Esempio n. 1
void CovarianceMatrix::DoExecute() {
   * This reports the Covariance, Correlation and Hessian matrix
  auto minimiser_ = model_->managers().minimiser()->active_minimiser();
  covariance_matrix_ = minimiser_->covariance_matrix();

  cache_ << "*" << label_ << " " << "(" << type_ << ")" << "\n";
  cache_ << "Covariance_Matrix " << REPORT_R_MATRIX << "\n";

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < covariance_matrix_.size1(); ++i) {
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < covariance_matrix_.size2(); ++j)
      cache_ << covariance_matrix_(i, j) << " ";
    cache_ << "\n";

  if (model_->run_mode() == RunMode::kMCMC) {
    auto mcmc_ = model_->managers().mcmc()->active_mcmc();
    if (mcmc_->recalculate_covariance()) {
      cache_ << REPORT_END << "\n\n";
      LOG_FINE() << "During the mcmc run you recalculated the the covariance matrix, so we will print the modified matrix at the end of the chain";
      cache_ << "Modified_covariance_matrix  " << REPORT_R_MATRIX  << "\n";
      auto covariance = mcmc_->covariance_matrix();
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < covariance.size1(); ++i) {
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < covariance.size2() - 1; ++j)
          cache_ << covariance(i, j) << " ";
        cache_ << covariance(i, covariance.size2() - 1) << "\n";

  ready_for_writing_ = true;
void StrictGaussianClassifier::set_covariance( const vector<DataItem>& data,
                                      const Eigen::Vector2d& mean )
  // variables
  int i = 0;
  int num_data = 0;

  // reset the covariance matrix
  covariance_matrix_ << 0, 0,
                        0, 0;

  // sum the values of the features over all of the data
  for( num_data = 0, i = 0; i < data.size(); i++ )
    // case: the data is of the desired class
    if( data[i].actual_class == class_name_ )
      // add the data to the sums
      covariance_matrix_( 0, 0 ) +=
          ( data[i].feature_vector( 0 ) - mean( 0 ) ) *
          ( data[i].feature_vector( 0 ) - mean( 0 ) );
      covariance_matrix_( 1, 0 ) +=
          ( data[i].feature_vector( 1 ) - mean( 1 ) ) *
          ( data[i].feature_vector( 0 ) - mean( 0 ) );
      covariance_matrix_( 1, 1 ) +=
          ( data[i].feature_vector( 1 ) - mean( 1 ) ) *
          ( data[i].feature_vector( 1 ) - mean( 1 ) );

  // set the covariance above the diagonal
  covariance_matrix_( 0, 1 ) = covariance_matrix_( 1, 0 );

  // scale the result
  covariance_matrix_ = ( 1.0 / ( (double) num_data - 1.0) ) *

  // update the other covariance related members
  inverse_covariance_matrix_ = covariance_matrix_.inverse();
  covariance_determinant_ = covariance_matrix_.determinant();

  // no return - void
Esempio n. 3
template <typename PointInT, typename PointNT, typename PointOutT> void
pcl::PrincipalCurvaturesEstimation<PointInT, PointNT, PointOutT>::computePointPrincipalCurvatures (
      const pcl::PointCloud<PointNT> &normals, int p_idx, const std::vector<int> &indices,
      float &pcx, float &pcy, float &pcz, float &pc1, float &pc2)
  EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Matrix3f I = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity ();
  Eigen::Vector3f n_idx (normals.points[p_idx].normal[0], normals.points[p_idx].normal[1], normals.points[p_idx].normal[2]);
  EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Matrix3f M = I - n_idx * n_idx.transpose ();    // projection matrix (into tangent plane)

  // Project normals into the tangent plane
  Eigen::Vector3f normal;
  projected_normals_.resize (indices.size ());
  xyz_centroid_.setZero ();
  for (size_t idx = 0; idx < indices.size(); ++idx)
    normal[0] = normals.points[indices[idx]].normal[0];
    normal[1] = normals.points[indices[idx]].normal[1];
    normal[2] = normals.points[indices[idx]].normal[2];

    projected_normals_[idx] = M * normal;
    xyz_centroid_ += projected_normals_[idx];

  // Estimate the XYZ centroid
  xyz_centroid_ /= static_cast<float> (indices.size ());

  // Initialize to 0
  covariance_matrix_.setZero ();

  double demean_xy, demean_xz, demean_yz;
  // For each point in the cloud
  for (size_t idx = 0; idx < indices.size (); ++idx)
    demean_ = projected_normals_[idx] - xyz_centroid_;

    demean_xy = demean_[0] * demean_[1];
    demean_xz = demean_[0] * demean_[2];
    demean_yz = demean_[1] * demean_[2];

    covariance_matrix_(0, 0) += demean_[0] * demean_[0];
    covariance_matrix_(0, 1) += static_cast<float> (demean_xy);
    covariance_matrix_(0, 2) += static_cast<float> (demean_xz);

    covariance_matrix_(1, 0) += static_cast<float> (demean_xy);
    covariance_matrix_(1, 1) += demean_[1] * demean_[1];
    covariance_matrix_(1, 2) += static_cast<float> (demean_yz);

    covariance_matrix_(2, 0) += static_cast<float> (demean_xz);
    covariance_matrix_(2, 1) += static_cast<float> (demean_yz);
    covariance_matrix_(2, 2) += demean_[2] * demean_[2];

  // Extract the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
  pcl::eigen33 (covariance_matrix_, eigenvalues_);
  pcl::computeCorrespondingEigenVector (covariance_matrix_, eigenvalues_ [2], eigenvector_);

  pcx = eigenvector_ [0];
  pcy = eigenvector_ [1];
  pcz = eigenvector_ [2];
  float indices_size = 1.0f / static_cast<float> (indices.size ());
  pc1 = eigenvalues_ [2] * indices_size;
  pc2 = eigenvalues_ [1] * indices_size;