Esempio n. 1
Mat RANSAC::compute(std::vector<Mat>& X, std::vector<Mat>& Y){
	static int num_points = 5;
	Mat T = Mat::eye(4, 4, CV_32FC1);
	Mat best_T = Mat::eye(4, 4, CV_32FC1);

	int max_inliers = 0;

	std::vector<int> indices;
	for (int i = 0; i < X.size(); ++i) indices.push_back(i);
	for (int i = 0; i < m_max_iterations; i++){
		//get random points
		std::random_shuffle(indices.begin(), indices.end(), myrandom);
		std::vector<Mat> new_X;
		std::vector<Mat> new_Y;
		for (int j = 0; j < num_points; ++j){
		//compute T
		T = getTransformationMatrix(new_X, new_Y);
		int inliers = countInliers(T, X, Y, m_margin);

		if (inliers > max_inliers){
			best_T = T;
			max_inliers = inliers;
	static float percentage_outliers = 0;
	percentage_outliers = (percentage_outliers + (X.size() - max_inliers)* 100.f / X.size()) / 2;
	printf("Ouliers(Accumulated): %.2f%%		Inliers: %i \n", percentage_outliers, max_inliers);
	return best_T;
Esempio n. 2
/******************* TO DO *********************
 * alignPair:
 *		f1, f2: source feature sets
 *		matches: correspondences between f1 and f2
 *               Each match in 'matches' contains two feature ids of
 *               Each match in 'matches' contains two feature ids of
 *               matching features, id1 (in f1) and id2 (in f2).
 *		m: motion model
 *		nRANSAC: number of RANSAC iterations
 *		RANSACthresh: RANSAC distance threshold
 *		M: transformation matrix (output)
 *		repeat for nRANSAC iterations:
 *			choose a minimal set of feature matches
 *			estimate the transformation implied by these matches
 *			count the number of inliers
 *		for the transformation with the maximum number of inliers,
 *		compute the least squares motion estimate using the inliers,
 *		and store it in M
int alignPair(const FeatureSet &f1, const FeatureSet &f2,
          const vector<FeatureMatch> &matches, MotionModel m,
          int nRANSAC, double RANSACthresh, CTransform3x3 &M)
    // Write this entire method.  You need to handle two types of
    // motion models, pure translations (m == eTranslation) and
    // full homographies (m == eHomography).  However, you should
    // only have one outer loop to perform the RANSAC code, as
    // Write this entire method.  You need to handle two types of
    // motion models, pure translations (m == eTranslation) and
    // full homographies (m == eHomography).  However, you should
    // only have one outer loop to perform the RANSAC code, as
    // the use of RANSAC is almost identical for both cases.
    // Your homography handling code should call ComputeHomography.
    // This function should also call countInliers and, at the end,
    // leastSquaresFit.
    cout << "alignalignalignalign";
    cout << f1.size();
    cout << '\n';
    cout << f2.size();
    cout << '\n';
    cout << matches.size();
    cout << '\n';
    int maxInliers = -1;
    int sz = matches.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < nRANSAC; i++) {
        int n = rand() % sz;
        FeatureMatch randomMatch =;
        CTransform3x3 trans;
        switch (m) {
            case eTranslate: {
                Feature first = f1[randomMatch.id1];
                Feature second = f2[randomMatch.id2];
                float xTranslation = (float)(second.x - first.x);
                float yTranslation = (float)(second.y - first.y);
                cout << "Translation: X "; cout << xTranslation;
                cout << ", Y ";
                cout << yTranslation; cout << '\n';
                trans = CTransform3x3::Translation(xTranslation, yTranslation);
            case eHomography: {
                int indices[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
                for (int chooseRand = 0; chooseRand < 4; chooseRand++)
                  indices[chooseRand] = rand() % sz;
                  for (int p = 0; p < chooseRand; p++)
                    if (indices[p] = indices[chooseRand]);
                      indices[chooseRand] = rand() % sz;
                vector<FeatureMatch> selectedMatches;
                for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
                  int idx = indices[c];
                  FeatureMatch fm;
                  fm.id1 =;
                  fm.id2 =;
                trans = ComputeHomography(f1, f2, selectedMatches);

            vector<int> inliers;
            cout << "Inliers: "; cout << inliers.size(); cout << '\n';
            if (inliers.size() > maxInliers) {
                maxInliers = inliers.size();
                M = trans;

    // END TODO

    return 0;