Esempio n. 1
void * trans_thread(void *unuse){
    CURLcode retcode;
    CURL *curl = curl_easy_init();
        fprintf(stderr,"translate failed_1\n");
    char buf[512],ret_buf[MAXBUF*2],*convert_str;
    sprintf(buf, "%s", APIkey);
    convert_str = curl_easy_escape(curl,str_to_trans,strlen(str_to_trans));
    strcat(buf, convert_str);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, buf);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_func);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &ret_buf);
    retcode = curl_easy_perform(curl);
    if(retcode != 0){
        fprintf(stderr,"translate failed_2\n");
    cJSON *json;
    json = cJSON_Parse(ret_buf);
    if(create_trans(&trans_res, json) == -1){
        fprintf(stderr,"translate failed_3\n");
    if(simple_flag == 1)
Esempio n. 2
void process_1_image (args cli_flags, char *files) {
	char *out_file_name = get_out_filename (files, cli_flags);
	if (file_exists (out_file_name)) {
		printf ("| Output file %s already exists. skipping... ", out_file_name);
	// Origional Image Properties struct
	img_prop o = (img_prop) malloc (sizeof (image_properties));
	// set all the vales in the imapg properties struct to -1
	null_ip (o);
	// Create a data provider
	CGDataProviderRef source_image_provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithFilename (files);
	// Check for a null returned value
	if (source_image_provider == NULL) {
		// something went wrong 
		printf ("error: Couldn't create CGDataProvider from URL.\n"); 
		exit (0);
	// get the information from the image exif here
	o->image_rot = get_exif_rot (source_image_provider);

	// Create the image in memory from the JPEG data
	CGImageRef source_image = CGImageCreateWithJPEGDataProvider (source_image_provider, NULL, no, kCGRenderingIntentDefault);
  /* Getting the colour space **/
  o->colorSpace = CGImageGetColorSpace(source_image);
	// populate the image info struct
	pop_img_props (source_image, o);
	// create a data provider from the decoded JPEG data
	CGDataProviderRef image_data_provider = CGImageGetDataProvider (source_image);
	// Create a pointer to the data section of the image in memory
	CFDataRef source_data_ptr = CGDataProviderCopyData (image_data_provider);

	// The vImage_Buffers we will use
	vImage_Buffer *vImage_source = (vImage_Buffer*) malloc (sizeof (vImage_Buffer));
	// Check for NULL
	if (NULL == vImage_source) {
		printf ("Cannot malloc vImage_source buffer\n");
		exit (0);
	if (o->bits_ppixel == 24) {
		// convert from 24bit to 32bit by adding the alpha channel.
		source_data_ptr = convert24_32bit (source_data_ptr, o);
	// Setup the vImage Buffer for the image
	setupBuffer (vImage_source, o->image_h, o->image_w, o->bytes_row);

	// Assign the data to the vImage Buffer for the source
	vImage_source->data = (void *) CFDataGetBytePtr (source_data_ptr);
	// Check for NULL
	if (vImage_source->data == NULL) 
		printf ("Unable to get the pointer\n");

	if (o->image_rot != 1 && o->image_rot != 4 && o->image_rot != 2) // rotate the image
		rotate_image (vImage_source, o, NULL);
	// flip the image
	if (o->image_rot == 2  || o->image_rot == 4 || o->image_rot == 7 || o->image_rot == 5)
		flip_image (vImage_source, o, NULL);
	// Resize the images
	resize_image (vImage_source, o, cli_flags);

    // Create a colour space to be compared against
    CGColorSpaceRef rgb = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceSRGB);
    if (NULL == rgb) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create the reference colourspace.\n");
    // Convert the colourspace to RGB
    if (!CFEqual(rgb, o->colorSpace) && !cli_flags->disableCC) {
        vImage_source->data = convert_space(vImage_source->data, o->image_w, o->image_h);
        if (NULL == vImage_source->data) exit(0);
    // release the reference colour space
	// save the image
	save_image (vImage_source, o, cli_flags->quality, out_file_name);
	// Release the source provider
	CGDataProviderRelease (source_image_provider);
	source_image_provider = NULL;
	// Release the source image
	CGImageRelease (source_image);
	source_image = NULL;
	// Free the filename created by get_out_filename ()
	free (out_file_name);
	out_file_name = NULL;
	// free the image properties
	free (o);
	o = NULL;
	// if there is info in the buffer
	if (vImage_source->data != NULL) {
		free (vImage_source->data);
		vImage_source->data = NULL;
	// free the buffer
	free (vImage_source);
	vImage_source = NULL;

} // Process 1 image
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char str[] = "Hello Wolrd and Japan!      ";
  printf("%s\n", str);
  return 0;