cpArbiterApplyCachedImpulse(cpArbiter *arb, cpFloat dt_coef)
	if(cpArbiterIsFirstContact(arb)) return;
	cpBody *a = arb->body_a;
	cpBody *b = arb->body_b;
	for(int i=0; i<arb->numContacts; i++){
		cpContact *con = &arb->contacts[i];
		cpVect j = cpvrotate(con->n, cpv(con->jnAcc, con->jtAcc));
		apply_impulses(a, b, con->r1, con->r2, cpvmult(j, dt_coef));
Esempio n. 2
// takes array of vertices, returns center x and y coordinates in address of x and y
// algorithm: take average x value average y value
static void core_freestyle_center ( cpVect * verts, const int num_verts, cpVect * center ) {
    cpFloat tot_length = 0.0;
    // assume uniform mass, so length can be substitued as mass
    cpVect center_of_mass = cpvzero;
    for ( int i = 0; i< num_verts - 1; i++ ) {
        cpFloat length = cpvdist ( verts[i], verts[i+1] );
        cpVect to_cent = cpvmult ( cpvsub ( verts[i+1], verts[i] ), 0.5 );
        cpVect loc_center = cpvadd ( verts[i], to_cent );
        center_of_mass = cpvadd ( center_of_mass, cpvmult ( loc_center, length ) );
        tot_length += length;
    center_of_mass = cpvmult ( center_of_mass, 1/tot_length );
    center->x = center_of_mass.x;
    center->y = center_of_mass.y;
Esempio n. 3
// Recursive implementatino of the GJK loop.
static inline struct ClosestPoints
GJKRecurse(const struct SupportContext *ctx, const struct MinkowskiPoint v0, const struct MinkowskiPoint v1, const int iteration)
    if(iteration > MAX_GJK_ITERATIONS) {
        cpAssertWarn(iteration < WARN_GJK_ITERATIONS, "High GJK iterations: %d", iteration);
        return ClosestPointsNew(v0, v1);

    cpVect delta = cpvsub(v1.ab, v0.ab);
    // TODO: should this be an area2x check?
    if(cpvcross(delta, cpvadd(v0.ab, v1.ab)) > 0.0f) {
        // Origin is behind axis. Flip and try again.
        return GJKRecurse(ctx, v1, v0, iteration);
    } else {
        cpFloat t = ClosestT(v0.ab, v1.ab);
        cpVect n = (-1.0f < t && t < 1.0f ? cpvperp(delta) : cpvneg(LerpT(v0.ab, v1.ab, t)));
        struct MinkowskiPoint p = Support(ctx, n);

        ChipmunkDebugDrawSegment(v0.ab, v1.ab, RGBAColor(1, 1, 1, 1));
        cpVect c = cpvlerp(v0.ab, v1.ab, 0.5);
        ChipmunkDebugDrawSegment(c, cpvadd(c, cpvmult(cpvnormalize(n), 5.0)), RGBAColor(1, 0, 0, 1));

        ChipmunkDebugDrawDot(5.0, p.ab, LAColor(1, 1));

            cpvcross(cpvsub(v1.ab, p.ab), cpvadd(v1.ab, p.ab)) > 0.0f &&
            cpvcross(cpvsub(v0.ab, p.ab), cpvadd(v0.ab, p.ab)) < 0.0f
        ) {
            // The triangle v0, p, v1 contains the origin. Use EPA to find the MSA.
            cpAssertWarn(iteration < WARN_GJK_ITERATIONS, "High GJK->EPA iterations: %d", iteration);
            return EPA(ctx, v0, p, v1);
        } else {
            if(cpvdot(p.ab, n) <= cpfmax(cpvdot(v0.ab, n), cpvdot(v1.ab, n))) {
                // The edge v0, v1 that we already have is the closest to (0, 0) since p was not closer.
                cpAssertWarn(iteration < WARN_GJK_ITERATIONS, "High GJK iterations: %d", iteration);
                return ClosestPointsNew(v0, v1);
            } else {
                // p was closer to the origin than our existing edge.
                // Need to figure out which existing point to drop.
                if(ClosestDist(v0.ab, p.ab) < ClosestDist(p.ab, v1.ab)) {
                    return GJKRecurse(ctx, v0, p, iteration + 1);
                } else {
                    return GJKRecurse(ctx, p, v1, iteration + 1);
Esempio n. 4
static void
cpCircleShapePointQuery(cpCircleShape *circle, cpVect p, cpPointQueryExtendedInfo *info){
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(p, circle->tc);
	cpFloat distsq = cpvlengthsq(delta);
	cpFloat r = circle->r;
	if(distsq < r*r){
		info->shape = (cpShape *)circle;
		cpFloat dist = cpfsqrt(distsq);
		info->d = r - dist;
		info->n = cpvmult(delta, 1.0/dist);
Esempio n. 5
// Add contact points for circle to circle collisions.
// Used by several collision tests.
static int
circle2circleQuery(cpVect p1, cpVect p2, cpFloat r1, cpFloat r2, cpContact *con)
	cpFloat mindist = r1 + r2;
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(p2, p1);
	cpFloat distsq = cpvlengthsq(delta);
	if(distsq >= mindist*mindist) return 0;
	cpFloat dist = cpfsqrt(distsq);
	// To avoid singularities, do nothing in the case of dist = 0.
	cpFloat non_zero_dist = (dist ? dist : INFINITY);

	// Allocate and initialize the contact.
		cpvadd(p1, cpvmult(delta, 0.5f + (r1 - 0.5f*mindist)/non_zero_dist)),
		cpvmult(delta, 1.0f/non_zero_dist),
		dist - mindist,
	return 1;
Esempio n. 6
static void
preStep(cpDampedSpring *spring, cpFloat dt, cpFloat dt_inv)
	cpBody *a = spring->constraint.a;
	cpBody *b = spring->constraint.b;
	spring->r1 = cpvrotate(spring->anchr1, a->rot);
	spring->r2 = cpvrotate(spring->anchr2, b->rot);
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(cpvadd(b->p, spring->r2), cpvadd(a->p, spring->r1));
	cpFloat dist = cpvlength(delta);
	spring->n = cpvmult(delta, 1.0f/(dist ? dist : INFINITY));
	// calculate mass normal
	spring->nMass = 1.0f/k_scalar(a, b, spring->r1, spring->r2, spring->n);

	spring->dt = dt;
	spring->target_vrn = 0.0f;

	// apply spring force
	cpFloat f_spring = spring->springForceFunc((cpConstraint *)spring, dist);
	apply_impulses(a, b, spring->r1, spring->r2, cpvmult(spring->n, f_spring*dt));
Esempio n. 7
static void
update(int ticks)
	static int lastJumpState = 0;
	int jumpState = (arrowDirection.y > 0.0f);
	cpVect groundNormal = playerInstance.groundNormal;
	if(groundNormal.y > 0.0f){
		playerInstance.shape->surface_v = cpvmult(cpvperp(groundNormal), 400.0f*arrowDirection.x);
	} else {
		playerInstance.shape->surface_v = cpvzero;
	cpBody *body = playerInstance.shape->body;
	// apply jump
	if(jumpState && !lastJumpState && cpvlengthsq(groundNormal)){
//		body->v = cpvmult(cpvslerp(groundNormal, cpv(0.0f, 1.0f), 0.5f), 500.0f);
		body->v = cpvadd(body->v, cpvmult(cpvslerp(groundNormal, cpv(0.0f, 1.0f), 0.75f), 500.0f));
	if(playerInstance.groundShapes->num == 0){
		cpFloat air_accel = body->v.x + arrowDirection.x*(2000.0f);
		body->f.x = body->m*air_accel;
//		body->v.x = cpflerpconst(body->v.x, 400.0f*arrowDirection.x, 2000.0f/60.0f);
	int steps = 3;
	cpFloat dt = 1.0f/60.0f/(cpFloat)steps;
	playerInstance.groundNormal = cpvzero;
	for(int i=0; i<steps; i++){
		cpSpaceStep(space, dt);
	lastJumpState = jumpState;
Esempio n. 8
// Collide circles to segment shapes.
static int
circle2segment(cpShape *circleShape, cpShape *segmentShape, cpContact **con)
	cpCircleShape *circ = (cpCircleShape *)circleShape;
	cpSegmentShape *seg = (cpSegmentShape *)segmentShape;
	// Radius sum
	cpFloat rsum = circ->r + seg->r;
	// Calculate normal distance from segment.
	cpFloat dn = cpvdot(seg->tn, circ->tc) - cpvdot(seg->ta, seg->tn);
	cpFloat dist = cpfabs(dn) - rsum;
	if(dist > 0.0f) return 0;
	// Calculate tangential distance along segment.
	cpFloat dt = -cpvcross(seg->tn, circ->tc);
	cpFloat dtMin = -cpvcross(seg->tn, seg->ta);
	cpFloat dtMax = -cpvcross(seg->tn, seg->tb);
	// Decision tree to decide which feature of the segment to collide with.
	if(dt < dtMin){
		if(dt < (dtMin - rsum)){
			return 0;
		} else {
			return circle2circleQuery(circ->tc, seg->ta, circ->r, seg->r, con);
	} else {
		if(dt < dtMax){
			cpVect n = (dn < 0.0f) ? seg->tn : cpvneg(seg->tn);
			(*con) = (cpContact *)cpmalloc(sizeof(cpContact));
				cpvadd(circ->tc, cpvmult(n, circ->r + dist*0.5f)),
			return 1;
		} else {
			if(dt < (dtMax + rsum)) {
				return circle2circleQuery(circ->tc, seg->tb, circ->r, seg->r, con);
			} else {
				return 0;
	return 1;
Esempio n. 9
static void
preStep(cpDampedSpring *spring, cpFloat dt)
	cpBody *a = spring->constraint.a;
	cpBody *b = spring->constraint.b;
	spring->r1 = cpvrotate(spring->anchr1, a->rot);
	spring->r2 = cpvrotate(spring->anchr2, b->rot);
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(cpvadd(b->p, spring->r2), cpvadd(a->p, spring->r1));
	cpFloat dist = cpvlength(delta);
	spring->n = cpvmult(delta, 1.0f/(dist ? dist : INFINITY));
	cpFloat k = k_scalar(a, b, spring->r1, spring->r2, spring->n);
	cpAssertSoft(k != 0.0, "Unsolvable spring.");
	spring->nMass = 1.0f/k;
	spring->target_vrn = 0.0f;
	spring->v_coef = 1.0f - cpfexp(-spring->damping*dt*k);

	// apply spring force
	cpFloat f_spring = spring->springForceFunc((cpConstraint *)spring, dist);
	apply_impulses(a, b, spring->r1, spring->r2, cpvmult(spring->n, f_spring*dt));
Esempio n. 10
static void
cpSegmentShapePointQuery(cpSegmentShape *seg, cpVect p, cpPointQueryExtendedInfo *info){
	if(!cpBBContainsVect(seg->shape.bb, p)) return;
	cpVect a = seg->ta;
	cpVect b = seg->tb;
	cpVect seg_delta = cpvsub(b, a);
	cpFloat closest_t = cpfclamp01(cpvdot(seg_delta, cpvsub(p, a))/cpvlengthsq(seg_delta));
	cpVect closest = cpvadd(a, cpvmult(seg_delta, closest_t));
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(p, closest);
	cpFloat distsq = cpvlengthsq(delta);
	cpFloat r = seg->r;
	if(distsq < r*r){
		info->shape = (cpShape *)seg;
		cpFloat dist = cpfsqrt(distsq);
		info->d = r - dist;
		info->n = cpvmult(delta, 1.0/dist);

Esempio n. 11
static cpBody *
add_bar(cpVect a, cpVect b, int group)
	cpVect center = cpvmult(cpvadd(a, b), 1.0f/2.0f);
	cpFloat length = cpvlength(cpvsub(b, a));
	cpFloat mass = length/160.0f;
	cpBody *body = cpSpaceAddBody(space, cpBodyNew(mass, mass*length*length/12.0f));
	body->p = center;
	cpShape *shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpSegmentShapeNew(body, cpvsub(a, center), cpvsub(b, center), 10.0f));
	shape->group = group;
	return body;
Esempio n. 12
static void
preStep(cpPivotJoint *joint, cpFloat dt)
	cpBody *a = joint->constraint.a;
	cpBody *b = joint->constraint.b;
	joint->r1 = cpTransformVect(a->transform, cpvsub(joint->anchorA, a->cog));
	joint->r2 = cpTransformVect(b->transform, cpvsub(joint->anchorB, b->cog));
	// Calculate mass tensor
	joint-> k = k_tensor(a, b, joint->r1, joint->r2);
	// calculate bias velocity
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(cpvadd(b->p, joint->r2), cpvadd(a->p, joint->r1));
	joint->bias = cpvclamp(cpvmult(delta, -bias_coef(joint->constraint.errorBias, dt)/dt), joint->constraint.maxBias);
Esempio n. 13
static inline struct ClosestPoints
GJKRecurse(const struct SupportContext *ctx, const struct MinkowskiPoint v0, const struct MinkowskiPoint v1, const int iteration)
	if(iteration > MAX_GJK_ITERATIONS){
		cpAssertWarn(iteration < WARN_GJK_ITERATIONS, "High GJK iterations: %d", iteration);
		return ClosestPointsNew(v0, v1);
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(v1.ab, v0.ab);
	if(cpvcross(delta, cpvadd(v0.ab, v1.ab)) > 0.0f){
		// Origin is behind axis. Flip and try again.
		return GJKRecurse(ctx, v1, v0, iteration + 1);
	} else {
		cpFloat t = ClosestT(v0.ab, v1.ab);
		cpVect n = (-1.0f < t && t < 1.0f ? cpvperp(delta) : cpvneg(LerpT(v0.ab, v1.ab, t)));
		struct MinkowskiPoint p = Support(ctx, n);
		ChipmunkDebugDrawSegment(v0.ab, v1.ab, RGBAColor(1, 1, 1, 1));
		cpVect c = cpvlerp(v0.ab, v1.ab, 0.5);
		ChipmunkDebugDrawSegment(c, cpvadd(c, cpvmult(cpvnormalize(n), 5.0)), RGBAColor(1, 0, 0, 1));
		ChipmunkDebugDrawDot(5.0, p.ab, LAColor(1, 1));
			cpvcross(cpvsub(v1.ab, p.ab), cpvadd(v1.ab, p.ab)) > 0.0f &&
			cpvcross(cpvsub(v0.ab, p.ab), cpvadd(v0.ab, p.ab)) < 0.0f
			cpAssertWarn(iteration < WARN_GJK_ITERATIONS, "High GJK->EPA iterations: %d", iteration);
			// The triangle v0, p, v1 contains the origin. Use EPA to find the MSA.
			return EPA(ctx, v0, p, v1);
		} else {
			// The new point must be farther along the normal than the existing points.
			if(cpvdot(p.ab, n) <= cpfmax(cpvdot(v0.ab, n), cpvdot(v1.ab, n))){
				cpAssertWarn(iteration < WARN_GJK_ITERATIONS, "High GJK iterations: %d", iteration);
				return ClosestPointsNew(v0, v1);
			} else {
				if(ClosestDist(v0.ab, p.ab) < ClosestDist(p.ab, v1.ab)){
					return GJKRecurse(ctx, v0, p, iteration + 1);
				} else {
					return GJKRecurse(ctx, p, v1, iteration + 1);
Esempio n. 14
// Identify vertexes that have penetrated the segment.
static inline void
findPointsBehindSeg(cpContact **arr, int *max, int *num, cpSegmentShape *seg, cpPolyShape *poly, cpFloat pDist, cpFloat coef) 
	cpFloat dta = cpvcross(seg->tn, seg->ta);
	cpFloat dtb = cpvcross(seg->tn, seg->tb);
	cpVect n = cpvmult(seg->tn, coef);
	for(int i=0; i<poly->numVerts; i++){
		cpVect v = poly->tVerts[i];
		if(cpvdot(v, n) < cpvdot(seg->tn, seg->ta)*coef + seg->r){
			cpFloat dt = cpvcross(seg->tn, v);
			if(dta >= dt && dt >= dtb){
				cpContactInit(addContactPoint(arr, max, num), v, n, pDist, CP_HASH_PAIR(poly->shape.hashid, i));
Esempio n. 15
static inline cpBB
GetBB(cpBBTree *tree, void *obj)
	cpBB bb = tree->spatialIndex.bbfunc(obj);
	cpBBTreeVelocityFunc velocityFunc = tree->velocityFunc;
		cpFloat coef = 0.1f;
		cpFloat x = (bb.r - bb.l)*coef;
		cpFloat y = (bb.t - bb.b)*coef;
		cpVect v = cpvmult(velocityFunc(obj), 0.1f);
		return cpBBNew(bb.l + cpfmin(-x, v.x), bb.b + cpfmin(-y, v.y), bb.r + cpfmax(x, v.x), bb.t + cpfmax(y, v.y));
	} else {
		return bb;
Esempio n. 16
static void
applyImpulse(cpPinJoint *joint)
	CONSTRAINT_BEGIN(joint, a, b);
	cpVect n = joint->n;

	// compute relative velocity
	cpFloat vrn = normal_relative_velocity(a, b, joint->r1, joint->r2, n);
	// compute normal impulse
	cpFloat jn = (joint->bias - vrn)*joint->nMass;
	cpFloat jnOld = joint->jnAcc;
	joint->jnAcc = cpfclamp(jnOld + jn, -joint->jnMax, joint->jnMax);
	jn = joint->jnAcc - jnOld;
	// apply impulse
	apply_impulses(a, b, joint->r1, joint->r2, cpvmult(n, jn));
Esempio n. 17
// This one is less gross, but still gross.
// TODO: Comment me!
static int
circle2poly(cpShape *shape1, cpShape *shape2, cpContact **con)
	cpCircleShape *circ = (cpCircleShape *)shape1;
	cpPolyShape *poly = (cpPolyShape *)shape2;
	cpPolyShapeAxis *axes = poly->tAxes;
	int mini = 0;
	cpFloat min = cpvdot(axes->n, circ->tc) - axes->d - circ->r;
	for(int i=0; i<poly->numVerts; i++){
		cpFloat dist = cpvdot(axes[i].n, circ->tc) - axes[i].d - circ->r;
		if(dist > 0.0f){
			return 0;
		} else if(dist > min) {
			min = dist;
			mini = i;
	cpVect n = axes[mini].n;
	cpVect a = poly->tVerts[mini];
	cpVect b = poly->tVerts[(mini + 1)%poly->numVerts];
	cpFloat dta = cpvcross(n, a);
	cpFloat dtb = cpvcross(n, b);
	cpFloat dt = cpvcross(n, circ->tc);
	if(dt < dtb){
		return circle2circleQuery(circ->tc, b, circ->r, 0.0f, con);
	} else if(dt < dta) {
		(*con) = (cpContact *)cpmalloc(sizeof(cpContact));
			cpvsub(circ->tc, cpvmult(n, circ->r + min/2.0f)),
		return 1;
	} else {
		return circle2circleQuery(circ->tc, a, circ->r, 0.0f, con);
Esempio n. 18
static void
	drawSpace(space, currDemo->drawOptions ? currDemo->drawOptions : &options);
	drawString(-300, -210, messageString);
	cpVect newPoint = cpvlerp(mousePoint_last, mousePoint, 0.25f);
	mouseBody->p = newPoint;
	mouseBody->v = cpvmult(cpvsub(newPoint, mousePoint_last), 60.0f);
	mousePoint_last = newPoint;
Esempio n. 19
static void
applyImpulse(cpDampedSpring *spring)
	CONSTRAINT_BEGIN(spring, a, b);
	cpVect n = spring->n;
	cpVect r1 = spring->r1;
	cpVect r2 = spring->r2;

	// compute relative velocity
	cpFloat vrn = normal_relative_velocity(a, b, r1, r2, n) - spring->target_vrn;
	// compute velocity loss from drag
	// not 100% certain this is derived correctly, though it makes sense
	cpFloat v_damp = -vrn*spring->v_coef;
	spring->target_vrn = vrn + v_damp;
	apply_impulses(a, b, spring->r1, spring->r2, cpvmult(spring->n, v_damp*spring->nMass));
Esempio n. 20
void Bomb::explode(int timestep) {
  exploding = true; 
  cpVect blast_dir;
  for (int j=0; j < PARTICLE_TOTAL; j++) {
    if (particles[j]->dead) {
      blast_dir = cpvmult(cpvforangle(DEG2RAD(j*3)), (rand()%100)+40);
      particles[j]->x = x;
      particles[j]->y = y;
      particles[j]->x_speed = blast_dir.x;
      particles[j]->y_speed = blast_dir.y;
      particles[j]->ttl = 1250;
      particles[j]->birth = timestep;
      particles[j]->color = 100;
      particles[j]->dead = false;
Esempio n. 21
static void
preStep(cpPivotJoint *joint, cpFloat dt)
	cpBody *a = joint->constraint.a;
	cpBody *b = joint->constraint.b;

	joint->r1 = cpvrotate(joint->anchr1, a->rot);
	joint->r2 = cpvrotate(joint->anchr2, b->rot);

	// Calculate mass tensor
	k_tensor(a, b, joint->r1, joint->r2, &joint->k1, &joint->k2);

	// compute max impulse
	joint->jMaxLen = J_MAX(joint, dt);

	// calculate bias velocity
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(cpvadd(b->p, joint->r2), cpvadd(a->p, joint->r1));
	joint->bias = cpvclamp(cpvmult(delta, -bias_coef(joint->constraint.errorBias, dt)/dt), joint->constraint.maxBias);
Esempio n. 22
static void
applyImpulse(cpDampedSpring *spring)
	cpBody *a = spring->constraint.a;
	cpBody *b = spring->constraint.b;
	cpVect n = spring->n;
	cpVect r1 = spring->r1;
	cpVect r2 = spring->r2;

	// compute relative velocity
	cpFloat vrn = normal_relative_velocity(a, b, r1, r2, n);
	// compute velocity loss from drag
	cpFloat v_damp = (spring->target_vrn - vrn)*spring->v_coef;
	spring->target_vrn = vrn + v_damp;
	apply_impulses(a, b, spring->r1, spring->r2, cpvmult(spring->n, v_damp*spring->nMass));
Esempio n. 23
// This one is less gross, but still gross.
// TODO: Comment me!
static int
circle2poly(const cpShape *shape1, const cpShape *shape2, cpContact *con)
	cpCircleShape *circ = (cpCircleShape *)shape1;
	cpPolyShape *poly = (cpPolyShape *)shape2;
	cpSplittingPlane *planes = poly->tPlanes;
	int mini = 0;
	cpFloat min = cpSplittingPlaneCompare(planes[0], circ->tc) - circ->r;
	for(int i=0; i<poly->numVerts; i++){
		cpFloat dist = cpSplittingPlaneCompare(planes[i], circ->tc) - circ->r;
		if(dist > 0.0f){
			return 0;
		} else if(dist > min) {
			min = dist;
			mini = i;
	cpVect n = planes[mini].n;
	cpVect a = poly->tVerts[mini];
	cpVect b = poly->tVerts[(mini + 1)%poly->numVerts];
	cpFloat dta = cpvcross(n, a);
	cpFloat dtb = cpvcross(n, b);
	cpFloat dt = cpvcross(n, circ->tc);
	if(dt < dtb){
		return circle2circleQuery(circ->tc, b, circ->r, 0.0f, con);
	} else if(dt < dta) {
			cpvsub(circ->tc, cpvmult(n, circ->r + min/2.0f)),
		return 1;
	} else {
		return circle2circleQuery(circ->tc, a, circ->r, 0.0f, con);
Esempio n. 24
static void
	PrintStringBuffer[0] = 0;
	PrintStringCursor = PrintStringBuffer;
	glScalef(scale, scale, 1.0);
	glTranslatef(translate_x, translate_y, 0.0);
	if(!paused || step){
		cpVect newPoint = cpvlerp(mouseBody->p, ChipmunkDemoMouse, 0.25f);
		mouseBody->v = cpvmult(cpvsub(newPoint, mouseBody->p), 60.0f);
		mouseBody->p = newPoint;
		ChipmunkDemoTime = ticks/60.0;
		step = cpFalse;
	if(drawBBs) cpSpaceEachShape(space, drawShapeBB, NULL);
	glPushMatrix(); {
		// Draw the text at fixed positions,
		// but save the drawing matrix for the mouse picking
		drawString(-300, -200, ChipmunkDemoMessageString);
	} glPopMatrix();
static void
preStep(cpPinJoint *joint, cpFloat dt)
	cpBody *a = joint->constraint.a;
	cpBody *b = joint->constraint.b;
	joint->r1 = cpvrotate(joint->anchr1, a->rot);
	joint->r2 = cpvrotate(joint->anchr2, b->rot);
	cpVect delta = cpvsub(cpvadd(b->p, joint->r2), cpvadd(a->p, joint->r1));
	cpFloat dist = cpvlength(delta);
	joint->n = cpvmult(delta, 1.0f/(dist ? dist : (cpFloat)INFINITY));
	// calculate mass normal
	joint->nMass = 1.0f/k_scalar(a, b, joint->r1, joint->r2, joint->n);
	// calculate bias velocity
	cpFloat maxBias = joint->constraint.maxBias;
	joint->bias = cpfclamp(-bias_coef(joint->constraint.errorBias, dt)*(dist - joint->dist)/dt, -maxBias, maxBias);
Esempio n. 26
// determines moment of freestyle shape
// dos this by determining individual moments of segments, 
//offsetting by distance to center squared
static double core_freestyle_moment ( cpVect * verts, const int num_verts, cpVect center, const double density ) {
    double moment = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < num_verts - 1; i++ ) {
        cpFloat seg_length = cpvdist ( verts[i], verts[i + 1] );
        double seg_mass = seg_length * density;
        double moment_seg = seg_mass * seg_length * seg_length / 12.0;   // moment around center of segment
        // moment around center of object
        cpVect seg_center = cpvadd ( verts[i], cpvmult ( cpvsub ( verts[i + 1], verts[i] ) ,seg_length / 2.0 ) ); // center of mass of segment
        cpFloat seg_disp = cpvdist ( seg_center, center ); // distance of center of mass from center 
        double moment_disp = seg_mass * seg_disp * seg_disp;
        moment += moment_seg + moment_disp;  // add the two moments to total moment
    return moment;
Esempio n. 27
static void
applyImpulse(cpDampedSpring *spring)
	cpBody *a = spring->constraint.a;
	cpBody *b = spring->constraint.b;
	cpVect n = spring->n;
	cpVect r1 = spring->r1;
	cpVect r2 = spring->r2;

	// compute relative velocity
	cpFloat vrn = normal_relative_velocity(a, b, r1, r2, n) - spring->target_vrn;
	// compute velocity loss from drag
	// not 100% certain this is derived correctly, though it makes sense
	cpFloat v_damp = -vrn*(1.0f - cpfexp(-spring->damping*spring->dt/spring->nMass));
	spring->target_vrn = vrn + v_damp;
	apply_impulses(a, b, spring->r1, spring->r2, cpvmult(spring->n, v_damp*spring->nMass));
Esempio n. 28
cpArbiterUpdate(cpArbiter *arb, cpContact *contacts, int numContacts, cpCollisionHandler *handler, cpShape *a, cpShape *b)
	// Iterate over the possible pairs to look for hash value matches.
	for(int i=0; i<numContacts; i++){
		cpContact *con = &contacts[i];
		for(int j=0; j<arb->numContacts; j++){
			cpContact *old = &arb->contacts[j];
			// This could trigger false positives, but is fairly unlikely nor serious if it does.
			if(con->hash == old->hash){
				// Copy the persistant contact information.
				con->jnAcc = old->jnAcc;
				con->jtAcc = old->jtAcc;
	arb->contacts = contacts;
	arb->numContacts = numContacts;
	arb->handler = handler;
	arb->swappedColl = (a->collision_type != handler->a);
	arb->e = a->e * b->e;
	arb->u = a->u * b->u;
	// Currently all contacts will have the same normal.
	// This may change in the future.
	cpVect n = (numContacts ? contacts[0].n : cpvzero);
	cpVect surface_vr = cpvsub(a->surface_v, b->surface_v);
	arb->surface_vr = cpvsub(surface_vr, cpvmult(n, cpvdot(surface_vr, n)));
	// For collisions between two similar primitive types, the order could have been swapped.
	arb->a = a; arb->body_a = a->body;
	arb->b = b; arb->body_b = b->body;
	// mark it as new if it's been cached
	if(arb->state == cpArbiterStateCached) arb->state = cpArbiterStateFirstColl;
Esempio n. 29
static void
	cpVect start = QUERY_START;
	cpVect end = ChipmunkDemoMouse;
	ChipmunkDebugDrawSegment(start, end, RGBAColor(0,1,0,1));
	ChipmunkDemoPrintString("Query: Dist(%f) Point%s, ", cpvdist(start, end), cpvstr(end));
	cpSegmentQueryInfo segInfo = {};
	if(cpSpaceSegmentQueryFirst(space, start, end, CP_ALL_LAYERS, CP_NO_GROUP, &segInfo)){
		cpVect point = cpSegmentQueryHitPoint(start, end, segInfo);
		// Draw red over the occluded part of the query
		ChipmunkDebugDrawSegment(point, end, RGBAColor(1,0,0,1));
		// Draw a little blue surface normal
		ChipmunkDebugDrawSegment(point, cpvadd(point, cpvmult(segInfo.n, 16)), RGBAColor(0,0,1,1));
		// Draw a little red dot on the hit point.
		ChipmunkDebugDrawPoints(3, 1, &point, RGBAColor(1,0,0,1));

		ChipmunkDemoPrintString("Segment Query: Dist(%f) Normal%s", cpSegmentQueryHitDist(start, end, segInfo), cpvstr(segInfo.n));
	} else {
		ChipmunkDemoPrintString("Segment Query (None)");
	cpNearestPointQueryInfo nearestInfo = {};
	cpSpaceNearestPointQueryNearest(space, ChipmunkDemoMouse, 100.0, CP_ALL_LAYERS, CP_NO_GROUP, &nearestInfo);
		// Draw a grey line to the closest shape.
		ChipmunkDebugDrawPoints(3, 1, &ChipmunkDemoMouse, RGBAColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0));
		ChipmunkDebugDrawSegment(ChipmunkDemoMouse, nearestInfo.p, 	RGBAColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0));
		// Draw a red bounding box around the shape under the mouse.
		if(nearestInfo.d < 0) ChipmunkDebugDrawBB(cpShapeGetBB(nearestInfo.shape), RGBAColor(1,0,0,1));
Esempio n. 30
static void
update(int ticks)
	int steps = 1;
	cpFloat dt = 1.0f/60.0f/(cpFloat)steps;
	if(!emitterInstance.blocked && emitterInstance.queue){
		cpBody *body = cpSpaceAddBody(space, cpBodyNew(1.0f, cpMomentForCircle(1.0f, 15.0f, 0.0f, cpvzero)));
		body->p = emitterInstance.position;
		body->v = cpvmult(cpv(frand_unit(), frand_unit()), 100.0f);
		cpShape *shape = cpSpaceAddShape(space, cpCircleShapeNew(body, 15.0f, cpvzero));
		shape->collision_type = BALL_TYPE;
	for(int i=0; i<steps; i++){
		cpSpaceStep(space, dt);