Esempio n. 1
std::shared_ptr<VolumeRAM> VolumeGL2RAMConverter::createFrom(
    std::shared_ptr<const VolumeGL> volumeGL) const {
    auto volume = createVolumeRAM(volumeGL->getDimensions(), volumeGL->getDataFormat());

    if (volume) {
        return volume;
    } else {
        LogError("Cannot convert format from GL to RAM:" << volumeGL->getDataFormat()->getString());

    return nullptr;
Esempio n. 2
DataRepresentation* VolumeGL2RAMConverter::createFrom(const DataRepresentation* source) {
    const VolumeGL* volumeGL = static_cast<const VolumeGL*>(source);
    VolumeRAM* volume = createVolumeRAM(volumeGL->getDimensions(), volumeGL->getDataFormat());

    if (volume) {
        return volume;
    } else {
        LogError("Cannot convert format from GL to RAM:" << volumeGL->getDataFormat()->getString());

    return nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<VolumeRAM> VolumeCL2RAMConverter::createFrom(
    std::shared_ptr<const VolumeCL> volumeCL) const {
    size3_t dimensions = volumeCL->getDimensions();
    auto destination = createVolumeRAM(dimensions, volumeCL->getDataFormat());

    if (destination) {
        // const cl::CommandQueue& queue = OpenCL::getInstance()->getQueue();
        // queue.enqueueReadImage(volumeCL->getVolume(), true, glm::size3_t(0),
        // glm::size3_t(dimension), 0, 0, volumeRAM->getData());

    return destination;
Esempio n. 4
DataRepresentation* VolumeCL2RAMConverter::createFrom(const DataRepresentation* source) {
    DataRepresentation* destination = 0;
    const VolumeCL* volumeCL = static_cast<const VolumeCL*>(source);
    size3_t dimensions = volumeCL->getDimensions();
    destination = createVolumeRAM(dimensions, volumeCL->getDataFormat());

    if (destination) {
        VolumeRAM* volumeRAM = static_cast<VolumeRAM*>(destination);
        //const cl::CommandQueue& queue = OpenCL::getInstance()->getQueue();
        //queue.enqueueReadImage(volumeCL->getVolume(), true, glm::size3_t(0), glm::size3_t(dimension), 0, 0, volumeRAM->getData());

    return destination;
Esempio n. 5
std::shared_ptr<VolumeRAM> VolumeCLGL2RAMConverter::createFrom(
    std::shared_ptr<const VolumeCLGL> volumeCLGL) const {
    const size3_t dimensions{volumeCLGL->getDimensions()};
    auto destination = createVolumeRAM(dimensions, volumeCLGL->getDataFormat());

    if (destination) {
        // const cl::CommandQueue& queue = OpenCL::getPtr()->getQueue();
        // queue.enqueueReadVolume(volumeCL->get(), true, glm::size3_t(0), glm::size3_t(dimensions,
        // 1), 0, 0, volumeRAM->getData());
    } else {
        LogError("Invalid conversion or not implemented");

    return destination;
Esempio n. 6
std::shared_ptr<VolumeRepresentation> Volume::createDefaultRepresentation() const {
    return createVolumeRAM(getDimensions(), getDataFormat());
Esempio n. 7
Volume* MPVMVolumeReader::readMetaData(std::string filePath) {
    if (!filesystem::fileExists(filePath)) {
        std::string newPath = filesystem::addBasePath(filePath);

        if (filesystem::fileExists(newPath)) {
            filePath = newPath;
        } else {
            throw DataReaderException("Error could not find input file: " + filePath, IvwContext);

    std::string fileDirectory = filesystem::getFileDirectory(filePath);

    // Read the mpvm file content
    std::istream* f = new std::ifstream(filePath.c_str());
    std::string textLine;
    std::vector<std::string> files;

    while (!f->eof()) {
        getline(*f, textLine);
        textLine = trim(textLine);

    delete f;

    if (files.empty()) throw DataReaderException("Error: No PVM files found in " + filePath, IvwContext);

    if (files.size() > 4)
        throw DataReaderException("Error: Maximum 4 pvm files are supported, file: " + filePath, IvwContext);

    // Read all pvm volumes
    std::vector<Volume*> volumes;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
        Volume* newVol = PVMVolumeReader::readPVMData(fileDirectory + files[i]);
        if (newVol)
            LogWarn("Could not load " << fileDirectory << files[i]);

    if (volumes.empty())
        throw DataReaderException("No PVM volumes could be read from file: " + filePath, IvwContext);

    if (volumes.size() == 1) {
        printPVMMeta(volumes[0], fileDirectory + files[0]);
        return volumes[0];

    // Make sure dimension and format match
    const DataFormatBase* format = volumes[0]->getDataFormat();
    size3_t mdim = volumes[0]->getDimensions();
    for (size_t i = 1; i < volumes.size(); i++) {
        if (format != volumes[i]->getDataFormat() || mdim != volumes[i]->getDimensions()) {
            LogWarn("PVM volumes did not have the same format or dimensions, using first volume.");
            printPVMMeta(volumes[0], fileDirectory + files[0]);
            return volumes[0];

    // Create new format
    const DataFormatBase* mformat =
        DataFormatBase::get(format->getNumericType(), volumes.size(), format->getSize()*8);

    // Create new volume
    Volume* volume = new Volume();
    glm::mat3 basis = volumes[0]->getBasis();
    volume->setOffset(-0.5f * (basis[0] + basis[1] + basis[2]));

    // Merge descriptions but ignore the rest
    StringMetaData* metaData = volume->getMetaData<StringMetaData>("description");
    if (metaData) {
        std::string descStr = metaData->get();
        for (size_t i = 1; i < volumes.size(); i++) {
            metaData = volumes[0]->getMetaData<StringMetaData>("description");
            if (metaData) descStr = descStr + ", " + metaData->get();
        volume->setMetaData<StringMetaData>("description", descStr);

    // Create RAM volume
    VolumeRAM* mvolRAM = createVolumeRAM(mdim, mformat);
    unsigned char* dataPtr = static_cast<unsigned char*>(mvolRAM->getData());

    std::vector<const unsigned char*> volumesDataPtr;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < volumes.size(); i++) {
        volumesDataPtr.push_back(static_cast<const unsigned char*>(

    // Copy the data from the other volumes to the new multichannel volume
    size_t mbytes = mformat->getSize();
    size_t bytes = format->getSize();
    size_t dims = mdim.x * mdim.y * mdim.z;
    size_t vsize = volumesDataPtr.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < dims; i++) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < vsize; j++) {
            for (size_t b = 0; b < bytes; b++) {
                dataPtr[i * mbytes + (j * bytes) + b] = volumesDataPtr[j][i * bytes + b];

    // Delete the single channel volumes
    for (size_t i = 0; i < volumes.size(); i++) {
        delete volumes[i];


    printPVMMeta(volume, filePath);
    return volume;