_p->option);
			debug_log_output("http_recv_info_p->dvdopt = '%s'", http_recv_info_p->dvdopt);

			// URIデコード
			cut_after_character(line_buf, '?');
			uri_decode(work_buf, sizeof(work_buf), line_buf, sizeof(line_buf) );
			strncpy(line_buf, work_buf, sizeof(line_buf));
			debug_log_output("URI(decoded):'%s'\n", line_buf);

			convert_language_code(line_buf, work_buf, sizeof(work_buf), CODE_AUTO, CODE_EUC);
			debug_log_output("URI(decoded,euc,FYI):'%s'\n", work_buf);

			// 構造体に保存
			if (http_recv_info_p->lsearch[0] == '\0')
				strncpy(http_recv_info_p->recv_uri, line_buf, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->recv_uri));



		// User-agent切り出し
		if ( strncasecmp(line_buf, HTTP_USER_AGENT, strlen(HTTP_USER_AGENT) ) == 0 )
			// ':'より前を切る
			cut_before_character(line_buf, ':');
			cut_first_character(line_buf, ' ');

			// 構造体に保存
			strncpy( http_recv_info_p->user_agent, line_buf, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->user_agent));

			// Set the skin name based on user agent, if desired
			for(j=0; j<global_param.alternate_skin_count; j++) {
				debug_log_output("Checking for '%s'", global_param.alternate_skin_match[j]);
				if(strstr(line_buf, global_param.alternate_skin_match[j]) != NULL) {
					strcpy(global_param.skin_name, global_param.alternate_skin_name[j]);
					debug_log_output("User agent matches alternate skin '%s'", global_param.skin_name); 

		// Rangeあるかチェック
		if ( strncasecmp(line_buf, HTTP_RANGE,	strlen(HTTP_RANGE) ) == 0 )
			debug_log_output("%s Detect.\n", HTTP_RANGE);
			// ':' より前を切る。
			cut_before_character(line_buf, ':');
			cut_first_character(line_buf, ' ');

			// recv_range にRangeの中身保存
			strncpy(http_recv_info_p->recv_range, line_buf, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->recv_range));

			// '=' より前を切る
			cut_before_character(line_buf, '=');

			// '-'で前後に分割。
			sentence_split(line_buf, '-', work_buf, work_buf2);

			debug_log_output("work_buf='%s'\n", work_buf);
			debug_log_output("work_buf2='%s'\n", work_buf2);

			// 値を文字列→数値変換
			http_recv_info_p->range_start_pos  = strtoull(work_buf, NULL, 10);

			if ( strlen(work_buf2) > 0 )
				http_recv_info_p->range_end_pos = strtoull(work_buf2, NULL, 10);

			debug_log_output("range_start_pos=%d\n", http_recv_info_p->range_start_pos);
			debug_log_output("range_end_pos=%d\n", http_recv_info_p->range_end_pos);


		// Hostあるかチェック
		if ( strncasecmp(line_buf, HTTP_HOST,	strlen(HTTP_HOST) ) == 0 )
			debug_log_output("%s Detect.\n", HTTP_HOST);
			// ':' より前を切る。
			cut_before_character(line_buf, ':');
			cut_first_character(line_buf, ' ');

			strncpy(http_recv_info_p->recv_host, line_buf, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->recv_host));
			if(NULL == strchr(http_recv_info_p->recv_host, ':')) {
				debug_log_output("CLIENT BUG: Host header field was missing port number - fixing");
				snprintf(http_recv_info_p->recv_host + strlen(http_recv_info_p->recv_host), sizeof(http_recv_info_p->recv_host)-1, ":%d", global_param.server_port);
				debug_log_output("%s '%s'", HTTP_HOST, http_recv_info_p->recv_host);


		if (strncasecmp(line_buf, HTTP_AUTHORIZATION, strlen(HTTP_AUTHORIZATION)) == 0) {
			debug_log_output("%s Detect.\n", HTTP_AUTHORIZATION);
			// ':' より前を切る。
			cut_before_character(line_buf, ':');
			cut_first_character(line_buf, ' ');
			if (strncmp(line_buf, "Basic ", 6)) {
				debug_log_output("received '%s', is not supported.", line_buf);

			strncpy(http_recv_info_p->passwd, line_buf + 6, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->passwd));


		// Content-Lengthあるかチェック
		if ( strncasecmp(line_buf, HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH_STR,	strlen(HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH_STR) ) == 0 )
			debug_log_output("%s Detect.\n", HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH_STR);
			// ':' より前を切る。
			cut_before_character(line_buf, ':');
			cut_first_character(line_buf, ' ');
			/* recv_content_length は わざと long です. */
			http_recv_info_p->recv_content_length = strtol(line_buf, NULL, 10);
			debug_log_output("Content-Length: %ld", http_recv_info_p->recv_content_length);


	return result;
Esempio n. 2
static int
parse_file (FILE * in, FILE * out, IspellMode_t mode, int countLines, gchar *dictionary)
	EnchantBroker * broker;
	EnchantDict * dict;
	GString * str, * word = NULL;
	GSList * tokens, *token_ptr;
	gchar * lang;
	size_t pos, lineCount = 0;

	gboolean was_last_line = FALSE, corrected_something = FALSE, terse_mode = FALSE;

	if (mode == MODE_A)
		print_version (out);

	if (dictionary) {
		lang = convert_language_code (dictionary);
	else {
	        lang = enchant_get_user_language();
			return 1;

	/* Enchant will get rid of useless trailing garbage like de_DE@euro or de_DE.ISO-8859-15 */
	broker = enchant_broker_init ();
	dict = enchant_broker_request_dict (broker, lang);

	if (!dict) {
		fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't create a dictionary for %s\n", lang);
		g_free (lang);
		enchant_broker_free (broker);
		return 1;

	g_free (lang);

	str = g_string_new (NULL);
	while (!was_last_line) {
		gboolean mode_A_no_command = FALSE;
		was_last_line = consume_line (in, str);

		if (countLines)

		if (str->len) {
			corrected_something = FALSE;

			if (mode == MODE_A) {
				switch (*str->str) {
				case '&': /* Insert uncapitalised in personal word list */
					if (str->len > 1) {
						gunichar c = g_utf8_get_char_validated(str->str + 1, str->len);
						if (c > 0) {
							str = g_string_erase(str, 1, g_utf8_next_char(str->str + 1) - (str->str + 1));
							g_string_insert_unichar(str, 1, g_unichar_tolower(c));
					/* FALLTHROUGH */
				case '*': /* Insert in personal word list */
					if (str->len == 1)
						goto empty_word;
					enchant_dict_add(dict, str->str + 1, -1);
				case '@': /* Accept for this session */
					if (str->len == 1)
						goto empty_word;
					enchant_dict_add_to_session(dict, str->str + 1, -1);

				case '%': /* Exit terse mode */
					terse_mode = FALSE;
				case '!': /* Enter terse mode */
					terse_mode = TRUE;

				/* Ignore these commands */
				case '#': /* Save personal word list (enchant does this automatically) */
				case '+': /* LaTeX mode */
				case '-': /* nroff mode [default] */
				case '~': /* change string character type (enchant is fixed to UTF-8) */
				case '`': /* Enter verbose-correction mode */

				case '$': /* Save correction for rest of session [aspell extension] */
					{ /* Syntax: $$ra <MISSPELLED>,<REPLACEMENT> */
						gchar *prefix = "$$ra ";
						if (g_str_has_prefix(str->str, prefix)) {
							gchar *comma = g_utf8_strchr(str->str, -1, (gunichar)',');
							char *mis = str->str + strlen(prefix);
							char *cor = comma + 1;
							ssize_t mis_len = comma - mis;
							ssize_t cor_len = strlen(str->str) - (cor - str->str);
							enchant_dict_store_replacement(dict, mis, mis_len, cor, cor_len);

				case '^': /* ^ is used as prefix to prevent interpretation of original
					     first character as a command */
					/* FALLTHROUGH */
				default: /* A word or words to check */
					mode_A_no_command = TRUE;

					fprintf (out, "Error: The word \"\" is invalid. Empty string.\n");

			if (mode != MODE_A || mode_A_no_command) {
				token_ptr = tokens = tokenize_line (str);
				if (tokens == NULL)
					putc('\n', out);
				while (tokens != NULL) {
					corrected_something = TRUE;

					word = (GString *)tokens->data;
					tokens = tokens->next;
					pos = GPOINTER_TO_INT(tokens->data);
					tokens = tokens->next;

					if (mode == MODE_A)
						do_mode_a (out, dict, word, pos, lineCount, terse_mode);
					else if (mode == MODE_L)
						do_mode_l (out, dict, word, lineCount);

					g_string_free(word, TRUE);
				if (token_ptr)
					g_slist_free (token_ptr);
		if (mode == MODE_A && corrected_something) {
			fwrite ("\n", 1, 1, out);
		g_string_truncate (str, 0);
		fflush (out);

	enchant_broker_free_dict (broker, dict);
	enchant_broker_free (broker);

	g_string_free (str, TRUE);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
int http_proxy_response(int accept_socket, HTTP_RECV_INFO *http_recv_info_p)
    const char *HTTP_RECV_CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-type: text/html";
    const char *HTTP_RECV_CONTENT_LENGTH = "Content-Length: ";
    const char *HTTP_RECV_LOCATION = "Location: ";
    char *p_target_host_name;
    char *p_uri_string;
    char send_http_header_buf[2048];
    char line_buf[MAX_LINE][LINE_BUF_SIZE + 5];
    char proxy_pre_string[2048];
    char base_url[2048];
    char *p_url;
    char *p;
    char *p_auth = NULL;
    int port = 80;
    int sock;
    off_t content_length = 0;
    int len = 0;
    int line = 0;
    int i;
    int content_is_html = 0;
    p_uri_string = http_recv_info_p->request_uri;
    if (!strncmp(p_uri_string, "/-.-playlist.pls?", 17)) {
        char buff[FILENAME_MAX];
        if (p_uri_string[17] == '/') {
            snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "http://%s%s"
            , http_recv_info_p->recv_host, p_uri_string+17);
        } else {
            strncpy(buff, p_uri_string+17, sizeof(buff));
        replace_character((char*)buff, ".pls", "");
        return 0;//http_uri_to_scplaylist_create(accept_socket, (char*)buff);
    if (strncmp(p_uri_string, "/-.-http://", 11)) {
        return -1;
    if (!global_param.flag_allow_proxy) {
        return -1;
    strncpy(base_url, p_uri_string, 2048);
    p = strrchr(base_url, '/');
    p[1] = '\0';
    p_target_host_name = p_uri_string + 11;
    p_url = strchr(p_target_host_name, '/');
    if (p_url == NULL) return -1;
    *p_url++ = '\0';
    strncpy(proxy_pre_string, p_uri_string, 2048);
    p = strchr(p_target_host_name, '@');
    if (p != NULL) {
        // there is a user name.
        p_auth = p_target_host_name;
        p_target_host_name = p + 1;
        *p = '\0';
    p = strchr(p_target_host_name, ':');
    if (p != NULL) {
        port = atoi(p+1);
        *p = '\0';
    debug_log_output("proxy:target_host_name: %s", p_target_host_name);
    debug_log_output("proxy:authenticate: %s", p_auth ? p_auth : "NULL");
    debug_log_output("proxy:url: %s", p_url);
    debug_log_output("proxy:prestring: %s", proxy_pre_string);
    debug_log_output("proxy:base_url: %s", base_url);
    debug_log_output("proxy:port: %d", port);
    p = send_http_header_buf;
    if( http_recv_info_p->isGet == 1 ){
        p += sprintf((char*)p, "GET /%s HTTP/1.0\r\n", p_url);
    }else if ( http_recv_info_p->isGet == 2 ){
        p += sprintf((char*)p, "HEAD /%s HTTP/1.0\r\n", p_url);
    p += sprintf((char*)p, "Host: %s:%u\r\n", p_target_host_name, port);
    if (global_param.user_agent_proxy_override[0]) {
        p += sprintf((char*)p, "User-agent: %s\r\n", global_param.user_agent_proxy_override);
    } else {
        if (http_recv_info_p->user_agent[0]) {
            p += sprintf((char*)p, "User-agent: %s\r\n", http_recv_info_p->user_agent);
        } else {
            p += sprintf((char*)p, "User-agent: %s\r\n", SERVER_NAME);
    p += sprintf(p, "Accept: */*\r\n");
    p += sprintf(p, "Connection: close\r\n");
    if (http_recv_info_p->range_start_pos) {
        p += sprintf((char*)p, "Range: bytes=");
        p += sprintf((char*)p, "%zu-", http_recv_info_p->range_start_pos);
        if (http_recv_info_p->range_end_pos) {
            p += sprintf((char*)p, "%zu", http_recv_info_p->range_end_pos);
        p += sprintf(p, "\r\n");
    if (p_auth != NULL) {
        p += sprintf((char*)p, "Authorization: Basic %s\r\n", base64((unsigned char*)p_auth));
    p += sprintf(p, "\r\n");
    sock = sock_connect((char*)p_target_host_name, port);
    if (sock < 0) {
        debug_log_output("error: %s", strerror(errno));
        debug_log_output("sock: %d", sock);
        return -1;
    set_nonblocking_mode(sock, 0); /* blocking mode */
    set_nonblocking_mode(accept_socket, 0); /* blocking mode */
    write(sock, send_http_header_buf, strlen(send_http_header_buf));
    debug_log_output("================= send to proxy\n");
    debug_log_output("%s", send_http_header_buf);
    //TODO ここが404や400の可能性あり
    for (line = 0; line < MAX_LINE; line ++) {
        char work_buf[LINE_BUF_SIZE + 10];
        memset(line_buf[line], 0, LINE_BUF_SIZE + 5);
        len = line_receive(sock, line_buf[line], LINE_BUF_SIZE + 1);
        if (len < 0) break;
        debug_log_output("recv html: '%s' len = %d", ((len)?(char*)line_buf[line]:""), len);
        line_buf[line][len++] = '\r';
        line_buf[line][len++] = '\n';
        line_buf[line][len] = '\0';
        if (!strncasecmp(line_buf[line], HTTP_RECV_CONTENT_TYPE, strlen(HTTP_RECV_CONTENT_TYPE))) {
            int n;
            content_is_html = 1;
            n = strlen(HTTP_RECV_CONTENT_TYPE);
            line_buf[line][n++] = '\r';
            line_buf[line][n++] = '\n';
            line_buf[line][n] = '\0';
        }else if (!strncasecmp(line_buf[line], HTTP_RECV_CONTENT_LENGTH, strlen(HTTP_RECV_CONTENT_LENGTH))) {
            content_length = strtoull((char*)(line_buf[line] + strlen(HTTP_RECV_CONTENT_LENGTH)), NULL, 0);
        }else if (!strncasecmp(line_buf[line], HTTP_RECV_LOCATION, strlen(HTTP_RECV_LOCATION))) {
            strcpy(work_buf, line_buf[line]);
            sprintf((char*)line_buf[line], "Location: /-.-%s", work_buf + strlen(HTTP_RECV_LOCATION));
        }else if ( strstr( line_buf[line],"charset") ){
            if ( strstr( line_buf[line], "EUC-JP" )){
                replace_character( (char*)line_buf[line], "EUC-JP", "UTF-8");
            }else if ( strstr ( line_buf[line], "Shift_JIS" )) {
                replace_character( (char*)line_buf[line], "Shift_JIS", "UTF-8");
        if (len <= 2) {
    if (len < 0 ) {
        return -1;
    if (content_is_html) {
        char *p, *q;
        char *new_p, *r;
        char work_buf[LINE_BUF_SIZE + 10];
        char work_buf2[LINE_BUF_SIZE * 2];
        char *link_pattern = (char*)"<A HREF=";
        int flag_conv_html_code = 1;
        for (i=0; i<line; i++) {
            if (!strncasecmp(line_buf[i], HTTP_RECV_CONTENT_LENGTH, strlen(HTTP_RECV_CONTENT_LENGTH))) continue;
            //*q = '\0';
            p = work_buf;
            q = work_buf2;
            if (flag_conv_html_code) {
                convert_language_code(line_buf[i], work_buf, LINE_BUF_SIZE, CODE_AUTO, global_param.client_language_code);
            //strcpy( work_buf, line_buf[i]);
            //            write(accept_socket, line_buf[i], strlen(line_buf[i]));
            //            debug_log_output("sent html: '%s' len = %d", line_buf[i], strlen(line_buf[i]));
            write(accept_socket, work_buf, strlen(line_buf[i]));
            debug_log_output("sent html: '%s' len = %d", work_buf, strlen(work_buf));
        debug_log_output("sent header");
        //write(accept_socket, "debug:--\n", strlen("debug:--\n"));
        while (1) {
            char rep_str[1024];
            memset(work_buf, 0, LINE_BUF_SIZE);
            len = line_receive(sock, work_buf, LINE_BUF_SIZE);
            if (len < 0) break;
            debug_log_output("recv html: '%s' len = %d", work_buf, len);
            work_buf[len++] = '\r';
            work_buf[len++] = '\n';
            work_buf[len] = '\0';
            if (my_strcasestr(work_buf, "Content-Type") != NULL) {
                // Content-Type があったら
                // 漢字コードの変換をやめる
                //    flag_conv_html_code = 0;
                if ( strstr( work_buf, "EUC-JP" )){
                    replace_character( (char*)work_buf, "EUC-JP", "UTF-8");
                }else if ( strstr ( work_buf, "Shift_JIS" )) {
                    replace_character( (char*)work_buf, "Shift_JIS", "UTF-8");
            p = work_buf;
            q = work_buf2;
            memset(q, 0, sizeof(work_buf2));
            * HTML中に <A HREF="..."> があったら、プロクシを経由するように
            * たとえば <A HREF="/-.-"> のように変換する
            * もし、ファイルがストリーム可能そうであれば、VOD="0" も追加する。
            * 問題点:
            *   タグの途中に改行があると失敗するだろう.
            *   面倒なのでたいした置換はしていない
            *   惰性で書いたので汚い。だれか修正して。
            link_pattern = (char*)"<A HREF=";
            while ((new_p = my_strcasestr(p, link_pattern)) != NULL) {
                int l = new_p - p + strlen(link_pattern);
                char *tmp;
                MIME_LIST_T *mlt = NULL;
                strncpy(q, p, l);
                q += l;
                p += l; /* i.e., p = new_p + strlen(link_pattern); */
                r = strchr(p, '>');
                if (r == NULL) continue;
                *r = '\0';
                if (*p == '"') *q++ = *p++;
                if ((tmp = strchr(p, '"')) != NULL || (tmp = strchr(p, ' ')) != NULL) {
                    mlt = mime_list;
                    while (mlt->mime_name != NULL) {
                        if (*(tmp - strlen(mlt->file_extension) - 1) == '.'
                        && !strncasecmp(tmp - strlen(mlt->file_extension), mlt->file_extension, strlen(mlt->file_extension))) {
                //if (flag_pc && mlt != NULL && mlt->stream_type == TYPE_STREAM) {
                //    q += sprintf((char*)q, "/-.-playlist.pls?http://%s", http_recv_info_p->recv_host);
                if (*p == '/') {
                    q += sprintf(q, "%s%s", proxy_pre_string, p);
                } else if (!strncmp(p, "http://", 7)) {
                    q += sprintf(q, "/-.-%s", p);
                } else {
                    q += sprintf((char*)q, "%s%s", base_url, p);
                    //q += sprintf((char*)q, "%s", p);
                if (mlt != NULL && mlt->stream_type == TYPE_STREAM) {
                    q += sprintf(q, " vod=\"0\"");
                *q++ = '>';
                p = r + 1;
            while (*p) *q++ = *p++;
            *q = '\0';
            * HTML中に SRC="..." があったら、プロクシを経由するように変換する
            * 問題点:
            *   タグの途中に改行があると失敗するだろう.
            *   変数使いまわしたので、融通が効かない。
            *   だれか修正して。
            p = work_buf2;
            q = work_buf;
            memset(q, 0, sizeof(work_buf));
            link_pattern = (char*)"SRC=";
            while ((new_p = my_strcasestr(p, link_pattern)) != NULL) {
                int l = new_p - p + strlen(link_pattern);
                strncpy(q, p, l);
                q += l;
                p += l; /* i.e., p = new_p + strlen(link_pattern); */
                if (*p == '"') *q++ = *p++;
                if (*p == '/') {
                    q += sprintf(q, "%s", proxy_pre_string);
                } else if (!strncmp(p, "http://", 7)) {
                    q += sprintf(q, "/-.-");
                } else {
                    q += sprintf(q, "%s", base_url);
                    //q += sprintf(q, "%s", p);
            while (*p) *q++ = *p++;
            *q = '\0';
            p = work_buf;
            q = work_buf2;
            if (flag_conv_html_code) {
                convert_language_code(p, q, LINE_BUF_SIZE, CODE_AUTO, global_param.client_language_code);
                //strcpy( q,p);
                p = q;
            snprintf(rep_str, sizeof(rep_str), "|http://%s/-.-http://"
            , http_recv_info_p->recv_host);
            replace_character((char*)p, "|http://", rep_str);
            write(accept_socket, p, strlen(p));
            debug_log_output("sent html: %s", p);
    } else {
        for (i=0; i<line; i++) {
            write(accept_socket, line_buf[i], strlen(line_buf[i]));
        if( http_recv_info_p->isGet == 1 ){
            return ( copy_descriptors(sock, accept_socket, (size_t)content_length) );
            //NULL ,
           // http_recv_info_p->range_start_pos));
    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
// **************************************************************************
// HTTPヘッダを受信して解析する。
// 処理するのはGETのみ。GET以外のメソッドが来たらエラー
// 今のところ、URIとuser_agent、Range、Hostを解析。
// URIは、URIデコードもやる。
//	return: 0 		正常終了
//	return: 0以外 	エラー
// **************************************************************************
static int http_header_receive(int accept_socket, HTTP_RECV_INFO *http_recv_info_p)
    int result = 0;
    int	recv_len;
    char	line_buf[1024];	// 大きめに。
    char 	work_buf[1024];
    char 	work_buf2[1024];
    char 	split1[1024];
    char 	split2[1024];
    int		ret;
    int		i;
    // ================================
    // 1行づつ HTTPヘッダを受信
    // ================================
    for (i=0;;i++){
        // 1行受信 実行。
        recv_len = line_receive(accept_socket, line_buf, sizeof(line_buf));
        // 受信した内容をチェック。
        if ( recv_len == 0 ){ // 空行検知。ヘッダ受信終了。
        }else if ( recv_len < 0 ){ // 受信失敗
            return ( -1 );
        // debug. 受信したヘッダ表示
        debug_log_output("'%s'(%d byte)\n", line_buf, recv_len );
        // --------------------------
        // GETメッセージチェック
        // --------------------------
        if ( i == 0 ){ // 1行目のみチェック
            debug_log_output("%d:URI Check start.'%s'\n", accept_socket,line_buf);
            // GETある?
            if       ( strstr(line_buf, "GET") != NULL ){
                http_recv_info_p->isGet = 1;
            }else if ( strstr(line_buf, "HEAD") != NULL ){
                http_recv_info_p->isGet = 2;
            }else if ( strstr(line_buf, "POST") != NULL ){
                http_recv_info_p->isGet = 3;
                debug_log_output("'GET' not found. error.%d",accept_socket);
                return ( -1 );
            // 最初のスペースまでを削除。
            cut_before_character(line_buf, ' ');
            // 次にスペースが出てきたところの後ろまでを削除。
            cut_after_character(line_buf, ' ');
            // ===========================
            // GETオプション部解析
            // ===========================
            // REQUEST_URI用・Proxy用に値を保存
            strncpy(http_recv_info_p->request_uri, line_buf, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->request_uri));
            // '?'が存在するかチェック。
            if ( strchr(line_buf, '?') != NULL ){
                strncpy(work_buf, line_buf, sizeof(work_buf));
                // '?'より前をカット
                cut_before_character(work_buf, '?' );
                while ( 1 ){
                    memset(split1, 0, sizeof(split1));
                    memset(split2, 0, sizeof(split2));
                    // 最初に登場する'&'で分割
                    ret = sentence_split(work_buf, '&', split1, split2 );
                    if ( ret == 0 ){ // 分割成功
                        strncpy(work_buf, split2, sizeof(work_buf));
                    }else if (strlen(work_buf) > 0){ // まだwork_bufに中身ある?
                        strncpy( split1, work_buf, sizeof(split1));
                        strncpy( work_buf, "", sizeof(work_buf));
                    }else{ // 処理終了
                    // -------------------------------------
                    // GETした内容 解析開始
                    // 超安直。いいのかこんな比較で。
                    // -------------------------------------
                    // URIデコード
                    uri_decode(work_buf2, sizeof(work_buf2), split1, sizeof(split1) );
                    // "action="あるか調査。
                    if (strncasecmp( work_buf2, "action=", strlen("action=") ) == 0 ){
                        // = より前を削除
                        cut_before_character(work_buf2, '=');
                        // 構造体に値を保存。
                        strncpy(http_recv_info_p->action, work_buf2, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->action));
            debug_log_output("http_recv_info_p->action = '%s'", http_recv_info_p->action);
            // URIデコード
            cut_after_character(line_buf, '?');
            uri_decode(work_buf, sizeof(work_buf), line_buf, sizeof(line_buf) );
            strncpy(line_buf, work_buf, sizeof(line_buf));
            debug_log_output("URI(decoded):'%s'\n", line_buf);
            convert_language_code(line_buf, work_buf, sizeof(work_buf), CODE_AUTO, CODE_EUC);
            debug_log_output("URI(decoded,euc,FYI):'%s'\n", work_buf);
            // 構造体に保存
            strncpy(http_recv_info_p->recv_uri, line_buf, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->recv_uri));
            if( strncmp(http_recv_info_p->recv_uri,"http://",7)==0){
                char* ptr = strstr(http_recv_info_p->recv_uri+7,"/");
                if( ptr ){
        // User-agent切り出し
        if ( strncasecmp(line_buf, HTTP_USER_AGENT, strlen(HTTP_USER_AGENT) ) == 0 ){
            debug_log_output("User-agent: Detect.\n");
            // ':'より前を切る
            cut_before_character(line_buf, ':');
            cut_first_character(line_buf, ' ');
            // 構造体に保存
            strncpy( http_recv_info_p->user_agent, line_buf, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->user_agent));
        // Rangeあるかチェック
        if ( strncasecmp(line_buf, HTTP_RANGE,	strlen(HTTP_RANGE) ) == 0 ){
            debug_log_output("%s Detect.\n", HTTP_RANGE);
            // ':' より前を切る。
            cut_before_character(line_buf, ':');
            cut_first_character(line_buf, ' ');
            // recv_range にRangeの中身保存
            strncpy(http_recv_info_p->recv_range, line_buf, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->recv_range));
            // '=' より前を切る
            cut_before_character(line_buf, '=');
            // '-'で前後に分割。
            sentence_split(line_buf, '-', work_buf, work_buf2);
            debug_log_output("wrok_buf='%s'\n", work_buf);
            debug_log_output("wrok_buf2='%s'\n", work_buf2);
            // 値を文字列→数値変換
            http_recv_info_p->range_start_pos  = strtoull(work_buf, NULL, 10);
            if ( strlen(work_buf2) > 0 ){
                http_recv_info_p->range_end_pos = strtoull(work_buf2, NULL, 10);
            debug_log_output("range_start_pos=%d\n", http_recv_info_p->range_start_pos);
            debug_log_output("range_end_pos=%d\n", http_recv_info_p->range_end_pos);
        // Hostあるかチェック
        if ( strncasecmp(line_buf, HTTP_HOST,	strlen(HTTP_HOST) ) == 0 ){
            // ':' より前を切る。
            cut_before_character(line_buf, ':');
            cut_first_character(line_buf, ' ');
            strncpy(http_recv_info_p->recv_host, line_buf, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->recv_host));
            debug_log_output("%s Detect. %s '%s'", HTTP_HOST, HTTP_HOST, http_recv_info_p->recv_host);
        // Content-Lengthあるかチェック
        if ( strncasecmp(line_buf, HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH1, strlen(HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH1) ) == 0 ){
            // ':' より前を切る。
            cut_before_character(line_buf, ':');
            cut_first_character(line_buf, ' ');
            strncpy(http_recv_info_p->content_length, line_buf, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->content_length));
            debug_log_output("%s Detect. %s '%s'", HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH1, HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH1, http_recv_info_p->content_length);
        // Content-TYPEあるかチェック
        if ( strncasecmp(line_buf, HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE1, strlen(HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE1) ) == 0 ){
            // ':' より前を切る。
            cut_before_character(line_buf, ':');
            cut_first_character(line_buf, ' ');
            strncpy(http_recv_info_p->content_type, line_buf, sizeof(http_recv_info_p->content_type));
            debug_log_output("%s Detect. %s '%s'", HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE1, HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE1, http_recv_info_p->content_type);
    return result;