Esempio n. 1
void ANGLETest::SetUp()
    // Resize the window before creating the context so that the first make current
    // sets the viewport and scissor box to the right size.
    bool needSwap = false;
    if (mOSWindow->getWidth() != mWidth || mOSWindow->getHeight() != mHeight)
        if (!mOSWindow->resize(mWidth, mHeight))
            FAIL() << "Failed to resize ANGLE test window.";
        needSwap = true;

    if (!createEGLContext())
        FAIL() << "egl context creation failed.";

    if (needSwap)
        // Swap the buffers so that the default framebuffer picks up the resize
        // which will allow follow-up test code to assume the framebuffer covers
        // the whole window.

    // This Viewport command is not strictly necessary but we add it so that programs
    // taking OpenGL traces can guess the size of the default framebuffer and show it
    // in their UIs
    glViewport(0, 0, mWidth, mHeight);

    const auto &info = testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info();
    angle::WriteDebugMessage("Entering %s.%s\n", info->test_case_name(), info->name());
void ANGLETest::SetUp()
    ReizeWindow(mWidth, mHeight);
    if (!createEGLContext())
        FAIL() << "egl context creation failed.";
void RaspberryPiApplicationRunner::run( Application* application, int argc, char** argv )
	ApplicationContext applicationContext;
	createEGLContext( applicationContext );

	std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> > parameters;
	parseCommandLineParameters( argc, argv, parameters );
	applicationContext.parameters = parameters;

	const ApplicationContext& ac = applicationContext;
	printf("ctx:%d disp:%d surf:%d w:%d h:%d\n", (int)ac.context, (int)ac.display, (int)ac.surface, ac.width, ac.height );

	if ( application ) 
		if ( application->initialize( applicationContext ) )
			while ( true )
				application->draw( applicationContext );
				usleep( 1 * 1000 );
Esempio n. 4
    void AndroidEGLWindow::create(const String& name, uint width, uint height,
                               bool fullScreen, const NameValuePairList *miscParams)
		mName = name;
        mWidth = width;
        mHeight = height;
        mLeft = 0;
        mTop = 0;
        mIsFullScreen = fullScreen;
        void* eglContext = NULL;
        AConfiguration* config = NULL;
        if (miscParams)
            NameValuePairList::const_iterator opt;
            NameValuePairList::const_iterator end = miscParams->end();
            if ((opt = miscParams->find("currentGLContext")) != end &&
                eglContext = eglGetCurrentContext();
                if (eglContext)
                                "currentGLContext was specified with no current GL context",
                eglContext = eglGetCurrentContext();
                mEglSurface = eglGetCurrentSurface(EGL_DRAW);
            if((opt = miscParams->find("externalWindowHandle")) != end)
                mWindow = (ANativeWindow*)(Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(opt->second));
            if((opt = miscParams->find("androidConfig")) != end)
                config = (AConfiguration*)(Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(opt->second));
            int ctxHandle = -1;
            if((miscParams->find("externalGLContext")) != end)
                mIsExternalGLControl = true;
                ctxHandle = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(opt->second);
			if((opt = miscParams->find("maxColourBufferSize")) != end)
                mMaxBufferSize = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(opt->second);
			if((opt = miscParams->find("maxDepthBufferSize")) != end)
                mMaxDepthSize = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(opt->second);
			if((opt = miscParams->find("maxStencilBufferSize")) != end)
                mMaxStencilSize = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(opt->second);

			if((opt = miscParams->find("minColourBufferSize")) != end)
                mMinBufferSize = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(opt->second);
                if (mMinBufferSize > mMaxBufferSize) mMinBufferSize = mMaxBufferSize;

			if((opt = miscParams->find("MSAA")) != end)
                mMSAA = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(opt->second);
			if((opt = miscParams->find("CSAA")) != end)
                mCSAA = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(opt->second);
        if (mEglSurface)
            mEglConfig = mGLSupport->getGLConfigFromDrawable (mEglSurface, &width, &height);
        if (!mEglConfig && eglContext)
            mEglConfig = mGLSupport->getGLConfigFromContext(eglContext);
            if (!mEglConfig)
                // This should never happen.
                            "Unexpected failure to determine a EGLFBConfig",
        mIsExternal = (mEglSurface != 0);
        if (!mEglConfig)
			_createInternalResources(mWindow, config);
            mHwGamma = false;
        mContext = createEGLContext();
        eglQuerySurface(mEglDisplay, mEglSurface, EGL_WIDTH, (EGLint*)&mWidth);
        eglQuerySurface(mEglDisplay, mEglSurface, EGL_HEIGHT, (EGLint*)&mHeight);

		mActive = true;
		mVisible = true;
		mClosed = false;
Esempio n. 5
    void Win32EGLWindow::create(const String& name, uint width, uint height,
                                bool fullScreen, const NameValuePairList *miscParams)
        String title = name;
        uint samples = 0;
        int gamma;
        short frequency = 0;
        bool vsync = false;
        ::EGLContext eglContext = 0;
		int left = 0;
		int top  = 0;

		getLeftAndTopFromNativeWindow(left, top, width, height);

        mIsFullScreen = fullScreen;

        if (miscParams)
            NameValuePairList::const_iterator opt;
            NameValuePairList::const_iterator end = miscParams->end();

            if ((opt = miscParams->find("currentGLContext")) != end &&
                eglContext = eglGetCurrentContext();
                if (eglContext)
                                "currentGLContext was specified with no current GL context",

                eglContext = eglGetCurrentContext();
                mEglSurface = eglGetCurrentSurface(EGL_DRAW);

            // Note: Some platforms support AA inside ordinary windows
            if ((opt = miscParams->find("FSAA")) != end)
                samples = StringConverter::parseUnsignedInt(opt->second);

            if ((opt = miscParams->find("displayFrequency")) != end)
                frequency = (short)StringConverter::parseInt(opt->second);

            if ((opt = miscParams->find("vsync")) != end)
                vsync = StringConverter::parseBool(opt->second);

            if ((opt = miscParams->find("gamma")) != end)
                gamma = StringConverter::parseBool(opt->second);

            if ((opt = miscParams->find("left")) != end)
                left = StringConverter::parseInt(opt->second);

            if ((opt = miscParams->find("top")) != end)
                top = StringConverter::parseInt(opt->second);

            if ((opt = miscParams->find("title")) != end)
                title = opt->second;

            if ((opt = miscParams->find("externalGLControl")) != end)
                mIsExternalGLControl = StringConverter::parseBool(opt->second);


        if (mEglSurface)
            mEglConfig = mGLSupport->getGLConfigFromDrawable (mEglSurface, &width, &height);

        if (!mEglConfig && eglContext)
            mEglConfig = mGLSupport->getGLConfigFromContext(eglContext);

            if (!mEglConfig)
                // This should never happen.
                            "Unexpected failure to determine a EGLFBConfig",

        mIsExternal = (mEglSurface != 0);

        if (!mEglConfig)
            int minAttribs[] = {
                EGL_LEVEL, 0,
                EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16,

            int maxAttribs[] = {
                EGL_SAMPLES, samples,
                EGL_STENCIL_SIZE, INT_MAX,

            mEglConfig = mGLSupport->selectGLConfig(minAttribs, maxAttribs);
            mHwGamma = false;

        if (!mIsTopLevel)
            mIsFullScreen = false;
            left = top = 0;

        if (mIsFullScreen)
            mGLSupport->switchMode (width, height, frequency);

		if (!mIsExternal)
			createNativeWindow(left, top, width, height, title);

		mContext = createEGLContext();

        ::EGLSurface oldDrawableDraw = eglGetCurrentSurface(EGL_DRAW);
        ::EGLSurface oldDrawableRead = eglGetCurrentSurface(EGL_READ);
        ::EGLContext oldContext  = eglGetCurrentContext();

        int glConfigID;

        mGLSupport->getGLConfigAttrib(mEglConfig, EGL_CONFIG_ID, &glConfigID);
        LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("EGLWindow::create used FBConfigID = " + StringConverter::toString(glConfigID));

        mName = name;
        mWidth = width;
        mHeight = height;
        mLeft = left;
        mTop = top;
        mActive = true;
		mVisible = true;

        mClosed = false;
Esempio n. 6
EGLint GLESWrapper::createWindow()