Esempio n. 1
initDataObjInfoWithInp (dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfo, dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp)
    char *rescName, *dataType, *filePath;
    keyValPair_t *condInput;

    condInput = &dataObjInp->condInput;

    memset (dataObjInfo, 0, sizeof (dataObjInfo_t));
    rstrcpy (dataObjInfo->objPath, dataObjInp->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN);
    rescName = getValByKey (condInput, RESC_NAME_KW);
    if (rescName != NULL) {
        rstrcpy (dataObjInfo->rescName, rescName, LONG_NAME_LEN);
    snprintf (dataObjInfo->dataMode, SHORT_STR_LEN, "%d", dataObjInp->createMode);

    dataType = getValByKey (condInput, DATA_TYPE_KW);
    if (dataType != NULL) {
        rstrcpy (dataObjInfo->dataType, dataType, NAME_LEN);
    } else {
        rstrcpy (dataObjInfo->dataType, "generic", NAME_LEN);

    filePath = getValByKey (condInput, FILE_PATH_KW);
    if (filePath != NULL) {
        rstrcpy (dataObjInfo->filePath, filePath, MAX_NAME_LEN);

    /* copy over the source file metadata if provided */
    copyFilesystemMetadata(condInput, &dataObjInfo->condInput);
#endif /* FILESYSTEM_META */

    return (0);
Esempio n. 2
_rsRegColl (rsComm_t *rsComm, collInp_t *collCreateInp)
#ifdef RODS_CAT
    int status;
    collInfo_t collInfo;
    char *tmpStr;

    memset (&collInfo, 0, sizeof (collInfo));

    rstrcpy (collInfo.collName, collCreateInp->collName, MAX_NAME_LEN);

    if ((tmpStr = getValByKey (&collCreateInp->condInput,
        rstrcpy (collInfo.collType, tmpStr, NAME_LEN);
	if ((tmpStr = getValByKey (&collCreateInp->condInput,
          COLLECTION_INFO1_KW)) != NULL) {
	    rstrcpy (collInfo.collInfo1, tmpStr, NAME_LEN);
        if ((tmpStr = getValByKey (&collCreateInp->condInput,
          COLLECTION_INFO2_KW)) != NULL) {
            rstrcpy (collInfo.collInfo2, tmpStr, NAME_LEN);

    /* if the "collection" keyword has been set, it provides the
       name of another collection to retrieve directory metadata
       from (usually during a icp or irsync operation */
    tmpStr = getValByKey(&collCreateInp->condInput, COLLECTION_KW);
    if (tmpStr != NULL) {
        rsQueryDirectoryMeta(rsComm, tmpStr, &collInfo.condInput);
    else {
        /* otherwise copy over the source directory metadata if provided */
        copyFilesystemMetadata(&collCreateInp->condInput, &collInfo.condInput);
#endif /* FILESYSTEM_META */

    status = chlRegColl (rsComm, &collInfo);
    return (status);
    return (SYS_NO_RCAT_SERVER_ERR);
Esempio n. 3
l3CreateByObjInfo( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp,
                   dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfo ) {
    int l3descInx;

    int retryCnt = 0;
    int chkType = 0; // JMC - backport 4774

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // extract the host location from the resource hierarchy
    std::string location;
    irods::error ret = irods::get_loc_for_hier_string( dataObjInfo->rescHier, location );
    if ( !ret.ok() ) {
        irods::log( PASSMSG( "l3CreateByObjInfo - failed in get_loc_for_hier_String", ret ) );
        return -1;

    fileCreateInp_t fileCreateInp;
    memset( &fileCreateInp, 0, sizeof( fileCreateInp ) );
    rstrcpy( fileCreateInp.resc_name_, location.c_str(),      MAX_NAME_LEN );
    rstrcpy( fileCreateInp.resc_hier_, dataObjInfo->rescHier, MAX_NAME_LEN );
    rstrcpy( fileCreateInp.objPath,    dataObjInfo->objPath,  MAX_NAME_LEN );
    rstrcpy( fileCreateInp.addr.hostAddr, location.c_str(), NAME_LEN );

    rstrcpy( fileCreateInp.fileName, dataObjInfo->filePath, MAX_NAME_LEN );
    fileCreateInp.mode = getFileMode( dataObjInp );
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // JMC - backport 4774
    chkType = getchkPathPerm( rsComm, dataObjInp, dataObjInfo );
    copyFilesystemMetadata( &dataObjInfo->condInput,
                            &fileCreateInp.condInput );
    if ( chkType == DISALLOW_PATH_REG ) {
        clearKeyVal( &fileCreateInp.condInput );
        return PATH_REG_NOT_ALLOWED;
    else if ( chkType == NO_CHK_PATH_PERM ) {
        fileCreateInp.otherFlags |= NO_CHK_PERM_FLAG;  // JMC - backport 4758
    rstrcpy( fileCreateInp.in_pdmo, dataObjInfo->in_pdmo, MAX_NAME_LEN );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    fileCreateOut_t* create_out = 0;
    std::string prev_resc_hier = fileCreateInp.resc_hier_;
    l3descInx = rsFileCreate( rsComm, &fileCreateInp, &create_out );

    // update the dataObjInfo with the potential changes made by the resource - hcj
    rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->rescHier, fileCreateInp.resc_hier_, MAX_NAME_LEN );
    rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->filePath, create_out->file_name, MAX_NAME_LEN );

    /* file already exists ? */
    while ( l3descInx <= 2 && retryCnt < 100 &&
            getErrno( l3descInx ) == EEXIST ) {
        if ( resolveDupFilePath( rsComm, dataObjInfo, dataObjInp ) < 0 ) {
        rstrcpy( fileCreateInp.fileName, dataObjInfo->filePath, MAX_NAME_LEN );
        free( create_out );
        l3descInx = rsFileCreate( rsComm, &fileCreateInp, &create_out );

        // update the dataObjInfo with the potential changes made by the resource - hcj
        rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->rescHier, fileCreateInp.resc_hier_, MAX_NAME_LEN );
        rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->filePath, create_out->file_name, MAX_NAME_LEN );
        retryCnt ++;
    clearKeyVal( &fileCreateInp.condInput );
    return ( l3descInx );
Esempio n. 4
l3FilePutSingleBuf( rsComm_t *rsComm, int l1descInx, bytesBuf_t *dataObjInpBBuf ) {
    dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfo;
    fileOpenInp_t filePutInp;
    int bytesWritten;
    dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp;
    int retryCnt = 0;
    int chkType = 0; // JMC - backport 4774

    dataObjInfo = L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo;
    dataObjInp = L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInp;

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // extract the host location from the resource hierarchy
    std::string location;
    irods::error ret = irods::get_loc_for_hier_string( dataObjInfo->rescHier, location );
    if ( !ret.ok() ) {
        irods::log( PASSMSG( "l3FilePutSingleBuf - failed in get_loc_for_hier_String", ret ) );
        return -1;

    if ( getStructFileType( dataObjInfo->specColl ) >= 0 ) {
        subFile_t subFile;

        memset( &subFile, 0, sizeof( subFile ) );
        rstrcpy( subFile.subFilePath, dataObjInfo->subPath, MAX_NAME_LEN );
        //rstrcpy (subFile.addr.hostAddr, dataObjInfo->rescInfo->rescLoc,NAME_LEN);
        rstrcpy( subFile.addr.hostAddr, location.c_str(), NAME_LEN );
        subFile.specColl = dataObjInfo->specColl;
        subFile.mode = getFileMode( dataObjInp );
        subFile.flags = O_WRONLY | dataObjInp->openFlags;

        if ( ( L1desc[l1descInx].replStatus & OPEN_EXISTING_COPY ) != 0 ) {
            subFile.flags |= FORCE_FLAG;

        bytesWritten = rsSubStructFilePut( rsComm, &subFile, dataObjInpBBuf );
        return ( bytesWritten );

    } // struct file type >= 0

    std::string prev_resc_hier;
    memset( &filePutInp, 0, sizeof( filePutInp ) );
    rstrcpy( filePutInp.resc_name_, dataObjInfo->rescInfo->rescName, MAX_NAME_LEN );
    rstrcpy( filePutInp.resc_hier_, dataObjInfo->rescHier, MAX_NAME_LEN );
    rstrcpy( filePutInp.objPath, dataObjInp->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN );
    if ( ( L1desc[l1descInx].replStatus & OPEN_EXISTING_COPY ) != 0 ) {
        filePutInp.otherFlags |= FORCE_FLAG;

    //rstrcpy (filePutInp.addr.hostAddr,  dataObjInfo->rescInfo->rescLoc,NAME_LEN);
    rstrcpy( filePutInp.addr.hostAddr, location.c_str(), NAME_LEN );
    rstrcpy( filePutInp.fileName, dataObjInfo->filePath, MAX_NAME_LEN );
    filePutInp.mode = getFileMode( dataObjInp );
    copyFilesystemMetadata( &dataObjInfo->condInput,
                            &filePutInp.condInput );

    filePutInp.flags = O_WRONLY | dataObjInp->openFlags;
    rstrcpy( filePutInp.in_pdmo, L1desc[l1descInx].in_pdmo, MAX_NAME_LEN );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // JMC - backport 4774
    chkType = getchkPathPerm( rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInp, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo );

    if ( chkType == DISALLOW_PATH_REG ) {
        clearKeyVal( &filePutInp.condInput );
        return PATH_REG_NOT_ALLOWED;
    else if ( chkType == NO_CHK_PATH_PERM ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        filePutInp.otherFlags |= NO_CHK_PERM_FLAG; // JMC - backport 4758

    filePutOut_t* put_out = 0;
    prev_resc_hier = filePutInp.resc_hier_;
    bytesWritten = rsFilePut( rsComm, &filePutInp, dataObjInpBBuf, &put_out );

    // update the dataObjInfo with the potential changes made by the resource - hcj
    rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->rescHier, filePutInp.resc_hier_, MAX_NAME_LEN );
    if( put_out ) {
        rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->filePath, put_out->file_name, MAX_NAME_LEN );
        free( put_out );

    /* file already exists ? */
    while ( bytesWritten < 0 && retryCnt < 10 &&
            ( filePutInp.otherFlags & FORCE_FLAG ) == 0 &&
            getErrno( bytesWritten ) == EEXIST ) {

        if ( resolveDupFilePath( rsComm, dataObjInfo, dataObjInp ) < 0 ) {
        rstrcpy( filePutInp.fileName, dataObjInfo->filePath, MAX_NAME_LEN );

        filePutOut_t* put_out = 0;
        bytesWritten = rsFilePut( rsComm, &filePutInp, dataObjInpBBuf, &put_out );
        // update the dataObjInfo with the potential changes made by the resource - hcj
        rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->rescHier, filePutInp.resc_hier_, MAX_NAME_LEN );
        if( put_out ) {
            rstrcpy( dataObjInfo->filePath, put_out->file_name, MAX_NAME_LEN );
            free( put_out );
        retryCnt ++;
    } // while
    clearKeyVal( &filePutInp.condInput );
    return ( bytesWritten );

} // l3FilePutSingleBuf
Esempio n. 5
l3FilePutSingleBuf (rsComm_t *rsComm, int l1descInx, bytesBuf_t *dataObjInpBBuf)
    dataObjInfo_t *dataObjInfo;
    int rescTypeInx;
    fileOpenInp_t filePutInp;
    int bytesWritten;
    dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp;
    int retryCnt = 0;
    int chkType;

    dataObjInfo = L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo;

    dataObjInp = L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInp;

    if (getStructFileType (dataObjInfo->specColl) >= 0) {
        subFile_t subFile;
        memset (&subFile, 0, sizeof (subFile));
        rstrcpy (subFile.subFilePath, dataObjInfo->subPath,
        rstrcpy (subFile.addr.hostAddr, dataObjInfo->rescInfo->rescLoc,
        subFile.specColl = dataObjInfo->specColl;
        subFile.mode = getFileMode (dataObjInp);
        subFile.flags = O_WRONLY | dataObjInp->openFlags;
#if 0
        if (getValByKey (&dataObjInp->condInput, FORCE_FLAG_KW) != NULL) {
	if ((L1desc[l1descInx].replStatus & OPEN_EXISTING_COPY) != 0) {
            subFile.flags |= FORCE_FLAG;
        bytesWritten = rsSubStructFilePut (rsComm, &subFile, dataObjInpBBuf);
        return (bytesWritten);

    rescTypeInx = dataObjInfo->rescInfo->rescTypeInx;

    switch (RescTypeDef[rescTypeInx].rescCat) {
      case FILE_CAT:
        memset (&filePutInp, 0, sizeof (filePutInp));
#if 0
	if (getValByKey (&dataObjInp->condInput, FORCE_FLAG_KW) != NULL) {
	if ((L1desc[l1descInx].replStatus & OPEN_EXISTING_COPY) != 0) {
	    filePutInp.otherFlags |= FORCE_FLAG;
        filePutInp.fileType = (fileDriverType_t)RescTypeDef[rescTypeInx].driverType;
        rstrcpy (filePutInp.addr.hostAddr,  dataObjInfo->rescInfo->rescLoc,
        rstrcpy (filePutInp.fileName, dataObjInfo->filePath, MAX_NAME_LEN);
        filePutInp.mode = getFileMode (dataObjInp);
        filePutInp.flags = O_WRONLY | dataObjInp->openFlags;
	chkType = getchkPathPerm (rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInp,
	if (chkType == DISALLOW_PATH_REG) {
	} else if (chkType == NO_CHK_PATH_PERM) {
            filePutInp.otherFlags |= NO_CHK_PERM_FLAG;
        bytesWritten = rsFilePut (rsComm, &filePutInp, dataObjInpBBuf);
        /* file already exists ? */
        while (bytesWritten < 0 && retryCnt < 10 &&
          (filePutInp.otherFlags & FORCE_FLAG) == 0 &&
	  getErrno (bytesWritten) == EEXIST) {
            if (resolveDupFilePath (rsComm, dataObjInfo, dataObjInp) < 0) {
            rstrcpy (filePutInp.fileName, dataObjInfo->filePath,
	    bytesWritten = rsFilePut (rsComm, &filePutInp, dataObjInpBBuf);
            retryCnt ++;

        rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE,
          "l3Open: rescCat type %d is not recognized",
        bytesWritten = SYS_INVALID_RESC_TYPE;
    return (bytesWritten);
Esempio n. 6
rsDataObjCopy( rsComm_t *rsComm, dataObjCopyInp_t *dataObjCopyInp,
               transferStat_t **transStat ) {
    dataObjInp_t *srcDataObjInp, *destDataObjInp;
    int srcL1descInx, destL1descInx;
    int status;
    int existFlag;
    uint createMode;
    int remoteFlag;
    rodsServerHost_t *rodsServerHost;
    specCollCache_t *specCollCache = NULL;

    srcDataObjInp = &dataObjCopyInp->srcDataObjInp;
    destDataObjInp = &dataObjCopyInp->destDataObjInp;

    resolveLinkedPath( rsComm, srcDataObjInp->objPath, &specCollCache, &srcDataObjInp->condInput );
    resolveLinkedPath( rsComm, destDataObjInp->objPath, &specCollCache, &destDataObjInp->condInput );

    remoteFlag = getAndConnRemoteZoneForCopy( rsComm, dataObjCopyInp, &rodsServerHost );
    if ( remoteFlag < 0 ) {
        return ( remoteFlag );
    else if ( remoteFlag == REMOTE_HOST ) {
        status = _rcDataObjCopy( rodsServerHost->conn, dataObjCopyInp,
                                 transStat );
        return status;

    if ( strcmp( srcDataObjInp->objPath, destDataObjInp->objPath ) == 0 ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_ERROR,
                 "rsDataObjCopy: same src and dest objPath %s not allowed",
                 srcDataObjInp->objPath );
        return ( USER_INPUT_PATH_ERR );

    addKeyVal( &srcDataObjInp->condInput, PHYOPEN_BY_SIZE_KW, "" );

    srcL1descInx = rsDataObjOpen( rsComm, srcDataObjInp );

    if ( srcL1descInx < 0 ) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        char* sys_error;
        char* rods_error = rodsErrorName( srcL1descInx, &sys_error );
        msg << __FUNCTION__;
        msg << " - Failed to open source object: \"";
        msg << srcDataObjInp->objPath;
        msg << "\" - ";
        msg << rods_error << " " << sys_error;
        irods::log( LOG_ERROR, msg.str() );
        return srcL1descInx;

    /* have to set L1desc[srcL1descInx].dataSize because open set this to -1 */
    destDataObjInp->dataSize = L1desc[srcL1descInx].dataSize =

    createMode = atoi( L1desc[srcL1descInx].dataObjInfo->dataMode );

    if ( createMode >= 0100 ) {
        destDataObjInp->createMode = createMode;

    L1desc[srcL1descInx].oprType = COPY_SRC;

    if ( L1desc[srcL1descInx].l3descInx <= 2 ) {
        /* dataSingleBuf */
        addKeyVal( &destDataObjInp->condInput, NO_OPEN_FLAG_KW, "" );
    /* copy file metadata if the source object has it */
    copyFilesystemMetadata( &( L1desc[srcL1descInx].dataObjInfo->condInput ),
                            &destDataObjInp->condInput );

    destL1descInx = rsDataObjCreate( rsComm, destDataObjInp );
    if ( destL1descInx == CAT_UNKNOWN_COLLECTION ) {
        /* collection does not exist. make one */
        char parColl[MAX_NAME_LEN], child[MAX_NAME_LEN];
        splitPathByKey( destDataObjInp->objPath, parColl, child, '/' );
        rsMkCollR( rsComm, "/", parColl );
        destL1descInx = rsDataObjCreate( rsComm, destDataObjInp );

    if ( destL1descInx < 0 ) {
        std::stringstream msg;
        char* sys_error;
        char* rods_error = rodsErrorName( destL1descInx, &sys_error );
        msg << __FUNCTION__;
        msg << " - Failed to create destination object: \"";
        msg << destDataObjInp->objPath;
        msg << "\" - ";
        msg << rods_error << " " << sys_error;
        irods::log( LOG_ERROR, msg.str() );
        return ( destL1descInx );

    if ( L1desc[destL1descInx].replStatus == NEWLY_CREATED_COPY ) {
        existFlag = 0;
    else {
        existFlag = 1;

    L1desc[destL1descInx].oprType = COPY_DEST;

    L1desc[destL1descInx].srcL1descInx = srcL1descInx;

    rstrcpy( L1desc[destL1descInx].dataObjInfo->dataType,

             L1desc[srcL1descInx].dataObjInfo->dataType, NAME_LEN );
    /* set dataSize for verification in _rsDataObjClose */

    L1desc[destL1descInx].dataSize =

    status = _rsDataObjCopy( rsComm, destL1descInx, existFlag, transStat );

    return ( status );