Esempio n. 1
File: fft.c Progetto: geoffryan/cow
double k_at(cow_domain *d, int i, int j, int k, double *kvec)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Here, we populate the wave vectors on the Fourier lattice. The convention
// used by FFTW is the same as that used by numpy, described at the link
// below. For N odd, the (positive) Nyquist frequency is placed in the middle
// bin.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  const int Nx = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(d, 0);
  const int Ny = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(d, 1);
  const int Nz = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(d, 2);
  i += cow_domain_getglobalstartindex(d, 0);
  j += cow_domain_getglobalstartindex(d, 1);
  k += cow_domain_getglobalstartindex(d, 2);
  kvec[0] = (Nx % 2 == 0) ?
    ((i<  Nx   /2) ? i : i-Nx):  // N even
    ((i<=(Nx-1)/2) ? i : i-Nx);  // N odd
  kvec[1] = (Ny % 2 == 0) ?
    ((j<  Ny   /2) ? j : j-Ny):
    ((j<=(Ny-1)/2) ? j : j-Ny);
  kvec[2] = (Nz % 2 == 0) ?
    ((k<  Nz   /2) ? k : k-Nz):
    ((k<=(Nz-1)/2) ? k : k-Nz);
  return sqrt(kvec[0]*kvec[0] + kvec[1]*kvec[1] + kvec[2]*kvec[2]);
Esempio n. 2
void srmhdpack_sample2dslice(cow_dfield *prim, int axis, int index, double *P)
  double *samp_result;
  cow_domain *domain = cow_dfield_getdomain(prim);
  int i1,i2,q,n=0;
  int a0 = (axis + 0) % 3;
  int a1 = (axis + 1) % 3;
  int a2 = (axis + 2) % 3;
  int N[3];
  int I[3];
  N[0] = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(domain, a0);
  N[1] = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(domain, a1);
  N[2] = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(domain, a2);
  for (i1=0; i1<N[1]; ++i1) {
    for (i2=0; i2<N[2]; ++i2) {
      I[a0] = index;
      I[a1] = i1;
      I[a2] = i2;
      cow_dfield_sampleglobalind(prim, I[0], I[1], I[2], &samp_result, NULL);
      for (q=0; q<8; ++q) {
	P[n++] = samp_result[q];
Esempio n. 3
File: fft.c Progetto: geoffryan/cow
struct fft_plan_3d *call_fft_plan_3d(cow_domain *d, int *nbuf)
  const int i0 = cow_domain_getglobalstartindex(d, 0);
  const int i1 = cow_domain_getnumlocalzonesinterior(d, 0) + i0 - 1;
  const int j0 = cow_domain_getglobalstartindex(d, 1);
  const int j1 = cow_domain_getnumlocalzonesinterior(d, 1) + j0 - 1;
  const int k0 = cow_domain_getglobalstartindex(d, 2);
  const int k1 = cow_domain_getnumlocalzonesinterior(d, 2) + k0 - 1;
  const int Nx = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(d, 0);
  const int Ny = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(d, 1);
  const int Nz = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(d, 2);
  return fft_3d_create_plan(d->mpi_cart,
                            Nz, Ny, Nx,
                            k0,k1, j0,j1, i0,i1,
                            k0,k1, j0,j1, i0,i1,
                            SCALED_NOT, PERMUTE_NONE, nbuf);
Esempio n. 4
File: fft.c Progetto: darien0/cow
FFT_DATA *_fwd(cow_dfield *f, double *fx, int start, int stride)
  if (cow_mpirunning()) {
#if (COW_MPI)
    int nbuf;
    long long ntot = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(f->domain, COW_ALL_DIMS);
    struct fft_plan_3d *plan = call_fft_plan_3d(f->domain, &nbuf);
    Fx = (FFT_DATA*) malloc(nbuf * sizeof(FFT_DATA));
    Fk = (FFT_DATA*) malloc(nbuf * sizeof(FFT_DATA));
    for (int n=0; n<nbuf; ++n) {
      Fx[n][0] = fx[stride * n + start] / ntot;
      Fx[n][1] = 0.0;
    fft_3d(Fx, Fk, FFT_FWD, plan);
#endif // COW_MPI
  else {
    int nbuf = cow_domain_getnumlocalzonesinterior(f->domain, COW_ALL_DIMS);
    long long ntot = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(f->domain, COW_ALL_DIMS);
    Fx = (FFT_DATA*) malloc(nbuf * sizeof(FFT_DATA));
    Fk = (FFT_DATA*) malloc(nbuf * sizeof(FFT_DATA));
    for (int n=0; n<nbuf; ++n) {
      Fx[n][0] = fx[stride * n + start] / ntot;
      Fx[n][1] = 0.0;
    int *N = f->domain->L_nint;
    fftw_plan plan = fftw_plan_many_dft(3, N, 1,
					Fx, NULL, 1, 0,
					Fk, NULL, 1, 0,
  return Fk;
Esempio n. 5
File: fft.c Progetto: geoffryan/cow
double *_rev(cow_domain *d, FFT_DATA *Fk)
  double *fx = NULL;
  if (cow_mpirunning()) {
#if (COW_MPI)
  int nbuf;
  long long ntot = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(d, COW_ALL_DIMS);
  struct fft_plan_3d *plan = call_fft_plan_3d(d, &nbuf);
  fx = (double*) malloc(nbuf * sizeof(double));
  Fx = (FFT_DATA*) malloc(nbuf * sizeof(FFT_DATA));
  fft_3d(Fk, Fx, FFT_REV, plan);
  for (int n=0; n<nbuf; ++n) {
    fx[n] = Fx[n][0] / ntot;
#endif // COW_MPI
  else {
    int nbuf = cow_domain_getnumlocalzonesinterior(d, COW_ALL_DIMS);
    long long ntot = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(d, COW_ALL_DIMS);
    fx = (double*) malloc(nbuf * sizeof(double));
    Fx = (FFT_DATA*) malloc(nbuf * sizeof(FFT_DATA));
    int *N = d->L_nint;
    fftw_plan plan = fftw_plan_many_dft(3, N, 1,
					Fk, NULL, 1, 0,
					Fx, NULL, 1, 0,
    for (int n=0; n<nbuf; ++n) {
      fx[n] = Fx[n][0] / ntot;
  return fx;
Esempio n. 6
File: fft.c Progetto: geoffryan/cow
void cow_fft_pspecvecfield(cow_dfield *f, cow_histogram *hist)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function computes the spherically integrated power spectrum of the
// vector field represented in `f`. The user needs to supply a half-initialized
// histogram, which has not yet been committed. This function will commit,
// populate, and seal the histogram by doing the FFT's on the vector field
// components. The supplies the fields like in the example below, all other will
// be over-written.
//  cow_histogram_setnbins(hist, 0, 256);
//  cow_histogram_setspacing(hist, COW_HIST_SPACING_LINEAR); // or LOG
//  cow_histogram_setnickname(hist, "mypspec"); // optional
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if (COW_FFTW)
  if (!f->committed) return;
  if (f->n_members != 3) {
    printf("[%s] error: need a 3-component field for %s", MODULE, __FUNCTION__);

  clock_t start = clock();
  int nx = cow_domain_getnumlocalzonesinterior(f->domain, 0);
  int ny = cow_domain_getnumlocalzonesinterior(f->domain, 1);
  int nz = cow_domain_getnumlocalzonesinterior(f->domain, 2);
  int Nx = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(f->domain, 0);
  int Ny = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(f->domain, 1);
  int Nz = cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(f->domain, 2);
  int ng = cow_domain_getguard(f->domain);
  int ntot = nx * ny * nz;
  int I0[3] = { ng, ng, ng };
  int I1[3] = { nx + ng, ny + ng, nz + ng };
  double norm = pow(cow_domain_getnumglobalzones(f->domain, COW_ALL_DIMS), 2.0);
  double *input = (double*) malloc(3 * ntot * sizeof(double));
  cow_dfield_extract(f, I0, I1, input);

  FFT_DATA *gx = _fwd(f->domain, input, 0, 3); // start, stride
  FFT_DATA *gy = _fwd(f->domain, input, 1, 3);
  FFT_DATA *gz = _fwd(f->domain, input, 2, 3);

  cow_histogram_setlower(hist, 0, 1.0);
  cow_histogram_setupper(hist, 0, 0.5*sqrt(Nx*Nx + Ny*Ny + Nz*Nz));
  cow_histogram_setbinmode(hist, COW_HIST_BINMODE_DENSITY);
  cow_histogram_setdomaincomm(hist, f->domain);
  for (int i=0; i<nx; ++i) {
    for (int j=0; j<ny; ++j) {
      for (int k=0; k<nz; ++k) {
	int m = i*ny*nz + j*nz + k;
	double kvec[3];
        double khat[3];
	khat_at(f->domain, i, j, k, khat);
	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Here we are taking the complex norm (absolute value squared) of the
	// vector-valued Fourier amplitude corresponding to the wave-vector, k.
	//                        P(k) = |\vec{f}_\vec{k}|^2
	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	double Kijk = k_at(f->domain, i, j, k, kvec);
	double Pijk = cnorm(gx[m]) + cnorm(gy[m]) + cnorm(gz[m]);
	cow_histogram_addsample1(hist, Kijk, Pijk/norm);
  printf("[%s] %s took %3.2f seconds\n",
	 MODULE, __FUNCTION__, (double) (clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
#endif // COW_FFTW