Esempio n. 1
gchar *get_help_message_key_binding(gboolean convert_to_html)
#ifdef DETAIL
	g_debug("! Launch get_help_message_key_binding() with convert_to_html = %d!", convert_to_html);
	gchar *msg_head = _("Default key binding:");
	// TRANSLATE NOTE: Please be care of the spacing when translating the following key binding description.
	// TRANSLATE NOTE: Please check it in [Right Click Menu] -> [Usage] -> [Key binding] page after translating.
	gchar *disable_key_binding = _("  * <Ctrl><`>           Disable/Enable hyperlinks, function keys and menu.");
	GString *message = g_string_new(NULL);
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Ctrl><T>           Add a New tab with current directory.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Ctrl><PgUp/PgDn>   Switch to Prev/Next tab.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Ctrl><Home/End>    Switch to First/Last tab.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Ctrl><[/]>         Move current tab Forward/Backward.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Ctrl><Up/Down>     Move current tab to First/Last.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Ctrl><F1~F12>      Switch to 1st ~ 12th tab.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Ctrl><+/-/Enter>   Increase/Decrease/Reset the font size of current tab.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Shift><Left/Right> Emulate a mouse Scroll Up/Down event on terminal.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Shift><Up/Down>    Asks to Scroll Up/Down 1 line on terminal.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Shift><PgUp/PgDn>  Gtk+ default behavior, Scroll Up/Down on terminal.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Shift><Home/End>   Gtk+ default behavior, Scroll terminal to Top/Bottom.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Alt><F11/Enter>    Switch between full/unfullwindow and full/unfullscreen.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Ctrl><F>           Find text in the terminal.\n"
				   "                        Use <F3>/<Shift><F3> to find Next/Prev.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Ctrl><O>           Select all the text in the terminal.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Ctrl><Del/Ins>     Copy/Paste the text in clipboard.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Shift><Del/Ins>    Copy/Paste the text in primary clipboard.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("                        (i.e. Emulate middle button mouse click to Copy/Paste)\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("Some key bindings that disabled by default but maybe useful:\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Ctrl><Q>           Trying to close current tab.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("                        (Using <Ctrl><D> or 'exit' to close tabs is recommended)\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Ctrl><N>           Open a new window with current directory.\n"));
	g_string_append(message, _("  * <Ctrl><E>           Rename the current tab.\n"));

	gchar *final_message = NULL;
	if (convert_to_html)
		gchar *str[5];

		str[0] = g_strdup_printf (_("TIP: These key bindings may custom or disable by right click menu [%s]."), _("Set key binding"));
		str[1] = convert_text_to_html(&msg_head, FALSE, NULL, "tt", NULL);
		str[2] = convert_text_to_html(&disable_key_binding, FALSE, "darkred", "tt", NULL);
		str[3] = convert_text_to_html(&(message->str), FALSE, NULL, "tt", NULL);
		str[4] = convert_text_to_html(&str[0], FALSE, "darkblue", "tt", "b", NULL);
		final_message = g_strdup_printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s", str[1], str[2], str[3], str[4]);
		gint i;
		for (i=0; i<5; i++) g_free(str[i]);
		final_message = g_strdup_printf("%s\n%s\n%s", msg_head, disable_key_binding, message->str);

	g_string_free (message, TRUE);
	return final_message;
Esempio n. 2
// It will be ok if profile=NULL here.
gchar *get_help_message_usage(gchar *profile, gboolean convert_to_html)
#ifdef DETAIL
	g_debug("! Launch get_help_message_usage() with profile = %s, convert_to_html = %d!",
		profile, convert_to_html);
	GString *help_message = g_string_new(NULL);

	// TRANSLATE NOTE: Please be care of the length of the following usage translation,
	// TRANSLATE NOTE: It should be shorter than 80 columns.
	g_string_append_printf(help_message, _("%s is a libvte based X Terminal Emulator.\n\n"), PACKAGE);
	g_string_append(help_message,   _("Use -T/--title {title} to specify the window title.\n"));
	g_string_append(help_message,   _("Use -R/--role {role} to specify the window role (WM_WINDOW_ROLE).\n"));
	g_string_append(help_message,   _("Use -t/--tab {number} to open multi tabs when starting up.\n"));
	g_string_append(help_message,   _("Use -n/--tab_names {tab names} to specify tab names, separate with <space>.\n"));
	g_string_append(help_message,   _("Use -d/--directory {directory} to specify the init directory when starting up.\n"));
	g_string_append(help_message,   _("Use -g/--geometry {WIDTHxHEIGHT[+-]XOFFSET[+-]YOFFSET} to specify the geometry.\n"));
	g_string_append(help_message,   _("Use -l/-ls/--login to make the shell invoked as a login shell.\n"));
	g_string_append(help_message,   _("Use -ut to disable recording the session in lastlog, utmp and wtmp.\n"));
	g_string_append(help_message,   _("Use -H/--hold to hold the terminal window open when -e/-x command terminated.\n"));
//	g_string_append(help_message,   _("\t\t\tThis option will be ignored when using with -e/-x/--execute option.\n"));
	g_string_append(help_message,   _("Use -s/--separate to run in separate process.\n"));
	g_string_append(help_message,   _("Use -j/--join to integrate new created tabs to the last accessed window.\n"));
	g_string_append(help_message,   _("Use -p/--profile to get a profile sample.\n"));
					_("Use -u/--user_profile {%s} to use a specified profile.\n"), PROFILE);
	g_string_append(help_message,   _("Use -v/--version to show the version information.\n"));
	g_string_append(help_message,   _("Use -e/-x/--execute {Command} to run a command. (Must be the final option).\n\n"));
					_("The %s system configure file is: %s\n"), PACKAGE, SYS_PROFILE);

	gchar *current_profile = NULL;
	// g_debug("get_help_message_usage(): profile = %s", profile);
	if (profile)
		current_profile = g_strdup(profile);
		current_profile = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", profile_dir, USER_PROFILE);
	if (current_profile)
		if (convert_to_html)
			gchar *msg_str = g_string_free(help_message, FALSE);
			gchar *new_help_message = convert_text_to_html (&msg_str, TRUE, NULL, "tt", NULL);
			if (new_help_message)
				help_message = g_string_new(new_help_message);
				help_message = g_string_new("");
			current_profile = convert_text_to_html (&current_profile, TRUE,  "darkgreen", "tt", NULL);
			gchar *new_current_profile = g_strdup_printf("%s\n\n", current_profile);
			current_profile = new_current_profile;

		gchar *profile_message = g_strdup_printf(_("And your %s profile is: "), PACKAGE);
		if (profile_message)
			if (convert_to_html)
				profile_message =  convert_text_to_html(&profile_message, TRUE, NULL, "tt", NULL);

		// g_debug("FINAL: profile_message = %s", profile_message);

		if (profile_message)
			g_string_append(help_message, profile_message);
		if (current_profile)
			g_string_append(help_message, current_profile);

	return g_string_free(help_message, FALSE);
Esempio n. 3
gboolean update_page_name(GtkWidget *window, GtkWidget *vte, gchar *page_name, GtkWidget *label,
			  gint page_no, gchar *custom_page_name, const gchar *tab_color, gboolean is_root,
			  gboolean is_bold, gboolean show_encoding, gchar *encoding_str,
			  gboolean custom_window_title, gboolean lost_focus)
#ifdef DETAIL
	g_debug("! Launch update_page_name() with vte = %p, label_name = %s, page_no = %d, "
		"custom_page_name = %s, tab_color = %s, is_root = %d, is_bold = %d, "
		"show_encoding = %d, encoding_str = %s",
		vte, page_name, page_no, custom_page_name, tab_color, is_root, is_bold,
		show_encoding, encoding_str);
		if (vte==NULL) return FALSE;
	// page_name = NULL when initing a new page.
	if (page_name == NULL)
		struct Page *page_data = (struct Page *)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(vte), "Page_Data");
		if (page_data==NULL) return FALSE;
		// g_debug("page_name = NULL!! trying to call get_and_update_page_name()");
		get_and_update_page_name(page_data, FALSE);

	gboolean page_name_updated = FALSE;
	struct Window *win_data = (struct Window *)g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(window), "Win_Data");
	if (win_data==NULL) return FALSE;
	// We don't update label name when the size of window is changing.
	// 0xfe = 11,111,110
	// g_debug("win_data->keep_vte_size = %x", win_data->keep_vte_size);
	if (!(win_data->keep_vte_size&0xfffc))
		// g_debug("Updating %d page name to %s...", page_no, page_name);
		gchar *label_name = NULL;

		if (custom_page_name==NULL)
			label_name = page_name;
			label_name = custom_page_name;

		if (! lost_focus)
			gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(label, label_name);
		// g_debug("[1] Updating %d page name to %s...", page_no, label_name);

		// FIXME: label_name = NULL when initing page.
		if (label_name==NULL) return FALSE;

		if (win_data->page_shows_number)
			label_name = g_strdup_printf("(%d) %s", page_no, label_name);
			label_name = g_strdup(label_name);
		// g_debug("[2] Updating %d page name to %s...", page_no, label_name);
		// label_name will be freed later.

		if (win_data->page_shows_encoding && show_encoding && encoding_str)
			gchar *temp_str = g_strdup_printf("%s (%s)", label_name, encoding_str);
			label_name = temp_str;
			// g_debug("[3] Updating %d page name to %s...", page_no, label_name);

		// if the window is lost focus, don't update the tab name
		// g_debug("lost_focus = %d", lost_focus);
		if (! lost_focus)
			// win_data->keep_vte_size |= 1;
			// g_debug("window_resizable in update_page_name! and keep_vte_size =%d", keep_vte_size);
			// window_resizable(window, vte, 2, 1);

			// DANGEROUS: remark the following keep_window_size()
			//	      will break the geometry of window when drag and drop.
			// g_debug("update_page_name(): launch keep_window_size()!");
#  ifdef GEOMETRY
			g_debug("@ update_page_name(): Call keep_gtk2_window_size() with keep_vte_size = %x",
#  endif
			keep_gtk2_window_size (win_data, vte, 0x3);
			if (win_data->use_color_page && (tab_color != NULL))
				// g_debug("[Debug] Updating %d page name to %s...", page_no, label_name);
				gchar *color_label_name;
				if (is_bold)
					color_label_name = convert_text_to_html (&label_name, FALSE,
										 (gchar *)tab_color, "b", NULL);
					color_label_name = convert_text_to_html (&label_name, FALSE,
										 (gchar *)tab_color, NULL);
				gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL(label), color_label_name);
				// g_debug("[FINAL] Updating %d page name to %s...", page_no, color_label_name);
				gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(label), label_name);
			// g_debug("Updated the tab name to %s!", page_name);
			page_name_updated = TRUE;
		// else
		//	g_debug("!!! the window is lost focus, don't update the tab name");

		// free the data
	// we should update window title if page name changed.
	check_and_update_window_title(win_data, custom_window_title, page_no, custom_page_name, page_name);

	// g_debug("(update_page_name): page_name_updated = %d", page_name_updated);
	return page_name_updated;