Esempio n. 1
static int
pdf_make_group_dict(gx_device_pdf * pdev, const gs_pdf14trans_params_t * pparams,
			    const gs_imager_state * pis, cos_dict_t **pdict)
    pdf_resource_t *pres_group;
    cos_dict_t *group_dict;
    int code;
    const gs_state *gstate = gx_hld_get_gstate_ptr(pis);
    cos_value_t cs_value;

    code = pdf_alloc_resource(pdev, resourceGroup, gs_no_id, &pres_group, -1);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    cos_become(pres_group->object, cos_type_dict);
    group_dict = (cos_dict_t *)pres_group->object;
    code = cos_dict_put_c_key_string(group_dict, "/Type", (const byte *)"/Group", 6);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    code = cos_dict_put_c_key_string(group_dict, "/S", (const byte *)"/Transparency", 13);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    if (pparams->Isolated) {
	code = cos_dict_put_c_key_bool(group_dict, "/I", true);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
    if (pparams->Knockout) {
	code = cos_dict_put_c_key_bool(group_dict, "/K", true);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
    if (gstate != NULL) {
	const gs_color_space *cs = gstate->color_space;

	code = pdf_color_space_named(pdev, &cs_value, NULL, cs,
		&pdf_color_space_names, false, NULL, 0);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	code = cos_dict_put_c_key(group_dict, "/CS", &cs_value);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
    group_dict = NULL; /* The next line invalidates it. */
    code = pdf_substitute_resource(pdev, &pres_group, resourceGroup, NULL, false);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    *pdict = (cos_dict_t *)pres_group->object;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
static int 
pdf_end_transparency_mask(gs_imager_state * pis, gx_device_pdf * pdev,
				const gs_pdf14trans_params_t * pparams)
    if (pdev->image_mask_skip) 
	pdev->image_mask_skip = false;
    else {
	pdf_resource_t *pres = pdev->accumulating_substream_resource;
	int code;
	char buf[20];
	code = pdf_exit_substream(pdev);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	code = pdf_substitute_resource(pdev, &pres, resourceXObject, NULL, false);
	if (code < 0)
	    return 0;
	/* We need to update the 'where_used' field, in case we substituted a resource */
	pres->where_used |= pdev->used_mask;
	sprintf(buf, "%ld 0 R", pdf_resource_id(pres));
	code = cos_dict_put_c_key_string((cos_dict_t *)pdev->pres_soft_mask_dict->object,
		"/G", (const byte *)buf, strlen(buf));
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	code = pdf_substitute_resource(pdev, &pdev->pres_soft_mask_dict, 
					resourceSoftMaskDict, NULL, false);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	pis->soft_mask_id = pdev->pres_soft_mask_dict->object->id;
	pdev->pres_soft_mask_dict = NULL;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
static int
pdf_make_soft_mask_dict(gx_device_pdf * pdev, const gs_pdf14trans_params_t * pparams)
    pdf_resource_t *pres_soft_mask_dict = 0;
    cos_dict_t *soft_mask_dict;
    int code;

    /* Fixme : merge redundant objects. */
    code = pdf_alloc_resource(pdev, resourceSoftMaskDict, gs_no_id, &pres_soft_mask_dict, -1);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    cos_become(pres_soft_mask_dict->object, cos_type_dict);
    pdev->pres_soft_mask_dict = pres_soft_mask_dict;
    soft_mask_dict = (cos_dict_t *)pres_soft_mask_dict->object;
    code = cos_dict_put_c_key_string(soft_mask_dict, "/S", 
	    pparams->subtype == TRANSPARENCY_MASK_Alpha ? (byte *)"/Alpha" : (byte *)"/Luminosity", 
	    pparams->subtype == TRANSPARENCY_MASK_Alpha ? 6 : 11);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    if (pparams->Background_components) {
	cos_array_t *Background;

	Background = cos_array_from_floats(pdev, pparams->Background, 
		    pparams->Background_components, "pdf_write_soft_mask_dict");
	if (Background == NULL)
	code = cos_dict_put_c_key_object(soft_mask_dict, "/BC", (cos_object_t *)Background);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
    if (pparams->transfer_function != NULL) {
	long id;
	char buf[20];
	code = pdf_write_function(pdev, pparams->transfer_function, &id);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	sprintf(buf, " %ld 0 R", id);
	code = cos_dict_put_c_key_string(soft_mask_dict, "/TR", (const byte *)buf, strlen(buf));
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
    return 0;

Esempio n. 4
static int
pdf_make_form_dict(gx_device_pdf * pdev, const gs_pdf14trans_params_t * pparams,
			    const gs_imager_state * pis, 
			    const cos_dict_t *group_dict, cos_dict_t *form_dict)
    cos_array_t *bbox_array;
    float bbox[4];
    gs_rect bbox_rect;
    int code;

    code = gs_bbox_transform(&pparams->bbox, &ctm_only(pis), &bbox_rect);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    bbox[0] = bbox_rect.p.x;
    bbox[1] = bbox_rect.p.y;
    bbox[2] = bbox_rect.q.x;
    bbox[3] = bbox_rect.q.y;
    code = cos_dict_put_c_key_string(form_dict, "/Type", (const byte *)"/XObject", 8);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    code = cos_dict_put_c_key_string(form_dict, "/Subtype", (const byte *)"/Form", 5);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    code = cos_dict_put_c_key_int(form_dict, "/FormType", 1);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    code = cos_dict_put_c_key_string(form_dict, "/Matrix", (const byte *)"[1 0 0 1 0 0]", 13);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    bbox_array = cos_array_from_floats(pdev, bbox, 4, "pdf_begin_transparency_group");
    if (bbox_array == NULL)
    code = cos_dict_put_c_key_object(form_dict, "/BBox", (cos_object_t *)bbox_array);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    return cos_dict_put_c_key_object(form_dict, "/Group", (cos_object_t *)group_dict);
Esempio n. 5
static int
pdf_dsc_process(gx_device_pdf * pdev, const gs_param_string_array * pma)
     * The Adobe "Distiller Parameters" documentation says that Distiller
     * looks at DSC comments, but it doesn't say which ones.  We look at
     * the ones that we see how to map directly to obvious PDF constructs.
    int code = 0;
    uint i;

     * If ParseDSCComments is false, all DSC comments are ignored, even if
     * ParseDSCComentsForDocInfo or PreserveEPSInfo is true.
    if (!pdev->ParseDSCComments)
	return 0;

    for (i = 0; i + 1 < pma->size && code >= 0; i += 2) {
	const gs_param_string *pkey = &pma->data[i];
	const gs_param_string *pvalue = &pma->data[i + 1];
	const char *key;
	int code;

	 * %%For, %%Creator, and %%Title are recognized only if either
	 * ParseDSCCommentsForDocInfo or PreserveEPSInfo is true.
	 * The other DSC comments are always recognized.
	 * Acrobat Distiller sets CreationDate and ModDate to the current
	 * time, not the value of %%CreationDate.  We think this is wrong,
	 * but we do the same -- we ignore %%CreationDate here.

	if (pdf_key_eq(pkey, "Creator"))
	    key = "/Creator";
	else if (pdf_key_eq(pkey, "Title"))
	    key = "/Title";
	else if (pdf_key_eq(pkey, "For"))
	    key = "/Author";
	else {
	    pdf_page_dsc_info_t *ppdi;
            char scan_buf[200]; /* arbitrary */

	    if ((ppdi = &pdev->doc_dsc_info,
		 pdf_key_eq(pkey, "Orientation")) ||
		(ppdi = &pdev->page_dsc_info,
		 pdf_key_eq(pkey, "PageOrientation"))
		) {
		if (pvalue->size == 1 && pvalue->data[0] >= '0' &&
		    pvalue->data[0] <= '3'
		    ppdi->orientation = pvalue->data[0] - '0';
		    ppdi->orientation = -1;
	    } else if ((ppdi = &pdev->doc_dsc_info,
			pdf_key_eq(pkey, "ViewingOrientation")) ||
		       (ppdi = &pdev->page_dsc_info,
			pdf_key_eq(pkey, "PageViewingOrientation"))
		       ) {
		gs_matrix mat;
		int orient;

		if(pvalue->size >= sizeof(scan_buf) - 1)
		    continue;	/* error */
                memcpy(scan_buf, pvalue->data, pvalue->size);
                scan_buf[pvalue->size] = 0;
                if (sscanf(scan_buf, "[%g %g %g %g]",
			   &mat.xx, &mat.xy, &mat.yx, &mat.yy) != 4
		    continue;	/* error */
		for (orient = 0; orient < 4; ++orient) {
		    if (mat.xx == 1 && mat.xy == 0 && mat.yx == 0 && mat.yy == 1)
		    gs_matrix_rotate(&mat, -90.0, &mat);
		if (orient == 4) /* error */
		    orient = -1;
		ppdi->viewing_orientation = orient;
	    } else {
		gs_rect box;

		if (pdf_key_eq(pkey, "EPSF")) {
		    pdev->is_EPS = (pvalue->size >= 1 && pvalue->data[0] != '0');
		 * We only parse the BoundingBox for the sake of
		 * AutoPositionEPSFiles.
		if (pdf_key_eq(pkey, "BoundingBox"))
		    ppdi = &pdev->doc_dsc_info;
		else if (pdf_key_eq(pkey, "PageBoundingBox"))
		    ppdi = &pdev->page_dsc_info;
		if(pvalue->size >= sizeof(scan_buf) - 1)
		    continue;	/* error */
                memcpy(scan_buf, pvalue->data, pvalue->size);
                scan_buf[pvalue->size] = 0;
		if (sscanf(scan_buf, "[%lg %lg %lg %lg]",
			   &box.p.x, &box.p.y, &box.q.x, &box.q.y) != 4
		    continue;	/* error */
		ppdi->bounding_box = box;

	if (pdev->ParseDSCCommentsForDocInfo || pdev->PreserveEPSInfo)
	    code = cos_dict_put_c_key_string(pdev->Info, key,
					     pvalue->data, pvalue->size);
    return code;