Esempio n. 1
void calc_mu(int start,int homenr,rvec x[],real q[],real qB[],
	     int nChargePerturbed,
	     dvec mu,dvec mu_B)
  int i,end,m;
  end   = start + homenr;  
  for(i=start; (i<end); i++)
    for(m=0; (m<DIM); m++)
      mu[m] += q[i]*x[i][m];
  for(m=0; (m<DIM); m++)
    mu[m] *= ENM2DEBYE;
  if (nChargePerturbed) {
    for(i=start; (i<end); i++)
      for(m=0; (m<DIM); m++)
	mu_B[m] += qB[i]*x[i][m];
    for(m=0; (m<DIM); m++)
      mu_B[m] *= ENM2DEBYE;
  } else {
Esempio n. 2
static void low_get_pull_coord_dr(const t_pull *pull,
                                  const t_pull_coord *pcrd,
                                  const t_pbc *pbc, double t,
                                  dvec xg, dvec xref, double max_dist2,
                                  dvec dr)
    const t_pull_group *pgrp0, *pgrp1;
    int                 m;
    dvec                xrefr, dref = {0, 0, 0};
    double              dr2;

    pgrp0 = &pull->group[pcrd->group[0]];
    pgrp1 = &pull->group[pcrd->group[1]];

    /* Only the first group can be an absolute reference, in that case nat=0 */
    if (pgrp0->nat == 0)
        for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
            xref[m] = pcrd->origin[m];

    copy_dvec(xref, xrefr);

    if (pull->eGeom == epullgDIRPBC)
        for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
            dref[m] = (pcrd->init + pcrd->rate*t)*pcrd->vec[m];
        /* Add the reference position, so we use the correct periodic image */
        dvec_inc(xrefr, dref);

    pbc_dx_d(pbc, xg, xrefr, dr);
    dr2 = 0;
    for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
        dr[m] *= pull->dim[m];
        dr2   += dr[m]*dr[m];
    if (max_dist2 >= 0 && dr2 > 0.98*0.98*max_dist2)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Distance between pull groups %d and %d (%f nm) is larger than 0.49 times the box size (%f)",
                  pcrd->group[0], pcrd->group[1], sqrt(dr2), sqrt(max_dist2));

    if (pull->eGeom == epullgDIRPBC)
        dvec_inc(dr, dref);
Esempio n. 3
void calc_mu(int start, int homenr, rvec x[], real q[], real qB[],
             int nChargePerturbed,
             dvec mu, dvec mu_B)
    int    i, end, m;
    double mu_x, mu_y, mu_z;

    end   = start + homenr;

    mu_x = mu_y = mu_z = 0.0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: mu_x, mu_y, mu_z) schedule(static) \
    for (i = start; i < end; i++)
        mu_x += q[i]*x[i][XX];
        mu_y += q[i]*x[i][YY];
        mu_z += q[i]*x[i][ZZ];
    mu[XX] = mu_x;
    mu[YY] = mu_y;
    mu[ZZ] = mu_z;

    for (m = 0; (m < DIM); m++)
        mu[m] *= ENM2DEBYE;

    if (nChargePerturbed)
        mu_x = mu_y = mu_z = 0.0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: mu_x, mu_y, mu_z) schedule(static) \
        for (i = start; i < end; i++)
            mu_x += qB[i]*x[i][XX];
            mu_y += qB[i]*x[i][YY];
            mu_z += qB[i]*x[i][ZZ];
        mu_B[XX] = mu_x * ENM2DEBYE;
        mu_B[YY] = mu_y * ENM2DEBYE;
        mu_B[ZZ] = mu_z * ENM2DEBYE;
        copy_dvec(mu, mu_B);
Esempio n. 4
static void get_pullgrps_dr(const t_pull *pull,const t_pbc *pbc,int g,double t,
                            dvec xg,dvec xref,double max_dist2,
                            dvec dr)
    t_pullgrp *pref,*pgrp;
    int       m;
    dvec      xrefr,dref={0,0,0};
    double    dr2;
    pgrp = &pull->grp[g];

    if (pull->eGeom == epullgDIRPBC)
        for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
            dref[m] = (pgrp->init[0] + pgrp->rate*t)*pull->grp[g].vec[m];
        /* Add the reference position, so we use the correct periodic image */
    pbc_dx_d(pbc, xg, xrefr, dr);
    dr2 = 0;
    for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
        dr[m] *= pull->dim[m];
        dr2 += dr[m]*dr[m];
    if (max_dist2 >= 0 && dr2 > 0.98*0.98*max_dist2)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Distance of pull group %d (%f nm) is larger than 0.49 times the box size (%f)",g,sqrt(dr2),sqrt(max_dist2));

    if (pull->eGeom == epullgDIRPBC)
Esempio n. 5
/* calculates center of mass of selection index from all coordinates x */
void pull_calc_coms(t_commrec *cr,
                    t_pull *pull, t_mdatoms *md, t_pbc *pbc, double t,
                    rvec x[], rvec *xp)
    int           g, i, ii, m;
    real          mass, w, wm, twopi_box = 0;
    double        wmass, wwmass, invwmass;
    dvec          com, comp;
    double        cm, sm, cmp, smp, ccm, csm, ssm, csw, snw;
    rvec         *xx[2], x_pbc = {0, 0, 0}, dx;
    t_pull_group *pgrp;

    if (pull->rbuf == NULL)
        snew(pull->rbuf, pull->ngroup);
    if (pull->dbuf == NULL)
        snew(pull->dbuf, 3*pull->ngroup);

    if (pull->bRefAt)
        pull_set_pbcatoms(cr, pull, md, x, pull->rbuf);

    if (pull->cosdim >= 0)
        for (m = pull->cosdim+1; m < pull->npbcdim; m++)
            if (pbc->box[m][pull->cosdim] != 0)
                gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Can not do cosine weighting for trilinic dimensions");
        twopi_box = 2.0*M_PI/pbc->box[pull->cosdim][pull->cosdim];

    for (g = 0; g < pull->ngroup; g++)
        pgrp = &pull->group[g];
        wmass  = 0;
        wwmass = 0;
        cm     = 0;
        sm     = 0;
        cmp    = 0;
        smp    = 0;
        ccm    = 0;
        csm    = 0;
        ssm    = 0;
        if (!(g == 0 && PULL_CYL(pull)))
            if (pgrp->epgrppbc == epgrppbcREFAT)
                /* Set the pbc atom */
                copy_rvec(pull->rbuf[g], x_pbc);
            w = 1;
            for (i = 0; i < pgrp->nat_loc; i++)
                ii   = pgrp->ind_loc[i];
                mass = md->massT[ii];
                if (pgrp->epgrppbc != epgrppbcCOS)
                    if (pgrp->weight_loc)
                        w = pgrp->weight_loc[i];
                    wm      = w*mass;
                    wmass  += wm;
                    wwmass += wm*w;
                    if (pgrp->epgrppbc == epgrppbcNONE)
                        /* Plain COM: sum the coordinates */
                        for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                            com[m]    += wm*x[ii][m];
                        if (xp)
                            for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                                comp[m] += wm*xp[ii][m];
                        /* Sum the difference with the reference atom */
                        pbc_dx(pbc, x[ii], x_pbc, dx);
                        for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                            com[m]    += wm*dx[m];
                        if (xp)
                            /* For xp add the difference between xp and x to dx,
                             * such that we use the same periodic image,
                             * also when xp has a large displacement.
                            for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                                comp[m] += wm*(dx[m] + xp[ii][m] - x[ii][m]);
                    /* Determine cos and sin sums */
                    csw  = cos(x[ii][pull->cosdim]*twopi_box);
                    snw  = sin(x[ii][pull->cosdim]*twopi_box);
                    cm  += csw*mass;
                    sm  += snw*mass;
                    ccm += csw*csw*mass;
                    csm += csw*snw*mass;
                    ssm += snw*snw*mass;

                    if (xp)
                        csw  = cos(xp[ii][pull->cosdim]*twopi_box);
                        snw  = sin(xp[ii][pull->cosdim]*twopi_box);
                        cmp += csw*mass;
                        smp += snw*mass;

        /* Copy local sums to a buffer for global summing */
        switch (pgrp->epgrppbc)
            case epgrppbcNONE:
            case epgrppbcREFAT:
                copy_dvec(com, pull->dbuf[g*3]);
                copy_dvec(comp, pull->dbuf[g*3+1]);
                pull->dbuf[g*3+2][0] = wmass;
                pull->dbuf[g*3+2][1] = wwmass;
                pull->dbuf[g*3+2][2] = 0;
            case epgrppbcCOS:
                pull->dbuf[g*3  ][0] = cm;
                pull->dbuf[g*3  ][1] = sm;
                pull->dbuf[g*3  ][2] = 0;
                pull->dbuf[g*3+1][0] = ccm;
                pull->dbuf[g*3+1][1] = csm;
                pull->dbuf[g*3+1][2] = ssm;
                pull->dbuf[g*3+2][0] = cmp;
                pull->dbuf[g*3+2][1] = smp;
                pull->dbuf[g*3+2][2] = 0;

    if (cr && PAR(cr))
        /* Sum the contributions over the nodes */
        gmx_sumd(pull->ngroup*3*DIM, pull->dbuf[0], cr);

    for (g = 0; g < pull->ngroup; g++)
        pgrp = &pull->group[g];
        if (pgrp->nat > 0 && !(g == 0 && PULL_CYL(pull)))
            if (pgrp->epgrppbc != epgrppbcCOS)
                /* Determine the inverse mass */
                wmass    = pull->dbuf[g*3+2][0];
                wwmass   = pull->dbuf[g*3+2][1];
                invwmass = 1/wmass;
                /* invtm==0 signals a frozen group, so then we should keep it zero */
                if (pgrp->invtm > 0)
                    pgrp->wscale = wmass/wwmass;
                    pgrp->invtm  = 1.0/(pgrp->wscale*wmass);
                /* Divide by the total mass */
                for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                    pgrp->x[m]    = pull->dbuf[g*3  ][m]*invwmass;
                    if (xp)
                        pgrp->xp[m] = pull->dbuf[g*3+1][m]*invwmass;
                    if (pgrp->epgrppbc == epgrppbcREFAT)
                        pgrp->x[m]    += pull->rbuf[g][m];
                        if (xp)
                            pgrp->xp[m] += pull->rbuf[g][m];
                /* Determine the optimal location of the cosine weight */
                csw                   = pull->dbuf[g*3][0];
                snw                   = pull->dbuf[g*3][1];
                pgrp->x[pull->cosdim] = atan2_0_2pi(snw, csw)/twopi_box;
                /* Set the weights for the local atoms */
                wmass  = sqrt(csw*csw + snw*snw);
                wwmass = (pull->dbuf[g*3+1][0]*csw*csw +
                          pull->dbuf[g*3+1][1]*csw*snw +
                pgrp->wscale = wmass/wwmass;
                pgrp->invtm  = 1.0/(pgrp->wscale*wmass);
                /* Set the weights for the local atoms */
                csw *= pgrp->invtm;
                snw *= pgrp->invtm;
                for (i = 0; i < pgrp->nat_loc; i++)
                    ii                  = pgrp->ind_loc[i];
                    pgrp->weight_loc[i] = csw*cos(twopi_box*x[ii][pull->cosdim]) +
                if (xp)
                    csw                    = pull->dbuf[g*3+2][0];
                    snw                    = pull->dbuf[g*3+2][1];
                    pgrp->xp[pull->cosdim] = atan2_0_2pi(snw, csw)/twopi_box;
            if (debug)
                fprintf(debug, "Pull group %d wmass %f wwmass %f invtm %f\n",
                        g, wmass, wwmass, pgrp->invtm);

    if (PULL_CYL(pull))
        /* Calculate the COMs for the cyclinder reference groups */
        make_cyl_refgrps(cr, pull, md, pbc, t, x, xp);
Esempio n. 6
 void gamlr(int *famid, // 1 gaus, 2 bin, 3 pois
            int *n_in, // nobs 
            int *p_in, // nvar
            int *N_in, // length of nonzero x entries
            int *xi_in, // length-l row ids for nonzero x
            int *xp_in, // length-p+1 pointers to each column start
            double *xv_in, // nonzero x entry values
            double *y_in, // length-n y
            int *prexx, // indicator for pre-calc xx
            double *xxv_in, // dense columns of upper tri for xx
            double *eta, // length-n fixed shifts (assumed zero for gaussian)
            double *varweight, // length-p weights
            double *obsweight, // length-n weights
            int *standardize, // whether to scale penalty by sd(x_j)
            int *nlam, // length of the path
            double *delta, // path stepsize
            double *penscale,  // gamma in the GL paper
            double *thresh,  // cd convergence
            int *maxit, // cd max iterations 
            double *lambda, // output lambda
            double *deviance, // output deviance
            double *df, // output df
            double *alpha,  // output intercepts
            double *beta, // output coefficients
            int *exits, // exit status.  0 is normal
            int *verb) // talk? 
  dirty = 1; // flag to say the function has been called
  // time stamp for periodic R interaction
  time_t itime = time(NULL);  

  /** Build global variables **/
  fam = *famid;
  n = *n_in;
  p = *p_in;
  nd = (double) n;
  pd = (double) p;
  N = *N_in;
  W = varweight;
  V = obsweight;

  E = eta;
  Y = y_in;
  xi = xi_in;
  xp = xp_in;
  xv = xv_in;

  doxx = *prexx;
  xxv = xxv_in;
  H = new_dvec(p);


  B = new_dzero(p);
  G = new_dzero(p);
  ag0 = new_dzero(p);
  gam = *penscale;

  npass = itertotal = 0;

  // some local variables
  double Lold, NLLHD, Lsat;
  int s;

  // family dependent settings
  switch( fam )
    case 2:
      nllhd = &bin_nllhd;
      reweight = &bin_reweight;
      A = log(ybar/(1-ybar));
      Lsat = 0.0;
    case 3:
      nllhd = &po_nllhd;
      reweight = &po_reweight;
      A = log(ybar);
      // nonzero saturated deviance
      Lsat = ysum;
      for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
        if(Y[i]!=0) Lsat += -Y[i]*log(Y[i]);
      fam = 1; // if it wasn't already
      nllhd = &lin_nllhd;
      A = (ysum - sum_dvec(eta,n))/nd;
    Z = new_dvec(n);
    vxbar = new_dvec(p);
    vxz = new_dvec(p);
    Z = Y;
    vxz = new_dzero(p);
      vxbar = new_dvec(p);
      vxbar = xbar; 
      vsum = nd;
      for(int j=0; j<p; j++)
        for(int i=xp[j]; i<xp[j+1]; i++)
            vxz[j] += xv[i]*Z[xi[i]]; 

  l1pen = INFINITY;
  Lold = INFINITY;
  NLLHD =  nllhd(n, A, E, Y);

    speak("*** n=%d observations and p=%d covariates ***\n", n,p);

  // move along the path
  for(s=0; s<*nlam; s++){

    // deflate the penalty
      lambda[s] = lambda[s-1]*(*delta);
    l1pen = lambda[s]*nd;

    // run descent
    exits[s] = cdsolve(*thresh,*maxit);

    // update parameters and objective
    itertotal += npass;
    Lold = NLLHD;
    NLLHD =  nllhd(n, A, E, Y);
    deviance[s] = 2.0*(NLLHD - Lsat);
    df[s] = dof(s, lambda, NLLHD);
    alpha[s] = A;

    if(s==0) *thresh *= deviance[0]; // relativism
    // gamma lasso updating
    for(int j=0; j<p; j++) 
        if( (W[j]>0.0) & isfinite(W[j]) )
          W[j] = 1.0/(1.0+gam*fabs(B[j]));
      } else if(B[j]!=0.0){
        W[j] = 0.0;

    // verbalize
      speak("segment %d: lambda = %.4g, dev = %.4g, npass = %d\n", 
          s+1, lambda[s], deviance[s], npass);

    // exit checks
      exits[s] = 1;
      shout("Warning: negative deviance.  ");
    if(df[s] >= nd){
      exits[s] = 1;
      shout("Warning: saturated model.  "); 
      shout("Finishing path early.\n");
      *nlam = s; break; }

    itime = interact(itime); 

  *maxit = itertotal;
Esempio n. 7
/* calculates center of mass of selection index from all coordinates x */
void pull_calc_coms(t_commrec *cr,
                    struct pull_t *pull, t_mdatoms *md, t_pbc *pbc, double t,
                    rvec x[], rvec *xp)
    int          g;
    real         twopi_box = 0;
    pull_comm_t *comm;

    comm = &pull->comm;

    if (comm->rbuf == NULL)
        snew(comm->rbuf, pull->ngroup);
    if (comm->dbuf == NULL)
        snew(comm->dbuf, 3*pull->ngroup);

    if (pull->bRefAt && pull->bSetPBCatoms)
        pull_set_pbcatoms(cr, pull, x, comm->rbuf);

        if (cr != NULL && DOMAINDECOMP(cr))
            /* We can keep these PBC reference coordinates fixed for nstlist
             * steps, since atoms won't jump over PBC.
             * This avoids a global reduction at the next nstlist-1 steps.
             * Note that the exact values of the pbc reference coordinates
             * are irrelevant, as long all atoms in the group are within
             * half a box distance of the reference coordinate.
            pull->bSetPBCatoms = FALSE;

    if (pull->cosdim >= 0)
        int m;

        assert(pull->npbcdim <= DIM);

        for (m = pull->cosdim+1; m < pull->npbcdim; m++)
            if (pbc->box[m][pull->cosdim] != 0)
                gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Can not do cosine weighting for trilinic dimensions");
        twopi_box = 2.0*M_PI/pbc->box[pull->cosdim][pull->cosdim];

    for (g = 0; g < pull->ngroup; g++)
        pull_group_work_t *pgrp;

        pgrp = &pull->group[g];

        if (pgrp->bCalcCOM)
            if (pgrp->epgrppbc != epgrppbcCOS)
                dvec   com, comp;
                double wmass, wwmass;
                rvec   x_pbc = { 0, 0, 0 };
                int    i;

                wmass  = 0;
                wwmass = 0;

                if (pgrp->epgrppbc == epgrppbcREFAT)
                    /* Set the pbc atom */
                    copy_rvec(comm->rbuf[g], x_pbc);

                for (i = 0; i < pgrp->nat_loc; i++)
                    int  ii, m;
                    real mass, wm;

                    ii   = pgrp->ind_loc[i];
                    mass = md->massT[ii];
                    if (pgrp->weight_loc == NULL)
                        wm     = mass;
                        wmass += wm;
                        real w;

                        w       = pgrp->weight_loc[i];
                        wm      = w*mass;
                        wmass  += wm;
                        wwmass += wm*w;
                    if (pgrp->epgrppbc == epgrppbcNONE)
                        /* Plain COM: sum the coordinates */
                        for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                            com[m]    += wm*x[ii][m];
                        if (xp)
                            for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                                comp[m] += wm*xp[ii][m];
                        rvec dx;

                        /* Sum the difference with the reference atom */
                        pbc_dx(pbc, x[ii], x_pbc, dx);
                        for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                            com[m]    += wm*dx[m];
                        if (xp)
                            /* For xp add the difference between xp and x to dx,
                             * such that we use the same periodic image,
                             * also when xp has a large displacement.
                            for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                                comp[m] += wm*(dx[m] + xp[ii][m] - x[ii][m]);

                /* We do this check after the loop above to avoid more nesting.
                 * If we have a single-atom group the mass is irrelevant, so
                 * we can remove the mass factor to avoid division by zero.
                 * Note that with constraint pulling the mass does matter, but
                 * in that case a check group mass != 0 has been done before.
                if (pgrp->params.nat == 1 && pgrp->nat_loc == 1 && wmass == 0)
                    int m;

                    /* Copy the single atom coordinate */
                    for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                        com[m] = x[pgrp->ind_loc[0]][m];
                    /* Set all mass factors to 1 to get the correct COM */
                    wmass  = 1;
                    wwmass = 1;

                if (pgrp->weight_loc == NULL)
                    wwmass = wmass;

                /* Copy local sums to a buffer for global summing */
                copy_dvec(com,  comm->dbuf[g*3]);
                copy_dvec(comp, comm->dbuf[g*3 + 1]);
                comm->dbuf[g*3 + 2][0] = wmass;
                comm->dbuf[g*3 + 2][1] = wwmass;
                comm->dbuf[g*3 + 2][2] = 0;
                /* Cosine weighting geometry */
                double cm, sm, cmp, smp, ccm, csm, ssm, csw, snw;
                int    i;

                cm  = 0;
                sm  = 0;
                cmp = 0;
                smp = 0;
                ccm = 0;
                csm = 0;
                ssm = 0;

                for (i = 0; i < pgrp->nat_loc; i++)
                    int  ii;
                    real mass;

                    ii   = pgrp->ind_loc[i];
                    mass = md->massT[ii];
                    /* Determine cos and sin sums */
                    csw  = cos(x[ii][pull->cosdim]*twopi_box);
                    snw  = sin(x[ii][pull->cosdim]*twopi_box);
                    cm  += csw*mass;
                    sm  += snw*mass;
                    ccm += csw*csw*mass;
                    csm += csw*snw*mass;
                    ssm += snw*snw*mass;

                    if (xp)
                        csw  = cos(xp[ii][pull->cosdim]*twopi_box);
                        snw  = sin(xp[ii][pull->cosdim]*twopi_box);
                        cmp += csw*mass;
                        smp += snw*mass;

                /* Copy local sums to a buffer for global summing */
                comm->dbuf[g*3  ][0] = cm;
                comm->dbuf[g*3  ][1] = sm;
                comm->dbuf[g*3  ][2] = 0;
                comm->dbuf[g*3+1][0] = ccm;
                comm->dbuf[g*3+1][1] = csm;
                comm->dbuf[g*3+1][2] = ssm;
                comm->dbuf[g*3+2][0] = cmp;
                comm->dbuf[g*3+2][1] = smp;
                comm->dbuf[g*3+2][2] = 0;

    pull_reduce_double(cr, comm, pull->ngroup*3*DIM, comm->dbuf[0]);

    for (g = 0; g < pull->ngroup; g++)
        pull_group_work_t *pgrp;

        pgrp = &pull->group[g];
        if (pgrp->params.nat > 0 && pgrp->bCalcCOM)
            if (pgrp->epgrppbc != epgrppbcCOS)
                double wmass, wwmass;
                int    m;

                /* Determine the inverse mass */
                wmass             = comm->dbuf[g*3+2][0];
                wwmass            = comm->dbuf[g*3+2][1];
                pgrp->mwscale     = 1.0/wmass;
                /* invtm==0 signals a frozen group, so then we should keep it zero */
                if (pgrp->invtm != 0)
                    pgrp->wscale  = wmass/wwmass;
                    pgrp->invtm   = wwmass/(wmass*wmass);
                /* Divide by the total mass */
                for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                    pgrp->x[m]      = comm->dbuf[g*3  ][m]*pgrp->mwscale;
                    if (xp)
                        pgrp->xp[m] = comm->dbuf[g*3+1][m]*pgrp->mwscale;
                    if (pgrp->epgrppbc == epgrppbcREFAT)
                        pgrp->x[m]      += comm->rbuf[g][m];
                        if (xp)
                            pgrp->xp[m] += comm->rbuf[g][m];
                /* Cosine weighting geometry */
                double csw, snw, wmass, wwmass;
                int    i, ii;

                /* Determine the optimal location of the cosine weight */
                csw                   = comm->dbuf[g*3][0];
                snw                   = comm->dbuf[g*3][1];
                pgrp->x[pull->cosdim] = atan2_0_2pi(snw, csw)/twopi_box;
                /* Set the weights for the local atoms */
                wmass  = sqrt(csw*csw + snw*snw);
                wwmass = (comm->dbuf[g*3+1][0]*csw*csw +
                          comm->dbuf[g*3+1][1]*csw*snw +

                pgrp->mwscale = 1.0/wmass;
                pgrp->wscale  = wmass/wwmass;
                pgrp->invtm   = wwmass/(wmass*wmass);
                /* Set the weights for the local atoms */
                csw *= pgrp->invtm;
                snw *= pgrp->invtm;
                for (i = 0; i < pgrp->nat_loc; i++)
                    ii                  = pgrp->ind_loc[i];
                    pgrp->weight_loc[i] = csw*cos(twopi_box*x[ii][pull->cosdim]) +
                if (xp)
                    csw                    = comm->dbuf[g*3+2][0];
                    snw                    = comm->dbuf[g*3+2][1];
                    pgrp->xp[pull->cosdim] = atan2_0_2pi(snw, csw)/twopi_box;
            if (debug)
                fprintf(debug, "Pull group %d wmass %f invtm %f\n",
                        g, 1.0/pgrp->mwscale, pgrp->invtm);

    if (pull->bCylinder)
        /* Calculate the COMs for the cyclinder reference groups */
        make_cyl_refgrps(cr, pull, md, pbc, t, x);
Esempio n. 8
static void make_cyl_refgrps(t_commrec *cr, struct pull_t *pull, t_mdatoms *md,
                             t_pbc *pbc, double t, rvec *x)
    /* The size and stride per coord for the reduction buffer */
    const int       stride = 9;
    int             c, i, ii, m, start, end;
    rvec            g_x, dx, dir;
    double          inv_cyl_r2;
    pull_comm_t    *comm;
    gmx_ga2la_t    *ga2la = NULL;

    comm = &pull->comm;

    if (comm->dbuf_cyl == NULL)
        snew(comm->dbuf_cyl, pull->ncoord*stride);

    if (cr && DOMAINDECOMP(cr))
        ga2la = cr->dd->ga2la;

    start = 0;
    end   = md->homenr;

    inv_cyl_r2 = 1.0/gmx::square(pull->params.cylinder_r);

    /* loop over all groups to make a reference group for each*/
    for (c = 0; c < pull->ncoord; c++)
        pull_coord_work_t *pcrd;
        double             sum_a, wmass, wwmass;
        dvec               radf_fac0, radf_fac1;

        pcrd   = &pull->coord[c];

        sum_a  = 0;
        wmass  = 0;
        wwmass = 0;

        if (pcrd->params.eGeom == epullgCYL)
            pull_group_work_t *pref, *pgrp, *pdyna;

            /* pref will be the same group for all pull coordinates */
            pref  = &pull->group[pcrd->[0]];
            pgrp  = &pull->group[pcrd->[1]];
            pdyna = &pull->dyna[c];
            copy_rvec(pcrd->vec, dir);
            pdyna->nat_loc = 0;

            /* We calculate distances with respect to the reference location
             * of this cylinder group (g_x), which we already have now since
             * we reduced the other group COM over the ranks. This resolves
             * any PBC issues and we don't need to use a PBC-atom here.
            if (pcrd->params.rate != 0)
                /* With rate=0, value_ref is set initially */
                pcrd->value_ref = pcrd->params.init + pcrd->params.rate*t;
            for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                g_x[m] = pgrp->x[m] - pcrd->vec[m]*pcrd->value_ref;

            /* loop over all atoms in the main ref group */
            for (i = 0; i < pref->params.nat; i++)
                ii = pref->params.ind[i];
                if (ga2la)
                    if (!ga2la_get_home(ga2la, pref->params.ind[i], &ii))
                        ii = -1;
                if (ii >= start && ii < end)
                    double dr2, dr2_rel, inp;
                    dvec   dr;

                    pbc_dx_aiuc(pbc, x[ii], g_x, dx);
                    inp = iprod(dir, dx);
                    dr2 = 0;
                    for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                        /* Determine the radial components */
                        dr[m] = dx[m] - inp*dir[m];
                        dr2  += dr[m]*dr[m];
                    dr2_rel = dr2*inv_cyl_r2;

                    if (dr2_rel < 1)
                        double mass, weight, dweight_r;
                        dvec   mdw;

                        /* add to index, to sum of COM, to weight array */
                        if (pdyna->nat_loc >= pdyna->nalloc_loc)
                            pdyna->nalloc_loc = over_alloc_large(pdyna->nat_loc+1);
                            srenew(pdyna->ind_loc,    pdyna->nalloc_loc);
                            srenew(pdyna->weight_loc, pdyna->nalloc_loc);
                            srenew(pdyna->mdw,        pdyna->nalloc_loc);
                            srenew(pdyna->dv,         pdyna->nalloc_loc);
                        pdyna->ind_loc[pdyna->nat_loc] = ii;

                        mass      = md->massT[ii];
                        /* The radial weight function is 1-2x^2+x^4,
                         * where x=r/cylinder_r. Since this function depends
                         * on the radial component, we also get radial forces
                         * on both groups.
                        weight    = 1 + (-2 + dr2_rel)*dr2_rel;
                        dweight_r = (-4 + 4*dr2_rel)*inv_cyl_r2;
                        pdyna->weight_loc[pdyna->nat_loc] = weight;
                        sum_a    += mass*weight*inp;
                        wmass    += mass*weight;
                        wwmass   += mass*weight*weight;
                        dsvmul(mass*dweight_r, dr, mdw);
                        copy_dvec(mdw, pdyna->mdw[pdyna->nat_loc]);
                        /* Currently we only have the axial component of the
                         * distance (inp) up to an unkown offset. We add this
                         * offset after the reduction needs to determine the
                         * COM of the cylinder group.
                        pdyna->dv[pdyna->nat_loc] = inp;
                        for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                            radf_fac0[m] += mdw[m];
                            radf_fac1[m] += mdw[m]*inp;
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+0] = wmass;
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+1] = wwmass;
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+2] = sum_a;
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+3] = radf_fac0[XX];
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+4] = radf_fac0[YY];
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+5] = radf_fac0[ZZ];
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+6] = radf_fac1[XX];
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+7] = radf_fac1[YY];
        comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+8] = radf_fac1[ZZ];

    if (cr != NULL && PAR(cr))
        /* Sum the contributions over the ranks */
        pull_reduce_double(cr, comm, pull->ncoord*stride, comm->dbuf_cyl);

    for (c = 0; c < pull->ncoord; c++)
        pull_coord_work_t *pcrd;

        pcrd  = &pull->coord[c];

        if (pcrd->params.eGeom == epullgCYL)
            pull_group_work_t *pdyna, *pgrp;
            double             wmass, wwmass, dist;

            pdyna = &pull->dyna[c];
            pgrp  = &pull->group[pcrd->[1]];

            wmass          = comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+0];
            wwmass         = comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+1];
            pdyna->mwscale = 1.0/wmass;
            /* Cylinder pulling can't be used with constraints, but we set
             * wscale and invtm anyhow, in case someone would like to use them.
            pdyna->wscale  = wmass/wwmass;
            pdyna->invtm   = wwmass/(wmass*wmass);

            /* We store the deviation of the COM from the reference location
             * used above, since we need it when we apply the radial forces
             * to the atoms in the cylinder group.
            pcrd->cyl_dev  = 0;
            for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                g_x[m]         = pgrp->x[m] - pcrd->vec[m]*pcrd->value_ref;
                dist           = -pcrd->vec[m]*comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+2]*pdyna->mwscale;
                pdyna->x[m]    = g_x[m] - dist;
                pcrd->cyl_dev += dist;
            /* Now we know the exact COM of the cylinder reference group,
             * we can determine the radial force factor (ffrad) that when
             * multiplied with the axial pull force will give the radial
             * force on the pulled (non-cylinder) group.
            for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                pcrd->ffrad[m] = (comm->dbuf_cyl[c*stride+6+m] +

            if (debug)
                fprintf(debug, "Pull cylinder group %d:%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f m:%8.3f\n",
                        c, pdyna->x[0], pdyna->x[1],
                        pdyna->x[2], 1.0/pdyna->invtm);
                fprintf(debug, "ffrad %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",
                        pcrd->ffrad[XX], pcrd->ffrad[YY], pcrd->ffrad[ZZ]);
Esempio n. 9
/* Apply constraint using SHAKE */
static void do_constraint(t_pull *pull, t_pbc *pbc,
                          rvec *x, rvec *v,
                          gmx_bool bMaster, tensor vir,
                          double dt, double t)

    dvec      *r_ij;   /* x[i] com of i in prev. step. Obeys constr. -> r_ij[i] */
    dvec       unc_ij; /* xp[i] com of i this step, before constr.   -> unc_ij  */
    dvec      *rnew;  /* current 'new' positions of the groups */
    double    *dr_tot; /* the total update of the coords */
    double     ref;
    dvec       vec;
    double     d0, inpr;
    double     lambda, rm, mass, invdt = 0;
    gmx_bool   bConverged_all, bConverged = FALSE;
    int        niter = 0, g, c, ii, j, m, max_iter = 100;
    double     a;
    dvec       f;          /* the pull force */
    dvec       tmp, tmp3;
    t_pull_group *pdyna, *pgrp0, *pgrp1;
    t_pull_coord *pcrd;

    snew(r_ij,   pull->ncoord);
    snew(dr_tot, pull->ncoord);

    snew(rnew, pull->ngroup);

    /* copy the current unconstrained positions for use in iterations. We
       iterate until rinew[i] and rjnew[j] obey the constraints. Then
       rinew - pull.x_unc[i] is the correction dr to group i */
    for (g = 0; g < pull->ngroup; g++)
        copy_dvec(pull->group[g].xp, rnew[g]);
    if (PULL_CYL(pull))
        /* There is only one pull coordinate and reference group */
        copy_dvec(pull->dyna[0].xp, rnew[pull->coord[0].group[0]]);

    /* Determine the constraint directions from the old positions */
    for (c = 0; c < pull->ncoord; c++)
        get_pull_coord_dr(pull, c, pbc, t, r_ij[c]);
        /* Store the difference vector at time t for printing */
        copy_dvec(r_ij[c], pull->coord[c].dr);
        if (debug)
            fprintf(debug, "Pull coord %d dr %f %f %f\n",
                    c, r_ij[c][XX], r_ij[c][YY], r_ij[c][ZZ]);

        if (pull->eGeom == epullgDIR || pull->eGeom == epullgDIRPBC)
            /* Select the component along vec */
            a = 0;
            for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                a += pull->coord[c].vec[m]*r_ij[c][m];
            for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                r_ij[c][m] = a*pull->coord[c].vec[m];

    bConverged_all = FALSE;
    while (!bConverged_all && niter < max_iter)
        bConverged_all = TRUE;

        /* loop over all constraints */
        for (c = 0; c < pull->ncoord; c++)
            dvec dr0, dr1;

            pcrd  = &pull->coord[c];
            pgrp0 = &pull->group[pcrd->group[0]];
            pgrp1 = &pull->group[pcrd->group[1]];

            /* Get the current difference vector */
            low_get_pull_coord_dr(pull, pcrd, pbc, t,
                                  -1, unc_ij);

            ref = pcrd->init + pcrd->rate*t;

            if (debug)
                fprintf(debug, "Pull coord %d, iteration %d\n", c, niter);

            rm = 1.0/(pgrp0->invtm + pgrp1->invtm);

            switch (pull->eGeom)
                case epullgDIST:
                    if (ref <= 0)
                        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "The pull constraint reference distance for group %d is <= 0 (%f)", c, ref);

                        double q, c_a, c_b, c_c;

                        c_a = diprod(r_ij[c], r_ij[c]);
                        c_b = diprod(unc_ij, r_ij[c])*2;
                        c_c = diprod(unc_ij, unc_ij) - dsqr(ref);

                        if (c_b < 0)
                            q      = -0.5*(c_b - sqrt(c_b*c_b - 4*c_a*c_c));
                            lambda = -q/c_a;
                            q      = -0.5*(c_b + sqrt(c_b*c_b - 4*c_a*c_c));
                            lambda = -c_c/q;

                        if (debug)
                                    "Pull ax^2+bx+c=0: a=%e b=%e c=%e lambda=%e\n",
                                    c_a, c_b, c_c, lambda);

                    /* The position corrections dr due to the constraints */
                    dsvmul(-lambda*rm*pgrp1->invtm, r_ij[c], dr1);
                    dsvmul( lambda*rm*pgrp0->invtm, r_ij[c], dr0);
                    dr_tot[c] += -lambda*dnorm(r_ij[c]);
                case epullgDIR:
                case epullgDIRPBC:
                case epullgCYL:
                    /* A 1-dimensional constraint along a vector */
                    a = 0;
                    for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                        vec[m] = pcrd->vec[m];
                        a     += unc_ij[m]*vec[m];
                    /* Select only the component along the vector */
                    dsvmul(a, vec, unc_ij);
                    lambda = a - ref;
                    if (debug)
                        fprintf(debug, "Pull inpr %e lambda: %e\n", a, lambda);

                    /* The position corrections dr due to the constraints */
                    dsvmul(-lambda*rm*pgrp1->invtm, vec, dr1);
                    dsvmul( lambda*rm*pgrp0->invtm, vec, dr0);
                    dr_tot[c] += -lambda;

            /* DEBUG */
            if (debug)
                int g0, g1;

                g0 = pcrd->group[0];
                g1 = pcrd->group[1];
                low_get_pull_coord_dr(pull, pcrd, pbc, t, rnew[g1], rnew[g0], -1, tmp);
                low_get_pull_coord_dr(pull, pcrd, pbc, t, dr1, dr0, -1, tmp3);
                        "Pull cur %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f j:%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f d: %8.5f\n",
                        rnew[g0][0], rnew[g0][1], rnew[g0][2],
                        rnew[g1][0], rnew[g1][1], rnew[g1][2], dnorm(tmp));
                        "Pull ref %8s %8s %8s   %8s %8s %8s d: %8.5f\n",
                        "", "", "", "", "", "", ref);
                        "Pull cor %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f j:%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f d: %8.5f\n",
                        dr0[0], dr0[1], dr0[2],
                        dr1[0], dr1[1], dr1[2],
            } /* END DEBUG */

            /* Update the COMs with dr */
            dvec_inc(rnew[pcrd->group[1]], dr1);
            dvec_inc(rnew[pcrd->group[0]], dr0);

        /* Check if all constraints are fullfilled now */
        for (c = 0; c < pull->ncoord; c++)
            pcrd = &pull->coord[c];

            low_get_pull_coord_dr(pull, pcrd, pbc, t,
                                  -1, unc_ij);

            switch (pull->eGeom)
                case epullgDIST:
                    bConverged = fabs(dnorm(unc_ij) - ref) < pull->constr_tol;
                case epullgDIR:
                case epullgDIRPBC:
                case epullgCYL:
                    for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                        vec[m] = pcrd->vec[m];
                    inpr = diprod(unc_ij, vec);
                    dsvmul(inpr, vec, unc_ij);
                    bConverged =
                        fabs(diprod(unc_ij, vec) - ref) < pull->constr_tol;

            if (!bConverged)
                if (debug)
                    fprintf(debug, "NOT CONVERGED YET: Group %d:"
                            "d_ref = %f, current d = %f\n",
                            g, ref, dnorm(unc_ij));

                bConverged_all = FALSE;

        /* if after all constraints are dealt with and bConverged is still TRUE
           we're finished, if not we do another iteration */
    if (niter > max_iter)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Too many iterations for constraint run: %d", niter);


    if (v)
        invdt = 1/dt;

    /* update atoms in the groups */
    for (g = 0; g < pull->ngroup; g++)
        const t_pull_group *pgrp;
        dvec                dr;

        if (PULL_CYL(pull) && g == pull->coord[0].group[0])
            pgrp = &pull->dyna[0];
            pgrp = &pull->group[g];

        /* get the final constraint displacement dr for group g */
        dvec_sub(rnew[g], pgrp->xp, dr);
        /* select components of dr */
        for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
            dr[m] *= pull->dim[m];

        /* update the atom positions */
        copy_dvec(dr, tmp);
        for (j = 0; j < pgrp->nat_loc; j++)
            ii = pgrp->ind_loc[j];
            if (pgrp->weight_loc)
                dsvmul(pgrp->wscale*pgrp->weight_loc[j], dr, tmp);
            for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                x[ii][m] += tmp[m];
            if (v)
                for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                    v[ii][m] += invdt*tmp[m];

    /* calculate the constraint forces, used for output and virial only */
    for (c = 0; c < pull->ncoord; c++)
        pcrd         = &pull->coord[c];
        pcrd->f_scal = dr_tot[c]/((pull->group[pcrd->group[0]].invtm + pull->group[pcrd->group[1]].invtm)*dt*dt);

        if (vir && bMaster)
            double f_invr;

            /* Add the pull contribution to the virial */
            f_invr = pcrd->f_scal/dnorm(r_ij[c]);

            for (j = 0; j < DIM; j++)
                for (m = 0; m < DIM; m++)
                    vir[j][m] -= 0.5*f_invr*r_ij[c][j]*r_ij[c][m];

    /* finished! I hope. Give back some memory */
Esempio n. 10
/* Apply constraint using SHAKE */
static void do_constraint(t_pull *pull, t_mdatoms *md, t_pbc *pbc,
                          rvec *x, rvec *v,
                          gmx_bool bMaster, tensor vir,
                          double dt, double t) 

    dvec *r_ij;  /* x[i] com of i in prev. step. Obeys constr. -> r_ij[i] */
    dvec unc_ij; /* xp[i] com of i this step, before constr.   -> unc_ij  */

    dvec *rinew;           /* current 'new' position of group i */
    dvec *rjnew;           /* current 'new' position of group j */
    dvec  ref,vec;
    double d0,inpr;
    double lambda, rm, mass, invdt=0;
    gmx_bool bConverged_all,bConverged=FALSE;
    int niter=0,g,ii,j,m,max_iter=100;
    double q,a,b,c;  /* for solving the quadratic equation, 
                        see Num. Recipes in C ed 2 p. 184 */
    dvec *dr;        /* correction for group i */
    dvec ref_dr;     /* correction for group j */
    dvec f;          /* the pull force */
    dvec tmp,tmp3;
    t_pullgrp *pdyna,*pgrp,*pref;
    if (PULL_CYL(pull))
    /* copy the current unconstrained positions for use in iterations. We 
       iterate until rinew[i] and rjnew[j] obey the constraints. Then
       rinew - pull.x_unc[i] is the correction dr to group i */
    for(g=1; g<1+pull->ngrp; g++)
    if (PULL_CYL(pull))
        for(g=1; g<1+pull->ngrp; g++)
    /* Determine the constraint directions from the old positions */
    for(g=1; g<1+pull->ngrp; g++)
        /* Store the difference vector at time t for printing */
        if (debug)
            fprintf(debug,"Pull group %d dr %f %f %f\n",
        if (pull->eGeom == epullgDIR || pull->eGeom == epullgDIRPBC)
            /* Select the component along vec */
            a = 0;
            for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                a += pull->grp[g].vec[m]*r_ij[g][m];
            for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                r_ij[g][m] = a*pull->grp[g].vec[m];
    bConverged_all = FALSE;
    while (!bConverged_all && niter < max_iter)
        bConverged_all = TRUE;

        /* loop over all constraints */
        for(g=1; g<1+pull->ngrp; g++)
            pgrp = &pull->grp[g];
            if (PULL_CYL(pull))
                pref = &pull->dyna[g];
                pref = &pull->grp[0];

            /* Get the current difference vector */
            get_pullgrps_dr(pull,pbc,g,t,rinew[g],rjnew[PULL_CYL(pull) ? g : 0],

            if (pull->eGeom == epullgPOS)
                for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                    ref[m] = pgrp->init[m] + pgrp->rate*t*pgrp->vec[m];
                ref[0] = pgrp->init[0] + pgrp->rate*t;
                /* Keep the compiler happy */
                ref[1] = 0;
                ref[2] = 0;
            if (debug)
                fprintf(debug,"Pull group %d, iteration %d\n",g,niter);
            rm = 1.0/(pull->grp[g].invtm + pref->invtm);
            switch (pull->eGeom)
            case epullgDIST:
                if (ref[0] <= 0)
                    gmx_fatal(FARGS,"The pull constraint reference distance for group %d is <= 0 (%f)",g,ref[0]);
                a = diprod(r_ij[g],r_ij[g]); 
                b = diprod(unc_ij,r_ij[g])*2;
                c = diprod(unc_ij,unc_ij) - dsqr(ref[0]);
                if (b < 0)
                    q = -0.5*(b - sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c));
                    lambda = -q/a;
                    q = -0.5*(b + sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c));
                    lambda = -c/q;
                if (debug)
                            "Pull ax^2+bx+c=0: a=%e b=%e c=%e lambda=%e\n",
                /* The position corrections dr due to the constraints */
                dsvmul(-lambda*rm*pgrp->invtm, r_ij[g],  dr[g]);
                dsvmul( lambda*rm*pref->invtm, r_ij[g], ref_dr);
            case epullgDIR:
            case epullgDIRPBC:
            case epullgCYL:
                /* A 1-dimensional constraint along a vector */
                a = 0;
                for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                    vec[m] = pgrp->vec[m];
                    a += unc_ij[m]*vec[m];
                /* Select only the component along the vector */
                lambda = a - ref[0];
                if (debug)
                    fprintf(debug,"Pull inpr %e lambda: %e\n",a,lambda);
                /* The position corrections dr due to the constraints */
                dsvmul(-lambda*rm*pull->grp[g].invtm, vec, dr[g]);
                dsvmul( lambda*rm*       pref->invtm, vec,ref_dr);
            case epullgPOS:
                for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                    if (pull->dim[m])
                        lambda = r_ij[g][m] - ref[m];
                        /* The position corrections dr due to the constraints */
                        dr[g][m]  = -lambda*rm*pull->grp[g].invtm;
                        ref_dr[m] =  lambda*rm*pref->invtm;
                        dr[g][m]  = 0;
                        ref_dr[m] = 0;
            /* DEBUG */
            if (debug)
                j = (PULL_CYL(pull) ? g : 0);
                get_pullgrps_dr(pull,pbc,g,t,dr[g]   ,ref_dr  ,-1,tmp3);
                        "Pull cur %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f j:%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f d: %8.5f\n",
                        rjnew[j][0],rjnew[j][1],rjnew[j][2], dnorm(tmp));
                if (pull->eGeom == epullgPOS)
                            "Pull ref %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f\n",
                            "Pull ref %8s %8s %8s   %8s %8s %8s d: %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f\n",
                        "Pull cor %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f j:%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f d: %8.5f\n",
                        "Pull cor %10.7f %10.7f %10.7f\n",
            } /* END DEBUG */
            /* Update the COMs with dr */
            dvec_inc(rinew[g],                     dr[g]);
            dvec_inc(rjnew[PULL_CYL(pull) ? g : 0],ref_dr);
        /* Check if all constraints are fullfilled now */
        for(g=1; g<1+pull->ngrp; g++)
            pgrp = &pull->grp[g];
            get_pullgrps_dr(pull,pbc,g,t,rinew[g],rjnew[PULL_CYL(pull) ? g : 0],
            switch (pull->eGeom)
            case epullgDIST:
                bConverged = fabs(dnorm(unc_ij) - ref[0]) < pull->constr_tol;
            case epullgDIR:
            case epullgDIRPBC:
            case epullgCYL:
                for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                    vec[m] = pgrp->vec[m];
                inpr = diprod(unc_ij,vec);
                bConverged =
                    fabs(diprod(unc_ij,vec) - ref[0]) < pull->constr_tol;
            case epullgPOS:
                bConverged = TRUE;
                for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                    if (pull->dim[m] && 
                        fabs(unc_ij[m] - ref[m]) >= pull->constr_tol)
                        bConverged = FALSE;
            if (!bConverged)
                if (debug)
                    fprintf(debug,"NOT CONVERGED YET: Group %d:"
                            "d_ref = %f %f %f, current d = %f\n",

                bConverged_all = FALSE;
        /* if after all constraints are dealt with and bConverged is still TRUE
           we're finished, if not we do another iteration */
    if (niter > max_iter)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Too many iterations for constraint run: %d",niter);
    if (v)
        invdt = 1/dt;
    /* update the normal groups */
    for(g=1; g<1+pull->ngrp; g++)
        pgrp = &pull->grp[g];
        /* get the final dr and constraint force for group i */
        /* select components of dr */
        for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
            dr[g][m] *= pull->dim[m];
        switch (pull->eGeom)
        case epullgDIST:
            for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                pgrp->f_scal += r_ij[g][m]*f[m]/dnorm(r_ij[g]);
        case epullgDIR:
        case epullgDIRPBC:
        case epullgCYL:
            for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                pgrp->f_scal += pgrp->vec[m]*f[m];
        case epullgPOS:
        if (vir && bMaster) {
            /* Add the pull contribution to the virial */
            for(j=0; j<DIM; j++)
                for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                    vir[j][m] -= 0.5*f[j]*r_ij[g][m];
        /* update the atom positions */
            ii = pgrp->ind_loc[j];
            if (pgrp->weight_loc)
            for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                x[ii][m] += tmp[m];
            if (v)
                for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                    v[ii][m] += invdt*tmp[m];
    /* update the reference groups */
    if (PULL_CYL(pull))
        /* update the dynamic reference groups */
        for(g=1; g<1+pull->ngrp; g++)
            pdyna = &pull->dyna[g];
            /* select components of ref_dr */
            for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                ref_dr[m] *= pull->dim[m];
                /* reset the atoms with dr, weighted by w_i */
                ii = pdyna->ind_loc[j];
                for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                    x[ii][m] += tmp[m];
                if (v)
                    for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                        v[ii][m] += invdt*tmp[m];
        pgrp = &pull->grp[0];
        /* update the reference group */
        dvec_sub(rjnew[0],pgrp->xp, ref_dr); 
        /* select components of ref_dr */
            ref_dr[m] *= pull->dim[m];
        for(j=0; j<pgrp->nat_loc;j++)
            ii = pgrp->ind_loc[j];
            if (pgrp->weight_loc)
            for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                x[ii][m] += tmp[m];
            if (v)
                for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                    v[ii][m] += invdt*tmp[m];
    /* finished! I hope. Give back some memory */
Esempio n. 11
void pbc_dx_d(const t_pbc *pbc, const dvec x1, const dvec x2, dvec dx)
    int      i, j;
    dvec     dx_start, trial;
    double   d2min, d2trial;
    gmx_bool bRot;

    dvec_sub(x1, x2, dx);

    switch (pbc->ePBCDX)
        case epbcdxRECTANGULAR:
        case epbcdx2D_RECT:
            for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
                if (i != pbc->dim)
                    while (dx[i] > pbc->hbox_diag[i])
                        dx[i] -= pbc->fbox_diag[i];
                    while (dx[i] <= pbc->mhbox_diag[i])
                        dx[i] += pbc->fbox_diag[i];
        case epbcdxTRICLINIC:
        case epbcdx2D_TRIC:
            d2min = 0;
            for (i = DIM-1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (i != pbc->dim)
                    while (dx[i] > pbc->hbox_diag[i])
                        for (j = i; j >= 0; j--)
                            dx[j] -= pbc->box[i][j];
                    while (dx[i] <= pbc->mhbox_diag[i])
                        for (j = i; j >= 0; j--)
                            dx[j] += pbc->box[i][j];
                    d2min += dx[i]*dx[i];
            if (d2min > pbc->max_cutoff2)
                copy_dvec(dx, dx_start);
                /* Now try all possible shifts, when the distance is within max_cutoff
                 * it must be the shortest possible distance.
                i = 0;
                while ((d2min > pbc->max_cutoff2) && (i < pbc->ntric_vec))
                    for (j = 0; j < DIM; j++)
                        trial[j] = dx_start[j] + pbc->tric_vec[i][j];
                    d2trial = 0;
                    for (j = 0; j < DIM; j++)
                        if (j != pbc->dim)
                            d2trial += trial[j]*trial[j];
                    if (d2trial < d2min)
                        copy_dvec(trial, dx);
                        d2min = d2trial;
        case epbcdxSCREW_RECT:
            /* The shift definition requires x first */
            bRot = FALSE;
            while (dx[XX] > pbc->hbox_diag[XX])
                dx[XX] -= pbc->fbox_diag[XX];
                bRot    = !bRot;
            while (dx[XX] <= pbc->mhbox_diag[XX])
                dx[XX] += pbc->fbox_diag[YY];
                bRot    = !bRot;
            if (bRot)
                /* Rotate around the x-axis in the middle of the box */
                dx[YY] = pbc->box[YY][YY] - x1[YY] - x2[YY];
                dx[ZZ] = pbc->box[ZZ][ZZ] - x1[ZZ] - x2[ZZ];
            /* Normal pbc for y and z */
            for (i = YY; i <= ZZ; i++)
                while (dx[i] > pbc->hbox_diag[i])
                    dx[i] -= pbc->fbox_diag[i];
                while (dx[i] <= pbc->mhbox_diag[i])
                    dx[i] += pbc->fbox_diag[i];
        case epbcdxNOPBC:
        case epbcdxUNSUPPORTED:
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Internal error in pbc_dx, set_pbc has not been called");
Esempio n. 12
File: latools.c Progetto: cran/Bmix
double* new_dup_dvec(double *v, int n)
  double* dv_new = new_dvec(n);
  copy_dvec(dv_new, v, n);
  return dv_new;