Esempio n. 1
static int rsaGenerateComponents( CRYPT_PKCINFO_RSA *rsaKeyInfo,
								  const int keySizeBits )
	CONTEXT_INFO staticContextInfo;
	PKC_INFO contextData, *pkcInfo = &contextData;
	int length, status;

	assert( isWritePtr( rsaKeyInfo, sizeof( CRYPT_PKCINFO_RSA ) ) );

	REQUIRES( keySizeBits >= bytesToBits( MIN_PKCSIZE ) && \
			  keySizeBits <= bytesToBits( CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE ) );

	/* Clear return value */
	cryptInitComponents( rsaKeyInfo, FALSE );

	/* Generate the key components */
	status = generateKeyComponents( &staticContextInfo, &contextData, 
									getRSACapability(), keySizeBits );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		return( status );

	/* Extract the newly-generated key components for the caller to use */
	rsaKeyInfo->nLen = BN_num_bits( &pkcInfo->rsaParam_n );
	length = BN_bn2bin( &pkcInfo->rsaParam_n, rsaKeyInfo->n );
	ENSURES( length == bitsToBytes( rsaKeyInfo->nLen ) );
	rsaKeyInfo->eLen = BN_num_bits( &pkcInfo->rsaParam_e );
	length = BN_bn2bin( &pkcInfo->rsaParam_e, rsaKeyInfo->e );
	ENSURES( length == bitsToBytes( rsaKeyInfo->eLen ) );
	rsaKeyInfo->pLen = BN_num_bits( &pkcInfo->rsaParam_p );
	length = BN_bn2bin( &pkcInfo->rsaParam_p, rsaKeyInfo->p );
	ENSURES( length == bitsToBytes( rsaKeyInfo->pLen ) );
	rsaKeyInfo->qLen = BN_num_bits( &pkcInfo->rsaParam_q );
	length = BN_bn2bin( &pkcInfo->rsaParam_q, rsaKeyInfo->q );
	ENSURES( length == bitsToBytes( rsaKeyInfo->qLen ) );
	rsaKeyInfo->e1Len = BN_num_bits( &pkcInfo->rsaParam_exponent1 );
	length = BN_bn2bin( &pkcInfo->rsaParam_exponent1, rsaKeyInfo->e1 );
	ENSURES( length == bitsToBytes( rsaKeyInfo->e1Len ) );
	rsaKeyInfo->e2Len = BN_num_bits( &pkcInfo->rsaParam_exponent2 );
	length = BN_bn2bin( &pkcInfo->rsaParam_exponent2, rsaKeyInfo->e2 );
	ENSURES( length == bitsToBytes( rsaKeyInfo->e2Len ) );
	rsaKeyInfo->uLen = BN_num_bits( &pkcInfo->rsaParam_u );
	length = BN_bn2bin( &pkcInfo->rsaParam_u, rsaKeyInfo->u );
	ENSURES( length == bitsToBytes( rsaKeyInfo->uLen ) );
	staticDestroyContext( &staticContextInfo );

	return( status );
Esempio n. 2
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int n;
    FILE *f;
    char *buf[8];
    char *outFile;
    char *keyFile;
    char *certFile;
    char *certData;
    char *label;
    char *secret;
    struct stat st;
    int usage;

    RSA *key;
    EVP_PKEY *evp;
    CRYPT_KEYSET keyset;

    if ( argc != 6 ) {
        fprintf( stderr,
                 "Syntax: %s <key> <cert> <out> <label> <secret>\n",
                 argv[0] );
        exit( -1 );

    keyFile = argv[1];
    certFile = argv[2];
    outFile = argv[3];
    label = argv[4];
    secret = argv[5];

    if ( ( f = fopen( keyFile, "r" ) ) == NULL ||
         ( evp = PEM_read_PrivateKey( f, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ) == NULL ||
         ( key = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA( evp ) ) == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't load private key from '%s'\n", keyFile );
        if ( f ) {
            ERR_print_errors_fp( stderr );
            fclose( f );
        if ( evp )
            EVP_PKEY_free( evp );
        exit( -1 );

    if ( ( f = fopen( certFile, "r" ) ) == NULL ||
         fstat( fileno( f ), &st ) < 0 ||
         ( certData = malloc( st.st_size ) ) == NULL ||
         fread( certData, 1, st.st_size, f ) < st.st_size )
        fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't load certificate from '%s'\n", certFile );
        if ( f )
            fclose( f );
        free( certData );
        exit( -1 );

    /* Should we create a keyset, or append to an existing one? */
    f = fopen( outFile, "r" );
    if ( f != NULL ) {
        opt = CRYPT_KEYOPT_NONE;
        fclose( f );


    cryptInitComponents( &rsa, CRYPT_KEYTYPE_PRIVATE );
    if ( ( buf[0] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->n ) ) ) != NULL &&
         ( buf[1] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->e ) ) ) != NULL &&
         ( buf[2] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->d ) ) ) != NULL &&
         ( buf[3] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->p ) ) ) != NULL &&
         ( buf[4] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->q ) ) ) != NULL &&
         ( buf[5] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->iqmp ) ) ) != NULL &&
         ( buf[6] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->dmp1 ) ) ) != NULL &&
         ( buf[7] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->dmq1 ) ) ) != NULL )
        int i;

        BN_bn2bin( key->n, buf[0] );
        BN_bn2bin( key->e, buf[1] );
        BN_bn2bin( key->d, buf[2] );
        BN_bn2bin( key->p, buf[3] );
        BN_bn2bin( key->q, buf[4] );
        BN_bn2bin( key->iqmp, buf[5] );
        BN_bn2bin( key->dmp1, buf[6] );
        BN_bn2bin( key->dmq1, buf[7] );

        cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->n, buf[0], BN_num_bits( key->n ) );
        cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->e, buf[1], BN_num_bits( key->e ) );
        cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->d, buf[2], BN_num_bits( key->d ) );
        cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->p, buf[3], BN_num_bits( key->p ) );
        cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->q, buf[4], BN_num_bits( key->q ) );
        cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->u, buf[5], BN_num_bits( key->iqmp ) );
        cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->e1, buf[6], BN_num_bits( key->dmp1 ) );
        cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->e2, buf[7], BN_num_bits( key->dmq1 ) );

        i = 0;
        while ( i < 8 )
            free( buf[i++] );
    else {
        fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't initialise PKCINFO_RSA data.\n" );
        exit( -1 );

    n = cryptCreateContext( &pKey, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_RSA );
    check( n, pKey, "cryptCreateContext" );

    n = cryptSetAttributeString( pKey, CRYPT_CTXINFO_LABEL,
                                 label, strlen( label ) );
    check( n, pKey, "cryptSetAttributeString(LABEL)" );

    n = cryptSetAttributeString( pKey, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY_COMPONENTS,
                                 &rsa, sizeof( CRYPT_PKCINFO_RSA ) );
    check( n, pKey, "cryptSetAttributeString(KEY_COMPONENTS)" );

    n = cryptImportCert( certData, st.st_size, CRYPT_UNUSED, &cert );
    check( n, cert, "cryptImportCert" );

    n = cryptGetAttribute( cert, CRYPT_CERTINFO_KEYUSAGE, &usage );
    if ( n != CRYPT_OK ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "Warning: The certificate specifies no KEYUSAGE.\n"
                         "Cryptlib may not permit its use. See "
                         "<>.\n" );

    n = cryptKeysetOpen( &keyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE,
                         outFile, opt );
    check( n, keyset, "cryptKeysetOpen" );

    n = cryptAddPrivateKey( keyset, pKey, secret );
    check( n, keyset, "cryptAddPrivateKey" );
    n = cryptAddPublicKey( keyset, cert );
    check( n, keyset, "cryptAddPublicKey" );

    cryptKeysetClose( keyset );
    cryptDestroyComponents( &rsa );
    cryptDestroyContext( pKey );
    cryptDestroyCert( cert );
    exit( 0 );
Esempio n. 3
static int dlpGenerateComponents( CRYPT_PKCINFO_DLP *dlpKeyInfo,
								  const int keySizeBits,
								  const CRYPT_ALGO_TYPE cryptAlgo )
	CONTEXT_INFO staticContextInfo;
	PKC_INFO contextData, *pkcInfo = &contextData;
	int length, status;

	assert( isWritePtr( dlpKeyInfo, sizeof( CRYPT_PKCINFO_DLP ) ) );

	REQUIRES( keySizeBits >= bytesToBits( MIN_PKCSIZE ) && \
			  keySizeBits <= bytesToBits( CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE ) );
	REQUIRES( cryptAlgo == CRYPT_ALGO_DH || \
			  cryptAlgo == CRYPT_ALGO_DSA || \
			  cryptAlgo == CRYPT_ALGO_ELGAMAL );

	/* Clear return value */
	cryptInitComponents( dlpKeyInfo, FALSE );

	/* Generate the key components */
	switch( cryptAlgo )
#ifdef USE_DH
			status = generateKeyComponents( &staticContextInfo, &contextData, 
											getDHCapability(), keySizeBits );
#endif /* USE_DH */

#ifdef USE_DSA
			status = generateKeyComponents( &staticContextInfo, &contextData, 
											getDSACapability(), keySizeBits );
#endif /* USE_DSA */

			status = generateKeyComponents( &staticContextInfo, &contextData, 
											getElgamalCapability(), keySizeBits );
#endif /* USE_ELGAMAL */

	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		return( status );

	/* Extract the newly-generated key components for the caller to use */
	dlpKeyInfo->pLen = BN_num_bits( &pkcInfo->dlpParam_p );
	length = BN_bn2bin( &pkcInfo->dlpParam_p, dlpKeyInfo->p );
	ENSURES( length == bitsToBytes( dlpKeyInfo->pLen ) );
	dlpKeyInfo->gLen = BN_num_bits( &pkcInfo->dlpParam_g );
	length = BN_bn2bin( &pkcInfo->dlpParam_g, dlpKeyInfo->g );
	ENSURES( length == bitsToBytes( dlpKeyInfo->gLen ) );
	dlpKeyInfo->qLen = BN_num_bits( &pkcInfo->dlpParam_q );
	length = BN_bn2bin( &pkcInfo->dlpParam_q, dlpKeyInfo->q );
	ENSURES( length == bitsToBytes( dlpKeyInfo->qLen ) );
	dlpKeyInfo->yLen = BN_num_bits( &pkcInfo->dlpParam_y );
	length = BN_bn2bin( &pkcInfo->dlpParam_y, dlpKeyInfo->y );
	ENSURES( length == bitsToBytes( dlpKeyInfo->yLen ) );
	dlpKeyInfo->xLen = BN_num_bits( &pkcInfo->dlpParam_x );
	length = BN_bn2bin( &pkcInfo->dlpParam_x, dlpKeyInfo->x );
	ENSURES( length == bitsToBytes( dlpKeyInfo->xLen ) );
	staticDestroyContext( &staticContextInfo );

	return( status );