ControllerSlotConfig::create(UInput& uinput, int slot, bool extra_devices, const ControllerSlotOptions& opts)
  ControllerSlotConfigPtr m_config(new ControllerSlotConfig);

  for(ControllerSlotOptions::Options::const_iterator i = opts.get_options().begin();
      i != opts.get_options().end(); ++i)
    const ControllerOptions& ctrl_opt = i->second;

    ControllerConfigPtr config(new ControllerConfig(uinput, slot, extra_devices, ctrl_opt));
    create_modifier(ctrl_opt, &config->get_modifier());

#ifdef FIXME
    // introspection of the config
    std::cout << "==[[ Active Modifier ]]==" << std::endl;
    for(std::vector<ModifierPtr>::iterator mod = config->get_modifier().begin(); 
        mod != config->get_modifier().end(); 
      std::cout << (*mod)->str() << std::endl;

  // LED
  //ioctl(fd, UI_SET_EVBIT, EV_LED);
  //ioctl(fd, UI_SET_LEDBIT, LED_MISC);

  if (opts.get_force_feedback())
    // FF_GAIN     - relative strength of rumble
    // FF_RUMBLE   - basic rumble (delay, time)
    // FF_CONSTANT - envelope, emulate with rumble
    // FF_RAMP     - same as constant, except strength grows
    // FF_PERIODIC - envelope
    // |- FF_SINE      types of periodic effects
    // |- FF_TRIANGLE
    // |- FF_SQUARE
    // |- FF_SAW_UP
    // |- FF_SAW_DOWN
    // '- FF_CUSTOM
    // FIXME: this should go through the regular resolution process
    uint32_t ff_device = UInput::create_device_id(slot, opts.get_ff_device());

    // basic types
    uinput.add_ff(ff_device, FF_RUMBLE);
    uinput.add_ff(ff_device, FF_PERIODIC);
    uinput.add_ff(ff_device, FF_CONSTANT);
    uinput.add_ff(ff_device, FF_RAMP);

    // periodic effect subtypes
    uinput.add_ff(ff_device, FF_SINE);
    uinput.add_ff(ff_device, FF_TRIANGLE);
    uinput.add_ff(ff_device, FF_SQUARE);
    uinput.add_ff(ff_device, FF_SAW_UP);
    uinput.add_ff(ff_device, FF_SAW_DOWN);
    uinput.add_ff(ff_device, FF_CUSTOM);

    // gin support
    uinput.add_ff(ff_device, FF_GAIN);

    // Unsupported effects
    // uinput.add_ff(ff_device, FF_SPRING);
    // uinput.add_ff(ff_device, FF_FRICTION);
    // uinput.add_ff(ff_device, FF_DAMPER);
    // uinput.add_ff(ff_device, FF_INERTIA);

    uinput.set_ff_callback(ff_device, boost::bind(&ControllerSlotConfig::set_rumble, m_config.get(), _1, _2));

  return m_config;
Esempio n. 2
MainWin *
mainwin_create(Display *dpy, dlist *config)
	const char *tmp;
	XColor screen_color, exact_color;
	XSetWindowAttributes wattr;
	XWindowAttributes rootattr;
	unsigned long valuemask = CWEventMask;
	int event_base, error_base;
#endif /* XINERAMA */
	MainWin *mw = (MainWin *)malloc(sizeof(MainWin));
	mw->screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
	mw->visual = imlib_get_best_visual(dpy, mw->screen, &mw->depth);
	mw->colormap = DefaultColormap(dpy, mw->screen);
	mw->root = RootWindow(dpy, mw->screen);
	mw->background = 0;
	mw->bg_pixmap = None;
	mw->xin_info = mw->xin_active = 0;
	mw->xin_screens = 0;
#endif /* XINERAMA */
	mw->x = mw->y = 0;
	mw->no_free_color = 0;
	mw->pressed = mw->focus = 0;
	mw->tooltip = 0;
	mw->cod = 0;
	mw->cm_normal = mw->cm_highlight = 0;
	mw->key_up = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Up);
	mw->key_down = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Down);
	mw->key_left = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Left);
	mw->key_right = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Right);
	mw->key_enter = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Return);
	mw->key_space = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_space);
	mw->key_escape = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Escape);
	mw->key_q = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_q);
	XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, mw->root, &rootattr);
	mw->width = rootattr.width;
	mw->height = rootattr.height;
	mw->dpy = dpy;
	valuemask |= CWBackPixel;
	wattr.background_pixel = BlackPixel(dpy, mw->screen);
	wattr.event_mask = VisibilityChangeMask |
	mw->window = XCreateWindow(dpy, mw->root, 0, 0, mw->width, mw->height, 0,
	                           CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent,
	                           valuemask, &wattr);
	if(mw->window == None) {
		return 0;

# ifdef DEBUG
	fprintf(stderr, "--> checking for Xinerama extension... ");
# endif /* DEBUG */
	if(XineramaQueryExtension(dpy, &event_base, &error_base))
# ifdef DEBUG
	    fprintf(stderr, "yes\n--> checking if Xinerama is enabled... ");
# endif /* DEBUG */
# ifdef DEBUG
	        fprintf(stderr, "yes\n--> fetching Xinerama info... ");
# endif /* DEBUG */
	        mw->xin_info = XineramaQueryScreens(mw->dpy, &mw->xin_screens);
# ifdef DEBUG	        
		fprintf(stderr, "done (%i screens)\n", mw->xin_screens);
# endif /* DEBUG */
# ifdef DEBUG
	        fprintf(stderr, "no\n");
# endif /* DEBUG */
# ifdef DEBUG
	    fprintf(stderr, "no\n");
# endif /* DEBUG */
#endif /* XINERAMA */
	tmp = config_get(config, "normal", "border", "black");
	if(! XAllocNamedColor(mw->dpy, mw->colormap, tmp, &screen_color, &exact_color))
		fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Invalid color '%s', reverting to black.\n", tmp);
		BORDER_COLOR(mw) = BlackPixel(mw->dpy, mw->screen);
		mw->no_free_color = 1;
	} else
		BORDER_COLOR(mw) = screen_color.pixel;
	tmp = config_get(config, "highlight", "border", "#d0d0ff");
	if(! XAllocNamedColor(mw->dpy, mw->colormap, tmp, &screen_color, &exact_color))
		fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Invalid color '%s', reverting to white.\n", tmp);
		HIGHLIGHT_COLOR(mw) = WhitePixel(mw->dpy, mw->screen);
		mw->no_free_color |= 2;
	} else
		HIGHLIGHT_COLOR(mw) = screen_color.pixel;
	tmp = config_get(config, "general", "distance", "50");
	DISTANCE(mw) = MAX(1, strtol(tmp, 0, 10));
	if(! strcasecmp(config_get(config, "tooltip", "show", "true"), "true"))
		mw->tooltip = tooltip_create(mw, config);
	mw->cm_normal = create_modifier(mw, config, "normal", "0.0", "white", "200");
	mw->cm_highlight = create_modifier(mw, config, "highlight", "0.05", "#d0d0ff", "255");
	return mw;