int main(void){ sqlite3 *db; char *err; int rc = sqlite3_open("bucket.db", &db); if(rc){ printf("Fehler!\n"); sqlite3_close(db); return 1; } char st[] = "select * from bin_bucket where id = 123;"; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, st, -1, &stmt, NULL); if (rc != SQLITE_OK){ printf("SQL-Fehler!\n"); sqlite3_close(db); return 1; } while( (rc = sqlite3_step(stmt)) != SQLITE_DONE){ if (rc != SQLITE_ROW){ printf("Step-Fehler\n"); sqlite3_close(db); return 1; } else { printf("Neue Zeile:\n"); int i; for (i=0; i<sqlite3_column_count(stmt); i++){ printf("|%s|", sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i )); } printf("\n"); } } rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, st, -1, &stmt, NULL); printf("Anzahl der Ergebniszeilen: %d\n", count_rows(stmt)); sqlite3_close(db); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string app_name = base::basename(argv[0]); base::threading_init(); TaskQueue tables; std::string source_password; std::string source_connstring; bool source_use_cleartext_plugin = false; bool source_is_utf8 = false; std::string source_charset; SourceType source_type = ST_MYSQL; std::string target_connstring; std::string target_password; bool target_use_cleartext_plugin = false; std::string log_level; std::string log_file; bool passwords_from_stdin = false; bool count_only = false; bool check_types_only = false; bool truncate_target = false; bool show_progress = false; bool abort_on_oversized_blobs = false; bool disable_triggers = false; bool reenable_triggers = false; bool disable_triggers_on_copy = true; bool resume = false; int thread_count = 1; long long bulk_insert_batch = 100; long long max_count = 0; std::string table_file; std::set<std::string> trigger_schemas; std::string source_rdbms_type = "unknown"; bool log_level_set = false; int i = 1; while (i < argc) { char *argval = NULL; if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--log-level", argval, true)) log_level = argval; else if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--log-file", argval, true)) log_file = argval; else if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--odbc-source", argval, true)) { source_type = ST_ODBC; source_connstring = base::trim(argval, "\""); } else if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--mysql-source", argval, true)) { source_type = ST_MYSQL; source_connstring = base::trim(argval, "\""); } else if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--pythondbapi-source", argval, true)) { source_type = ST_PYTHON; source_connstring = base::trim(argval, "\""); } else if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--source-password", argval, true)) source_password = argval; else if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--target-password", argval, true)) target_password = argval; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--force-utf8-for-source") == 0) source_is_utf8 = true; else if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--source-charset", argval, true)) source_charset = argval; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--progress") == 0) show_progress = true; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--truncate-target") == 0) truncate_target = true; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--count-only") == 0) { // Count only will be allowed only if one of the trigger // operations has not been indicated first if ( !disable_triggers && !reenable_triggers) count_only = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--check-types-only") == 0) check_types_only = true; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--passwords-from-stdin") == 0) passwords_from_stdin = true; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--abort-on-oversized-blobs") == 0) abort_on_oversized_blobs = true; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--dont-disable-triggers") == 0) disable_triggers_on_copy = false; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--resume") == 0) resume = true; else if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--disable-triggers-on", argval, true)) { // disabling/enabling triggers are standalone operations and mutually exclusive // so here it ensures a request for trigger enabling was not found first if (!reenable_triggers && !count_only) { disable_triggers = true; trigger_schemas.insert(argval); } } else if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--reenable-triggers-on", argval, true)) { // disabling/enabling triggers are standalone operations and mutually exclusive // so here it ensures a request for trigger enabling was not found first if (!disable_triggers && !count_only) { reenable_triggers = true; trigger_schemas.insert(argval); } } else if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--thread-count", argval, true)) { thread_count = base::atoi<int>(argval, 0); if (thread_count < 1) thread_count = 1; } else if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--bulk-insert-batch-size", argval, true)) { bulk_insert_batch = base::atoi<int>(argval, 0); if (bulk_insert_batch < 1) bulk_insert_batch = 100; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0) { const char *type = APP_EDITION_NAME; if (strcmp(APP_EDITION_NAME, "Community") == 0) type = "CE"; printf("%s %s (%s) %i.%i.%i %s build %i\n" , base::basename(argv[0]).c_str() , type, APP_LICENSE_TYPE , APP_MAJOR_NUMBER , APP_MINOR_NUMBER , APP_RELEASE_NUMBER , APP_RELEASE_TYPE , APP_BUILD_NUMBER ); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) { show_help(); exit(0); } else if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--target", argval, true)) { target_connstring = base::trim(argval, "\""); } else if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--table-file", argval, true)) table_file = argval; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--table") == 0) { TableParam param; if ((!count_only && i + 7 >= argc) || (count_only && i + 2 >= argc)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Missing value for table copy specification\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } param.source_schema = argv[++i]; param.source_table = argv[++i]; if (!(count_only && !resume)) { param.target_schema = argv[++i]; param.target_table = argv[++i]; if(std::strcmp(argv[++i], "-") != 0) param.source_pk_columns = base::split(argv[i], ",", -1); if(std::strcmp(argv[++i], "-") != 0) param.target_pk_columns = base::split(argv[i], ",", -1); param.select_expression = argv[++i]; trigger_schemas.insert(param.target_schema); } param.copy_spec.resume = resume; param.copy_spec.max_count = max_count; param.copy_spec.type = CopyAll; tables.add_task(param); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--table-range") == 0) { TableParam param; if ((!count_only && i + 10 >= argc) || (count_only && i + 5 >= argc)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Missing value for table copy specification\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } param.source_schema = argv[++i]; param.source_table = argv[++i]; if (!(count_only && !resume)) { param.target_schema = argv[++i]; param.target_table = argv[++i]; if(std::strcmp(argv[++i], "-") != 0) param.source_pk_columns = base::split(argv[i], ",", -1); if(std::strcmp(argv[++i], "-") != 0) param.target_pk_columns = base::split(argv[i], ",", -1); param.select_expression = argv[++i]; trigger_schemas.insert(param.target_schema); } param.copy_spec.range_key = argv[++i]; param.copy_spec.range_start = base::atoi<long long>(argv[++i], 0ll); param.copy_spec.range_end = base::atoi<long long>(argv[++i], 0ll); param.copy_spec.type = CopyRange; tables.add_task(param); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--table-row-count") == 0) { TableParam param; if ((!count_only && i + 8 >= argc) || (count_only && i + 3 >= argc)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Missing value for table copy specification\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } param.source_schema = argv[++i]; param.source_table = argv[++i]; if (!(count_only && !resume)) { param.target_schema = argv[++i]; param.target_table = argv[++i]; if(std::strcmp(argv[++i], "-") != 0) param.source_pk_columns = base::split(argv[i], ",", -1); if(std::strcmp(argv[++i], "-") != 0) param.target_pk_columns = base::split(argv[i], ",", -1); param.select_expression = argv[++i]; } param.copy_spec.row_count = base::atoi<long long>(argv[++i], 0ll); param.copy_spec.resume = resume; param.copy_spec.type = CopyCount; tables.add_task(param); } else if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--source-rdbms-type", argval, false)) source_rdbms_type = argval; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--table-where") == 0) { TableParam param; if ((!count_only && i + 8 >= argc) || (count_only && i + 4 >= argc)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Missing value for table copy specification\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } param.source_schema = argv[++i]; param.source_table = argv[++i]; if (!(count_only && !resume)) { param.target_schema = argv[++i]; param.target_table = argv[++i]; if(std::strcmp(argv[++i], "-") != 0) param.source_pk_columns = base::split(argv[i], ",", -1); if(std::strcmp(argv[++i], "-") != 0) param.target_pk_columns = base::split(argv[i], ",", -1); param.select_expression = argv[++i]; param.copy_spec.where_expression = argv[++i]; trigger_schemas.insert(param.target_schema); } else { param.select_expression = argv[++i]; param.copy_spec.where_expression = argv[++i]; } param.copy_spec.type = CopyWhere; tables.add_task(param); } else if (check_arg_with_value(argv, i, "--max-count", argval, true)) { max_count = base::atoi<int>(argval, 0); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--source-use-cleartext") == 0) source_use_cleartext_plugin = true; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--target-use-cleartext") == 0) target_use_cleartext_plugin = true; else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid option %s\n", argv[0], argv[i]); exit(1); } i++; } // Creates the log to the target file if any, if not // uses std_error base::Logger logger(true, log_file); if (!log_level.empty()) { if (!set_log_level(log_level)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid argument '%s' for option %s\n", argv[0],, "--log-level"); exit(1); } else log_level_set = true; } // Set the log level from environment var WB_LOG_LEVEL if specified or set a default log level. if (!log_level_set) { const char* log_setting = getenv("WB_LOG_LEVEL"); if (log_setting == NULL) log_setting = "info"; else log_level_set = true; std::string level = base::tolower(log_setting); base::Logger::active_level(level); } // If needed, reads the tasks from the table definition file if (!table_file.empty()) { if (!read_tasks_from_file(table_file, count_only, tables, trigger_schemas, resume, max_count)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid table definitions format in file: %s\n",; exit(1); } } // Not having the source connection data is an error unless // the standalone operations to disable or reenable triggers // are called if (source_connstring.empty() && !reenable_triggers && ! disable_triggers) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing source DB server\n"); exit(1); } if (target_connstring.empty() && !(count_only && !resume)) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing target DB server\n"); exit(1); } // Table definitions will be required only if the standalone operations to // Reenable or disable triggers are not called if (tables.empty() && !reenable_triggers && ! disable_triggers) { log_warning("Missing table list specification\n"); exit(0); } std::string source_host; std::string source_user; int source_port = -1; std::string source_socket; // Source connection is parsed only when NOT executing the // Standalone operatios on triggers if (source_type == ST_MYSQL && !reenable_triggers && ! disable_triggers) { if (!parse_mysql_connstring(source_connstring, source_user, source_password, source_host, source_port, source_socket)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid MySQL connection string %s for source database. Must be in format user[:pass]@host:port or user[:pass]@::socket\n", target_connstring.c_str()); exit(1); } } std::string target_host; std::string target_user; int target_port = -1; std::string target_socket; if (!(count_only && !resume) && !parse_mysql_connstring(target_connstring, target_user, target_password, target_host, target_port, target_socket)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid MySQL connection string %s for target database. Must be in format user[:pass]@host:port or user[:pass]@::socket\n", target_connstring.c_str()); exit(1); } if (passwords_from_stdin) { char password[200]; if (!fgets(password, sizeof(password), stdin)) { log_error("Error reading passwords from stdin\n"); exit(1); } if ((count_only && !resume)|| reenable_triggers || disable_triggers) { char *ptr = strtok(password, "\t\r\n"); if (ptr) { if (count_only) source_password = ptr; else target_password = ptr; } } else { char *ptr = strtok(password, "\r\n"); if (ptr) { ptr = strchr(password, '\t'); if (ptr) { source_password = std::string(password, ptr-password); target_password = ptr+1; } else source_password = password; } } } static SQLHENV odbc_env; PyThreadState *state = NULL; if (source_type == ST_PYTHON) { Py_Initialize(); PyEval_InitThreads(); state = PyEval_SaveThread(); } try { if (count_only) { boost::scoped_ptr<CopyDataSource> psource; if (source_type == ST_ODBC) { SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &odbc_env); SQLSetEnvAttr(odbc_env, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void *) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0); psource.reset(new ODBCCopyDataSource(odbc_env, source_connstring, source_password, source_is_utf8, source_rdbms_type)); } else if (source_type == ST_MYSQL) psource.reset(new MySQLCopyDataSource(source_host, source_port, source_user, source_password, source_socket, source_use_cleartext_plugin)); else psource.reset(new PythonCopyDataSource(source_connstring, source_password)); boost::scoped_ptr<MySQLCopyDataTarget> ptarget; TableParam task; while(tables.get_task(task)) { std::vector<std::string> last_pkeys; if (task.copy_spec.resume) { if(!ptarget.get()) ptarget.reset(new MySQLCopyDataTarget(target_host, target_port, target_user, target_password, target_socket, target_use_cleartext_plugin, app_name, source_charset, source_rdbms_type)); last_pkeys = ptarget->get_last_pkeys(task.target_pk_columns, task.target_schema, task.target_table); } count_rows(psource, task.source_schema, task.source_table, task.source_pk_columns, task.copy_spec, last_pkeys); } } else if (reenable_triggers || disable_triggers) { boost::scoped_ptr<MySQLCopyDataTarget> ptarget; ptarget.reset(new MySQLCopyDataTarget(target_host, target_port, target_user, target_password, target_socket, target_use_cleartext_plugin, app_name, source_charset, source_rdbms_type)); if (disable_triggers) ptarget->backup_triggers(trigger_schemas); else ptarget->restore_triggers(trigger_schemas); } else { std::vector<CopyDataTask*> threads; boost::scoped_ptr<MySQLCopyDataTarget> ptarget_conn; MySQLCopyDataTarget *ptarget = NULL; CopyDataSource *psource = NULL; if (disable_triggers_on_copy) { ptarget_conn.reset(new MySQLCopyDataTarget(target_host, target_port, target_user, target_password, target_socket, target_use_cleartext_plugin, app_name, source_charset, source_rdbms_type)); ptarget_conn->backup_triggers(trigger_schemas); } for (int index = 0; index < thread_count; index++) { if (source_type == ST_ODBC) { SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &odbc_env); SQLSetEnvAttr(odbc_env, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void *) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0); psource = new ODBCCopyDataSource(odbc_env, source_connstring, source_password, source_is_utf8, source_rdbms_type); } else if (source_type == ST_MYSQL) psource = new MySQLCopyDataSource(source_host, source_port, source_user, source_password, source_socket, source_use_cleartext_plugin); else psource = new PythonCopyDataSource(source_connstring, source_password); ptarget = new MySQLCopyDataTarget(target_host, target_port, target_user, target_password, target_socket, target_use_cleartext_plugin, app_name, source_charset, source_rdbms_type); psource->set_max_blob_chunk_size(ptarget->get_max_allowed_packet()); psource->set_max_parameter_size((unsigned long)ptarget->get_max_long_data_size()); psource->set_abort_on_oversized_blobs(abort_on_oversized_blobs); ptarget->set_truncate(truncate_target); if (max_count > 0) bulk_insert_batch = max_count; ptarget->set_bulk_insert_batch_size((int)bulk_insert_batch); if (check_types_only) { //XXXX delete psource; } else { threads.push_back(new CopyDataTask(base::strfmt("Task %d", index + 1), psource, ptarget, &tables, show_progress)); } } // Waits for all the threads to complete for (size_t index = 0; index < threads.size(); index++) threads[index]->wait(); // Finally destroys the threads and connections for (size_t index = 0; index < threads.size(); index++) delete threads[index]; // Finally restores the triggers if (disable_triggers_on_copy) ptarget_conn->restore_triggers(trigger_schemas); } } catch (std::exception &e) { log_error("Exception: %s\n", e.what()); if (source_type == ST_PYTHON) { PyEval_RestoreThread(state); Py_Finalize(); } exit(1); } if (source_type == ST_PYTHON) { PyEval_RestoreThread(state); Py_Finalize(); } printf("FINISHED\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0; }
static fm_system* parse_files(FILE *afile, FILE *cfile) { fm_system* system = (fm_system*)malloc(sizeof(fm_system)); unsigned int i; unsigned int rows = count_rows(afile); unsigned int cols = count_cols(afile); fm_row *fm_rows = (fm_row *) malloc(sizeof(fm_row)*rows); fm_poly *fm_polys = (fm_poly *) malloc(sizeof(fm_poly)*rows*2); fm_poly_entry *fm_lesser_rows = (fm_poly_entry *) malloc(sizeof(fm_poly_entry)*rows*cols); fm_poly_entry *fm_greater_rows = (fm_poly_entry *) malloc(sizeof(fm_poly_entry)*rows); if(fm_rows == NULL || fm_polys == NULL || fm_lesser_rows == NULL || fm_greater_rows == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory!\n"); exit(1); } for(i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { fm_rows[i].lesser = &(fm_polys[i]); fm_rows[i].greater = &(fm_polys[rows+i]); fm_rows[i].lesser->poly = &(fm_lesser_rows[i*cols]); fm_rows[i].lesser->poly_len = cols; fm_rows[i].greater->poly = &(fm_greater_rows[i]); fm_rows[i].greater->poly_len = 1; } long file_length = fsize(afile)+1; char *buffer = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*file_length); fread(buffer, sizeof(char), file_length, afile); rewind(afile); buffer[file_length-1] = '\0'; long long read_integer; char *line_tok, *integer_tok, *line_save, *integer_save; unsigned int ctr_col = 0; unsigned int ctr_row = 0; for (line_tok = strtok_r(buffer+4*sizeof(char), "\n", &line_save); line_tok; line_tok = strtok_r(NULL, "\n", &line_save)) { //printf("line=%s\n", line_tok); for (integer_tok = strtok_r(line_tok, " \t", &integer_save); integer_tok; integer_tok = strtok_r(NULL, " \t", &integer_save)) { //printf("integer=%s\n", integer_tok); sscanf(integer_tok, "%lld", &read_integer); fm_rows[ctr_row].lesser->poly[ctr_col].numerator = read_integer; fm_rows[ctr_row].lesser->poly[ctr_col].denominator = 1; fm_rows[ctr_row].lesser->poly[ctr_col].index = ctr_col + 1; ++ctr_col; } system->nbr_x = ctr_col; system->curr_nbr_x = ctr_col; ctr_col = 0; ++ctr_row; } file_length = fsize(cfile)+1; buffer = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*file_length); fread(buffer, sizeof(char), file_length, cfile); rewind(cfile); buffer[file_length-1] = '\0'; ctr_row = 0; for (line_tok = strtok_r(buffer+2*sizeof(char), " \t\n", &line_save); line_tok; line_tok = strtok_r(NULL, "\n", &line_save)) { printf("line=%s\n", line_tok); sscanf(line_tok, "%lld", &read_integer); fm_rows[ctr_row].greater->poly[0].numerator = read_integer; fm_rows[ctr_row].greater->poly[0].denominator = 1; fm_rows[ctr_row].greater->poly[0].index = 0; ++ctr_row; } // free(buffer); system->rows = fm_rows; system->nbr_rows = count_rows(afile); return system; }
int parse_config(FILE *cnf, ode_model_parameters *omp, main_options *cnf_options){ /* This function parses the configuration file The configuration * file contains xml like expressions containing data, measurement * time points, etc. * We start by defining regular expressions for the field names * */ int D=0,U=0,C=0,F=0,T=0,N=0; int i,l; int n=10; // number of fields regex_t cpt[2*n]; // defines the patterns for the field names regex_t comment; int bsize=2048; char buffer[bsize]; gsl_matrix *reference_data; gsl_matrix *sd_reference_data; omp->data_is_relative=0; // assume data to be absolute char *var_value, *var_value_newline; //comments in file regcomp(&comment,"#|//|%",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[0],"\\[time\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[1],"\\[reference_input\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[2],"\\[reference_data\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[3],"\\[sd_reference_data\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[4],"\\[input\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[5],"\\[data\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[6],"\\[sd_data\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[7],"\\[prior_mu\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[8],"\\[prior_inv(erse)?_cov(ariance)?\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[9],"\\[output\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[n+0],"\\[/time\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[n+1],"\\[/reference_input\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[n+2],"\\[/reference_data\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[n+3],"\\[/sd_reference_data\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[n+4],"\\[/input\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[n+5],"\\[/data\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[n+6],"\\[/sd_data\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[n+7],"\\[/prior_mu\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[n+8],"\\[/prior_inv(erse)?_cov(ariance)?\\]",REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&cpt[n+9],"\\[/output\\]",REG_EXTENDED); /* now that we have several regular expressions, we parse the file * once to get the problem size: D,P,F,U,C; then we allocate mamory * and parse the file a second time to read the data, inputs and so * forth. */ /* relevant interfaces: * count_rows(FILE *cnf, regex_t *end, regex_t *comment) * count_columns(const char *c) * read_columns(char *c, double *vector, const int length) * read_block(int rows, int columns, FILE *f, double *target, regex_t *comment) */ while (!feof(cnf)){ do fgets(buffer,bsize,cnf); while (regexec(&comment,buffer,0,NULL,0)==0); var_value=strchr(buffer,'='); // string looks like this: [var_name]=[var_value] if (var_value!=NULL) { // we have a variable definition var_value[0]='\0'; //mark the end of the variable name /*printf("var_name=%s\n",buffer); printf("var_value=%s\n",var_value+1); *printf("removing newline....\n"); */ var_value_newline=strchr(++var_value,'\n'); if (var_value_newline!=NULL) var_value_newline[0]='\0'; printf("# [cfg] {%s} ← {%s}\n",buffer,var_value); if (strcmp(cnf_options->output_file,"sample.dat")==0 && strcmp(buffer,"output")==0) strcpy(cnf_options->output_file,var_value); else if (cnf_options->sample_size<0 && strcmp(buffer,"sample_size")==0) cnf_options->sample_size=strtol(var_value,NULL,0); else if (cnf_options->target_acceptance<0 && strcmp(buffer,"acceptance")==0) cnf_options->target_acceptance=strtod(var_value,NULL); else if (cnf_options->initial_stepsize<0 && strcmp(buffer,"step_size")==0) cnf_options->initial_stepsize=strtod(var_value,NULL); else if (strcmp(buffer,"t0")==0) {omp->t0=strtod(var_value,NULL); printf("# t0 = %f\n",omp->t0);} } else { for (i=0;i<n;i++){ if (regexec(&cpt[i],buffer,0,NULL,0)==0){ /* printf("found match with regular expression %i.\n",i); */ /* printf(buffer); */ switch (i){ // counting columns and/or rows case 0: /*time*/ do fgets(buffer,bsize,cnf); while (regexec(&comment,buffer,0,NULL,0)==0); T=count_rows(cnf, &cpt[n+i], &comment); break; case 1: /* reference input */ omp->data_is_relative=1; printf("data is relative.\n"); break; case 4: /* inputs */ do fgets(buffer,bsize,cnf); while (regexec(&comment,buffer,0,NULL,0)==0); U=count_columns(buffer); C=count_rows(cnf, &cpt[n+i], &comment); // printf("# input field has %i lines. (%i experimental conditions)\n",l,C); break; case 5: /* data */ do fgets(buffer,bsize,cnf); while (regexec(&comment,buffer,0,NULL,0)==0); F=count_columns(buffer); l=count_rows(cnf, &cpt[n+i], &comment); printf("# data has %i (%i × %i) lines.\n",l,C,T); break; case 7: /* problem size */ do fgets(buffer,bsize,cnf); while (regexec(&comment,buffer,0,NULL,0)==0); D=count_rows(cnf, &cpt[n+i], &comment); break; case 9: /* output structure */ do fgets(buffer,bsize,cnf); while (regexec(&comment,buffer,0,NULL,0)==0); N=count_columns(buffer); F=count_rows(cnf, &cpt[n+i], &comment); }// switch break; }// if match }// for (regular expressions) }// while !EOF } printf("# file read once to determine the size of data and inputs.\n"); printf("# D=%i\tN=%i\tF=%i\tU=%i\tC=%i\tT=%i\n",D,N,F,U,C,T); omp->D=D; /* now we must allocate the necessary memory and fill it with values */ ode_model_parameters_alloc(omp, D, N, F, T, U, C); reference_data=gsl_matrix_alloc(T,F); sd_reference_data=gsl_matrix_alloc(T,F); printf("# memory allocated.\n"); /* we reset the FILE structure and parse again, now reading the * values. */ rewind(cnf); printf("# rewind.\n"); while (!feof(cnf)){ do fgets(buffer,bsize,cnf); while (regexec(&comment,buffer,0,NULL,0)==0); for (i=0;i<n;i++){ if ( regexec(&cpt[i],buffer,0,NULL,0)==0){ /* printf("found match with regular expression %i.\n",i); */ /* printf(buffer); */ switch (i){// reading the data case 0: /*time*/ read_block(T,1,cnf,omp->t->data,&comment); printf("# measurement time(s) read.\n"); break; case 1: /* reference input */ //printf("# reading reference input.\n"); read_block(1,U,cnf,omp->reference_u->data,&comment); printf("# reference input read.\n"); break; case 2: /* reference data */ read_block(T,F,cnf,reference_data->data,&comment); printf("# reference data read.\n"); break; case 3: /* sd reference data */ read_block(T,F,cnf,sd_reference_data->data,&comment); printf("# standard deviation of reference data read.\n"); break; case 4: /* inputs */ read_block(C,U,cnf,omp->input_u->data,&comment); printf("# input read.\n"); break; case 5: /* data */ read_block(C*T,F,cnf,omp->Data->data,&comment); printf("# data read.\n"); break; case 6: /* sd data */ read_block(C*T,F,cnf,omp->sdData->data,&comment); printf("# standard deviation of data read.\n"); break; case 7: read_block(D,1,cnf,omp->prior_mu->data,&comment); printf("# prior mean read.\n"); break; case 8: /* prior inverse covariance */ read_block(D,D,cnf,omp->prior_inverse_cov->data,&comment); printf("# prior inverse covariance matrix read.\n"); break; case 9: /* output structure */ read_block(F,N,cnf,omp->output_C->data,&comment); }// switch break; }// if match }// for (regular expressions) }// while !EOF printf("# configuration read.\n"); /* now we take the ratios of data and reference data */ if (omp->data_is_relative){ printf("# calculating relative data (ratios)..."); ratio_with_sd(omp->Data,omp->sdData,reference_data,sd_reference_data); printf("# done.\n"); } // omp->t0=0.0; // cleanup gsl_matrix_free(reference_data); gsl_matrix_free(sd_reference_data); for (i=0;i<2*n;i++) regfree(&cpt[i]); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }