Esempio n. 1
void DocManager::giveDocumentFocus( Document * toFocus, ViewArea * viewAreaForNew )
	if ( !toFocus ) return;
	if ( View * activeView = toFocus->activeView() )
		KTechlab::self()->tabWidget()->showPage( activeView->viewContainer() );
	else if ( viewAreaForNew )
		createNewView( toFocus, viewAreaForNew );
Esempio n. 2
Document* DocManager::openURL( const KURL &url, ViewArea *viewArea )
	if ( url.isEmpty() ) return 0;
	if ( url.isLocalFile() )
		QFile file(url.path());
		if ( == false )
			KMessageBox::sorry( 0l, i18n("Could not open '%1'").arg( url.prettyURL() ) );
			return 0l;
	// If the currently active view area is empty, and we were not given a view area
	// to open into, then use the empty view area
	if ( !viewArea )
		ViewContainer * currentVC = static_cast<ViewContainer*>( KTechlab::self()->tabWidget()->currentPage() );
		if ( currentVC )
			ViewArea * va = currentVC->viewArea( currentVC->activeViewArea() );
			if ( !va->view() )
				viewArea = va;
	// If the document is already open, and a specific view area hasn't been
	// specified, then just return that document - otherwise, create a new
	// view in the viewarea
	Document *document = findDocument(url);
	if ( document ) {
		if ( viewArea )
			createNewView( document, viewArea );
		else	giveDocumentFocus( document, viewArea );
		return document;
	QString fileName = url.fileName();
	QString extension = fileName.right( fileName.length() - fileName.findRev('.') );
	if ( extension == ".circuit" )
		return openCircuitFile( url, viewArea );
	else if ( extension == ".flowcode" )
		return openFlowCodeFile( url, viewArea );
	else if ( extension == ".mechanics" )
		return openMechanicsFile( url, viewArea );
	else	return openTextFile( url, viewArea );
Esempio n. 3
void DocManager::giveDocumentFocus( Document * toFocus, ViewArea * viewAreaForNew )
	if ( !toFocus ) return;
	if ( View * activeView = toFocus->activeView() ) {
		//KTechlab::self()->tabWidget()->showPage( activeView->viewContainer() ); // 2018.12.01
	else if ( viewAreaForNew )
		createNewView( toFocus, viewAreaForNew );
Esempio n. 4
void DocManager::handleNewDocument( Document *document, ViewArea *viewArea )
	if ( !document || m_documentList.contains(document) )
	connect( document, SIGNAL(modifiedStateChanged()), KTechlab::self(), SLOT(slotDocModifiedChanged()) );
	connect( document, SIGNAL(fileNameChanged(const KURL&)), KTechlab::self(), SLOT(slotDocModifiedChanged()) );
	connect( document, SIGNAL(fileNameChanged(const KURL&)), KTechlab::self(), SLOT(addRecentFile(const KURL&)) );
	connect( document, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject* )), this, SLOT(documentDestroyed(QObject* )) );
	connect( document, SIGNAL(viewFocused(View* )), this, SLOT(slotViewFocused(View* )) );
	connect( document, SIGNAL(viewUnfocused()), this, SLOT(slotViewUnfocused()) );
	createNewView( document, viewArea );